3ALISBUKT EVENING POST, SAI ISBURY, N. C JUNE 20, 1913. r GAMP EEI ,. -.I .... .. "Sale .we Cciiitiiie 10 Days A WORD ABOUT BARGAINS 1 To advertise bargains is easy enough, but to give exactly what is advertised in most instances, to give even greater values than were expected by the buyer, is the one thing necessary to cement the friend ship and confidence of the public, which we are holding for so many years. N " There is no bombast or the slightest exaggeration in this presentation of an extraordinary occasion. large force of sales people have; been engaged and will we trust, lessen the crush, which he&rily follows such bargain offerings this r, YOU ARE SPENDING YOUR-,TtE AND MEANS ' TO IM c v pror the earning s capacity t of your ; auodttes and property. 'i IP YOU NEGLECT THE PRACTICE OF SAYING YOUR ' efforU are wasted. ' . L ' THIS BANK IS EARNESTLY ENGAGED IN CULTIVATING the habit of aartnc inthis community and, . ', ' . ASXS AS YOUR APPROVAL SMALL T WEEKLY - INVEST ment In a profitable"! per cent Gold Bond py Joining and hare your associates join our J ' : : ; : ; Save-A-Little Club 5 - l ttt ? cents 8 cents series, C : f-OK Lahmu aMOUNI, TAM ONE 0 OUR 4 per cent Certificates orpeppsit 71:2 Firct Ilational Banket IS ,000. ' , .,V Surplus" 150,000. -1 SALISBURY, N. C ? -.f:' ?vf Capital $50, uornoy Refrigerators ; The fcect ca the nakct. You should have one. . crs, Clirs, Shades BHHBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBBBIBBaiBBBBaSBBHMBSBSBBSBSBBIBJBaiBJBSBlBIB C- r I' :rxf Pa!:r iiJBcd Rccd Suits li ths Iircct ia the city, and without doubt the " v ! t. CwI.aHJ I-t is ihbw'iyouL' '- ;.. , Tin 1-'. oOG:". li'iil'Ve Ll? J. SADA y-tsv-Vear ' Garment!, , V "J. LtC- , , ? DREAM OV DEATH IN 3 . ' EIGHT DAYS CAME TRUE Hurl L. Johnson, of Smithfield, Passes 1 Away Aft-r An Illness of About 1 One Week. Smithfield, June 19. Mr. Huel L. Johnson died at his home here last night at 12 o'clock, after being con fined to his bed about a week, though he had been in declining health for the past two years. . ,' .Tuesday morning of last week at the breakfast table, Mr. Johnson told his wife and children that he had a dream the night before that was troubling him,1 which was to the ef fect that in eight days he would be a corpse, On Thursday he was taken worse, and put to bed, and died last night, within the eight days. Mr. Johnson left a widow and seven sons and one daughter, t tie was 'a Confederate veteran, and would have been 78 years old tomorrow. He has been a loyal Mason since 1874, when he joined Fellowship Lodge, No. 84 The funeral was conducted from the Baptist -church,' of which he had been ' member for a number of years; by Rev, J. E. Lanier, the pas tnr. assisted bv Rev. A. S. ' RarnpR. paster of the Methodist church, this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. "Tlie burial was conducted by the Masonic' ladge, of which he was a member. - : A LITTLE GIRL'S . HEAD ;:V:c:J;2?b on.tHo ENTIRE YwCll' nr.f- coins on and a ".CD Ilaraony Hornless : TciUi: j Llachine tQ bo given away. rr::::y Tc.!!i:rf r. J Sisiag tlacliines ' 0"r plan which enables you to secure a Usrmony Talking ' ine ia to ciye you a Coupon, with each '.Cash ..Purchase; pvn inpie: for 5-ccr.t rurchase ;we ; wllf .give you a 5-eent ; for a 10-cent Turase, a; 0-ceni Coupon,, etc.?; You j t' e when you have saved Coupons fmounting e f 23.00. '. T U.cm In with $2." in cash nd exchange them for a Har ' -i -y T 'U- Machine. , , 'V : , ;:,f .'rU,i ' T'.e retribution of These'Talking Machines will In no . , 1 j uees in any dppartment.-'All goods you buy 1 ,t .11 1 i aists in giving you the best and'the most that - r i c. i li?y 6nyfie're. :' V'- ' "r-,it';' s ( i to yon a Special Invitatjon to call at-Ouf Store " ! ! !' a Uie T dutiful ; .Pjeees played and to'lnspect I f .Singing and Talking. Machines your-' SHOT OFF Two-Year-old Tot Victim of Horrible Accident Yesterday Afternoon. Winston-Salem June 20.Alfonia Uairston, a little two-year-old colored girl, met a tragic death at her home on Patterson Avenue acroas the rail road yesterday ; afternoon about o'clock when on entire side of her head was carried away by the dis charge of a shotgun, thought to be acidental. . ' The, gun was in the hands of Clar ence Webster, a colored boy about six teen years of age, who is the little girl's uncle. ' He had been handling the gun and asked his mother to allow him to take. the cartridges out He went out on 'the porch where his little neice was sitting and took the guri and in some way it fired, the load of shot taking effect ini the little girl's head-causing instant death. ' . ".' Webster was locked up at the city station" lasft night by Chief Thomas' and will probably be given a hearing this morning but the general opinion seems to be that the shooting was al together accidental, f . " . EXPECTS TO MAKE - ' BAD BOY GOOD BY. SKULL OPERATION 280 MILES CONSTRUCTED IN THE PAST SIX YEARS. Philadelphia, June 20. An opera tion which the surgeons declare will make a good boy out of eight-year-old Claire II. Jamison was performed yes terday in' the West Philadelphia Homeopathic hospital; where a piece of bone two inches long and one inch wide - was ;. removed from the ' hoy's skull. ; . -i..-1.; ' Vrj.V:'-- The child it was stated,. was a good boy when he first went to school three years ago.' II is second year he wag not quite so good, and since then he has been a terror to his teachers, parents and other children. An X- ray operation disclosed the fact that there was a depression in his skull, probably the result of a fall or a blow, which the surgeons say, caused tte change in the boy's deportment, MISS jklARGARET WILSON UNVEILS MONUMENT ' '-" ;" J :' .' " . .1--. ' Shaft at Valley Forge Presented to ' State of New Jersey by Encamp ment Commission.. . '. Philadelphia, June 19 Miss Mar garet Wilson, daughter of the Presi dent, this afternoon Unveiled a mon ument erected at Valley Forge upon the site occupied by the tieyr Jersey Brigade Infantry line of the Conti nental Army during the memorable winter of 1777-8. ' : "' : John Henry Fort, president of the Valley Forge Encampment." Commis sion, presented the monument to Gov. Fielder, of New Jersey, after which Miss Wilson pulled the strings releas ing the drapery. Gov. Fielder accepted the shaft on behalf of the State of New Jersey and immediately transferred it into the keeping of Gov.'Tenea, of Penn sylvania." v .- 1 . .t . 'The monument Is of granite and Ib surmounted by the life site figure of a soldier. . .. . ,, - BIG LOAN FOR RAILROAD. ANNUAL VARSITY RACE.. Eight-Oared Contest Takes Place at . New London, Connecticut. New 'London, Conn., June 20. To day is THE day. s At least that's the way it looks to the k several thousand Yle and Harvard graduates and un dergraduates who are here today with their sweethearts, .wives and banners to see Eli and John Harvard , in the annual . varsity eight-oared race on theTbattteSt . While the Crimson team from ' Cambridge still' ruled a' slight favorite today, there wasn't the Bame confidence of victory evident today, and it was generally admitted by the score of rowing experts who Bre here to see the great race, that the Blue has a chance, and a good chance at that to return a winner. For this reasonbased on the Yale' showing at practice in the fast few days lit tle money was- bet at odds today. . Marrying a man i with an impedi ment id his speech is right t If there s . no impediment to the hand ,thftt reaches, for bis pocket book. -; , I'd Stop the Ceugh-Cure the Tickling Sprar or mop th throat with the wendrrf i 1 inuseptic. OR. PORTER'S ANTISEf TIC i HEALINQ OIU It Cure, in One Day. Full I (Urccuoua with ctt botUe. 25c, iOc, l.CO $30,000,000 Notes of Southern Pad fic. Part for Work in the South, - The Southern Pacific Company has been authorized 'to issue $30,000,000 of 5 per cent two-year notes for im provements and extensions, part of th6 money; according to a previous report, to be used in Louisiana and Texas. It is further said that the company will this year also spend $10,000,000 out of earnings for vari- Alia KaitomMoMta i . vua vvvvvwuviuoi : ,. e . - Concerning this proposed issue, a report from New York says that $20,000,000 of the issue have been sold to Kuhn, Loeb & Co., who have formed a syndicate to take them.' is expected that the syndicate will nave an option on the remaining $10,000,000. Manufacturers Record LABOR LEADERS GET APPEAL. Granted by Chief Justice White , Will Be Heard After October. Washington, p. C.,-June 10.Chief Justice White toJay granted an ap peal to the Supreme 'court for Sam Uel Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison, laiior leader' convicted of contempt of court in the noted Bucks Stove 'and Range 'case. The appeal will be heard aftrr October. ' ' NO SUBSTITUTE COULD DO THIS r No inferior, hut only, the genuine Foley Kidney Pills could have rid J. F. Wallich. .Bartlett, ', Ncbr.. of his kidney -trouble, lie " says: "I was bothered with backache, and the pain would run up to the back of my head, and I had spells of disiiness. I took Foley Kidney Pills and they did the work and I am now entirely rid of - For sale by Smith 1 Drug Co. and feoples Drug. More. Raleigh, June 19. The revised railroad map of North Carolina, the first issued by the corporation since 1907, indicates- wounderfu) develop ment in railway undertaking during the past six years, no less than 280 miles of steam and electric lines hav ing been constructed. In addition to showing .this development, the map also displays the proposal inland wa terways from Norfolk to Beaufort, which when completed, will enable steamers to ply in absolute safe ter ritory along the seaboard. The map will be found valuable as a reference. The new lines of railway actually In operation since. 1907, when the last revision was made, are as follows: Winston-Salem Southbound, from Winston-Sale mto Wjadesboro,-a dis tance of 86 miles. ' Raleigh, Charlotte and Southern i from Varina to Colon, 20 miles. The entire line from Raleigh to Charlotte will be in operation by October. I EJkin and Allegany, from Elkin to Thurmond, 14 miles. i . Watauga Railroad, from North Wilkesboro to Boone,. 52 miles, of which 21 miles is in operation. -. i vRockingham, from Rockingham to Gibson, 22 miles. , Wilmington, Brunswick and South port, 30 miles, from Wilmington to Southport - Black Mountain Railroad, from Black Mountain via Burnsville te Waverly 15 miles. Maxton, Alma and Southbound, from Alma to Rowland, 12 1-2 miles. Virginia, Carolina ' and Southern, from St Pauls, Robeson county, to Elizabeth town, Bladen county, 27 miles. , .' '. ;The Piedmont and Northern Lines, an electric railway, is in operation be tween Charlotte and Gastonia, a dis tance of 24 miles and, the North Car olina Public Service Company is op erating a line from Greensboro to Busick, a distance of six miles. tin addition to . this r remarkable buiMing of single track lines, the Southern Railway has placed double tracks on its line between Greensboro and Charlotte and the Atlantic Coast Line has double-tracked from Selma to Battleboro. - The line of the Seaboard Air Line, from Richmond to Jacksonville, runs through the center of North Carolina like a huge funnel, taking on more business at Raleigh and Hamlet. Al ready plans for placing double tracks by this - road are under way. i The Southern and the Coast Line will complete their double tracking as rapidly as possible. By the time the next railroad map issued by the Cor poration, in five or six years, hun dreds of miles of double tracks, in ad dition to htose shown on the new re vised map will be displayed. BIG SALE x ON E o y's So its Having bought anothet line of Boy Suits for this fall, will dose out our present stock of ojtr 200 Suits at just V price for cash only. - $2.50 1 . $3.25 - $3.75 -$4.25 $5.00 SUITS NOW $6.50 SUITS NOW $7.50 SUITS NOW $8.50 SUITS NOW $10.00 SUITS NOW - $5.00 Blouses for , 25c and 50c . v Boy's Union Suits, 25c and 50c Our Stock of Men's Suits, Shirts, Underwear, Hats, etc., is complete. . Everything as represented. ' : '. Rogers Clothing Co. FOR RENT Ten room brick Bungalow in Fultonv Park. ' Beautiful oak floors, modern plumbing, furnace heat, gad and electricity and a beautiful lot with large trees. ' A delightful home. FOR SALE Nice and desirable five room cottage on South Lee St Pretty lot, good neighborhood, convenient to street car and business section.-., . - . ... - ., ' .. .V' One seven room two' story Bungalow. Lot 100x160, with extra lot 60x160, Fulton Heights. Bargain. Owner to leave city. . Seven room cottage in Spencer. Rents for $10.00' per month. Owner moved away. Bargain for cash. - This is a good invest ment ' . REAMS & JEROME CO. .00 Grubb Bldg. S- Phone 700. Public Stenographer in our office. GOVERNOR MANN SPEAKS. Virginia Chief Executive Attends ; "State Day" at Wheeling, W. Va. ' Wheeling, W. Va., ' June 20. The presence of Governor Mann of Vir ginia, among the principal speakers' today which was celebrated as "State ' Day" of Wes,t Virginia's semi- cen-i tennial week, was takert as final indi-i cation that all bitterness existing 'be-' tween the people of the two common-1 wealths as a result of the division or! the state of Virginia during the civil j war, has' been obliterated. ; Secretary tyjilliam J. Bryan wilj be central at' the ' ceremoaios late this afternoon.! Many notables from Washington ! came here today on a special train. 1 They included many of the Virginia and West Virginiajmembera of Coo-; gness and exSenator Henry Gassaway Davis, . ' ' I THE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE MOUNT PLEASANT, '- '- ' NOkTH CAROLINA A- ' "Merit the Meatu're of SucW- ' ( v A high grade institution for boys and young men. -Thoroughness of work attested by exceptional record of graduates at leading Colleges and .Universities. Prepays young men for business, teaching, or , advanced classes in College and University. Only school of its character in this ter ritory. Location unsurpassed for healthfulness.i Environment free from - distracting and immoral influences. Faculty of Experienced ' College and - University men. Splendid Library and Reading Room, v Commodious brick buildings on a shaded eminence overlooking the town. New Board- . ing Hall furnishing board at cost Government that appeals to manliness . and honor and develops self-control. ; Illustrated catalogue with full in formation sent upon request f . v: , . . , . j r . - Arlrlrpw MrAMISTER: A. M - P1-innn.1L THE ROWAfr BUSHIESS COLLEGE, i . ' f - -', - offers every boy and girl, every young man and young woman, an opportunity to get a good Business Education 'and thorough , training in Office Practice at a small cost WE ARE HERE TO - : STAY and we teach Bookkeeping, ' Arithmetic, Penmanship, Shorthand, Typewriting,' Spelling 'Letter ' Writing, Business- Forms, Office Methods and Office Practice. ' ENTER NOW, and be -ready for a position by Fall. Day and : Night classes. Come to see ust or write for further information. ; ' . THE ROWAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, - - rtooms tvo-v uruoD uuuaing, - ; - SALISBURY. N. C