SALISBURY EVENING POST. SALISBURY, N. C, MAY 29, 191S. ( Watch Your Blood Supply, r 'Don't Let Impurities Creep In Pura Blood Means Perfect , ' Health. Th verag druggist has handled 1 flunarwia i meuiuuen la bib uay, soma of which have long since been forgotten. But there Is one that has been sold medicine, that is purely vegetable. many druggists have seen wonderful results . accomplished among their customers by this great old medicine, and they know that S. S. S. is one of the most reliable blood purifiers ever made. Keep your blood free of Im purities by the use of this honest old medicine, and if you want medical advice, you ran obtain same without cost by writing to Medical Director, ". r " th drotrvifttM- thrnuc-hont this l . T ' O WWW WW iUWIVwl wMQI.bvl ( Country, for more than fifty years, I Swift Specific Co., 28 Swift Labora- ttna inat is t. a. xno renaoie oiooa i tory, Atlanta, ua. VWJwwwWMMMMMAMMWAAAMwWwwWVVwwwWwVWMwwVV What h Spring Fever SITUATION Mil to It is simply low Vitality, a lack of Energy caused by impure blood. At this season of the year, Natuie is trying to throw off the impurities and this condition usually makes the body Very weak. A Good Blood Tonic just at this time brings re lief and is a great help to Nature. Reports of Tuesday Night Indicate a Better Situation in Face of the Fierce German Drive Against the Allies. Paris, May 28. The situation to night is more reassuring. The latest advices from the front show that while the violence of the enemy's effort as yet is unabated he is only malting headway on the center and that even there the German momentum is giving signs of slackening up. The allies are beginning to react with effect on the wings. PARTY ) r---::iil9 : P'WWKMM . .... . 1 Grovo'o Tec tele GO Tonic is made for that purpose; it contains just what the Blood needs, IRON and QUININE, in a form accept able to the most delicate stomach. It purifies and Enriches the Blood and you can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. 60c per bottle. VJhpncvQr You Meiett A General Strengthening Tonic '"Tafia Grove'a AT LEAST 25 GERMAN DIVISIONS ENGAGED With the French Army in France, May 28. (By the Associated Press) At least 25 German divisions were in the attack and forced farther back the few French and" British divisions holding the line. Tanks, machine guns and poison gas shells were the principal factors in the successful advance, aside from the numerically superior forces of the Germans. Notwithstanding the smallness of the allied armies, they did their ut most to stay the immense push of the enemy troops, ten times their number. The German advance, which was one of the mast rapid since the beginning of the war, could root ibe (held, how ever, as wave after wave in dense lines came forward. The western allied flank has main tained its position well, and reserves are hurrying toward the danger point of the greatest advance. The retreat of the French and Bri tish was mode in orderly fashion, the troops destroying their materials as they left or taking it along with them. The army staff still retains the fullest confidence in the outcome of the battle. VbUR MEM-TIMS CY is quite fvssu?.a tlUSTTRVTMS K r Watch tor Mr. Happy Party 3O.C.HERRINGT0N MEATSeFISfl OYoTlKo A few n - FOUR IN KILLED IN AN Ml Subscribers to the THIRD Liberty Loan Ponds, who have paid cash, are requested to call and get their Bonds at once. To those who have been paying W f Vfl U1V Wf V1IIIUV1K. 1UII TV SIS UUIMV id O t'i ' ' . . nr v inline. sfcona) payment 01 per " cent yrijl jiis on the 28th. . Responsible Banking and efficient ; service Js our policy. You are invit ; ed to open an account with this Bank. GERMANS DRIVE WEDGE INTO ALLIED LINE ON A FRONT OF 23 MILES Salisbury B it r - n - - w Trust Comp Capital Assets ank and any $ 50,000.00 - 350,000.00 Pry Cleaning Steam Pressing The Best Cleaning and .Pressing - is Always the v Cheapest CLYDE ENNIS ?' Phone 1026 French Reserves Are Arriving Ground Ixst Which Was gained in Great Struggle by French Last Year. London, May 28. The reports from the battlefields of France tonight, iboth official and unofficial, show that the allies have again suffered a setback, whereby they have lost all the ground in the Chemin do a Dames region so gallantly won by the French in the great struggle from April to October, 1917. The enemy Jias drivers wedge in to the allied Jjne on a front of some 25 miles or more and reports say a tremendous battle was still continu ing about Fismes which is the center of important allied communications. French reserves, however, wehe ar riving to contest a further enemy ad vance at this point. ' Uip to the present, according to the German claim, 14,000 prisoners have been taken. It is still uncertain whether the Germans intend this at tack as a resumption of their full scale offensive. The fact that only 20 to 25 divisions have been engaged is held to indicate that it was not a main attack, but was originally to at tract allied forces from before Amiens and that the major operations would be attempted elsewhere. Boiler at Heinmer Lumber Company Blant Rlows Up With Fatal Re cult Several Med Badly Scalded. Wilmington, May 28. Four men were killed and several others badly scalded late yesterday at the Little River plant of the Hammer Lumber Company, 55 miles from here, when a boiler .exploded, wrecking the building in which it was housed, according to meager information received here by officials of the company today. The boilers of the mammoth plant :ire housed in separate buildings and the explosion did not necssitate the closing down of the plant. Letting cold water into a steam rilled boiler wns said to have caused the explosion. Becaus of the plant's isolation, details ar-i yt lacking. WSS Tomorrow at the Tabernacle. The Methodist Church will have a prayer service tomorrow as request ed by President Wilson. The service will be held at the Tabernacle at 11 o'clock and will continue for thirty minutes. Rev. W. A. Lambeth will conduct the service and a cordial invi tation is extended to the public to avail themselves of this opportunity to gather for prayer. WSS ROCKWELL NEWS. GERMANS CLAIM 15,000 PRISONERS CAPTURED Berlin, via ilxmdon, May 28. The official report from headquarters says that up to the presenW5,000 prisoners have been taken. WSS r Poet Office Hours Tomorrow. ' Sunday hours will be observed at the local post office tomorrow, a day of fasting and prayer, set forth by the president of the United States. Spring txpetitim i We invite your inspection of the finest and most complete line of KAHN'S Spring samples we have ever shown. GRAY, USE SAGE TEA Hcre'i Graud mother's Recipe Darken and Beautify Faded Hair. to Oh WIJC 1199 That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy, hair can only be had by brew ing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When it fades, turns gray or streaked, just an application or two of Sage and Sul phur enhances its appearance a hun dredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mix ture; you can get this famous old recipe improved by the addition cf other ingredients at a small cost .all ready for use. It is called wyetn s ,Sage and Sulphur Compound. T.iis can always be depended upon to bring ', back the natural color and lustre of jyour hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been p plied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this 'through the hair, taking one small 'strand at a time; by morning the ,gray hair has disappeared, and kfter another Application it becomes beau tifully dar and appears glossy and luktrous.- This ready-t-us prepara tion is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire dark hair and a youthful appearance. It is not in tended fcr the eorei. mitigation or prevention of disease. - Crescent Council No. 184, Jr. O. U. A. M., decorated the graves of their deceased at Organ and Lowerstone cemeteries last Sunday afternoon and conducted appropriate exercises. There will be an ice cream supper at the home of John M. Bost next Saturday night. The public is cor dially invited. Harvest will soon be here. iMr. John Barger of near Organ church died Thursday, May 23. Mr. Birgcr had been failing in health for some time, but had been in serious condition for the past two weeks pre ceding his death. lie was 68 years old, and leaves besides his widow, one brother, one daughter and four grand children, ahd a host of friends. TAKE NOTICE. List your poll and property for taxation now, and avoid the rash at the end of the month. You must list during the month of May or you will be subject to the fines and penalties imposed by law. J. M. BROWN, J. B. KEEN, 23-8t "GLAD TTESTfff Says Watoga Lady, "As To What Cardui Has Done For Me, So As To Help Others." Watoga, W. Va.-Mrs. S. V. GladweH, of this town, says: "When about 15 years of age, I suffered greatly . . . Sometimes would go a month or two, and I had terrible headache, backache, and bearing down pains, and would just drag and had no appetite. Then ... it would last . . . two weeks, and was so weakening, and my health was awful. My mother bought me a bottle of Cardui, and I began Io Improve after taking the first bottle, so kept it up till I took three ... I gained, and was well tnd strong, and I owe it all to Cardui. I am married sow and have 3 children . . . Have never had to have-a doctor for female trouble, and fust resort to Cardui if I need a tonic. I am glad to testify to what it has done for me, so as to help others." . If you are nervous or weak, have head aches, backaches, or any of (he other ailments so common to women, why not give Cardui a trial? Recommended by many physicians. In use over 40 years. Begin taking Cardui today. ' It may be the very medicine you need. KC-130 A. NEVER. lfNTEW THE joy& of flffksVssNMHMBSSHhnCBBk MPWrm - t'. . .... PAYS WPP DAP AND THE LAWFEii OF CHILDREN STOPPED IN HER PR tlappiness is the heritage of every child. Nature intended that children should romp and iplay and that their smiling faces should brighten the home and gladden the heart of all with whom they come in contact. There is nothing so pitiful as a child whose life has been darkened and the golden hours, which mean so much to a normal, healthy Child, are made dull and miserable by disease and pain. That is the story of little Sallie I'hipps, daughter of Mrs. C. R. Phipps, 327 South St., Durham, whose suffer ings were known to every child in the neighborhood arrtl aroused their deep est sympathy. Here is Mrs. Phipps' account of haw her little girl's life was brightened: "Snllie, wiio is now nine years old, was, until quite recently, in such a physical state that life was miserable for her and ewryone around her. S'.ie was so nervous and completely un strung that she could not bear the slightest noise and the presence of playing children drove her almost frantic. Children around the neigh borhood knew her condition and avoided irritating her. This highly nervous state was due to her bad health. Her digestion was very poor and her blood became so bad that she developed terrible sores over her body. Weakened in this manner, she was an easy iprey for nearly any dis ease and finally developed pellagra. I spent a lot of money trying every thing that I could to cure her, hut made no progress until I started her to taking Peplac. "The first bottle of this remedy brought a greit change and I w:is soon delighted to find that she could eat solid food without distress. Now I she is gaining in iveipht and strength j and is altogether a different girl. Her system is free from ipellagra, the sores have disappeared, she plays with the other children and is as hapipy as any child could be. It is needless for me to say how grateful I am to Peplac for having rescued my little girl." This great constructive tonic is sold and recommended by the follow ing leoding drug stores, in Salisbury: Smith Drug Co., Man Pharmacy, Em pire Drug Store, :S. .M. Purcell, and may also be obtained in Spencer at H. M. Cooke. Buy a bottl; today, it will do all that is claimed foi it. FOR That old, wornput jrajjge. Jt doesn't make a bit of difference whether it is oil, coal, wood or gas, the $5.00 to be applied .pn the purchase price of a New Detroit Jewel Gas Kamge 7 Styles to Make Your Selection From Convenient Terms SPECIAL New Ranges connected free in roonis that now have ga? pipinjg in them. This offer expires June 5th- N. C. Public Service Co. 1 217-Phqne-218 ! 1 For Quick Results Use The Post Want Column

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