tii- PATHOS AND (iLEAXKIi. v c n u ? ; n :i w r. i : kly. I VSKFR V P jPF orVSjoTf !:? Andrew J. Ccnaer, Eoiroi: ano PnoiMtniToj:. j !' hi;nsri:iiTiOX in advance. i j The real fiarj-f lliomtitrltiiitormuft j in all f;i 4f nirip,iiiy t!M coinmuuica tims as a j;u;iraiitec ff jjo'od failfi. l h; AviJ! t:o; bo-I.-M re;oii Af. for i vi.'ve ciiii'rthfl and t-s- pn--iMi uy cornf.i.Hieni. : Ah?r.'-s all cr!!i;unnwuti"n$ to ' TliK i'AtKoN' ANfiGLKAXKi:, La.ker, Nortli- aiuptou County. X. L. pif(l Uy cornf-poiMJi nt-. i -j. - : .f . i . .i f . .t i 'KutMKntWIo.tO.ticPatLar, N. C. a- S-coird (;las Mato- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. K. 1. Lnssiter Corn. J. A. Burwyn Timber Sales. President Winston -- University. W 'j: had a pleasant chat with ? H. 1 TT 1 1 1 . I I'leMtient .ilex. i. iionaoay, oi the Viieiiltund and Mechanical College, at Morehead, this week and he inforniwl ns that Li of the ID yonn men who graduated at that institution this month have already been provide! with hon orable, responsible and well pay ing positions, and that he expects others to secure agreeable and re sponsible positions soon. The A, and 2d. College is doing a good work and occupies a held of its own, antagonizing no other institu tion. Like Hon. W. II. AVilliams, we don't see the necessity for a militaryteature, but perhaps sonie other friend of the school can tell j lis the benefits to bo derived ,rqiu" that department that" will be commensurate vilh tlie additional expense.. .. .. . : .. "m . ' -'-l One f our most pleasant reeol- : .:. x.. ji ... r ; ' ers' Assembly at Morehead -city i irom a social standpoint was our - i -1 " meeting with 'President Geo. T - AV irj4 i f 4-1 k f n T ivivd ifi Avhom we had not seen shice he.de li vered tin address before theNorth ampton Teachei-s' Association. jjv. w insion is one or tne leaning 1 TT" I ! IT T "I- ' educators oi tins country ana is doinir much for. the Stale of Nwrth -t i Carolina and her University f :.vhich all of our people should feel 11 ,. . r proud. A man oi Dr. Wmshms 1 , , , ., . culture and ability can easily com- . . " . v . i inand 1 positions ot honor caiTviii ' , w with thorn ;l hirgor lm:ay ip - waul, but l M.-om'ioia-iVr to re- main raid labor for tho elevation; us tint the prosiwts for the 1 c . . . ... versitv are very might and that he expects an increased attendance next tiOSf ion over any of recent arnuiit.M, r;u iuri.iiicu on , y j. tJLH "Ubscrver liant'llK' j jc3ic auu mH;p i-uay. J 11UM'll-l'K-Vn ... t I ... . . , , . M, -ir 111 : IirTp fl Ik 11 llll 111 II. Lll'fkP 1 1T1 l . - . 1 I J ioMMition to tho formal School f '7' --r -t- uc rsr ?oirc corap-aint 01 me. j -T' : : : i . r .. . t. J and tu quality oftLe work doncV cotton dica in this rinn. 'Plv! V JU!1 All articW Intend! for iMibUcntinrt I wx-au. mai x iuem, Jiuui ,?, , , ..... . , ... I ! tant fruuiiy ei ,hou:I irnmt- 'i phi.dy umlmilyoujdsitot buy hwksofhlinf ,aodel nresM i-officer and Sec rcta-i t V - , . A. Sanders thi y.,rs. The IXn tor lV:1fM Lot Ir. Ilcll confine his l.ai.or a..d. nsfnbh SontWmim ..md w j(o rk u 8tar-HUuttodoami; iievoieti to ..oj tn aroiina ana ? her institutions. alter ltnii nninn-r, n ewrntf.nu'. advert tin th-ei called nrn Pa- . thox ,i (;LKA.Ku,iihlidH d jcme-; where! in Noi liiautplon cotiutv, which,.? ,n ,h:.p. for a prie,-, eonenUd ii attend j The above is an entire fabrica-1 . . . i hon. Ihe greaf'Obseryer 31aj- or seems have lost all reg:ml lor tmtli. Air. .Uciver nas never in tuiy way, shape or form request ed us to publish anything uiKm inv snldeet. or liad anvthiucrto do t t f witu tins piper or its management. He needs no defense. He has the people of North Carol inn at 'si u. .'it I vr.K, I'ttNiiini oi uicxi'i-juui .wuvumiv"!.-.'"''" . .j rr rpr i ennv of th I - , . .r ... nunuiiu unu ?-.euij acre u.oreor ie, tnal and lndut.i d .e!itK.t, niiM " ; a 1hh)1- st)lo to dictate the pelicv .' A Vt L - r f HuUs iLhackatuck, a., who is vts-i Terms Of Sale : One fourth ca,h, newspapers in i iw i. o -e-ure mm-- . 1 premium Its rlie btate r air of lb jjjrjrr her dsudittr Mrs II Powell l'na,lir " ri uionih. lmj b-arin bodvwiia would puMMi hu 5M-eii..is ? for our sclKX)K les, we ares)rry 0. ft Vinr4irM";tic nulipatinn a " . 'S per cehr. interest. Xo limUr to f In ie-td lo U,, n.Nmuua-en.e.tt d : v(Vil (., Ar.inr Tl-ncli to . . 1 - , , ! Should your former COrCIondent rei,ioved till all the purchase inouer-U i lie. ; Normal and !ndnn:nl 8ehot 1. lV lu" WUx-u ;uVl lo ; than ever bclore, being crnhe bshed faU Wjlc SQy Iuorc yoa will 3"tin lta- Th-purchaser to har five yar Af- - 1. : . e t v ' loiT Ti o ninrti i it ?t isirnr mi. oi n i r ! - i - .....! i . . . . . . i io tnn mue tn lot Mr. .leaver, it uas - trictr slum hi not he aiiowea lo viseu. esneciaiv in ine aenanaenis i i a a faiihftdlv done I.i work, and Mr.Mel-t v a v :? v Ci t i.;i. irAf-Atnd' imi I plary christian woman, and one of ver ottHit to be i.etfrettv -tUiied tud dictate the policy of the htate ; in which ladies are interested, and i J t ! iiitnnv. r.diiut:ii m a. u. itacner. mici s. in nr miv w int tuc nrcm urns are very noerai. iuc - jhisbaek. lie i tlaj ouo of thoif t hc'Tcacliers Assembly. ( ;most brilliant niM . jmmincnjfT,c lcnth "session of the TcschcrV ! North Carolinians living, and the '11'' stuff lMictVJn Alfred ilhams A; Co s advert: -insiKt, -the "X. C. Tea'dier,'' can do him iio harm. Tho- piws and )h'Jt suilSec to ay it ha bcn o:re of iof the State fDiiorse jiim. Ob- Kcrver" Harrell is iuW. o one Can openly euuores iris etnin-e. Ti'K Director? ni the Xorma! ntid I...ltrI.aI ScJkH hvh ,a.Hi jth, Te:i lM-r, i!.ey pivpar. . .-lab-f i ri,.tf .. !rM-irniT.l,t riiiiUiiiniin" tii"in. hoi a;.l th-n adopted f everal tiiin-iho- a;.l tlu-n atlopted feveral ,KolMTiin.s" vvrif ton In aJ fiior;ii rh.M.i-f Ivps and th-ir manam.-.it d that institution ! Viliave rsoeummems ? to make npm this unparailfd prM'Mj- - . x, 1 - , : x if. in ir- Noi;c an nrc'3urv. h.. Ij. liar- ?.ft;,rl x. c. Teach. Ofeonrso not, for that is ''Col- h.v.4.-4i. ri .i,..., t i.,,.--,ir to write and -cmloise him. This , i" xr ...... w., ,.,..'..;,. ,:,rtiU. v r i..;d d,-,d Ti.di T'ir n Vi "trot. urC2orv was in town list -some teon e who olwavs wait until Whenever he gets in a tiprht place D'xon. Hon. F. M. Simmons. Prof, i niSht aml helli Lis cntertainiucnt. jshont the lani day to perform any i i k r t ! j V Vovnpr iirit Graham Prof . I A small crod turned out to hear public duty, und of course all th he has an .imaginary correspond J- 103 ner, upt. urauaiu i roi. o. .. . - ' , xi i - i i Ti i 7l. Arfntrrnvr P-iif K V liritton and hun. lie had made 3 or 4 appoint t tax payers have not listed .yet: as entj which turns out to be no ono! . -tr,nron--' 1 ei. r. r.r iruu)u auu .. .. . . 11 . . J . . . : , . - . , ; r m'le ' ' a diseussion with the bontkeni ; T, i i V i n i ' L j discussion of thcormal, School (piesuon. ii v.as unij uiun u ago that the "Colonel made a wanton and malicious attack upon President Mclver in his advertis ing sheet, and aftqr waiting for a; few days in vain for some one to endoi-se him, he wrote an article and had it published over the name of "Observer," praising his own position and malicious charges. The "Colonel" no doubt thought himself very smart to do this, but the transaction was soon published in the papers and tjie "Colonel" was mad ; but the Board Ui iULUU-n Vi"1 . l uiv- uy ?uy; " P."dUe has honoreou " Ifo is an lion statement or farts wiijcix x?mi not j be denied. ; ! I . - ! A few week's tif'o wo 1 sioii to reier to tiie jN. C. ieaeii- , - .t i v"iP-.,-, t- r.s -.1 ' ier. as Aiiieil liiiams A- vo s. iiu--; VLiti.-iijg sheet, and tir.ee xi;.. .. :x i .T; n. '.f ; Liiiio n im uHsfu -ii ui uiui . linn':? advertisements-. with the ex- j man of his in the Slate. -ception of one short ad. about pen- j In the State Institute work he in cil tablets. Y"e did not intend to! spired the teachers and aroused the j cause this to bo done. Wo need . , , . n , . , . r-' "-' 1 r-- Williams k Co.'s, (IV G. Harrell, 1 111 ciucauon, ne leanessiy aovo proprietor,) in this State; it. mis j d higher taxes lor public schools, n. rnnVAvni.r. Wh-.f u-n ohirct to ! Mdy Proclaimed that the State - 1 . 41 . r l,, t. j should do lor her nciilected dau-jih- lis that the proi motor of a book! ,1 ' , , , v - - -. iters what she has so long done for store, who iuts no ot'ier connect-j ti 1 . , . .. , 1r , , her sons, the resints of Ins work ion or interest 1:1. the schools 01 , . ,!. . , n 1 1 ! along these lines can not be estima- tire relate rnaxi toseii anine oooks jhut.jn).u - aicia "t'CLrt U j vur 5,; :ma ttU thc jtiij Uutions that fail to buy books of ! Uni-!lll.m, t0 l M,btcd uch gi-oss j : misreiresentation and abuse . m ! resentation ana anuse in ; the columns of the advertising ' sheet published for the punosei !..f ulv1-rliiri.. t'm lim.l: srm. 1 (no one will complain. The peo-j i i do of Xoiih Carolina will not sub-! 1 . , .. . . . , . ...... IHo I - Uii:ui nam w-uu. ix book store is ix coivenieiict, and i i t i t ..x :x , , j slwuld lo advertised, but its pro- j books should be uscl in the pub- . . 1 lie schools, wneh.he is attempt-! ing to do. . Cora! Corn!! Just arrivetl. One Car load of nice hlte Corn which I am selling for j ents per bushel fVir the j sixty three cents next few days. E. 15. LASilTEI Potecasi, X. Cm June 29, 1S93. f Assembly cmven-d at Morchcnd! ; jQnc 21, and: is ircsston yet. Our . banted space will not admit of an extended, review of the -work, done, the must pleasant n.l proutable scs-j : lons UiUS iar ever new aiaioreuv-au. Thc attendance has not been near.asj ;rv ' jCtrortH to please everybody. luw,, ''r"1" l ent arc Gov.! IC'ias Carr, Kjc Gov. .7 Jarvis Chirf JItmtirc Shenherd J.Jarvis, Chief Justice Shepherd i . r ',e supreme Court, Jutfgc lk. . . ; Winston, Jlon. ArTd. Waddell, who j,.?;... j . delivered the opent , 1 i WinUon of the Unii . li' i'i'l.lMI' airiiLd, ' ,7. i nive'rsity. President j Shearer of Davidson College, Kev. ; Kev. Mr. Clew ell of Salem Female I Acaacmy., I n feci nearly every Col- .raded and. High school in the Cl .i, . . . . very lew, comparatively, ot the coun- ty superintendents and teachers w coraulon 8ch,,U4uvc been ic atteud ace. Everybody there eeems to be delighted with tins. work being done and ;ith the management of the ho tel. We hope in Tiie near future to publish a more extended report of the work and also to publish some of the addresses in full. Supt. Alexander Graham, of thc Charlotte Graded School, h4d an ex hibit of the work being done in his school which reflected treat credit Upon all connected with it. Dr. Charles D. Mclver. The University has conferred the i.dPirree . of Do'cttn of Letters upon President 'Mclver. In doing this. Ifo. is an hon- or" to .crt to his 'profession and to the bla'e. ijy ins 2na l seioiaru;p sotnnl judumtj.r liiiarkablc encrjj and perevcrniiee,Vres)!!ouiit Mclvei By hisLrad seiiolarship, y er has athieved marked success, aud has done mul e for. the cause of . edu - .i f i n nnaM Cur tln 'into t if" . . . I . . p:ii)ic educpit;on, than any other 'people. He jconvinced them of the necessity of hi-her and better things . W 1 . t 1 - r The Normal and Industrial for young women is a fitting nutrient to his etforts. The sue- cess of this school during the first year has no parallel, and it is ah, teadv the pride of the State and a icauy the pruu great blessing to ber.young women. It is well that the University hon- nrs tiim WHO; Honors uer, uis proieis- . ml. m i"''- 1 Statc-Grcensboro .Daily. Itecor,!. , - ) The State pair for 1893. : , , I '.-,.- e have received from the bec- Carolina sc agricultural '-.and fishing industries &c. Ji i . i ' ' . The list has been th oroughly re- i ISU!' premium o r uy o,iar in gold is offered for the best exhibit made hy a lady resident of the State, Ujtto a seoind premiuuV of Tweiity Itilarj 'Flior.-i ia ili t nrpmiiimnf ! - .. . . .. . j Fifty Uollars for the nest display 01 j j any kind in the Alain Exhibit Jsuild- jCcr. Fniit snwers and Poultry fan ciers, as wVahers. will find the list (br thAsl very interesting. AnboU can gel copies by apply- I :ng to 11. Ayer. Ualeigh, IS. C. Every bod ihuuld have one. iJlrO KICH :-QU All IrVtXA LS. ucc-l teWxal. nr tTtl rw t ft r . v nTrnv - j . Mr, 0ar .Scssom, is vi5ililg i. ,tire hr-rr t 31 Harri. of Jackson, is visit- j -m in je epedetioc of dysentery has j somewhat abated. Mr. Buxton made a shipment of luosuayi evoum lor lue season.; Lson;e of eur timi citirion are -oinJ with bands in pockets and talking : .t - j i Mr. and Mrs. P i g a HD , HCjne i 1 " " PotvcII, of a., arc time with their lniiir!;f ni A T f- I,rtna. Mrs. I3rm. ' , IJ. Ul ill' I er bas atMat Jecided to break up ami1 . -n1 hvc wilh f,er Pareu merits for this place before and rained 4very time, so that he post - p'onsdjt trom time to time. Mr. W. II. Coman died last Frida3T raorDiug. He wts a well known whiskey ms.nofthis county. He was planning to put ip a brandy still in Rich Square, lie manifested some anxiety aboutjiis future wellfare sev eral day-s before his death, but was unconscious two or three days before his death, and had no chance to ex ereise his laeuhicp, or U) repent if his misdoings, and died a miserable deatiu As men live so they. die. His funeral was preached Satur day afternoon at Corinth church by Revv II. B. Parker. Mr.S. M. Las sitcr 'will qualify as administrator nso we are iuformtdT aud settle up his business. i . Sqcai:e. RictTsquare, N C. June 27, '93. GA.RYSlijLJRG .1TE.S. .' :- ,: :', DEATH Ot: 3IISS II.MTIA J. FA 1 SOX OT1IKR. iril.MS. Mr. IIenry Kly wan the nmst of Mr. J. K. Suiter daft Stinday. Mrs.. J. II: F'ilzhugh, of Winsron, N. C., is on a iit 10 her-mother, Mrs. Ward. We are glad co wel come her haek to her old home. We regret Ut note the extreme, ill ness of MTss Emma Faison. who was at one time the popular and em'cient teacher ot the public sciuxil at this dace. " .'.'' 1 . i As I have seen nothing in your paper for a long lime, from our lit tle town, I will endeaver to se d you a few items this wee!: which may be of interest to your readers. The annual district meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society ill be held here the first Sunday in August. We hope to have a full attendauccof delegates .who 'will meet with a warm reception The Garyshurg nine will -.i.t, Hi :.vi.,,... cross bats with the Weldou nine af. Wcldon next Thursday. Ah interesting game . I " . - . . - may be expected. . e have been in- formed thai the Lsker nine will plav . . ... , . ' our ntiyshereon Ucdnesday. There are several visitors in town ' i . , , now and more are expected as the j summer advances. Among those wf:n nro here t ore-.fit nre Mm Hr l Lear from Elodie. Garysbarg. N. C, Juac 27 1693. Since the above was written Miss - i a desire to do gtiod, and her deaths ia not onIareat loss to her fam.! n Iier church, the community in urhif!i h!s lierl l.ni. lx th ffiin.' -y- profession. Attractive. accomnlisLcd rehnedandinUiigent,and witliakindl natural disjsition, she added grace, beauty and cbarms to any circle in which she moved aad her death is a great lo-si. fcd.j j ... . . . . . . . . M r . . t W m rJ ft . J. w- rm i--.. .. . . .. ... ... . . . . ... .. . . . v . ..... . . - . r . . , LEWIS I O UrrrF.lL r.un rnosrrer ion good cKors other ITEM. Item of news arc scarce . about Lewi ion this week. ' , ' . Most of the sick people arc slow- I 1 : ... , . Lassitcr.- of lVtecai, in oir town 1 ibis evening. We like Mr. L. and lad to meet him. heard that an im rmr. rent oecurrexl at Mr. W. iLorninj; ami wc ex tend to him onr conuratuiaiions. Davte Lodc A. F. .v M. held a regular comnjuiiicaUn on Saturday 23th, and the mendcrs present had ! quite an enjoyable time. Tie regu- Mar 'otn inimical iins are Krtdav le j nre cverv third Sunday at 10 oelock ;.l ,n; a:.( jUKe o4 an l jjCCi j riie Tax Lbt takers are busy l making out their scn.U; there ar ithherei are a ftw day in June yet. ! The warm weather and frequent j showers are cuusin tho yuuoj; crops to grow rapidly and the prospects for good crops arc very fair at this time. The first cotton bloom of the season was brought to town today by Freman Hardy, coloied, who culli vales land in WoodviHe. L. Lewiston N. C. June 2o IS93. NOTK K! r 1 Dy virtue of the power conferred u'n on me by a decree of thq Superior Com t of Northauiptoti County in llie cac of J. A. IJurwyn a Atlminhtrator cf Al len Joyner, U platititf, and Queeuanna .loyner et al are defendants, I will, on Monday the 7tb day of Augul 1S!3. to the highest bidder al! the tauilie pint; tiju!er ineauriti fourteen Inche ami upward at the stump on a Iract of laud in Wiceaane towusbip. adjohdug th land.- of . Nenb-rne l.tvi, W. ,1, I .Hp, the h-ir of. Wil.-y Joyner .and eiher.-, roniairinjt "one hundred .and cvitlv netf ni're or Tarns of Sale; One - f.Moth cah, led-iHei- t';i ,i uttith 'jHnuJ t a fog tier cent. Infuse!. Xo IciiImt to Im t'f- j moved fill ;dl the Jmih Iic monej" f 5 p tid. The purcfi'r to h.-tve live ythit in wldi'h to ettt ami rernov i 1 tindler. June 20. J. A'lJCKOWYS, J. ('ALVKHT. ihmi, Att'y. C-2J- It. . uniyersity" Cf Norta Circlina. EQUirjiEKT : Faculiy of 25 teach ers, II buildings, 7 scientific lab- nrntnnr iihrtrt' m .id ihki vol. utnes, 316 students. 1 Instiiuctiox : 5 general courses ; C briet courses ; prolcssional cours es in law, medicine, engiDecring and chemistry ; optional courses. Expenses : Tuition, $C0 wr year. Scholarships and loans for thc needy. Aess President Winston, Chapel Hid, N. C. NOTICE! Uy Tirtuc of the ier conferred up o rne by a det ree of the Sufrior Court of Xorthinptou County in the cae of j J- A- ""rgwyn a- Aunnci.trator or . u- ! ey Jovur 14 plaiutifl'aud Grunanna Jov- Mier ai,Hre def. ndriur, 1 wil! , on lion- hy the 7th. day of Auu-t 133, at the t Court hou door in Jackson, m;!! to the ! hi-fet bidder all the Mandin-pine tim- ber liieaturing fotu-teeu bithcs. nl op. ! ward at the tutnp on a tra t ci land hi ; Wiccacallee Unvilhi?, adjoinh.;: the i land of Xew!enie Iiavi. heirt of Ab lc" yiier nnu ojoer-. roniau.ing: one June 2'J, isyj. J. A. lJunawvx. J. Cai-vekt. AlPy Coni. Ziottor ECcadc, 2Toto Soads9 Bill Hoadc, Cards, c&o., - saao " Patron and Gleaner Job Office At Low Bates. Satisfaction Guaranteed. T TT . .