PAGE TWO :.T 9AUSBURT EVENING POST, SALISBURY, N. Cy MARCH 21. 1918. wm mm atspbkmw Estimated That Ten Thousand Dollars a Year is Price Custom ers Pay for Delivery of Goods SHOP MEETINGS IN THE INTEREST OF WAR STAMPS "it t 0 Pure Chewing Gum $ 0 o 0 a Stick ajjif tBirst away TAKE A TABLESPOONFiUL OF SALTS IF SACK HURTS OR BLADDER -BOTHERS. We are a nation of meat eaters and ' fur jblqod is lied with uric add, says a iwelUknown authority, who warns pa to be constantly on guard against .kidney trouble. . TNe kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but be:ome weik from the overwork ; Jbhy got sluggish; the eliminatlve tissues clog and thus the wast is retained in the blood to po pon the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel fike lumps of lead and you have sting ng tpains in 'the back or the urnie if -cloudy, full of sediment, or the blad der Is irritable, obliging you to aeek relief during the . night; ' when you Charter No. 2981. .. ' " REPORT OF CONPITION Of THE FIRST AT SALISBURY, w , In the State of North Carolina atdoae of business on March 4th, RESOURCES: 1 a Loans and discounts .. .. $438,722.36 Deduct: . 2 Overdrafts,' unsecured . . 4.p 5. U. S. bonds other thsn Liberty Bonds of 1817.) , a U. ft. twl$ deposiba b ? circulation )par value) :, . . . . ?? iz.duu.uu C Liberty Loan Bonds: ' a liberty Loan Bonds, 3 1-2 and 4 per ct. noledg ' ' ed. ! .' . s .. .$16,700.00 b Uberto- Loan Bonds, 3 1-2 and 4 per ct, pledged to secure U. S. deposits f $3,000.00 19,700.00 SV Bonds, securities, etc. (other than U. S.) : ' b Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits .. . . ... $5,000.00 Total bonds, securities, etc. 5,000.00 8. Stocks, pther thanFederal Reserve Bank Itock 510.00 ?, Stock of Federa) Reserve Bank C60 Pr nt of sub- rf acnntionj . , 8,000.00 11. Furniture and fixtures '.. 2,625.00 18 Lawful reserve with Federal .Reserve Bank 31,569.93 15 Cash In vault and net amounts due from national banks 64,179.18 lft, 'tf et amounts due from banks; bankers, and trust compa- Dies other than included1 in Items 13, and 15 5,291.72 17 Exchanges for (dearing bouse 8,090.98 . ' JoWJ of Items 15, IB, and 17 $77,661.88 ' 19 Checks on banks jkjcated outside of city or town of re- '' 1 porting bank and other cash items '. 4,187.48 20 Redemption fond with V. S Treasurer and 4ue from . , U. 6. Treasurer 637.50 V v .v,;' : Total .. .. - $596,961.91 ' . i . V UABIUTIES: : 24 Capital stock paid ip . . :$ 50,000.00 25 Surplus fund... 50,000.00 ' 26 a Uindijrided profits, less current expenses, interest " ' and taxee. paid ., .. .. 15.826.61 30 Circulating notes ouUtanding 1200.00 82 Net amaunU due to National Pinks .. 1,072.26 Total of Heptf 32 aad 33 $1,072.26 . i , Demand deposiU (other than hank deposits) subject to .' Rcsrrye (deposits payable within 30 days): . 34 Individual deposits subject to check .. 155,086.48 35 Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) 213,980.18 37 Casbier'a checks outstanding 8,336.25 41 Other demand depbsiU , ....... 531i)0 Total demand deposits (other than bank deposits) sub y " ' iat p Reserve, Items 34, 35. 37-41 . .$377,933.91 . T5iedfpsiU subject to Reserve (payable after 50 days, ' or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal sav- ings): i 44 Postal savings deposits . . 1,450.00 45 Otioer time deposit . : 68,131.47 Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items V, . 2Bd 43J -: $89,581.47 . 4 j. LiUd States oc posits (other than posUl savings): 0 ttar murings deposit certificate and vhrift sUmp ac-. yi, " .paot . .v,... .... , 547.66 Total . .. -Stat of North Carolina, County of Rown, u: ' I, W. B. Straohan, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that.thv above statement ia true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. : ri ' " " " ; , ! " :. ' V f " - r ' W. B. STRACHAN, Cashier. i-t-.'-v. Correct Attest: .: , ... , ., ' . " - , H. N. WOODSON, " ...... ,: ;v : ' -.W r. v. BRAWLEY, V, N . " . L. MAHALEY, Directors. . Subscribed and ora to before me, this 14th day of JLaro lift 3- ; . w J.3L McCorkle, Notary Public. Tf"TTT'j'.'.on Errirw Msy 1. 1919. . awv m m - , i '1 n n r gin n rim r EUY WAR SAVING STAMPS hUive severe .headaches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleeplessness, acid stom ach or rheumatism dn bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a table spoonful in ia glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a few days your kidneys miill act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lilhi and has been used for gen erations to flush and stimulate the acids in urine so jt is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urin ary and bladder disorders. Jad tSalts is inexpensive and tan not injure; miikes a delightful ef fervescent lithia-water crink, and no body cap make a (mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kid neys clean and active. Reserve District No. 5 NATIONAL BANK, $596,961.91 Spencer Chapter of the Bed Cross Arranges for a Concert in the School Building on Tuesday. (By A. W Hicks.) Spencer, March 20. Following the agitation started a year ago by the Fraternal Order of Eagles as to the cost of the retail delivery system Lof merchants, Postmaster W. D. Ppthcl hps made a thorough canvass, of Spencer, to ascertain the cost and; number of men engaged in this ser vice. The data gathered by the post master shows the following: Number of men employed in regular delivery service, 7; boys employed, 9; horses and wagon, 9; motor deliveries, 4; cicycks, 4; cost of the delivery ser vice per month, $850; annual cost, $10,200. This expense represents 5 per cent on annual sales aggregating $204,000. It is contented that a large per cent of this expense is entirely un necessary; can be avoided by the market basket system for every household, and under existing con ditions this labor could be used for more patriotic purposes, the horses used in agriculture, and an approxi mate saving of five per cent effected for the benefit of tbe consumer. This matter sprung Up ip a meet ing of the Eagles some months ago under the head of "Good of the Or der." The nve.mbers took to the idea at once and the high cost of living has kept it before them. In making his rounds in Spencer, Postmaster Pethel found the merchants favorable to such a plan. They were very will ing to furnish the facts as shown. It is of course well known that in the end the consumer pays the deliverv man. It is with a view of saving this expense that the agitation has been kept up. Postmaster' Pethel figures that by using the market basket sys tem approximately $10,000 could be invested annually in War Savings Stamps in Spencer alone, by the con sumers without )y additional outlay of money. It is figured that the nine horses that are now seeing hard ser vice on tbe streets could be made to produce something like 10,000 bushels of corn and the men so engaged could fined more useful employment. Beginning today meetings will be held in the various departments of the Southern railwav nhnns in Rnon. eer for the purpose of selling War bayings Stamps to the two thousand employes here. Th meetings will cover a period of a week or more, un til all departments have been reached. W. D. Pethel, who has been giving considerable time to the sale of these stamps for a month, will be on the spot prepared to issue Thrift stamps to the employes while the meeting is being held, during the noon hour. The first meeting held today during the dinner hour was largely attended. Mayor W. H. Burton and Supt. C. L. Bunch are assisting the postmaster in this work as a patriotic move and are participating in all the meetings. lAe fcpencer chapter of the .Red Cross has arranged for a concert to be given at the school building next Tuesday evening at 7:30, the hour being moved up in order to give an opportunity to attend an Eastern Star entertainment in Salisbury the same night. The program consists of solos, reading and choruses by lo cal talent. The proceeds will go to the work of the Red Cross which "is now making a special effort to pro vide pillows for soldier boys in trance; also pajamas and bed suits The concert will be worth the small nuimasiuii cnargea. Mrs. J. L. Pleasants has returned from Greenville where she visited a brother, Capt. James Leonard, of the uciu;whi ruies now at wanp ureene Mrs. Harris Emmerson. of Kannn. polis, is the guest of Mrs. D. R. Fag- Kn m opencer. Mrs. J. P. Leonard, of Lexington, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. L. I'leasants on Second street. Mrs. E. M. Hicks has returned to her home in Statesville after spend - .ng several aays with Mrs. A. W. Hicks. r Mrs. Kate O'Brien, of Richmond, is the guest of Mrs. W. H. Wommack in Spencer. Mrs. Ernest Smith, of Lynchburg, Va., is visiting Mrs. J. Max Burton on Iredell avenue. -WSS- When a man talks about jiving his own life there is some curiosity to know whom with. lioici m . P( ll ft1 n - "f-k"' X m rt?Sg 4 7ZzZzzAm U Ui MR. JAKE HANLINE DEAD. Former Salisbury plumber Dies at the Heme of His Mother in Davie County of Tuberculosis. Salisbury friends of Mr. Jake HaneUne, a former Salisbury plumb er, have learned of his death last week at the Ihome of his mother, three miles from Modksville, in Dwvifl county, where he bad been critically ill for some weeks iwpth tuberculosis. Mr. Haneline, who was a young man, was for a long time a resident of Salisbury and engaged in the (plumb ing trade here, leaving later for oth er (points. His healtii failed land he returned to. the home of his mother where he lingered until last Wed nesday. He iwas single and lhad sev eral relatives in Salisbury. WSS SPELLING MATCH TONIGHT. Ladies of South Main Methodist Church to Hold a Match in New West Ward School Building. Thre will be an oid time spelling match tomght in the new school au ditorium of the West Ward near sec ond Presbyterian church, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society Of South Main Street M. E. Church. Admission, Adults 5c; children 10 cents. Anyone wishing to spell who has not been asked, please be preaent and let it be known to the-chairman of the committee, Mr. G. T. Cobarn. No admission will be charged those who spell. The public will find a hearty welcome. FOR JIAGfl Try Musterole. See How Quickly ft ReUeyes You just rub Musterole ia briskly, and usually the pain is gone a delicknie, soothing comfort comes to take its place. Musterole ie a dean, white ointment, made with ofl of mustard. Use it instead of mustard plaster. WW not blister. Many doctors and aorsea use Mutter, ole aad recommend it to their patients. They xriJI gladly tell you wht relief it gives from scce throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff "Aficjr, asthma. Deuratgla, congestion, pleurisy, rhauraetiam, lumbago, puss and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sons musde, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds .of the cheat (jt often areveaU mi. Always cepencaMe. 60c hrs: boepiul sise $2.5a - f , , 5 HI ! THEY .4eJiv)9r rrtost tire mijpae, dollar for dollar, because Firestone Corq construction has so. reiafly reduced internal friction and the evil 'effects of stone bruise." Jjkey (Parw )ie car farther, gallon for feallon of gasoline, because of exceptional resiliency, a help to the engine rather than a drafc. They Jjasure fewer car repairs, njl for jaije of travel, because they &ivs uaequaled protection to the uechanism of the car. And with these savings in tires, gasoline and repairs, you fcet extra riding comfort," easier steering, greater speed, a more responsivef lively behavior of the car in every 'way. In the pirit pf thrift insist on Firestone Cords. FIRESTONE TIRE, AND RUBBER COMPANY- A&ION, pajO Branches and Dealers Everywhere t ADJUDGED CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. White Man Taxed $25 and Costa for Failure to Feed a Mule Other Cases Disposed of in County Court. In the county court a white mau who was adjudged guilty of cruelty to animals in not having properly fed a mule was fined $25 and costs. Two other men in the same indictment were found no guilty. The inan found guilty gave notice of appeal to the Superior court. A larceny case in the defendant going to the roads for a term of sixty days. The wreckless driving of an auto mobile cost the defendant the costs in the case. In an affray case both defendants were fouiuf guilty and judgment sus pended on payment of costs. WSS EXECUTKE COMMITTEE OF LUTHERAN SYNOD Members of the North Carolina Lu thera Synod Holding Meeting Here Today Wih President Brown Pre siding. The executive committee of the North Carolina Lutheran Synod is holding a meeting here today with President C. A. Brown, of China Grove, presiding. This is for the purpose of going over the work and wind up the business before the com mittee preparatory to the annual meeting of the North Carolina Synod to .be heW ip Winston-Satem in May. Relieves Stiff Neck .When you wake up wish a stiff neck or sore muscle, strains or praise, jum Slow? 'a Liaigaent. No aqd to rub; iifluickly penetrate to the feat of Pm IW rempve it. Qeancr than Inuaty plasters or oint ments, jf aoee not taia the akin or dag die perea. Alwaya hav a bottU haniy ia rhcumxic acba. Deur!ea isajeaa, ruieee aad lasae back. Ia leei. all ctpruJ pain. fnercs sepd jbot,uV a four druggisU - "l '.'Sloans prices not ui creased 25, 50, and J 1.00." A -rr4 Buy tires in the spirit of the tiniest toward the enfl of ponservation; buy Firestone CordTires ) ins. 1 0. Camphor production from leaves having passed the experimental stage in Formosa, the goyernment has planted large areas in trees. WSS Use "Gets-It" See Corns Peel OfT! The corn relief that "Gets-It" gives from corn-jpains the way it makes corns and calluses peel off painless ly in one piece s one of tn'e won ders of . the world. The woman in "Ct M. 'Cm Qoick! It Eu Owa Puas mni Male Cora PMiiustaafff ' the home, the shopper, the dancer, the foot traveler, the man in the of fice, the clerk in the store, the worker in the shop, have today, in this great discovery, "Gets-It," the one sure, qwok relief from all com and callus jpains the one sure, pain less remover that makes .corns come off as easily as you (Aould peel ;j banana. ' It takes 2 seconds to ap ply "Gets-It;" it dries at once. Then svalk with painless joy, even with tight shoes. You know your corn will .loosen from your toe. peel it off with your fingers. Try it, corn suf ferers, and you'll smile! "Gets-It" is old at all druggists (you need pay no more th'in 25 cents a botlte), or sent-on receipt of by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. Sold in Salisbury and recommended as the worki's best corn remedy by Empire Drug Store, Smith Drug Co., and Main Pharmacy. SHE WAS IN BED TWO MONTHS Women suffering backache, rheu matic pains, sore muscles, stiff joints or any symptom of kidney trouble should read this letter from Mrs. S. C. Small, Clayton, N- M.: "I had been under the doctor's care all sum mer and in bed t wo months, but kept getting worse. In January I got so bad I told them something had to be done or t couldn't live. We noticed an advertisement for Foley Kidney Pills and sent for some. They have done me more good than all other medicines. Sold everywhere. FOUR SECONDS 1J U W I'M) - K 7 " 9 , j '" 2 I 4-;-. an li 'TTV ,. ... t- f ''' ' "a SPELLING MATCH TONIGHT 8 o'clock in the West Ward new school building. Admission 10 and 15 cents. 3-21-li W SS-i IS HELPED HIS WIFE She'd Twist and Turn All Through tbe Night, Put .Now She Sleeps Like a Baby. Tells What Did It The burdens of life are not equally borne by jnen end women. , Women too often suffer from some weakness that ' was never intended for them by nature. When troufcJe or hard wofk xr ex citement fiye rendered the nerves so Mde-awake that sleep is" denied, the over-tired brain must be helped to get quickly back to its heailhy, normal condition or serious mischief ensues. Dreco, thje wonderful herbal medi cine, aims to accomplish this as noth ing else ever has done. Its mission is to bring the disabled, debiliated nerv ous tissues the peculiar nerve food Which they must have to build up their pfarts. "My wife suffered terribly from pains in the back and limbs, consti pation, headachtes and1 worst of all, sleeplessness," declares the well- known Tar Heel farmer, R. D. Gourley R. F. D. No. 3, Winston-SaW "She would fall asleep early in the night but would iwake up soon and would lay and bear the clock strike every hour until morning. She would twist and turn all night and was always more tired in the morning than when she went to bed. O "A friend told us of Dreco and how it had helped just such a case as bb is 'jmd so we decided jto give it a trial. Were mijjhty glad we did that now because it certainly gave us splendid results. My wife sleeps like a baby now, all night long. Her fains are gone and she iuw has a good aprje tite, the first time for years. I want three more bottles of Dreco now, so we can both ta&e it as I believe it will make me feel 20 years younger." Dreco is known throughout the Tar Heel State as the one herbal medi cine that accomplishes results in cases of severe stomach trouble, constipa tion, rffeurahtism and similar ills. - It is sold by all good druggists and :s recommended strongly in Salisjr? by Smith Drug Company and in SpeaV cer by Rowan Drug Company. HI

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