PAGE TWO SALISBURY EVENING POST. SALISBURY, N. C, JUNE'S, 1913. MR HELD AT ALBEMARLE ELKS' BARBECUE Out customers keep the books, but they spend no time , end have no trouble in doing so. Every customer : has the same record of his account as we have and in the same handwriting. Tkia we accomplish by the use of SYSTEM ThciOnf Writing Method of handling credit accounts. With each purchase, we furniah a sale dip which ahowa tha good pur. chased, the price charged for each item and the laat previoua balance all looted up. There can bo no error in handling your accounts at You Always Know What You Owe We furniah a holder for the talo slips. We prefer that you file every alip in this holder a glance at the last ona will tell you what you owe. These alipa become an expense account, without effort on your part. Will you let us explain our McCatkey System to you PurcelFs Drug Store Salisbury, N. C. Members of the Piedmont Commer cial Club Get Together and Discuss Some Up-to-Date Questions of the Stanly Metropolis. Albemarle, June 2. A "Smoker" j was held in the rooms of the Pied i mont Commercial Club here last night j when all the club members and a : number of the 'business men of the I town who are not mennbers were pre ' sent and joined in a real "get-to- gether" meeting. W. I.. Mann, pres 1 ident of the club, noted as toastunas j tor, and number of the rrremibers and quests respon.led to toasts on differ I cut topics. Senator J. E. Efird urged ; the citizens of the town to co-operate : . . . . ..... j , , less Dallas has a hand in it.) 1 l i ii k uuwn imi.uiii.iiil sirtfts, wincn j work is to begin in a short time. Mr. J. F. Peck urged a "White Way" and a committee was appointed to confer A Large Number of the "Best Peo ple on Earth" Gather at the Fair Grounds for an Evening of Enjoy ' ment and Feasting. The Salisbury Elks sustainaJ their reputation yesterday afternoon when they gave their annual barbecue, the same taking place in the grove at the fair grounds, the hour being 5 o'clock. All day long the ingredients were assembled and the meats barbecued and the Brunswick stew and hot stuff being prepared. This was done un der the .direction and personal super vision of Messrs. Frank Miller, Hugh Daggert and John Miller, and of course Dallas Torrence, the famous colored barbecuer, cooked the meats. (It doesn't taste like barbecue un- LOCOMOT1VE WORKS iTO QUJT MANUFACTUR SOUTHERN FREIGHT WRECK. Well, shortly before 5 o'clock the antlers began to stroll in and when the hour arrived to ibegin serving the ,. :,v, r .1.1 .,!. " HUH LUC UVtUU Ui LUVVll UlUrillieil WJl.ll , i-i i i A . , ! . ! automobiles parked in the grounds. regard to putting in this improve- ,. . , . , , ... i .It was an ideal barbecue alfternoon ment. Mr. A. C. Huneycutt urged , c . , , an.i a finer barbecue repast was never uyon uic iiieemig uie iniiruriance or a , . permanent cover such as bitulithic or; I Warrenite for the highway connect- I iri Albemarle and Badin. The very heavy traffic which now passes over j t t . t Owing to Many, New Orders in Its Line, Richmond, Want Will Resume Manufacture of Locomotive En . tines. OF MUNITIONS. ,' Tearup North of Danville Badly In- this road demands constant attention terferes With Traffic on Main Line to the upkeep of the road which is a Nearly Eight Hours Delay. splendid graded highway but has on- ly a surface cover There was a bad freight wrsek on appointed looking toward devising , Richmond, Va., June 2. As soon fsjfa the present orders for munitions arf-$ompleted, the American Loeo motiveqmpany here will resume the manufactory 'of locomotives, accord ing: to a statement made yesterday 'by George (fctbry, manager of t'ns Richmond plant. ' , tyj JVIready orders for rt$e-; lorcqmotives auw'e been booked in New :Tork, the Chespeake and Ohio having awarded a contract for , twenty-five, which President George W. Stevens has in sisted be built in Richmond. The Seaboard Air Line, it is known, has warded a contract for five engines, and Presiden Harraham, of the Sea board, favors the local plant for the filling of his order. It is said that the building of the locomotives will require about all of the workers now employed at the shops, and ( there is little likelihood of any losing their positions. ' - " TAYLORSVJLLE RESORT OPENS SATURDAY, JUNE 10. , Hickory, June 3. The gay social season at All Healing Aika-Lith'.a Springs, near Tayloraville, in Alexan der County, will open Saturday, June 10, with a grand ball -at night follow ing the formal opening address by II. P. Grier, of St&teeville at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The hotel and grounds at this famous resort have recently undergone a thorough reno vation, and O. F. Poole, who has conducted a 'number of years, will still be resident manager, and George E. Ransom, of Wpldon, being the own er. The water, which is said to pos sess considerable the affairs of this popular .resort for curative proper tics, will be put on the market in a large way. ' Already there, are a number of guests there from points in North "and South Carolina. the main line of the Southern just ( some plans by which this much need- j north of Danville last night and as a ed improvement should be made. The , result traffic both passenger and meeting was a very enthusiastic one. ' freight, was badly tied up. The last Mr. Gamibrell of the Charlotte Ob- ; pasenger train in from the noj-th last server was present in the interest of I night was No. 35. All other trains, 1 the special edition of the Observer! some of them due here about o which is to be gotten out soon an I to o'clock this morning, were delayed day a committee of two men ars out i something like ei.yht hours, none ar- undertaking to secure the necessary ! served in these parts. Most any baibecue is enjoyable but the Elks have a way of doing the stunt that makes it doubly so. Good followsh'p, merriment, fun and hearty good ' cheer reigns supreme on these occa- sons and yesteirday was no exception. Tfhcro wna a trnrtA Tnud rf tVlp Tm.v A committee was i . , , , . . am anil rnr an hnni una fl hnlf tnv forgot the cares an-J worries of life and real enjoyment held sway. But then who wouldn't brush aside the blues and disappointments and vexa tions, -which are all too common and in most cases imaginary, when in the company of such men and on su"h an occasion as "Pete" Beard and "Pete" Murphy, Witherspoon and Howan, Vivify ftfiy WubhllKrlfin ll ,1 4 I 1 ul'litllt iri.nrl.. r. n.. ... in ,lti n.l.J I " ...i.i " -imh.uii ....tit i.uuua t.yri oynK c in mis apci mi auu - it o'clock this morning. No. 11, from tion. A number ot speakers referred ..Richmond, came in on time. No one to Albemarle and Badin as the Twin- was injured in the freight wreck so iCity, and it seems that with the far as could be learned. rapid progress the two towns are making it will be only a matter of CHINA GROVE WOODMEN. Annual Sermon to Members of This Fraternity at That Place to Be Preached by Rev. C. A. Brown To morrow. The annual sermon to the Wood men of the World of China Grove wl be delivered tomorrow at 3;30 o?elock in Lutheran Chapel church toy Rev. C. A. Brown of China Grove, a member of the order. The members of the order will meet at their hall nt 2;30 o'ck&k and go to the church in a body, and the China Grove chop pers invite members of other W. O. W. lodges to Join thorn in this special service. tiniL' when the two are together. I Stamy Carter, Arthur Davis, R. W. i Walker, Hugh Brown, Lee Mahaley I and a whole lot of just such men who believe in spreading sunshine and ex ' terminating gloom. I There is only one fault with the Elks, they overdo the thing, and when all had feasted yesterday af ternoon there was an abun-Jance left, it was another case of the loaves and fishes. TO CARRY CHURCH PICTURE. Iocal Methodist Publication to be Issued Next Week Wil I Be of Spec, ial Interest. iNext tA'ek the regular quarterly report of First church will be issued and Jt will carry a picture of the pit. posed new house of worship this con gregation is to build. GAMES YESTERDAY. German army used 80,000 tons of , groin fes th&n its . allotment, for which the people may thank the ac curacy of the French fire. Wall Street Journal. SAVES DAUGHTER Atfrke cf Holier no Donhi Pre- : Tecls Daughter's Untimely End. Ready, Ky. "1 was not able to dr anything for nearly six months," writet Mrs. Laura Bratcher, ot this place, "and , was down in bed for three months. . , I cannot lell you how I suffered with - ny head, ana with nervousness and womanly troubles. a v . : : .---, . Our family doctor told my husband he could not do me any good, and lie had j tis " up. , " c cu. autuiucf uocior, but nc uui not nap me. .. -r - v ' At list, my mother advised me to take Cardui, the womaa's tonic I thought h was no use for 1 was nearly dead and reining seemed to do me any good. But Itook eleven bottles, and now 1 am able r do air cf my : work and my own lushing. .,-,,.' . ' I think CardL-I Is the best medicine in f'e world. Ai:- weight has increased, s-id 1 Icok rt pctur of health. ; )ou jun-r frMn any of the ailments ru!lr to worn, pet a bottle ot Cardui ; fi.'.r. Dsla u iangerous. We know ill help t, for it has helped so i rr fhnaoJs of other weak women i .Me past 50 years. . ; Vt a'l drvhis. . . 1, -. - , v.., Crwviere Madieina Oa- X&m D-x. C.yu niof. Tna tor fwW -. fi; " H.6.U Carolina. Durham 3; Asheville 4. Raleigh 2; Winston-Salem 4. Greensboro 2; Charlotte 3. National. Brooklyn 2; Pittsburg 5. Boston 1; Chicago 2. (Philadelphia 2; St. Louis 3. New York 4; Cincinnati 6. (13 innings.) American. St. Louis 2; Cleveland 1. iJo others scheduled. Southern. Memphis 4; Atlanta 3. iLittle Rock 3; Birmingham -1. Nashville 9; New Orleans 1. Chattanooga 3; Mobile 0. International. Newark 4; Richmond 3. (16 innings.) Buffalo-Toronto, rain. Providence 6; Baltimore 4. Rochester-Montreal, rain. American Asso. Toledo 1; Louisville 2. Milwaukee 1; Minneapolis 5. Kansas City 9; St. Paul 4. Indianapolis 5; Columbus 4. South Atlantic. Montgomery 5; Augusta 9. Macon 0; Columbus 7. Charleston 7-4; Columbia 1-1. Albany 3; Jacksonville 4. Virginia. Norfolk"4; Petersburg It. Rocky Mount 5; Portsmouth i. Hopewell 2; Newport News 8. ITEMS FROM FAITH. . .Faith, June 1, Rev. R. C. Kirk and t'has. F. Brown (time over to Faith In Mr. lirown's car today and while here took u peep at Venus' collection of curiosities. Rev. Harvey A. Fesperman and wife, of Ptartown, N. C, are spend ing several days with Mrs. Fesper man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Peeler. Mr. P. M Burger is confined to his bed sick at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Kuykendall went to Asheville today where they will make their future home. The Patriotic orders will have their annual celebration this year, July 4, with Rockwell. N. C. The program will be announced later. A big time is expected. We met J. S. Carter at Rockwell. Ho- has married since we saw him last and he has a pretty little wifi and they live at Rockwell. May 25th, Venus tcsok a birthday dinner with Mr. Simpson A. Corn, it bointr his 44th birthday. Miss Freda Gardner, of Salisbury spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Raney at Faith. Lawson A. Earnhardt, of Chin.-. Grove, was in Faith this week. He j formerly lived in Faith. sverAl vr ! is the firat Kame of th season, How the Texas Tube test happened ! TO ERECT TELEPHONE BUILDING i 1 Southern Bell Company Acquires Site on Council Street Adjoining Lawyer's Row. ' The Southern Bell Telephone Com pany has purchased of Hon. John S. Henderson the vacant lot on the south side of West Council street, adjoining Lawyer's Row, and will erect a build ing for its penmanemt use. The plans are now being drawn and it is under stood the building will be three stories high with pressed brick front. It will be a moiern structure and sim ilar to those owned by the Bell com pany in other cities. Work is expect ed to begin on the same at an early day. Every cloud as a silver lining. Thus the nomination of Roosevelt might be worth while if it would drive Mr. Taft into the ranks of the Democracy. Charleston News and Courier,. IT nettled Pill Parr considerably I So many Motorists had carc-lcs--ljr staled that 'ell Tire Tubes nrc jii;'t Rubber." He determined to show s onic folks the difference. In a wny they would never forget There were four Cars at the door, and their Owners or Drivers at his elbow. To these he said, "Boys, how lrc.:ig do you think thi i Goodrich Brown Tube actually is? "Do you believe it Is strong enough to tow Mr. Oden's five passenger Car, with four people in it- for 2C blocks? -You don't, chl "Well now here's a bit of a Bet I want to make with any, or all, of you. "I will bet you a Dinner that this little old regu lar Goodrich Tube (34x4) will not only tow Mr. Oden's Car, but will tow ail three cf your Curs. fully passengert-d, through the streets for the full 21 blocks (more than a mile and a half) starting and stopping as many times as the crowd maken it necessary. "I will, if you Gentlemen arc agreeable, line up all four of your Cars, right here and now, take three regular Goodrich Tubes hap hazard out of their boxes, tie one tube between each two Cars, (which means hauling t'nree Cars, on the first Tub ) 8nd tote You all that way to- "The Cornen." ' Are you willim? to bet a Dinner that any one of the three Tubes will 'go broke on the way, or show a flaw which would Icr.k Air, or prevent fta being used for its original Tire purpose afterwards? "You are, eh? "Well, the Ect'son! Come along, and yc-i be the Judges." THE P.innor was a very Cheerful Affair. As (Wen afterwards (when put ting up his of the Bet) "you could have bet mc a Million on that. Parr, and I'd havo taken you op, even if I had to bormw the Million. "1 don't see how the blamed Tnbvs ever did hold out, especially going un Saco St. under such a strain. "With eight, people in the last three Cars, and a total load of over ct.800 pounds I sure thought to hear something snap before Second Block. "Whaddye put into that brown Goodrich Rubber anyhow, to make it hntig together like that?" Frirz said that what puzzled him most was the biov.r. Rubber Tubes "not being all strctilwd out of smx after such a tug, n-"' '' '' at the finish. "Look you." nid 1 , ".v load, after the liaal, !'.. in into just three-quarters of an inch longer than they were at the start ! "And that of an inch, they look up ajjain in less than two hours rest." did bang together n wo released tho ly Fnapix d back 11EIi. bovs. Bill Parr remarked. as he smoothed out a wrinkle in his well- filled vest, "that'll stoD the Argument about 7T?re Tubes being 'just Rubber,' won't it?" "If the Brown Stuff that toted all you Heavy weights, and your Cars, for 21 blocks, without a Sign of Heavy Duly afterwards, isn't something MORE than 'Just Rubber.' lll.e other Tubes, then yoU'd bet ter buy the 'Just Rubber kind hereafter. "I'm going to a. k nil of you to sign your namc3 to this Texas Tiro Tube Test,' just to show that you have taken part in a regular Exploit which is mighty well worth recording." So indeed they did,-r-and here is the affidavit : AFFIDAVIT. , : Thin cciifir: that we, the undersigned, took psrt in and v.i'ne::d, the Terss tube (eft referred to : tVc advei tirt ment entitled "How the Tt sas Tube T, st HapptviH ! " that the test was made on date: of rlov. 11, ?r Waco. Texas, the distance cov ered t ring tr-rnty-oiie blocks and that the result was as deacril ed. Signed W. M. OOr-iN, ' -J. M. NASH, B. A. FRITZ, W. A. PARR. fMibsoibed and sworn to before mc bv W M. OK :i. J. M. N.i h, R A. Fritz and W. A. Prrr," this the 3rd day of May, A. U. 101(3, at Waco, Tcxa Signed J. G. WREN, Notary Public, McLcnnon County Texas. think Ymt of these GOODRIC H Tim Tubes that could Uar up under such a gruelling test? Reflect that ihey cost you no more tliia the "ordinary" Tubes you so carelessly acctpt ! immeetoeb Tire CHANGING PLACE OF WORSHIP. Congregational Church Congregation CHICHESTER S PILLS am r i tavt a,r yaas'wfcr flHs 1 Kr ad Mill Talta tttBvp- Boy ar rear S-TEB Ill-am. trt MAllUftBt IIHAXII r'.LLK for vcm kaw as Sifttt. Ai--vs Ke5il4a wic Br mmiK mrcxxsz: a."o. We met up with Mr. J. B. Isenhour and two little daughters, Mary and Pauline, on their way to visit his mother in Cabarrus county. Mr. L. A. Beaver has a mulberry tree in his yard that measures eight, feet and five inches around and was set out about 27 years ago. If you can beat that,' trot out you tree. We have just had another fine rain. Venus spent Sautrday night with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin S. Shipton, near good cook. He has three large barns and three orchards, 9 head of cattle, three bead of horses and fine wheat sad oats. We saw on his farrr. Mrs. Mary Hodge, of St. Mathews settlement near the Yadkin river. drove up to near Emanuel's chuch to visit her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Shipton, Satur day. She was accompanied by Mrs. Bettie Reid, who is an aunt of Mrs, Shipton. It is about 12 miles to their home. C. S, Shipton has a white horse apple -tree five feet and one inch a round. Whoever can beat that, trot out your tree. Venus met his old friend, Mr. S. Jt. Palmer while he was out on his cream. route. It has increased from 50 to 100 gallons a tripsin ,one year, and increased in patjrons" from 20 to' 40. The route is about 25 miles long. The cream route is giving entire sat isfaction. The creamery paid 3Jc for butter fat last .month. The butter fat i not expected to get under 30c, Rockwell and Faith -crossed bits on the formers ground Score 5 to 1 in favc ANOTHER TRAIN TO BADIN. Venus spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. John Shipton, near Emanuel churth. They have a fine fsrm, fine wheat and oats; lots of fruit, fine corn growing, large crib of old corn. Mrs. Shipton is a- tine cook. They have a large old-time spring house full rtf milk. They have no children. By the time we go to see him again he will have a new automobile. Venus took dinner in Rockwell Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Berry Mil ler. There is some nighty good rooks their. We got a fine dinner, it was our first time there. Rockwell Is a lively town and everything seems to' be on the go there. We saw Mr. J. M. Rinehart delivering and pack ing away a car load of ire. He has an ice. house at his home, he packed i it full while we were there. He supl plies ice to a lot of people and stores. Will Positively Belir Faia in Three , t u t- l i . I Mtmrtes. , .t. . - p.uJT1? right now f or rheurnatwm. " lutr " " meuraigia, lumbago, sore, stiff and today visiting- his daughter, Mrs. swollen joints, pains in the head, back Paul Barger. nd lbs, corns, bunion, etc. After m, ... r.t . t m,rr?, ?ne PPl'ction pam disappear, as if ,n j Dy magic. in operation now along on the gran- a never-failing remedy, used inter ite belt. Every' ody has work that nally and externally for Coughs, Colds, The Winston-Salem Soutiv'oound Railway Co. announces today the op ening of a branch line .between Whit- Will Hereafter Hold Services in j ney and Badin, a distance of five Community Building Auditorium i miles, and the inauguration of freight Dr. Duttera's Fifteenth Hear. I The Park Avenue Methodist church having been occupied by that congre gation, which has been worshipping in the Community . .Building, the Congregational congregation will, be-1 ginning tomorrow morning, hold ser- i vices every Sunday in the auditorium of the Community Building. Thij I congregation has been wroshipping in j the Superior court room of the coun ty court house. Tomorrow marks the fiftheenth an niversary of the Rev. Dr. W. B. Dut tera in ministerial work, practically all of which lias been in Salisbury. Following the announcement that the Southern Railway is to inaugu rate a through train to Badin, begin ning tomorrow, the following taken from Saturday afternoon's Winston Salem Sentinel will be of interest: MILLER'S ANTISEPTIC OIL KNOWN AS ill Palm Beach Suits Cleaned and Pressed 50c. Get the best work'" It's the cheapest. Phone 102G. CLYDE ENNIS wants work - and this nvtUrs good times in this part of old Rowan. Charles Raney's new barn is finished. carrier passed ; iMr., Beamharit, . our mail had a bhjUnai todaywheii Tie through Faith. ' ' We saw gome extra fine fields' of Croup,- Sore Throat, Diptheria and lonsums. - This oil ia eonceeded to be the most penetrating remedy ' known. Its prompt and immediate effect in re lieve ing pain hvdue tatSe'fact that it penetrates' ta tb aaVscSed-'perU at once. ' As an illustration pour Ten Drops on the thickest piece of sole leather and it will penetrate this sub- whtai down' below Rockwell and took ! jSen?h " "t? snapshots' across them with our ko-j jVccept no substitute.' This great dak. -i . - I oiC is golden red color only. . Everv Venus is g&ng to visit friends op)prVe aTnaraWeed; t6 and 50e a bot- UNIVERSITY OF North Carolina CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Maximum Service to the People of the SUte Tie Soramer School for Tcachrs June 13 July 28 (Write for complete announcement) ABLE FACULTY COMPLETE CURRICULUM MODERATE RATES CREDIT COURSE DELIGHTFUL ENVIRONMENT . EXCURSION' RATE" TICKETS I THI SajgincK LAW BCHUUU . JUNK IS AUCU8T 2S- RE6ULAB SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 14. ' Stashnte who expect to enter for service effective Satur.iy niyht, June rd. Rupture Specialist Here A. B Wentworth Specialist and Truss Expert , of Baltimore, wiK be in this city this week and interest ed parties can consult him frer of charge in regard to their case. The Wentworth Hold-Fast Truss has no leg straps to gall or ch.ife. but has soft siution pads that in sure the "highest degree of comfort without any danger of slipping and wil retain any case of rupture per fectly, closing the opening in tho average cas in a short time wit! out recourse to a surgical operation. If you haVe had trouble with an uncomfortable or ill-fitting trus.i it will pay you to see him. Examination and advice free and prices reasonable. SALISBURY Wednesday and Thursday, June 7 and 8, Hotel Yadkin. For Breakfast Try Wheat Mash Made of pure, golden wheat grains delicious and healthfu.1 SOLD BY ALL , Grocers ' lAVUFACTURED BY ! ' ' ClenfJenb-Sanders Company c. i f-v , -Dn-K..r tja- k.f i v money manoea. ai leaamg Bteqean wan expeci w enier xor Ud l0"1"?- bou rbeT- Junon to lon , druggist. . . , " the JUat time should complete their I of Faith. This t and see the fine crops' up that way. t EMPIRE DRUG CO. v J aTrangeraenU as early as possible. "1 l