, I . 2 T" O SALISBURY EVENING TOST, SALISBURY; N: SEPT70. WIS.'" - Your Fall HAT it 1 SUIT IS INSTITUTED- i . t iV 1 - AC AlNST SOUTHErX f v V Yom Fall Hat is hfere in just the shape and style that you like. Hundreds of! men of this town look to this department as thJjat store in itself where variety is big and an easy comfortable fit is always assured. ; Prices $P$3.00, $3.50. CHAPMAN'S 112 South Main - Street. , Ashevllle, Sept. 19.-hC c. Curtis, of Candler; has qualified as the ad ministrator of the estate "of Fred ' ti. Smathers,vwho recently was killed on the local yard of the Southern by an engine. '-.'-' ".rV;i -r 'i X , Mrv CuruVc yesterday instituted suit against the Southern, althoufift the complaint has not yet been filed and. it is not known how mucft will be asked for, Zeb F. Curtis, through whom the suit was institutedAtated yesterday that - the estate or Mr.: Smathers : will seek . ; damages in . large suifl, probably not less than $25,000. " : V " A '.;..T . . -I; ' '' ' " MMUiS.1.1 I. I! ' ' '1 ' " HI I - a Short owpg I . J v , : 1 Modern 7-rcom Readence . : 1 Modern 6-rcoia Cottage " . -" : 1 Modern 6-room Cottage ! . ' 1 Modern 7-1003 Residence , . ", p ' , 1 Idem 8-rcca Reaiesce . . ' .1 f.Icdern 7-rooa Residence ;. . $6500 . $5500 . $3000 . $5000 . , $6000 . $4500 These home are all well located, on : good streets, in ' best resident section of' the city and are excellent values . for any one desiring a comfortable home. " - Come early and take your choice. , ' ,':","h,i"1"'" Saliobisy Reall'UaSiiGe'': liSSSSSSU : DAVIS PARDONED. Governor Craig Takes Ground ProhU 5 ' bition Leader' is Not Guilty; , j Raleigh, Sept. 19.Rev. R. I Davis, superintendent of the North Carolina Anti-Saloon League, was ptadoned this afternoon by Governor Craigrom conviction and $10 fine and costs for striking Wiley Straughan over the head with a whis key bottle. The Governor takes the view that Rev, Mr. Davis is not guilty. Among the petitioners for the pardon were Senators ' Simmons and Over, man. Secretary of the Navy JosephuS Daniels, Judge C. Mf Cooke and Solici itor It E. Norris. ? Newly discovered evidence was presented, tending to show conspiracy to frame up a case against the prohi bition leaden ' - Alexander Woman Died ; From In ! " juries Inflicted ty Daughter. " ' New Hope, R-l, , Sept. 15. Mrs. Cornelia Holder of Gwauney township-, Alexander county, died yester day and was "buried today at Pilgrim ! church. , , :x ;: 1 ' ; Some time ago her daughter, Zelda Orton, became deranged and was very hard to manage, - In straggle with her mother she struck at the latter with' a table fork sticking the fork fn heV mother's knee.' ; The young wo man' was sent to the State Hospital at Morganton. Mrt. Holder's knee became inflamed and the wound grew worse v until Mrs. Holder died, her death, occurring1 at the home of her son-in-law, Frank Buntain. ' t A Possibility. . Maybe in time somebody will write a play so vulgar that some one in the audience will blush. -Philadelphia Ledger. SUBSCRIBE TO RQSTITHE POST $4 YEAR SUBSCRIBE TO POST ; Mountainous. "You say yon tramped all through Switzerland. ; Oh, come off!"- ."But I did. On the level!" . " "There! That proves yoolce lying. It's simply impossible to ' tramp through Switzerland on the level." Boston .TrlhacHpt. " , " Ladies who are nervous, weak and discouraged from long standing ail ments in the Renerative organism will find relief and the speedy restoration of health and strength In DR. SIM MON'S SQUAW- VINE COM POUND. It is a- woman-a medicine. It quiets inflammation," eases pain and puts the body in fine vigorous condition. Price $1.00 per bottle. Sold by sut. faggista. :V- jfJ- .''-. HOW TO DRESS IN THE FALL 17 ; r-r TO BE COMFORTABLE. -' How to dress during ' these . first days of autumn, when the nights are j coot and the days are often warm, ev-1 en hot sometimes, is a problem that bothers some folks. But the reason tt betherihem is because they do not want to be bothered a little physi- i cally. They. want to wear Uia nml clothes all day and 'stiUlbe c'omfort-i able.. So thejr either pull on heavy underclothing that makes them com fprtable early 1 In ' the ' morning ' an4 late in the evening, ana very upr comfortable and likely to say harsh things after the sun gets high injiif course, or else they continue to wear the same gauzy, diaphanous gari ments that feel light an dairy m th$ blaze of the September sun, but seem the cool of the evening and"" morn like the nothing they almost are in Ing. Now every normal person is pos sessed of- that sort of common sense that has been described as horse sense, "the kirtd that a jackass hasn't got" The difficulty is that some will hot exercise it, especially if the yielding-to that horse sense involves the expenditure of a little effort. , f Qf course there is only one thing to. do to be comfortable in ' the fall of the year and avoid any chilling ot the system that is-liable to weakeit the reaistance to disease, and that is to have convenient for early morning and late evening some kind of outer wrap to slip on and off as the temper ture changes. That's where the trou ble comes in. People hate to take Up on themselves all the extra effort of carrying around that wrap. Well, of course they don't have to; they can pay for the privilege of not being bothered with it by being ur.comf jt able a good part of the day.and maybe by being sick in the bargain". It is just as unwise to put on wini-" ter .underclothing before ' the cold weather comes to stay as It 'h to pull it. oft before, the summer veather gets' settled. The sensible way to keep pace with the rapid changes iji the fall and spring is by charging the outer clothing. ? It is found advisable by many to use intermediate undergarments ror the pefiod of season change, but that is hardly necessary for the average person. The cuter wrap kept handy is the Jhing. Health Bulletin. If it is wiring toBe done it wilt, pay you to se.e us and let us- esti mate orydur housed CASEY & BARKLEV Electrical Contractors. ; mm .. . n 1? v 1 J OPENING! I Whenever You Ne44 General Tonic ' Take thwe't The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally-valuable as a General Tonic because tt contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON, It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood ana Builds up the Whole Syetem.r' SO cents, y fc;,vM,V -. ., , VThe annual convention of ths In ternational Association of- Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Vvork era,will meet on the first JJondy of October. ; ' Opening of FALL-and WINTER MILLINERY Wednesday, Sept. 23 and 24. ? PUBLIC INVITED MRS. J. A. MURPHY. Tuesday and RESULTS COUNT That is, performance Is the main thing in Dry Cleaning 'and Pressing service, .-We deliver the goods in every sense of the terni aBd you get our famous finish too.' T t YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. --If you want the best phone KESLER. ', -We clean and Press for people who knew. 12l,WEST; INNIS ST. - , ; i : . PHONE 279-L.', Kesler Tailoring Co. & Dry Oeaning Works " - Successor to Salla Tailoring Co. . H 1 1 1 llinnn i r ncDilsrn .l 8 JUMBRELLAS SSSSSU i W. F. KESLEY 117 E Fisher St.. , " Repairs Umbrellas The problem of unemployment be- ! of lad and the strain upon the money ing rather acute in Berlin, two suburb- market, v - - an municipailities have suggested that''-2''' Wr1t'-:' ' all the communes of Berlin should to- R U B-RflY-TlSLl tliSf TS! Will cafe your. BhemmUfcrn The healing demulcent qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound are not duplicated in any other niedi eine for roughs and cows. . Any sub stitute offered you is an inferior ar- ..;! -r . .i m a. ucie. - neiuse ui accept lioioi 11 can i ivt." , . ., . 11 in i.uic juui, juucuiuausiu i not produce the healing and soothing! Bince. .The leaders of the tra,5 , Neuralgia.- Headaches. ' Cranris STI effect of Foley's Honey and Tar Com-t . at present STin. .u! rt!5 T which contain no opiates. Spencer Drug Co., Smith Drug Co People; Drug Store.. - " 80,000 men in the city without work, i 1 cT "L X? The ev.1 is worst .n the bu.ld.ng trade Etc., Antiseptic Anodjne, ased in and asenbed to the .ncreased pnee jjy externally. Price 25c.- TIOMlil At d$MI 1Q:30 OF ji. v-;-' ,s. . This property ; is Known as tffeM; RH WW 'mtWPVKtfs'1 arid Church Streets, business, property, suitable fe;! businesVpurposes. As the City i growing rapidly, and bu$mes expanding, thi property U bound to come into use at an ' ' . ' ; - The 10-room house and all Ojutbuildings are to be sold and removed from lot. This is valuable as InaaditiE we will sell 15 Lets near Fair Grbiind, 6 Lots c?i Hcchsvilb ; Avenue and 9: Lots- on Ackeft Avehne, A 11 JUpfSN , JnstFWs ar lS ! these Iot t he highest bidder. ivReal estate: values are looking up so that any investment that you .make : L::::l Lc:ccriv ; at Uine of sale. '-:r t?:3atc,lIon3aSept. 22nd this sale. We sell rain or shinel - SOUTHERN, rSAitftffieGTEQH'!'ea.' v V