L , the Geni City; Gateway to West, Best Town in Carolina. Come to Salisbury to Trade--Subscribe to The-Post Vhib . - " 0 . e ,' -. -!': v v ,' - - THOSE WHO READ T: ' '. ' j ' ' , WANT ADS ARE Wl. i I - ' TT V. FORECAST FAIR. : n Salislxiry SaMstoiuiiry 1 , v . , j - , f ......... , 27. TAKES A RD STEP PAS 11 THE COTTO FUTURE TAX CAUSES ? BUT fOME DIVISION PASSES. IV .i Ah i...M i . iiL - I 76 1 "th eBf pqr of i By a Strict Pap - ' The Cenfeiyuv Committee is Adopted by tip House Underwood Compromise Cotton Champion t Future Tax hich the President is Said to Hat Endorsed Report New in Sena DELAY IN SENATE. Washing Oct. 1. Delay for the tariltbil) was indicated when the Skate received the conference the House . Underwood port adopted by th the Wilson- lotton tuture tax plan in lieu the amendment k which the Sen It is expected of Senator CI ate approved. that the Seme will insist on the Clark pli which may de lay the bilTspassage and call for another puference all of which will de! the sending of the bil to tMPresident. The general imprest! ion was that the f cotton futures whole subject ought to be the biiL liminated from Washington, 04 l.--By a vote of 254 to 103 the Hdse adopted the re- vised tariff biV eame from the having the bill ' conference ci in charge af s amended in the Senate.' Tl 11 txbvf go to ttte ' Senate am approval of that the Whyte House - 'body find where th is. expected to nature : promptl ;-! Then WJIous- yesterd ta ' kmenf cotton futur qul'unuii" sts entirely ith the senate. louse, concurr in the Clarke lidment put into e .tariff bill by ha Smith-Lev- tm' senate "but adde- er-Underwood plait a rnent. nother amend- Unless the senate change, which has th the President, the v 11 accept this idorsem'ent of le cotton fu- tures plan again will sidered in the Joint ve t obe con ference com- mittee and again re ted to both houses for action. The conference rep was called irman Sira ittee, today. up in the senate by- mons of the finance coi Several Democratic -. began demand for tor. today Democratic port before caucus to consider the it is taken up in the sei Senator Reed, Miss that unless certain cham I, J insisted were made in rates fixed by the co ence com- mittee, he might vote a. HBt the re port and the tariff : bill passage. - '' 1 its final i Th. cotton the day's fight tbry of the ci became a mat ftnv ended. . Representat wood said PrVsidVnt Wilso it to him. ., Renresentativia edt ihat toe; basis at jthe jj was a bilf lhtrotice;4 Wpatedly.inthsen:- ate by Senator Ellison D ith, of South Carolina. ' Three distinct elements kmonir the Democrats .in ti futures fight " One bran. Representative Hardwick of lmanded that the whole si taken out of the tariff bill sidered as a separate measu: - other section, led., by Repi Winm. Arkansas, insisted' t house should accept th. 1an ' th. Clark, amendment in jthe 1 iteuresentativ. I Underwood f VOL. 9. NO OTHER FORW I HOUSE i V ' i eupportera of the compromise Under ita terma th. cotton fi v v tax would be " nominal ' ord trades, but all contracts wotL . t.t ansrifv irAvernment BTadee T W -I B - . . " I ton and trading would be, clofeel . - .i.i.j " -it t uiaiuu., f i j Caucus called. -k MM, , Wsibinrton, Oct L--A ia,Mt E, Two Registered Packages Containing $11,000 Pla. ed in Silberger'. Charge to Be Forwarded Detectives are Now Wanting Him. , Roanoke, Va.. Sept. 30. Two regis tered packages, one of (10,000 and another containing $1,000, are miss ing from the registered pouch of the poRtoflire at Pocahontas, Va. Coinci dent with the disappearance of the two packages, a local detective firm has been asked by postoffice inspectors at Blusfleld, W. Va., to locate Edwin M. Silberger, assistant postmaster at Pocahontas, for whose arrest Feder al warrants have been issued charg ing Silberger with the robbery of the. two packages. ' It is known Silberger came East as far as Roanoke on an early morn ing train. Jibe conductor described the wantfPlnan as having1 boarded his train at, Bluestone Junction, five miles from Pocahontas, and to have paid him a cash fare to Roanoke. The two registered packages were locked in the pouch and left in Sil berger's charge, to be sent East to depositories, the $10,000 package by a Pocahontas bank to Lynchburg, Va., and Northern correspondents, the smaller package contained Postmas ter M. L. Mustard's remittances. , , Silberger is described as being a Hungarian, havinz been assistant postmaster at Pocahontas for three years, with Marie hair and eyes; slight build and a fashionable dresser. ' He is married and has two children. ' -f YOMM0M Walter McKinney Catch. "Hold or Moving Freight at Landis and 1. Thrown Under Wheel. With Serious Result Rushed to Salisbury in an Automobile, and v Placed in White- , head-Stoke. Sanatorium. Mr. Walter McKinney, a young man ome is said to be at Green- k, -C,, met with a serious acci- t Landis late yesterday after- " ""1 i l""' ry r-i another young man wer walt"nK along the railroad tracks when a freight pain cam. along and while it was .moving the young man caught hold of one of the ladder roils and was thrown down. One' foot was caught under the wheels of one of the cars and cut' off and he. was otherwise badly bruised up. His companion immediately summoned aid and Ithe unfortunate man was placed In an automobile and rushed with all possible haste to Salisbury where he was placed in the J Wbitehead-Stokes sanatorum. His parents live at Green ville, S. C, and he also has a married 'sister at that place and she was at once notified by telegram of the acci dent -2 - THE BALLOTS ARE FALLING. Otizens f Scotch Irish Township De ciding on the Bond Question Today. , The last stand of ' the opposing forces in the. bond election in Scotch Irish township was mad. last night lominatediwhenji number of Salisburians went " T i , . j .j, Sic section ana miue uurena of these being in favor of osition and others being in n to ft. Today th. battle is on. and at sunket tbe matter will have been decided.. The proposition ii to ifa'-frMi (i.thela.in.ouhtof 20,000 for th'e 'purpbsfi.f cohsinictrng good roads in sai4, township. , While those who favor the issuance of bonds and have been' working hard for the suc cess of the issue It is known that to cary the election is an tip hill busi ness.' As in all bond elections the registration books are being voted against, - The voting is taking place at Mt, Vernon, precinct ' ."All the world's a stage," quoted the i Wise Guy.' , "And a continuous performance, at ; that," replied ' the Simple Mug, wearily. , '.,'' called by tho Senate .Democrat, in ar, effort to smooth 'out the differences hich have arisen over the cotton fu ture tax. Senator Roed and nine oth er Democrat. declared ( before the meeting that they would v ' permit the passage of the conf e ;ence report until they had time to carefully study the changes made by tne conf erP""-- SALISBURY, E Bill Passed by the State Senate To- day Has for Its Object the Cuf.ing 1 Down of the Bill of Costs in Cases ! in the County Court Believed to Be a Good Move. A pargraph appearing in the Post's Raleigh special today stating that the Senate had passed a bill to -reduce costs in the Rowan county court was shown to Judge Kluttz of this court' and he stated in substance that its ' purpose was to so arrange the bill of i costs in a case in this court as to be able to make lighter punishment of parties who were convicted of trivial offenses and that in some cases where a penalty other than the light costs was advisable to add a fine to bring the total up to about the present cost of a case. It will admit of giving an extremely lijiht punishment to a de- ; fendant who does not deserve greater and in cases where severe punish-1 ment is needed any amount of fine can be placed in addition to the costs, as is now the case. It will reduce costs in some cases almost half, and is regarded as a good thing by those who have to do with the courts. AGED MAIDEN LADY DEAD. i Misa InlM KlaliM niaa ( tka Rl ; '' of.,Mr. A. M. Cruse. Miss tavina Fisher, aged 74 years died at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. M.'Cruso, in Franklin township, near Spencer, at noon today, and the funeral will take place from the Luth eran church in 'Franklin tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. M. L. Ridenhour, Miss Fisher had boen an invalid for many years and for the past few months had been quite ill. She had made her horn, with th. family of Mr. Cruse orany.vnrddifion to'ltfra.' Cruse, she leaves three other sisters, these being Mrs. George Barringer, ; MrsT Kate Thomason and Mrs, Minnie Misenheimer,. all of Rowan county. AFTER GYPSY SMITH. Noted Evangelist Ha. uat Closed a Big Meeting in Danville and May Come to Salisbury Later. t Gypsy Smith, the noted evangelist. ' who - has beenr conducting a meeting in Danville, passed through last night going to AtUota. r A. number of ad tnirerg of Mr, Smith were at the sta tion to see him but he had already re- j tired. " .:," ' . . - An effort . to b. made to Secure him for a meeting in Salisbury, atj his' earliest open date, but this may be aeveral years off. BRICE IN CRITICAL CONDITION. Negro Who .Was Shot In Row Over Division of' Spoil. Lingering Be 1 tween Life and Death.- , , ' Son Brice, the negro man who was shot during a dispute1 over the divis ion of spoils on the night the Arey Hardware store, was broken into, is .till in a critical , condition and his chances for "recovery are (till slim." The other negroes have not been tried but are being held awaiting the result of Brice's injury. J , "... - Fine Specimen of Tnrnipa. ; '.; Mr. T. Edgar Rice, who live, near Majolica, on the farm of his late father, Mr. Thoa, Rice, was in the city today and had with him some specimen, of fine turnips, as fine as are raised in this county. They were the purple top variety and ? he will won have them "on. the market for ialei: : .li'lv I ; skt- ' . Change of Service Hour.. The evening service hour at the First Methodist ., church . ha. : been changed from 7:45 to 7:30, and at this hour the mid-week service will begin this evening. .."Prayer continues to be the subject of these midweek ser vices. ' ACTION POSTPONED, " i A ! - "a' r- :'A.' '' -'.. Washington, Oct, 1 Innur gent Democrats forced a post- v pone ment until. tomorrow of consideration of the tariff eon. ferenee report ,Thl. action followed a stormy caucus meet- ing. ' The eaucu. met again ; this afternooii wd attempted to reach an agrmen.. NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY, 1 'j 1 i i SENATOR BV EH GETS RESOLUTION PAST CQIfllTTEE IHS RESOLUTION TO REMOVE I DEPUTIES FROM CIVIL SER- ! VICE ACCEPTED. T j llWir - , j i Democrst. fiu Two More Job. ln North Carolina by the Senate'. Con firming Snip and Hughes as Post masters Lung light an Snipe. Is Thus Endded and Peace Established House Likely ta Pass Resolution Which Senator - Overman Cham pioned;. (By George H. Manning) Washington, D. C, Oct 1. Sena tor Overman gained a victory today when his resolution to take deputy collectors out of th civil service waa adopted as an amendment to the gen eral deficiency bill by the fall member ship of the Senate committee on ap propriations, ,two Republic. ns voting with th. Democrats. The bill will go to the SenaU tomorrow, probably The nominations of A. C. Hughes to be postmaster at Apex and O. -A. Snipe, at Rocky ' Mount were eon firmed by the Senate today, thus end ing a long ; fight V made , against Snipes' appointment? , ; - In the absence of Senator Martin, Senator Overman has been acting as chairman of the Appropriation Com. mittee. It ia thought that the House will add its endorsement to this reso lution. J. B. Colvard, formerly of Jeffer son, now Vice Consul to Vancouver, British Columbia, left Washington to day after k week's stay for his home a Jefferson. . Mr, Colvard was formr erly 11 iecreUry to Representative Dougkhton. py a Strang, coincidence Mr. Doughton had 'three of his sec retaries in his office at once today, when Mr. Colvard dropped in to visit A. J." Fletcher, who succeeded him, and found John E. Brown there, who is to succeed Mr. Fletcher tomorrow, . A. J. Fletcher, who has been secre tary ' to Representative Doughton a little over a year leaves tomorrow for 11 GET APPOINTS Fuquay Springs, Wake county, wher.iWrhite, pastor of th. First Presbyt.- he will practice law. H. js 4 tobe reeded by . John E.' Brown, of Wau- tauga county; who has been here about a woek getting acquainted with his new duties, i . " Lay something by for a rainy day, and some fellow will come along and borrow it just a. soon as the clouds , Success always gets applause, but it doesn't always respond to an encore. Misrepresentation Is Expensive " ty HOLLAND. DECEPTION ot attempted deception is wrong. It . V is also foolish, Attempted deception, deception tbntdoes c oot deceive, I. stilt more fool- Ish. ' . " i Sucvessful business - men ' are not foolM.' TUey do not 1 atteuipt -defeptlon. ii -sAslde , from Its being wrong, tney . kmtw that It is foolish, tbut, it W exiwnslve. thut It will aotpuy,t.' r ; - ' 1 That Is the reason that ad ,fvartsjas H truthful, that It-; l'lfi iflepeidfltler,tbat roil and ' V.!otbef-,rea6er. of this paper . have confidence In It That Is tbe reason. that adverrls-. log pay . - ' 3 Even 'Ananias never paid money for newspaper space In which to circulate hi. as- sault. on troth. He was a deal of a Tlar If Mi repnta- , tlon J. deserved, but be wrote ; no false "advertisement.. If - tb.t ancient purveyor ot ca nards ha. modern successor tbe presetit day exponent of prevarication hi not an ad vertiser. Goods tbnt are advertised persistently must have merit Advertising that Is continu ous must be truthful. . Ton can protect yourself by buy ing advertised goods of mer cbnnts who advertise.. There Is too much at stake for them to attempt to deceive. 5 V; OCTOBER I. HI. i i ..... i. SHOT BY HUSBAND DIES FROM INJURIES1 Mrs. James Caldwell, of Hemphill, ; Near Waynetville, Succumbs to! age, Trenton, N J Man Pound It, Wounds Death Causes Excitement i and Began Correspondence. ' 1 and Threats Have Ben n Made ' Durham, fcept. 30. Mis "Ruth! Againi the Husband. , i Williams,, of ' Durham, and Prank. r ' ... ' c a . "Peak, of "Trenton, N, J, have formed Waynesville, Sept 30.Mrs. Jame a very Onion, and romantic frind-, Caldwell, who was shot yesterday at Hemphill, near here, by her husband. .. , .., , . ' UMfo mis morning anoui - ociock. ani took . tun, for th. l..t night. nntt amrv ,M in lt - . ... " """ispni in m-mtKM or in iri- mm iu that all hone was useless. Ashhury Moody, the uncle who was shot a few!. "UtM that several month, agoj minutes Uter by CaHwell, Is still U Mr P.ak bought a package of rig. . a precarious condit.on. although hop.. ar now enterUined for hi. recovery. Caldwell is still in jail, and sine, re - covering to some extent from his drunken frenzy, refuse, la make any statement, The death of Mrs. Cald well has caused a great deal of ex citement at Hemphill, and threat, have been expressed against Caldwell. The funeral arrangement, for Mrs. Cald well have not yet been announced. Self-conceit is a good asset 1 A man can't hop. to be popular with his friends unless he is popular with him self. ;. ; :: -4; :- : Mrs. J. N. Robbina, of Jackson, Tenn is visiting her daughter, Mrs, ' Le -.i neim, on r.asi inniss streei.,. North Carolina Synod of the Presby. terian Church to Convene Next Week at Greensboro Maay Proml- ' nent Churchm.a to Be Present. ': .. Greepsboro, Oct.l, The synod of North Carblinii',' composed of all th. Presbyteriel in th. State, will con vene in annual session her. next Mon day night and will probably be in ses sion through Friday of that week. The synod wjH bring from 200 to 225 Presbyterian ; ministers and other, here. The. first meeting will b. held Monday night at .7:30 o'clock in th. First Presbyterian church, and the retiring moderator,' Rev. ; W. ' MacC. mie-Irian church at Raleigh, will preach thrf opening sermon. Th. n.w mode J rator will , probably be elected that j tjilght. The big event of synod week will be the anniversary service to be held on Tuesday, October 7, t Alamance Presbyterian church, v eeveral '' mile, east of the city. .It wa. at this fa mous old church that th. synod waa rganiaed just 100 year, ago, or on October 7, 1813. .t . ' On this occasion addresses will be made by Dr. Walter. W. Moor, and Dr.' Walter L. Lingl., of th. Unlont Thelogical ( seminary ; f;" Dr. ifR.v f. Campbell, of ; A.heville; ! pt,:Ji 1 1, Craig.of Reidsville, a.nd Dr. John MV Rose, of Laurinburg. They will talk on subjects relating to the history of the different phases of the work of the synod. it' ' - r It i. planned to have automobile, sufficient, for taking th. minister, to the Alamance church. Dinner will be served on the grounds and a great time i. anticipated.' . : a Returning the member, of the syn od will engage in routine work that night and throughbut the remainder of the time set fur the melinf , this work to be relative to thf presbyteries of the State ; : Rev. R. Murphy William., pastor of the Church Of tho Covenant, who en gaged last! ipringV in f 'a statewide' campaign for a fund of 50,C0O for the Barium Springs orphanage, stated last night that he hoped to make s full report relative to th. improv.4 ment fund. Instead of the amount set out to secure, there has been secured a total of $57,000, which will great- jly advance the usefulness of the -orphanage. - . Alamance church, the birthplace of the synod., is In a section, which also is the birthplace of many great men .who have taken:;,, strong:; stand ; through the years before' the people iof North Carolina. It I. a-.pot his ' torie in its interest a. well a. famous jfor.it. men. The first settlement of i tho elamance community was in 1753, ouu uvrcuiii iuci J svt ai .iim j w- scendants pf these eatly aettlers. , ' You don't have to play poker with PACKAGE CIGARETTES ; j LED TO SlSHIP Durham Girl Inserted Name in Pack ship through the aid of a package of! cigarettes manufactured in Durham, nwnrdinu' to n sttirv thai nin mil j ; "STf .StTr '1'1?' I The of u.. paper has just been I. . . un Duiham t of th, oke?n tmm th. pMkag. J wd tarted to 'throw th. wrapper ! away he found In the lining of the j package a plw. of green silk. Think, Ihg it some kind of souvenir which are often packed with the cigarettes he pulled it. out. Instead of the pris. he found on . the- strip of silk the ame of "Mis. Ruth Williams." '1 The young man sent the Durham t irl a post card nd she answered, finally photograph, were exchanged and these were followed by letter, tnd a mutual invitation to visit. ' f A month or rnoir. ago Mr. Peak and hi. father; cam. to Durham, where they virited Mis. William, and he members of her family. At pres ent h. la in Trenton on . visit to th. Pe.k f.mlly. ... Bert Leigh and H.iel Burgee. With ; a Splendid Company Present "The Little Millionalr'as the Opening Bill of the Season at th. Grubb P Theatre. , " ' Th theatrical cason openio) at the Grubb theatre last evening with f The' Little Millionaire, with Bert Leigh and Hazel Burgos, as the lead nf rharacter.. -; A l.rg. audience greeted the player, and that it wa. a pleased one and thoroughly enjoyed the play was attested by th. hearty appiause given "at interval, through out' the entire performance, ; AH of the players acquitted : ; - themselves splendidly, . hut Bert Leigh, as Bill Costigan, a wine agent, was simply great and ho kept the spectators in good humor all the time. V Mis. Bur gess, as Miss Primer, the maid, was also fine, as waV Herbert" Spooner, the little millionaire. Blanche Har rington, .s Birdins Busby, the win. ageitt'a divorced wife, and to whom he never forgot paying ? 1,000 a month alimony, threw sfveral fits on seeing the . woman who had caused all the trouble, and who - was j engaged to Henry Spooner, unknown to hi. ion, Herbert, who wa. also engaged to Goldle Gray of the Zig Zag Folly Company, .11 unknown to his father. Edwin , Kerr, the butler,, was good, and all did well. There wer. s num ber of ridiculous position, into which th. interested parties were ' placed but it all ended well and in the end Bill Costigan and hi. divorced wif. were re-united and the others were well mated and air ended happily. While it was a good show there would have been no show had it not been for Bert Leigh as Bill Costigan, and he can be described as being a whole show himself. ' ' ' j .There were a. number of song hits and the chorus was up to the stand ard. One the whole the performance was much enjoyed and the criticism today has been favorable. The troupe went ; from here ' to v Winston-Salem, wher lt appcars igj, Manager Marsh announces the next attraction at the Grubb as "Mutt and Jeff in Panama," Wedndesday,- Octo ber 8th, . . "A Father's Prayer for His fio '.f v; : ; i r ;.; -;s. ' ; "' ' .'' ' - This will be the subject to be dis cussed during the prayer-meeting at th First t Baptist church tonipbt at 7:30 olock. Let the members of the church remember that this is their engagement ' with . God. Strangers gladly welcomed. The public eordial ly invited." ' . s "j f . No fwo things in the world seem farther .part than an artistic ten ier- .t 1 ' ' ' - ' PRICE TWO CENTS INCREASED PAY AMEf JOfilENT IS HOUSE IN COMMITTEE OF THE 'WHOLE DISCUSS CONSTITIN TIONAL AMENDMENTS. T(l DCni IPC IDT 0(1010 IU IVLUllUL UlJIIilI llHlllil - ' ' , - Cost of Rowan County Courts- Senate and House Flooded WJth luteal Bill, and the Senate Extends Time for Introducing These Until TomorrowHou. Agree, to the Amendment ; Increasing y Pay for Member, of Legiplature. 1 Raleigh, Oct. 1. The House f : In the committee of the whole ... adopted the proposed constitu- tional amendment to snake the - , pay of legislator, sis dollars . d.y im.esd of four and th. presiding officer eight, with ' mileage remaining ten cents. The Senate extended the time for local bill, until tomorrow' and passed a bill reducing the cost of Rows, county courts. Raleigh, Oct 1, Th. hwt Say on which the legislature will Introduce new bill, with the exception of those bearing directly on the specific pur pose for which the session was called and bills poured in by the hopper full In both the' Senate and th. House. - - Dowd offered V resolution for the agricultural V commission and th. President of. th. A. A M. College which was a report on the savings ac complished through co-operation- or- dsred two year ago which was adopt The House passed s bill to amend th. law as to the graded school, of Newborn, providing for a bond issue. . Davis introduced in the senate . ' bill to Incorporate th. Lookout and Western Railroad Co. ' ' . Pharr offered a bill in the senate to charter the State highway commis sion. ' , " At 11:30 the House went into com mittee of the whole to ! consider the constitutional amendment., Merchant. Want Homestead Amend . menu Raleigh, Sept 80.- Th. joint Com mittee on Constitutional Amendments gave, a lengthy hearing this - after-" noon to representative 'of the mer cantile interest, of th. Stat, on an amendment that they desire to the ( Constitution, Article X, as to person al exemption of $600 homestead. ' ; i They want th. stipulation that the General Assembly can enact a gar nishment law to ' apply to the pay (nent of debt, to the extent of ' 10 per 'cent of the wage, or income of the debtor, where the income, i. 110 s week or more," Also they would amend the second section of Article J by providing that the $1,000 real estate exemption shall not extend to persons not heads of families or one who has no one dependent on him. ot1 one whose wife ha. the home stead in her own name. , : ' A- B.' Justice of Charlotte, led the advocacy of th. amendment, and' the -.i . - it i v u.n suns Bpovr9 Aur iv. wvty a.t, Wilmington; M(. Barbee, Durham; Mr, - Draughan, Rocky . Mount; J. Normah Wills, Greensboro,' and J. B. Pierce, of Raleigh. ' They pleaded for protection from dishonesty ueoiors and urged that, :: while the, 5 present homestead "exemption protected some worthy unfortunates, it gives a chance for fraud by a great number of dishonest men.' They argued that the amendments would give strength to the whole.'. collection of f amend ments proposed to be aubmitted. A number of the member, of the com mittee manifested hostility, but vot ing was deferred ontil Wednesday- af ternoon. vv.'vXi' ii',-'1 : ( A motion by Senator Bryan t! nt the Senate 'committee! report wit! out prejudice th. initiative and. f i dum proposal met , wikh e; ; o , Senator Mason declaring t' -1 it v , his purpose to 'prejud: . it et -ery opportunity. The v ' ; f ' will be taken by the f ! tee t'"orro. V - 1 AlUWTFn IU LWIKF i wvi I ia ii i iiul

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