SALISBURY EVENING POST, FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 1920 PAGE TWO THAT " v-t ) : ). : '). ( ) O o o o o (D 0: (5) Q or o o 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0" 0 0 0 0 g 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 O 0 () 0 0 O O O 0, O 0 0 0 O 0 titttre fall Meek ediieed! till Xart itehaffner & Mart Klcthes ftedueed! JcTkg successful look. the. oarrin i' DEVELOPINTO 1 PNEUMONIA V . OVERS TOE pan 2? Avvi sinn I 1 "X. 1 I t w Many a good capable man passes a whole lifetime without ever learning the VALUE OF DRESSING i- WELL. When you go to hunt work, the very first thing the man you ask for a position sees and judges you by, is I your CLOTHES. 5 How else can he first judge you? F They are the sign to him of your success or failure. ' No man wants to hire a failure. This is a serious, earnest talk we wish to make to i deserving men whether they buy ther clothes from us or not. ; , j-' V Wear our good, "Nifty" clothes. I Jfericfc's letkmg dtcre : ' Home of Hart ScHa9ner & Marx Clothes. jfrLYERS GOT LOST Two Airmen Bound for Lufsey Martaige at Thomasville Last Satttrtlay Landed in Statesvilc. Thdfollowing is taken from the Statesville Landmark of date of Thursday, November 18: . Statesville people, reading an ac count.! of the spectacular wedding, at Thomasville Saturday, in which the; participants arrived for the. wedding: in airplanes, remembered that Saturday two airplanes pass ed over Statesville. It has later developed that these airplanes were; bearing the wedding party to Thomasville. " The1 airplanes landed in a field on C. 1A, Dulin's farm, three miles ' east of Statesvile. ' The men told Mr. Dulin that they were on their way Co a wedding at Thomasville, that they were traveling from Co lumbia, S. C, and had lost their way. They followed 'the wrong railroad out of Charlotte, coming to Statesville instead of taking the Salisbury road. The men got their bearings and after taking on a supply of gaso line loit lor i nomasviiie. FARMERS COOPERATE IN BUYING SUPPLIES CELEBRATE COMING PILIGRIM FATHERS purchase of supplies by farmers Three Hundred Anniversary of the running cooperative grain elevators Event to Bo Fittingly LVle is now under way in a umber of brated By First Congregational! middle western states and the gov- Church. ornment is rapidly developing, ac cording to headquarters of the Farmers National Grain Association here. Its officers sayjbrated by the First Congregation- American CI there is likelihood that a national i cmirch of this citv. bepinninz Neapolitan The 300th anniversary of the lrwrnnn. nt thn Pilrrrim Vntlipr o Dealers ;our shores will be fittingly cAc cooperating purchasing organiza tion will be formed here in Decem ber at the association's first na tional convention. Ohio farmers who Iiavc organized a 100,000 purchasing company are reported to have contracted for the output of a coal min and afeed mill and to be buying- materials, such as fencing and sugar, by the carload. In Iowa formation by far mer of a million dollar corporation having purchases of farm supplies as one of its chief functions is re ported. The general plan is stated to bo to pool purchases and sell by mairL, H, Keller of Atlanta, order, Sunday and extending thru Mon day and Tuesday. tsunday morning a special ser mon appropriate to the occasion will be preached by that eminent divine the Rev. Dr. Frank R. Shlpman, president of Alabama 1 Theological Seminary. Sunday night pictures will be shown presenting some work of Pilgrim descedants in averting war with Japan which is so glar ing on the horizon at the present time. Monday night able addresses will be delivered by the Rev. Dr. sunerin- ! A New Medical Discovery With 1 Twofold Action. Soothes and Heals the Inflamed Surface () and Killa the Oerm. Endorsed By Highest Authorities i Money Refunded If Any Cough j or Cold, No Matter of How Lon Standing:, is Not Reliev ! cd After Taking According ! rto Directions Ifine FOR BUILDING UP THE SYSTEM AFTER COLDS OR THE FLU , Of all known drugs, Creosote is (S) r cognized by the medical frater jfij. iiity as the greatest healing agency for the treatment of chron .sc coughts and colds and other S forms of threat and lung troubles. I Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements ffi which soothe and heal the inflamed S membrane and stop the irritation and inflammation while the creo () sote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed into the blood, attacks ( the seat of the trouble and destroys rfT, the germs that lead to consump tion. ) Creomulsion is guaranteed satis (S) factory in the treatment of chronic I toughs and colds, bronchial asth vS'jma, catarrhal bronchitu and other (S).fornn of throat and lung diseases, (g and i.i excellent for building up the system after colds or the flu. In ; creases appetite and body-weight. iAsk i'our druggist. (Adv). j f SALISBURY U.C.T. ! BANQUET TONIGHT Will Take Place at Yadkin Hotel ! nt 9 O'clock A. H. Snider I Tcastmaster Special Music. (0) ; The annual banquet of Salisbury Council No. HOT, United Commer- eial Travelers, will take place at the Yadkin Hotel tonight at 9 r. o'clock and these splendid fellows have arranged to make this of the best occasions of the kind ever S: given by them. i () Mr. A. H. Snider, who is secre-; ( tary for the Tri-State Association, W 'composed of North Carolina and tB. South Carolina, will ofliciate as toastmaster and extend the wel-! fs.'cumo, and the renonse will be by Mayor W. B Strachan. Mr. ). C. Dunham w.U maka a i tajk. on "Ii)wcr of Cheerfulness, while W. M. Uuth will talk on "Ar.y Old Thing," and Mr. E. Tatum will put on the "Ray of Hope." The music will be under the direction of Mr. Chaoi W. An-; drews. The following is the menu: Grape Fruit Cocktail j Consomme Royal En Cup Mixed Pickles Celery Hearts Roast Caialina Turkey ; Oyster Dressing Baked Virginia 11am, Yorkshire Sauce i June Peas .Creamed WTiite Potatoes Shrimp Salad Mayonnaise Dressing Gmpe Juice Punch Cheese baltincs Cream and Pound Cake Black Coffee, That's the story in a nut-shell of why we've cut prices right to the marrow on these high grade Suits. Expec tations of a cool October led us toput'in big stocks of Winter Suits. Warm weather knocked the bottom out of our plans and prices must go tumbling. Are tney tumbling far? Just see for yourself ! ' The Finest Ready-Made Suits Mad Their Prices Slashed In HALF I so$27.50 Look At These Wonder Values 1 $39.50 Losing money? Of course we are ! But what we lose in profits we gain in friends. The fact remains that we can't afford to keep so much money tied up in merchandise so we're going to give you the most extraordinary clothing values you've ever seen-bar-gains that will make every buyer a staunch friend of this store. GET HERE EARLY GET THE FIRST PICK! pecial I eaEiksgivmnig In Our Tailoring Department! To which all our friends and customers are invited. s uartprs in Baltimore Jus( Sent Us a List About FRICK COMPANY IS GREATLY ENLARGING Mi I ( t s -if '-. AHealthfiilDrink I NOAfter Regrets Ku:are sure.'of satis faction when you make your tablebeverage ffeSXSHT POSTUM Coffeerdrinkersdelight in therchange because of greater comfort, and the price lis attractive because so moderate. All the family wilHike the flavor of Postum t At GrocersEveyvhee, Hade by Postuini Cereal Co. Inc. BattleCrcekjlkh. 1 ' A To Take Over One of the Big Plants of the Emerson-!5rantinRham Company at Waynesboro, Fa. Mr. P. M. Dcllinper, manager of the local branch of the ,Frick Ma chinery Company, has received ia-J formation that his company will at an early day take over one of the hif? plants of the Emerson- j Brantingham Implement Company i at Waynesboro, Pa., the factory to ' be taken over boinfr the old Geiser plant at Waynesboro and which em- ploys hundreds of workmen. This plant builds heavy machinery sucn as tractor and portaoie steam en U K cJ Headq m U-VXT Have hi llll of fff I ft 1 . ' In ' I 1 10) r a r n 1 1 i II reat J 500 Pattern Suits of which wt have only ONE or TWO of a kind. Suitings that formerly sold as high as $80.00. They have been divided into two lots for a quick close out reerardless of their, former price or value. 107 S. Main St tenaent 01 uonjrressional work tn the southeast "and secretary Frank L. Moore, D. D., of the national home missionary society New York on the Congregational World Movement... Tnnarlmt ttiai-n ,,.111 lw .,11 ,1.,,. session wifVi lunhon Qt the xr'wms, saw mills and the like. Iho iish House. The morning session ! loa! haa Poetically been consum i will bo opened with an addreVs mated and is now awaiting the up from secretary W. K. Bloom. D. t Pr(iv' the board of directors, il)., of the extension society New ?nd 11 ls. sa'd "eyeral million dol -I York city, followed by pertinent ,.ar.s ai:c!. involved in the deal. This, ,taiKs irom Dr. ueo. haddock, of ,a ".c T-1 Vv 'ANOTHER TRIUMPH FOR ri,,..!,.u- c n j rv.. t ' nanv tho 1arcst nlant for the man-. i"i""21 "J viioucjiuii, u. a;iu ui, j. ' r ' , ' Li j ! Thru I nf Ahnvill i;n.i uiaciure oi ncavy niacnmery nr.u dant of the Mnvflownr ,.mn-' saw mills cast of Ohio. The Frick Former Prices Up Jo $80.00. We have given you due notice of this sale. If you don't come in and leave your order for the best one in the lot, it won't be our fault. MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW Branch Stores in 25 Cities. American Woolen Ills Co. Save The Difference. From Maker To Wearer Salisbury, N. C. D.H.Dean, Mgr. L THE LIBERTY MOTOR The afternoon will be given ov- company has for a number of years er to the work of the women when '?osn pn?aed the manutacturc 0 talks will ho mnHo hv m,. p,l-,.,. just such machinery s is being: W. Fisher, Mrs. D. Withrrsnonn turned out at the old Geisor plant nt Waynesboro, and has for soma Army Planes Whia Over Glacieis And Wooded Wildernesses. Ford bttili Liberty Motors car ried fhe four army airplanes which on October 20 completed the 9,000 mile journey from Mitchell Field, Long Island, to Nome, Alaska, ane return. The fleet was irreeted over Geiser New York City by a flotilla of for- C. I,. Empronn nt fhi.'-ii',, ' ' ; time been contcmTjIatinflf the erec The celebration will be'conclud- 'Kn ot anoth,er Plant to take care of ed.with a lecture by that eminent ,ts P'K business, but an oppor- platform speaker Elmer W. Svl " nnv presemoa itsen xo purcr.aee pastor of the tourist Congregation- tV kn3on-Brantiingrham Gt al church at Ro-.t.horn iin, i plant and negotiations followed, lnrtro HjiovaMnn t !.i e.i' I It will be srood news also to fV.. ,iiflp-i u..j-i. i', iknnw that this Honl Hnoa tint TnpnniS:15 in the afternoon uiv uuicnui tuurciics are txocraa . r -.. . . , ... of the Emerson-Brantingham Com- commanded by Captain St Clair pany which will continue to do bust-1 Street, undertook the Journey to ness and Rive more special atten- demonstrate the durability of mod- tion to the lighter machinery and em airnianes ana moors, ana 10 iarminu apparatus. ty army places which escorted it to touched tnem wneeis 10 eann ri to attend, This observance is being pro moted in some 40 of the large northern and western cities con cluding with an evtensive program in Madison Square Garden New xorK. The public is invited to at tend any of the meetings. CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS REDUCED IT'S AXIOMATIC" that children of any age thrive well on , More than 500 new style winter coats in the latest ' styles with lare-e collars' ,and pockets at $4.95, S7.45 and These are sale 5,,V one 1 ,1.1 m cabstartc-s. ! " - n; duct 20 from the sale- 5 szz rt.;. V' It is nourishment abundant je! i m strcngth-givintf k a j ij and srowth-promoi- i :".i cabstartcs. ! ' - nil effect the establishment of an aerial route to the Northwestern cornet of he American Coninent and Asia. Such a route would tori? mail from Alaska to the States in two or three days, whereas the present method of transmission requires thirty days. , . ' "Talk about service," said Cap tain Street. "Those planes and mo tors sure stood up. Why, the only trouble we had on the entire trip was caused by the worst bit oi , weather I've ever flown , thru or Iwaiit to fly thru. We had every thing rain, snow, hail and sleet, clouds, fojr and mist. But ve kept iriHrt on frying xf'The 230 miles of glaciers we traversed was a wonderful sight, but there would have been little hope for rescue had we cracked up in that wilderness. Altogether, it was a rough trip. I never want to fly thru such weather again, but the planes stood it. magniftcientry. Instead of battered hulks, flopping to earth after winded flight, they looked brand new. F.ven the turn buckles were polished and the mo tors looked as if they had just come on the testing block. "W enevr changed a spark plug Never a cylinder missed on us the entire trip. The motors are in as good condition today as when we set out." - Before the flight, all the pilots asked for ships equipped with Ford made liberty motors. , Due to the. nature of the won: which engaged the expedition, the fleet required a period of three CHILDREN $5.00 SCHOOL SHOESr$2.98 pair: , These school shoes are wonderful for the price we have been selling them fast in black and mahoga ny calf, lace and button and at' the low price you get 20 off. Feldmans-'. 19-3t months to complete the trip. Since ill of the original motors complet ed, tho journey without repairs or replacements, this i3 believed to be h record for, aerial navigation. , It wilt be recalled that during the war, it was generally the practice to overhaul the airplane motors after approximately twenty hours of fliitht. This is the second notable event m which Ford Liberty motors havs figured prominently, the first be ing the trans-Atlantic jump of tho Ford Liberty-equipped N. C. 4, a feat which commanded world-wlas interest. . . A DESK FOR NEW FRENCH. PRESIDENT Paris, Oct. 28- -President Mil lcrand. who was a deputy for 35 years from the Paris "antique furniture" district, the Faubourg St. Antoine, soon will receive as a present an elaborately carved desk from the people he so long represented in parliament. His friends in that manufactur inc district held meeting re cently and decided that better than long speeches of congratulation or embossed resolutions, the Presi dent would appreciate good desk. So the workmen and proprietors raised a fund and bought, what they Jwlievfcd o be the peat piece of furniture, for one who works, that the famous old quarter had to ffer. GREAT, REJOICING BY RHEUMATIC . CRIPPLES If So Crippled You Can't Use Arms or Legs Rhenma Will Help ' You or Nothing To Pay.' If you want relief :n two.daysi : swift, gratifying relief, take one teaspOonful of Rheuma once a day. ' If you want to dissolve the urlff acid poison in your body and drive, it out through the natural channels so that you, will be free from rheu matism, get a 76 cent bottle of Rheuma front your druggist' today. Rheumatism is a powerful dis ease strongly entrenched In joint.i and muscles. - In order to conquer it a powerful enemy must be sent against it. v Rheuma is the enemy of rheumatism (no matter what form) n enemy that most con quer 1 everytime or your money will be refunded. ' - : Rheuma contains no narcotics- is absolutely harmless, and thor- oughly reliable because ; it is , the. one remedy, that has relieve-: th agonizing pains of rheumat isnf sufferers who thought- nothing would ; give relief. It should oV as.much for you it seldom1 failq, People's , Drue- Store will srladtv supply you o the no-cure-no-pay plan. ' - - . ' Vant Ads. For Result 0

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