1 I weather roRECAaT fair tawrrr avd cowriNirp CQID, BEM FOB PROFIT gal, VOL. 12. NO. 7. SALISBURY, MOITH CAROLINA, MONDAY. JAN. 17. 1918. PE1CJ TWO earn. I, II . ! I I ii USE FOR RESULTS LOWE DANIELS IS ARRESTED HERE BY LOCAL POLICE THE NOTED ASHEBORO COUNTY PRISONER. SERVING LONG TERM, IS TAKEN. HAD KILLED THREE PEOPLE Captain Cauble of the Local Force Arrests Escaped Penitentiary Pris oner and He is Positively Identified by Solicitor Clement, Who Prose cuted Hire Will Be Returned to Raleigh. The arrest of a noted prisoner was made in this city this morning, the taking into custody of Lowe Daniels, who some months afro escaped from the penintiary where he was serving a 33 year sentence for the murder of a man named Gardner, also his (Daniel's) sister, his wife's sister and at the same time shot his wife's arm off in an effort to murder her. This terrible crime took place near Asheboro, in Randolph county a year or more afro. It stirred that entire section. Daniels was arrested and tried in Randolph Superior court and was prosecuted by Solicitor Hayden Clehient of this city, escaped the electric chair but was sentenced to a term of 33 years in the State prison. One afternoon some .months ago hi told a fellow convict that "tnis will be my last night here," and sure enough next day Daniels made h's ! escape. That was the last officials heard of him and a description of this noted escaped prisoner was sent to the officers in every county in the state and to other States. The Sal isbury and Rowan county officers were among those to get these.-- A suspicious character was seen here this morning and Captain Cauble and Policeman Julian got busy. This man was .known o have gone up the Western railroad and carried a suit case. The officers headed him off and took him into custody at a point near Mr. M. L. Jackson's residence. He was brought to the city and while the authorities were sure they had the or iginal Lowe Daniels he maintained that that was not his name and gave the name of McDanold. Solicitor Cle ment, who prosecuted the man in Randolph court, was called in and when he walked into the room in the lower floor of the court house where the prisoner was being held he at once recognized him and said "if el low, Lowe." It was then that no further bluff could go and Daniels had to admit his identity. He was placed in jail and the penitentiary au thorities, ;,nqtified rtad he will be re turned to that big prison witfjaf a few days. First Recognized by Car Conductor. The arrest of Daniels came about in a somewhat peculiar manner. This morning as the 9:20 street car was coming in from Spencer and just as it Was crossing the Western failroad on NorhiMalh street, at which place the conductor always goes ahead to see that there are no trains approaching a man passed walking up 'the rail road and carrying a suit case. The car conductor was Mr. F. J. Stafford, a former resident of Randolph cpun ty, living at one time only a short distance from the Daniels home and who was on the scene 'Shortly after the killing took place. His wearing a uniform probably kept Daniels from recognizing- him -tor the escaped pris oner either did not look at him. When the conductor boarded his car again he informed Capt Terry Davidson, of the Southern, waff -was coming in oii the same car, that the man going'up the road was the one who killed three people in Randolph and had escaped. Captain Davidson on arriving in Sal isbury sought Captain of Police Cau ble afitd imparted this information and jhf. two with Officer Julian boarded fair ground car to head the man off, getting off at the Jackson cross-' ing. Officer Junian went around to ward Jersey City, having seen a man cut off, that way. Presently Captain v Cauble spied a man coming down the track with a suit case. He stood Cap tain Davidson between him and' the man in order to hide his brass but tons and when Daniels walked up he .'was informed t)at he wis under ar rest He wanted to know what for ,and asked other questions, and was told , he would ' be advised further when they reached the city. Coming -back 'a wait was made for the street car conductor to come through on HELD BONDS VALID. Hickory, Jan. 17. -Judge Cline has held valid the Issue of $150,000 worth of good roads bonds of Alexander coun ty and vacated an injunction which was filed . agaiiat the board of commistdoners for bidding the sale of these bonds. another run and when he did Daniels was taken before hirn and he identi fied him. Iater he was scrutinized by Solicitor Clement and this settled beyond all doubt his identity. Had Been On a Visit to Wife. Daniels, after his escape from the penitentiary went to see his wife, and she met him at the station, so he say. and he rode home with her 5b buggy. When he left home, after a short stay, he wandered about for a time and -finally secured work at Ca tawba. It was from that place he again made a journey home to see hi one-armed wife, going down through South, Carolina and then up to Ashe boro, "toing in the bck way" as he expressed it at the jail this morning. He was on his return from his wife's home to Catawba to take up his work. He came through the country, crossed the river at Hedrick's ferry, putting himself Across" in a little boat, and then walked on to Salis bury. He said he had no idea he would be recognized in cutting around tbe,"Y" and not going up by the sta tion. Chief Miller this afternoon receiv ed a wire from Superintendent Mann instructing him to send Lowe Daniels to Whitney fo be turned over to the squad of State convicts at work there. Ti !E OF FATAL SUNDAY If One Man Killed, Two Probably Fatal ly Injured and a Dozen Hurt When Trouble Breaks Out at Sacred Church of Jesus Church. Scranton, Pa., Jan. 16 Rioting which brake out 'between rival fac tions at the church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in DuPont near here today, resulted in the deata of one man, the probable fatal injury of two others and the serious injury of at least a dozen more. Knives, revolv ers and clubs played a prominent part in the riot, 11 state troopers beitg among the nijured. George Greizor, the dead man, was shot through the thigh, the bullet se vering i an artery. Trooper Ross Humeri of Pottsville, (sustained a farcture at the base of the skull and Joseph Tinn, of DuPont, was shot through the lungs. Neither is ex pected to live. This church has been the scene of half a dozen riots in as many weeks, one faction objecting to the authority of Bishop M. J. Hoban, of the Catho lic diocese, of Scranton, in naming a priest to take of the affairs of the church ' and the other supporting him. Every time ; the newly appointed priest has, sought to hold services he has been prevented from entering the church by the opposing faction, BELGIUM SUFFERS FROM FLOODS. (By AssocTftad Press.) Ixmdon, Jan. 17. Reports from the Dutch frontier indicate that Bel gium has suffered heavily from floods. The river Sheld has risen and num erous villages are completely inun dated. PRESIDENT PARDONS TWO MEN Had Been Convicted and f Were Serv ing Sentences for Interfering With Voters. , (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jan- 17 Frank Guinn and J. J. Beal, two Oklahoma farmers who as election officials were convict ed in Federal court of intimidating in preventing them voting under the grandfather .clause in the Oklahoma constitute, were pardoned today by .President Wilson. The, pardon) was said to be based on the assumption tfhat State officials evidently held the grandfather clause, .valid and election officials in enforcing it acted in good faith. The Supremo court several months ago held the grandfather clause unconstitutional. All men may be bora oquaX but they dont stay that way long. ' - - L ZONE NORTHERN MEXICO) Another Resolution Offered in the . Senate by Senator Gore Relating to the Mexican Situation. ,1 (By Associated Press.) 1 Washington, Jan. 17. The estab lishment of a neutral zone in north ern Mexico to be policed jointly by ! the governmen tof Mexico and the I United States unless Mexican disor i der is speedily controlled, is propos ed in a resolution today in the Sen ate by Senator Gore, of Oklahoma. ( Relief Train Due Today. El Paso, Texas, Jan. 17. The re- lief train which left several days agoj to bring Amrejctons and others to the border from the bandit infested re- j gion in Chihuahua, Mexico, was duwi to arrive here today. More than 150 1 Americans are said to aboard. I I Ray Harrison Fh-esi at John Mitchell and .Then Flees, Believing He Has Killed His Man Safe on Exhibi- tion. Spencer, Jan. 17. John Mitchell,, a negro employe of the Spencer shops, caught a bullet in his pocket ' Saturday afternoon when a fellow workman, Ray Harrison, negro, flred at him while at work. The artillery used by Harrison was defective and the hall lodged in the clothing of his ' victim, who, believing himself mor tally wounded, started in a run for a' physician. Falling breathless on the er m inere "re no ground, he decided to find out how that the teutonic allies badly he was wounded. Failing to- "d or expected drive on find a bullet hole in his hide he lo- Saloniki. although the entente forces eated the ball in his pocket and. re- in Macedonia are expecting an early turned to work, telling General Fore- move in thj direction. man C. L. Bunch, that he "cotched the' Bu8" has again slackened her ac foujlet in his clothes.'' jtivity in Bessarabia but Austrian , Under the delusion that he had Puit of the JHUfieircf rlna is being killed man, Harrison took to the continued with the latter falling back woods and is supposed to be still run- toward Scutari. . , ninar. The men fell out over a trivial I The Serbian government has estab- matter and Harrison refused to stand for a "dragging" by Mitchell. The demolishedi safe which yegg men blew open in the Spencer post office some nights ago, has been placed on the dge of the sidewalk In front of the office and attarcts much attention. It only takes a glance at the big iron vault to convince one that the job was a conplete one. r WANTS NATIONAL BANKS PROBED, Representative Howard of Georgia Hears That Some Are Charging Unlawful Rate of Interest. (By Associatde Press.) Washington, Jan. 17. Representa tive Howard of Georgia today urged the House rules committee to report his resolution for investigation into the charges that certain National Banks in the Federal Reserve system are charging usurious rates of inter est ' ' ' PROMINENT BAPTIST WOMAN DEAD. Mrs. D. Rich of Winston-Salem Suc cumb to Operation Was Great Missionary Worker. (By Associated Press.) Winston-Salem, Jan. 17. Mrs. D. Rich, one of the most active and prominent members of the Woman's Baptist Missionary Union of North Carolina and President of the Win-ston-SaJefm Young Woman's Chris tian Associatjon, died here, today fol lowing an operation Saturday. The funeral vfill be held tomorrow after noon. ' :. 1 ! ;, ANOTHER WATER POWER SIGHT Thirty-One Engineers and Surveyors Go to John's Elver Near Col led re viDe to Plaa for Sight. J (Special to the Post.) Hickory, Jail. 17.- special to the Record from Lenoir says thirty-ape engineers and surveyors 'have gone to the John's river pear Colledgevllle to survey for a water .ower - sight There is talk of big developments in that section. Including an electric tine from Lenoir to Morgaaton, Blowing Roclk and Boone V : ' There were three defendant for drunk in the county court this morn ing. One paid com, one five dollars and costs, being disordrely with the drunk, paid ten dollars and costs. . .-'-- ' , v " "': : t - - I ' . t . ' t ' . - - E ARE E i RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE ALONG ISO j MILE FRONT HAS BEEN IN I AUGUKATED. JO ACT WITH BRITISH If . , m I. . Ad-iL. i I. jmpuriam vrTriujiiiriii un . hit inn er Fronts are Lacking There Are No Indications That the Teutonic Allies are Ready for the Expected Dri-e on Saloniki. (By Associated Press.) The Russian operations in the Ca.i- cusus are growing in magnitude and importance from indications furnish ed by ofcial reports. It is announc ed from Constantinople that a Rus sian offensive along a one hundred mile front south of Aras has been inaugurated. Further news is that 1 the attack is being pressed, although the Turkish war office -announce that the attempt to make headway lacks success. Military- observers have been ex pecting for some time developments of this character in this region. These are slow in developing in magniture but it now appears a separation has been made and that a drive into the interior is being attempted. The move will doubtless be in conjuncture with British operations and nearby Mesapotamia. Important developments on the oth- a . , i qn lished hejidquaf ters at Brindisil, It- aiy. i Montenegro Ask for Peace. Berlin, by wireless to Saville, L. I l Jan. 17-r-The Overseas News Agency announces today that Count Tisza the Hungarian premier has announced in the Hungarian Parliament that Mon tenegro has asked for peace. Indicted Men Plead Guilty. New York; Jan. '17. Edward Web er, Paul Schmidt, Max , Jaeger and Richard Wohlberg, accused in Federal indictments off cousptrififc Vjj'P con traband rubber to the German gov ernment in violation of the custom laws, today plead guilty. JUNIOR ORDER WINS CASE. Horner's Suit Against West Durham Council Lost. Durham, Jan. 16. After remain ing out 20 hours and 10 minutes, the jury in the case of J. E. Horner against L. E. Pickard, recording sec retary of the West Durham Junior Order, Saturday morning returned a verdict favoring the defendant The jurors were out from Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock until Saturday morning at 10:10 o'clock. They re mained in the juryroom throughout the night, not being allowed to go to their homes. ' 'Horner was suing Pickard for 500, whiclr he claimed due from the Junior Order for the fleath of his son, who, he alleged, "had paid his dues and was in good standing. Pick ard, the plaintiff complaint, said, had failed to turn in dues in due time and the .iijisurancfc .policy had been auto matically ;droped.i, ' MRS. PANKHURST WILL LAND. London Suffragist Will Be Allowed to Eater the United State Has the Support of President. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jan. 17. Emrr.eline Fankhurst, the suffragist leader, on parole in New York under immigra tion authorities, will be formally ad mitted to the United States soon af ter the papers in her case ! reach V Washington. V Presdient Wilson was opposed to her exclusion. Mrs. Fankhurst is working lit behalf of the Belgian relief committee. No. 87, southbound fast passenger train had heavy load Sunday morn ing, running a double header with twelve solid Pullmans. ' RUSSIAN OP RATION INCREASING MAGNITUD FREEZING POINT FORCED DOWN SOUTH., Washington, Jan. 17. The cold rant from the MiMslMsippi river down to the middle gulf states the Ohio river. Rains and snows prevailed over Mlatrs as far south as Mobile and with a cold wave extending into will follow in the interiors and NAME "SPECIAL BOARD Two Inquiries, Civil and Naval, lie Daniels to Name Special Board, ing Made Into Cause of Explosion or the E-2 In New York Navy Yard. ' ' (By Associated Press.) t Washington, Jan. 17. The board investigating the explosion in the E-2 had not reported t! the Navy Depart ment today and no further niforma tion concerning the explosion reach ed officials here. Secretary Daniel will later designate a special board of inquiry to investigate the cause of the exiplosion. Naval and Civil Inquiries. New York, Jan. 17. Official con duct of two inquiries naval and civ il into the cause of the internal ex plosion Saturday on the submarine E-2 at New York navy yard, which caused the death of four men and tnjury of others, were vnovinced to day that the accident was due entire ly to natural causes. They were giv ing no consideration to the sugges tion that outside agencies might have been responsible for the explosion. Three of the six enlisted men injured are in a critical condition. To Be Thoroughly Tested. Washington, Jan. 17. iBatteries, engines and other vital parts of sub marines will here after be more thor oughly tested in laboratories and ex tensive experiments will be conduct ed before being, placed in submerg tries. , The new policy announced by Secretary Daniels is expected to pre vent so far as humanly possible such accidents as befell the E-2. FOUR WERE KILLED. New York, Jan. 15. Four men were killed arid 10 others injured, five of them dangerously, in an ex plosion which occured this afternoon on the submarine -2 while the craft was undergoing repairs in dry dock at the New York navy yard. One of the men killed was an enlisted el ectrician and the other three civil ian workers. At least three of the ten now in the hospitals are not ex pected to live. Usher Makes Statement New York, Jan. 15. A .statement indicating that the new Edison stor age battery was not in any way re sponsible for the explosion on the submarine E-2 at the New York navy yard yesterday was made tonight by Miller Reese Hutchinson, chief engi neer for Thomas A. Edison agd a member of the Naval Consulting Board. The preliminary inquiry into the explosion was held in secret today by the) board of inquiry appointed by Rear Admiral Nathaniel R. Usher, commaiflant of the navy yard. Neith er Admiral Usher nor any of thise present would discuss what occurred at the inquiry, at which persons on board or near the Er2 at the time of the explosinon were questioned at length. Rear Admiral Usher made the fol lowing formal statement tonight: "The , board of inquiry met today and went aboard the submarine, where they conducted a thorough in vestigation. The investigation was not finished and therefor the board wilf . again meet tomorrow. No'-conclusion was reached." Secretary of . Navy Daniels, who is expected to name tomorrow a board of inquiry to conduct a formal inves tigation, left for Washington this af ternoon without making any state ment regarding the explosion. At the navy yard, ; inquirers were turned away with the statement that Rear Admiral Usher and the others con ducting the Inquiry had "nothing to y. . :: S . , No Escort Necessary. (By Associated Press.) : Washington,' Jan. 17. Evidence collected at El Paso by the State De partment authorities Is that Carran sa authorities assured C. R. Watson that no escort, was necessary for the party that was killed hear Chihuhua. wave sweeping over the country today forced the freezing line land the line of zero weather to the rant and Mouth Atlantic cold weather is promised tonight central Florida. Warmer weather east of the Mississippi. IGHT AT CHINA GROVE4 The moonlight school for the town of China Grove will begin on Tuesday evening, January 18th, at 7 o'clock. The first meeting is important and it is very earnestly desired that those J interested in this Important matter be at the school building at this time 7 o'clock on Tuesday evening. These schools will be held in the school building on three evenings each week Tuesdav. Thursday and Saturday evenimrs the hours beinir from 7 to 9:30, and the instructions by the teachers of the town will be free for those who attend. EIGHT COAL CARS DERAILED. Wreck Due to Broken Flange on Wheel Causes a Sunday Derailment on Division of Southern. Asheville, an. 17 Due to a brok en flange, on one of the wheels, eight cars of coal were derailed at 4 o'clock yesterday morning at a point near Tryon, causing considerable damage. The track was not cleared until 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon, but ow ing to the speedily made arrange ments for transferring passengers, none of the regular passenger trains were materially delayed. Train No. 41 was one hour late, and train No, 9 was delayed for on and one-half hours, but the passengers of train No. 42 and train No. 28 arrived on time. Come of the cars that were derailed are said to be .' badly smashed fend the exact amount of damage sustain ed has not been ascertained. S.S.TI Nearly One Hundred Sunday School , Worker Attended Sunday After. noon's Meeting Course Will Con : tinue' for: Twelve Weeks. , The meeting culled for the Com munity Building 1 Sunday afternoon to consider the " establishment of a training school for Sunday school wrokers in this citv was well attend ed, tfhere being nearly a hundred en- thusisstic workers in the Sabbath schools present, these being compos-' ed of both men and women. The meeting was addressed by Mr. J. W. Long of Greensboro, who was called on a number of times to explain cer tain features and workings of these training schools. The meeting resulted in it being definitely decided to conduct a Sun day school teachers' training school in this city, and this will continue for twelve weeks, and will begin the first week in February. The course will be given probably in the community building and is a township affair, all of Salisbury township being embrac ed in the territory which the school will cover. FALLS INTO OPEN FIRE DIES OF HER INJURIES. StatesviJle Jan. 15. Mrs. George Smyre, of Newton, aged ,82 years, died at the i sanatorium here yester day from' effects of burns received Thanksgiving Day. She suffered a sudden attack of illness and fell into an open fire. Wihen found by mem bers of the family she was so badly burned that bones in her hips, arm and jaw were exposed. She ' was brought to .the sanatorium Decem ber 22nd. Her husband and several f children- survive. The body was tak en to Newtoa tonight Kitdua Arrives at Daughter's Bed- ,'-:..- ' aide. v.r , Raleigh, Jan. 17RpJpenftetive Claude Kitchin. maioritv. leader in th Vnml House of RenresenU-' tives, arrived in Raleigh yesterday,! The cars to and from Spencer will being called her by th serious ill- continue to operate as in the past. -ncaa of his daughter. Mis Gertrude,' ' 1 who is a student at Meredith college.' He will remain here everal dtys. jit T IS WIFE OF ROWAN MAN &IIOT THROUGH WINDOW AT HEW HOME AT NIGHT. " ' While Sitting in Room at Her Home Mrs. Overcash Receives , Load of Shot In Her BodyHusband Sue, picioned and Arrest Made at Home of His Father. ' . ' Sheriff Krider was notified this morning of the arrest of Mr. Hous ton Overcash, a well known young farmer, at the home of his falher, Mr. Locke Overcash, near Barber, the; arrest taking place early this mom- !ng and being made on a serious charge. The arrest is believed to ' k.u. kuM k.l n-niw QtiAMtfVd 1T. WWII IIWUV V WjfUlf kJUVI ... Rankin and Gaither. Details are meagre but from what could be learned by noon went as fol lows: Houston Overcasn and his wife liv ed and operated a farm across thi Rowan line in Iredell county. Domes tic troubles began to brew and they did not H i said, live happily and for a time have not llyed together. Sunday night at an early hour Mr. Overcash while sitting near a window in her home was shot by some one, the weapon used being a shot gun fend the same was fired through window. The natuiw of the Woman's wounds were net learned for certain but it. was sa a sn was in a serious condi-, tion. ' ' , ' . - ' , No on aaw the would-be assassin but suspicion at on:e " fell on the young husband and .his arrest . was ought with the result that he was : located at th hom of his father. ' The affair has created much feet (ng in, the section where , the, woman' fives and the report ; of th shooting caused widespread interest in wes tern Rowan and lower Iredell. ANOTHER VETERAN IS CALLED. Meehack Franklin Hunt Dies at the . Home of Mr. S. F. Lord--Funeral -and Burial Thi Afternoon. Mr. Meshack Franklin Hunt, a Con federate veteran, died at the. home of Mr. S. F. Lord on South Fulton street Sunday morning of paralysis. ' The funeral was held from St " Luke's Episcopal church this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, being conducted by the rector Rev. Wr W. Way; and the in terment was in the English cemetery on North Church street s . Mr. Hunt had made his home with Mr. Lord for soma time. He was ft lieutenant in the Confederate army. No immediate relatives survive, tho he was related to Mr. Lord, Mr. E. B. Neave, Miss Fanni McNeely ' and Commander Robert McNeely of th United State Navy. ' SHERIFF MAKES EXTRA ROUND State Law, However, Only ' Require ; One Tax Collecting Round. , Although the State law now l en quires sheriffs to make one tax col lecting round of the various townships and that in the fall, Sheriff Krider is to make the regular first of the year tour of the county, doing this in order to accommodate the tax payers, many of whom are not aware of th change made by the last legislature requir ing that the sheriff only , make one tour of the county each year, i i Sheriff Krider will begin this extra tour at Trexler's store in Franklin township ; on Monday, January 24th and will close at Pooltown, in Mor- . gan township, on Friday,' 'February 11th. ' Iro;:-;.;;;; CHANGE IN CAR SERVICE. Last Car Leaving Empire Hotel for Fulton Heighta in Future Will Be the 10.20 P. M. Car. ' t Superintendent Joe , Robinson of the street railway lines announces a change in tho operation of the nigit cars. Heretofore, for Some time, the southbound 10:40 ear ha been oper ating in. through to Fulton heights. This has been discontinued arid the last car leaving the Empire hotel for Fulton heights will b the 10:20 car, A horse may have a pedigree, but take money to mak th mar go. ON OVERCASH ARRESTED A SERIOUS CHARGE

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