ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS FOR THE RED CROSS Semi your Dollars to the Front with the ' lighting Men bmiry Evemlo MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS II you Love your Fel low Man Support the Red Cross .... VOL. 1.1. NO. KIM. SU.ISBIRY, NOM'll ( ROI.I. i i i:sd w ji i: i 'i. mi;. PRICE TWO CENTS NK.W VIEW OF GENERAL I'ETAIN v Via I;; t fel BANK CASHIER MORRIS ASSAULTED BY NEGRO MAN AT MOCKSVILLE Strange Megro Man Walked Into the Mocksville Hank at 12:30 Today and Asking Cashier Morris to Head a Letter, and While He Was Doing So Negro Struck Him With Iron Bar-Posses Is Hunting for the Fleeing NegroCashier Failed to Hit When He Shot. (S;:i ial t: tr.e i'mt.) ; Th.nL'li s tunne l and 1. 1 -cdm : f-.v-' I'" vliV, June p.t.- Tr.e fjwn ly, she c.i .nicr h;s pist i :,n. was :hr. ah into a ureal ex.'itoment th.'d on ilic man vh lit-i at m .-. 1 l.'ioli o'.-io.-k when ashier , Following it'im out :nn tin- sticet, the Mei chants an. I Farm-! Ca. hit-r Mo ri liie.l s . rut limes at was a.-.iulteilv. a strange the Mee..ig , bt .li.l nut 'i.i him. i Th pi.--t ! stun ii-.l several times, and lood was flow. ni: frvciy down uvcr ' the fair which prevented tec ca-di-! ! " sh Kiting ar.ualeiy. The negro 1 was anhit. The man fled and is n l yet cap- ; tuted. Immediately the alarm wis! give.i the negro wis pursue.! an I this1 afternoon a posse of about fifty iv-n from tlie bank. 1 are minting i'ir the fleeing n ADMIMSI R Al ION SENATOR ASSAILS FOOD Itll I. MILLIONS MONTHLY RENEWED ACTIVITY WANTS Bl; AIR NAVY X5C BY SPECULATORS' ON FRENCH FRONT i ' Herbert Hoover Told the Senate General Petain Struok the Ger- 'iiar: wh.. attemnted to rob the to i.. v Mmti eis h: m "i .i hank. A strange mjrfo man walked into the !i::nk ;.n I a-k.'d the ''asiiier to read a letter for him, and while Mr. Mortis was in the art of doinjr this, the mail truvk liini a blow over the head some sort of an iion bar 1 and attempted to yet some money t Committee That Speculators Betn Taking Millions. j YET CONGRESS PIDDLES AWAY PRECIOUS TIME' mans a Blow Which Netted the French Lino of Trenohes. VIOLENT ATTEMPT MADE BY GERMANS TO RECAPTURE Strong Opposition is Lined Up General Haiy Reports Raiding in Against Administration s Meas ure to Control Food I !!y As.soei.itod IVes. I a mi i Mi! too. June l!i. The fool Citihitor- heen tikinr a 1 !', f vMl.lintl.iiial a month, f.n ''a p.i. , or a total of a epiarte, f r-i the Amer; lie: in-i I Hoov. r tm. I .-en l.-i i In ant:.' on the In.'-! arvo. Here is another view if (Jenerul I'etian, under whom, or with whom, Ceneral rer.-hiiiK. eommt.n.Jer of the Annrican army in Frame, will liyh 'he Geimans. Central I'etian, the hero of Verdon, i now le:ij.- i' a!l tho I reiieh armies, and is ! ioked o.! , as the military eniuii of F. BY THE OFFICIALS' 9 SCN JAM5F(ttO oriO Sinator .James A. 1'eed, Democrat land sunpo'ter of the rat ion, ; s'.i'.rtled the upper house of Conirres ;vhen he made a very strong uttaek el the adni:!i:strati.m food hill, rail inK it "dietatorial, vicious and unror. :-t':utiotial."' lie m;i ill no such i:.wei ai it eontenijil ite.l eoferrimr wa ever wielded hy "a kiny, a czar, a Ceasar, or a kaiser." WAGING FINE FIGH ( I'y Associated Press.) I i very FITcrl Made to Kellett the I'eople of That Ton n LVRret (o See I FOR THE RED CRO ss; lit m Leave (treal Progress :Made in School VVorU Fnrler His (luid ance and Leadership CAROLINA RALLYING 1ST NOBLY Whole Country is Now on the, Campaign for the One Hundred Million Dollar Fund. liploniatK' tni-sfiji from Russia was ' .! ie 1 t day upon its arrival wiih -.ty posiihh' effiiit to refleet Amer- i'. 'i:i;,e and conlidenoe in the now--t liuroiiea:i demoeracy. The hj : off.ei'ls of the .State department. including Seeretaiv Lansing, Coun- Local Committee is on the Canvas ' cil ir Polk jmd Asplstnt Seeretart' MILLIONS OF DIVIDENDS HAVE ALREADY BEEN GIVEN i and the Meeting Of the Chapter i Phillip met the envoys' special train . . . . .1 i r :.. : i IP American Hcpe and Confidence ii; the Newest Kurcipean Demo.-racy Cheered lv Crowds as Thev Pass ed Thrmio-h thn Streets. The Reidsville Review of Monday I J! Associ.ted Press.) in spea -; ing of the eleHion of Prof. T. 1 Wa -iiiington, June 1!). The special ! Wing.te Andrews, superintendent of Food Commission of a Number of trie Uenlsville schools, to suceced Su-j Kastern Counties Re)ort Energetic pciinter.dent A. T. Alien of the Salis-! Efforts to lnrrea-e the Food Pro- huiy schools, say:-: duetion. Rcidsville a'aiii loses to Salisbury.! (Special to t ie Post.) Sunt. 1. wmvate Atvlrevs las. Wilmington, June 111.-Kastern accepted tie sunerintendericy of the j North Carolina is rallying tiohly to public schools in that city. The honor i the call fir increased production of came to Supt. Andrews unsotuhM food an t f . ed crops. The Count) .More than titty applicants ?.;.phed f or Food Conservation Commissions of Tonight Will Plan. the (.il of its long jouiney half , the position. Supt. Andtews did n it I New Hanover, Robeson, Hrunswic, way aiound the world and greetfif the make application, bet the alert sch.Kil i Maden and other counties in this sec- RED CROSS TOMCHT The weekly jneetiiit: of the local chapier of (ho Rid (Miss is of special interest for this evening on account of Ihe cam paign of (his week in the in tertsl of the on- hanJred mil lion dollars war fund. The meeting is to he held at 8 in the community building. . :ni.eiv. S irni illy in the name of ithe l governni' nt and people of the UV.ite ' Sta'.eL (in ' i iow, is cheered the memhers ' of ;!." miss; m as they went under , i double cavalry escort pa.-'t the capi T t 1 an 1 ennsylvania avenue between . ;h White House anil the treasury de v i n'lrtmi'nt to the David Jennings home ; which will be their headquarters. EDITOR BIBLICAL RECORDER. ' " j (By Associated Press.) The war fund of t hundred million June !!.- Dr. Livingstone , n ,. , . ,, , i Johnstane, pastor of the First Bap- clollatM lor toe Anieri.-an Red ( ros ; , , . , , 1 tist church of Rocky .Mount, his been ii .-fir:::;;- off fine. The firs: .! y j te, 0ditar of the Biblical Record found much work d.'iie in the large j er, published here. Dr. Johnstone tilies. Oreanizati i' s Went to work j will succeed Dr. I. C. Moore, who in earnest and the rlav ro-.i ' on AuKust lst 0e8 t-J Nashville as for the sueei'S i -i tr't no tiAii-m- tF lli m,l,liali,n , f .r the undertaking, j i)f' gouthern Baptist church. l is and stupendous as r'fht on the heel of t Loan campaign. Durham reports $10,000 raised for the fund and other towns make i e port of sim:,ar successe-' U'ashin ton headi'iarter.s report fine returns. Many of the towns :ii' the nation have alrea 'v reported more than their LibertviTlir Hfll ITI I nil I lllin Trt i HtuUU tlKALL T Rb u boifd ot thr.t city, anxious to secui e ! t;(,n have been energetic in bringing the best man for the place, came to the farmers and business men U a Re:dsvi!le. lealization of their individual respon- Supt. Andrews at fiist declined to ; sibilily in the matter of producing accent, but later rconsiitereil and 1 and conserving food, whicii i. a prob wirid accepting. To the writer lie i lem of equal importance with raising stated it was the most difti.-ult task and equipping or armies in the opin of his life to make up his mind to ' jon of government leaders. Not only leave Reidsville, I ut being a young j are the farmers of this section plant man and looking to the future he iT,g every acre in food and feed crops could not turn down tie proposition The position is a much broader field and carries with it a greatly increased salary over the Reidsville office. His going will prove a blow to Reidsville the town. ter work or made the progress in I second crop, peanuts, soybeans, cow school Aork here or elsewhere. His j peas, sweet and Irish potatoes being successor w ill hav- to hustle to hold ; the 'principal crops used for this pur the pace set by Supt. Andrews. Hisj pose. heart was in his wor k, and car people I Different methods have been used possi le ;but many of them are using increased amounts of fertilizer so as to assure them an increased produc tion per acre. A comparatively small amount of small grain grown it: and the school system of j this section, but where it is pror.v No man ever put in bet-; Lie sii'jbie land will be utilized for a THE AID OF RED CROSS rae'tiiT." ailottmi i:t. Ihm.lrL'.is nf have been held and miiit.iry an I civ ic parades have marked the opening of this nation-wide eamp.iiii I'm l'rge sums for human relief work. ' In New York and others 1. i cen ters corpora, ions gave their divi d. ndii to the fund an I many individ uals gave liberil contributi ins to this great work. In New York City mil lions of dividend monov h turned over the Red Cr Campaign in Progress Throughout the Southland Lookin? to the Rais ing of One Hundred Million Dollars for the Work. Fly Associated Press.) Ailania, Ca., June 11'. When th? Imp for subscriptions to the one hundred million dollar Red Cuswjr fund began todav in the South it was estimated that upwards of one mil lion dollars had been raised in niajs ben meetings marking the opening of ytSi ("loss week. In Ssl:-.bury the organization i . Active citripaign for funds began ready to go to work. 'Ihe mee'.i:'.r this morning in practically every city, tonight is to make further plans for: t'nvn and hamlet and r generous res carrying forward this c:mpaign. A j ponm was reported. Richmond led conference of workers was h : id this all Southern cities, the total appro- nisrininjr and eanavssin-. way. is ur-l r HIS LIBERTY SHORT LIVED. nriatio'i t.etng .iJi),tiU(l, a large poi tion being subscribed in mass meet ings held Sunday. S. A. L. INAUGURATES A GAS-ELECTRIC TRAIN ' farmers and business men. In New i Hanover county mass meetings have j been held in every section and circular ; letters have heen issued. In Ry eson ! county a series of meetings o'- con I feiences of farmers, held in practical i ly every school district of th? county, were attended by more than 5,0()C farmers fid farm women, a total of (if meetings being held. In somi few meetings have been Which His Troops Successfully Held the Enemy Lines. i i t Bv Ar, .oeiuted Pre?s. ) , i I io re In,, been a let up in the se venty if the lighting on the British ; l " it it, France unil Belgium. i .Vl.ii;;"- the line occupied by the j French i lenewal of ..ctlvity of m re i inte'iii .-e char. 'ti ter is noted, (ieneial i IV: .in it: ii i U the (ieimai) lines in the t'ha ni ag 'ie yealwdiiy a ulow wtiieh eelied ti e 1- rencii a trench system c.c.rly a ihiid of a mile in length oa an in.p.iuan! sector, the French line str-iehti ning out along the hills be iweeii Mont Ciirmillet and Mont Blond ' i a ten lory virtual to the success of the oli tervation work. Last night a violent attempt was made by the German to recapture the liv-i p.isilion. After a heHvy bonibardnient and attack in force I the French guns it w.ts broke i:n i causing the (ermans sorious loss. General Haig reports milling in which his troops successfully held the enemy lines toward the south end of the British front. Massing Troop) May Mean Effort to Free Serbia. The massing of entente troops in Thessaly, south of the renter of the line now held by General Snrrail's forces, ta.m in connection witi'i the : ithdt awal of British fo.ces on the OiMvme eastern wiiu along the lawer 'eachea of the Struma river, seeming ly :-. an indication that big events re in the making in the Macedonian theatre in tm attemipt to retake Ser bia, or at least that portion of it ax far as Nish, through which runs the famous Bei lin-iConstant inople rail way. Alang the Vardar and Morava valleys, northward t.irough Serfhla, prove undoubtedly would easier Man Arrested in Durham on Charge of Store Breaking After Being Par doned Had Served 21 Years in Stat: Prison. (By Associated Press, i Durham, June l'h L ijan Mead- In Salisbury tnJay Red Cross work is being prosecuted in an effort to raise a neat sum ar.d up to noon thirty-four men had enlisted themselvei in the ompaign to solicit contribu tions. In addition to these a num ber iTT vm. g Iadiec were selling tick- ows, a white farmer of Mangum etc to picture shows, the proceeds, township, who 27 years ago was tirn- or a part of these to go to the Red victed of larceny ami later sentenced ; Cross fund, to the penitentiary for killing the ' Hickory Attive. jailor at Roxboro, was to go on trial ; Hickory, June 19. Up to 10 o'clock tiday charged with bresking in a j this morninz $1,500 had been sub store. Meadows wis pardoned Junt j scribed to the Red Cross war fund by !(th after having: served 24 yes.9 in ' Hickory people. The campaign is the State prison for manslaughter, well under way. ' Going With a Rubh the Nation Over. Steamship Silver Shell shooting! Washington, June 19. The nation sixty shells suddenly sinks subma- j al campaign to raise a war fund of rine," is no phrase for bir-room ora-ione hundred million dollars for the First l ine of its Kind in the Country Now in Operation Between Savan- ; counties ver nan and Jacksonville Being I'aed held but circular letters and newspa per Pasenger Service. : per spare have heen use.l liberally. (By Associated Pr?ss.) , The people of this section are daine Sa.annah, Ga., June lit. The Sea- tiieir utmost, but they realize that baaid Air Line RVilrnad yesterday in-; there must be a tremendous increase augurated a gas-electric train service' in the production of food and feed bet veen Savannah and Jacksonville i stuffs refore this State will even be and which eliminates the steam loco- ' self-supporting, with such counties a? motive. The car is propelled -by easo- t Ne i Hanover and Robeson accustom line and electricity and is capable of ' ed ta importing approximately carrying several light wei'.tht passen-, 000,000 of food and feed products ger cars at the rate of i-" miles an i each per year. hour. ( It is the first time such ears have ; A seven-pound electro-magnet that been used in this country for long i will lift 15 times its own weight has tun main line service and they will ; been invented for many uses aiout make a doubie daily schedule between t machine shops, annah and Jacksonville. Te new 1 cars replace the trains operated Io-' cally between these two places. i ! : Ve nil lit h I of a lull ni I ."Hi people, ! lod.i j . -nt ml bill. Strong Opposition to the Bill. j I i ...:. ; i i v ii ; r ' 1. .'"Willi. .111,1, I II I I I ' . ' I I I I I , I. l he'., ite todav in both Inane', i s ol I Vngiit.s an the com! ' l.on Ii id bill for Governmental eon j tr d f foodstuff .i and other i lies disclosed determined opposi I t ion, partieul rly by a group ol Sen atorr, which threatens t-i pi event it- -artmcnt by Julv 1, as urge, tly ie quested hy I'l esiit jnt Wilson. Pas-age of the bill by the House late this week is confidently expected by administration leaders. But advo cates as well as opponents in the Sen ate say debate v.iil be protracted there for several Weeks, and unless the President adopts some evtunrdi nary niet.suJc to hasten action, t he 1 iw hardly can be enacted in time to set up the food administration define harvesting begins. Administration supporters private ly expressed fear tonight of a Sen ate filibuster. They are prepared, if necessary, to invoke, for the lir:.; time, the Senate's n.v anti-lilibuster rules. In an effort to allay Senate opposi tion, it was arranged today to nav nn informal conference tomorrow i i -tween Sen J torn anil Herbert ('. JIaov er, chosen bv the president to be fan,! idministi ator w ith immediate charge of exercising Ihe powers sought. At the suggestion of Senator Ransdell. Mr. Hoover was n'vite l to appear Ht a public meeting of line argriculture committee tomorrow morning before the Sen ite convene ; anil explain the legislation. In the initial discussion of the bill administration spokesmen urged that mobilization of America's food pow er in the war demanded radical steps mil vesting of new and wide pow ers in the President. The opposition protested that a distatorship and in ference with business and individual rights were proposed, and questioned the constitutionality of the legisla Joii. Both houses made the measure thei,' pen ling business with the pur poie of keeping the legislition con 'inubusly under discussion until dis posed of. exr luding virtually all other business. The House held the first af a series of night sessions to expe dite the debute, and night essions ma" be reoi ted to later in the Sen ate. Senator Chamberlain, of Oregon, "hoseu to have chirge of the b'i in ihe Senate, urged it as a war neces sity, declaring Governmental control ,f food as essential as men and mun itions. Senator Sheppanl, of Texas, Democrat, and Senator Kenyan, of Iowa, Republican, also spoke m be half of the bill. !ii the House, Chairman Lever o( the House agriculture committee, al so emphasized the necessity of thi legislation. He said the President could be trusted with the powers pro nosed and ihat they would be in ....!, ...i ..... ..!..." i . . ..i.e., ,...1.-., . . "i Reports Indicate That the Grain Crop mrainst leg.timate business mterest- js fcy ,he , onR )ry s,)(, d , ., 1 No K'l'ff Sight. sci up . uueaiorsn.;. ...r. no ,v-, , By Associated Press.) er to.d Senates the purpose was en-1 Copenhagen. July 19.-Thr..uho at tarely to organize the resources of r;,.rma B,rjP(lin t n,(H, ,,, iowAao t.cotfin Howard K. Coffin, of the Council ' I-i Xaiii. :i.l Defense, wanta an enor j in-. us air navy, am so large that on ; '' w -s.ern fron. from the North j Si a ; i tiie Alp., in Gorman aeroplane i will be permitted to leavo its aero li'miiie. He said that the proposed : appropi -inti m ol $64,000,000 was a j mere drop in the bucket if America s to do her part in the war. Only war veterans ure to be ap pointed to the Brentford Can.) po lice department. OIL STEAMER SUNK BY U-BOA T John O. Archibold Owned by the Standard Oil Company is Sent to the Bottom. FOUR MEMBERS OF CREW ARE REPORTED TO BE LOST The Ship Ws Armec and Was Returning to the United . States From France. (By Associated Press.) New York, June 19. The oil tank ground over wnicn to operate man learner John I). Atehibold has been northward along trie Mruma anil tnrw v. ostein Bulgaria to the junction of Ihe railway at Sofia. No impediment is being placed in the way of the troops that have been landed at Thes saly, and with the .departure of for mer King Constantine froi.i the coun try the people are declared to have become more friendly to tiie entente allied cause by placing their adher ence in the provisional government of Eliptherios Venizelos. Although on the eastern iving the Biiti.ih have given up numerous vil lages which they previously turned, hey are holding tightly to the bridge head position on the left hank of t' e River Struma, in the Lake aahinas liiit'.ovo sector, northeast of Sal oniki. That the retirement of the British was voluntary is indicated by the Bulgurian official report deuling with' the maneuver, which does not men-1 tion any fbrhtig ns having taken j place. There has, however, already been some activity on tie part of the Mritish in the Vardar-La.e Doiran ctor, tut Sofia reports that the at tempt made by them ta advance near Daulli was repulsed. sunk by a German submarine. The official announcement was made here today. Four members of the qrew of the tanker are reported to hve bien lost. The steamer was sent to the bottom on Saturday. The John I). Archibold Waa Two Days Out. New York June 1!). The John D. Archibold was two days out from France en route mme. She was arm ed and a gun crew from an American warship was aboard. The ship a as an America.; ot 8U74 tons gros registry and was built in 1914. She left here on May 20th for Franca under the command of Captain H. B. Thompson. She had a ciew of 41 men of whom 12 were Americans. Two classes of colored orphans, one from an or;:lianage in Augusta, Ga., the other from a like irstitution in Greenville, Tenn., gave concerts on the street today. The girls from the first clasa sang songs and the boya from the last named school rendered land music. WEATHER FORECAST tory. Boston Transcript., Red Cross was in full swing today Louisville (Ky) Bricklayers' L'nion has raised wages fiom 75c to Si 1-2 l cents an hour. with indications that the:e would be I generous response by the whole coun-1 try. Reports today being receL.ed atj headquarters indicate that the allot-j ments are being surpassed in many places and new goals are being set far these. New York had raised $12, 000,000 the first 21 hours of the cam paign. Clerical forces are busy tabulating the reports tiat are coming in and the bulletin boards are showing the fig ures reported, hile Red Cross offi cialg express the greatest satisfaction with the campaign. 1 !r omnMl HMPiUIUHN r the country and people into a food ad ministraiton, to limit middleman's commissions and to prevent extortion. "With righteous manufacturing and distri .ution," he said, "the p:i;-e of flour would not be over $!) a barrel. Yet it averages $14. In the last five months $2.0,000,000 has been extr-an- valuable train crops are bin burnt d Hudson & Company to Put Down South Fulton From Old LimiU to Mitchell Avenue Also Resurface Other End cf Same Street Hurry Up School Work. At a brief special meeting of the board of aldermen, held at the city o clock n in n hp-t imvp similar t-, fall .vionuay auernoon at o which was experienced in 1 115. Tbe!t contracts for street improvement prolonged droug .t has not '. , en w let. 'both going to R. M. Hudson broken since early Mav. .i-rbn is' Company, the firm now engaged in experiencing the hottest June :3th it putt.njf down some splend.d streets has had since the cs'abtishir.ent 0f j m Concord. . , u .....,l,.. l. 70 , ,o,. . ' ne urn consiuereu uic mum ed from the American consume, in; Th. weather bureau prpiU,.s lhat, the work an district No 4. Sou. h excess of normal profit to the manu- j rofpects for rain or ;0w,r lem-: Fultun t't. from the old city hm- peiature are slight. ita on the south to Mitchell aveiiua and which is to be put down in bitH- facturer and distributor." Not a single national trade organi-1 zation, Mr Hoover told the Senators. Workers in Portu(fa, have an eight- j W-62 Vl& Nn is opposed to the food contra bnl j ho , The bid for work on district No. The prospective food administrator U 15, which is Fulton street from the j went, io capiioi eaiiy in explain ' j uiu hhhls vn ,w,u w ' the bill informally to the Senators ipi out to the 48 state divisions. The com-; n the north, and which is for re- the hope that an understanding of mittee is preparing to assist in the j surfacing only, was fl.4f a aquare the objtct and purposes may allay registrstion of women between July yard, plus the cost of filling in low lst and lth to see that omen are places. ! some of the opposition. Get Behind Hover. Washington, June 19. "Get behind informed of tiie food administrators plans and principled. Through State The board took occasion, to spur up the contractor on the two m.w achool buildings, especislly the Wfit ir.,,.," t. ik. ,iMOn nrinnfoH k,- tfco, .livisioiis every woman will be urzed th :niin"il'to nledge herself to follow the ldvirielWard school, and make every efXrl nesdav, with provable showers local- j for National Defense for the food con- j of the food administrator in the man- to have the same ready for the oeji ly. 1 servation campaign in an appeal sent agemenlf of her household. ing of the schools tti beptemoer.