tl WIATHIE FORECAST: SAL VOL 7, HO. 9. 'r-.:'v SALBBUBY. . 0, SATURDAY. APBJT. go 1911 CONVENTION IS CLOSED OEiT BFFiaiS TESTUDJT jtste $ S AjeaJwa Hm Urp Attssaac at Hick riaL Tir Sunday Srhool Oon- . r I . " ! I 1 . utw! H'Sa rmm oww sigh: :t- r a thw ljr' session. Tji aiMudaaoe larger this ;?in m h been aioce tn Burl a.' roCvrntlcB UM frel inter- "i a miinfwted. rVr fuilowitg oSxwci were el even y,tMy morning for toe !u-ni )rer: w. . OHU, of Ooo- eard. V - president, A. M Sck)., a f; , ..r... John T. Pullen, of Rsl . Lewis Call-Be, of Asbe- t:ll M s. i r of International Com- tc'! N n. urotigntoo, 01 tuu- inrrriMtmnal rw prtwtdeirt for Nafi; Wruiic, George W. Watt. Tr.unir-r, E. E. (Vow. As vtd yewteniay Aaheville -h. .wii tut um Bwrttn plan wit r. the choice being unaa iswm Tic peaJtrs at tit morn- "m -i yesterday were Mr. B, w fn-.Tiun. and Mr. Marion lT-of, the latter eoadwt'tng tv r-u:l table. Tt., uwMwubi do Han were ij-i f..r tie bsjdfet for th year en Thursday sight 1: a it"d t&M tart thous and iwn u needed nd . tie gwater part of h ww unwed by pVts 4 ymterday and I sat night- 1 TKir the Ici.1'hm of Dr. C. M fVwle. of the Rowan i Oaatr Sunday Knhool Aaaooia- twti. R. an ,-oot;ttte in tie front ri ,.f the Suadajr tctuM work is b'M, raiatautc to nana , for ;wrf't orffaniaaUoo, payinf fta?' pleifssi is fall and attead amv st the eoanrntioa. I: " a matter of apeeial iate- m ttui two of Out d4eratea from Rcin. M,r. A. W. Klotta and T V .N.hwton, are piosoera of the K!S' S.inday acVooi work, being lV 6 rat in tie oqraniaa tio qturtrr of a eentury ao. 'ti only a handful attended. TO GO TO FAXAJCA PWf a Quina XaeatrM aa Ap- Bointatat to tka ttommi Tarn . h will hf intere(rtrB to tie aoy freixb of Mr. Pilfer Quinn 1 u inn that he baa reeetved an aw;tir.fnt aa electrician on tie ! j.ine. Tie appointment '"' ihmuirk tie lihmian Canal Ccaa::W;is at tie - inatanee of F ". IVrir, of the eorpa of Eni:neer V. S. Amy, and carries rM salary. , -, f Mr Quinn waa Jvonoraily dia-rtarj-d fm the navy about two wks after tiro year aer The new position doer rot req'f him to ie-enlit in tie anry. The ntiee of hia appointment me jv-sienlay. Mr. tuinn will leate for iia ' work June 1. The Brand. -.' ToH'mht will be tie last per foraiances of the Caret) Trio, the jmrling and olob swinging art ever seen here.' Beginning Monday, matinee, Rodger and black-faee singers, danc nd comediam, will play a ' lay engagement.. Tie pic-ure- fp tonight are a Biograph eowrdv. "Teaeiing Dad to like er." and a Kailem drama, "'Tie ur.i irack WaUwr.",TlB8 is a ,1:n!li railroad picture. ; , Mr. H. S. Walton, who has been "ndarfing a grooery atow OB -ax l-ihi-rty atreet for aonie time, f ld his etoek of goods to hi broths. jfr. jju, Walton, who continue the business at tie "Hi stand. tr- lee Maialey, of Richmond '. r? spending a few day in the -UJ. . .... Unsettled; Pooaibly Showers. V.i 17 II It,. V Local Mea to Qaatonia Field Practio This At ternoott. Th. rifle team of the 4th Co. 0. A. C. re out thi Afternoon gt tiog in thm for the interest ri ft nvwt to b hW My Srd, 4th and 5th t (kmUmU Eab. otn pny 'm Um State hu b illow d tro men to ntr the eonttst on eonunimiooed offioer iul nine mra. ir the part monfii the boyi hr brta iloiu who fin work ob their indoor rmt awl are eoo rldent of food raaulu at toiii. The oompaoy hu son pood markatnen and aa interesting eoa teit hae beet) io pmfna aa to rao thall be aeleuted. Tin- follow ia memben of the eomparty hv been choaeo- Ueat A. O. Ix.m bard : fcrsreanU Jenkins and Mil ler; ewporala Andre va and Cog to, and private Perffoaon, Iin ker. Uedriek. Cubertn and Huff UK. A&THUE BWXET HTJKT 8pennr Ucctriciaa TaUi Prom a 30 foot Pole j Mr Arwur T. weet. of tnm ty. a on of roe Southern bh eJeHrieiaB at Spncerr Mr. W. S Sweet, met with a aerioua acci dent "Thumday, Thr roonr ejee Trif an waa workine on a pole, 30 feet from tie cmond. wken in one manner he fell, ttrikint a ear axle and euttinf as airly freH in hb fare attoat four inehoa iocg and rewivin a aomber of bruiaea lie wan breueht to h' home 00 Xorth Main atreet and gtvea im mediate meal attention. Mr Rweet ia one of the Btoat popnlar yoaoar in the employ of the Southern. i a member 0? the Poeaerr atom reel tam whioh no praotieiag for th oomia ,raeea at . tl eoraiMf Bremen "a touriunviit aad hi many fneam Jul aooti fully rrtm-vt irora 11 injunen. DCDIAXS VS. BFSirCZK. Cant. ft. L. Joliaa'i BoQrmakrt to Tackla Bad BrJns. What will be tie hardeat fouarht (ram of ball nHyed here thia aea aoo wilt fee -jailed Monday at 4 o'eiork at Fair Park. The In diana are determined to add tie boiler maker train to their lonar hat of Tkionea and Xaaarar R. U Julian aaya hi team will play the frame of their life to take the Indiana in In aamo.- It 11 hoped there will be a (rood crowd ont to en en nra ire onr boya along. DWZLLIKOS FOB SOUTHERN Railway Company Gives Contract for 12 Dwelling House. The SontTieru Railwa.y Compa ny ia given th contract to Por ter A Itoyd. of Charlotte, for tie erection of twelve dwelling houses along its line between Greensboro and Salisbury. The bouses are to be oeeopied by the section fore men and helpers employed on the diva-ion between theae two cities. LECTURE LAST RIGHT. Dr. Steele Delights aa Audienc at the Graded School. Dr. R- E. Steele, of Speneer, de- liehted a fair aiied audience at tko lihurv eraded school last nieht with hia excellent steroopti- cAn nictures. ur, eteeie is a aim interesting speaKer ana wciurer and never fails to please and in struct those who hear him. Tie attendance of the boy scouta of which Mr. Steele ia a " . i , . . strong disciple and te.iefter, in a body i was a special feature of the .veninir. The splendid discipline of tie boya during we emenaiu- meat was a subject oi remara, nu was silent testimony of the great good the scont aystem is domg for the boys., Mr Will MoCanless left this morning 04 an extended trip South- He will visit po'nU in Mississippi nd Alabama and per haps other gtates. going on business. RY , ' ' 14.00 A YEAR.. HAS SUCCESSFUL YEAR. SPENCER GRADED SCHOOL Jaaiar Orfcr XUb Awaraai-daaaa With CatcartLaat NigV. Too Srieneer graded acbool elo. 1 thia wk after one of the moat uccaful jtara in ita htory We elip tie following neport of tie eloaiag from tie Speneer. Orea- eent: The exetviaea opened Wednes day sigit with a magnificent ad dreai by Be. Plato Insiaat, paa tor of Central Methodist ehureh at Ooneord. Heapoke in a maater- ly manner oa "The lf of Raul of Tamil " ;h? fn-at apoatle to Hie 0,'Btilr. Hia address waa in- u-reatinjr and imrtfu.-'tive through mit and made a lasting impression a the. larire audiru..' which gath ered in the Speneer Metiodijt niireh to hear him. Following the addr- fame tlie olaw exer.s The elaaa iialor- n was Ms. AHw Arrastivjng: ;Ua oratioe. Rubert Derereaai s claw propiiery. M: Ruth Brick - houe ; making a name, Mia Rori- da Wvant These eompotie the graduating elaaa. by Bee. J. L ipuennan, who i .lie on behalf of tie asbool hoard, each member of tie grad ua: ing eJana waa preentl wili a vrt:ti ate of good deportment. A tE'- lal gnen by the Speneer Couned Jr. O. t;. A. M-. for tie boy who by a popular vote waa found to be pomaaed of tie beat manner waa presented to Master Ned Prettyman, tna reewon speech being made by T. P. Hud son, Esq. Muie ;- iof4a , a-J waa the reeipnt of a bandaome medal for having made the high est general average in the aeiool during tie past year. , Prof. J. A. William, prine'rpal of ti school, exprraaed hia high appretiatioo of the hearty eo iperation of the people in Speneer during the entire year. A roneert by the sehool took place last nigfat which formall.v cJos'd the aehool for tfce seaaiun. UTTU BOY DEAD. Boa of OapV and Kra. ft. ft. Craw ford Jrpim. Testerday's Winston Sentinel Thia morning at 9:30, little Jam Mull Crawford. youngent nn f Tarvt and Mni. R. R. HaW- ford: died. Ever since lt febru-! ary Jamie naa wen a siincrrr i . et from pleurisy and neart trpunie, and though only twelve yean old. hia patience and forbernc) were rrmarkable, and now that Je has been safely gathered inM that home where there is no morj pain, enr sorrow, nor sighing, thejreali sation comes home to the arrow ing Hearts that indeed of suh are the kingdom of ieaven. Tl fun era) service will be held at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon) frmn the home, conducted by Rv. V. A. Ijimbeti, assisted by Rev, J K. Abernethy. Besides hie father and mother Jamie is survive by three brothers, Pranklni, ,Dtvid and John Dudley Crawford." Captain Crawford was for niny vears a leading citiien of Sali bu- ry, i a brother of the late Ctpt. James R. Crawford, after wlnm nine iamts wa nameu, m neui- tion to the relatives named glove the little fellow al had two islf brothers', Messrs. T. B. and ! B. Crawford and a half sistei all former Salisburisns and i ! a number of relatives in this :ity who with Captain Crawford's fcU- lisbury friends sorrow over hijbe- reavemeni Ca Bout to Haahvill. Col. F. II. Fr. of Winton president of the Wachovia B(nka in the State, was an interring UN Tenn., to attend a meeting ojthe executive committee of the Ra tional Bank Association, of wiich he is a member. EVENING MORE ABOUT JOE WHITE NEGRO WHO SHOT CAPT. BELL Datptraa Waatt. la Die talker Tkaa BAirte. Tne Danville Bee of yesterday has tbe following in regard to the arreat of tie negro desperado. Who iiuit Conductor Bell and assault ed Officer Tucker of Danville : Joe v. bite, the famoua neirro dcspinuio. who on Sunday night. .pw yra. got in a tight with Po lice Officer Tucker in an alley on Newton street in what ia known as Moselcy'a bottom while the offiir was trying to arrest him, was cap tured in Orvrtts-iile, g. C., ca April iud, and iaa been turned over to the Greensboro authorities. wieiv he ia wanted for shooting Conductor Bell. Tile negro has g.t a number of charges againat bun and in all probability will upend the rct of fiis life in prison. The negro bruke into a, hard ware str.iv in Irfiinglon where he stole a lot of fine revolvers, one of wieh was ued ia shooting Con ductor Bell, and which Officer Tucker thinks he Used in ah.xitins at him. Ci(ficir Tucker thinks the nerro tltought 1.-: knew of hit. many crimes and just decided that he would die rather than be arrest ed. The local police officer drop ped ha gun in tie scuffle andi emild not do a thing. Tie following letter waa re ceived a day or two ago by Spec ial Officer M. L. Pan key, of the Southern Railway, who makes his headquarters in this city: Mpeneer, N. C, April 8ji:.' I'Mr M. U Pr i)ty, Spemaise-ricer' ' f "DanviHe, Vs. s "Dear Sir I beg to acknowl efrje receipt of your letter April 21t with enclosed photographs, of tve famous desperado, Joe Wlite, who assaulted Police Officer Tuck er, shot Conductor ft. C. Bell and waa implicated in the robbery of tie Davidson Hardware Company f Lexington, X. C, in which he stole a lot of fine revolvers, one of which was ued by Joe White in shooting Conductor Bell and al so in assaulting Policeman Tuck er. He is also implicated in the robbery of the Western Union ramp ears, near Rudd, N. C. "t beg to advise you that Joe White . baa been caotured in Greenville, S. C, Saturday morn ing. April 22nd, by Special Officer Attaway of Spencer, several po lice officer of Greenville and my self. . I transferred him yesterday from the Salisbury jail to Greens boro, where we have Charlie Ford, who is also Duplicated in tie shooting of Conductor Bell, and was arrested by Sheriff McKcnsie and myself several days before the capture of White. Thanking you for the photo graphs and your assistance in the case. I remain, "Tours very truly, '0. a SCARLET. "Special Offieer." DISPLAY COUNTY PRODUCTS Exhibition Cabinet to be Placed is Southern Passenger Station. Through the efforts of the local Merchant' Association arrange ments have been made with Mr. M. V. Richards, land and indus trial agent of the Southern Rail- way for the installing in the pas- scnger station in this city of a suitable cabinet in which to make a display of Rowan eounty pro-jthe duets. , Such display acquaint the traveling oublio. witb the pro- ducts of the surrounding eoruimm- ity and ia this instance, as has been the result m simdar cases. would in all likelihood be a bnai - nees developer for this immediate vicinity. " Mr. Clark Pendleton eAtnrnAri V - - , - ... liat mgbt from, unanottearille iwrnre ne na neon ior several Imortths taking a special course io mecbanics. POST. A PROSPEROUS BANK. Wachovia Bank and Trust Co. Declares Quarterly Dividend. At a meeting in Winston yester day, the board of directors of the Waciovia Bank and Trust Co.. North Carolina's largest bank,, a quarterly dividend of two per cent as of April 1, payable May 1 was declared. To pay quarterly dividends will be the policy of this institution and it will no doubt be appre ciated by the stockholders. This is a custom which is followed bv many banks and corporations of the large cities. The Wachovia Bank and Trust Company of Salisbury is one of the most successful and growing branches of the Winston bank. 0AH2 YESTERDAY. Salisbury High School Wins from Spencer, Score 12 to 9. In a game of ball between tie Salisbury and Spencer High Sclioob, played ou the Spencer diamond yesterday afternoon. Sal- isnury won oy a score oi i to h. This is the second game in two weeks won by the Salisbury High School. Laat week the school playw' ; ""e East Salisbury team wiouiiv is game by a score of 7 to 5. CHESTNUT HILL ITEMS. Philathea Class Growing Rapidly, Improving Parsonage, Personals Mrs. Laura File and sister. Miss Bessie Hart man, left yesterday for their home ia Mooreevitle, af ter spending a week with their rather, Daniel Hart man, and Bear relatives. ' Mr. H. M. C. Fisher, of Morgan. ten, spent yesterday in the city on business returning home last night. The rilathea class of Sonfli Main Street Methodist church was organizxl March 19, 1911, with 12 1i:tcr members, and haa grown V) large until they have not enough room to seat the class. They have noir rented tie build ing near the church, belonging to Mr. J. M. Jones, and have seenr ed enougi chairs from the Dixie Furniture Co. to seat the class. All that don't belong to thia class, a hearty welcome awaits you. The class, now numbers over thirty on the roll. We are aorry to learn that MU Ophelia Coram ia confined to her room with lagrippe. We hope to see her out agsin in a few days. The Ladies Aid Society of South Main Street Methodist church has employed Mr. Joseph Wiley to put cement steps to the parson age. Mr. Wiley is giving them a good job and says it will cost about 35. The ladies iiive the money ready when the work is complete. Mrs. E. M. Hislop, of South Churcih, street, was taken serious ly sick Wednesday night with acute indigestion, but is reported resting well. Her many friends are anxious for her teeovery. Mr. John Deadman and family left this morning for Mocksville to- visit relatives for a few days. E state president. To Make Report to First Metho dist BaracB Tomorrow Morning. The Firet Methodist Baraca class is looking forward with in creasing interest to the meeting tomorrow morning. Mayor A. L. .hmoot, who was elected State j president of the Baraca Union at meeting at Greensboro last 'week will make a report of the meeting. - Thi will be worth hearing, and a run attendance of the members ia requested.. ! ' ' Return from Festival rof. N. V. Taylor and Mr ired Young returned this morn ling from Spartanburg. S. C. ' vtinM tluv 1. hu, 4Jin , . . ...,. "... J 3tm , L - VU'ltllll the Southern musical festival i ney report a good time and a large attendance 'to hear the tnu- sm. VICTORY FOR WRIGHTS. IN CIVIC TRIBUNAL TO-DAY. Blerisi CsaUstisa Ovrrraled Real Qocsties te be Detersusta Later. Paris, April 29. Tie Wright brothers won a decided victory in the civic, tribunal today in their effort to prove they had control of the basic patents on aeroplanes. The court announced it would ap point three experts to decide whether or not Wright used the first combination warping wings and vertical rudders. The court overruled the Bleriot eontention that the Wright patent went by defauit because "they are tinex ploited. The real question will be determined later whether Bleriot and other bird-men infringed on the Wrijrht patents. UNCONFIRMED REPORT. Admiral Li Tactai Said to be As sassinated by Rebel Uprising. Hong Kong, April 29 A seri- turn is indicated in the report olav that Admiral Li Tactai, of O.-v u, was assassinated, in the rebel uprising "there. Owing to the censorship all attempts to con firm the report failed. made good. Postal Savings Bank System to be Extended to Larger Cities, " ii . i i i Washington, April 29. Forty eight experimental office of" the postal bir.k system have "made gtiod. ' Acwrnling to annonnesv ment by the I'ostofflce Department the system will be speedily ex tended to larger cities. TWO OUT OF TEN SAVED. A Total of Eight Children Bad Their Mother Dead. Roanoke. Va April 29. -Wil liam N'unn, 22 vears old, died in a hospital yesterday as the result of burns and injuries sustain. il in the fire in which hia mother. Mm. I. It. N'unn, and seven children perished. Edward N'unn, a broth er, is in a critical condition, while Miss Lena, an elder sister, who is uffr:n imm injuries, .will re- The bodies of the mother and eight children will be taken to Martinsville. Vs.. Sunday morn ing for burial. One thouand dol lars was raised by subscription to day. The fire was discovered by a next door neighbor from the re flection. She called fhe depart ment, and then attempted to arouse the family, succeeding in awakening only the two who es caped. All the bodies were bunt ed until charred and are unrecog- nizahle. The son. Mortimer, waa rescued alive, but died while be ing brought from the house in the arms of Fire Captain Dyer. me tire started in the ceiling of a back stairway and firemen state that, had alarm been turned in tea minutes earlier te whole family could have been saved. Death of Mrs. H. Carroll Brown. New York. Anril 20. f n Tf Carroll Brown, daughter of the late Marcus Daly, and wife of the well known Baltimore banker. H. Carroll Brown..-died at he-r moth er' home. 725 Fifth nvenne In. day. She arrived Jiere sraatonliv ob a special train from Montana. New Show Case. Mr. A R Sduht. new show case for his candies, ad ding much to the appearance of hia store. . He will begin next we A making other improvement to hia storeroom, and intends to make it one of the most attrac tive place in the State. Mr. M. . Goodman, of China .Grove, one of Rowan's substantial citiiens, gave the Post a pleasant call today.

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