it rxi vji tf wc V A chilli OA r In some homes you have no doubt noticed an indefinite something hat almost sems to make you jc ptct the occupants; before you see tren. If you carefully consider the matter you find this Is due to the ele gance ani canity of the furniture. - By elegance is not meant ; expensiveness, but rich good taste, and by dignity it Hot meet tit rr.ass.yenesa, but the careful mfctcHiog of . the ftiutere linM cf the furniture with the rest of the room, , , If you aim at having in eltgant itii dignified home ' ; let ps show yen whtt we Win, We have selection that has already mad local hornet ell this tnd more. Come In today and let us show you around. THE SAME OLD STORY. Three-year-old Durham Boy Victim of - - . Open Fire, Durham,' Dec. 27 The only fatality ... of Christmas reported in this city was : lt' Earning late yesterday afternoon i of the three-year-old son of Mr. and 4 Mrs. Ed, Marshall of East Durham. Just how the little fellow's clothing silght oft Art it riot Known,. as he was ; alone in the house when Ms screams Attracted attention. -i Mrs. Marshall had gone into the . lack yard for a moment leaving the terdny afternoon. She had not been out of the house but a minute or two when the boy ran to the door scream ing, with'bis clothing in a blaze.. The mother and neighbors, who were at tracted by the cries rushed to him and put out the-flre; but not before he had received fatal burns, death relieving the suffering about 9 o'clock last night . , ' . . The supersition is that the boy be gan playing in the. fire when his mother, left the room and the cloth ing caught in that manner - El 1 4 Dccirable Vacant Lots West Horah St. 50x182, to an, alley. Gas, se7-; erase and elictric lights. 1-3 cash bal. easy terms. Tils Salislbliiry-' Realty liicurance, jo. 1 . SUM " BALTIMORE, MD. ' , , . Issued Morning, Evening and Sunday. TUE GREATFST HOME PAVE OF TRK SOUTH. rZVlS OF THE, 5VORLU la gattiertd y:th Well-trained tpwiial er r . ondcnts of the SUN and t.. fcef ort. tht rtadert to cohcis and Inter- 2 manner each morning1 and weekday aftemoO.''- : ' . y If 9 SUirS market newt makes It A BUSINESS MAN'S NEC2SS. Hi fvr the farmer, the merchant and the broker can depend upon com s and reliable information upon their variout linel of trtdi 'Hi' .o..;.e of motld evehtt THtf - 'BUM "'iS"-- INDISPENSABLE, . i I., .js in VisJ'..in4,loft and New York tnaS its news frohi th t.. J f.r.ancLl cc.tcrs of the country the UiX tltf eta hi $)y ' " ! tA! -Jt Ins! SUN tiki no 'kapufa? berni Ihorilly - a ; rtft'a highest tyre."" tt Ju'u'ishes .Uie'very best iIm , .1 (i fashion, art and miscellaneous matters. V : Y:.T If t is 3e eery, ?-e for 2 months r fLSQ i 1 " ' : cr erening) ig 23e a month or" $3 t year T ?"d 'jrJ?y $7.50 year. f 7, ' af tl t i y 1 1 i 3 T k fc1J-r J 1 H 1 t l J , t,.'i' 1 ; r. i-i if jf'".v , , i , rJ.-ftA,' 'ma ? i .Xi 'A 1 Calvary Lutheran Church, to be Erected by the Lutherans of , Spencer. 'V , -a . X-a, I ; ' "'vV'X Rev. Dr. George II. Cox, Pastor of Calvary Lutheran Church, Spencer. ' 1 "'" "'""I"" 1 "ZJ1"'' -xim 'II Stop That VSHSBBBaSBMSSISBBB - WBWiW V t Backache At Once Backache is one of the surest siyns of kid- , ney troubles. Especially when it comes with" headaches,, fits of dizziness, thick, burning, discolored tfrine( listlfcssness, f twinspeS. of " rheumatism .Don't let it run on-" Millvous -.lahave diedfrom negrlcct of kh3neytroitblesfso -'why take a chance and risk .yoMrlife, whert ; you can end any kidney ailment by using . V Saw-Triteco : ; v - This wonderful f Quality rcmcdysis the only freparaiion made that will relieve and drive away idney trouble immediately and thoroughly. It has ' worked wonders for countless sufferers from V id ney trouble It will help you, too, no matter fcov bad t a case you bave. t 5kw-Triteeo acts directly on the kidnSys, bladder and the unnary system removes the flisoraerdnvigorato and regulate the organs fid in a few days, makes ; you feel fiae again. Th iir de o Saw-Tteco will ' show you a marvelous improvement nd a week's titm will make you feel fake a new person drive away for. , ..ever the dreadful aches and pains, insomnia, rhcuma- -. tism, that coeie from your ailing kidueya Uet a btrttlt toduy tw kiM i,00 and 3JC at ., b. : . , " . V . V .' J. W. McPHEKSON & CO. : M Calvary Lutheran Mtasfon Witt rect Handsome Edifice pt Onfe New Church Will be of Rowan Granite and Will Cost About $6,000.0-7 Rev. Geo. U. Cox, D. D, Pastor, , Calvary Lutheran Mission, of Spen eer, N. C., was inauguarted, and the congregation organized in 1904. Be ing very few in number, and having no church-home, it hat been a hard struggle for the congregation to live. Rev. Geo. IL Cox, '. D. D., took charge of the work May 1, 1912. He was called with the hope that, out of his large and varied experience,' and his intimate touch with all depart ments of church work, he might arouse interest and carry the-work to success. At the tlifte of hia. taking charge of the work the congregation 'us greatly depressed and discourag ed because of the field having been vacant' for a considerable length of time and the uncertainty of the fu ture. Under his leadership new life has been infused, and the prospect very much brightened. New members have been received and others are making application. A movement is now well underway for a modern stone church. Tht Cost is to be (6,000. The seating capacity will be about 350. It will be of Rowan granite and will Lb located on Carolina Avenue near Fifth street. ' W Sixe of main auditorium Is to be 40x60 feet Cruciform in arrangement Has a. large Sunday School room in basement, with concrete floor: , v Building furnace heated through out. . - ' Electric lighted in all departments. On one side of the pulpit and chan cel is to be a room for . the use of parents. , . . Qn the opposite sido of the chancel is to be a council chamber. Membership when building move ment began, 80. Membership at present, iZ- The contract for the building stone has been let and is now being placed on the lot .' . . I The contract for other material and for the erection of the building will be let as soon as the weather will p -mit in the spring and it is hoped that the church will be completed during the summer. Negotiations are in progress for memorial windows, and when the whole is completed it will compare fa vorably with other churches of the town, ' j That so small a band of workers should undertake so large a task as to build a house of worship of this class is an evidence of unbounded faith and courage. In this great undertaking the con grcjravlon has the .good wishes of whole communitywand it is devoutly hoped the building will be completed at an early date. , ' " i i ' i in 'i V - APPRECIATION FROM PRISON Unfortunates Incarcerated in Count v Jail Publicly Thank Sheriff Me Kenzie for Remembering Them Christmas. . . Yesterday afternoon's ma'l brought the following letter to the Post with the request to publish: Salisbury, Dec, 26, 1912. Salisbury Post: The courtesy and generality , of Rowan s accommodating Sheriff is not to be excelled. ' Indeed, the yw ent incarcerated unfortunates would be still more unfort'inatj vcre they to neglect to return their- kindest (sympathy and deenort gratitude Jot the elegant meals Berved them on Christmas day, also the bountiful gifts of fruits to each prisoner.makes them feel at lea that t hoy have not been passed by unnoticod. ' The sheriff not , only treats . . his prisoners kindly on the anniversary of their Savior's birth, but he is ever wide awake to the. necessities, com fort arid wants of thoso tntvutted to his custody, " The young man in chnrie oj" the jail is ever 'ready with a smiling countenance .to accommodate those, in his care. . " Respectfully, - ' , '; PRISONEKi?. ; ffhe See Mve A Special Sale on Coat Suits, Lojig Coats, Rugs and all Other Goods, at the Cheapest Prices you ever heard of in Salisbury. Sadies' teat Mts $2.00 value, sale price.. $16.98 $21JiO value, tale price.. ..,.$140 $180 value, ale price.. $12.56 " $13.00 value, aale price.'. ....$8.48 $12.30 value, tale price.. .,..$6.49 The beat bargain you ever get tn Coat Suite, Long Coats from $2.98 up to $1150. " RUGS1 RUGS! i The beat value you ever get in .. j , Rngt. ' " ! si $2.00 Rugt for 98c Now this is a chance if you want Coat Suits, Long Coats or Rugs. We know you wiH be satisfied at THE BEE HIVE I have for Christmas fresh Ponk, Hams, tender Roasts and tender, juicy steaks, fresh meat of all kind kept in a first class meat market Give me your order for OYSMS Nuts of all kind, apples, oranges, -layer raisins, figs,' and nice candies, all as good as money will buy. Phone 355-3S6. H.1VOTE 109 W. F1SIIER STREET PHONE 355356. HOTE L RAYMOf ID 42 East 28th Street (At Subway Station) New York City. European Plan $L50 Per Day and Up American Plan .- $2Jft Per Day and Uo. Apartment accoamodallng i or moi persons from $4.09 to $3.00 per day. Special rates by the week or month. Inspection invited. Reference x changed. A quiet family hoteL rec ommended to ladies visiting New York City alone. Upon request by lettet or Telephone 2566 Madison Square, i messenger will meet you at ntntion. Mark A- Caldwell. THE GREAT REMEDY ' . . COUGHS AND COLDS. FOR Miss Nicholas Entertains. ' Miss Eva Nicholas, entertained at her home on South Ellis street last night from 5 to 7 o'clock' in honor of her litte guest, Miss Mary Hendricks of Greensboro. Flinch was played in the early part' of the evening after! which those present were invited into the dining room where delicious re freshments were served, Thoe pres. entwere, Misses Mary Hendricks, of Greensboro, Augustus Cinley, Anna Miller, Louise Mailpiri and Mary, Sue Irvin. ' f Why have a cold! Take YERKES WINE EXTRACT of COD LIVER OIL. It is the greatest remedy ever known for curing t cold and prevent ing colds, building up run-down sys terns, etc. It hts a great merit in it Take six bottles and feel well ; It will cost you only $5.00, and you will not be disappointed. ' Money is worth a great deal; we can hardly do without it, yet we can do without money bet ter than we can do Without health. YERKES WINE EXTRACT of COD LIVER OIL will give your health and save you money in the end. YERKES t sold by all dealers." Manufactured by 'VAUGHN-CRUTCHFIELD CO.; Wholesale druggists, Winston-Salem, N.C. ; . a ' - ' ;h ' Winston-Salem N. C, Sept' 9, 1909 Messrs. Vaughn-Crutchfield Co.K t Wir.ston-Ealem, N. C. , Dear Sirs: I was induced by a friend of mine last winter to give Yerkea Cod Liver Oil a trial as g pre ventative of grippe. "I found tht prep ration beneficial to me. It did not Interfere with my digestion (as other preparations of oil have done .before); it toned up my system, increased my appetite, and fortified me against the 4assitude of the 'early spring months, t can conscientiously say j.hat it gave me satisfactory, results. , 1-8 kev. H. A. Brown. SEA GULL WITH LEGBAND r DATED 1869,. CAPTURED. Paris, Dec. 28.-JV Seagull, with a ring attached to its leg bearing the inscription "1869," return to zoologi cal station Heligoland has been cap- eured by a French hunter. MILLER'S GOT IT The Best Things to EAT FOR DINNER: ' Tomato Soup, Chicken Soup, Com cemme, Clam Bouilon, Oysters, Tur key, Celery, Chicken, Ham, 0'po33um an3 sweet potatoes, Cranberry Sauco, Creamed Potatoes, Sweet Pickles, Peaches, Dill Pickle3, Beets, Toma toes, Chicken Salad, Plum Pudding, Fruit Cake, Pound Cake. Trjr Fhoga Coffee, Postum. .HHALE m SON! THE LEADING GROCER - k Telephones 77 and 78. A! ANNUAL MEETING. ' inn annual meeting holders of the First National bank of Salisbury, N. C, will be held in the banking rooms of this bank in. Salis bury, N. Cf at 12:00 o'clock, noon on January 14, 1913. ' W. B. STRACHAN, Cashier. State of Norlh Carolina. Department of State. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Gneeting: . . -Whereas, it appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that .the West Brook Club Company, a corporation nf thin State, whoso nrinpinul niffipA is situated at No. 112 E. Inniss street ' in the city cf Salisbury, County of Rowan, State of North Carolina (A. D. Hartman being the agent therein in charge thereof, upon whom pro cess may be; served), has complied with the renuirement.s nf Chanter 21: ; Revisal of 1905, entitled -"Corpora. Mavaio, . ai : av yaiu mdhiii V4a this Certificate of Dissolution: . .'- Knur. . Thirifnr. ' T. Jj. A Hrra-n Grimes Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify-that the said corporation- did,, on the 6 day of December, 1912, file in my office a duly executed and at- a a . I . . J ! a.1 i . . . . testeu cunseiiv in wriuiij? vt me qibbo- . lution ef said corporation,' executed k.. ill .Va 1V..( said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid, ere now cn file in my ofPce as provided by law. .'' In Testimony Whereof,. I have hereto set my hand and affixed . my omciai seat, . at naieiKn, mil 9 aay : of December A.,D. 1912. - J. iiKxAN ukxmes, Secretary of Slate. ' t : r : WANTfcD SlX HUNDRED , TWO two horse loads of dirt on the tot adjoining my mother. Mrs. J.- M. ' ' Monroe, 621 West - Inniss street, Salisbury, N. C. Communicate with mt at 383 Dorchester avenue, South Boston, Mass., ps to price per load or square yard. J. M. Monroe. A NICE STOCK OP Millinery. Call on or write. TF.' Hudson .Spencer, N. C. v . .