J Til PATKOM: MB 1 61EANEH ; . ' " .. . , ..' ' v- . . '.' - - : - . ' r ' ; ' .. " '. . - ;. i ... 1 . '. - Vet, 1. 1 LASKER, N. a. THURSDAY July 21; 1832.. 5 . -iff:. WOMAN. , 1 " A.h. fthe to of our thclit and t!ra,; Aa4 Vc-e ere vaxacljr lcaxh to traoe Through nights of vcxism r.e;.ni ciima Her birthright t a brrvilo race. Amid tbo tumult of our ir&. Thrilled with the fire of hope and dream, 6b "tread la (CAtb.se vrl t!e w ays That mn Lad Mughfand trod to pre toe. With clcidsned eye fehe fares, and cone , .rhall chei' her warm, uplifting ftoaJ" I Tbat fi'.-es afar Bome sbinJng goal lAe tL. new fjlory of a tun. fcbe -feels the csutt&at wjjuw of life, And battle la tb.2 blood of strKe; .Where men kave climbed. Lcr Lands ebaQ What iaen have tansht. her tonzuo shall , teacbj ; -. ; ' bezh-ta in etrcjrsl', bold In mind. .-Fertile la fresh expedient, 6iro?3 . To bold her rixbt aain&t the wron, f -To seek wlust others dare to Qnd, Kha fctaiids ouoowed. nabowed, Qcbrnt, ' The mistress of ber liign intent. Yet Bbo i but a, woman etilL, J Who wtejs a&oalf vronien weep. Who Vove a only women . iAnd reups her Joye aa vomon reap; ' . Wbose m j aicry, in Us ratred'ntlr, la tbe inyfoJatp part of b?r; , Tbose chariajis fcot of rnan, but blown LikitbeAvild rows, all Ltr own. j - . ' fjweethcart ecd Cower of fruitful years, . Time cannot change her & railed and tears, , Tlra canr.ot nb her o'tthc (ffw Which burns liXe love fight la her face. -Ceorce Edj;ar SI'6nteomer7 in Fraiik Leslie's. TI1K TE5Ili;KANCK UMOX. t.iJKKtiy'c or. THSTKHX DIVIrON AT - NEW HOPLAST SUSDAY. , : New Hox'h Ciwiicn, July 17. The Western Division of the Tern jerariic Unin met here today pur Miant to ttfljo'irmiicnt. ; -A';(JiYicers jiroseat. Opening' -exer-: cisies (Jbctlacted in the usi:a manlier. " On motion, roll call was onntted. After the reading and adoption f .minute's of previous meeting Urn conunUte. to provide 'for a. meeting at Kelford r Aulaudor not being prepare to report were .idontinued Kuo'hcr month. Regular exercises were next in or !cr and yere performed inr the . fdl- lowiag ordr; viz: " . 1. C. W. Britton read a' paper ti .tled "MyDuty m tLe Subjeet of TenprUnee as I See It.' as follows :! Xothiiitr rlew can be said or written ion tUts subject, nevertheless an)- ,one who. is intereited in humanity, es jKcially in- the young and rising iieiicraUon. iuay say or vritc '-.sotne thing, ho v e ver cotr. mo up lace, that w'll interest all lovers wf hiurianitv. Tlie great question to n sk: i u; y se. 1 f as an indivhlual is, ' AViiat is mv dutv on this line ? H;,-.. :My; duty &9 a private iridivid al, as I see it is to abtaifl from the use nt all iutixieuuts -because it is best fo body and soul. , f As parent I have no right, in the sight of high heaven, to set any example before my children that, it followed, - would lead theia to do wrong, for: in all cases example is lii ore powerful hhan precept: and without- it preeept amoUuts to noth tag. . .. : :.. My duly as ;a citizen is toj encour age anything that is for the better ment of society and . to discourage anything that is for the direct detri tnent to ii. ..- .!.- j My duty as a teaclier is to instruct m y pupils, in e very laudable way, the evils of Hie habit of tippliug and the j evils ilowtng owt of,the tratlic. As j we are surroundi for us W see the .tie liqimr trafKc K My tiiity as k physician, is to be ienrerul as :.tu the cases for which I prescribe itqurtrs. - We ;th.ink that' if J)r; H. W Lewis is correat. it s the ?d3t' is quite hard.: al Frjen,ps Church, Rich'-Squarej on I eerpeiita. ;.ox , dressed, the conference m ats panic- many evils of wlkch j the" third Sahbath in Augu,tat 3 : t rnnival. The inkrfown uiaks were 1 ular?nr!f; Sfff' rs lather. . , . o'clock, p. w. 'iP. i hMld; vith whirlpools .that -sucked in ' come one ot the best and mospopu - duty of our jjociors to keep it ( on j for some time. I refraiued from tell band and not onlv prescribe it; !but i in vou sooner because thoe vouug deal it oat " jth.cm selves, because if j laities seenied so much amused. Ithey ate worthy to take our lives nto I Kariner --.Tbankee-. at.d Vthe oil their hnnds thjey are really the .unly. ' f rtm that lamp1 has been drupp: ;'iiies.cimpetent to hjuie thcc stuff, ;thut Ifgitt ovt-cvoat of yourn ' for 'the. and by keeping it perhaps . no one -I last;. ten minute?, but eyer one. woiiUl lie of exhaustion from La '.--jCrippe. j; 1 Want to be on the ,: right . 'side of this 'question and so I do not IOiil to ai.k questions of tho-e witu ' ; wh m I eouie in contavt- and more U eo ifT have contr ieiieb :u th :ir abil ! i ty. ; So o ae d ay, ra eV ti n g one of oaT f firsit doctors I" interrogated htm on 1 ( the line of the medicinal Virtue of ; Hum " A'lthol. (do;um : Do vou 1 believe there is as much virtue in i j liquor us a medicine as people at - . .tribute .to iU anl tbe answer u: ' "I do not; it is a convenient rciu- etly but there are other tUiiigs that . . t t : arc tUcr. I have never in my prac- tice gotten any permanent iok1 from the use of spirits. It w'H keep up the spirits of a person r;i liking, will 1 i ? " keep him in the world a little lon-t-r an.l that is Wl ; and as for a man that has a taste for it I never will again prescribe it. !;' In a great many in stances a doctor will allow a patient to take a little drink for fear of giv ing offe nse." ' For fear some one may think ,thi.s a lro:tm ?rffar-fetched I will give the name Dr. D. R. Zollicotfer. I be-, lieve that he not only is-a good doe torbutra Christian, and I brieve the cause of Jesus uhrifct lies near his heart. There are church .people both white and black that think liquor to be a great tiling Some colored 'peo ple say they, do not love whiskey so much but it is their privilege that is so dear to them. The suggestion of slavery is Tepiiisive to them and the thought of sueli a thing almost drive4 them mad, yet; King Alcohol j is. a greater task-masker thafe the v! ever had in the form of a iium-in being... The most intelligent colored people are against drinking and drunken- i ness. , ' :' " ; - La'stl3 my duty as a Christian voter, as 1 see it, is to , vote at all times in the interest of humanity nd never against' it. I , will now close, with a (piestion and if any one will answer the same he will confer a fa vor upu this writer. Question : Can a Christian yoter cast his ta!lot fbr a party that stands, pledged for li,. ce.ise and yet have no re iponsibility to share in the matter ? ' 2. T. Herbert lFeele gave a d decla- m at ion upo nMi iior i ty, with u itTTir Majority In this we were1 taught; a v ery 6 r r. al 1 in i n (j r i ty i n t h e r i g h t - i s more than a great'host in t!ie wrong. '.Jr. J. T. Draper mitile a spceeli up-., on the co.'idition tl" iiiilifax county j in its use of liquors and -'-support of ; "saloons and the better condition of Northamplon because she had had' no saloons, lie also spoke of the 'Christian Voters of-this nation, r : i 4. Tr C. Peeieheartily ..endorsed ; the fact tliat the Christian professors of this co yn ty, State and jiT.tion ;ire accuutabVeTor iLost of tho --evils o'f 1 the saloon. ? . " - - W. 11. jutfkin, member of the . . - Chowan Temperance U nion, gave in teresUng account of tjie work in that licid and cheerful! cncTurai:"ed this body to pt rsi.vere in its clforts for iUs suppression. V " frhe Secretary read a paper titled "ATTrue Account." The piedg H. Jas-siter .was then, read and J. subscribed Uis name.. i tlu reuiit and was oordkiil)- received ;a member of this body, After the, usiiaf closing exercises the house adjournctl to meut liext One Good Turn Uejerves Anblher. . F.eHow Passinger Panloa Pardon me, stick in,T oiut 1 your necktie, has been seemed" so tickled that I hated spoil the fun. London .Tit-Hits.- to Help a man out of trouble, ai.;d" though he'll 'lv'rgfU ' h ' ' .vYou'i; -kindac a ?vxn a.'.l.b"ifpublo i- oVr If -ver again ib a hole he --houbl get. ;Au I tUva he w ill IhhikA'f you khi liy i:cc mere. . "-i'uek. I Kov the two choral feci i I can never jalg3 rithort a favor- ! ,.ifla nnn ? Xri j the first poet I ever mi3 aa a bey, cot lrawa, pMn y any ' ncHanbaent ..of ' his raattjrior 'sty!, bat tiinnly because j tbe t vcrsc of hi3 gr poea wa3- 1 a grntle knight waa prUVfag on tho plain. antl 1 followed gladly tcishfal of sd- , . 4, ; in of the allegory, ner fcuspcctcsi it. fortunately for m?, auJ dm urpri5el to think how nrnch of th?, langiaje I un- I J- - any Wfffl Jl a. Tl .- 4 a. - La s; W . 1 X foli iu; which 1 reauV.ny heart' rarms to it as to a friend of my childhood. With Marlowe it was otherwise. With him I grew acquainted during "the moat iiniffosiLIe iizul receptiro period of tay youth. He tras the first man- of genim j I had ever really kryvn, ijd he catur 'allybewitched ine'.-- WhatGired-I that they p,aid he was a deiwhed fellow? nay, an albeit' To uc ha Tvas the voice of one hinging in the deserr, of one who had found the warer of lift for which I was panting, aril was at rest nnder the prdrns. Kovr can lie ev ir become to me as other poets are?-j-Jaruea RtisseH Low eUiallarper's.;;'.. ... DrfinlDg n Corkleil In Court. , A .witnc m a case recently on trial , in one of the courts in Boston test:fitd that the defendant was not a drinking man "and only took cocktails.' Judge Blank who preside d is a. teetofcder. Ie noticed arannig the ppectators a well known 'physician, a pnvThrant,. and at the recess called him tip to the bench and asked him to dr-fino a cocktail... A -cockl ail,' resjvded .-'the. doctor, is a : feather dipped ia an emollient which is applied to -a dry or irritated tfifoat for the removal Cifdr3-3es3 or ir? litatioh." " , .' .. . . ". The learned judge - thanked' Lira, bat the story that the court, subsequently dipped h, feather in vaseline and toadi ed r bis palato Avith it .itider the icipres-; won that he was taking a couktail is probably a lawyer: -j-arn, Boston Transcript. ' .''- -', - ' -j: :5s " Convtcts of bjsalrla in Abyssinia politifil : off elides-; and obstructionists are . .Ttrx?sted,V:'ti"ained and placed ozs, the satulli table land) oil Abba alama, a high,; --x:ky and.r-.rceip-itons mountain about thirty milc a frbni Adowa. . So - sheer azi(i steep x are its eides that the prisoa vri arc drawam by, rope --..Tlieir.- cfca4J'4.1of escaping is dashihg lacmselves. lf.to. eternity on the rocks below. On this lonely height there is spil on which they may grow grain, and there are wells with good water. -Theve is no speaker to keep or der, and th?y maj", if they choose, abnse the prime iaimst.ers -'iind crowned .beads to their hearts content, bat they return no more to the w ay;- of t!i world. Frederick Villiers itrCenttrry. .- Iuttslriui ii the Atlantic. "'-.' cro -Jpg the Atlantic in. the lati- tr.de of "ilicCaiw Terde islamls of ten cn-:' counter uu.stsvorxns el longer or snorter 'duration..'. One of the mot remarkable 'of .these paradoxical storms swept down on the German Kte;uacr Argentine in the summer .of lSt'l)'.. . It lasted ' for four days, during which time the air was so full of dust particles as to make high noonday almost ,as dark as ' the darkest midnight. . When thy "storm" was at its height the sailors wen? kept busy shov- t-iimr ine uusc irom iu) sivamers uecs. 1 ' t 1 1 a K " a' 1 1 i eions that they.woxdd be dashed cpon the Caie Verde reefs. St. Lioui3 lie- , ,r n ... ,,r . ... i . Ancient' Surierttltljna. ino macmnerv was ir.aue to woriz wica i ,, . .. ,r, . i.l j - . :-.t:-it i thc'-sublect ot Mt ssi or great, uuucuuy , uuu ux. oao iuus mo Ku-yr tain. J. O. Schoozi. had crave-' aDDrehen--i easily -one of jthe finest i ne aneieiivs iwopiru ui uisacc laaus i with'iloiiitery.aiid all distnrbe with j discourse that will doubtless quicken herrory. Unhiown and distant cocn-j mission'-interest in the hearts of tri.s were, to their superstition, peopled;" r., , , ; , , t. , t- ; with -or;rcas: hydras and chSeras n,3ny turistmnsPredent Uues ldire.w Tlie .Hitint ,vfc fiTT-ti tririr mariners,. :wno xvere sacrilegious enough to approach raemo an aw.m ceath. . &.s anv one ihig, xept the-world for to many centuries an unexplored and tm- known waste. Yaikee Blada. a Heady r.epijV Foote rtddy reply ta tha cairttoa, "Your handkerchief. tLr, u iiansmr out vi vour ixjciitc, a--oi wga mem, uo;a. frozx the sar.rise aad fo.r the cardial wty in which the caution vrs accepted.' lcani: you, tir; yoaicEow thaccmpany better than I riiie; ! IKvtta the Tailor tVhUtlr. ;' Cabbie" Wjun.-r id ht trar:"ert. feb twenty-live ct-nt frktle riih a Mtydvl- Lvr f-ait aii-i t::::ii:.? saving mcaey. -: Stv!t.e-r- til ce:Uyes. diii't htt Cobble I don't 'fete "how. r - Stoner-He La.i to j-ay fui wui-i'.r a.i 4 ii.-.i'T. fur the necktie. 'iaU I iJI PAXJ.tS 43kI--'t;L!:.SEi:. Vi'A RRKNTON CONFERENCE. meeting or DisnncT CONFEUKNCE AT iTTRFIIEESBOKO JULY 1-1G. From the State jUhroniele. MunriiEESBOiio. NJ C., July 15. ; The arrenton district conference of the M. E. church South convened; in tlie Methodist church ljere thistle imrkrtanee to, attend srnelr meet morning: The presiding elder. Rev j. I ing when l really is of the greaten S. D.Adams, in the cUairJ The def votional service was co ad acted - b the chairman, assisted by, Rev. Wu; Graiit. Tlie attendance- upobt the conference is very fine, all the preach,- ersjon t lie district and a. large reprel sentation of .laymen are here. j The social reunion of the prcacU- ers and of theievoat laymen "is ex-j ceetlitigly onJoyable.-.vTbey. recodnt their toils ar:d the blessings that their Master has sent upon their la bors and are happy. ' j i The work of the day was in bear ing' reports from the different pastoral charges and in discussing the spirit ual state of the church on the Dis triet. . . '".': The reports showed a healthy and prosperous conditvon of atfiirs among the churches. At 11 aj m. there was'preaclitng by- the Rev. Mr ijrissom, of Enfield. At night, by the Rev. J. N. Cole, of-Rileigh. Itev. Mr. Adams makes a One pre siding elder, he is justly regarded as one of the best in the Ktate, and is very highly esteeuied by - the church all over his district. Mur freesboro is at her best this week. She has given the conference a very corciif!; welcome. This seat of learn- : ng iaaruly a delightful place. Here j are two eff the best institutions i ol . . s ... learning iu female education that North Carolina has within her- bor 3lr. Trf-fy" has charge of the Meth odist college here, am) is expecting her. ' , : .' Prof. J. R. Brewer is the president of the baptist college. Tliis! is the .foremost scliuo! ol tliat denomina tion in the State. It' was lull of sweet girls last session and has a fine outlool; for, next session. .v - The sehorif isjustly ; the pride , of the Baptist denomination of the St Ate. . '. . ."V. ' MriiKREEsnonO, July 1G. The conference opened at D .o'clock with devotional services conducted by, Rev. P.'N. Stainback, of Weldon, The financial condition of the church es m the District, was the subject of. discussion during the morning ses s:m. At li a.,m. iccv. w . j. loun ingham, of ilendcrsou, preached on , is. This was presentations f of the mission work ,and obligation s ... , '. , -'".. i i of t le church that we ever heard. The speaker, showed a perfect mas- Uty of his tijeme and delivered a i i : of tlie Lilt etou t eina t College, al- iarschtwils in the State Tin cn- lQ ff6ia Vre6. y verv flourishing -condition: The fol lowing were elected delegates to the i next annual conference -at tjoldsb' ro ; Uriali Vau-!mn, Dr. Z diicorfer. E l. Clark au l.Ueorge rntchard. At . -,,! . , . j 1 nigsu a very i::ieie-tiu- .n'luii-M ; meeting was hell. Itev. J. V. Jen- j. ; kins and Dr. Reid were the speakers, i-Thev made ttiiing fpeeches. Inai j f. T ' a!y rri,rii.itc-l W tv i.j'ie 'e waf a u furnish twenty dormtlo'ie. . at. i Trinity Coil e. Iterest :n this part of tue State inthi-i - scaooh :v ; Sub.rif; for Thk. TATiuiX and Guamj:. Out car tor 7o ccnia Jtt Prlaarifs. It is the duty of all goo i citixens . i I to attend.the primarief of tb?ir par. itA held to select tieleatp to ih nominaiing conventions. - ! It is too often the case that our fanners and business men stay ary from tbepritnarifv, thinking it of lit importance to attend prim&ric as very often not more titan half a dozen attend ween delc?2tM are selected that arc to nominate men to claim our sulfrAgcs at the; polls. ; " : ' : " "l'olitical parties arjc a.neces-ity ia a government like'ourA, and a mart who thinks himself t govl to vot is not a fit subject to1 criticise other for the way they vote," Casks for N. T. A, Wc have received from Hon, Wit iam T. HarriSj, United S'.a-te Cim missioner of Eincatiba, the following bxks fo the li brary of N. T. A. : Biological Teaching in the Col leges of the U. S.M by John' P. Camp bell, Ph. D. . ). "Southern Women 4n the recent E'luc;ationaimovementiD the South" by Rev. A. D. Mayp, M. A, y "Analytical Index o iarnard'n American Jlarnal of Education' by Henry Barnard, L. L. D. . "History' of Higher Education in Ohfo' by Geo. W, Knight,, Ph, D., and John1 R. Commons, A. M. iOTI'CK. At.a meeting of the County, Dem ocratic Executive Committee lield iu Jackson, Monday the lStii it was resolved to hold the' primaries to elect delegates to the County Con vention,! on Saturday, Aug. C. and the fottnty Convention be-he!l in Jackn on Monday, Aug. 15. at 11 a. m. for . the 'purpose' of nominating OlRcers and electing delegates to the Senatorial 4 Cqveuni. C CUairwien please give due notice of the same. Is. S. G av, Ch.Co. Detn. Ex. Com. J. A. RruciWYX, Sec.'y. i ' ' . V i Yin- nf m m mm 1 . -- is the only j)itp6r tluit publislies tliejregulap procoedinga .-jcpC' thu ( Jouiity Gpmmission ers. 1) will give all tlie news; of Noi'tluunp toil and tlie imWrhuit events ot adj oin i ng count iesl . e It will record event an they c"tir arid not be biase! by i personal feelings an I opin- l io'ns. .-. ' ' . .'-- -" v It circulates at every prto;T:cc in North am jftot: asyd haja larger circulation iii ti.iv t-ouijty - than , anv til her imCT ..--and Miner lir '-I IS .-5wii i i.i'rii'rfi. ivp MEDIUM. It cireul.itr'i at on luiti'Cl l At"! ofH-i.'s and it- t ir culation is daily . increasing. 0 '" - !Ve want a iroo(l j JJyq aeilt HI CVePV j COlll 111 (111 1 1 V 10 l CCelVO - f r - r 1 . fOP tilKIIlS and samble copies. i ,;'..- . ;:;;-;. .;J ; THE PATRON AN If GLEANER Laskvr, N. C - v. L-