WORLD'S FAIR SOUVEIRS. HOW YOI- CAN OET ONE OF T1IE COL UMBIAN HALF DOLLARS. . , The World's Fair souvenir coins are "going ; like hot cakes," and those who want to get one or moi of thcra vrill have to bestir themselves or they will be too late, The desire for one of these mementos of the Exposition seems to be almost as universal as is the interest, in the Exisition itself and orders for them have been sent in from all parts of the United States x and also from foreign countries; This souvenir half dollar, it iax re ported from Washington, will be the most artistic coin ever Tssacd from the mint On the abverse side will appear the head of Columbus, designed from the Lotto portrait, and surrounding it the words, "Col umbian Exposition, Chicago. 1892." On the reverse side will appear a caravel, representing Columbus' lla-ship,and beneath it? two hemis pheres. v Above the caravel will be "United States , of America" and beneath the hemispheres, "Colum bian half . Dollar. There is no doubt that this coin wiirbe regarded as the most distinctive and highest prized cheap souvenir of the World's Fair.' : . All of these souvenir coins, except Cve, are being .sold; at a uniform price of one dollar each. For the first coin erluck otf $10,000 has al ready been, offered,! and various .prices have been bid for the 400th, 1492d, 1802d and the last coin. Desiring that these souvenirs be discributsd as widely as possible among the people and that all ir respective ; 'of locality, have an equal chance to obtain them, the Exposition authorities have sought to prevent syndicates and others from tuirrihuftinor Infer ft nU&ntitea and thus t O D cornering" the sale. On the contrary, they have arranged to supply banks, business booses and individuals in part sv, of . the country with as many as tfcey may desire to distribute among tbeir patrons, customers or friends. They require only that the orders must be for fifty coins, some multiple of fifty, and that the order be accom panied by the cash, at the rate of one dollar for each coin. A great many banks and business firms have gladly complied with these condi tions and ordered each from 50 to 20.000 of the coins. Notwithstanding these conditions have bjenxwi(Uly published, still a vast number of inquires by letter has been received at Exposition head quarters asking how thevcoins may be obtained. The best way is to get them through locals banks, alkof which are no doubt willing to ac commodate in that way their patrons and the residents ofj the city or town iu which Hhcy are doing business!' If however, for any rcascn it is de sired to obtain themother wise, the J . v., . proper method is to form a club of subscribers for fifty coins, or some multiple of fifty, and select some one member of the club to send on the order and money and to distribute the coins when received. Orders I!'.'.. should ha addressed to A. F. Sec lcrgcr. Treasurer World's Colum. bian Exposition, Chicago. It is probable that the coins will not-be readv for distribution until some timei in December. Rut the T lers are being sent in rapidly, and will be filled in the order of being received. Therefore it is iui lorlant that all who desire coins suouui put in their orders as soon as possible. Far Harts. Make a saturated solution of wash lug soda. Apply on a bit of cotton. Leave on over night. A few appli cation arc said to soften the wart and caue its disappearnce. . More people itu patent leather shoe on, borrow money that they r,vcr pay ba-:k than men who ear -fehovs iLat are patched. Atchison VI lube. The Ucaan Mind. How much to be wandered at is the human mind ? How mysterious its operations! How astonishing its rest Its! The body, however beauti ful, is the earth ; its sphere of action is limited and. circumscribed ; it has speed of feet but no wings "with which.tofly; it may reach tber sum mit of the loftiest mountain, but it can rise no higher. Bat what can limit the essence of the human mind ? On the wings of the morninz it flies to meet the sun at its risinz. follows it in its coarse through- the heavens, and watches it to the mo ment in wbich with its say, it bids the world farewell. And when nightthrows it mantel over all things, it follows each star along its path of light numbers the myriad host, - and chases the comet in its eccentric flight. Turned to earth, it pene trates her darkest abodes, walks among her hidden fires, plunges into the) 'depths of ocean and makes com pnnions of the deep. Standing on the present, it looks back upon the past, contemplates the future. It holds converse with the men of other days loaded with the riches ol of the past, it goes to work for the present and future How mysterious and bow grand are its operations. LAND FOR SALE. Pursuant to and by virtue of a Judge ment of the Superior court of North ampton County, North Carolina, in the ex parte case of W, R. Deloatch and oth ers, I, as commissioner of the court, shall, on Monday the 5th day of Decem ber, 1S92, sell at the court house door iu Jackson, at public auction to the high est bidder, a tract of land situated iu said coun;ty, known as the Dorsey S. Peloatch tract of land, bounded by the lend of Jesse Flythe, John Vaughan, Mary Lassiter, W. H. Brlstow, Fannie Turner and others, containing (250) two numbed and fifty acres, more or less. Terms of Sale One third cash ; balance on a credit of twelve months with eight per cent interest from day of ale, secured by bond and retaining of title til) all is paid. VV. R. Deloatch, t Commissioner. By W. W. Peebles & Son, Att'ys for Petitioners. no3-5t J. B. Brldgen, plaintiff, ' ' against S., W. Nelmeyer, defend ant and J. T. Brldgers, f Attachment. W. T. Nowell, j. q. Hedgepeth and A. W. Brawn. J. T. Bridge and W. T. Nowell, $107.00; J, O. Hedgepeth, $200.00; A. W. Brown, 945.00 dueby account. and contracts to S. W. Xeimeyer. Warrant of attatchment returnable before John D. Bottoms, a Justice of the Peace for Northampton county, at Sharon School house In Wiccacanee township on 19th day of November, 1892, at 10 o'clock, a. nu This Oct. 18, 1802. J. B. BRIDGER9, oc20-4t X Plaintiff. They "Tell the Truth Lie Not' and 'Every teacher in the State should subscribe to The Southern Educa tor, published at Durham, N. C. That Magazine is a credit to our State and is deserving of the support of all persons interested in the educational" affairs of the'Old North State." Prof. T.C. liar bison. Highland, X. O. 'Enclosed find one dollar for renewal of my subscription to1 your valuable journal. I could not do without it. It is a daily help in my work. I have ev ery number that has been issued, and shall contiue to subscribe for it as Ion": as I tench. I wish to have my -ets bound." Miss Gertrude il. Bagley, Kiustou, N. C. " Write for Club Kates or Premium Lists, telling how to obtain Cooper's Works (et of 5 vol, cloth-bound) for $1.00. Other classics similarly low, The r.occATOK Co.. Durham X. C. THE Empire Fenco Machine mm W$mm is Simple, Durable and Practical. easily understood and operated. Build a fence at about one-fourth the cost of rails or plank. Sim id for price list, tes timonial, etc., (mentioning Patkon and Gleaxek) to Empire Machine Go RICHMOND, INIi. Dr. W Paul Moore, SOliGEON DEiWISf, JACKSON, N. C, Udce at residence. ; A nice and complste lln of Fishing tackle at Jewelry Store, Lasker, X. C. THE 0RPH aUS' FWEND, PUBLISHED WEEKLY I as sn Industrial feature of the . OXFORD ORPH AN ASYLUM, il.OO per year. Job Printing Office Attached. Ordera solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. ADDRESS, OXFORD ORPHAN ASYLUM, ' Oxford. N.C. Till; III 111,11 1 lllll II,! J. S. GRANT, .Proprietor JACKSON. N.C. Tables supplied with the best the markets afford. i Livery stables attached. fdSpecial rates to County Officers. fKDEND'HAL 6VVICAR, VlV FINE CLOSING, ' AND; - ' Gents' Furnishing Goods; 100 Church St., nearly opposite Purcell House, . ' ' NORFOLK. Va. WE AID S(JIl60LS, Colleges and Families to secure Good Teachers, without cost. ,y WE COMMAND The sertices of teachers of recog rized merit throughout the edu cational field.. WE KNOW From personal investigation all about a teacher that is necessary to be known to make a safe se i lectio". LAST YKAH . We supplied many of the best ' schools in this Stare and the South with Teacher, Principals and Su? perintendents. t : GOOD TEACHERS i -Find this Asswial ion the isurPt road to promotion. We aie flll- Intr positions, every month. . Circulars, blanks and testimonials free. Address, mentioning The Patron and Gleaner, The Educator Teachers' Co-Oper- i lire Assoclattoflt 'prhaat I f. --THE GREAT ATUHTIC SupplyStore. I respectfully call the attention of the public, that 1 now occupy a room up stairs at Messrs. 1 Weaver & Lassiter' the prominent merchants of the day. My line of HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, PLUMES, &c. are of the latest STYLIS- My old customers will 7 please accept thanks for their past patronage, ' and I trust to share a liberal part of their trade iu the ' future. With my best wishes I solicit all those who hare old bats renovated in preference of buying new ones; bring them to me and 1 am sure to please. - j Very respectfully, i Mas. NELLIE E. DEEW, . Rich Square, N. CX J. J. PARKER. Lasker, N Q. DEALLR IN DRY C00DS, CLOTHING hATS, caps. ; BOOTS.' SHOES. . I NOTIONS. AN1 I . FAMILY GROCERIES- Will pay full value for Chickens;, Egpjs, and ail kinds of Country Produce. Great bargain in Ladies Hats and Clothing. NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES I A GOOD LIKE OF TRUNKS. Call and tec me, Will sare'you mon ey if you will otilv give me a trial. SELLIW STRICTLY FOR CASH enables me to iv jott better bargains than time merchant. . J. PARKER. Ship your Cotton and Peanuts to J. W. PERRY & CO., i - - i botton Factors and Commission Merchants, NOttFORK. VIRGINIA. They will represent you faithfully. ridgers & Cotton Factors and General Commission Merchants. . . .- y i For the Sale of all Kinds of Country Produce ITo. 7 Commerce St., Norfolk, Va. Wo work on small commissions and give ur personal attention to sales and guarantee satisfaction. Give us a trial shipment and call on us when in Norfolk. Correspondence solicited. I T?I,-- , Citr National Bank, Norfolk. KLFiiRENo-, Bank of PortsrDonth, BUY FAHYS DUST PROOF -GOLD FILLED WATCH GASES- -C?jth Elgin Movemenls,- For Sale br J. M. LASSITEB, Latker. N. C. IK UUUU UU iillUllill hi DEALERS IN GENERAL -:-r.lERCI!AIIDI3E, LASKER,. N. C. Keep constantly on band all the books qsed in the Public Schools of North Carolina which will be sent postage paid to any postoffice at the price fixed by State hoard of Educa tion, which is as follows : Holmes First Reader, - ' i $0.15 Holmes' Second Reader, - - .2 Holmes' Third Reader, - .40 Holmes' Fourth Reader, - - -.00 Holmes' Fifth Reader, - .72 Holme. New History of the U. S., 1.00 Mainy's Elementary Gi-ojrraphy, .55 Maury's KevUed Manuel of Geogra phy, N. C. Edition, - - 1.25 Sanford's PrimaryAnalytical Arith- ; metic, - - ! - - .20 Satiford's intermediate Analytical i I Arithmetic, - - . ,30 Sanford's Common School Analyt ical Arithmetic, - - .04 Sar ford's Higher Analytical Arith metic, - - 1.00 Sauford's Elementary Algebra, 1.00 Worcester's Primary Dictionary, ,48 Woicestei'hXewSchool Dictionary, .&0 'orce iter's Comprehensive Die- i tiouarj, - ' . ... . .40 Goolrich's Child Iiiuory U. S., .00 Stephens' History of the U. S., - 1.03 McGufley's Revised Eclectic Prim er, - - - - .10 Harvey's Revised Elementary Grammar atid Compositor, - .45 Harvey's Revised English Gram mar, - - - - .70 Eclectic Copy-books. (Elementa ry.) Per do., - - - .SO Eclectic Copy-Book. Per doz., 1.0S Swiiiion's Ingiiae Piimer, )- .2 IIarringtou S:lUiig Ikk, - j .20 iwle's Abridged Phy Moloney. - .O Page Theory and Practice iof Teaching, - - -! 1.00 Mrs. Spencer First Step in N. C. History,. - - . ,73 Moore Hbtory of X. C, ! - .85 Rraud'sGood Health for Children, .20 Brand's Health LeM;i for Ueziu- tiers, .23 Pr om it attention given to all orders. CONNER A V AUG II AN, Lak?r, N. C. rnMiviiJi) i i urn IU GompanY, J. M. LASSITER LASKER. N. 0 DEALER IN Clocks. Watches ami Jewelry. iKXACf 8IZE.J This elegant watch ts nhown fn euL Ladies O iie, 14 karat gold tilled cane, warranted to wear 20 years. With! El gin 7 Jewel, stem Mind and pendent tec movement for $18.00. And 7 Jewel El gin momemeuts in solid gold cases from 121.00 up. - We do Job printing for Persons and Firms In every part of the ,Sate. Send foretirnaus on anT. thing from a iMtiug Card or Rill Pos ter to an Encyclopedia. Addres I The Educator Co.C Durham. S. C. ESTABLISUED IS67. D. ETHEKIIXiE. B. F. "WRIGHT d.Ietheride & CO., Ht!cce4-rs to ETHERtDGE, FCI.MAX 4 CO COTTOW FACTORS ANT C ummi.siox :-: "i rrprnv. OMM1SSIO.V : MkkciIavm' Nos. ID & 21 Coametce St. NORFOLK, N. BRICKHOUSE. WHOLESALE BOOTS AND SHOES. 27 Commerce St NORFOLK, : VIRGINIA. TERMS: 2 per cent off for cah 0r -n day net. v or 30 GOODS :-: tiOLD :.: CLOSE.-