Salisbngr, the Gem City; Gateway to West, Best TowrTin CaroIinajCome to Salisbury to Trade-Subscribe to The Post Whib Here WEATHER T0RECAST V THOSE WHO READ TIIE v f WANT ADS ARE WINNERS ,' . PAIR. V . o VOI NO. 228. SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER t, 1913.' PRICE TWO CENTS SO CALLED SNEAK E pn?;TM4QTPP PFMnvrn -1 IS lUfi II TO l UUIIlif lUla-M UUliUIUS FROM MT. PLEASANT I CARLTON'S BILL! BY 15 YEAR, OLD BOY E! BY THE STATE FRIDAY EVENING GOMMIHE KILLS DENOUNCED mm x r A Bill Which Wu Supposed to be -'. Strictly Local Carried With it a . Provision rutting Wilkes . Back 'Into the Eighth ? Congressional J' Dltrlct-rBi)l : Had ; Passed the House. '..- , " . Raleigh, Oct. 1. A stir was creat ed In legislature circle tonight when it wan found that the House had, with-out the knowing it, passed and - sent to the Senate a bill that -would : take Wilkes County from the Sev enth Congressional District and re- A:tt to the Eighth, the scheme be hind the atempted legislation being alleged be to upset the political com- plexion of "the two districts and re- store the Eighth to the Republican column. It is charged to be a "sneak v bill" and was introduced by Repre- tentative Bumgarnor of ; Wilkes and , the House passed it without reading . it on the assurance, it is sfeid, of Mr: .Bumgarner that ft was a local bill - affecting his county. - - Senator Daniel of Halifax was run ' ning through the bills for the Senate . calendar tonight and found it . Its . title is "a bill to be entiled an act relative to Wilkes County, to repeal chapter 693 Public Laws of 1913." ' Chapter 593 is relative to the Board of County Commissioners of , Wilkes i and allowances for clerk hire by the : commissioners. There is another sec u tion to the ";. bill that proceeds to t specify that the section of the law as to congressional districts that puts Wilkes County in 'the Seventh Dis trict be amended so as to restore Wilkes to the Eighth District. Leaders of the Democratic side of the House declared 1, that they will ; call. Representative), Bumgarner to account tomorrow morning' fer this pTetf ' )f attempted legislation. Mr. ' Bumgarner'a: frfemg jnshrt that they do'not bejieve' he KnewlHthis fea. ' ure oY the bill', and hint that he has jkeen well1 as his Democratic eoUeaguftS. flt ls known that the bill -. was seat tcy. him from;, Wilkes, to be Introduced.. ' , ' J - .'. flVE PERSONS IN . HOTEL FIRE IN KENTUCKY.' . New haven, Ky., Oct'l. Five per sons perished in flames that swept through the business section of New. Haven early today. - The, victims were, Che wife, three children and sister of ' James Devers, who were trapped by, the fire in Dover's hotel. The loss on several buildings destroyed was, fifty thousand. , " INDIAN SUCCEEDS' NEGRO ' i REGISTER OF TREASURY Washington, Oct.l. Gabe E. Park , a Choctaw Indian, of Tulsa, Okla., was today sworn In as register of the . neasury, succeeding J. Cv Napier, of , Nashville, a negro. y Advertisements: As Salesmen :-:f;i ;.iA s-i-'ri ' -,.V HOLLA KlD. " YOUR advertisement Is ' just -as' raucb a sales- s man as any clerk you em ploy or as you are yourself. - , But tho salesman can talk and show gooda only to the possible customer who enters your store. The hdvrtlse . ment talks to possible cus. 'tomera in their homes. i( UserevVargmneDts 'tlisi T ood salesman; would, ..use, Let them talk frankly and ' honestly about the quality of the goods and the price. Don't let tbem Say any more ; or ;any -less --than ,yoa . ' would want a clerk to say, : than yon would say yourself. . ' ' There is a demand for cheap roods. Tne cheaD. nnpoltsh-' ed kitchen table has Its place in human life the same as solid mahogany.: There are nses to which a cbenp quality ; of calico J can be put for which the best" broadcloth ' would te unsatisfactory. - -The man who baa only a dime to spend can't bey the dollar article. All he wants Is something for his 10 cents that is worth 10 cental Con vince him that you will give . him the worth of his money and you get his trade, x BILL TQ REQUIRE SEMI-MONTH-V LY PAY ROLL FOR SHOP MEN FAILS. 1 BUI Passed Legislature to Give the County a . Civil Week Only for March Nimmocks Bin Will Go Over for Another Day Same Sena tor Would Require Corporation Commissioners to Give Whole Time to Office. Raleigh, Oct. 2. The House com- milee on public service corporation; yesterday afternoon Voted to report unfavorably the billby Representative j Carlton, of Rowan, to require the rail? j road companies to pay off their shop men semi-monthly instead of month ly. The committee was divided but no minority report will be, filed. It was the concensus of opinion in the committee, after considerable discus sion .that such an act would benefit but few of the railroads' employees and benefit these few but little. A bill somewhat similiar was introduced at the regular session and after being twice referred to the committee waa killed. Mr. W. H. Miler, of the South ern Railway, appeared before the commitee yesterday and argued at some length against the proposed bill. After considering a number of local bills the Senate Judiciary Committee No. 2 yesterday afternoon took up the bill introduced by Senator Nimocks, to require the Attorney General to re side at the capital during his term of office and devote his whole time to the duties of his office, abolishing the of fice of assistant attorney general, and increasing the salary of the attorney generaL , ' t ..The committee, aftej discussion, deemed it best not. to act formally upon the bill at this session; in view of the fact that any change In the sal ary of the attorney general would not apply to the present incumbent, who came into office under the prevailing custom with respect to the office, the committee deciding to report the bill back with a recommendation that the matter be taken up by the next Gen eral Assembly, .which will meet be fore the next quadrennial election to b held for the election of an attorney general and all other State officials. Another bill by Senator' Nimocks, requiring members of the Corporation Commission to give their whole time to their "official duties was not con sidered at yesterday's meeting, but will be heard at a later meeting of the committee.1 -'"J House bill: Make March term of court in Rowan county for civil eases only." , , , 10 . VALUE OF, $1,000 Nearly All of the Silverware and Some , jOUie Valuables Taken from the , Residence of : Prominent .Lawyer While Family is at the Circus. . Durham, Oct. LThehotne of Jones Fuller, a prominent attorney of this city, was robbed this afternoon while the members of the family were at the circus. ', Nearly all of the silver ware was stolenand in addition to this wo suit cases ; an4 a suit of clothesy She; aggregate iValueT of th stolen property is about f l.OOO. There is absolutely no clue as' to tiie Identity of the robbers, though at Is believed to be the work of a gang of thieves following the Barnum ft Bailey circus. It is thought the entrance to the home was gained through - a ; second-story The door to the kitchen was found unlocked when the' family returned, but was locked when Mr.' and Mr. Fuller left . v 1 , -X- '; TARIFF BILL SATURDAY. y2"- ' i. ':rr 'y-'.' -;:T-'? -'i:;- v Washington, "Oct. SU-When ; the senate began considering the tariff conference . report today it is generally believed, , that the measure will teach the - President ' by 4 Saturday. The Democratic insurgency was smoothed out hut the Re- publicans are expected to oc- ERM FOR ROWAN cupy most of the debate. - . . French Ijid Murders Seven People With an Axe Slays His Em ployer in the Vineyard and Then i RuHhes to the Employers Home ard Continues the Rloodv Work. Nantes, France, Oct. 1. A crime of kicreditable savaf-ery was com mitted yesterday, by a hoy 15 years old who murdered with an axe no fewer than seven people in the vil lage of Basbriage-En- Landreau in the department of the Ixire-Infer-leu re. The loy, Mariel ledureau, was em ployed as a vine cutter. He and his employer, George Mali I, were press ing grapes together yesterday even ing when a discussion arose between them. Roduroau became anjrry, seized an enormous axe and with a sitifrlo blow cut Mabits throat from ear to ear, killing him instantly. , The young murderer then entered his employer's home holding his for midable weapon dripping . with blood in his hand. He dashed up to Ma dame Mabit and slashed her throat till she1 waa dead and then killed a servant in the same way. Still with , his dripping ax in his hand the boy proceeded to another room where he - dispatched his em ployer's mother ' and ' then followed this by killing; three of Mabifs chil dren.! He spared a fourth child, 3 years old, lying by their side.'.-' . . After " completing his series of crimes Redureau went to bed and slept cajmly until this morning. The bodies were discovered by villagers. After-his arrest he made a com plete confession. f Some people are so accustomed to looking out for number one that they get positively near sighted. IE- All of the Local Hebrew Mercantile Houses Cloned Today, it Being Rosh Hashonah, One o the Holy Days in the . Jewish Ritual - ' " This' is Rosh Hashonah, the Jew ish New Year, which is the beginning of the year 5,674 in the Hebrew cal endar, and la one of the holiest days In the Jewish ritual. :; Commencing yesterday afternoon at sundown all of the places of business in the city operated by Orthodox Jews closed and they will remain so until sundown this afternoon. " , ' Nine days after Rosh Hashonah, on October 11, comes Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the holiest of all the year, which the Jew dedicates to fasting and prayer.' It is a day of mortification, of the flesh and of pen itence with thoreward accompanying of absolution and expiation. The very name; Yom Kippur, signifies Holy day. It is a fast of the great an tiquity, the oldest fast day that sur vives anywhere -and full and fairly frequent mentions of it are found in the Pentateuch,' It is the culmination of the Jewish expiatory ceremonial and the ultimate expression of Israel's religion. " .. i The Feast of Tabernacles occurs this year on October 16. This is the harvest feast. " Its origin Is, lost in the mazes of antiquity and it was an ancient feast when the five Books of Moses were written. It is said that in Biblical days this was the greatest of all the feasts. ' It is termed the Feasfaof Booths, because at that pe riod of the'year the fruits were gath ered and the harvest booths were raised. Originally the celebration of this festival was marked by a bac chanalian character.- It retains much of the joyful spirit of the olden times, but many of the ceremonies and rit uals of the past have been dscarded, The festival. lasts eight days. ; The eighth day is called Shimini Azereth and the Feast of Conclusion and has a ceremnonlal of its own. N . . . TTTlft SniTTHRRV TRAIN ' CRASHES INTO ABUTMENT ) Raleigh, Oct. 1 When the South era westbound train, due here at 8:40 backed under the shed at Union Sta tion this morning it came with too great momentum and crashed against the abutment at. the end of the track, i tearing - it up considerably. Fortu- . nately the cars were not injured. No n lone was hurt Poxtmsater Ins pert er I Recommends the Removal and Same U Dune Another Case is. 1a Mf Do well C4hin ty Where Pot mist reus is Recom mended for Removal. V', (lly Geor. li; Miming Washintrton, Oct.' 1. The removnl of tho postmaster and rural carrier at Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus county, were today recommended by the post afllie inspector who recently made an investigation there. Mrs. M. L. Copening; is here try ng to train her continuance as post mistress at Woodlawji, . McDowell county, a postoflke inteetor having recommended her dismissal, Charges against .Mrs, Corpenlnic at the , de partment alleged that she la guilty of irregularities in connection with the cancellation of postage stamps. Her salary being based upoa cancellatrons It Is alleged she has 'received over $500 Irregularly from ; the govern ment in salary owing io'-'VM;-'';--, J udge Walter Moore, of Jackson county called at the Paten Offi.ce to day regarding v a patent m wnich Moore is interested. . ' Judge Moore has evidently given up the race for District Attorneyship for; which he was a candidate and her is talking no . J L. Murphy, Jr., of Lincolnton ar rived here today to attend George town University where he will take a taw course beginning next' Monday, D.' Franklin .; Wallace of j. SUtes- ville, passed through Washington today en route to, Philadelphia where he will take a course ; in commerce and finance at the University 'of Pennsylvania. . ' . sV''S:?;- . Dr.-A. Thurston of TaylorsvUle, also pased through-- on his - way to New York to take a special course in medicine at one of the' largexNew York Universities. t V .'M'-i V"' Leslie Futch of Monroe, " Repre sentative Page's nominee for entrance to Annapolis Naval Academy,,. k here. He wiU leave for Annapolis tomorrow to undergo the physical examination for entrance. Young Futh has tried to pass the examina tion., twice before but was rejected owing' to bad . eye sight, which : the physicians declared could be im proved sufficiently to allow his ad mission. " ' i - , 'i. The time for the discontinuance of the postoffice at Montvale, Transyl vania county has been extended from September 30 to October 31st, : . It's the ups and downs of life that wear out some men, and all umbrel las. " Looted Vaults of Bank at Ardaneltc and Escaped After Rnaning Fight Loot Amounted to $12,000. , r Fort Smith, Ark., Oct. L After a rifle battle with several citizeiu early today, a band of robbers who had loot the vaults in the First 8tate Bank of Dardanelle, Ark.; , escaped. It; was estimated their loot amounted to sev eral: thousand doUars.,, There were about eight men iti th band.," I Lookouts armed with rifles held np citizens who were eronsod by ex plosions in the bank's vaults, and af ter an four's firing, the robbers gof. fcwa'y.V'One of the 'waa believed to have. been wounded. . , ' ''s About the only thing in this life that man can win in a walk is a game of golf.. , f TRADE IN SAUSBURY. BATTLE PI There - are mcrchaata 'from . whom , you can buy the best . and latest that fashion and art can give: here you t win find bankers and brokers ' with whom you can make the most favorable 'connections; 1 rail way 'that will .afford yon the best schedules and the best rates; houses to which yound your neighbors can , sell your products (to the best advan tage. ' ' .-, V ;. . iiuwan townitnip ueiivtea to imhuc Bonds for (he Building of Roads I Propofd.ion to luMie Twenty Thous and DollarM of Bonds Meets a Wa. terloo of a Defeat. ScoUh Innh townsh.p refused the bond Issue proposition in Wwlnesday'H ; dection by a very decided vote, the; same being 23 in favor of Uie bonds! on 0,.i. .i. ,uJ, bonds. y ' '-.ft. 'S'. The proposition was to issue $20,000 bonds for tho purpose of building roads through the township, and the campaign was waged for several weeks by both sides with the sentl- ment opposed to the measure from the! beginning. ' . - ' The vote does not ' mean that the ' people of the township are not alive to the necessity of roads, but It means that they are opposed to a township bond issue. Many of those who voted against the township bonds favor the county being mado the uni$ for bonds and others oppose bonds as a prin ciple,' " ' ' i Friends of the bond -Issue found hard sailing from tho beginning of the campaign. The opposition was strong and determined, and though the friends of the issue put up a fight there never was a chance for them to carry their fight . ... ' At the last election there were 128 votes cast In the township. Of tho 123 voters registered In the bond elec tion 113 voted in the contest Wednes day and as stated above 90 of these were against bonds and 23 for the Issue. Sixty voters petitioned for the election and as will be seen many of those who signed the petition were op posed to the issuance of bonds but were willing to let the people pass on tho question and consequently favored an election being held. 1 - 1 , v - " ' -, rrmu tlLLIHUl ., MSI I II II OF TRUCK GROliERS Farm Demonstrator Freeman Calls ' Meeting In Interest of Truck Grow ing in Thla County All Interested Are Urged to Attend Saturday's Meeting at Court House. ' . The attention of the truck grow ers ia again called to the meeting which has been set 'for - Saturday morning 11 o'clock. ' County Dem onstrator Freeman . wants every truck grower and every me interest ed in truck growing to be present at the court house at 11 o'clock Sat urday morning, October 4th. . This meeting is going to mean something to the farmers of this county, and it im up to them to take an interest in the movement. - ". 1 l; x - There is the best opportunity now before the farmers that . has ever been before them for getting a can ning plant established. The man who will coma hero knd put his Money into this proposition , is one of the most sucessf ui manufacturers of can goods in the state.'. He is a man who will be of untold benefit to the far mers of this county. j!e knows how truck crops should , be raised;' be knows how much of this stuff should be raised, and he will be on the Job all ; the time to assist the ' Rowan truckers in making this the banner county in trucking. . - , i . '. M-. Freeman, knows the Interested gentleman, and states that if the proposition can be put through that It wll be one of the very best moves that could be made' for the farmer's benefit1 There will be a great many things that the County Demonstrator and tho canning plant manager can work eo-operatively on, and the re sults will be : : very satisfactory. Girls Tomato Clubs wiU be organis ed. Boys' Corn Clubs will be organ ized. 'And a County Truckers Asso ciation will probably be formed.' - A letter was received ; yesterday from the interested - manufacturer, stating (that If nothing unforeseen should happen that he WiU ' te on hand Saturday ;; morning," and . will outline to the truckers his proposi tion. This ia good news as the farm- era will want to meet him. So all is ready new for the meeting Saturday morning at llv o'clock. TeU your neighbors about it snd help Mr. Freeman get a good crowd. - Every trucker in' the county should be- in the court house Saturday morning. - in mmm mmn tu mikuiiumi. uumuuui JUDICIARY COMMITTEE IN KEN- ATE DENOUNCE REPRESEN- TTATIVK BUMGARNER. I . . , , . .... 1 ., r, ' : . Attr Withdrawing the Hill From the fenaie vtaicn was Intenoxi to. Take. Wilkes County Out of the f Seventh the House Appointed a Committee of Five to Investigate Members Conduct. ;f Rulelgh, Oct. 2.-The' Bumgarner WU under the guise of being local bill passing the House and contain- tnf chuse which transferred Wilkes county from the' Seventh back to the Eighth district was withdrawn from the Senate by the House today. It came back from the Senate with the report of the Judiciary A committee denouncing it as being misleading In title, calculated to doceive and vio lating the confidence of the House has placed in Us memlters' in local matters and further more expressing contempt for the member who Is its author. '. This report of the commit tee, wa ordered spread on the min utes of 'the Senate, making a per manent record. . . Bumgarner said Democrats as well as Republicans had suggested the bill including J. M. Welborn, but that be assumed full responsibility and was willing to assume the odium if any be attached by the House. ' The House appointed a committee of five to investigate Bumgarner'a conduct and report to the House. - ; 5 ' J . Representative justice introduced a biU to pply the Minnesota, freight rate act to North Carolina in a modi fied form, leaving : the 5 corporation Irammlssion"' to ralseandr lower the new scale if tried out. It specifies a new first clasi ' rate reduction with other classes to be On a percentage In relative proportion. The bill is en titled an net to reduce .Inter state freight rates In North Carolina. Bellemay introduced ' a resolution to prohibit the hiring out of convicts after July 1914. ..' , The resolution for a commission to revise the Judicial procedure was favorably reported lit the Ifcuse. Carlton's bill to require a semi monthly payment of wages for the Spencer shops was' reported unfa vorably by the House committee. ; Mrs. Cora Barringer, of Cleveland, who has been under treatment at the Whitehead-Stokes .sanatorium . for several weeks, returned home yester day, greatly Improved. f t Fi Mr, J. G. .Hudson Appointed to Rep resent the Municipality In All Casea Coming Up- In Mayor's Court in Spencer. , , " ; . - ' . ..' j... ' 4- ' y'Jr,,-" ...'" - "- " !-'S. ; A bill passed the legislature yester day afternoon appointing Mr. J. G Hudson as prosecuting attorney for the town of Spencer and as soon as his commission is received he will ss sume the duties of his office and pros ecute all defendants In the mayor's court of that place, Ho will receive the same fees as the prosecutor in the Rowan county court and at the expi ration of his present term the office will be an elective one. ' Mr. Hhdson is a Rowan county man, a son of the late J. A. Hudson. , a brother of Attorney T. F. Hudson, of Spencer, and a recent graduate of the law school of the State,, university, He Is a most excellent young man and his host of friends will be glad, to know of his appointmetn as prosecut ing attorney of the city which he has chosen as his future home. . He is well qualified for the position and evil doers who 'are brought, before the Spencer mayor's court will have hard sledding in the future. ' v ; v Mr. J. B. Bailey, of Davidson coun ty, who 'was recently given a tempo rary position in the revenue service, is in the city today. 'His many friends hope he will permanently be assign ed to 'ork In the service. ; Will Talk to the People ef the Coun ty at the Court House Friday Night on the" Whole-Tlme Health OffictrCltlM.ns Urged to Hear Dr. Plait W, Covington. . v Tomorrow night is the time for the meeting In the court house for the purpose ofenring Dr. Platt W. Cov J Iniflon on the WhoI-Tim lUalih Officer proposition. The meeting is called for, 8 'o'clock and Is open for the , public. It is a matter that ' is ' of much importance to the ' public, ' and there should be a; large crowd present at this meeting. Dr. Cov ington is Chief, of the Whole-Time Health Officer Bureau of the State" Board of Health, and he Is now do ing very valuable work in the slate. He desires the attendance of all tho members of the Board of Health, all the members of the Board of Educa tion, all the members ,of the County Commissioners, and all the city al dermen. In addition to these, every, body Is invited. Both men and wo men.; Dr. Covington, wishes to inter est the' County Commissioners and Board of Health lit the proposition to rive Rowan county" a "Whole-Time Health Officer," or in other words, a county officer who will devote his en tire time to the health of the county, more to the preventative than to the curative side ' " A Whole-Time . Health Officer's duties are to mako an examination of wery school child in the county for physical defects,' and to V furnish means for ridding the child of these defects. - It has been proven that 00 per cent of all backward children are ' physically defective. Why not be gin early to rid the future genera tions of all defects possible ? In the school, Is. ah excellent place to car ry brt such work. : ; 'S : " On each visit to a school the Health Officer wilt give an illustrat ed lecture on health and sanitation. During the summer months he will Visit the school houses .of the county and see; that all are sanitary. lie will establish free medical dispen saries in sections of the county most convenient to the pupils, Where any cititen. can come and be vaccinated, free of charge, against . smallpox, against typhoid fever, or examined for hookworm, and where any citizen can receive a cursory examination for beginning tuberculosis, oncomirig Brights disease dej-encerative dis ease of the arteries and heart cun- cer, etc. He will follow all' infectious , diseases. ' Contagious cases will be reported ' to him by the attending physician and it will be his duty to see that the -proper precautions are taken to keep , the case isolated or quarantined, and that the premises are properly disin fected where "these coses are report ed. Ho will visit the jail, the chain ' rang and the County Home and see that these are kept In a sanitary condition, and look after the health of the inmates. .' A record 'will be ; kept of all sickness, such a typhoid, dinhtheria, smallpox and malaria. . The State Bureau of County Health Is now trying to interest the counties of the state in accepting a "Whole-: Time Health Officer.' Ten hove al ready , accepted. They,.: are i New Hanover, - where ; thousands upon thousand. of dollars worth of excel lent Work has been done; Columbus, Robeson, Johnston, Sampson, Dur ham,' Guilford, Rockingham, Forsyth and Buncombe. ; . Rowan wunty should' be the next to be ndJod to this list. Be at the court house tomorrow night, Friday night at 3 oclock. ":-. . Mr. H. H. Spedden leaves tonight for Rocky Mount where he has r cepted position in the At' Coast Line shops. ; He will ret . Salisbury about the first of the and take a position with the Sou at Spencer. EARTHQUAKE AT PANAMA. Panama, Oct. 2. A sup cial examination of f " ! of the canal fail to i damage by sn e last night, I t I i ough exami. i n v ' of all the canal

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