THER ED CROSS WANTS A THOUSAND NEW MEMBERS-BE ONE WEATHER FORECAST Fair and cooler lunix hi and Suii- i la ; frost tonight; northwest winds. aMslbTuuFy Evenihrig Post MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS vol.. 13. No. 2::. SALISBURY. NOItTII CAROLINA, SAIFRDW. OCTOBER H, II7 CONGRES ONE EDITION 2 CENTS PBICE TWO CENTS HEARS LAFOLLE HE AND ADJOURNS SEN. LAFOLLETTE REPUESTO HICS Wisconsin Senator Takes Floor of Senate in Last Honrs of Sen ate in His Own Behalf. ' WAR PARTY" CARRIE) ON A CAMPAIGN OF LIBEL Tliis Was the Statement of Man Whose Expulsion From the Senate Is Now Sought. PERU TO BREAK WITH GERMANY North Carolina's Guest Today RED BAZAAR ii-.l 1 'l oss, i Lima, Peru, Oct. 6. The Peruvian congress has decided by an al most unanimous vote to sever diplomatic rela tions with Germany. SECRETARY OF WAR BAKER IN SALISBURY (B Associated Press.) Wa-hington, Oft. '.-- Senator !.a follette, whoso expulsion I'uni the S.Tiatt- for disloyalty lias hern urged in various petitions, replied to hi-: ( iti.-s of his course in t'u war in a I n;r and carefully prepared spec' this morning, asserting thai the "war pai.y," beside tarrying on a i nipa ir-i of lihel and character assas.-inutinn against members of cony l ess win vo' el against the war, was attcmptii.'j 'o suppress discussion of the war is-j sues and intimidate the people th-m- ; II7SEPECTED CAMP GREENE .-elves by invading iheir homes and AND WESTERN TROOPS unlawfully throwiny them in jail. The Wisconsin .Senator quoted at length I ., , - T , t-.-.i of Fin, olm . - vw?.r Distinguished Member President Wilron's Cabinet Alights From Tram En Route to Charlotte. Mexican war speeches ( lay, Webster an i Sumner in sup port of his right as a member of eon- ! gress to assail the policy of the gov--4tment a.inw&tkfltit length upon the j constitutional lutv of congress, rath- i er than that khe Pro-ident ,'iro. laim j ker. Secretary of War in President the nation's iiui'insn in taking up Wilson's cabinet. Mr. Baker came in arms. Senator Lafolle'.le made no refer e.i e to the inquiry into his speec h be fore the non-partisan league at St. Paul, Minnesota, ami dwelt on his cri'- ics only generally. Were at the Station at 9 O'clock to Green Secretary. ! a!istur entertained for 'a1 few niiuiies th!:; morning Newton D. Ba- on the first section of No. 37, at 9 o'cl.vk, on hi'- way to Charlotte where he is a truest of the Queen City for the day. a, id where he went to inspect Tamp II ret ne and review the twelve or fourteen thousand western Six memberes of the senate, and 1 troops, national guardsmen, stationed as I recall, about SO members of th? I there. house, voted against a declaration of Mr. Baer, who is no.v a world fig wai." he said. "Immediately there! me b reason of his being at the let loose on those senators and ropie- ! he ld of th United Slates war depart sentatives a flood of infectives and ' ment and having general supervision abuse from newspapers and individu- ! of the rej'ular army, the national .guard army and the new national, or SL l; was born il M:u tinsburi;. p. iiimi y cluci' i It- W. Newton hiel eeinh-i- I. IS71. a i 't' -veil Ins li, mini v c.lur.i1 1 oi I'leiiiy -.booh an1 hi- literary course .it Johns Hopkins university, v'l'udu ;itinj: 'heri- in lxttl! I.:iter he entered the !: dep. n I m lit of Wii-dnngl " . A- I e utiivei sit . f, nni whit It he grad uated in X:U with the degn f I F. R CONGRESS ADJOURNS SINE DIE uirnMccnAY npT in AFTER APPROPRIATING BILLIONS; m rc it iw i r nin m i m n t o w r I '-'. th I, he was tin July ." Miss F;v..ii , Pa. I, jo, cret. : o:i ! ; urnr.l lowill'.' I l ie n, . Tin t e ye:;: Ian I. Ohio, .it M. A Koran, . lurneys of that a partnership. Tom F. Johns assistant city lowinf year he was dd, ma: of ru I lo itt- to I the :o M;m c.u ..!' hi: npointeil (lemral 'o-t ! a-te' ( lem W A I ' 'b veined cabinet ; i iitisi),n W. '., the fol :i",j eaiered upon the . prof.---don. !ati r lie u ent to t h'Ve- NEWTON D. BAKER the invitai ion of .ludifi' one of the leading at ei' y , who offei eil lum The n-t ye'tr Mayor n appointed him I'rst solicilor and the fol was made citv solii i- tor in which positio.i he served until 1!UJ when he wns ele'ed mayor, .succeedint; Johnson. In he was re-elected mayor, retirini; from that office of his own volition January I, lillti. On March 7, l'.ipi, he was appointed secretary of war by President Wilson, to succeed Judtre Findley M. (Samson, resigned, ami the followiii" day he w.'.s confirmed by the United StHtis Senate. ' Mi. Maker's family is an interest one. Mrs. Baker is an attorney, and the three children. Jack, Petrify and Hetty, are typical Americans. Will Be Opened in the Washing ton Building at 8 O'clock, Wednesday. HON. CAMERON MORRISON TO MAKE AN ADDRESS Preparations for this Bazaar Are on a Large Scale The Public Invited. Tin Community (ted Cr.i-- lln aai , id iie opened Wcdnesd.. eveninif. til- lllt i. Ill the Wii-hm.'t :! ii.iiidini.'. At H o'clock on thul- ewiin- a pa- :ld ill the The llmi. ii that trietic meei:r,u "ill I ( omiiiuniiy buildint.'. aituroii Mern-oii wd o.-cision. Poll iv, ine: this illeet i.iu elh e will hi i nv it cd '. : I tl where refreshment' are aiiili l'.az lar. lie si'!" .'.Is who were elamorinn for war, t.ii equalled, I believe, in the history of civilized society. Prior to a declara tion of war every man who ventured lo oppose our entrance Into it wa condemned as a coward or worse and .haft army, all of which are soon tc lay an important and it is believed, decisive pa t in the world-wide war. Quite a number of Salishurians were at the station to meet and trr;et the RRITIKH MW RI Mi AMERICAN DESTROYER Willi IVM I I II II I IS WUU II V nniiTiMiir rrrrmnr ncoTDnve ciidmadimc UUIIIIIlUL LrrLbllVL ULOinuioouuiwmmL ! uitii nrnni nnunn i mm mm duividj even the President was not imhiune distinguished official. Mr. Jo in F. from these attacks. Since the dec- j Kendieman, who is a personal friend of iaration of war and the triumph of ' the secretary, was the first to locate the 'war party' they have pursued 1 him, but Mr. Baker, who had walked thos? senators and representatives to the rear platform of his car, spied who voted against war with malicious , the Sal 'bury lawyer about the same falsehood and wreck less lihel attacks, ( time and they exchanged greetings "oin;r to the extreme limit of chare - at once. The war secretary then left intr them viiih treason against their , the car and came out on the landing country." j where he met quite a number of our Senator Fafollette declared if he j people, with various ones until alone had iieen made the victim of ins train was ready to depart for th?sc attacks he would not take the ! Charlotte. He is a man of small sta senate's valuable time for their con- tue, though robust and the pictures sideration. ! oT him being carried by the various Senator FaFollette further said: j newspapers, especially the one in the 'Tt appears to be the purpose to th ise Post today, are splendid likenesses of i inducting this campaign to throw j the prominent cabinet member, the country in a state of terror, to co Mr. Baker had a strenuous day be erce public opinion and to stifle- criti- fore him in Charlotte, where he was cism and suppress discussion of the due to arrive shortly after 10 o'clock, great issues involved in thi- war.'' j Immediately after his train reached In supt-ort of his assertion t lat cm- ;the Charlotte station he was driven to !the Manufacturers' club where ne vested until lltoO and then he was It.i'en to the auditorium where he was gress speak for the country in de cFirinjr ths purposes of war the sen ator cited precedents at length. "It is unfortunate for the country, Is.-reduled to make an address at 12 and for the senator from Wisconsin" said Senator Robinson, of Ark i'lras, in replying to Senator FaFolleite, "that he lent himself and servl-e to the promotion of ideas and deiirs of the kaiser." FIFTH TRIAL OF CASE ENDS WITH HINT, Jl'RY. o'clock. A' li.'SO this afternoon a ! luncheon, attended by fifty of the leading citizens, was tendered Mr. Baker at the Southern Manufactur er eluh 4 :t o'clock the War Sec- ! retary was taken by automobile to I Camp CSreene where he inspected the I hitr army camp and it was said he i might possibly review the twelve or ! fourteen thousand Western National Said That Jury Stood 11 to 1 For i goardsmen encamped there. After Conviction of James Canter Who i this inspection the program called for Is Charged With Murder. an automobile drive over the city and j Bristol, Tenn., Oct. 5. The jury in i suburbs, and is to leave at 8:30 on his j tho trial of James Canter, at Abine- j return trip to Washington. , don, Va., charged with the murder of i I Mrs. Maude Wilson, in April, 1915, j STATl'S OF DENTAL SI RGEOXS. I BI( failed to agree on a verdict in Cir- I cuiVourt today. The iurv. it is said. Senator Overman Offers an Amend-: stoTa 11 to 1 for conviction. This mom Placing Them on Same Basis is the fifth trial of Lhe case. The . As Medical Officers in Army, fi st trial resulted in conviction. The! Washington, Oct. 5 Senator Over Supreme court grrnted a new trial man offc"d an amendment to the the first resulting in a hung jury, vot- , national defense act, which was adopt ing 11 to 1 for conviction. The third j ed by the - enate today, placing dental trial resulted in a vote of 11 to 1 for I surgeons on the same basis as med acquittal The fourth jury stood I ical officers who join the army. The eight to four for conviction. j amendment also gives medical stu- Luther Canter, a brother of James . dents of dental colleges the same Germans Compelled to Give Up Ground Other Than That Lost in the Great Drive. CROWN PRINCE TRYING TO REGAIN LOST TERRITORY Attacked the French North of Hill 344 and Advanced But Were Driven Back by French (By Associated Press.) Continuing effects are observable on account of the hard blows struck by the British at the (Serman lines ir Flander Thursday. Ala point on the front the (Sermans were compelled to retire further, they were caried by ihe drive of the Critish. The posi tions they occupied were found to be too geatlv exposed to the rain of iire of the Britisii artillery. British patrols discovered this condition when tnev were sent forward to reeonoit- "M All along one .sector the forward shell hold of the defense were aban doned, and the Brtiish are firmly hold ing the new line. By midnight they were well on advance to the front and ready for any further counter attacks. On the French front north of Ver dun the Crown Prime is continuing his effort to win l ack lost territory. An at'ack north of hill .'111 last night "suited in the (Sermans iraiiiine .. footing in the advanced French line fro:n which they were shortly after ward driven and the line completely re-established. The navy dapartment at Washing ton gave out a statement today da tailing afi cnc&unter between an American destroyer and a (Se'-mun suomarine in which the U-boat was destroyed by depth bombs. APPROPRIATION MEASFRE A LAW Canter, was electrocuted for the same j rights and ranks as those of medical crime a year ago. universities. i Mia. Josie Thompson and, infant Miss Emma Williams, of Rich daughter, of Washington, D. C, are mond, Va.. is a mJst of the home of visiting her mother, Mrs. L. S. JuFtan, Mr. J. W. Webb on West Innes n East Innes street. street. Largest in the History of the I'nited States and Carries Nearly Eight Billion Dollars. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. (i. The largest a -propriation measure inthe history of the United States became a la today when President Wilson signed the urgent deficient bill, carrying $1,7.8,124,000, principally for war purposes. Labor is necesoary to excellence. This is an eternal truth, although vanity can not be taught to believe or indolence to heed it John Randolph. Fight Bel veen the American Vessel and the Enemy Fnder-Sea Boat Occurred iA Kuropeaj Waters. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. . Details of a light between an American destroy ;r i;i Kuropean waters and f. (Sermal submarine, in which the submarine was destroyed bv depth bombs, iva.i announced by the naval department today. The name of the destroyer and the time and place of the engagement was withheld in the navy depart ment's announcement. HKFLIVS ( ONDl CT SFBJECT TO CRITICISM Washington, Oct. Ii. The conduct ef Representative lleflin of Alabama in making charges against other members of congress in connection with reports of the use of (Serman money to influence congress is "sub ject to ciiticisai" according to "opin ::i" of a special committee of the House appointed to investigate the -.-ise. chicagomWner Preparations for this Bazaar are on a huge .' :ilc. This i the first Cnie .h:it si important a baaur has t.een undertaken by the united efforts of t'-.e ladies of the county. The in terest and wor-. is nut cunlined to the county seat. Titer.' will be nine booths f fancy-work, bags, candy, novelties, etc. The Red Cross branches from Chi na drove and (Sranite Quarry will each have a l.otth. The bran. lies from Sou l li River, Coolecmce and Cleveland will have one together. In t'ti.-e booths there will be sold, be sides fancy work, canned goods and cakes, egg,, butter, dressed chickens unci vegetables. These will be all of the best and will be sold at reason - ' able prices. " I This is an opportunity for all of the community to work towards realiimr a large sum. For the work and the sum icali.ed therefore is for the Bed ! Cross. It i.-. for our sold.ers in the trenches. The money made at this Bazaar will buy wool to l-.ccp our sol idiers warm inuring tho coming win ller. It will provide necessities for our ununited soldier in our Hospi tals. For this reason t '.if women of Row mi ii.unty work with one common interest, drawing together the bonds of sympathy in the work we have been doing, and the greater things we hope to do for "our boys." Menu Every Day During Bazaar All Attention Was Turned at the Last Hour, to Senator LaFollette of Wisconsin and People Expected a Spec tacular Finale Two Hours Set Aside (or Members of the Body to Reply to the Wisconsin Senator-House Was Marking Time and Members Flocked to the Floor of the Higher Body to Witness the End. j (By Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. Ik The Senate :it l'J:.!o adopted u resolution provid ing for adjournment of congress at tt I p. in. today. ' Spcrtartilur ( line Was Anticipated. Washington, Oct. li. Congress o iilay entered the last hours of the ses sion today with all attention turned I in th,. Mmiutii u. Iiern Kitnutor f.Hfol. i lette took the flour, at 10 o'clock to make it three houi speech in answer Creut Reformation Celebration Here J t0 hi t.riti(.s wh), ha(l petitioned fbr ((tiudrirentennial Convention of ! his expulsion front the Senate of the Con- 1 lJ niieti niaieH necause oi nis course and public utterances toward the war. By pre-arrangeffient two hours were I reserved in which Senators were to I reply ut the close of his speech and Salisbury and Rowan Lutherans 'nj unless some nfoissn developments particular and members of cms de-takc place adjournment lor ine ses- I idled I utheran Synod to vene in Siilihlnirj, November (ith. Business Men's Flinch Ham, Potato Salad, Baked Beans .'lo cents Chicken Salad, Wafers, Pickles, Beaten Biscuit, .'lo cent". Oysters, Stewed or .'15 cents Fried Oyster Cocktail 15 rents. Coffee Served With Lunches 5 cents extra. I J PAN RFL ;ased WITH RE( EITION WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP (SAME AT CHICAGO TODAY. First Inning New York 0 Chicago 0 Second Innmg New York 0 j Chicago 0 j Third Inning . New York 0 Chicago 1 Fourth Inning New York 0 Chicago 1 Fifth Inning New York 1 ' 'Chicago 0 Sixth Inning New York 0 Chicago 0 Seventh Inning New York . . . . ' II Chicago 0 Eightth Inning ! New York " Chicago 0 Ninth Inning New York 0 Chicago 0, RESI.'LT R. H. E. New York 1 7 1 Chicago 2 7 1 Manner in Which Viscount Ishii Was Received in I'nited States Pleasing to People of Empire. Tokio, Oct. 5. The cordial recep- tion given to Viscount l-hii in the United States caused a favorable im pression throughout Japan and has called forth appreciative comment. i Tne semi-official Japan limes te- : rards as unprecedented in Japanese experience in its hearty conF.ility, ' honor and respect paid and in the en thusiasm of its demonstration. Th" newspaper adds: "The Embassy' journey fiom Honolulu to Washing ton has indeed bten a veritable seri- j es of royal receptions in the best sense of the term, in which wa? embodied ' American hospitality and insincerity on a most generous and majestic : scale, for which the Americans are traditionally noted. Al lthis is most gratifying to Japan and the Japa- , nese. Japan and the Japanese can not but feel ami appreciate most pro- I foundly the expressions of the cor- I dialest friendship and of the realty of war time alliance made through Viscount Ishii." Next Week's Forecast. Washington, Oct. 6. Fair and mod- oomiiiiuion in the State and tnio..qh- oiit the South are loosint 1 rwatd to I the coming convention of t..e United Synod of the South in St. John' 'church in this city next iTJiith with I great i.tterest. In connerti in with ' this meeting the!. in ef tM ' IdDth anniversary of the Proteat.tnt i Reformation will take p'ac?, Salia i bury being one of the cities chosen ! in which to hold one of these celebra I tions, which are to take place u 1 -er the United States. The meeting will jbring here many leading tni"-.ters j and laymen of the Southern 1,'it i. ran I church and representatives vill tdso j be present from the various other I synods in this country. The follow-j ling official call and program for l 'this joint meeting appears in the last' issue of the Lutheran Visitor, tit Columbia, S. (".: , The Quiidi icentennial Convention of the United Synod of the Evan 1 gelical Lutheran Church in the South, provmjed for by the meeting held in Wilmington, N. ('.. November, Hi Hi, will be convened on Tuesday, November 0, 1!H7, in St. John's church, Salisbury, N. ('., at 10 o'clock a. in. The delegates of lust meeting rc . . .l ii:- main tne representatives oi ine wis 'trict Synods for the Quadricenten i ii i ;t 1 ( '(invention. j Celebration of the Reformation ! Tuesday, November li, 10:HO a. m. ' - The Service. Sermon by the Rev. M. (i. Scherer, P. D., Presiflent of the Uniled Synod. Roll Call and Re ception of Delegates from otl-.or I Bodies. Statement by the Prestilent. :l p. m. -Devotional "services, the i Rev. J. A. Huffard. Reports of Dele gates to other General Bodies. Hear ing Delegates from other Oeneral Bodies. Responses by the Rev. C. A. Freed. D. D., and Geo. S. Bowers, D. I). Address: The Reformation and the Office of the Ministry the Kev. F Gongware, D. D. 7:.'!0 p. ni. Vespers, the Rev. F. B. Clausen. Address: The Refor mation and the Laity Prof. Geo. F McAllister, A. M. Address: Effe-t of the Reformation in the Quickening of Human Conscience the Rev. J. Henry Harms, D. D. Wednesday, November 7, !l:tW) A. M. - Matins, the Rev. J. W. IFirine, I) I). Reports of committee on Mer ger and Proposed Constitution. Dis cussion and Action. tt p .ni. Devotional services, the Rev. R. L. Fritz. D. D. Address: What Twentieth Century Protestant ism Inherits from Sixteenth Century Devotion to Truth the Rev. A. G. Voigt. D. D. LL. D. 7.:!0 p. m. Vespers, the Rev. W. Hoppe, P. I). Addres: Effect of the Reformation in th Sphere of Education the Rev. L. A. Fox, D. D., LL. D. Social hour, the Rev. Dr. M. M. Kinard, pastor, presiding. Thursday.. November 8. 9:30 . m. Matins, the Rev. Edw. Fulen vider. sion was expected at 'i o'clock this afternoon. Members of the House, which was only marking time, awaiting for the Senate, flocked to the chamber where the galleries and floor were jammed with members ami spectator in th expectation- of a Spectacular finale to fho aoaaiiin which hart annrnrlatnd i i -rr--r- llllll. I Ullll.Rli. Ul ..inwtira u for America's participation in tjie world war and which has passed scores of war measures Jn " incred ibly short time. f 1'reaidvnt Goes to Capitol., Washington, Oct. t President Wil son went to the cnpitol shortly befort 2 o'clock this afternoon to sign bills and be present at adjournment of congress. Mr. Wilson Praises t'ongrea. Washington, Oct. f. The work of the congressional session adjourning today was praised by President Wil son in a statement in which he said: "The need of the army and navy hus been met in a way which assures the effectiveness of the American arms and the war making branch of the government is abundantly equipped with powers necessary to make the action of the nation effective." THREE WHITE MEN OVER A NEGRO MAN Went to Home'of Another White Man to Look For a Negro Wanted and Were Met bv a Hail of Hot Shot With Terrible Rt -ult. (By Associated Press) Montgomery, Ala., Oct. H. In a battle over a negro three white men are dead and three wounded at La pine, Ala., SH miles south of here. The dead are Oliver E.izer, aged 00; Hub Cannon, uged :)f. and W. L. Griffith, aged .'15. Accompanied by Kirk Brown. Can non and Griffith went to the home of Enzcr this morning to look for a negro who three days ago held up a white man and who was said to be on th' Enzcr place. Their request for th negro, it is stated, was greet ed with a hail of shot, and the casu alty list resulted. eratelv cool is indicated for the South Address: The Reformation and the Atlantic and East Gulf states for the Work of Home Missions the Rev. A. first half ef the week bejinninr Sun- j D. R. Hancher. Address: The Re day, acordinjr to the weekly fore- formation and Foreign Missionv cast by the weather bureau today, the iRev. M. J. Epting, D. D. Ther will ha a short shower besrin- S d. m.- Devotional ervices. the nint: Thursday or Friday. : Rev. A. R. Beck. Adwdreat: Leader ship as an Element of Success in 'he Reformation Movement the Rsv. W. H. Greever, D. D. Addresa: The Protestant Reformation and the Democratic Spirit the Rev. 3. A. Morehead, D. D. 7 p. M. Vespers, the Ret- W. & Davis. Address The Missions rtd Opportunity of the Lutheran ch'.rch in the United State the Rev. E. K. Bell, D. D. Address: The general Council's Contribution toward , tl e United Lutheran Church of Amer'ca the Rev. J. E. Whitteker, X M. G. G. SCHBRER, D. D. Pres.r S. T. HALLMAN, Secret 7. :

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