WEATHER FORECAST: - VOL 7, HO. 1W. LOJLVD F1NIS2LSS PLANT Caincb an Mag Iscstvsd. 1 will be god news 14 the l't" 'many readers" ana 10 an to rr interested in the. progress ! Salisbury " community w isow lit the work of erecting la, Wind uranae nnisniug alitl. en the Boorsera near mt Virpai Carolina, rwtiiuer um establish swot, is now in t!w com of eoemruwtion ana thit t will be puse u eorapie- toc as rapidly M possible. Tw sisn building and shed will be sbcat "JO" yards long, and the department H be rvu pp"i with the latest improv ri machinery fordoing fin work. Tv ;iE'.. too, will require a neore or sow of skilled rockmen, and i ramlwr of laborer to operate t. b;fc"a the (Bvr and form al'!!. Mr. W W. UUnd, of New T..rk 0 and Mr E. 8. Samp- t. f brrt. Vt, wht will man r t- aiM ? tbe fontpany '. t-itr. are now m Salisbury d.ejt a conference with Mr. L- K. th? traveiicif rrf- cistive cf thetwmpaay, and Mr. (. I! Collins, wo organised tne nir.pitjr nd Mr, J. K. Ramsay, (w iji-rwiit tto piaat. Mr ,r!asd and Mf. Sampson vtpre themselves a bring miK r' with the location of the f mt fi the prfr of the a rk Mr Hswmia has alrtady wared noaw good contracts for tk p!ot to eo.Mae work oa usi :j! that ho AuiN is bit ter-,M-m raiMderahl itisfai;ttt , i-r fi?t ifil work u? Urn des , tr.-i-. wh-fc it ban htiherta been i-e.ary to send to New England fw Will be product in the South. Jaaior tooata to Meet Tk Junior Sjut, aliabary ?V.n No. !.' reouested to "t at Cpt. Burbard 1 lender-1 ', H-nderaoa wing North 31. ja ?rcet, tanwrraw afteraooa t. S oVioek. Alt nwmdHsra are vrpA tii turn out. UPGRT OF GRAND JDRY tlKIl 0FFICEISEXUIKE1 MiaCaai CaadilMJaa aa Caaaty HM0caa aaiWaB Kept The grand jury compJeted ita ork Wednenday afternoon and med the following report t Tb the. Honorable C. C. Lyon, Judge Superior Court, Salisbu ry, Rowan county: Vic hare attended to all bui aea broujrht before by the wlioitor or oiftem. We have visited Ihe eounty jail a a body and find name elean and thf prifirfr te" they were well cared for. hut tkv- unniittew vUited fte two eopvift camp and find ame clean and in good order, we hnd (he toada they are cuild 'e pertnpent, and find no com plaint fmm the prisoners. We find the county .. Jhome well 'ft ar.ii commend the auperinten- Of i! t Wrf nMmiMMj iha le- painting 0f one room in tbe men 'a partment overhead, and tfliat the walN cf the same be ealsomin-d- We Cnd the one-story recent bailt to the auperintcodcnt'e house poorly bailt 4ud wmfc. " 'ttark .rZt th. "R32l yurer's offices, all 0f which we good order. ., . reaonunend that boola Nos. ?d 3 he neapiod 1b tbe regis Ik the clerk of the r a effiee. we. reaonunend an ?timal filiag imair and ease to r preserve the reeorda. : C A. BROWN, Foreman. H-00 A TEAS. ' f ---- - - SB SSSBSssssssm .. ERECTING BUILDINGS. Tm Tonight and Saturday. GOES DP IN MILL OLD ST. JOHNS BURNED luck Improved Machinery DesIrcjed-BeJonged to Mr. Ombb-lnsiir-asce $1,800. St. John 'a mill and who in this whole action ban not on pw oc casion enjoyed an outinif tbcr lituited on tb bank of tae.Vad k'o riv-fr a milt or more bvlow the railroad bridge, wa b'irued to th (rroand Ia.t nibt about tight oVrOi-k With tb building wa dftriyirsl $3,000 or lO.OOf worth ,e lattjt isiorwvid mafhinery. Th mitt, which w on of th olJtt griat mill in the South was tht property of Mr. II Clay r.rubb, and hia total kwa will bt from 10.000 to 12.X. How th firi" originated w not learard. The hUte wa pectan !ar and wa plainly vn;te to pa nfttjrera oa Um a arth and outh bound early trai l, and tie light mad the burttinip-of thia four and a half atory frame irtnicture lAlHk Ueri from WalWwry. The anill waa aitaated at th foot of the old Oowry"a Ileighu, mal famoaa ia veT by tha late Dr. I. W. Jonea and oa ajmot the idecti eal pot where General Green met CVirnwaHia in a akirmish only two lava weriotu to the battle of fjuilford dart Hoaae. Tbonaaod bare picnicked at fim0D old mill It waa the mfeet, f0T fMUT Monday parties and the) terminus of many moon light drive. In other day daneea were held in the building. Wbe euea made it a place of pleaewe and it haa been pictured and aent broadcast oa thousand of pot eardi. For many years thia place waa operated by the late Major Wind sor, waa tor a penoa me proper ty of the late P. P. Meroney and later waa operated by Mayor-elect F. M. Thompson. , A number of parties drove down to the river today to take look at the ruin. There waa $6,000 insurance on the building and machinery, car ried through the agency of the Salisbury Realty k Iniuranee Co. DE. POOLS Rituwra. Hil Patient Took Two Opera tie iw and it Keating Fin. Tie T M. Poole, who accompan ied Mr. Riohard L. Frick, one of ia natient. to New York last k, where Mr. Frick went for an operation, returned home thu Mr. Prick ia at the New Vnrk Port-tlrailuate boepital and tnok two operations, Dr. Pool states that the operations were and that Mr. Frick was wttin along fine when he left Kim He states n a penmuinn eure is not effected, Mr. Kriek will receive great relief. Hew Wood Yard. '- Mr. & Barnes is opening up ' a in the Murdoch boild- gTneir the Vance cotton mill. 'SVrffEi ready in a ft. day. to fill older. -...v. Choir Prmctiot. There will be choir practice to night at 8 o'clock at St Rpiaeopal church on Cheatnut Hilt All the members are request ed to he present. FLAMES SALISBURY. H. 0 mv iiivo nn " " TBE LUTHERAN SYNOD CARING FORiNEW C5UBCHES PrapwabVa ta Caaaga tatiaWa sf Syn odic! Miiriaeary ta Uak Rev. G. H. L. Liogle. pamtor of tne batheran charge in yavidaon county, ! ft last night , for Wil mington to attend the North Caro lina synod, which convened in that city Wednesday. A special from W ilmington says tie special order for the session yesterday morning was an address by Rev. O. U Miller, of Hickory, fraternal delegate from itihe Tennessee syn od. The report of the eaee.utiv committee showed it had six churches under its care Investi gation has been made a Raleigh by the aycodical missionary. Rev. J L. Morgan, with a view to e- talilishing a church in that city. It is proposed that tke place of residence of Mr. Morgan be moved to Raleigh, so that he may develop the work in that field. : .Rev. A. G. Voight, d.-ai of the theological eminary, spoke ia be half of the institution he repre sent and aid the psit year had been the best of the institution. Tfc litX aessioa of thr seminary will open in the new stone build ing now in course of construction at Columbia, . C. .--V- At the sesMon laKt night an in teresting address was cade by Rev. J. L. Morgan, of Moereavtlle, and one by Rev. R. C. Holland, of OrangKbnrg, S. C,.' president of the board of foreign missions. n the subject; "Our Miasen FieM at Home and Our Mission Field Abroad." . . .. nc Sf the mo !iuortit Iran intersing features of the present session of the sy nod waa tie lay men 'a meeting yesterday after noon from 3 to f o clock in Iuth- er Memorial hall. Great interest was shown in tbe work being done by the laymen's missionary move ment and the addreeaea were- lis tened to with the closest attention. The following program was car ried out: - Opening remark by Chairman U Hanson. , Scrirtiirai readiug fohn Hmml. Addres,,Ijaymen's Mission ary Movement in tne uniiea States," Rev. E. C. Crook, of Oo- onrbia. S. C. general secretary of the U M. M. Address " What Business lias a Bnsinesr Man With Missions," ('. W. Polvogt, of Wilmington. - Address "What are the bay men of North Carolina Synod Do ing for MissionsT" James P. Conk; of Concord. Addrass "What Can the Iy roen of North Carolina Synod Do for Missions," P. Rom Smith, of Liberty. Address "Value of Laymen's Movement in Generai,"- W. W. Koch, Wilmington. Address "Our Opportunity of the Hour," Dr. Costner; of Char lotte. Following the regular address there was a general discussion that was participated in by a num ber of those present and some most excellent suggestions made, i m? HiuitMu i.t-1- .siere" with musie v a splendid male quartet. , Buffalo Bin at the Bijou. The Buffalo Bill and Pawnee n;n WVM vrt. nictures is a Try for today. This is an exact reproduction of the original ahsw made under the .nt -KiU tli iihow was in irO- gresn, giving every detail of the performance from start to nnn, inal a if vnit were sitting in the arena watdhing the greatest wild west show on eartn. rasmveiy your only chance to see the great irwti'an flulitPTH. nlainfflmen and America' ideal horsemen and nuii nitnnlll hero. Col. W. F. ; " . rr iV . . . Be sure ami w .imi out TA.aV W CI Mpanii of Onn. eord. was in the City toaay on I business;, - EVENING POST. BAD ACCIDENT AT SEA STEMS ALMOST CUT IN TWO Wirtless Messags Brisgi Ike News--All the PasMag en Saved. New fork. May .V wireless dispatch received here says the Ward Linn Steamer, Merida. bound here from Proireso, Yuca tan, was cut almost fc two and sunk in 35 fathoms of water w&ile off Cape Charles early today y the United Fruit Co's. steamer, Admiral Farragut. The Merida had 187 passengem aboard. All of the Merida's passengers were taken off by her owa, the Farra gut 's and -boat of the Cnited State battleship Iowa, which was m the v icinity and were transferr ed to the Farragut. The comman der of that steamer sent a wireless message to the captain of the Old Dominion . steamer, Hamilton, which wan nearby to stand by as t miglu be neeessnry to transfer all the reicued people to the Ham ilton, the fruit steamer being bad ly damaged about tho bows. After a survey of the Farragut it was decided she was not sea worthy enongh to carry all of the passengers and they were re-trans-fermi to tie Hamilton u which they are now en route to Norfolk. Although earlier dispatches say all on board were saved a wireless received at 10:30 said the captain, the firnt offiaer. and four members of the crew offhe Merida were not taken on board the Farragut. It is hoped the missing men were taken off by the Iowa. The Far ragut 's forward hold filled with water. .Later: Ttae Farragut, cetasexaA by tb-; Hamilton ad the Iowa.' started for Norfolk. HEID'S TO MOVE. Will Occupy Storeroom at 1M South Main Street. The storeroom at 10 South Main street recently vacated by the .Simpson-Peacock wholesale grocery turn, which purchased the stock and moved into the Mai Vases' quarters', is remod eled, front and interior, and after August 1st is to he occupied by Reid's department store which for a long time has been conducted in the Wachovia bank building at 130 North Main street. The re modeling of thl store will add much to the appearance of that part of Main street.. : . . ADVERTISING COMMUTES. For Fourth of July to Meet This Afternoon. " A special meeting of the Fourth of Julv celebration advertising committee is to 5 held in the grand jiirv room at the court boue at 6:15 o'clock thia after noon and all the members are urg ed to be present. They are, C. N. Brown, chairman j 'A. W. Hicks, Max Ii. Barker, W. H. Burton, Chas. Sides, F. B. Irvin. The pur pose of this meeting is to- map out plana and get down to work ia tha tssiicr of edetSing the celebration. . The Grand. The patrons of the Grand saw a good show last oigto. Early and Laight made their first appearance at this popular theatre. Tu say that the audience was delighted is nly ha!! expressing it Encore after encore brought the perform ers back to the atage. Their jokes were clean and enjoyable, espec ially the local hits. It was pro nounced by some as being one of tho .very best performances yet seen in vaudeville here. Barly and Laigfht you can see this show tonight, and to see it Is to appre ciate it. Two extra good reel will be shown tonight, an Bwan y. The Indian Maiden's Lesson. This is a western drama of great power. A Pat he, A Fatal Resem blance. Matinee at 4 p. m. NEXTSTEP FOR PEACE CONFER TO DAY. MAOERO'S NEW CABINET Believed Diaz Will Figbt to tbe Eod-NavoD. to Be Court Mar tialed. Kl Paso, May 12. AUhough Fraaoisco I. Madero and the new ly organized cabinet held a con ference today, during which the next step towards bringing peace was discussed, no annouuvemest waa volunteered by the provision al government for a president. Few of the insurgent leaders be lieve Diaz will discuss peace. They think he will elect to fight the battle out to the end and that he will make it necessary for the re bels to capture Mexico City be fore the revolution wiJ end. Al ready the insurgent chieftains are discussing the most feasible way of approaching Mexico City and the easiest way to capture it. To be. Court-MartifUed- Mexico City, May 12, tfeneraJ Vifttir, commanding the? aiHtftvj zone at Chihuahua, haa ordered the court to honor an investigation of the surrender of Juarex and General Navarro will probably be ourt-martialed for surrendering . ;s sword to hi enemy. SUPERIOR COUUT. Working on Civil Docket, Rail road Suit Today. The Rowan Superior Court, .fudge C. C- Lyon, presiding, reached the ijlvil ducket yester tcrday and a number of cases tried. Today the case of R. M. Leon ard and others against the South ern Ry. Co., and the N. C. R. R. Co., is on trial. Geo. W. Garland is attorney for the plaintiffs, and Linn & Linn for the defendant. The suit has brought a number of railroad officials here, notably, Hon. A. H. Eller, of Winston, sec retarv of the North Carolina Rail road Company, and chairman of the State Democratic party; Col. W. B. Rodman, of Charlotte, Di vision counsel for the Southern ; and A. J. Maxwell, of Raleigh, sec retary of the Corporation tormnis- skin. These gentlemen are here as witnesses in the case and have their books and records witl them. -.. . Fine Example for the Public. Mrs. Mary B. Safrit, of Rural Route, No. 8, Salisbury, set some of the Post subscribers a good ex ample yesterday. She is in her 80th year and has been a patron of Ube Daily Pest foa, number of years. She had gotten in arrears with her subscription for more than a year, and yesterday called tin and paid up for it in advance. 'Mrs, Safrit owns a small farm aud I makes her money slowly, but says she must pay for her paper. Her subscription to the Post was all -v j ..j v. : .1 . v. ... no one. The world needs more of such people. to Preach Near SUtesville. Mr. W. D. Haltiwanger, of Cha pin, S. C arrived in the city to day, and i the guest of Mr. M. h. Kestcr. He was a classmate of Mr. Kester at the Maunt Pleasant, 8. C, Theological seminary, and . will preach at a hnreh near Stat-, esville during the summer vaca tion. . . THE PUBLIC DECEIVED. HOAXED BY LORD DECIES Lady Deaes His Appssdicit'u, Net Presented to lisi asd Qotea. - l4ndon. Mav 12. Liaiiv Decies. formerly Miss Vivian Gould, was operated on today lor appendici tis aud two hours after the opera tion she waa doing well with every prospect of a speedy recovery. It Das developed today mat tne puo lin waa hniLveH hv Tinrd Decies and the friends of the latter, who at tended the King a court Wednes day night said in a statement that Lady Deciea attended this func tion. It is now known that she ur& nnt. npenented to the Kin? and OnMin the nhvaicisns decidinff that the excitement would prove too mucin tor ner, especially as thev were intending sd onerate oa her today. The stoifcs of her pre sentation was given to the press tor the purpose oi aeoeiving tne public as to the true condition of Lady Decies. COVENANTEE BOY 8001173. To be Addressed at First Presby terian Church Tonight at 8. The Covenanter Boy Scouts will' meet this evening at 8 o'clock in the, lecture room of the First Presbyterian church and will lis ten to a Short add rem by Mr. P. F. Price, of China. The scouts in vite the public to hear Mr. Price'a address. After the address, a hort business meeting will be ' held. Excursion to Winston. , . There will be a first class excur sion from Concord to Winston to morrow. The train will pass Sal isbury at 9 o clock. Manager Leonard invites the public to take a day off and visit the big tobacco town. The fare from Salisbury ia $1. Passenger trains, daily and Sun day, now run over the South bound railroad from Winston-Salem to Florence, S. C. HAS A NARROW ESCAPE AVIATOR FALLS FIFTY FEET. Badly Shaken Up-Maaj Wastes FsLt- sd When Machine Fell, Hendon, England, May 12. While scores of the best know men and women in England were watching the flight of J. Ann- strong Drexel, he narrowly escap ed death on the aviation grounds this afternoon. His machine fell fifty feet but Drexel was only badly shaken up. When the ma chine fell many women fainted. CHAIN GANGS REINFORCED. Eight Prisoners Seat Out Today to Bern Terms. Sheriff Jas. H. MoKenzie, as a result of court, this morning sent out eight prisoners to county chain gangs to serve sentences ranging from two to 12 months a total ef H months servitude. Ol the eight ine is a woman and she goes up for two months. Three of the prisoners go t. chain gang No. 1, Mr. 8. C. Carter, superintendent, and five to No. 2, Mr. Geo. Y. Thomason, superintendent. Excelsior Band. The Excelsior band will play at A. B. Saleehy'a candy kitchen to morrow night, commencing at 7 :3ft o'clock. Mr. Saleeby invites) th. s public to call and hear the must free of charge.

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