An Advertising me dium for Business Men. Sails oiuiify Everao MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATES PRESS gP Local and General News at First Hand. Vol.. 1:1. o. 15H. SAMSni'RY. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESI) A V. Jl'I.Y II. I!ti; PRICE TWO CENTS THb GERMANS START i COIN !NT AG A INST ITBI.ISHING CO. MENACING ATTACK Tl Just as Russians Tore Gap in Aus-tro-Oerman Line in Galicia Enemy Starts in West. MAY BE ATTEMPT TO BEND BRITISH FLANK Mlcged Failure (if Company to Sell C-rtilin Dealers Publications is Made Cause for Complaint. ( l!y Asun'iaieii Press. ) Washim-I..-. J:iv 11.- Formal cm p'aint au.iin-: -w i'l.i'I:. Publishing Company was issued Ijy the Federal I'lade Cniiin.K-;..:i to lay, charging practic s and st itF nir ! r .'fusing to sell icalers hainllm:; com- s. IT BRITISH AIR RAID r b;i ine mpel .t 1.1:1 mi public in On Northern Front in France the Germans Make an Attack in the Woevre District. nrf.n of c JHI 11; v.etitii The u:t s company publishes sev eral tn:i.;zii'.e-, including the Satur ilay Evening I'ost ami i!ie I, a lies Heme .Kmrn .1. Its olli.ers were or dered liy tie cumin is:oM to appear A.igu-t to .-how cause wh, they should not e directed to cc.isc the piacticc t omniaiiied of. ENEMY FLEET Royal Naval Air Service Carries Out a Successful Air Raid on Fleet Off Constantinople. WAR OFFICE ALSO HIT BY DROPPED BOMBS ( I!y Assoei..ti d I'l e-.s Just as tin Russians m have torn a I i jr yap in tin German line in Galicia. I the east Halicz and aie prc.-.sing toward l.em berg, the Galicijii capital, die Gcr mans on the west front have started a menacing offensive near tiie Belgian coast. This movement, while it may turn out to hi' nothing more than a loca! eiFort or something with which the British can cope after the .shuck of the hist thiusl, nevertehless ind cater a possible determined attempt to bend nick the British flank on the Belgian coast and reach the French city of Dunkirk, seventeen miles distant. The Germans succeeded in their in itial push by levelling the defenses through intense bombardment for 21 hours and then an attack last evening over the devastated ground. Bridges across the Yser were destroyed by ':eavy fire and the sending of rein forcements was found impassible. Thus :i penetration 0(i yards long and 1,100 yards deep js effected by the Giimans pushing as far as the cast bank of the Voer near the North Sea. Tho attack also extended far sou'h opposite Lomhucrczdye hut here, af te; having tempor.rily driven in t hi' J British line counui attacks forieii .he Germans back to their oiigina! position. Enemy Submarine Hase Discovered. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 11. Newspapers announce that a destroy er has discovered an enemy su mar ine base near Santas. There has been no serious attempt by the Germans to break through the British front in Belgium since the two campaigns f )i Calias in the ear ly months of the war. The iirst was ' hoiked along the Belgian front by the combined British and Belgium defense, aided by the participation of British warships on the coast. In the , MH-ond buttle at Vpres in the fall of j 1!)M the Geimans sacrificed thousands ' of men in a terrific drive but failed to effect a penetration. ! Reports from London indicate that a battle in Belgium is in prgress. The sound of heavy filing wjs heard in England all dav yesterday again today, beginning at dawn. In the sensational campaign which the revolutionary army in Russia is waging in Galicia, capturing Mali", important though it is, is only an in cidental feature. Given secure pos session of it the Russians will have the road to Ivembtrg well opened to them and to continue the attack any thing like ten days, on a like scale is likely to result in th, fall of the Ga lician capital at no distant date. In the capture of Halicz 2,000 pris oners and 30 guns were taken. The Russian advice to the war office says they are continuing the advance, pur suing the retreating Germans and Austrian forces. On the French front in Northern France an attack was made by the desmans in the Woevre district near iFliery. They were ejected from a part of the trenches in which they had j temporarily gained a footing. 1 Today's Russian official statement ' made it clear that the Russians be side menacing Lemerg were also car rying out a movement embodying the serious threatening to tie Austro German front running south to the Carpathians to the Moldovian moun tain region. The advance by the Russian armies on the Bogir.lehan- Zolotvin front represents a into the Carpathian foothills. Sweden Enters Protest E Battleship Goeben Struck and Ex plosions and Fires are Observ ed by the Aviators. (By Associate I Press.) I. iidtin, July 11. An air raid on the enemy fleet off Constantin mle is announced in a statement from th" 'British war oil ice. Bombs were jdroppdl on the Turkish cruiser Sultan Hclim; formciiy the German cruisei , Goeben. The extent of damage to me vessel was not given. The war C. Tolbert of Salisbury Destroy 0,1 ut' at ( 'mstantmople was also nt Two l.iaucr Plants --.: Interfere Vdcki anii a direct hit atitined by W ith Establishment of a Third. i thc Hl i,ish wno returned without any GFV J. S. C.VRR REFl SEI A PASSPORT TO FRANCE. General Julian S. Can, commander of the Northern Virginia oiifedcratc Veterans iiml Durham's "Iirst citizen" who recently made up his mind to join the allied forces in Fiance, has been refused a passport by the war depart meiit, says a Durham correspondent. In refusing the pa-spot t, war de partment officials informed General . Carr that passports are being allowed to only those persons hiwng official business for the government and en listed men. As a Confederate soldier General Carr made a splendid record and al though his hair is gray and his age past seventy, the Dm ham citizen be- I lieves himself still lit for war duly. I Jle had planned to as admittance in to t ie army of General Pershing. THE CROWN COUNCIL C.WNERS FRGED TO ( I T PRICES OR SF I'FER. HOLDS A MEETING The German Public Very Uneasy Regarding Absence of News as to Decisions of Body. BETHMANN HOLLWEO FAILS TO QUIET HIS CRITICS Peace Without Annexation Not Accepted to Germany Holl weg Says Must Fight. Ilerli rt ('. Hoover Say "Hark Yard" (..uden Will Have Effect and That I'l iics Musi Itr Reduced or Slookn ni l i: il on ShelveM. ( By A sj, muted Press. ) W'ahin .'ton, July II. I'mincra of the c aintry nr.- ik'kO.I to leluc irices t us low level ns pas d le in a let -In- !, Iler'n-rt C. Hoover in whi.-h he Mir'is t i 'ii thai he iutput of home FOUR RED CROSS COMMITTEES NAMED I swell tile output hy "I n. k yard" gardens lea I n'ld ; E July I bv AIR CRAFT BILL : , London, conn, il cal held in Berlin to an r eh uiL'e from msteidam c ; nnei s w i 'i i f the m.iy prove a sfioii.-i m!mrmsment I ! i.i mill a. tu' ers in .lis .oiOig of llns ! yen's product. ! "If canncr and johhcis persists in j askmg high price-." nays Mr. Iloov-! er, "1'iey may find retail merchant'; carrying high cost goods on their; 'helves fw some time uud depress the' marVtt of canned gnods." 1 Committees on ProgTam, Publici ty, Membership and Finance Appointed at Meeting. BOTH CHINA GROVE AND ROCKWELL ORGANIZES Total Collections of the Local Chapter Now Reported to be $1,174.5(3 $30 From Dance. 'osse Headed by Revenue Officer F. I 10. - 111.' crown Emperor William .terdny, according j ielegllldl dispatch today, but not aii- i.Hinccmeiil as I i whit took place has , been made. Chairman Dent or the Innme Military ( " 1 hl' (;"","n I,lll,,il' very uneasv Committee 1 1 pes to Have it Ready regarding the abseio e of news as to "I '-.IUIUU. HI' il.'l-lSlons O Olf IT.IU I1 I'llllll.M I LUTHERAN Ml ASSO. MEETS HERE casualties. Revenue Officer F. C. Tol iert, in ' The following report has been company with Officer J. M. Sow ton ' eeived from the vice-admiral in of Thomasville, Constable B. F. Cau-1 Ka"te, n Mediterranean: On the night of Monday, July re the tth. a successful attack was cjnied out hv Ihf-. Rovitl Vuvnl Ail- Qarvina Salisbury in an aut imabile Tuesday j against the Turkish-German fleet lying off Constantin plc in the Golden hie of Salisbury and ex-deputy sheriff I ,J. A. Harbin of Davie county, left! , morning at L'.-'iO o'clock for Yadkin county wnere Mr. Talbort had goad giounds for believeing he could lo cate one or mine blockade still out fits. Tne party arrived at their des tination at !:.'!( the same morning and at once l.egan the hunt for "game" and it was only a short time until an illicit liquor outfit was lo cated in a mile and a halfe of Taber 1 na le church. It was a copper still of eighty gallon capacity, and a fire w;i i burning underneath the furnace and -.rapaitions were in the making to mash. However, the officers must have been observed some distance off j as no one was at the till at the time! they arrived there. This still and outfit was chopped to pieces. The officers then proceeded three miles south of Huntsville, in the same vicinity, to a place known as Brown's pasture and up a branch about 300 yards t"!iey found a complete liquor plant, this being a steam outfit. As at the fiist location the place a as de serted. Parts of this plant were hid in the woods and it required some lit tle time to locate these. The boiler and .still were faund, however. The boiler was of steel and efforts to de stroy it 'y means of chopping with fi.'L- jives hut not :i dent, could be ra.,1.1 ... t ic l.rtil.Jt Thun a VlifrVi now- I has er Kra.' Jorsen rifle belonging to Offi cer Newton was brought into play and this was very effective, the steel boiler being peppered to pieces and !ti'f- useless. Horn "When the Goeben, surrounded by 1 warships, including submarines, was ( located an attack w.s made fiom a i height c.f fiOO feat. Direst hits were I obtained on the Goeben and other I enemy ships nc . Rig explosions i took place and seveial tires were ob served. ' "The war office was also a 'tacked : and dire 't hits obtained. "The enemy was completely sur- ( Hy Associated Press.) Washington, July 11. - The wor of revising the administration's bill to provide a great aircraft program was begun today by the House military committee and Chairman Dent hopes to report the measure by Saturday. The ' ill calls for an initial outlay of $Mo ,000,000 for the purchase of thousands of airplanes and also pro vides for men needed to man them, j the decisions of the v. hich the emperor bel l y says the dispatch. "Only sleiday." in times meeting." SEC. BAKER FAVORS of great. '.s: stress are such j held." I Other advices from the same source I siy that the meeting lasted three hous being one i f the longest on leord 'since July, l!I I, when Emperor Wil , l'am tigned the mobili.i.tion order that preceded the declaration of war The ministers of both the empire and the kingdom were in abundance, together with Ihe members of the cm elan 's milit iry and naval cabinet. It is b.lieved, says the dispatch, that one of the results of the council will be the introduction of a franchise bill for Prussia granting universal, diiect suffrage and the secret ballot. Hillwcfi Fails (ii Quiet CritirH. London, July Id Kev. R ,. Irexler Presided Over! SeNHimiH Held in SI. John' Church ! -Three New Members Received I NeM Mecling; in Orlober. The Rowan Lutheran MinUteis As sociation met in regular quarterly sessi m in St. John's Lutheran church in this rily Tuesday with Rev. H. A. Trexler presiding. Eighteen of the twenty-four member enrolled were pie.sent ami three new members were received into the association. The meeting was a most interesting and helpful one and a number of timely subjects were discussed. Ufi'. M. L. Stirewalt, of Concord, was to have leen present and discuss the Hth Article of the Ausburg Con fession but on account of sickness was unable to be here. This was a keen disappointment to those present. Rev. Mr. Stirewalt will be present at the prised and until bombs were dropped Secreaarv of War Savs Ilia FnrU! fethnann-HolUveg no anti-air craft openei force returned safely." fir. ()u Have Recommended That City fori One of the Cantonment ( amps. i SERGEANT HARRISON j (By Associated Press.) GOES TO GREENSBORO Washington, July 11. The national: ' guard camp site previously announced ! Former Salisbury iVinter Now in the I as selected at Fayetteville, N. C, will Recruiting Service of the Amy to 1 probably be transferred to Charlotte. Take Charge Main Statin. i A delegation of Charlotte citizens next meeting here in October and Chancellor vor. i wj at th'it time dis?uss this AVicle, made a speech . ,.nd ut that meetinir Rev. N. 0. (indie to the reiehr.tang main I w:tl talk on the same subiect. Rev. committee but according to informa- j Dr. George 11. Cox, also of Cabarrus tion reaching London today did not j count ," will tak on thc practical sub succeed in quieting his crimes. A Ber- j ject, "Luther as a Man." lin dispatch to the Cologne Gazette. ; At Tuesday's meeting all memiher as cabled from Ams-terdam by On ; nresent entered into t discussion of ., ,i l lenilere , Not content the searchers went on i a further search and a mile to the ! north located a place where plans I were being made to erect a still. An 1 ?xcavation had been dug and hriols were piled up ready for the furnace. This was broken up as completely as possible and the party then set out for home, arriving in Salisbury at i:30 o'clock Tuesday evening. in the dunes sector near the coast were levelled. The section was iso lated by the destruction of bridges over the Yser. Germans Take Prisoners. Berlin via London, July 11. More than 1,250 prisoners were taken by the German marine corps in the Yser district of Belgium, army headquar ters announced today. Rernstorff May Succeed Zimmerman. Copenhagen, July 11. (Count von I Bcinstorff, former German ambassa-1 c!or at Washington, is mentioned in i Mr. Grover V. Harrison, a Salis bury boy and a former ad man on the Post, who has been in the army i number of years and for several years connected with the recruiting department and who is now in Ashe- j '"fated at Charlotte "because of the ville is lo be promoted and sent to i scaic-ity of water at Fayetteville. A Greensboro as the following from tne 1 delegation from Fayetteville is ex Asheville Citizen indicate!: ! pected later in the day. Sergeant Grover V. Harrison, who i been in charge of the local i e- I Miich Sugar Wasted in Making of cruiting office of the army for the Jelly. past few months, leaves today for Washington, July 10. Much waste Greensboro, where he goes to take of sugar and spoilage of jellies can charge of the main recruiting station tutl News, ays that after the chan Erzbereer, it ntn called at Secretary of War Baker to-, dared that the debate has strength day to present the claims of that city I ened bis conviction that the whole and the secretary indicated that his ' situation required energetic action by experts already had ariived at the j the reichstr.g. He combated violent conclusion that the camp should be Iv the claims of the nan-Germans and , the practical subject, "Proper Obr- ellor .mde bi address, Mathins i vance of the Sabbath. leader, de- i the other annexationists. A German wireless dispatch today says that at Monday's meeting of the reichst.ig main cornmitte the submarine activ ity was unanimously recognized as "an activity which has surpassed all expectations.' No Peace Without Annexation. Sergeant Henry Ingram, of the Gas tonia office, will assume charge of the local office. Berne, Switzeland, July 10. --Ac- be avoided by using a .simple alcohol cording to Berlin newspapers the test recommended by the bureau of German chancellor. Dr. von Beth chemistry, United States department matin, HoIIweg, said to members of of agriculture. To determine how ! tht ri ichstag: These meetings are held quarterly and all sessions are held in St. John's Lutheran church in this city. ARE INVESTIGATING THE TRAGEDY AT EAST ST. I.Ol'IS. much sugar should be used with each kind of juice put a spoonful of juice in a glass and add to it one spoon ful of ni..ety-five cr cent grain al cohol, mixed by shaking the glass Pour slowly from the glass, the substance j Emma Golden, in a Rage, Starts for Pen. New York, July 10. Red-faced and shaking her pudgy fists in impotent rage, Emma Golden, high priestess ! gently. of anarchy, was placed aboard a train j noting how the pectin .. t i 1 : - l . i . til ueiscy v u,v luuay en muif lor toe : in nuiw woicn maKes mem jell l.s Federal Penitentiary at Jefferson precipitated. If the pectin is precip City, Mo. She will serve two years itated as one lump a cup of sugar for conspiracy to violate the eonscrip- may be used for each cup of juice; if tion law. A few minutes later Alex ! in several lumps, the proportion of Bcrkman, co-worker of Miss Gold- 3ugar must be reduced to approxi man, was put aboard another train mutely throe-fourths the amount of for the Federal pen at Atlanta. H" the juice. If the pectin is not in will serve a similar sentence. lumps but is merely precipitated, the With their two leaders missing, an- ; sugar should be one-half or less of archist leadets today were sorrowful- the amount of the juice. If it Ihows "! icpeat that the formula of peace without annexa' io..s is unacceptable to us. We cannot declare our terms of peace. We must fight and conquer. The cluncellt made a strong at tack on Malhias Erzbei ger, leader of the Catholic centei, who assailed the pan-Gei mans in his address before East St. Louis, 111., July 10. tight has the curtain of secrecy been drawn about the police investigation and coroner's inquest into the deaths resulting from the race riots of last week hat little information concern ing official reports of the riotinu can be obtained. According to a St. Louis, Mo., newspurer reporter one of the coro ner's jury today declared that Illi nois guardsmen had s'mt and killed to negroes on the order of a police sergeant. This juror, it is said, de clared that Colonel E. P. Clayton, of the guardsmen, had testified to that incident. Colonel Clayton would neither con film nor deny the statement tonight. Attorney General Krundage ds- n j irecipiias on under tnis rest, it is unsuitable for jelly making and must be combined wi'h apples or other iui ces rich in pectin. Iv casting about for other chieftains to csrry on the war under the red flag. Miss Goldman has waged anarchist warfare unceasingly for many years. She was taken into custody when the lob jy of the Reichstag as a can-1 presj,)ent McKinley was assassinated, didate to succeed Foreign Secretary I Berkman served a prison sentence for Zimmerman in case of his retirement, complicity in a plot to kill Henry Heavy (iun Fighting. Frit.k stw?i magnate. London, July 11 One of the heav- j iest big gun duals of the ar raged j Bomb Explosions in Chicago. yesterday on the Belgian coast, ihe 'Chicago. July 11. Three bombs ex- tives of the Lutheran ch urrh" in the ploded in gdclely separated sections of ! iState with "disloyal activity and the city early today caused the death j paffivity that has tended to give aid of one man, the fatal injury if another and comfirt to Germany as an the main committee last week and j dared that everything possible would advocated peace without annexations j be done to unaover the true history or indemnities. Dr. von Bethm urn- j of events leading up to the rioting Hell weg said Herr Erzberger's at- and to make the leaders pay a just titude whs unpatriotic. ; penalty. Zimmerman to Be Forced Out. ! Ameterdam, July Id. German WOMEN PLAN TO ASSIST .meprial Chancellor von Mothmann- ' IN NEW LIBERTY LOAN. Hcllweg, says the Volksziturig, prom- ised the reichstag that he would con- j Washington, July 10. Plans to as sent to the resignation from the cabi- sist in floating the next Ii' erty loan net of Foreign Ministe- Zimmerman ; were made at a meeting here today of and Dr. Kir! Hellferuh, secretary of the Woman's liberty loan committee, the inte: ior, and vice-chancelh There was an enthusiastic meeting of the local Red Cross Chapter in the t ommanity Building last evening and quite a number of members were pre sent. The following business, as tak en from the official minutes, was transacted: July 10, l!)17Meeting of the Sal isbury Chapter of the American Na tional Red Cress. Rev. W. W. Way, Chairman, on be half of the officers reported that at a .nt et ; of the offi?e.a the following recommendations weie suggested: First- That theie .' e a regular or der of business io:ductod after parli amentary rule. Sscond That besides the Adminis trative Committee consisting: of seven members there be four permanent committees. Publicity, Program, Membership, Finance, each consisting of thiee members. On motion of Miss Carrie Roberts this leport was accepted nnd the chair appointed committees as follows: Administrative Mrs. Gotten, Mrs. Strachnn, Mrs. Burt, Mrs. Gorman, Mrs. Quinn, Mrs. Murdoc't, Mrs. Gregory. Finance W. B. Strachan, J. V. Hurley. Dr. H. H. Neman. Membership P. A. Wallenborn, Miss Bessie Wright, Miss Mary Hon deison. Piogram H. A. Rouzer, Miss Liz zie Bingham, Miss Anne Nenve. Publicity Rev. W. A. Lambath, Miss Sophie Kluttz, Mrs. W. A. Hen nessee. Mrs. .1. H. Gorman on behalf of Mrs. i. E. Alexander, reported that a net sum of thirty dollars had been raised at a dance given in the room of the Old Hickory Club. New Memi ers received: Misses Mary De Neal and Martha Jane Mc kenzie. W. B. Strachan, treasurer, report ed that the Chspter to date had en rolled 415 members; total collections jf $1174.58; expenditures $274.30; cash on hand $900.20. That a War' Fund for a Rrvan Ambulance pledges had been raised.. IV. I. E. Shaffer reported the or ganization of a Red Cross Chapter at 'hina Grove, with membership fees and cash contributions amount in to $150.00. Application was made by a com mittee from Rockwell asking to or ganize an auxiliary of the Salisbury -chapter at that place. On motion of W. B. Strachan this was ordered granted. On motion of Miss Carrie Roberts the meeting was declared adjourned. Rev. W. W. Way, chairman. R. L. Thomason, Sec. PROMINENT ALBEMARLE MAN DEAD. den death at Albemarle last night of In I of which Mrs. W. G. McAdoo, wife of I Mr. S. H. Milton, for twenty years Mr. S. H. Milton, Twenty Yeara Clerk cT Stanly Superior Court. Dies Rather Suddenly Father of Mra. C. I). Rose Funeral Thursday Af ternoon. Word was received in Salisbury early this morning of the rather sud- addition five members of the Prussian cabinet will be asked to resign. Charges by Nebraska Council. (By Associated Press.) . Lincoln, Neb., July 11. The Ne-1 Wood Recommends Camp in Georgia braska Council of Defense today is- ( Charleston, July 10. Two addi- sued a statement charging "certain professors of the University of Ne braska" and "conspicuous renresenta- sound of distant firinir was heard all drive l day long from 6 in tht morning until nearly midnight and again today, be ginning at dawn. In some of the Lon- Stockholm, Sweden, July 11. The don suburbs there was rumblings re government has instructed the Saed ish minister at Berlin to protest against the torpedoing of Swadish ifishing boats by German submarines. Pursuit of Germans Continues. Petrograd, July 11. According to a telegram received from the gener al staff the pursuit of the enemy in Galicia continues. The capture of Halicz, the strategic key to Lemburg, is confirmed, the Russians taking (prisoners and more than 30 guns. Enemy Penetrates British Positions-. London, July 11. The enemy pen etrated a British position in Belgium on a front of 1,400 yards to a depth of 600 yards, says a statement issued today by the British war office. In their advance the Germans reached the right bank of the Yser near the sea. The attack followed a 24 hour bombardment in which the defenses' sembling an earthquake, caused by the detonations of the big uns. Russians Reach Posiecz Line. Petrograd, July 11. The Russians have reached the ' Posieez-Konnacz line. In the fighting between Sunday ind Tuesday in the direction of Dol ina the Russians took more than 10, 000 ;iisoners and 80 guns. and the damaging of scores of build- ; enemy." ings. 1 ao or the explosions are laid , the third is attributed to labor trou- , JTUAJUlASl bles by the police. Hoover's Letter Stirs Leaders. (By Associated Press.) Washington, July 11. Administra tion leaders in the Senate .stirred by Her:ert C. Hoover's letter to Pres-1 ident Wilson, declaring that further I 4fllor in t Via Ana r'tmant a tnnA Iaiv ! V1I.1B f IIS tllb lUB V 14 V A SVU & islation threatened serious loss to farmers and consumers, today sought to hasten action by the agricultural Camp Limit to Close 1,200 Louisville Bars. Louisville, Ky., July 10. Twelve ! hundred saloons will be closed here j and Churchill Downs and Douglas Park will have to run their race meets j dry as the result of the rule against ! saloons within a two-mile radius of j any army camp, City Engineer Ly-1 man said today. j N. V. Handle Food Problem. Albany, N. Y., July 11. A procla mation summoning the legislature in extraordinary session on July 31st to enact food control legislation for the cimmittee in perfecting the Gore sub-1 State was issued today by Governor stitute for the food control bill. I whitman. tional camp sites for the Department of the Southeast have been recom mended by General Wood one in Georgia and the other in Virginia. As only twelve sites are being con sidered at present for this depait ment, this probably means that camp sites already designated for two ci ties may bi changed. Savannah has been seriously considered- lately for a camp, and when the plans for this department were first announced Macon was tentatively named for two camp sites. the secretary of tieasury, is chair man. :Appointment of state chairmen and deli jates to the liberty loan commit tees of the federal, reserve bank boards were to be made. Those in attendance included Mrs. Frank A. Vanderlip, of New York; Mrs. F. L. Higginson, of Boston; Mrs. Guilford Dudley, of Nashville; Mrs. George Thafcher Guernsey, of Independence, Kas.; Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, of New York, and Mrs. Kellogg Fair banks, Mrs. Antoinette Funk and Mrs. George Bass, of Chicago. EXCT RSION STEAMER Sl'NK. Seven 'Vrsons Loe Their Lives When the Muakegcn Goes Down cn Big Stone Lake. Orleanville. Minn., July 10. Seven Generally fair tonight and Thurs day, general to moderate Northwest winds becoming variable. Rat Stories Spread Gloom in Suffrage Washington, July 10. Gloom set tled over the headquarters of the Na- i persons lost their lives when the ex tiorral Woman's Party today. Rats j cursion steamer Muskegon went down and illness have played havo with i near here tonight during a heavy suffrage enthusiasm for White House ! storm. picketing. Volunteers are scarce. Hysterical stories of life in t cell Take Over Print Paper Mills, with rats "as large as dogs." have had , (By Associated Press.) their effect. Minneapolis, Minn., July 11. Reso- I lutior.s urging the Federal Trade It takes a prodigious amount of vegetation to form a vein of coal. It would require the growth of a million years to form a coal bed 10 feet in thickness. Commission to take over newspaper print paper mills and thus reduce the price to the press were adopted today by the National Editotial Association in convention here. cleik of the Superior court of Stanly county, and one of Albemarle's most prominent citizens. Mr. Milton was a native of Stanly, having been born near Albemarle 69 years ago. He a as h larre land owner and was well known throughout Stanly and adjoin ing counties. The funeral will take , place at Albemarle Thursday after noon. Surviving are the wife and nine children, among these being Mrs. C. I). Rose, of Salisbury. Mr. and 1 Mrs. Rose and children left this af- ternoon to attend the funeral and I burial. They were unable to get away n the morning train, net having time to catch this train after receiving news of the death by telephone. Mr. Milton, in company with Messrs. John and James Efird, had been to Monroe Tuesday in an au tomobile. On their return Mr. Mil ton fell as he was alighting from the car, striking his head on the pave ment. It was not thought he was , seriously hurt at the time and he did not ap-ear to suffer. During the night his wife discovered that he was suf fering severely and a physician s summoned but death resulted early this morning, being due to hemmorrh age of the brain, brought on by tho fall of the evening before; ; ""' Jealousy is the trading stamp gtr. I en with each case of true love.