WEATHER FORECAST RAIN TONIGHT AND THURSDAY, dlM Baffi; I y VOL. 11. Til). 309. SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY. JANUARY , 5. 1918. rxici two czrrx RFAD PROFIT s STOCKMEff S MEETING IN SALISBURY A MIP-WINTER EVENT OF IMPORTANCE The Meeting Set for the ?25th-28lh of January Is to Be One of Much Interest Many Prominent Speakers to Be Here for the EventSale of Thoroughbred Cattle Provided for in Connection With the Educational Pro gramMany Visitors Are Expected. Large poster are just out adver- eigh, N. C, or the Salisbury Cham- J GREEK GOVERNMENT ATLANTA; VOTES s ON THE RECALL MAK ES VIGOROUS PROTEST OF ARRE5 ;t DEMANDS THE IMMEDIATE RE- LEA$E OF GREEK SUBJECTS ,1 AT SALONIKI. tising the stockmen's meeting which is to be held in Salisbury, N. C, on January 26-28, 1916. The importance of this meeting can hardly be over estimated by farmers and stockmen in this State considering the variety of subjects which will be considered at this meeting. 1 After changing, the location of the meeting from Raleigh where it has been formerly held interest has rap idly developH until last year when the meeting was held at Statesville, more than 2600 people were present during- the three days of the meeting. The expectations for the meeting at Salisbury this year are even greater. I Ijiro-er inducements in the way of live stock shows, premiums, demon strations, and prominent live stock speakers have been provided. Some ef tlje prominmt speakers which are on the .program lor me meeung in clude Mr. Jesse M. Jones, Agricul tural and Field Agent, U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture; Mr. S. H. Ray, U. S. Department of Agriculture; Mr, JShamberg, Union Stock Yards, New York, N Y.; Mr. N, P. Hull, "President Ntioal; '.Dairy Union, Dimondale, Mich.; Mr. R. A. "Derby, President Sand Hill Board of Trade, Aberdeen, N. C; Mr. H. IC. Gatewood, General Lice Stock A?ent, Southern Railway, Rectortown, Va.; Mr. Chas. Gray, Secretary of the American Aberdeen Angus Association, Chica go, 111. The importance of the subjects wh'ch will be discussed by these men merit the attendance of every live stock raiser in North Carolina. Such an opportunity as this meeting pre sents gives stockmen an unusual op portunity of getting ideas and get ting informtaion which can not other wise be obtained. On January 26th a sale of 40 pure bred Aberdeen Angus breeding cattle will be held under the auspices of the American Aberdeen Angus Breeders Association of Chicago, HL This sale presents an opportunity heretofore n qiwffercfd in North ! Carolina. The cattle in this sate will be backed by this association which in itself ia 1 reliable 'guarantee of their, individ . uality and breeding. ' Further infor mation relative to this sale can be obtained from the above Association or writiiig the Office of Beef Cattle and Sheep Investigations, West Ral eigh, N. C. . On January 27th, a sale of pure . bred , dairy cattle consisting of, Jer seys, Guernseys, and Holsteins pro vide an opportunity from which every dairyman should undertake to pro fit by securing a better grade, of pure bred bulls. This sale is ' being held under the auspices of the N. fc. Dairy tnen's Association. Further Informa tion can be obtained by writing Mr. W. H. Raton, Secretary, West Ral eigh, N. C. '.- '.:,;; ..'''...' In addition to these two important features, there will be horses, mule and colt shows, meat curing contests, milk, butter and cheese scoring con testa, moving pictures of live stock farms, and farm life stock; compete ttive live stock judging contests for individuals and fafm life fcohoojs; an automobile trip to point in Kowan . county and a banquet on - January 27th during which interesting and in structfve talkil will be1 made. , Two large silver trophies are being; offered, one by the Progressive Far! er,; Raleigh, and "one Jby'. the Senner Disenfectant Co., Detroit, Mich., the v former for tne best live stock judg- - ing team fron. one of the Farm Life - schools in this state, and the latter for the best pen of poultry, aay breed.- Several other .trophies will be ' again awarded, these to be contested for. the acond time and. again the third time the jhext year. Numerous : merchandise and cash prizes will be offered for live stock and farm pro ducts.; , '- ' ; ' . Reduced railroad and hotel rates fiave been secured for., the occasion. A" information bureau evill be pro dded at the depot at Salisbury to in form all visitors concerning., aecom , modationa and other necessities. , ; "The (final programs for this meet ing are just out and copies of same can be obtained by writing the N. C. Live Stock. Associations, ' Wert Ral- ber of Commerce. f INTERNATI ASGWS MILITARY BILL SURVIVORS ARE LANDED AT ALEX- OF HER MAYOR ANDRIA, EGYPT - MAYOR WOODWARD AND FIVE 'CHARLES GRANT THE ONLY FIGURES FROM AUDITOR PLANTS LATE REPORT MEMBERS OF POLICE , MISSION. COM- AMERICAN SAVED SO FAR AS. KNOWN. SOUTHERN RAILWAY DISBURS ED LARGE SUM ' FOR SI P PLIES IN SOUTH. , 1 R F DRAW II BAY I COURT SUPER BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS CIONERS HOLD A BUSY TWO . ' DAY SESSION. Premier Aaquith Introduce One in the House of Commons ana It Calls I for Service of All Unmarried and 1 Widowers Between Ages $ and 41 Other Newa From the War. (By Associated Press.) Jhe Greek government has made a ANTIS CLAIM A VICTORY' ON BOARD U. S. CRUISER COMPARATIVE FIGURES ! CONTRACT FOR BRIDGE Because the Mayor and . the Board Reduced Former ' Chief Reaver There la an Election to Recall Then Those Favoring the Retail Hope for a Successful Issue. (By 'Associate Tress.) Atlanta, Jan. 6 The recall of Work of the Pan-American Scientific Congress at Washington Monroe vigorou protest to the entente pow- James G. Woodward, mayor of Atlan Doctrine Given Hearty Support. (By Associated Press.);; ,' Washington, Jan. 5. Chief inter est in the work of the Par- American Scientific Congress today centered on The Survivors of the Persia are. Be ' ing Cared For, They All Show Sign of f.reat Hardship Grant Is On Board the American Cruiser Des Moines Tragedy Enacted Sa Quickly Gave Little Chance. (By Associated Prsa.) an Aon, Jan. 6. The survivors of The Report of the Sou there Auditor Show a Gain Over ,1914 But 1 a Small Loss Over the HIS Report for Sam Period The Figure Give the Disbursements tad the Receipt for the Road. , Washington, Jan. During No. vember, 1015, Southern Railway Co, era against the arrest of Greek sub- ta and Ave members of the Atlanta jects at Saloniki according to Athens , Police commission il today before the auk last Thursday, have reached advices about its note demanding in' """" " " 'ec the Persia, which was torpedoed and ; disbursed for labor, material, sup plies, and othep purpose $4,320,824 I " . Hnn energetic term uie immediate release Alexandria according to a Ruter'i of which 13,7(14,67 J or 87.01 per cent of the arrested persons. Berlin hears BJX official because they reduced Effort are being made to oust the . 0,n "MP paid to individual, and indu ing them bearing t rates of shocks and the study of inter-national law, while that the Greek minister at Sofia has ' from Chief of Police to a Captaincy """I , Mo8t of thm w ........ . .. - . . . . . w n r ' ! bruised and bandaowd in limh. almost all' of the speakers discussed some phase of Pan-Americanism. An avowal of the policy of non-intervention was advised as an unavoidable necessity in the creation of a greater Pan-American unity by Dr. Luis Al fredo Otero, of Colombia. Unquali fied support of the Monroe doctrine was given, by, Dr. Manuel Oavalcanti, of Brazil, in an address on the prob lem of international law peculiar to America. "The Monroe doctrine," he said, "is a summary of American pe culiar interesting problems." influenced Bulgaria to. use all means Jma L. Beavers, who first became! v J; . . known outside of Atlanta n l ine "ageay ws enaciea so rapiaiy UTS IZTiof Hi. abolishing the -tricted " protests of the arrset of Greeks and other consul at Saloniki, Greece de airing to maintain gootf relations with wiiii auuio cars agr. " Opponent, of the recall Tuesday !m lne n 01 numor wnep ln" "n,P predicted an overwhelming victory at the intenta powers. The French offi-! the poll. Wednesday. They back up rial statement declares that Bui- tneir Paction registration fig jrarian detachment have been pilfer- jng villages on the Greek border. For Compulsory Service. London, Jan. 6.A bill , providing j for compulsory military service was I introduced in the House of Commons BANDITS HAVE BECOME today by Premier Aaquith, j Active in Mongolia I u trtn ' the compulsory ' ! military service bill introduced In the Peking, Jan. 4V-Bndit have be- Hpw d Common today all 'male come so active in Inner Mongolia and between the age of 18 and 41 are lia- have been so ' successful in rtiiftinr, Wil ""ff MTU Ireland i the Chinese army that the govern- 4 xcludod rora the term of tha meat mant now refuses to issue passport. MiiA-uita said tha4 no case for Inner Mongolia and for much o w.,maoe out for ftmerai opul.lo China proper lying near the Mongo-, nd tha bill he Introduced lia border. . Many robberiea have been i uPPnea oy xnese opposea 10 cen ures showing that but 1,748 of the 3,321 bona fide signers of the recall had registered, and everyone predicts that there will be a vote of more than 10,000. , On the other , hand, some of the recallers claimed that they were well satisfied with the outlook, their more hopeful leader stating that they ex pected to carry all but the First and Third ward: ' The antis claim every ward. committed near Kalgan and Dolon- nor. Kalgan is less than one hun dred miles northwest of Peking, while f Dolon-nor is about one hundred and I fifty miles north of the Chinese cap ital. China organized a Mongolian guard of about eight thousand soldier, some time ago.. Practically all this guard has deserted and taken its arm. over to the bandits. Loyal troop have scription Russians Take the Offensive. Everywhere in the Stripa, and Volhynian district, of Russia and in East Galicia the Russian, are on the offenesive, the official communications from both Petrograd and Vienna re veal. Csernor iti, Capital of Bukow iha, is now the position around which the most important fighting ia in progress. The Jtussian Wiar office re- Member of North Carolina Supreme Court Urged for United State So- p rente Courts-Justice Lamar . Bur- led at Augusta, Ga. (By Associated Pres..) Washington, Jan. 6. W. R. Allen, a member of the North Carolina Su premo Court, and John D. Davis, so licitor general of the Department of trie, located lit the South. This amount represent, more than 89 per cent of tha money, paid to the com pany for transportation by tho.e to- happened. All were at luncheon and ' cated on the line., according to tig- ' bra. announced today by Comptroller A. H. Plant, allowing the resulta of operation of the company for the month of November, 1918, and for the period of five month, ended No vember 80, 1915, compared with the same month and period In 1914 and 1913, exclusive of j Interest, rental and other income phargea. ,Th cojni parison with 1913 i made for the reason that In 1914' tha effect' of the business depression waa; reflected through the revenue, of the compa ny. ; . s ' ; I 1 f Groa. Revenue,' NoTember, 1915, 10,009,147, an increase as compared with 1914, of $902,884 or ltf.08 per 'cent and decrease a compared with 1913 of $303.6245 or 4,81 per cent. . Z5 r '. 1 A- 4.L. A. . T ! been sent from Other parU of China P"r "v ' Jugtic- have been reeommend.d within the ed.lin.orcheno have reached Peking that their con- vwm disastrous to the regular oreaniza-! Petrograd give, a report of the Hon Rtrt. r mnatantl ro)iinr evacuation of CzernowiU and the Pekinir concernine the robbeTV ' of . capture by tha Russians of a large flict. wrth the bandit, h.v, been very) countre-atuck.. -A Keuter,; cauged . . , . ..1. .f The President haa, not yet given seri ous consideration to the question but is expected to reach a decision a. quickly a. nos.ible, . ' Justice Lamar Curled. Augusta, Ga., Jan. C. The funeral of Justice Joseph Rucker Lamar was held at the First Christian church of which he had been ' a member , for years this morning. Justice Pitney and McReynolds and Vandevanter of the United State Supreme court cam here with the funeral party, while, Justice Bfsverly D. Evan, of the Supreme Court of Georgia represent ed that tribunal. Justice Lamar 1 was formerly a Justice of the Supreme missionaries and other foreigner, in the Mongolian section., Captain Isaac Newell, 17. S. A., military attache of the American !g- ationi and representatives of other legations, have recently been to Kal number of prisoners, including Ger mans. : t . . There has' been a strong advance by the Russian. 0 nth is front, , al- ..n . 1...' , i . .. tnoung Vienna say mat tne nussian. attack. -have -been unsuccessful and ganmakinginquiriet.concerning the j thx thr lo.e. have been appalling, situation in, Inner Mongolia.! i Their ,In on fctor M width 2,300 investigations indicate that travel is likely to be unsafe in Mongolia for some time. Traveler, returning from the trou- Russians dead having .been counted. On none of the front, has ar.7 change of importanoe ; taken . place. The Austrian have captured an bled section all aay that tha bandit. Italian trench near Tolmino, and tha are unusually ! well provided ; with 1 Montenegrian. have recaptured Bog- modern arm. and ammunition: Many ; e" irom ui Auawians, innicnng of the rifje. used by the outlaw are of Japanese manufactnre and practi cally new. Chinese - newspapers and many Chinese officials charge the Japanese with promoting the Mongolia.; dis- . . . . . 1. N ! : luroances in support ox meir-ujyuai' tion to th emonarchical movement. m r t RATES- GET; A BIG The Activity of the Submarine ia Cause for the Increase or Marine Insurance to the- Mediterranean and Through the Suez-CanaL (By Associated Press.) -. New York, Jartf 6,-Tb : activity of the submarines in the Mediter ranean sea. has caused an advance In war risk Insurance by local compa nies 011 carsoe tor ue Mediterran ean and through the 8uet Canal. All shipment for the far east through this route are now charged a rate of ten per cent oil cargoe for belligerent nation, as compared with 3-8 of one jer cent before the (ink ing of the .several ship In . that re gion the' past few day. - the region of Tirona, , nbrth- " r. VT' vno ""r ! .f!:' " ' , . 7 " of Elbaawn fa Albania, and that - .wasninron. " (Mississippi congressional n' irreifuUr, commanded by , 7 - M,Vv w . . 1 w,vm memory w nusiice wmsr 01 oumuei a. yrnnempwii, riui iwq on them sever losses. Unofficial advices from Athens re port 80,000 ', Bulgarian. . aa having ) reached west Albanii Bulgarian officers ' have exchanged hot with thV Italian outpost near Durauo online UdHhtic, It is 'a- j 1 il- 1 4 A A AAA . C .1 erfeaviat uier ore iuu,wv oerup now in Albania Who will soon , be ready to r-ehter tha frayl j I Sir Edward Grey., the British Sec retary for Foreign Affair., in answer ing the complaint 0 Germany ., re specting the destruction last August of a German aubmarln and tha kill ing of the crew by the British auxi liary cruiser Baralong, offer to sub mit this and similar cases to officers of the United State. Navy or any im partial tribunaL " ' t ' . , , court ;.of thi. state. At the grave an was attacked. In Rv minutes those who were saved were in boats and clinging to wreckage. . Everything possible I being done for the comfort of tha survivor.. Charles Grant, the only one of the American.! known to be able to tell the story,' is aboard the United States cruiser De. Moines. Official Marking Time. Washington, Jan. 6. Officials con tinued today to mark time in the sit uation arising out of the sinking of the British steamer Persia, while wiiting' .definite information of the attack on Jhe vessel. Until the full fact are at hand the next move in .the crisis with' . the ' teutonic power, will not be determined on. Only two American, wert aboard, lUnollactibla RailwaReveftueNo the jPra1i jhen .ha unit. The Am-j vember,'l91o, $4,0(56,798, 'an increa. vised tne Mate department that he had obtained a passenger list from tha steamship agent there, which de finitely fixed the number of Ameri cans at two. Acting on instruction, received from the President Secretary Lan sing ordered the American consul, to obtain affidavit, from the survivors of the Persia and immediately cable summaries of the contents. Returns are 'also awaited from Ambassador Penfield at Vienna regarding his in qufry to the Austrian foreign office. 1 While tha aiiuation I. - .till tenia eventually official, are hopeful a new way would be found for an amicable settlement of the issue, v j Gerard Confer With Foreign Office, j; London, Jan. 5. .An ; Amtserdam dispatch ta the Exchange Telegraph Company says Amer.can Ambassa dor Gerard at 'Berlin conferred with the foreign office concerning the .Ink ing of the steamship Persia. : Gerard i. .aid to have inquired about the na tionality of the submarine which sank the vessel. CHOSING CONGRESSMAN. 1 (By Associated Pres..) ' Meridian, Miss Jan. 6, W, W. humble ceremony was conducted, coa- Venable, of Meridian, today appear. listing, of prayer and th recitation- to have a combined lead' over hi. five m- : - m a ; " REVOLUTION IN HAJTL the United State. Supreme court' who counties yet to hear from and incom- died here Sunday n'ght the offices of pleta-return, from other., tha avail- the.edun were : closed today at the hour of the funeral a' Augusta. 'Flags on the capital and Senate and pouse pfBce building;.were at half mast CONGRESS READY ; FOR BUSINESa able vote now stands 4,348 for Vta- able against '3,762 for hi. combined opponents! Chief Interest Center, in the Ques- tion of National Preparedness. ' (By Associated Press) -Washington, Jan. 5. When Con gress" met today member, of both house. wereT ready to settle down to real work of the session. . Chief in- Fed. Leaden Buy' American' Team.; " St. Ilouis, Jan. 4. The sale of the St. Lpui Americans to Phil Ball and other stockholders of St Louis Fed. erlaa was completed tonight accord ing to announcement of Ball', attor ney. -. - . - , 4.97 per cent and a decrease a. com pared with 1913 of 4494a or 9.90 per cent. - , ; In addldpn to the foregoing', Oper ating Expenaea,' the. Company .pent in November, 191S, for improvement, to it roadway and tructdrei $024. 92137 a against $993,182.43 ' during itovemuer, ii, ana Jfiiii,illl.m aur. Ing November, 1913. Corresponding resu)t for the five month, period, are as fdllowsi . , Gros Revenue tKi year; $28,177, 823,1 an "Incresae a. compared ' with 1914 of $G96,496 or 2.53 per cent and a decrease a compared with 1913 of $2,201,024 or 725 per cent C Operating Expenses, Taxes ' ' and Uncollectible Railway Revenue thi. year ,$20,026,972 a decrease as com pared with 1914 of $1,76679 or 8.11 per cent, and a compared with 1913 of $2,251,818 or 10.11 per cent ! In addition to the foregoing Oper ating Expenses, the Company spent during the five montn thi year, for improvement to it Roadway and Structure, $2,787,764.12 as Iraitlt $390,760.71 during the same period in 1914, and $190,140.7 during the urns twiriwi In 101.4 'f 1 i ' . r ... . f , i J . T .... i : The worst thinir about fanta ia that by ,th time a man acquires it he i. dead and doeant know anything about it , , , ., y More men are blessed with conver sational power, than, with the gift of knowing when to aay nothing. ' ; Port an Princ. Haiti, Jan. 5. A revolutionary eotbreak oc curred here at two o'clock thi morn iag wfira a for of Am erica marine were attacked. One of the rebel waa killed by tha American who suffered no J terest centers irr the question of na- tional preparedness, . although the. Senate proceedings are expected to ' be enlivened by" a general1 Republican attack on th administration's Mexi- can policy. . ' f -. ' 1 The house naval committee "heard witnesses in connection with the an- Dual nara! appropriation bill.' V " In tha house th farm loan bill was up for discussion. v ' " , , n . . i :t - .- ' BUREAU ISSUES WARNING. ' ' . '' -r ' v ( .. :- -" ' Washington, Jan. S The . weather bureaa thi moraiag sent out the . followiag . storm warning:'.' ' ; Adviaory 19 a. m. South- . west torm warnlag. 11 a. m. Baltimore to Washington.' Nv C- Storm over x, Western On- , tario moving North to North east.' Strong east wind. PINE LUMBER FOLKS MAKE A LAI Say They Are Charged aa Unfair and Unjust Rate from Virginia, North and South Carolina at Compared -.With Other State."1.-- -J':-,': (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jan. 6, Pine lumber manufacturer In Virginia, - North Virginia Bridge and Iron Company 'of Roanoke to Furnish irMatriaJr Bookkeeping Machine for Reg later of Deeda ' Office A Number' of Road Matter DUpoaed ' of Farm , Demonstrator'. Salary Increased.' -The board of county tommliislonsra dosed a; two day ; rigular monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon, transact ing th following business : Ordered that report of Committee that conferred with Mr. Wm. Hall be accepted. This report is as fol- low. ' . . . - That Mr. Hall be allowed to make a new ditch near hi. house, Mid ditch to not interfere In any way with cul vert in road at tht. place and county reserves right at any time to change aid .Hrh and give water its natural course. . . ' Dr. E. W. Currl reported all coun ty in.tiuticn. in good healthy condi tion. , r Ordered that James Dues be al lowed $5' per month, Ordered that there be a bookkeep ing machine bought for .the register of deed, office.. The .chairman, named O. O. Harrison, Jos. W. Milter and J, C. Deatbn a committee to purchase Mid machine., i- , , -4 A t Ordered that J. A, Beaver be allowr ed $1 per month.' , . Ordered that M. G. t. . Fisher be . reinburaed $1, same being tax paid,, oh dog. t . ' ' , ' Ordered, that AI.'D. Lefler be ex empt from uoll tax. ' ' ' Ordered that work be continued on th Wilkesboro road from Woodleaf td Iredell county line. ' 5 Ordered by the hoard that the re v Concord road be deferred. , 1 " Ordered that th contract be giv en the Virginia Bridge and Iron Co., of Roanoke, Va., for the several bridge, for th county. . . i t Overman 4t Co were awarded the contract to furnish supplies tor the county institution, for the lhonth. 1 Ordered that the road fee built across across P. M. Phillip's farm as per the first and. original survey. , , Ordered that a garage b built for tha us of the sheriff. - Ordered What County Demonstra tor Crumpton's salary be increased from $60 to $70 per month. Th Jury for the February term of Rowan Superior court wa. drawn aa follow.: First Week J. J. Bostlan, J. A. Cook, J. G. Heglar, James A. Freze, C. Berry File, R. A. Byrd, J. D. Kluttz, D, M. Cain, J. Thomas Freeze, W, H. C Lyerly, John P A. Beaver, Sam A. Carrijran, H. F. Graham, L. A. Boger, R. ,W. TlJlhelm, (C. F. Culp, Zeb Basinger, H. G. Smith, John C. Cre, J. C. Mann, IC. M. Seford, P. E. SherrilL Augusta, Deal, Geo. A. Klutta, J. F. Phillips, Theo. N. Frick, H. A. Lynch, H. R. Scott. J. C. iBar ger. J. Walter Lipe, T. J. Eller, G. H Marrow, F. D. Patterson, W. D Wilhelm, J. L. Peeler, A. W. WJne-coff.,- ;".. . - Second Week -D. tt Correll, W, A. CHne, T. A. Niblock, S. E. Shoaf, R. I Weddington, J. David Brady, G. L. Ltpe, M A. Deal, W. P. Shoaf. J. S. Campbell, H. A. Hoffman, C. W. Ket ner, R. A, Shuping. Cicero Fraley, M. L. Carter, J. L. Fleming, Thomas Smith. D. Luther Cauble, iM. L. Spar. row, E. a. uavis, feter J. fJress, Lee A Overcash, J. L. Pinkston M. M. Smith. ,, NATIONAL GUARD MEETING Being Held la Greensboro Today and Tomorrow To Close With a R..ii- ; lary BalL a ' -' , (By Associtaed Press) 'Greensboro, Jan. 6. Nationrl guard officer of North Carolina arj and South Carolina today complained jB egsion here today and the n -ta the Inter-State Commerce commls- ing will be concluded tomorrow n ' ion that their freight rate from Nor. with a grand military ball. Anm-r folk. Richmond; Roanoke and other iP-ker. this afternoon are Ad- tvv j i. jutant General L. W. Yoany cf J. i like point, to Pittsburg .wd nearby apo,In,. CapUin A. Crc.:, ff r .... places i unfair and unjust a com- instructor and in-r ' r f r f pared with rate to these points from State. Captain F. L, I ' . " f f ' Mississippi, Tennew'ee, Alabama and lotte responded U, t . other .southern -states. , . , . jrome by C!or.el J. s