tnr: two HALISHLItY EVENING POST. SALISBURY, N. ,C JANlAHY 8, 1917. - -f Jb.Umt she JW.Co through the try tng ordeal of motherhood with as tittle pain possible this can ! a 'reality when; "Mother's Friend' x hnen ned regular! pr&edlnfj S 'rs? field - f , "Mother's Friend at your , ' IREDEIX COMMISSION-' i '. V . GOVERNMENT A SUCCESS. , -t; v:r ;.' SUtegville(Jan. ,7.1-Ifedell-Couni. ty baa already, adopted the "commis sion form of government; that'Bun- L Enlarred tomifl and knflamad. i Ciuon or Um throat, mtaciajly - , rampt tmiaoii hara IB A Dreuajratfan whfck ' tmnn apaady reiwi ia thtaa . condition. Mar ba taken in-. trnallr or aaad as rsrtrla. . Either way. It la mora plaaaaa than thaonUaaryUiraatranMdr '.Children da not objirt to it.' Doa't failtor.'TaaAN "TO ,- , EJixir Tooatlitia' -placa, ii i, yoot medicine cabinet. ' You -will And it fully up ta th. ' . hiah atanriard at vxcallanra . ' maintained ia ail SAiX 'IXX ara r I niaa, ; OSa- -Vina,-1. ! I i. an. 1 ,.fi ams; C it J V 1 , r - r tomba county la looking forwari to, Iredell clalma herself the pioneer in this matter. The board of county com missioners of Iredell has charge of the, affairs-of t the county. , J. E. Boyd, rwirman .of ? tills , board, re ceives a salary and devotes his entire time' to a consideration of the roads, the 'drainage, and all other problems 6f the covnty. ?',; ;, , ' : Thia form of government was re cently Saaugurated in this county, and Jredell ii highly, pleased with the u?;eitful outcome, that Is ipromised. Ail t . . . ii . . . . A .. , i ' l -Alt . ouutnern y uaiBBcuKvi-. nu" were on - time tais mornini, 'being torueihing unusual (or the past sever al weets." ... .' ' , BANK VRESIDENf AT Si. 1r x-V Money . A -""i " 'J wrote cm I whr hd lu mit Mr, ant aftt attaj Mm V r Si) : J ; .' - ' J S, .4 -x-Z-tVv i s : : i.... x . S:?':..M--- SALISBURY MAN ON TRIAL AT FORT SIVlltH, ARK. MeAce K. Brock Among Tlioeo to Answer to Chargea of , I)efrau,dln)i the GovernmentCuy Hart man, of Davie County AIho ih the List. Fort Smithy Ark., Jan. C Attor neys concerned tofsy announced themselves Teady for trials of four fonmer officers of the United States internal revenue serice, charged.with boina implicated in a gigantic "moonshine" conspiracy, which hear- i-inga are set for, the term of the Un ited States court inat opens nere Monday. , The defendants are Thomas C. McjCoy, .vformer internal revenue agent of Ashville, N. C; James H. Surber former Internal revenue jrent of Atlanta, Ga.; A. W. Williams, Foy etteville, Ark., former gauger and NeAton Q, Sprading, Aurora, Mo., former gaugor. j In addition to these defendants, there are similar indictment subject to call at the coming teim against Guy L. Hartiman, of Farmington, N. C; Moses B. Brock, of Salisbury, N. C; J. W. Gri.'er, aT Sonora, Ark., a former gauger, and John L. Casper. The latter pleaded ' guilty here last January and was sentenced to nine years in the federal 'penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas. Te'.egrams re ceived here Decembr 22, said Casper had f:een. pardoned. Government agents declare they have evidence that the "moonshine" conspiracy dites baoV.-a score of years, having originated in North Carolina and spreai through half a dozen statos. It, is, charged, the con spiracy ended here in the spring of 19ti,' after the government had lost frqiti 3,0O0,000 to $5,000,000 because the "moonshinera" disposed of wihs key' on which the customary tax of $1.10 a, gallon was not paii. TOtAt ECLISPE 6F JtOON. Began ThU Morning at,,;' ,12.50 and Passed Off at 4.39 Qbaerved by a Number of People. . There was a total of eclipse ' of ' tho rtoon thie morning and being visible throughout the United States;, This, was the first of seven eclipses to oc cur the present year. The darkeninx 5HaivevtoW fiibion' has hpcoma of the moon waatha result of the preoide'nt 'of!'on,,W. the great ;New , earth interposing between the sun York, bantfi al-thwty-four, years of The cankaning of the agVi tU iUfc&hkm chelen to head j moon began t.l2;60 and was a) over the Libert VNH-Uonalt Bank, one of w".w4 " " .Wi the;, gueat coifm,erClal institutions of W0W ,lQt.iK)Wt SfSefl' ' r?oV Hifrmnnot ha naria'atfiiiffKn. You hmvo to .hnvo hair datura it Km ba SttsiKhwaeti. sNovUiia,,, jii iff 'f 'If 9 XI j iS tt T ia Hair Crowtr which lcH theacni-t ad rooia ot the boir and roaSaa Micky, nappy Kaip arrow kn soft and i!ky. It cwunaitiivlru'f andatopa FalunDliair at once t-rickjebytuiuloetDw4 siamperciiiV'...i.': , (..uyi.v.Vt . IXStENTO MKOIUIMS; CO, AttanSa. , Mct Gibson is s native of "North Conway, V(t ;H ;-and a , graduate- of Bpwdojnlllgefltlje class of 1902. He was first employed by the Ameri can Expfs-Cornpany in Boston and then In Nw Xotk Later: with sev. eral business associates he obtained control,, of Raymond & Whitomb Company,- of which organization he b?ama vieit-presidryitr' When Sew ard Proaser, now pvesiifent of . tho Bankers trust Company, was ( made president'.of' the Liberty , National Ban.ltMmi.jPbur years. ago he invited Mr,. Gibspn to . accompany him as aseiattant ,t the jHrasident.-. was clear, the mootf full, and shining ,-;rignt and the eclipse was as distinct as it is possible for one to be. The lateness of the hour at which it occurred prevented the great ma jority from, viewing it. Hc-vevor, those) who were up got a plain view of it, and there were no few who- emerg ed from their beds to take-a peop at the o: scored planet a . . L; v, J ; .-. Y6 u to Live?" 4-, r : , "With prices jgone:.-.' likakir-oekets, 'the' scarcity !ot every daf j-commpditic-p-eggs for mstance and salaries On tho same old Easy enough, ,Mrs." lou6ekcepert dead essyl y No heed to wrinkle. our vfoTenead pzjiling over the question of furnish-- Jng. good, yiutritiods) meals-for 1 your family, with . wir-baliasted 'prices' and the same .old pocketbook. ;' W'' ' :'. '' '. -.. . ; ....'y-:"v;.':v-, :.;,:w IlWottr ysdde-oVnYAM NUTS-fpr vnatanco. Injt Ul ftiEV. C P. FISHER CALLED. St, Paul and Bethel Lutheran Congre gationa After Faith Pastor to Sue eeed Rev, M. L. Ridcnhour. The congregations of St. Paul and Bethel Lutheran churches, near Salis bury havo extended a call to Rev. P. Fisher, now serving the Lutheran church at Faith, to become pastor of the above churches. These congre gations are no" without a pastor, caused oy tne resignation oi kv. m L. Ridenhour, who recently accepted a call to St. Stephens church in Stan ly county. It is not known yet whether Rev. Mr. Fisher will accept the call, but the congregations of St Paul and Bethel are anxious to secure his services. He is one of the lead. ing Lutheran preachers in the coun ty and the Faith people would ioe loth the give him up. is combined'; ill the Kealthf ill elcrnentai of truep'alatabie'j , and, best of All, it runs paratttd to your, purser It won't be n price- ne day and. frown hAHghtly at you ffomfi unattam-J v able perch fhe.nex,:; V' -: V:y "i - Genuine old-SoutV Yams, "broken into ; delicate, fascinating crisp of gold with5 a ;urprjain jly g pleasing, fflavorv A. flight. Isprinkle" of 1 sugar and i .a"(s plash of velvety cream and presto! " a breakfast fit' W a rking.;':'-? " - ; , -v- -j ,r A i -" "i'V;'i.'t;;:;. ":-,';'iit V Marshal thisv Officer 'df.-Economy into your . service, ahd see ' . '. i -', ,',''" v i ' ..J(V;V a . if it doesn't shoulder a major part of the Jtauldea of .the high cost Cf living;, --'"y-'.e-'-V ,Y-j-:' X--:- THE WILLIAMS COMPANY ' ' Saie Manufacturers,- ,'?"f.rt'envi::V S C. v-" .1 i.- Some Woodleaf Items. Wooleai, ,Jan. 5 Christmas holi cays axe past and so it as the writ er inows no accident is icpcrted and every one had a joyous time. Oscar slenson who capie heme with the measles h getting a Ion? nicely, Rev, D. Monroe who has been Our faithful and beloved pastor for tha past five years has moved to Red Springs. , .Rev. Mr. Wallace from Tenn., is here to succeed hina, N. Nv Fleming, Jr filled the pulpit at Unity Sunday and gave us a host excellent sermon. . Tom MicJDaniel who has i;een on the eick list is improving. , Miss Louise Eberwien the attrac Jive school teacher from Virginia, but who is engaged in the industry . of teaching here did not go home fo the-iiolii; sys, but spent most of her tune at i Mill Bridge Mr. and Mrs. I M., Hart returned hom. after, a short ; stay with Ijfart's aistar of JBaltlmore. H. G. Hart the famous hunter of this place bagged, some: wild ducks during the holidays, . -. . Mr. Geortre Click had the misf or- I, tune of having his arm knocked out of place when the mule he was riding fell don. 'i ,', .i.v.y. ;.4" - ... Airs. Clint Lippard is on the sick Iit at this writing. , ... ., Lonnie Adams eon of Mr. G. Adams met with death toJay at Ohio where he was engaged in the K. R. Business. ' Mis. Fleming, Cauble, of Cleveland Irs visiting Mrs. C. LivrpardA ' Mrs. Fred Setzer and children, of I China Grove, are visiting .her sUter MVs. O. E. Lodwick on North Long 'street' ' - -. A ""' " 1 "mMK)j Su," "!'!"" ' i '.a'a.a,' nyfcrryv" '.j.i)u;ji.aaaayr' - , - .- . . v .-. ' It was midnight, cold and dark. The cal endar told the date Monday, November 4th. 1901. They tell me I opened hiy eyes and blinked in the glare of the big electric lights. Arpund me were nien in spotless white talking in low tones. "jirh," one said, "we have been watcjiing for this Jittle fellow for a long while and now lie's here." Jim picked me up, looked me over, struck a match arid took a long, deep puff. Then he took another. "Genflemen'he said'He is peneci Qtal ity does tell You cant fail to teconize good blood. His mother was a Virginian, his father ah aristocrat of the Carolihas. He comes from the very best stocky-the very sweetest, ripest, mellowest Virginia and Carolina tobacco, and we will raise him right in , one of the whitest, deanest, Health iest homes on earth." Even then I was, glad all over- tti hear his words. It is a great thing to have real breedin behirid you, id kricjwj rho your " folks are, ' nt starts a relldwrightv We folks or4 the South KNOW goo J blood. We folks Of m i Sooth kbW g tM. V That js why I just had to have heaps of friends' down outji nere. I yranti you, . Mr. Reader, for one of my friends, and it means a whole lot when I say-- . If you ddnt likW M, your money, ... . tlw'worltloyi ' " ' '"'' 1 . , : j y:-. ' i s r is i s t, . . -.)".:'..-,'' APff.!rT V HAPPY JU ' l W: ' A; Prominent Local ; icnlist .Receives 6evere Hnrta by Fail From a Chair at His Home. Dr. R. Ia 'Ramsay, one of Sali oury's leading dentists, received pau ful injuries by a fall from a chair at- his home on South Fulton street Saturday ; afternoon. Dr. . Ramsay was engaged in some work in a room at his home and -was standing on a chair ' when .the same slipped from under , him artd he was precipitated with great force to the floor, falling across a solid part of the chair, which struck him in the right side, lie suf fered great pain for a time, but re ceived immediate medical , attention and was soon relieved. It is possi ble that one or more ribs were e-prain- a- or fractured, and he will be con fined to hia home for several t ays. Methodist Stewards ta Meet The stewards of First Msthodist church will have their regular month ly meeting at the Tabernacle Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. , If You Suffer don't mske the fatal mistake of re garding t as a trifling matter. Au thorities tagrea that Catarrh ia an in fection of the blood. Consequently, sways, salves and lotions can, af ford only temporary reiki, because they do not reach, the aeurco of tho disease, 4ha blood. When ynt dor cad on thesa temporary remedies alone your ca3e is likely to grows toadUy worse until It becomes chrosic &aa possibly affects tho luns. . tiz even ir rue iiuoicioa otras tk HELfT FOR ROCKING TRAIN. Will Gibson Arrested by Iredell iCounfy Officers ' cn a .Serious Charge Threw Ro:ks Into Tay lorsville-Charkrtte Train. 1 Statesville, Jan. .6.- Officers this morning arrested Will Gibson, a. ne gro, near Loray. The man is charged with throwing rocks into Southern passenger train No. 15 which runs Oe tween Taylorsville and Charlotte, Sunday evening as No. 15 was, near ing Loray about elgnt miles from Statesville, a rock was thrown thru a car window. . MiesMinnie Lackey, of Hidfenile, suffered slight injuries. Last night as too. 16 wis nearing the place i of the previous occurrence a rock waa thrown into one -of the coaches. Glass from . a splintered window .pane struck Miss Ella Deal, of Charlotte, inflicting slight injuries, Mr. Oliver, railroad detective of Winston-Salem, and local officers seenr. ed evdence leading to the arrest of Gibson.., The negro is in jail in de fault of $300 bond. spitting and hawking and evil odor of the breath will pot only- causa misery to you, but will make Your presence obnojaous to others. S. S. which has been, the standard blood medicine for fifty years, wiH relieve your catarrh, because it will purify your blood and relieve 4t of the ac cumulated poLons. . S. S. S. contains no mineral or habit-fjimlngj drugs, ft. G. S. is on sale a, all druf??ats and the advice cf our !ed;cal department , tk(. nhViiiirut. .linninr. f.iffc SZruiHa i a . a02 w-lft Kmmino. of mucoua Ka the throat, itn ccsaiaatj AUauta," Ca. ' At times the liouiewife finds a prime rib 'roast a ' primo neccesjty, and after she-hed placed an order with , v . 4- - . : .-.--., us she becomes, convinced of the food value of themeats we sell. Alsov . -. J ' i2 -: FISH AND OYSTERS. BRO MlONES 111, Vi, 116 10t SOUTH, MAlW ST uht:ff t f t A U i is a i : ':VW:.,'v ml