PAGE TWO. SALISBURY 'EVKNmfl POST. SAMSRURV, N. C, NOV. 25, 1918 Miller's Antiseptic Oil, Known M SHAKE OIL At mplLhing Most : Wonderful Re v . nits.'.-' ".. "l want to thank you for your win fleiful oil," states Mr. J.O. Gibson of Jont-sboro, Ark. wMy little girl was very low with diphtheria; I had given her two doses of medicine which cost me $10 with no results. I bought a 25c bottle of your oil and one appli cat?tn relieved her. Now she is well. It is the greatest remedy I ever saw." Mr: Gibson made this statement be- ' fore .hundreds f people. Mrs. Flor- rit Meaner, : 234 Whisney street, 1 as llord. Conn., writes: have used ' eu Antiseptic Oil for neuralgia with effects. Only thing I have ever tried that stopped the pain immedi ately." Mrs. Villiams, Gadsden, - Ala., writes: "I have used your great , pain oil for rheumatism, stiff joints, also for eore throat, and I want to say that ft is the greatest remedy I ever f tried.' 1 recommend it to an suffer- Many cures reported daily from era,"; thousands of grateful users of this wonderful oil. Every bottle guaran teed, 30c, -60c and fl.00 a bottle, or money refunded, t Empire Drug Salisbury, N. CY CH NTV A NTS PLAN TWP TO UVESTOCK CENTERS SOME ANIMALS SOON TO BECOME EXTINCT "The time will ' come, I believe, When wolves,, mountain lions, coyotes and other 'predatory animals will be as extinct as the mastodian and other animals of a past age," II. T. Shoup, a well-known business man and sportsman of North Carolina, tells the Washington Post. "Federal and suto authorities are co-operating in an ef fort to rid the country of these ani mals that prey Upon flocks and herds of livestock in the western and south ern states. These prowling animals an being hunted by federal and State forces hi all the stock states. Last May a Wyoming storkjnan lost 108 head of sheep, 7 colts and other ani mals on his, while another had 50 sheep killed by wolves. TV is pair of wolves Anally was ,killefl. by an agent O fthe federal department of agriculture, and still another pair of marauding wolves which had killed upward of $4,000 Worth of live stock in a year were run down. One pair of wolves can do a lit of damage in a season. The authorities havens record of an old white wolf that killed 30 head of cattle last spring. It is only a matter of time when the systematic .campaign which is being waged against predatory animals will be suc cessful, and then we may expect al most complete extinction of these an imals." w s s Thr best possible throw of the dire is to i la jw thuro into the se ei-. NOTICE. Rowan Io!j,'c NT. 100 KntTjtfits of Pythias holds its regular meet ing Monday night Nov. 85, 1918, at 8 p. m. There will be work in the rank of Esquire and it is desired that a large number be present. There will be n D. O. K. K. meeting after the reg ular meeting to make plans for at tending the annual Thanksgiving meeting in Charlotte, N. C, on the 26th. S. R. BRADSHAW, C. C. W. L. ROSS, K. R. of S. SAYS GERMANS USED DEXD TO MAKE SOAP Stores of the human soap factories aperated by the Germans, denied by the Hur.s and finally doubted even in London, according to dispatches, are confirmed by Maj U. H. Howell, of Wayr. .' ille. who is with the J 1 St li inf.'.:;! , SOth division. In a letter tu hi v:.!- v. rit ti-n ( Irtober 3, two days lwf:;c !;. 'v;a wounded, .says the sin:Yii!e Citizen, Majur Howell spoke aa follows of the uso of German de;:d ."or th;j ,arni:fac in'c of F.nap fats: 'Vow I am tf-'in.'j; to tell yuu boine j t-'ii;ij; which foiiiiiIs incredible, yet it is true. It 1 m.I been reported but no 'one thought it true my frjnt lines were just in front of one of the towns mentioned as captured ,in fact two !of them. These two towns were not more than half a mile apart. Reports ! came to me every day that German j Red Cross ambulances were going 1 from one to the-bther continuously, I When the town was taken this was found: In a house with the Red Cross sign was a room in which were three brass pots, the size of a good big wash pot. Nearby was a chop ping block. 'Several bodies were piled in the room; on the table was a band and a part of the body which had not been chopped up. In the pots were parts of human bodies which bad been cut up and had grease on top just like when rendering lard. A hunum 3oap fuctory. I did not see this, but officers whose word I can vouch for say it is absolutely true. This shows what straits they are now in. "As a general rule the spirit of the biK'lie repms to be broken. The ma jority stem to le tfiad to be captured. Ar.ywuy .they have been goin,? toward Ikrlin for three days now and I hope will keep it up until they get there." rvTEURALGIA or Headache Rub the forehead and temples with ''our BodvduaHl MEW PRICES) 60c 11.20 Jo What He Wanted to Say General Riddle said at London garden party: "The doughboy in Franc has a lot of troable with the French language. A doughboy sat on a bench in the Tuilleries Gardens one day and thumbed a French phrase book dis contentedly. "'This here book,' he growled, Mon't tell you what you want to say at all. It tells you how to say the uncle of your mother is 65 years old, or the sister of your wife has bought a cow, or the umbrella of your, neigh bor is in the attic, but I don't want to say nothing of that kind. " What I'm after, said the dough boy, "is a book .hat tells you how to siy "Your face is familial- arnt we met before ?" or "Gee, them eyes!" or "Little girl, you sure do look Out o' sight in that swimming' suit." ' " Dallas News. w s s- Col. O. W. Spencer end Mrs. Crouch and Miss Julia Crouch, who conducted the Green Park Hotel during the sum mer, have moved back to Salisbury and are living on North F'ulton street for the winter. Congressional garden seeds are distributed for the purpose of raising votes. Yd Nappy" f yW i ---- - Unruly? Buy a box of wUck u cnratMs Hair Graver. Removes dandruft. Ckm the scalp. Fnetfa tit I soots ox tbe bait. Mupaauhr j ban. Me tic by mail on rere!pt of mtampa coin. WaNTU SVrtCe for partieuLira EXELE1TC MEDICINE CO., ATLANTA, GA. V' - Raleigh, JIov. 23. To become 1. jcnuatatel with the best live t.oc,; of toe count ry, in order that t irAXeriJfcea jnay be of more value to the "miutttain' livestock man, District Agent 4. (M. Gray, and 12 county agents of the extension service, at work in the mountain district, will leave Asheville on Nov. 27 to attend the International 'Livestock show t Chicag, Nov. 80 to Dev. 7. This party will travel under the itinerary ar ranged fcj Mr. Jt. S. Oo.-M, animal hs".-rdman of the Hort's Carolina extrlmtfct ttatan, and win make the t in by easy stages .stopping at im pcrrit rfvestoek cwntsrs, both on the wrf to Chicago an4 retr.rn, J.-.T7. Sloan, beef cattle field agent; V,r, T'. Shay emergency svrin exten - ipeoiaiUt. ad W. R. Radford, '- -rge of the eheep experimental - Sptttoo will accompany rents m this trip, being joined ' ' : 4caro bv Mr. Curtis, T ".iving AsheviTle on the 27th, the ft-3to win he made at L&xtngton, ; P cf. E. S. Good, head of the live- ft k vork ol the UniversKy of Ken t ifVv. thev wHl vhit some tooted farms on which beef cattle, sheep and hop re emg raised. The party has si arrange!! to visit the Union yards at Chicago, attend aH the iufKng contests, and visit the leading rnriirst plams T tne section, as wen , na ?"me or t mwit up-To-naie wuicn r- rtwps. Mott of the office of the! -tloVai liveeto.'k 'awociafions wifl j -'"o he VisfteA, as well ay interviews j hpl.fl Avtth the reading herdsmen ana 1 r.'(i?r attending the tntm. Rttarnmg from Chicago, the party will visit the agricultural college at rhamnacna. HI., and Lafayette. Ind., insnemg the livestock kork' at thesef in'tittttiona. " ' ' '. 1 The putposo of this tV'M-"W'J i:c(ii-iint the -agents with too great progress bemg wad in livestook in other sections of the country, as well m permitting them to make a.stody of the handling, judging ana nrarKei ir.g of pure bred animals by the large breeders of the" middle west. It is ex rcted that the trip will he of great nrarHcAl value, and that the men will return home with many excellent I idoaa for further work with livestock J in the mountain section of this state. " u W S S r- Xo Wires Between Germany and f , Switacrlrnd. G'snpva, Switaerlnnd. Nov. 24. : (Havas) -All telegraphic communl rat'on between Germai-,? nnd Switzer land 1ms teen interrtmted. It is be lieved her that there has been some nnusupl occurrence in Germany to ;wse thia intemiption. s s - War is hell, "but thank God it isn't a continuous performance. Mththe Americaiv Ded Cross in Palestine h;i1Tik.:fe. IMiMMMixtl mmmi : - ittoVxmmmm: -. 1 6 t Amarloan Red Cros baadquartarg In Jarusalcm, near the Jafla gato. Scent 5 J- ,8 St.S n4 f KiCt? lSWteBKtWiS $ Simple, -Safe Mefftftd ot Keep f ' biea i Catldrta WU Is PraNed , Ity Thoosanta of lMhara, ? X "Ninety-fiva per cent of the sick nest wmonff twbtet ani children is caused by disordered stomsA and boweh,'aaya ' T.- P. Marshall, the well known authority on the health and Scare of infants vnd children. - "fieep the " fcaby! stomach and bowels healthy nd then ia little; chance of akknets continued Hr. ' WarshalL - . 1 -V 1 . '' Yeas ago lis. Marshall. Vh U a chemist of 0te, "bocame -tonvrnctd that a remedy hoald thst "would keep baby's atomach and bowels tu a healthy eondition. He; realized that such a preparation, X worked oot properly, would ' offset much illness among infants. After a' Seat deal l isttidy nd -det1fic' ratory xprtmiitial 11 work, - Mr. Marshairt efforts resulted in croatioa t Baby-Eas. ' Whether or' not this' preparation is snocess Is answered by thousands of mothers; who are grring their bablM and ckfl dreii Baby-East wlth gratifying re sults. ' - '- - -.-:vi Bahy-Eas 4s absoJately harmless, and contains do opiates or dangerous drugs. It aanot possibly Jwrm the most delicate baby when given, ac cording 4v -directions. - Dom -noi' gripe ml 1aby sick, like eastori od er -cathartics. SabioS Jikt taste ar 1 . ays ry for more. Fine for co" . , ttkm, diarrhea, swur store :ih, teeth hrg, ewina, -colic feverisbne?, -coWs, lots of , Wleep,i etc. . Formula printed vh "every ot t'e. G-"?r-nt( 1 to flease ttt ttetey ri-fj- 1, 13 si t-Q eenta at aa !r.-.- .s or r,t t "rsld risno- .-r r"-a recent ! price. ; y-l'a?e -Co., Dept 1, Atlslta, t American Red Cross beadauartert In Jerusalem, near the Jafla gato. Scene photographed upon the occasion of the formal opening of the building, July 4 General Allenby arriving for the Fourth of July celebration of the American IW Croat. In Jerusalem, Received by Colonel Finley, head ot the Commls stM tk fVMtlr. FWelns bfor the Turks, this Syrian family owning large estate east of the Jordan, find oamplng place on the Mount of OINee. (fhoto from American Red Cross.) 4 Orphan bhiraren, Syrians, Armenians Jews and ether nationalities, are cared for ay the tyrnn and Palestine ftellef Fund, assisted by the American Red Cre, a the AHMrtan Hepfe SxilMIng In Jerusalem. Whan the children fled from Es-Salt, a set of the Jordan, to Jerusalem, their teaohere followed them In their exile ana hens are) few of tfram. Ptieto frem American Red Cross.) The eiehep of Jerusalem (central figure In white) who attended the formal penlng of ttte American Red Crewe activities In Palestine, July Fourth, e Armenian refeeees' frm for-a we y provinces In Asia Minor found shelter In 4rueam and were fed -and clothed 'by the Syrian and Palestine Wellef fond, 'assisted by the American Red Cross. X . justftt tr t tt rtr trtrrrrr -p ...a......... . . ...... . .. ... fear the Jaffa gate tn Jerusalem stands the headquarters ot the Amerl- caa d Cross In Talestlne. Terbaps ytfa know, perbaps yoa do not kaow, that following the reclamation of the Holy tand ty the firms!) troops, un der the leadership of General Sir Ed airaad AUobby, the .Amerlcoa Red Cross was early In the field to carry on with It great humunltarlan activities. Tb coniiulssion Is headed by John II. . Ftnlay, state commissioner of educa- ' Uon of New Torlc, other members be log B. Bt John Wert, Major Waters Major Levrwnstein. ' ' Beneath a glaring sun, with no boom rrig jT cacDon, except that which came Mcaslonaliy from the front out toward Jericho, across the hills, the American Red Oross formally. Inaugurated Its work. In Palestine ad celebrated the , National holiday on July FewUi. Ca blegrams, many (lays -delayed: told of the eleb ratios t the time, irmd now, after devious waadertngs n roote, the . acotnmt 'Ot' the affair in detail has reacted the national teadqtairters of the Bed Cross In Washington, D. C, together with a group, bf interest mg , ptctwes, some of which tt Would seem 1 were literally taken from an Illustrated edlfiou ot the Holy Bible. Ithe mission of the American Bed Cross te Palestine la best explained stoAy4a the words of Colonel Finley on that memorable day la his address of .welcome to 'General JUlenby, the honored guest ol the trccaslon, w hich lo perfWas-asToUo w; ' "rTe have "brought sucfflcal and med JaA WrrpUes, medical, engineering, In- : tfara aa4 s-xal akTU, material tor kvwttaa jor the estahUaaaeat ot Industries, plows, water pipe, sanitary qruipaient and much else, that have temporarily congested your railroads, but 'win ultimately -contribute, as w hope, to the rehabHltatlon of the land that has m many parts been permitted to deteriorate tin It seems that Isaiah's prophecy of destruction has come Tipon ft Allenby Welcomes American Red Cross. ' General ADenhy, in khaki and cover ed with dust from his ride of twenty miles across the hills from general headquarters, was a powerful figure In the distinguished assemblage. A man with a determined face and with the kindliest eyes, he Is Just the type of wmmander the cltltlr-ed 'world would wltrti to lead It In the recovery of its Holy Land. In replying to Colonel Fin ley's welcome, he spoke briefly, in part, as follows : "Much has been done In Jerusalem since I entered here in company with the heads of the French and Italian de tachments m December 11, 1917. At that time the American Military At tache accompanied me, and I remem ber that he assured me of the very special interest of America In the cap ture of Jerusalem anr In the future development of the country. Though there were no Americas troops partici pating at that time, tor Amerioa had not 'declared war en 3urfeey, yet I was assured that the heart e the American people would respond with peculiar In terest to Xb appeal f the new oppor rrmittes Tor the development of the Sacreo Land.' There Is Inevitable a certain amount of destruction In war. Ton have come to help set right the wrongs and to rebuild what military force has destroyed, and It la tor this work that we particularly welcome your co-operation. I am glad to greet the Americans to Jerusalem find espe cially the members of the American Red Cross Commission to Palestine on this, their National holiday." Colossal Undertaking. Since the Inauguration et the work on July Fourth, according to recent ca ble advices, the American Red Cross has extended Its territory of sen-Ice to Include all ot the occupied area under the control of the British, of which General Sir Arthur Money Is the mili tary governor. This means a colossal undertaking and one which It Is Impos sible to visualize at this distance. It means that In Jerusalem alone the American Red Croes hospital, which, by the way, is located In one of the spacious buildings of the Russian Com pound, Is filled to Its capacity, tliat the bacteriological laboratory is In full op eration and that o children's hospital of twenty bed's has been opened. In addition to this two hundred patients are cared for dally at the clinic and dispensary, and medical fervlce Is also given tn various chUdren Institutions. On the crest of Mount Zlon, sur rounded by a beautiful garden, an or phanage has been established this Is the girls' orphanage. A boys' orphan age has also been opened. Including a small school for the blind,- Approxi mately four hundred children are be ing looked after In those Institutions. Then there Is a day nursery, conducted along tines similar to those tn America, -for the accommodation t children 1 whose mothers - are employed during the day. For Russian pilgrim women, strand- j ed In Jerusalem, the Red Cross Indus-' trial department conducts two large' workrooms and several village work- j about fifteen hundred Moslem, Jewish and Christian women alike in a large field of occupations, embracing spin ning, weaving, knitting, dressmaking, basketry, rug making, manufacture of aiattresses and other bedding, lace Work and embroidery. In Jaffa a sim ilar work Is being carried on, and at the Armenian camp at Port Said, where about seven tbonsnnd Armenians -are assembled, the Red Cross Is actively engaged rn Industrial, educational and relief work. Co-operates With Zionist and Catholic Units. And the Commission has not neg lected the vacant lots of Jerusalem. They have set tho people to work cul tivating the vacant lots ot the ancient city, much after the methods employed by the Junior Red Cross Membership rn their war gardens, and oxen are be ing supplied on rental for plowing. Of course tltcre Is the American lied Cross "Motor Service In Jerusalem, and practically every car Is employed In transporting sick and wounded prison ers from villages tvkhln motoring dia- tance -et Jerusalem. Plans are under ay to send the Mobile Medical Unit, together with social workers, to the Nahlns district In ancient Schechem, and another group of workers win be sent to Es-Satt, beyond Jordan, to re turn with tree thousand refugees to whom the Red Cross has been ministering. Tho Commission Is working In close cooperation with the Zionist Unit, which rs ministering to tbe Jews, and is snppnrting the Syria end Valentine KelieT orphanages wladt ten caring for sii hundred orphans. It Is also giving liberal support to well organized Cath olic Institutions. A real Innovation in tbe life of Je- ahopa. Caiployment is also given tojrusaleui has been the organization ot GRAND MUFTI AND KADI OF JERUSALEM WELCOMES AMERICAN RED CROSS COMMON TO PALESTINE Of all the Interesting speeches that have been addressed to the American Red Cross Commission to Palestine since the formal opening of the headquarters on July 4 last none has surpassed that ef the Grand Mufti of the Mohammedan Community of Jerusalem for quaintness of phraseology and Oriental charm, delivered at a reception which he tendered the Commission at his home late la July. The speech in full follows: Tour Excellency, the President, and Members of the American Red Cross Committee: God has created men varying In character as maeh as they vary In appearance, Some are wicked, others good ; some are pious, others impious ; some are mischievous, others well-doers. Those to whom he was well disposed he made do good ; those pre ordained to do evil, do evil. This Is the law of God In this creation, and no one can change His decrees. No one can dispute tbe fact known to God and confirmed by your noble history. Oh, citizens ot America, that out of compassion and charity Be created you to do good to humanity and has, through you, always accomplished good work, lceeplng you innocent of all evil doing. Joy and gladness to yen and may God be praised who showers good on those He desires. No one can wonder at this when yon ere the Children of so generous a Mother, the great nation, I mean Great Britain with her glortoTis past and exalted glory. When gold Is found la gold mine no one wonders. When things are found where Nature bas placed them, again no one wonders. A cup can only yield what It -contains. Su ii cubs can only be the off spring of such lions. Your good works cannot be counted ; that you should extend your arm from beyond the seas to grasp the band ef that Mother, full of love and compassion, tor one reason only, to further the cause of the op pressed and to turn aside vrfth blows the hand Of the vppreasor In this bloody and fearful war, the like of which man bas never seen before and, by God's will, may never see again, such glory and honor before God and man will suffice. To extend a helping hand to the children of Syria and Palestine In your native land, -America, was not enough, but you have crossed the aea and desert and undergone the hardships of this present time to succor the poor and hosseless widows and orphans of all Palestine and, more especially, of the Holy City, the City of .Prophets of God, where wa are all now united. On behalf of these In general, and of Moslems In particular, 1 bnrn Incense on the altars ot gratitude and pray the great God to make you a good reward, defend you' from every evil, make your benevolent nn dertaktngs successful and hasten the days nf peace which we all await Impatiently. .. I close by praying for his Majesty, Xing George, and his nation, tor the President of the United States, Mr. Wilson, and his cuimtrjmeu. and for aU those who love good and peace. Amen. . i J: an advisory Belief Coancfl, with rep resentatives of all relief organisation 1n tbe Jerusalem tone represented, and a member of the American Bed Cress Commission as chairman. " Many other services art tn opera tion, and In his recently cabled report ColoneT Tlnley state that ha hopes another American Red Cress unit Aw Palestine svOi be authorised, for the seed of such Ja more than doubled by the aecovery ot the Added -atrea.' "It r the best way to glvej empptat te the Al lies tn their vaonderfnl advance raider General AHerfoy," Bays la conclusion. la.- V. t ..'..'