WiATHEB FORECAST: SALISBI IR V I . , , . .In,, A I'.-l.-r :1IX" I you 7, NO. 95. SALISBURY, N. O, FMDAY, APRIL 28. 1911. 4.oo" A YEA. " BBHZE STATE CAMP f. I. S. OF A AT LEXKETON ft. T. f bit Caacari. SV Patriotic Oder Sons ' r-i orginjd fttit camp t le '.W- yeriay st1 T D Brwn. of Rowan, elected its j.rul. t! Thta order waa jr ,ii5t lt47 and tor bbij yr it bom " in the Vnriira states; but a few yeara m cnno.wrt ese into North Cawon began establishing awr. wh revf milBoijt iotewst (bM ' S- awakml Sallabary &,was county, noted for njjrfn,-' b.-canw a atronold of tW rdr. TV tiae arrived when th suaa should uww i av Not culminating in the ms't.a at U-Ktugton yst-r-Air TVr sre no 4ft camp to tar Svf. with membcrwhip of iteut I TW following are th .emcees: f a s-w State ussttration eleet- j H'riw yea: ' ' P; State present, C. F. Cau- tlf, UlifiSlOB : Ktate prwsKlrnt, j T D Bivwn. a!bnry ; vie pit, i X T Ray, Raleigh; master W !. J W Csnlrorli, Lexiag . 5ie secretary. Z. P. Smith, rVwtteri'b . treac.are"F, T. I -y. Cary; Ut.- eondiK-ter. C. P. Wat t as. Sf,'':ov ; Sute isaswetor, A. w fid!ier. d Fr-rt j gasrd, Dao. w Rnu. Wiuton( tnWv. O. V Hurray. J Frank A Jam. Mfcm .)woxi oaftaawri' wore- mutin-s, W. p. GtarUir. Fayette- Tltte; II. U J"iiW.; tUiweUfJ-i ir. Hiri vat j chirit, J. C (kif&H . Almut 80 nw awtaben were yeikj, tod afw Ui work of -afJ'tiiilt ta- Arriviuutoa but rtt 3 took tan oonvmndwT w, irhirh k aif ormnd rank lr pr cpiU tut M fid, ) 7 mu of taj n to go (o tb wlJ eamp. TV work of orvMittnil wwt pbnd is tb kaadti of th txtea trtr board, eoomste of tb fwtdfnt and nc presidmt, -"ry and trcMQjvr and maater f (ornu. A reaolatiott of thanka a iTx!.-r,:i th cttiaena of ruw and tb incnl arniv for tb V,tUty and kmdna ahown Tnf t Wat tntnn wilf 'b WW ik (Wor4 jo tb third Tuea- :o Ma, 19t! TV IVHotW Order Sona of Anmncii the parntt of th Jr. A M., and Uk its over frown son tiUnda for liberty, p trmtirr. and the freedom of th BALLKOHDAY. Idiasi to Lin Up AainK Bpes- car Boiler Kakan. Ivm of ball rr lookinc for. rd wrth incn da( plcaatrre to mday aftprnoan when the Cher e iDdiiiDs will line tin aminftt bwlfa- makers of Sfwueer, Mr. u jniiao fast team. Piir prk awl ho me flne playing pfwniwd. The Indiana are rt Vni to arrive in Salhbnrv Son day. " The Grand. - frformaac given la-st a r-o doirbt the best ever Tt rinrr. ""a m l-.is city for ten cents. The sr. n.. T; ;.i . . j...!. Si ' f joeglene ever seen here . ' dog memher ot the team t th balance of the week. - !nm for tonight are a B'rO- ;r4',h "-". The Heart of a Sav- "S'. till, rtf ft ' comedy. The Trading NmD Mani Til. 1. . fciir.. ' "re for the blues. 'i-by will have a big orange sal,. trac- o g orange "morrow. See for prices. Showers Tonight tod Saturday. EOAD BUILDING. Indian Refining Oil Oo,, to Dent ontarata Jew Proceai. A rcprtwutativn of the Indian Refining Oil Co., ia hre today makinff rran(jemitB to dmon- tratn a nrw pr for road buildraif. The company plan to rail ttie nrw nvthod Surface binding," whieA it ia nndcrntood i a coiopoond of oil arid other matmal, mid it i claimed makef an fxwilnt roaii. 3ialrmn llejird. uf th- rtiunty wmmnBuynrt, who w jrrwuly I'n'n-a 'ii good rot bQildint in Boa. h irivrn th ompanyV: Hf'-nt all the aurnraent ixia- sibl. With th limited mfonnatioo h has of tht prooAW, and will aid the nun in makinir pTPfH- mrtit in the county. Th dfinonatratjon will proba bly b mude oo the Charlotte road a short difttantf nut fnn lhf city. LIST OF JURORB. fint Court in Salktrarya New federal Court Room. Through the kivlaes of Mr. II. C. fV!ea, of StuUwvdle, i'lerk of the V. H. Court, the Poat in able o fornh todav- a Iv. of the rur ora for lhe lirt T, f. tHrcuit and dtathrt eoart hvUl in Slibary' nr fdrii baiUhna. April 34-25. The lut ni wanted M a matter of reeord. and an effort, which failed, waa made t mum it dur iiC the ti-rm of court. The fol- lowinc ia tile lint;. II. f. Klonetreet. Maekiville : 8. M. r!:th. fibeffield; W. R II Stimm'r, rhml4t J L. Siirmon, (aUish, Wiilai TrMitaaci, Fl- tih; J. R. .'Wkiteaer. ILeAwy; W. it, Ji-ets... Woodloafi H. 3. E.fdl man. (ioa Gtowi tHi Wy att. I'aol; John, W. FViok, Paith; Fd L. I"alnr. H. if. HyAoo, A. t.. Uwti, D. A. Atwell. F. !. rV oirk. C. P. Shapinir, J. O. Kealer, B. O. Nakwkv & a aotaraan. all of Saiiabury and Rowan coonty.. FOR MlSSIOrf SCHOOLS. South rn FraaNyterian Aiaambty k Oommittaw Mee4 ia Saliibory. The Southern Freabyteria olrurch! throotib. (ta eieeaUne oos- mittee, ia pJannmir a Statewide oamtwUrn in the intrwt -d the North Carolina mmaioo acAoola, EuOovernor R. fi. Okmn, pcial renreiientative of the aa?wbly' oonvtnittee, will devote; all of May to th worn, ami wui pt- avea , bv mwnlitivM of the Frfsby- terian muoion wchoola in the )H-! od. A meetin of the committee for the purpuw of perfecting ntana for thia a'ork wa held in tbia city ysterday with Rev. D Byron Clark, pastor ot me rirai rreroyierian cnTin'a. h1- en were. Rev. K. Y. mitn. oi Aaheville; Rev. Oeorge II. Atkrn- ... . n t n nvn, or lDemane; n. . . Mall, of Plumtreei Rev. Eilgar TufU, of Banner Kik ; Rev. R. S. Arrowood, of Hemp, and Kev. Homer McMillan, of Atlanta, Oa.. acaretary of the asaembly's home miiwion committee. ASSISTANT PHOTOGRAPHER. Mn. Dry Aocepts Poaitjon with Mr. Alexander. ' Mrs. Jss. R. Dry. who ha been studying photography under Mr. J. E. Alexander for some lime, nas accepted a position as assistant in Mr. Alexander s poorograpn sui ter. She has made splendid pro gress in her studies and ia now quite proficient in picture making. Mr. Alexander, with his increa ed fore, will do post card work and finish kodak pictures. Thia is a new departure for Mr. Alex ander who has confined his work almost exclusively to making in dividual photrrphs. Mr. Buerbaum Much Better. EOAD BUILDING It. nr. ,( I i - - . iifwl Rnerbaum is much.mington. on May 10, was held Ktte todnv He has been in a condition but now rc- . - th(, pt lglad to learn. TflE AUTO HIGHWAY MAP IDES NOT MEET AFPE3TAL Kawaa AnaciatiM Ctti Bay--CWaft laBalaJa, . Soeiie aeeka ago the Pont called attention to the map of the New York t Atlanta Antomobil high way stating that the map ah owed the junction point leading to Aiheville wan aoutih of Salisbu ry, which in a resrettable fact. SJjibnry ia mu-h intertated in that highway, and it appeal wa outclawd from a busine stand-1 point when the line waa mapped ;ut. The M-Knvillc d!cgatiin oeeceded in wianisg the Rowan d ievtttt-s to a-vept the Mute by tin- ay of their to-tv, thna the Salisbury to Aaheviile' branch of the hitrhuy I.vbv, tu,. niain high way ninr l-awli. twelve mile w.itli of Siiliibary, entirely elim icating Saliobury aa a function niy Th.' prup-r riitifc aheuld have b. cn direct from Salisbury to .StatCKvilb-. la a thwtahtltwi man uer the Rowan d'legatictn at the H-ekory ir.cetin. ta-nuat! of th, ridire mud from Mwrf ville via La.-idin ti Saliaburj- anil bcoauw uf a bridge there in the eoume 1 bu'ldiait over the Catawba near tbire. a(rrecd upon the Moorea- vi!U route. Thia age nent hae prov. n detrimental to Salisbury in fact a already shown Salisbury ia practically left out of the rua- h acid resJij arttiy kuowo oa the map. Partwa s f the tutii en rout to Anheville never reach Kaliabtiry, jt itj rt on the rou6caml nce tJ?''U) a station autouta fnun ibc mwth d pot atap Jmwi. w.-v ,lf H was known on the mp a junction poipt it would be fit--ured oitit tp-nved ttion by tourinta and Sal'iabury wwiW be ben fitted. The matter ia now being taken np by the Rowan Automobile A uciatwn and iu orcai.letit. IV. W. ft. Ihittera. ia aamrcd that the map will be changed. The Rowan Aaaoctation have determined that rte Salialury to AnheviUc high way ahal! TO direct to Statesville wbiih will make Salisbury a junction. , Dr. Joaeph Hyde Pratt, aecrc tary and treaatirer of the State Oood Roada AMoeiation. haa been interested in the change and the nert map issued will give Salis bury a better ahowing. The Poat did not approve the Moorcaville route when it waa e tablwhed. aa it waa clear it would be of little or no good to Salisbu ry. Several others protested but the majority won. VTe are glad to know that the chature i to be made. INVENTORS BUST Mr. R. K. Feamater Gate Patent ' on Automatic Oil Cup. The North Carolina inventors are. getting buy. sevn patents being granted to them this week. Thev are as follows : W. C. Bnrge, Greensboro, fire escape; J. L: Erwin. Greensboro, cotton chopper and cultivator; R. K. Feamster. Salisbury, automatic nil enn. L. D. Oiddens. Wilson. clock : J. .W. Harris and J. R. Welch. High Point, painting ma chine; E. James. Lineolnton. pow er transmission mechanism ; T. M. ?;eet. Lexington, pump base. Fulton Lodge. There will be a meeting of Ful ton Lodge No. 99. A. F. and A. M., tonight at 8 o'cloek for work in the second degree. . Final Meeting. The final meeting of tih execu tive committer of the North Car olina Lutheran synod, before the eonveniwr of the synod at Wil- with Judge B. B. Millejr, in bin of - flee here today. The. business wasjsnd five brothers and five sisters mainly of an executive nature and 'not for publication. EVENING " POST. APPROVED IN LONDON AN ARBITRATION AGREEMENT rnaUeat Tart Scaltarrt the Stau, Fal aa GroaaJ PraptrW la Kacaht k Ivondou, April 28. London 'a aiutwer to I'rtsideut Taft s pro-K-al for an arbitration agreement bet awn Krurland and America waa given today in a huge meet ing at Guild flail, England's fore- moxt men giving approval. Lord Mayor Strong, presided and Pre mier Anquith Balfour and other statesmen participated. Asquitb said. "I doubt whether Guild Ilall wav ever used for a worthier pur pose. Thi peace meeting ennnot aiil b- dm to pre-arrangement fr the operation of the usual dip lomatic inaehiuery. Preaidcttt Taft aeattercd the ; it fell on ground prepared Uy receive it." CHARLOTTE NEXT YEAR. Royal Arcanum Convention Comes to An End. Th. i!nd annual convention of the Grand 'ouneil of the Royul .Vivuiium in North Carolina which ha bci in session in Hiekory closed veetenliiv. The next mee-t. ng will be held in Charlotte. Mr. Tboe. P. Johnson, who repnwent ed th Salisbury lodge., returned home, laat nigiit. At a banquet tenderesl the dclc- jati Mr. .l.uston nupoudisl to the toast. "Whv I Have Bwo an Areaman for Over Thirty Year. -.ht . following officers, were U. K. fv Vv. Haacock. nt.O ford. Ci- V R., T. A .MuiwMVur Ra'eigh: ii. O.. If. B. (aven, of y-wbern; I. 0..-R.. It K. Bonita, c Wilmington; ii. See., Dr. J. II. v'av, of AVajneaville; O. Treaa., i:. L Ilarra. of Raleigh; G. Oc.. Nale Burfxrt. of Elizabeth City: O. CJiap., Dr. S. Meodelaohn. of Wihninirton; 0. War., S. M. Hampton, of Ijeakaville-. G. Sen.. Jobe Maehin, of Asheville; re pre - ncnlativea to the rtupreme Coun cil : First Rep. IL C. Dockery, or Ruckimrham; first alternate, E. h. Harria. of Raleigh ; aeoond rep., H. E. Bonitz. of Wilmington; sec ond alternate, Dr. J. II. Way, of Waynesrille. . BIO DAY YESTERDAY. Large. Crowds A tend State Son- ' day School Convention. Large crowd attended the State Sunday School convention at High Point yesterday and last night. A big excursion was run from Greenfthoro during yester day and a feature in The afternoon was a big narade. Lasfnight Mrs. Butler sang the Holy City. Mr. T. P. Johnston went over this morning to be , resent today. Mr. A. W. Klutta, of the Organ church community, ifeia county, is in attendance. Dr. C. M. Poole and Rev. W. C. Buck returned home o ntha after noon train. j Rowan county retains the' ban ner for perfection, organization, State pledge paid in full, and rep resentation at this meeting. The convention meets next year in A heville. ' Another Victim of Pellagra. Statesville landmark, 28th. Pellagra claimed another victim yeaterday when Miss Ila Mason died at her home on Fifth street. She had been affliel.-d with the disease for two yearn and her con dition had been critical for some time, death coming as a release from suffering. Mies Mason waa akmit 34 years old and waa born ami reared in the Eupeptic Springs community, the family moving to Statesville about three years ago. Her mother, Mrs. W. .T. Mason, with whom she lived. survive. She was a member of the Methodist denomination. KING OF 8ERVIA Plot Discovered to Kill Him Should Ha Visit Budapest. Vienna, April 2S n the best authority, it ia stated today that if King Peter of Servia, lutd visit ed Budapeat to call on Emperor Joseph he would ihave been assas sinated. It it reported a plot was discovered to kill the king. Even the. army officera are declining to protect the king en route from the palace to the depot. THE HOBBLE SKIRT. Close Fitting Ckrments Prohibit ed at Court Functions. London. April 28. Because wo men dressed m hobble skirt can not stiow courtcay before the king and queen, the eottrt chamberlain has ordered a regulation prohibit ing the wearing of close fittinfr Garments at court functions. HIGH OFFICIALS. Arrested on Charge of Contempt, Refuse to Produce Books. Chicago. April 28. Edward Tildeii, president of the N'; Packing i .. alleged eustoilv ! a hunrlred tSiOusuid dollars of t Ixirimer bribe fund, George M. Banedie.t, cashier of the Drovers Deposit National Bank, and Wil liam C. Cummmgs, cashier of the Drovers Trust Co., of Chicago, were arrested by Deputy Sergeant at arms. Hatfield, of the Illinois Senate, charging the prisoners with iwntempt in refusing to pro duce their book for the senate investigation committee, HOLOCAUST AT ROANOKE. . koiber and Seven Children T- Cremated 1a jftMr Hflnje -" nr.J April 28.---MM. 3 H. Nnn.it. ni-i iw and aevea children, were ei-einted early today in a 'V; :hat destroyed her home in uthwest Roanoke. Three child ren escaped, leaping from the win dows. FIGHT OVER COMMITTEES. Democrats Name Their Men Where Tar Heels Are to Go. A special from. Washington, of yesterday's date, saya the fight in the open between the warring pro gressive Republican senators and the regulars over committee as signments will take place today. The following ia the list as adopt ed yeaterday, in which the Nortih Carolina senators have appoint ments : Appropriations Tillman, Fos ter. Culberson, Martin, Overman. Owen. Smith of Maryland. Judiciary Boron, Culberson, Overman, Jtayner, Paynter, Chil ton. O 'Gorman. Rules Bacon, Bailey, Over- iman. Among the Southern Senators with the additional committees to which they were appointed were as follows : ' Simmons of North Carolina Coast defenses ; Cuban relations CngroB'ed bills; expenditures in the Department of Agriculture and interoceamc canals. Overman of North Carolina Forest reservations and the pro tection of game; claims; woman suffrage; industrial expos it io as; conservation of natural resources and fisheries. Woman Burned to Death. Memphiw, April 28. -Mrs. Iuey HugHies was burned to death and one other woman and two child ren were injured when a fire des troyed the Palmer house block u South Main street early today. Th loss ia fifty thnqsand. The structure was the ildest in the city. The Deadly Cigarette. Raleigh News-Observer. Many Crimea are raid, and laid justly, to the cigarette habit. The police in Richmond now have case in which they made a man (stcal. EARLY MORNING FIRE THREE ITALIANS ARE MISSING PaparWarakoaat 159 BUekar Street Dtatrsretl-Ctuad ay ElaaM. New York, April 28. A panic. and brave rescues marked the ear ly morning fire that destroyed the paper warehouse at lf9 Blcecker street. Three itauans. are mistung and it is believed they are burned to death. Nearly two thousand occupants of the cheap hotel were driven into the streets in their night clothes. For a time the entire congested district was threatened. The fire was caused by an explosion which is now be ing investigated by the fire mar shal. When the titvmra smashed the door of the burning building, hundreds of rats rushed into hue street and policemen began killing them with clubs. PULLMAN BURNED. Fire Started from an Explosion One Life is Lost. R eiy Mount. Apr. 27. A Pull man sleeping car on the 'Atlantic C,ist Line's Palmetto fimited, fre-m Jacksonville, Fla., and other Southern points, was bnrnel early t4ii morning near here. J. P Prebsten. of New York, was killed. Flagman J. C. iRuss and Mail Clerk W. T. Ireland are in a hos pital badly burned. The fire started from an explo sion. Gas leaking from a tank was ignited Ilin lantern of the Hngnian who was investigating a no whieo. he thought was ettr-Y ini air. .' CONFESSION A BOOMERANG. Preparing for the . ' Trial. KcNamaraa Los Angeles, April 2fi. District Attorney Fredericks admitted to day thatOrtie MeMaaigal said he went ahead planting dyu.smiro af- er he agreed to supply dtttctiv Burns with all flic details of the plota he waa supposed to carry )ut Labor leadrs declare that MeManigal's confession will be a boomerang fc-r the State. Pred- erieas today Degan preparing tne State's case against the McNama ras. Two stenographers will make five copies of the McManigal con fession alleging the perrarmnee of 6ft dynamite jobs since 1909, destroying four million dollars worth of property. BUILDING COMMISSION. Governor Kitchin Announces the Personnel of the Same. The personnel of the building commission for the erection of the $250,000 fireproof State adminis tration building, made possible by State Senator A. II. lWyden's bill which passed the recent legisla ture, is just announced by Gov ernor Kitchin. Its members are Ashley Horn. Clayton ; J. S. Oarr, Dunham; J. A. Long, Rox-boro; J. Elwood Cox, High Point ; A. 3 Roseoe. Windsor; W. L. Parsons, Rockingham; W. E. Springer, Wilmington. The commissioners will organize at once. The build ing is .-ipected to be at the mx west ecrner of Capital Square whei v the State now owns the comer lot and will buy the Wom an's club building and a resi dence adjoining the Rainey libra ry- Important to Eagles. There will be an important meeting of the Eagles in their ball -tonight at 8 o'cloek and esrery member in the city, is urged to be present. Weather Forecast. Washington, April 28. Show ers tonight or Saturday is taho weather forecast today. ;