SALISBURY EVENING POST, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1920 O Specials in Rugs for Sat- 9' WE CLOSE SATURDAYS X urday- The last day of x our Three Day Rug Sale. V ui UuV 1VU. A- A N AT8:00P,M. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Satisfaction Since 1885. r. PAGE TWO i ? Unexpectedly we are able to offer EXTRA SPECIALS for SATURDAY in Hot Weather Apparel for Men V and Boys, because our buyer in New York City is on the job. He purchased a small furnishing goods stock from a small retailer in the "up town" district of New York City. We're placing this stock on sale (tomorrow) Saturday. LOOK AT THE PRICES. MOTHERS, LOOK! ov's Genuine Palm Beach Cloth Suits at $2.96 WORTH UP TO $10.00 You will appreciate our efforts more when you see these boys' summer suits in the wonderment of how we make possible such extra fine suits at such low prices. These Suits are in Belted models with full cut and roomy Knicker Pants. Built for sturdy wear. Sizes from 12 years to 18 years at less than the cost of the raw materials used $2.96 (tomorrow only at) ... , ? T ? t ? T T -? ? ? T f y y V y y y y y y T ? ? v 1 T ? X X ? ? t f T T t Y A These suits are all well made, for sport wear or business, y Styira to please either dad or V the tad. Natty Belters, or X Conservative patch pocket models. X Liht Colored Palm Beach A Suits, sizes up to 48 stout and 50 regular at $6.85. not w The Purchase Includes n . About 75 Wash Suits, go on sale tomorrow. Fast color, Palmer Suitings, Kiddie Kloth, Davenshire Cloths, in plain white andstripe effects, all placed in one lot; 9$C $2.00 and $2.50 values, at Wi .1 earner uotoes Genuine Palm Beach, Krash Suits, Mohair Suits and Tropical Worsteds $6.85 to $14.98 T T T T f 4 YOUR STYLE IS HERE! Alterations Free. RELIEF FROM THE HIGH PRICES OF MEN'S CLOTHES IN THESE SlilTS WHICH WE OFFER ONLY FOR SATUR DAY AT $24.85 to $35.00. $24.85 to $35.00 Men's and young men's double and single breasted suits of Chev iot, flannels, and Cassimeres, in Blues, Brown, Greens and Mix tures. Correctly styled, tailored by one of the best clothing makers in 'X America. Saturday at It looks like Rock Bottom. X A month or six weeks ago a price & or i? to $&.w tor men s new tnrins' suits was undreamed nf Wp A: are able to offer these suits at this Y price because our buyer is on the Y job, 2 ,. llrese ar before-the4war prices 3k. CjlllB in tomArrftw and let. na uTiaw Y "nil fVtPCO.Vnlliaa fSl. NOW IN FULL SWING OUR SALE OF MEN'S 1920 GENUINE PANAMAS AT $2.00, $2.75 and $3.50 Never have you had an oppor tunity to buy Panama Hats at this price. Here are hats selling at less than today's wholesale cost. - CHILDREN'S BLACK AND NAVY STRAW HATS AT Vz OFF FOR SATURDAY ONLY ' A parent could not ask for a boy's Straw Hat that is not in this stock. Each hat is perfect, near ly 20 different shapes in Black and Navy, a few white hats. Prices are 49c up to $7.00. SATURDAY OFF. 72 WE ARE OFFERING UNHEARD OF VALUES IN SUMMER GRASS RUGS FOR SATURDAY THE LAST DAY OF OUR THREE DAY RUG AND, FURNITURE . SALE.;, 'Vr' fPfjLUJPU 'l.l," ' P'!l HAVE YOU ' BOUGHT' ' vYOUR- MBATHmGSUIi:? Next On Your Program Comes The Very Dressy Shirt at $2,19 t t y T 7 X ? Y J t f ? ? ? ? f t t f I First of all, full cut, and made of percales, madras y cloths and repps that wear well and come up smiling ev- erv time they so to the wash tub. You. YOUNG MEN JL win iinu tuc ucai ui cue uuw suiiiuit;r pat terns, lviure conservative styles, too, for those whose taste runs to. y something quiet but distinctive. Every sizes from 14 y to 16. Shirts in the lot worth up to $4.50. $9 1 Q Tomorrow only at, each . . -1 For (tomorrow) Saturday we are putting out about 35 boys shirts, (sport shirt styles only) K(in at, each ' OVK' f Madp of Oxford Cloths and rpnns. sizps from t 12 1-2 to 14. Values up to $2.00. Saturday only at X 50c each. y y y y INCLUDED IN THIS PURCHASE ARE AfeOUT 80 DOZEN CORLISS-COON AND TRIANGLE LINNEN COLLARS AT 20c EACH All this season's new styles in linnen collars i all sizes from 13 1-2 to 18 1-2. These collars are OA Y iv J oi. I 1 j. tJXJVs oueryu iui Ocituructy uniy at SPECIAL For (tomorrow) Saturday only we are putting out 7 dozen Men's Muslin Summer Night Gowns at 72c each. These gowns were slightly damaged in transit. Some are made up to sell for $2.50. 72 C All sizes for men from 14 to 18. Saturday only y j y y y y y y f y y f y y PAJAMAS Of that fine, cool cotton pongee, in plain white and colors, also stripe patterns. Here again 2 39 the values is exceptionally good Sat. only One Piece "OLU Pajama Suit at less than to- day's wholesole;c6st. In a likeable stripe pattern. 4t; Sizes 15, 16, 17 and 18. Worth up to $3.00 $1 tQ A Saturday at, suit . SUMMER WASH TIES AT 2 FOR 25c 3 These Fibre Silk Tub Ties are exceptional val-;& has TTnll T.pnorfViJejiTnA wirlfVi from PnH fn OfrJL end. Easily tide, easily laundered. Sat; 2 for NEARLY 300 LEATHER BELTS TO BE CLOSED OUtY AT 39c TO $1.25 y Do you need a new belt? You'll find one to suit you in Y iL' i.i a it r oa : i- i i : i- i .;!.: . mis lot. ixu sizes irom oilmen lung 10 lo-inca long, -aisu ; i Palm Beach and White Kid Belts lnclud-QQrt to ed. Saturday at Values up to $2.50. jng. aiso ; I $1.25 1 MEN LOOK AT THIS! y y Y I 400 Pairs of Men's Trousers worth up to $10 $f Al & at (Saturday) pr. . ...... .... I ........ . . . . X All this. season's styles, all dark patterns, all, sizes-frohx 30 waist to 44 waist. Trouser in the lot worth up to $10 pair. Priced only for (tomorrow) Saturday at $4,40. . " PROFIT BY THESE SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS ON We' have ajbout 45 pairs of Palm. Beac, Canvass and iti Canvass Oxfords which we are offering; Saturday at .White. S2.48 pair. These are our regular $5.00? $6.00, and $7.00 ox I " IXfA VtAliAirn in iTsi 4i vi re Ani1ir f 111 o oiicnn iy y. Is used. ' Som'are made with solid leather innejr and outer soles, sonie. fihre soles, some ruqperr soles. A1J sizes for men, all widths, all style-toes, (tomorrow) Saturday at, (JO J0 : , ' , , ' - - ' L. rVt , rr , ,t.. ..-r-j N v4.: V 4t;