PAGE TWO. SALISBURY EVENING POST. SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1912. NEW ELECTRIC ROCK DRILL Claimed, to Combine, Ruefledness of Air or Steam Device With Flex . i Iblllty and Efficiency. A new electric rock drill, claimed to combine the ruggedness of the air or team drill with the efficiency, flexi bility and economy of electrical pow er, utilize compressed air as the me dium transmitting the energy from Clectrlo Rock Drill. the motor to the plunger. This air is not exhausted from the drill, but Is retained to act continuously as a cushion between the piston of the plunger and the motor-driven recipro cating cylinder la which it operates, says the Popular Mechanics. The cylinder la connected to the motor through gearing and makes about 600 strokes per minute. Flex ibly connected, to this cylinder through the compressible air cushion at each end. Is the head of the piston, which, of course, makes the same number of strokes per minute. The difference between this drill and the ordinary air drill is that theCyllader la which the air acta upon the piston la movable instead of stationary, and the compressed air. la retained to pro tect the mechanism from shocks from the plunger. Instead of being allowed to escape after having performed its work at the end of each stroke. USEFUL IN CARRYING COILS Description of Contrivance for Keep ing Telephone Coils Safely While In Tool Bag. A writer m Teiepnony describes a contrivance ' for carrying Induction and ringer colls so as not to have mem injured oy toois in me nag, Take a piece of 2x4-lnch pine of any desired length and, by using an ex pansion bit, drill holes just the else Telephone Coll Carrier. of each coil, so as to prevent rattling around. An additional coll may be carried by drilling, a .hole In the end of the block and plugging' with' eTcork. A strip secured by two screws serves as a cover. Best Light for the Eye. : ' According to scientists, the least In jurlous of present-day Ulumlnanta la the acetylene flame, for the reason that it la the nearest approach to the character of daylight For reading or writing purpose the oil lamp or candle Is the best, because of Its soft. yellow lights Daylight; of course, is the Meat It Is a mixture of all colors, and, as far as the eye are concerned, the green, yellowish rays predominate. It la the Invisible and ultra-violet rays that are so harmful, and In daylight ithere are not enough of these to hurt Of the various forms of electric light, the violet la the most harmful. . Electrle Signs for Churches. Many churches are adopting electric signs, says a writer in the National (Magazine. Why should not more of (them bring their location and voca- jtion to the attention of the public by this method? There are thousands of strangers la our large cities each night who would be glad to participate in devotional service , if they were at tracted by an electrto sign a few blocks distant It would seem that our churcfles can increase their use fulness to the general public by pub licity of this nature. ' Our Electrle Railways. . There are 1.250 electric railways in the United States. They operate 35,000 . miles of single track, 76,000 car and carry 10,000,000,000 passengers a year. The gross annual income of these roads is $440,000,000, their capitalisa tion is $4,000,000,000 and they employ 225.000 persons, whose pay amounts to $160,000,000 a year. , - Jaoanese Electrle Works. Japan has 879 electric works, using 400,000 kilowatts of electric power, all the progress or only twenty years ,The number of electric railways li 'thlrtv-one. with a trackage of 667 in ilea. Telephone subscribers number iOS,7B2. - . . i . - ,"".. "i. i POOL AND BILLIARD TABLE Frame Is Adjustable to Different Di mensions and Has Provision for Side Pockets. A Pennsylvania man has invented combination pool and billiard table that is nothing less than startling In Its mutability. The same article can be used not only for bothpool and bil liards, but It can be used on floor or table and, finally, can, be , folded up and stood In a closet when not wanted. All these things are made possible by the fact that the bed of the table Is a single strip of heavy rubber that when stretched taut along the bottom of the frame provides a firm, level surface. The frame is adjustable to different dimensions and has corner pieces that are inserted for billiards and removed for pool, when pockets are adjusted at the corners. There is also provision for side pockets. Fur thermore, the cue is adjustable to dif ferent lengths. This table can , be used In the house or out of doors, on land or on water, and when not in use can be stood up out of the way. For floor playing a ball attachment is .astened to the end of the cue. COMBINED CROWBAR-TRUCK Used In Set of Three for Moving ... Heavy Load About Quit '"" Useful In Factories. A combination crowbar and truck has been Invented for moving heavy articles about in workshops, factories and warehouses. While the articles can be used separately, they are us ually .employed,; in, sets of;- three, as , they thus preserve a better balance for the load and expedite its handling. At the end of a long, strong handle are two stout Iron rollers, covered with an iron casing, with a spike set near the tip. This spike prevents the Crowbar Also Truck. load from slipping, and yet is to short to do any damage. . The truck-crow bars are inserted' under the object to be moved and by bearing down on the handles the load is lifted clear, of the noor and can be wheeled to any point desired. Articles weighing three or four tons can be trundled about on these trucks aa easily as an ordinary packing case. Even la shop equipped with traveling - crane these ' imple ments will be useful. . ' Dirty' Window Exclude Light A German professor ha ascertained that ia Industrial cities windows which have not been washed for ten days ex clude from 26 to 48 per cent of the light If not washed for four weeks, they may exclude as much as 80 per cent of the light . Buenos Aires ia the largest hide and wool market la the world. Nlnety-eeven American manufactur ers havegePQles. in, Madrid, , Tokio, Japan, intends to spend near ly $16,000,000 on drainage works. Stoves burning alcohol are being Introduced Into Canada by Germans. Sandstone will absorb a gallon or more of water to the cubic foot of rock. A large Hamburg restaurant i housed in a building of compressed paper. A file may be kept from filling up with lead by applying a coat of thin oil just before filing. At a recent gem exhibition In Lon don there were shown blue, pink and aquamarine diamonds. Sheet aluminum makes better vise jaws for handling soft metals than either brass of copper. , So-called burglar proof. glass, made in France, withstand revolver bullet and blow from a mallet Approximately one-third of the world' supply of copra now Is be ing produced in the Philippines. lime was one of the earliest ma terial used to Improve the soli, be ing mentioned by Plato and Pliny. For the first times la the history of the industry in that state Ohio mined more than 30,000,000 ton of coal last year. ' In a stone arch bridge recently built In France molten ' sine was used to bind the stones together Instead of ce ment Light but strong waterproof paper that successfully imitates loatber and rubber is made in Japan from vege table fibers. London requires taximetem to bo connected to the front wheels of taxi cabs because the rear wheels do the most , slipping. , , , TuNDUSjpAL MECHANICAL IEB NOTES Pi His Natural Self If anybody had given a party with. a prize for the most helpless husband there was not a bit of doubt that Docklty would have gone home with the prise under bis arm. This was an indisputable fact, for his .wife said so and she should have possessed ex pert knowledge on the subject "If you should turn James Docklty loose in the middle of a desert," she often said, "with an oasis in plain sight that helpless man would turn and walk the other way and die of starvation. Here I am, wearing my self to a shadow remembering to re mind him of what he ought to do or telling him where he put his pink striped shirt or getting him more towel when those in the bathroom have slipped down back of the tub! You'd think that the man never heard of the back of the bathtub the way he forgets to reach behind itl He's more trouble than a family of ten children! I declare, his helplessness dooms me to become old before my time." He never knew where be had put his umbrella when there was a rain storm that he had to go out in. He was petrified with a dismal sort of horror if he had to hunt out hla own apparel. It was on record that once when they were dining , out and -Mrs: Docklty had gone on ahead to spend the day he didn't come. When finally they telephoned him he told his ex asperated wife with tears in his voice that somehow he couldn't possibly get a white tie on that looked right "Where are you getting your dress ties fromT" Mrs. Docklty inquired with an awful premonition. "From the little drawer to the left in the top of the chiffonier," recited Docklty, pathetically. "Those," breathed Mrs. Docklty over the phone, "are my white sum mer belts! Look in the drawer be low!" She often Bald with pathos that if James would only reform she would be the happiest woman on earth. It was nothing short of tragic then when Docklty had to go west on busi ness and his return was delayed three months. Mrs. Docklty worried inces santly over him. "If he wasn't so helpless," she said, "it wouldn't be so bad, but he'll lose everything he has and will come home with his cuffs tied on with strings! He won't be able to find a thing and nobody will look out for him and hell leave a pair of pajamas hanging in the closet of every hotel room he's in! I'm afraid he won't get enough to eat, because he never knows what he wants and always insists on my pick ing out things on the bill of fstre." " When at last Docklty returned home his wife looked him over fear fully. His coat was on right . side up and his right shoe was not upon his left foot He was wearing hla own hat, his linen was presentable and be was short only one pair of paja mas. "Do you feel well, James T" Mrs. Docklty asked, anxiously. "If I felt any better," declared her husband, "I'd be sick abed from it!" At breakfast Docklty put sugar and cream on' his berries as nonchalantly as if he had always known how. He picked up hla umbrella from behind the door and produced hi gloves air ily. When he had gone Mrs. Docklty sat dowa and breathed hard. She could not understand it That evening it was still worse. Docklty dressed without once asking where anything was. When his wife said that she had come to put in the shirt studs Docklty looked surprised and said they were already in. He even got out his silk hat and brushed it whistling cheerily, while ' Mr. Docklty stood around making futile effort, to help -Mm. She was pale and not herself all evening and persisted in trumping ber partner's ace. When they started home not only , did her husband find hi own wraps, but he got her and helped her into them. She did not speak all the way home? When Docklty turned out the hall lights Instead of waiting for her to do It she fled upstairs to hide ber emotion. Just when Mrs. Docklty had reached the point where she decided that the queer feeling which possessed her meant that she was going to die Dock lty came with hesitating steps into the roomt :':-:.s, n "Dear," he murmured, "I can't find the soap it isn't in the soap disb and where are my bedroom Uppers?'' It was then that his wife cast her self upon his bosom and dissolved in a flood of tears, "It It's p-p-probably sl-lipped down on the fl-fl-floor!" she sobbed. "They-they're in your closet be-behind your g-g-golf shoes! y Oh, James, you haven't seemed natural till this minute! I th-thought I'd lost you! I don't Mike to have you Hook after your-yourself ! It doesn't seem natural!" 1 "Well," grinned the enlightened Docklty, "I wouldn't worry! , I guess I havent reformed enough In three months so yon'd really notice It! Say, I wish'd you'd help me I cant get thi3bamed tie loose!" Chicago Dai ly News. . 8eli-Evinent "Why do yuu call that lien by such t name as nr?.euuft?" - - . "Because I want her to lay on." AND ffDir mm M HANDY RULER FOR PAINTERS Of Much Assistance In Keeping Straight Lin Whit Working on Edge of Wood. One of the most difficult parts of the bouse painter's work Is to paint the edge of woodwork abutting wall paper, wlndowpane or floor. Hereto fore they have had to work carefully Ruler for Painters. along the edge and fill In later. A New York man has Invented a device which he calls the painter's time saver, and which is in reality a ruler to guide the brush and prevent the smearing of anything over the line to be followed. The device is a piece of metal with a wide, straight edge and legs at the other end. The elevation affords room to bold it in the hand. The ruling edge is held along the edge of window sash or door jamb and the workman can paint along It, rapidly without fear of consequences. The Implement must be pressed down tight, so no paint works Its way be neath. For people who like to do their own painting one of these rulers is almost indispensable. USE WOODEN STEAM BOILERS Assertion Seems Incredible, Yet They Were Made and Used as Recent as 1817 on Boat. Steam boilers made of wood! It sounds incredible, and yet such boil ers-.were formerly made and used. Even as recently as 1817, a steamboat plying between Norwich and New Wooden Steam Boiler. London, Conn., was equipped with wooden boilers, and the reason that they burst under "extreme" pressure was attributed principally to the fact that they bad no "condensers, safety valves, or balance wheels " From 1801 to 1804 there was a wooden boiler in service at the Center Square water works, Philadelphia. A partial view of this boiler is shown herewith. The ash pit, fire box and flues were made of iron, but the inclosing box, in which the water waa contained and the steam generated, was of wood. The steam pressure used was very little above that of the atmosphere, but the difficulty of pro-entlng leaks even with this small pressure led to the early abandonment of wood a material for steam boilers. . Ticket Printing Machine. Railway ticket printing machines are shortly to be installed at a Birm ingham (Eng.) station. The booking clerk, when requiring to issue a ticket to any station, takes a blank card, places it lo a slot la, the sliding car riage, and moves it along until the pointer is opposite the alphabetically arranged name of the required station. He then depresses a handle, and the ticket drops out printed' with the names of the issuing and destination stations, price, date,, consecutive num ber, class, etc., while n automatic re gister of the operation 1 made at the same time. .... , v- Coating With Metal.,' A new method of coating various substances with metals, the Invention of a Swiss engineer, consist in ' re ducing molten tin, sine, copper, lead, aluminum, or other metal or alloy to a state of pulverization by pressure of an inert gas nitrogen or hydrogen and In that state driving ft against the surface to be covered from a flex ible tube with a Up like that of a larg vaporizer for liquids. . Paper Mttls rn India. Paper mills in India have not been very profitable, as the raw material has to be brought from long distance' and the cost of freights eat up the profits. India'B import of paper and pasteboard In 1910 fiscal year was of the value of $3,284,900. Bamboo for paper making there I suggested. JUNE WEDDINGS Bdamchjta GREEN'S - JEl'JELY - STORE Tripp led His Income With a Motorcycle Esrm A boy carrying; "special delivery" letter had been earning $36 a month in the Chicago postoffice. He bought a motorcycle and his earnings jumped to $65 a month. In the third month he earned $100. If swift, safe and sure transportation is needed in your business the motorcy cle will do for you what it did for the Chicago boy. Let us show you how and why. Come in or write for details. We sell Indian and Reading-Standard. Arey Hardware . Company. We make a specialty of artistic Floral Designs. Prompt service and lowest pri ces. PHONE 381. Meet Your Friends at The Davis White Sulphur Springs 0 miles North West from Char lotte, on Southern R. R., two daily mail trains except Sunday. Electric Lights, Sewerage, etc The best of Fare, Service and Water, 160 acres ofland, dotted with Springs and shady walks. Cool nights ; pleasant days. Just the Slace to rest, recreate and enjoy le summer days. ' 100 rooms. Outdoor Sports, Mountains to climb; finest of scenery. Wkb Rat., $9 to $9. July m4 Aummt 49 to SIO. Special rat to clabs mmd famihma. Writ for Boahlmt to . The Davis Springs HIDDENITE, C. . Opan May iStk to OctoW 15th ' Willard C. florlburp ARCHITECT Rooms: 712, 713, 714 . Warcboria Fank and Trust Building ; - Winston-Salem, N. C. Salisbury Greenhouses. See our line of Pack ard China and Gor- ham Silverware for Wedding Gifts. We give white coupons MORTGAGE SALE Of Spencer Steam Laundry Fla and Equipment. In compliance with authority given in two chattel mortgages, both executed by J. N. Barringer to Hicks & Smith, one, mortgage executed May 5th, 191lj to secure a note to said Hicks & Smith of same date, which said note and mortgage were due sud payable September 5th, 1911, and another note and mortgage executed by J. N. Barringer to Hicks & Smith and being dated July 26th, 1911, which said note and mortgage were due and payable January 26th, 1912, both of said mort gages describing the same proper ty and containing a power of sale in case of non-payment, and being, registered in the Register's office of Rowan county, one mortgage recorded in Book of Chattel Mort gages No. 30. page 624, and the other in the same book, page 814, default having been made in the payment of both notes; .Now, Theretore, by virtue the power given in said mor?"- gages, the undersigned will ex pose to public auction on the premises of the Spencer Steam Laundry at its plant in Spencer, N. C, on Thursday, the 8th day of June, 1912, at 12 M., the following articles of personal property, described in both of said mortgages as follows, towit : The entire plant of the Spencer Steam Laundry, including all machinery, engine, boiler, wash ers, all apparatus and fixtures; also all wagons and horses- be longing to said J. N. Barringer. Terms of Sale Cash. Dated this 16th day of May, 1912. HICKS & SMITH, Trustees. liy wacnovia Bank & Trust uo., (Spencer Branch), Assignee of said trustees. Clement & Clement, Attys. NOTICE North Carolina, Kowan County. In Rowan County Court. Claude Correll, Plaintiff, t4 vs. . Q T? flnnV Tint an A ant- Summons for Relief and Warrant of Attachment. , The defendant S. E. Cook will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in Rowan County Court against him by Claude Correll for the recovery of the sum of $427.50 due to plain, I tiff by defendant on account of contract, and that the summons in said action is returnable before j Rowan County Court at Court House in Salisbury, at 10 o'clock, a. m., on the 3rd day of June, 1912, when and where the defend ant is required to be and appear and answer or demur to the com- ; plaint in said action. The defend ant , will further take notice 'that if he fail to answer said complaint at said time and place, the plain tiff will demand judgment for the relief prayed therein. The . de fendant will further take notice that a Warrant of Attachment has t been issued against him in said ac-' tinn, and that said Attachment is returnable at the time and place mentioned above. Given under my hand this Mary.. ; 4, 1912. M. J. F. McCUBBINS, Clerk Rowan County Court: Edwin C. Gregory, Atty for Plain ts. ''"5