PAGE TWO SALISBURY EVENING POST, SALISBURY, N. C, APRIL 12, 1918. 'Give Heed to theWariunsr: Pimples on the- fac tnd athar i parts pf the body are warnings from Nature that your blood is sluggish and impoverished. Sometimes they foretell eczema, boils, blisters, scaly eruptions and other skin ' disorders : that bum like flames of fire, They mean that your blood needs ?, S. S. to purify it-and cleanse ft of these Impure accumulations that' can cause unlimited trouble. This remedy is the greatest vegetable blood pun- $ Pure Chewing Gum $ a Stick Dyspepsia away "! ..... .I" ...., '. ..... , (I t-) tM...i . j .vmvv mT SAVE YOUR CLOTHING by having them cleaned and steam pressed. Phone m VIM? V VWft ;. srrr, . Jiji tti -trttt'"t ,HHaw'.'i (HrC Facts That You eh iropractic .Some citizens as' me "Did you1 ever cure tonsihtis?" I do not and never did like the word CURE. If I were to answer the question on the spur of the moment, I would say most empirically, NO. ' The' word Cure means to HEAL, to MAKE WELL. NO LIVING PER ; SON POSSESSES THE POWER TO HEAL ANOTHER but each of us has this healing power WITHIN OURSELVES for the healing or reparation of our body. You Can't Cure Me - I Can't Cure You v.Vou cin however cure yourself providing the ibody is not interfered with. IF YOU ARE DISEASgP THERE ARE NINETY-FIVE ; CHANCES OUT OF A HUNDRED THERE IS INTERFERENCE. iSSonr you come to 'the Chiropractor. You have Tonsihtis. I know ' of a SPECIFIC PLACE WHERE I WILL FIND NERVES PINC1I J3D. You have Appendicitis. I know pf another specific place. .BOTH CASES HAVE PINCHED ttERVpS. Nothing changes only location. No medical man knows the function of tine tonsils, there fore he should not be permitted to remove them. Is it not better to 4ee these much abused little organs than to 'deprive yaur body of something that n ALL WISE CREATOR KNEW WAS ESSEN TiAl, TO OpB NEEDS? I cain't make the sun shine, but I can lHAISE THE SHADE and let the SUN IN THAT DARKENED 1 BOOM. I can't make healing force but I CAN ADJUST SUBLUX ATED VERTEBRAE AND LET IT IN TO THOSE diseased tonsils. , Consultation Spinal Analysis Free M H. GROVES, Chiropractor .Office, 218-19-20 Wallace Building. Hours, 9 to 12 A. M.; 2:30 to 6:00 P. Ik Other hours by appointment. Phones: Office 240; -Res. 243 W. It was a . noble effort Col. A. H. Boyden made on the floor of the con vention in the cause cf the school 'teachers ' and th geneva advance ment of education. Colonel. Boyden is one of the old-time wheelhorses in North Carolina politics, but in recent he has turned his thoughts to t! e betterment of social and economic IpCf 3tfrWn,and contains no minerab or cnemicais to injuro ine mosi aeu cate skin. Go to your drugstore, and get a bottle of S. S. S. today,' and get rid of those unsightly and disfiguring pimples, and other skin irritations. And it will cleanse your blood thor oughly. If you wish special medical advice, you can obtain it without charge by writing to Medical Direc tor, 29 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ceorgia. . a day I.? '"! I': 1 i " ' 17TVT1VTIO Phon Phone 1026 Should Know conditions, and when he embarks into a cause he carries his whole heart into it. His first concern was for making more tolecable the condition of the Confederate veteran. In that direc tion he has wrought to the worthiness of a monument The school teachers are bound to profit materially by rea son of his vigorous championship of their cause. Charlotte Obftsnrer. FALLING LIMB STRIKES BOY AND HIS DEATH FOLLOWS Wadesboro, April 11. Jennings, 8-' year-old son of Mr. and Mrs'. D. Burns Hyatt, of Ansonville tonwship died at their home, 12 miles north of here, Wednesday afternoon as a result of injip ics received when he was struck by a limb from a tree cut down -by his father. Mr. Hyatt was cutting down some dead trees near his home is n matter of protection for his chil dren, fearing they would fall some time on the children nearby. He djd not know that his son was near him. The little boy, hearing his father's axe, ran to the field to see him- com mit just in time to meet his awful fate. The boy lived for four hours, but never regained consciousnss. He was bruised in many places and his skull fractured. The burial was at Concord church yesterday afternoon. W S S German Gas. Excited Hun Soldier (), Sir Kam crad, I gif meinself up! I to you meinself surrender, Sir Kamerad! I British Officer Cut it short, man. This isn't a ball yopera. Pass-ng Show. W S S NOTICE. ELKS. All Elks are requested to meet at Uhe hall at 6 o'clock tomorrow evetf?T ing, April 13th, to march to the de pot in a body to meet Charlie ICWap lin, ho will address the citizens on behalf of the Third Liberty Loan. Be sure to be on hand for the reception J. M. MILLER, Exalted Ruler. w s s notTce. The Ladies Committee of the Bond Campaign has extended an invitation to Salisbury Co incil No. 26, Jr. O. U. A. M., to take part in the Char lie Chaplin Parade from the. station to the Tabernacle Saturday evening at 7:.10 o'cock, April 13tJh. All mem bers are urged to participate in this ceremony. L. A. KLUTTZ, Councilor. W S S KiEYS ACT BADLY Take tablespoonful of Salts if Back hurts or Bladder bothers. We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with uric acid, says a well-nkown authority who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the criminative tissues clog and thu3 the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire sys tem. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irritable, obliging von to seek relief duTing the night; when you have severe heada'ches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad weath er, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jaci Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be fore breakfast each morning and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with' lithia, and has been used for fenerations to flush and stimu late clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in urine so it's no longer a source of irritation, thus ending uri nary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is" inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful efferves cent lithia. water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys clean and active. B'JildtHgt evtrj tm rn titm srt rmf4 u-tik HI tit R -Oil) i4 nd RL-titR-iMD Shfmgiti. QUIT MEAT IF YOUR Goodman Lumber Company SALISBURY, NorthCarolina ROOFING fWsy A CHQC5 TEMPER. fcOfcST OF VEAUr- WlHE APPEAR I Watch tor Mr. Happy Party. jaOiERRIUGTONi MEATS.FISH YSTei )PHONfNO.I4( SUNDAY'S SPEAKING BY PRpT: ANDREWS It is very seldom that the people of Salisbury have the opportunity of hearing,, such, prominent speakers, as is afforded: them every Sunday after noon at five o'clock at the Communi ty 'building under the auspicies of the Y. M. C. A. This hour every Sunday afternoon is a get-to-gtther time for the men of Salisbury and ihur friends and a treat is always in store each Sunday. Good rnu.,ic splendid sing ing and a spirit of Christian fol lowship prevails throughout these gatherings. A young man always feels fully satisfied that the v hour spent in this way Sunday afternoon is' worth a great deal to him, and it does not mean that he is merely en tertained for one hour, but that he has ctived food for thought. The sev erth cl these series of" meetings will be .addressed Sunday aftcri jon by Pr f T. Wingate Andic vs, superin tendent of the Salisbury public schools. Prof. Andrews is not only a gifted and eloquent speaker but a man whose whole heart 1.. bent on helping his fellowmen and he will have a message next Sunday that will appeal to every thinking map or u'.der boy. He will speak on the subject: "The Measure Of a Man." No man or boy over 14 years of age in Salis bury should miss hearing thn timely address. A beautiful vocal duet, "In the Cross of Christ We Glory," will be sung by Mrs. E. D. McCall and Mr. Francis Griffith. The speakers scheduled for ether meetings are as follows: April 21, ReV. II. 0. Nash, Camp Greene, Episcopal clergyman. April 28, Dr. E. K- Graham, presi dent University of N. C. May 5, Dr. H. E. Rondthalcr, pres ident Salem College. May 12, Heriot Clarkson, attorney, Charlotte. May lt, Aubrey L. Brooks, attor ney, Greensboro. W S S ODD FELLOWS! All Odd Fellows of Salisbury and Spencer are requested to meet in the hall over the Peoples Drug Store to morrow evening at 7 o'clock for the purpose of marching in a body to the station and escorting Charlie Chap lin to the Tabernacle. R. M. LEONAtRiD, N. G. W S S Our 14-inch guns weigh nearly 95 tons and are over 58 feet long, cost ing $118,000. They look There are more than 300 imitations of KU-BEB-OP Roofing. Thty all look lik RU-BER-OID. And they all claim to be "just as good." But their good looks and their wearing quajities are Only on the surface. The quality isn't there and they soon warp, crack or rot Better . start with the genuine RU-BER-OID made by the StandarJ Paint Co. Though h coats a trifle mora by the roll, RU-BER-OID will save yon trouble and expense; and will givt yeqrt more service. We guarantee RU-BER-OID becaose we know its worth. ' In thousands of cases It has given good service for more than 20 years. RU-BER-OID comes in Elate Gray, Tile Red and Copper Green. Tell U3 how much you need and we will figure what it coats. IM0 FOOD CONSERVATION ' IS VERY HEALTHFUL In discussing food iconservation and its relation to health "Dr. Ed ward J. Wood of Wilmington, mem ber of the State Board of Health:, has just given out the following inter view: "As a imember of the North Caro lina Stats Board of Health especial ly interested in food problems allow ! me to state that this great aid to our allies can be done without the very slightest handicap to perfect health and without increasing the cost of living. "Let us eat no more wheat ufriile the war las'ts. We have corn, an j ideal cereal food .ihion will not bear I shipping abroad near so weHas will 'wheat. Apart from this our ftliies can mot use corn because they are not accustomed t'o it and corn will not rise with yeast as they would wish. We can eat corn supplemented with many other things. It has .been proven that while wheat Is the best cereal for human consumption, it is not essential and corn stands next in order. We would 'probably be much ; better for the dhlange. Those things which can be added to a corn diet are soy bean flour, peanuf flour, and rye flour. ' Rice can be incorporated in wheat bread in sucji a way Hhat even twenty per cent 0 it can not foe detected. This can be utilized' in many ways when we restrft ourselves to a strict ccrn diet. "In North Carolina a diet of corn, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, green vecetables boiled ' and raw, fruit dried or raw or otherwise preserv ed, milk or butter milk when possi ble, cheese, fish, oysters and clams, beef and mutton very occasionally, and a little pork would not allow of any additions. Indeed, only a small portion of these articles can be re garded as essential. Corn bread, butter, cabbage or' coljards or spin a"h, with a little meat twice a week or with milk or butter milk once a day ,'would prevent pellagra or any other of the deficiency (conditions. Such a diet would be far superior to wihst is usually consumed by the working classes now. "If our people will do without the use of soda in cooking and use as lit tle baking powder as possible and get away from the frying habit, health would greatly improve. "We miy conclude, then, that wheat should be regarded as a lux ury and not as. an essential, that iwe can well do without it, that denial of it to ourselves will not hurt us, that this sacrifice will be the grandest thing wc could do as individuals and as a :?reat ip.atriotic state. "It our slogan be 'If eating wheat maketh wy Ally to go hungry, I will eat no more wheat until the war ends." MANY KINiDS OF GOOD SEEDS TO PLANT AT I L KIM'S Red 'Bliss, Cobblers, Rose a;id KlutU' Choice; also Sweet Potatoes, Seed Beans, Burpees, Giant, Refu gees, Valentines, Six Weeks, Ken tu; ky Wonder, Butter and many oth er kinds. The best of Seed iL'orns and all kinds of Garden Seeds, Fanc-y Stay man, Winesap and Gano Apples. Gripe Fruit and Peanuts, Cab bage, Kraut, Peas, Beans, Celery, Corn, Tomatoes, Peaches, Apricots, Cherries, Berries and Pine Apples. Salt Salmon, Mackerel and White Fish. WANTED AT KIMS Fat Chickens, Hens, Duvks and Turkeys; Salads, Onions, Radishes, Fres'-j Butter and anything good to 'eat. !HQW 10 GROW FAT i A Lazy Stomach the Cause of Thin ness, Nine Times in Ten. If you are thin or ban, have scrawny arms and neck, you can't g;ow fat unless your food properly digests. People take on flcs"n in prnnortiin to the nutritious matter which the i organs of digestion absorb and p.iss ; into the blood. , Just as lontr as the nutritious mat- ' ter passes along without being ab 1 sorbed, just so long will you remain I 'thin. ! ! Perhaps your stomach, bowels and 'liver need a tonic. If your digestion is hot nerfert, Mi-o-ni tablets will put it right at once. I Mi-o-na -x ill relieve in iigestion ' 'and every conceivable ailment of the 'stomach promptly. It strengthens i digestion by building and toning or iand by encouraging a tired stom- ' ! aoh to continue its shiftless and 1 healtH-dcstroying hibits. It prompt ly drives away sour stomach, belch ing of gas, heaviness after eating, j The People's Ih-ug f Store, Smith i Drug Company, and Main Pharmacy sell Mi-o-ni and guarantee it to re lieve indiirestion. sea and car . sick ness, vomiting of pre-tnancy, or mon- , ey baok1. , Mi-o-na is sold by leading druggists. Three Generations Testify to the Efficacy of DR. CALDWELL'S Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative in maintaining the family health. A combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, free from opiates and narcotic drugs, an$l pleasant to the taste,'- it acts easily an4 naturally, restoring normal reg ularity, first prescribed by Dr. Caldwell mqje than twenty-five years ago,it is today the indispensable family remedy in count less liomes throughout the United States. Sold in Drug Stores 50 cts. and $1.00 A trial bottle can be obtained, free of charge, by writing to Dr. W; B. Caswell, 4$7 Washington St., Monticel'.o, Illinois iiiVo PATRIOTIC MEETING There was a iargeiy attended War Savings Stamp meeting of the Metro politan Insurance Company agents and field men in this section of the state held in Salisbury yesterday af ternoon, the meeting being held in the ' auditorium of the Community building, and being attended by be tween 65 and 70 out-of-town repre sentatives of the company, while all of the local representatives and oth ers interested in the campaign' to sell stamps were also present. Mr. Bev erly Lake, superintendent of the Sal isbury district, and his assistants looked after the visitors and did ev eiythinp possible to make the meeting the success that it was. Represen tatives were present from Charlotte, Greensboro, Gastonia, Winston-Salem ami other neighboring towns, includ ing all points in the Salisbury dis trict. Mr. W. H. Stuart, of the New York office of the Metropolitan, super intendent of agencies in the South was present and presided over the meeting, making a splendid patriotic address. He was accompanied by Superintendent Wilkes, of the mid dle western agencies. Judge Gilbert Stephenson was here as the special FARMERS ! Attend Big Demonstration of Cleve land Tractor at State Farm, Sfatesville, N. C. Saturday, April 13th, 1918 ' , Beginning 1.0 o'clock A. M. "flCUyeland Tractor A Paying Investment For You With the Cleveland Tractor at work on your farm you can forget Kh shortage of men (and horses. You can be unhampered by 'the high cost of labor. You can plow your fiields on time regardless of weath er. You can perform a multitude of tasks quickly, easily and eco nomically tasks iwi':i.ich now are tedious and burdensome. The Cleveland is priced ac11 within your roach only $lo85, f. o. b. factory. ; It will actually pay for itself in a few months. After tiKtt its sav ings are dear profit for you. You will find it an investment that .pays big dividends. Orders for the. Cleveland Tractor are piling up rapidly. Order now and be assured of a quick delivery. Farmers say this nru-hine has 1 no superior as a labor-saving, money-saving device on the farm. Put one to work for you. Carolina Motor STATESVILLE, N. C. representative of Col. H. E. Fries, of Winston-Salem, state chairman of the War Savings Stamp campaign, and made a talk. Mr. W. B. Strach en, chairman of the Rowan campaign, and P. S. Carlton, of Salisbury, madj short talks also. The object of this meeting was to meet together with local and state representatives of the War Savings Stamp campaign for the of stimulating a greater interest in the campaign and to exchange ideas as to the best means to do this. Each agent of the Metropolitan Life In surance Company throughout the country iis supplied with a sum of money with which to purchase Thrift and War Savings Stamps and he is urged to make every effort to sell these and so on. Through this plan the Metropolitan is aiding greatly in the sale of these government securi ties and thousand upon thousands of dollars worth of stamps have thus been sold. The meeting yesterday afternoon was not oniy a pleasant one but a real patriotic and business gathering, of men whose specialty is selling in surance and thus they are peculiar ly fitted to sell War Savings and Thritf Stamps and while they have been doing well the company is de sirous that they do still better and similar meetings are being held rhrohghout the. country for the pur pose of stimulating greater interest in thb effort to sell these government securities and thus furnish the financ es necessary to carry the war to a successful conclusion. Co