PAGE TWO SALISBURY EVENING POST, TUESDAY, NOV. 9, 1920 Wealm 'Orleans 1 niltMUMiii3raagairxas 1. Jk OUARANTM ttlsr ut!ni " eoglfr.U of Mi. can ctfrainf dlrelK, yi in not MiudeJ Wirmnrmv. rout wUletiui n rjriMpsMtarN whole m r- WRITE FOR M CATALOO TUZIANN coffee WmJ3.IteilytfColiicUs.ew Orleans Kill That MASCARA FOR Colds, Congo Ja - Nsglacted Colds are Dangerous Jake no chances. Keep this standard remedy bandy for tho first himii. Breaks up cold in 24 hours Relfevea u Grippe In 3 days Excollent forHoadache Quinino in this forra docs not affect ths head Cascara la boat Tonic Laxative No Opiate in HilTa. ; ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT MXKSKZHZMXHXHZKZSIZXZHXHXMXMZNXMZMZNZNZHXNZMZHZHXM tai I SMITH DRUG SKZNSMXKXNXMZKZHZNZMZMZKZMXHXNXMXHXMXMXMXKSHZHSK klAQ, CCY6CV m I m . 1 ft K m -VBv A 1 1 V mm m ileep the House Warm JKJeeps the Basement Clean , X The popularity of Gas Coke is not due alone Ito its unequalled qualities as a heat producer. Jt may also be attributed to the fact that Gas SCoke is by all odds the cleanest of all solid 2uels. : Buy Heat Not Waste vhen you purchase fuel. You will get more heat and less Jvaste in Gas Ceke because Gas Coke is practically pure car 4on, b smokeless and sootless, burns down to a clean white sh Limited Supply for Immediate Delivery N. C. PUBLIC SERVICE CO. 217 Phone 217 4TH RED CROSS ROLL B 9 It ee VjUU Good old Luzianne is distinctly a Southern coffee for Southern people. New Orleans is Its home, sir, and New Orleans has the repu tation ofmaking the hest coffee in the United States 0 i boesiwiceasrar Cold With QUININE AND La Grippe H it M 8 H X M X M THE CHILD WHO DOES NOT LIKE our candy is not a normal child. There is a fresh ness ito or sweets not us ually found in "store can dies." We make our own chocolate, bon bons, ar.d hard candies and the ma terials ere the very best. CO - Phone 133. CALL BEGINS NOV. 11 $500 REWARD OFFERED FOR ARREST OF THOSE GUILTY OF GASTON CRIME ; Coroner's Jury Hears Evidence All Day Yesterday Other Theories Advanced. C.astonia, Nov. At a Mee ting i All this is alleged to have hap of tin.' city council tonight a reward i pened about 7:30 o'clock. Tho f of $500 was offered for tho nppre-1 fair was not known until about henson of the guilty parties or for I 0:30 or 10 o'clock, when young Kil- information leading to tho arrest and conviction of those guilty of th" shooting and killing of John Fnrd und wounding Miss' Realty last night onthc Hewnicr City roatl hrre miltN from (la.s tonia, while they were on an auto mobile ride with Uansoni Killian and KtTio Grice. It is believ ed the county authorities will ol!Vr a similar reward. Coroner W. N. Davu impaneled a jury early this morning and it nns been taking evidence all day from physicians and ofTrrs, in ad dition to tho principal witnesses in volved. At a late hour trnight it hail not finished, find adjourned un til 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. Officers returned to the city to night from iil.icksburg, S. ( ., where tiiey had gone to investigate possible clues, with no further i:i rormation. Ktnorts that two ne- ii had been arrested there were nit foundation. with Much interest here centers in the plausibility of the story told by Ransom Kilhan and Miss Lffie jGrice. The horrible ness of the ; story and all its revolting details is almost beyond belief. That such 'an awful crime could be committed upon a girl after she bail been shot thru the intestines is almost un thinkable, ar.d this bus led many to : think there were other features of i the crime which have not. been un j earthed. However, the young lady, jwhen seen by the Observer corres pondent at the hospital late this afternoon, reiterated the story as told last night and swore on her deathbed, in all probability, that she was telling the truth. Killian Give Account According to the story t' Id Sun day night at 10 o'clock, v!u:-. the body of young Ford was hrugh; t the city hull, the party were c:i their way to church and were turn ing around to come back when they were held up. The account ns given cipals tell it, has shocked the peo in the Charlotte Observer of Mon- pie of the county and city as has. nay morning states that young Ford was shot while in the car. The story as told by the Grice girl and the Killian boy this morning varies somewhat from that given out last night. Ransom Killian, when seen this morning by u representative of the Observer, was considerably excited and plainly showed the effects of the harrowing experiences of the night before "John Ford and I hnd suinnrr nt the Carolina cafe about 7 o'clock " The Observer cc respondent vis he said. "After supper we drove out Hod the scene of the crime late Franklin avenue and near Trenton this afternoon. Many of the nw-r-J Ftreet picked up Effie Grice and bidly cuios have visited the place, Essie Beatty and continued on up during the day. The spot where; Franklin avenue toward Iiessemer the tragedy is alleged to have oc-t City. Near the forks of the road currtd is about 100 yards west of, hpvnntl thp rfirlinn urn ctnnnnd nt a the Gas tonia-Bessemer City high- little store and got some candy and chewing gum. We then went on toward Bessemer City until a short distance above the Shannon nlace. where we turned to the left toward a little patch of woods. We stopped the car there and John Ford and Effie Grice got out of the car, tak ing a blanket with them. I stayed in the car with Essie Beatty, talk ing to her. In about 10 or 15 min utes I heard some one walking to ward the car from the woods, thinking it was John Ford. 'I said to him 'What's wrong, John?' An answer came back to me not to move and to hold up my hands and a shot fired from a pis tol. A negro came on up to the car and asked me if I had any money. I told him that I had a few dollars and he made nie pivp it tn him. In the meantime, the girl was down on her knees in the front of the University of North Carolina the car, begging for mercy. have started a campaign to tell the "The negro shot a second and people of the state the conditions third time and tho girl was hit. u(lcr which they are forced to live Finally he made us get out of the because of overcrowded dormitor car. We had heard other shots les and inadequate eating facilities, coming from the direction of the- In the biggest and most serious woods where Ford and Effie Grice minded mass meeting of the year were. We met this other negro, who held last wcek one thousand of told us that he had shot the other them resolved that if living condi- down yonder." i tions, which were characterized by Grice Girl Talks ! student speakers as unfit for men, At this innetirrn Killian iva in ' were to be bettered, it would be by tcrrupted in his story by the ofli- , cers, Sheriff Carrol and Chief Orr ' and others, who took the young ! men with them to Blacksburg. where it was reported thev had two negroes arrested and held as suspicious characters. This theory was further strengthened bv tho re- i ports on the streets this morring that a local jitney driver had ben ; engaged to convey two negroes to Blacksburg last night, that he over-: heard them laying plans to rob 1 mmn !, v, ,.f of a pistol, forced them to get out hcl' w9. Wu?h to face f?ts Tth of the car almost tho spot where J?"1 'tu'8 meMa'. he dP the tragedy occurred. I1'?" of h'ch wa movedby E- E- At a late hour this evening the'"?' ( Greensboro. "The main ! officer had not returned from Blacksburg u", In the meantime the young Gi ice girl, when seen by The Ob - 1 server correspondent, said that she and Ford were sitting on the i blanket by the side, of the read I when a strange negro came ud to '. them and rfemndM nvm-w 31 without further words bagan johooting. Young Ford fell to the - e m 2L INDIGESTION b aew efaarala foraa. krf an tonyua, or with vicby ar wmtr Lot of cold, pnftrmMr tv ' QUICII RELIEFS Price, 20-75 ALSO IN TABLET FORM - maps sr aeo7T biowns; MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION ts III 'lian and the Grice girl broUht the body to the city. It was reported around the city this morning that the negroes forced young Killian to lie down beside the Ford boy in his death struggles on the ground and that the two girl. i were mistreated for two hours or more. Another Theory. Other reports current on the street were that the shooting was done by some of the inhabitants of thai section, which has become no torious tm account of the alleged practices that take place there. It is currently reported that more than one myteriom shooting and holdup has taken place on this road and that the instigators were citizens of that community who have grown tired of the nightly auto riders that end up in immoral revel in the woods nttarby. Mr. and Mrs. Grice, when seen this morning, said that to all ap pearances young Ford was a gen tleman, that he had been in the habit of visiting their tlaughter iu;te often. They are of the opinion that there is more to the story than has yet been divulged, and that the truth when told will reveal still more startling details. Young Ford and Killian are both prominently connected in Lin colnton. At in early hour this nmrnir.g a number of I.incolnton citizen were in town in an angry mood. They assisted local posses of ofliccrs in scouring the woods. A number of them went to Iilack.sburg with Sheriff Carrol and Chief Orr. Excitement Wanes. Although the streets of Gastonia are crowded with people tonight, excitement of the morning has died down. Numbers of Lincoln c. anty men are still here. The atriK-ity of the Sunday night t'tigedy, if t happened as the pnn no hannenmg in recent years. Desnite the insistence of both, the girls and the Killian boy, that .. ..I. . : U t h n I tney are veiling nit: niiaiitk jwi, rumors of every sort are nymg thick and fast. One is to the ef- feet that the Ford boy received a note some days ago postmarked Gaston. a warning him not to come back here. Again other rumors are that the supposed negroes were white men blacked and dis- euised 83 negroes. wy on a llttlc used country road bordered by a wood or oak trees and underbrush. Bullet holes are visible m two small oak saplings, one as high as a man's head and the other several feet higher. The injured girl, Essie Beattle, when seen at the hospital tonight late, was resting very well. It is thought that despite the unspeak able experience through which she hi3 passed she will recover unless peritonitis sets in. She was shot from behind, the bullet piercing her groin and coming out just above her hip. END UNIVERSITY BOYS TO TELL CONDITION Chapel Hill, Nov. Students of th.u efforts of the students hem- 8UiIs- t , . Kavc a thundering vote of unanimous approval to a program 01 wnat. 5.". calle9. Giving the people of Worth Carolina the facts," , as outlined by their student campus j ea.bmet and they prepared and vot-; erl aain unanimously to send a messac to the people stating their ca!le: . , , , V' Part of lTe company 3f yur sons and daughters who to- day crowd the North Carolina col- iaCT. 18 lnci lne ,3 ,arc turning out graduates in far lar- numbers than the colleges can ankftencar - nf m l60? w ? 3.00.w'" graduate from the high ols. ". sP"nK-. Een . " students eat in shifts iu Chapel Hill ?J"g houses and are packed ln". ara ?0"r n oom 111 tnc ?onnories. uur congestion nere - - ru 1 We present these facts to you with their simple story of present urgent need of room in which to eat, 6leep, and study. , We hope the churches will build more build ings at the state colleges. "The main fact is not our pres ert congestion, critical as that Is in fact .and significance, but the larger concern is to make room for the boya and girls who even now are treasuring in their hearts the hope of going to college in North Carolina. With belief in her great nass we trust that North Carolina will sot close the does in their faces. .', ' "We send this message of hope to "Service" TANENHAUS BROS. M servicew St0fCS 1 minmtm -ummumi lA - Jj fP 1(5 sU lr f f M the people of North Carolina wilh confident faith thf t the people, arm ed with the facts, will rise up to meet a big problem in a big way." The student body has not been so stirred in many years as it ha become over its present overcrowd ed condition, and last week's meet ing .arising spintaneously from the "students and backed by the leading men in college took on thee charac ter of a crusade. W. R. Bcryhill, of Charlotte, president of the senior class, John H. Kerr, Jr., of Warrenton, chap man of tho campus cabinet, T. C. Taylor, editor of the Carolina Mag azine. W. H. Bobbitt, of Charlotte, and B. C. Brown, of Onslow county, all promjnen: seniors, led the dis cussion. Catarrh Can Be Cured Catarrh to a loral dura greatly influ enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore require, constitutional treat treatment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE i taken internal! and acta throuch the Bllod on the Mueou Surface of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MED ICINE deatroys the fonudatioo of the dia eai. glvei the patient strength by im prvins the general health and assists nature in doing its work. All Druxcista. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. LONG LIST OF North Carolina Lady' Was Nervous, Weak and Suf fered Greatly, But Relief Soon Came After She Took Cardui. Ajhevtlle. N. C Mra. J. A. Slu der. at 45 Woodrow avenue, thli city, recently made the following statement: "I was in a very run-down con dition after ... I wasn't able to ?o. "I vai nervous, weak and couldn't do my work. ' "I felt like, at times, no matter rhat happened, Hcouldn't set up a spark of Interest. "I was depressed, blue, and con tinually on the lookout for some thing; to happen. ' "I couldn't aleep to do any good, end had to force myself to et when meal time came. "I suffered some pain In my back and sides.' but the worst trou ble was weakness and depression. "1 decided to try a tonic "My sister had gotten such fine results from Cardui, I began using t. . . "Soon I noticed I would vet hun gry, And sleep at night, and this, of course, was a great help, "I grew less .nervous. ' "The depression left me aad aooa I was well and strong. "I enjoy ' good health, thanks to Cardui." Ask your druggist about it. (adv.) . ' , X Pest "For Sale" Ad. -rWiflli;itl?orXwi SYilOi "Hard - to Will Appreciate Our NEWEST DEPARTMENT Featuring TAILORED TO MEASURE At Prices That Are Actually Less Than You Now Pay For the Ready-Mades of the Same Quility. Over 200 Patterns Of Choice Woolens to Choose From. Suits Made Up in Any Desired Style And Fit Absolutely Guaranteed. The Convenience of Our "Charge Service is Also Ex tended. Come See This Line. , "16 Stores of Service" 120 N. Main St. V. 6. Dutton, Mgr. mmm w mm 7 m m TiMrsT F fT i-m m a Jans w nm. u MANAGER PLAN NOW CONSIDERED Committee in Durham Sets To Work to Draft New IMan of Government. Durham, Nov. 9. Following a meeting of a committee of Dur ham business men under tho chair manship of Dr. W. H. Glasson, of Trinity college, preliminary steps have been taken toward the draft ing of a new city charter for Dur ham under the commission man ager plan. A meeting at an early date will handle the final form of the charter which will be present ed to the people of Durham in an election as soon as practicable. The commiision form was de feated by Durham in 1915 by C8 votes, but the state laws having changed since that date in respect to city governments and changes thereof, the new proposal is ex pected to be carried by a large majority, in view of the genera! satisfaction with the present al dermanic form. All members of tho committee were in favor of the commission er manager form, the plan calling for a council of five commissioners and a manager, which to some exr tent places the Rotary and Kiwan- is clubs, the chamber of commerce, the Merchants' association and the Central Labor union behind the proposition, the members repre senting these and other bodies. YOUNG MAN'S LIFELESS BODY FOUND ON .TRACK Paul Middleton, of Forsyth, Prob ably Killed By a Pasesnger Train. Winstrin-Salom. Nov. 9. The lifeless body of Paul Middieton, aged 28, was found last night be tween the railroad tracks oi tne Atlantic and Yadkin railroad, near Belews Creek. His head, which wa3 completely severed from his body, was lyin just outside the rails. It is reported that Middle- ton was returning home after a J visit to a youns lady tnena. .n investigation is made. He is tfiinnospfl to have been killed by the passenger train en route to Mount A'iry at o:.iu p. m., tnougn a rumor has it that the deceased an imnoitant witness in a big court case to be tried in StoXe county and that he may have been killed and placed upon the railroad track. IWt CfliriMTiire fttiratl uiy irnt4tt4 ''I(4Vftal M iiw-ia my uair r"UT and sfcraifbi fr. 1tM'y vmtyi to ksww whnk 1 KM. t T prftita th day I tjrtu t Vc QJUX fitfWU my pirturoi sett pnrtty my hir !. g - uz Johns. QUEEN HAIR CREE3lliQ : wif ' ' mnedy tt at feeds the roots and ts tlie hul r to clow lens, soft and ttraiattrosMnesdasdrrffandstnpa . . ' L. . .. v T M I i J abort, kinky hctr try OUna and aae fii'A tbadiOaranca. band 2Zc in atamiM to Kir. Xewbro Mftr. Co.,' Atlanta, Ga. Si - Fit" Men "SHIP BY TRUCK" The Carolina Motor Express Company Operating daily round trip between Salisbury and Char lotte, leaving Salisbury at 7:30 A. M. and arriving at Sal isbury at 5:00 P. M., working all immediate points. We haul anything. We collect the goods and deliver them,' open account or C. O. D. shipments. Prompt and satisfac tory service guaranteed. Secure our LIBERAL RATE chart from our office. A tele phone call will get it. Leave orders with our office before 7:30 A. M. and receive delivery of goods that evening. All outgoing shipments promptly, collected and officially re ceipted. PHONE 456-W. 122 EAST LIBERTY ST. Salisbury, N. C. iIPlHal&Q A TYPICAL HEBE DAY ra Fruit Fuh Flakes Creamed wfth HEBE HEBE Muffins Cot ivc au HIDE Es crrnmed wilh HEBE M KESl!Coltl&kc Hot Chocolate Wcwuh HEAD . t "IlhlUi'Tbnmto Soup Stuffed IWk Tenderloin Hl'BE Gvcmcd Gravy iiEfiE Mftthcd ftxatnes Su'.nd iitCE Mawmurise i HEBE Roriarm (rt-nm Re . Coffee oil HEBE There's a Use for HEBE at Every Meal THERE are so many ways of using this eco nomical cooking aid that you can vary the dishes at every meal. The big saving comes in using it every day breakfast, lunch and dinner. The menu on this page suggests a typical HEBE day for the thrifty housewife who takes pride in the meals she serves. Hebe is an ideal cooking ingredient expert chefs and good home cooks who have tried it praise it highly. , It is pure skimmed milk evaporated to double strength' enriched with cocoanut fat a valuable combination of nutri tious foods that improves texture and flavor prepared with it. 1 k sm u ' ', . Send , a nui vsun Nine coh" cis cstcavksuntavsa 1 an auxiliary to the. daily milk supply snakes rich and tasty Mies eanionibal f if v and adds nourishment to the foods MjN.. for the Hebe Cook Book. . It is full of go6d- common-sense recipes by well-known cooking experts, and it is Tree. Address Home Economy Department, -The Hebe Company, ' 200 J Consumers Bldg., Chicago. - , s ' " ,. ;,: .-rr-v ,: ': '.-'-"''" v Keep several can of HEBE on hand all the time You can get them from your grocer: THE HEBE COMPANY Chicago '.Seattle aa.a. I..,.,,,, mL