WEATHER FORECAST: Unsettled; Local Shower. Veninq post. .1. T. Wyat. 1V.K M VOL 7, KO. 193. SALISBURY, V. 0, - TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1911. 14.06 A TEAS. w - -i -: il ii i TARVIA fiEASE OREEBiSBOEQ PEOPLE fl MaMj AA iW Syito- the n; Greensboro officil who r.,-,.i Salisbury Friday r. 1 in; .i.d the mtrotchrt tarvi !,1 in the city wore much pleas i th their observation, the" t,!n appealing to them very ,oruh:y. The Record nys of ji i result of 'he 4 ,rfr of Greens jw having joiw- to Salisbury Friday to in wt pt th merits of the lT.r-Vj-'rojd X-'-n laid life. U i ITI-T te mat iui or Buun t,;re 'ii laving street pVrntita (.:i'rioiwr of Public Work. j u rinh, Jr-, kd to j,t ...ncerniog the opinion form el'tii 'be Salisbury rod thtj. in-t-vd and talked interesting of 'tj tar nad. -The liiited State Govern , A :- building jpavemeint of tS:- tr mta tb Federal w i? Siiwhary. said the commi V.'si-r. and Rowan county has m) irtde u ot the tar form Ti,n 'a building roH Pli ' fl The ruck ai. first laid and ni ..-.r and half of the Lr jur f ! ovr rack Kpiare yard, fin' r-v.i in laid on, another half .:! ''f tafi int a.l r.f sand : coated wire ne 3. i 'armed road, la regard to ; (hit tyl(o( pavement t .u'n'tniv eosis approximately V (.r var-.i to tie i that i rue r.-d !.i & Il'liii! :b.f, '1 nrre u one fr-teh of ma, in v,:!' ,r,v hyilt of th: faf in tk .s:"-r .WrAed wBtfh ln wi therxi sevt rr for four years 4 1 prf6Uy inUet. Ail it,. ; j -mt-nt in urrf n V1' brr'nftxr will doiibtlfM b Wfi.if of th tar in. th m'iinr in i! i wA in M:barjr. ..mmiwioncr E. A. Brown i!w iiMkwl tbout the road xiki- hiirbly ia favor of it " SHOUT ON OAS. Senomly RintUrtn Work in Thil Shop U the imslv . t Pott ui gas ta meit WSj for it lirotype maehine, d "le.n rtie sit ouias -omine tne., SALISBURY'S .nr ha to stop. Abont nin a y., on thf ww yeterdy morning th'Vlr.,i. n. rx- V)tan to come. !oir and durf,rner twi frfim ,je tn afte rnoon the linotyVu ii'l -i stand atill several houBifc,D(., , , Mtrv Hi. A a result the paper waa short iti,- - ii! quota of local news matter T-r-' rciiy afternoon, a number of 'mpirtant item being left out "'y -ouid not b et for want of :. W are still ghort un ga. but i-'pe to jj.-t out, in some "rt of 1 i p- The gaa company report I-.".: it U makinif iwairs anil will "' us ga regularly as soon as - We. In tho nvsanthnc we re eat the public to b patient, as are trying to be. Injnrad by Automobilt. VU Little was severely injur near Spencer Saturday aftcr- idi.r, In ktini? run over by aa au toran'iile He had stemied off a r. nnj r,t seeiog th" a"'0 ' s'ni.k at full force and l". ' I to the ground in a dad 'l::-.h. He was taken to his US' win-re a physician attend ' ' Si injurie and it is thought T i!i recover. The aut .i was dnv ty a colored rjM and belonged a ic:af-t Stale. Accepts Position' in DaaviU. Mr. Kdgar S. Schuman. form r rlv firrenmn for the Graf-Davis-1 'lletl LunUvT Com., left this ranrning for Danville, Va., where he aecepta a position as assistant estimator and traveling "desman (or t Danville lum- "C concern. H0SSE8 SHIPPED. Incen for tk Pourtli to Anriv Thu Afteraoon. Mr. fi L. Avery, ehairmau of the racing committee for th 4th of July, announiMR that Horses for th raoe will arriw thi af ternoon. H ruivd a mwage by wire thm morning from Grnoro stating that ho ran) had been Aipped. Horse are al so nptatfd from Winiton this af ternoon. Mr. Avery requeata th rot to ay tsat tbe none nay be seen at rair ftvrk tomorrow. KEETIrTO BEOAN. Kr. AbtiMtlir Arrirad and Held Senrka taat Kbt. Rev. i. K. Abernehy arrived yesttrday afternoon from W inn- ton, and b"au a mrim of meet in(T at the. Pirat Methodist chureh laat n rht. The ii(rht weot out on Mr. AbMTithy, on aeoun of th it J s plant beinir out cf repair bat he, pn'athed hia sermon through in the dark. The sfwak er alihouirh tinder advirs eir 'jumstanrn, made a fine imprM o!i. Ite will continue during thia week and part of next. There -iil bo two aervieea daily, ai 11 a. m and ? p. m. The ubjet for tonijfht I. Th' Art of Winning. F.vterybody i Uiviied to th meeting. EATTY BEWBOM. Karriftfe SuntUy Morning Preabrtenan Man. Prof. 0 U hav.y and Mi-s Cla ra Newam were marrieti at 10 o'ridi k Sunday morning at the Ppnrtytrian manw. Dr. Byron Clark ,ffi.-itinir Only a friend witn-jeied tn eeremony. After pendmi a thrt time ai th? kumv i:-f .th bndv ' brother Mr. Tobia Newwm, th couple left on No: M for Uimeroek, S' C, wbr Mr. Baity hold a ifm-l pout ion. . JCrof. IUity wai principal of the Southern Commenrial School of thi city for about eight month! Misa Newborn became a indent durimr lat fall, an at-!si-hment followed, which into love and eulminViug in their marriaze Sunday. The P"t ejteri'!: cmg-.ilula- linn to the hliW eo-i;r i ii'aitr oi commi'noe at $2,- j 0w ,0, tn.etllw .f,,,,, th..n h. f,f Church and Coon- To AtUnd Wedding Ada MrManin, of Alfle mar'e, was in the city between train thi morning on hrr way to Concord where .die goes ta attend the wedding of h.r friend Mi Katie Cool, at 6 o'clock tomor row afternoon. Mr. Russell Phci)-. an old newspaper typo, who has been ab sent from 'he city for about a year is spending a few days with his parent and saaKi'jff hann with friends. bseaman's sthikf. QUARTER MILLION OUT TODAY Fallswisi Dedaios Shippisf Federatioi ..Otk Um May Strikt. London. June 27.-A quarter of a million ai'.'"9 a?d dock hands-ar ont. today following the decision of the shipping fed erate controlling ninety per . , ..-:, trerm ana cent oi U v 1 . ' freighter trado and freight un ions. Tbo government alarmed because the miners "d ther un l0P. may strike symp.tbet.eaHy. IN THE SOCIAL REALM EDITED BI MISS KLUTfZ atarriagarf Mm Hackakrt. at A1W- aMrU- OtW latamtiBf Nnrt. Miaa KdiUi Begga was the charming kot'aa ta the Round Down Bridge Club last evening at the reaideno. of her nunU Mr. F. F. Smith. In th early part of th evening the g,-est danced on the beautiful veran.'a, and later enjoyed a most intet.'ating game of bridge. Delightfully tooling punch waa rved throughout the "vening, and at the eonelusio,; of the Ram, watermelon was erveJ on the lawn. Those preiMnt were: M;sses Ed ith B-'g. Alice Hrown. Mildred Ovennan, Elizabeth Nicolson. Ijiiy Itcnih.'init. IWn Sumner ami Brent HU.krmr; Mers. Walter and Sidney Hlackthrr. Vn-e .Fv-r.iine, AfbVrt Graf, liouis Cirni.'iit and ltryca B-'ard. , Mis Aliee Brown, of Concord. ' 'he Attractivv giit of her aunt. Mr V K. Smith. Tii folloaing party via in the oily yesterday afternoon from Islington en route to Albemarle, to attend the marriage of M'a ira Iuckabe ' and Mr. Wade I'hilhpa. uf Lejiugton, trhioh took place this morning at 6:30 'iitk: Miaaea Veigh Hutuhin n. With tireer. I-na Schultx, ',u:a liednck. Fvari Hife, Kora Thomon and Frank Robkiai; Mr. W. K. Phillips; Meir.T. I Hugif, W. C Pancake, J: C: Bow r crbtrt Sink, O. BargA '. F. Wclborn, and Dr. B Rey- nolda. iMlss Theresa MiWi)I& left !hi mrnng for Morefcekd City, where he. will spend a month. a the guet of Miw-EIed-Weob. Th Christian E?id Book Club will meet with Mr. A. E. Riy nolds tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock. Author for the after noon. ..-lma liferioff. Book for disi'usaion. Saga (H!erbi?rt!ng. Mr and Mr. K- lina Bern hardt are. eapectl to arrive in IQthe city the latter part of th So. 29 fronwk from an extended h.mey So. 31 fron'nooit .trip to northern cities and No. 45, loe'aniijaX For the present they a, m, will b at the home of Mr. C. T. o. 37 fronBernhatdK N'o. 11 froa S ' Mo. 21 fron Mr. Theo F. Kiuttt. Jr., ot N'o. 7 from Charlotte, pi-nt a few hocrs m Vo, 35 froithe ejty yesterday en route to Le noir to attend th meeting ot tn N'orth Carolina Pre onvention. Miss Alice Vanderford enter tained a number of her friends at a delightful al fresco party Satur day evenine. complimentary to Miss May Norria Richardson, rfrho is tJie charming guest ot Miss hu- sie Whitehead. A delightful eventn vras spent on the beautiful lawn, which was brilliantly illuminated with Jap- lantprns. Deliciou.1 ices and cake wete s-rved. The eu.-sts n-sent were: Mil . Mav Norris Bi.-hardson, Susie Whitehead. Vannie liuford. Lucy Brown. Eilith Itcees. Sophy Klottz an,1 Man- Linn; Messrs Donald Clement." Preston P.uford. Marvin Snider. Sam Wiley, Rich urd Eamos. Ed Jerome and Kerr Craige. Mrs Scott Trotter and little son, of Charlotte, are visiting at the horn- t-f Mrs. Tn .Iter's par ents. Mr and Mrs. -T R- Bias on Fuiton Jf?:sbts. Pr. and Mrs. J. D. Carlton sad Dr. S. P. Purvis left this morning for Morehead to attend the Den. tal convention. .-. i Miss Mary Russell left yester day morning for Hendersonville and Lake Toxsway where alie will spend some time in that de- MB. DORSETT MARRIED WEDDED NEAR L0l!IS3lM Csrssmy Psrfsraed si 10-30 uW Mtniaf-T Arrfes Hssm Tsakjtt The many friends of Mr. J. K. Dorioti, of Spencer, will be inter ested to learn of his wedding at Louisbury, N. C, this morning Through the kindness of Mr. A. W. Hicfc-. editor of The Spencer Crescent. The Post is privileged to copy the following special to th Crescent: "LouUburg. N. C, June 27. "Editor Crescent. Spencer. 'At the beautiful country ie of Mrs. E. A. Kemp ab-uit - and half miles south of t;o:iisburii, in the presence, of on- a few intimate- friends. Mi Florence Terrell and Mr. J. K,t5 erc happily unite! i-i the holv bonds of wedlocs by Rev. L. W. Swope. pastor of h- Baptist church, at half past !-ti lock this mcraing. Miss Ter rell is of one of the most promin ent families of Franklin count. The bride is well known in Spencer having taught .-chooi rhre in the Spencer 'graded h-l, during the pa twi yea-s She is a highly e.eompushe-! young lady, is atimired by all h" know her. The groon: is cashier of tiie Bunk -if Speuc-r. treasurer of the eitv of ccncer and nirit'C h:-. feieuds with his aequa'-tdane-s. He ; a .eeneral favorite '. Spen cer. Mr and Mrs. Dorsett arc ex pected to arrive ;a S-vn -er to uiirbt. and will h gre5'!el by their numerous fnen Tney will b ' lt-.l for the preset-- al the Thorntor h-'U. Th- P-l i-xtendi congratula tions to til couple. First Cotton Bloom. Xr. J. M. Morgan, a good farm er of Morgan townhip, was in the city this morning and reports cot ton blooms. H found the first blooms Sunday. Mr. Morgan has ten acres between knee and waist high, and says he has never had finer cotton at this season. His bottom land has been wet most of the spring and he worked his cotton fast and often, and as a re sult his cotton crop is excellent. Mr. Charley Jacobs, of Frank lin township, is the second to an nounce cotton blooms. H tad the first Friday, had them plentiful this morning M-. A Seg-i South Carolina has returned to who has been in for several weeks .in eitv. lightful e!:ma!e with friend.- and relatives. Mi?s Mat tive young On., v.ill be tti.--s Josic street u.-i'. i- Reese, an attrae i.idy from Mauou, the house g'lest of .ill i i on W'. st Iunif Mr. and Mrs. C M. Brown and Master Karl, ire spending the day in Charlotto the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. W. R. Foreman. Mr. and Mrs. R M. Marks, who moved to Asheville more than a , year ago, have returned to Salis bury to live. The Post weleomee them luck to the city. Mrs. D. Octreieher, who has ben sick fur some time, has en- kt-red the Wliitehead-Stokes sana torium rr treatment. Miss Flora Thornton, of Atlan ta. Ga., has arrives! in the city to pejid a month. the imest of Miss Sophv Khittz. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Buerbaum and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, left this, morning for Bluemont to spend two weeks. Mrs. J. D. Carlton left ibis morning for Rocky Mount to visit friends. LEAVE FOE COLUMBIA. Salisbury and Spenoer Firemen to Take Part in Races. 'Firemen from both the Salisbu ry aud Spe-ncer companies left this afternoon on So. 7 for Co lumbia, S. C where they will take part in the interstate reel race. The interstate contest will take place Thursday afternoon, and a good report is expectJ from the boys. PUTTING UP NEW PRESS. May be Compelled to Oive a Half Paper Several Days. Mr. F. 0. Cook, of Atlanta, Ga , arrived this morning and went to work getting ready to put up the Post's new press. He slates that it will take him several day to construct the machine and get it in good running order. In the meantime the old press will have to bf removed which will badly cripple the office in getting out the paper. It is probable we will only get out, a half paper during thw several days, in whirfh -as the management will ask the in dulgence of its patrons. SALVATION ARMY. To Open a Post in Salisbury, Ca,-t Wales Here Yesterday. Cant. J. A. Wales, in charge ot the Salvation Anry in Charlotte. w:us in Salisbury yesterday look- ;ng over the city with a view to opening up a post ot tne :viiva turn Army in this city. The captain is highly reoom mended by the mayor of other oi ti-s where he ha4- been stationed He is a live member of the Ma sonic and Odd Fv-Uows fraterni ties, and we extend him a wel come to the city The Solvation Army is a great medium for good among those whom no other organization has yt MicHsfullv reached, and now w' .le the onportunity 1 at hand r . t,zeiw should extjud them a irty welcome, SALISBURY LIBRARY. Those Who Have Subscribed to Fund Asked to Hand it in. All who have subscribed or who wish to add to the Library Fund arc asked to give their donations to Miss Elizabeth Hedrick, W) West Innias street. If cheeks arc sent, make them payable to order of "Salisbury Library Associa tion." This fund will be used entirely for the purchaso of books. The member of the booi com mittee are Miss Grace Onody koootz, Mrs. John S. Henderson and Mr. Walter Murphy. Members wishing rb donate books or wishing to make any suggestiosa. are referred to this committee. Clerk of the Court .T. Frank McCuhbins. M M Bailey aJ Lieut. Richard Henderson left this morning for Hiddcnite Mr. T. D. Brown. State presi dent of the P. O. S. of A., went to Greensboro this morning to at tend a meeting of the State exec utive committee todav. WITNESS AGAIN TO DAY MAKING A FINAL EFFORT. Te Savt Evelya Arthar See Froa FeUa't Chair. Chicago, June 27. Mona Rcos, high priest of the Cult Absolute Life, resumed the witness stand today, in a final effort to save Evelyn See from a felon', chair. The girl it was announced, would make any sacrilico to nave her "God man" an See is called. She was unable to stand the examina tion and became coufused. RARE MUSICAL TREAT. AT FIRST METBODISTCHURCH Sacrea Csacert a Saleadia Saccess Best Veicesia th City T a.' e raft The sacred concert given Sun day afternoon at the First Meth odist church was a rare treat in a musical way. The very best voices in the city, voices, from the different clioirs, combined, under the able direction of Miss Goody koontz, Mr. N. V. Taylor, and Miss Crswford, as organist, ren dered most beautifully a pro gram that in its entirety, was as one harmonious whole. Gounod's Gallia," was the first piece, and was highly dramatic in all parts. In this, 'Sirs. F. F. Smith and Mrs. Carl Babe were delightful soloists. Soft and Sweet was the "Ser aph's Strain," an organ solo, by Miss Crawford. As Miss Emma Brown in her rich contralto sang "Crossing the Bar," one could Jjut think of those. v!io had so recentV heard e "one clear call." l-i Mr. Tavlor'a interpr.'t ti a of Handel's "Largo." "the tonee went outward, upward till they uiiL-lied in the air. The program cloied with Men Issolin's "Hear My Prayr " The solo parts in this were taken by Mrs. F. F. Smith and her grandly beautiful voice fell, like a bene.'jr-tiou, that follows afti-r tr.e praver. Salisbury should be proud if uii'h accomplished and eapaDia ariisicians. Mr. JobnsWn Better Today. Word comes from the White-kead-Stoke sanatorium that Mr. Samuel B. Johnston is much let ter todny. This will be good news to his many frionds. If no conixli catious set in ho will soon recov-. 01. ; ' . - 4, Lawn Party Tonight, The Philathea Society of Holm es Memorial church will serve ice cream on the court house lawn from 7:110 to 10 o'clock tonight. The proceeds are to be used tow ards purchasing a carpjt for the church. The .public is invited. Woodmen Meeting. Hickory Camp Woodmen of the World meets tonight at 8 o'clock io the new forest over Summer- settV Thre candidates are, to he initial .-d. All Woodmen are invited. Important Meeting. There will be an important aud last mee-ting of the 4th ot July committees tonight at eight o'clock in the court house. A full attendance of the committee is desired. Modern Woodmen. All members of Salisbury Camp No. 14M0 M W. of A. arc re quested to he at the hall tonight promptly at 7:H0 o'clock. Short Locals. Editor Wade. II. Harris, of th Charlotte Chronicle was here yesterday afternoon on his way to Un- meeting of the North Car olio i I'd s Ass.-ei.iti'ui which opened ji l.enoir h,st night. W. L. Spencer. repn-sen'.Htive uf tin American Type Founders Co.. ol It.illiinoic. was here yes I T'lay Mr. W. If. White has returned' from Kanuga Lske where he at t'ndcil the hankers convention last week. He roiwrts an inter esting and valuable meeting. Watch for Saleeby's ad. tomor row. He has just received a shipment of apricots, plums and peaches. Miss May Dorsett. uf Oreew boro, spent last night in '.ho eity the guest of Mr. and Mrs. IT. T. Simpson on her wsy to Shelby. Mrs. .1. D. morning for Gaskill left JUrhed City. thi.