IYRSOYU M) FS OTF thft AfI;int( hotel at !Moreheadj WINDSOR LETTER. i ,r lI,rec ainiC! ytum ir.yvry Tciwwanto iuulo hitt .JXitv tWs M?sio2!'of tlitW XtfSclicrs r i Z . I to cboking ; aud finally one day Iat self ric!i acd atm.atb.wanU tbk. J m " toli.tjonrp oi Uvouhave not already done so better attend tt iMt (uu. , Hiiice our last ishuc decisive rainA liavc inpirvd crci in wmo ; parts of Northampton, but farmer arc still buifut There has been njoFt too loueh 1 rain for the crops in the Eastern ; part of this countv, but niot of ., i . t - . . ii XI ie-crops arc uoiiilt wen. i The nights for fe w days hae ....t, i,t, r.,w, f,r.t4f,,t. nnd t.ior.x- .i i- . x.t janiiers iii inis seeiion repon inai the Jiee an ihuiiogiiig totton very much. ?.Jr. X 13. Yanghan, living near here, brought the tir.st cotton bloom ; to olir'.-qflic we have seen this sea- son. : Mr. Yaughan is a progres: sive. hard working farmer and is generally up with his farm work. Hon. J?. Voodard, represen-t.-itivt.' in Congress from this --district, '4'ili 'please- accept our thanks or a copy of the Congressional dincetory which contains much ! dents of schools ;it the county seats valuable informatioii, especially i on TlmrsTiiy July J?A)X. The ex- for a ne,wK)aj)er oilice, peases for a scholastic year of 1 j months, including tuition, board, (nMH?ml Jtansom, who Is perliapS washing, fnoJ,. lodging, boolcs and ihe lare-st farmefr in this part of ; medical attendance, will be, for tJie State, is holding six hundred j county students, $1)3.50,.' and for 3al3.s of his last year's crop of coi- other students 12i.50. Other in ton yet, mid his loss by holding it formation can be had by addrss-'fo;- higher prices" will amonut Uj : ing the President, A. Q. Holladay, near six thousand dollars. There will 3x5 a match game of base ball here on the 4 of Jul' be tween the Easkejr and Garysburg jnneK A large crowd to witness the game is ; expected. Besides the base ball there will bo foot races, ioie climbing, croquet and other amusements. -.. . . - . . - ! Mr. James N. Futrell, whose ad- i vertisi?niciit appeiirs on fourth .j page,V'.lmWsold the G, 30"aud 40 horse j jower engines mentioned in thead vertisememt. It brought him many enquiries, and thoughjie thought our charges were high, he is well phased., now. When in need o j machinery of any kind yon woultl do well to giro Mr. -Futrell a trial, j , j . "We have received a card from j .1U; - K. '.P. ..-Troy, President of Wesliivan Femah? College, 3fui' freesboro, in which he f?t:ites that oiforts are being made and that it is coniidontiaily Expected to opi-n ! ihe college ivain at the usual time, t the lirst week in September. If the .new buildings ;ue not rciidj! ample and comfortable temporary ! - - "i nrrangt inents '.can be made. of tiie A mbly, hijn a cor-1 lial giveting and was one of the ?ovit iirf-rm nod ntV:dh mn 1 -wv.u. .v. v.... . . ho nu t v.hhV fhor, The Juno , ... . ,'," .... .. .-.c r ...j. ... - . ;o left lsist T'mrsdav for Pittshurir. Pa., comes to North Carolina. Col. W. II. actually inawe aiair statement oi 1 'he editor ot this paper attend- liooc. niaiev, i i ortsmouin, r, J - " - . - , . , j,. ,. ... . i unw ;yi mw uai auuiu. ; ; , 1 on i visit to their Tratul t.arcnH tin- liiir;' vn, o( Hemkr.Hn, hai kTfi l.imself; hut in tins the piibhc was "-- a.w rivKbwi ak, I!! KSixioii at .Io:vhea(, for few with the ISurgv.yn boy. . , , ,.l,r-p.-,on,!ont wkl.es 1 11,0 -'"?""'. ' c-Tm ncj ." Uou-:.ty -KoJoiicI- or an abusive .1:0-. .C0I.E.G. Harrell, cclfo-r! Jliss My AVoavcr urA Mr. W. , 1 TXtiltMr I'"' " S ? ' . ?hl Witb the June number ..f U. X. a Toaclier mid S,ifa0-; W. ScUon, oMUch Square, . ' llmKene .. ' - S": 'lllV icM be WnU,' volume of the X. a iiumoer oi ine j. xeaceer v.ius umu. ; inursuay. las.l anu organizauon o irve Fann-r would ever have eon- ' v y not received till after his return. ; Mr. Sam,l. lb Buxton has gone! by eiecto-g F. I). inston.cl.ainii&D j-ived fo briliiai.t a.n hU. It U a val-i artJ adib' "aS we .,,3V" considered Uo Wilson to enter the competitive : and K S. Daii secretary. Tlte ! u,le cot.tribuiiun to PopuIUkr teouo- jand now firmly believe tliat in thee Mr. K. W. Gerrish, of the Cum- i examination for aptintmeut as a I Academy will he put in first class i ode and u i to bod that u, Fr-j onyinal vharaclerUtux The Te-cher f s . - 1 . . r . r , VM., Lk,'i,- , ! mer has a copynghtonallfuchand will 1 is ool enough and Um we shall imr (.owmiiT, Norfolk, a, w;us cadet at est Point Mihtai-y ; rder. i j ? .,- . , s . . tli . .. i n , . , . ' Our r-istaiastcr has added toJ the odruirmentoiitsatem. If continue. The naue and fctyl of m our village this week m the m-' Academy. T , , vrth cro- .. i i 4 -t ' ft- r- tt c K n V m i 1 J furniture in tbc ro6tcflirc, a pisll-" terest of his Inm. lie informs us 1 Our town was s:uulenetl last . " . ' . i Una can't set an otfice nobody ought to i .... -; . .... . ... r .. . it ... . . . . . ' , . n.ule man of the States of "North , ri. . . . f, -.pdicy is of the wont aort-ttiat or that they will resume work here, evening on receipt of a telegram t 1 .. shave ooe. Did anybody ever before . . . , . . "s i r ii m -ti r n i i I Carolina and. .South-ctrolina, wttb K4r offUch m Jo. ;ii5iin in the early falL This will- from Garysburg annotmcing the . , rn -m j . , p, . - ,"r-,u i" t , f,, tltfl r,,tt . ; . , . . " . T"T T t- - adjacent parts of Georgia. Tennessee, This is 4 pattyista wi;b engeance. j contending nr uic train otknetaie be a great bencht to our people as ; death of Miss Lmma J. Faison, a i Kcnluckj Wcsl Virginia and Virgin-1 North Carolinian. mcnt; we regret thin, a The Teacher the money they-leave in the com-j most estimable young lady of that ! lowing postofflcea with the j I agree with the Carolinian, ."this jcouU lie of greatenrlee to Uic Stat4? inuuiticsi where the- work is a: place, and who had many relatives! iniermelia distances nd mail j'U, party Um with a vengeoce." It! if managed with care and edited with, ovat help. Their pay roll here ; and friends, Here. She has been a : es in operation the -1st of De-'Uhow the truth of the charges pre-j truth and falrnei. TLe reader of last year was about 1500 pvr-sntTerer for some time and her comber. ttS'J. fVrre I against theui during the lan I The Teacher ak Uat be change ih jnontli and it was till paid in cask j death was not unexcctetL It k ' Jlatble playing ' jn . i. Yoar j campaign, thaVif it were not forlheJ tKillcy or fht$ if it orfgmsi - .'"'- exiX'Cted tluit her remains will bo correspondent, bar ha I Meaio,i to! ollicts t!tre wck.U!' not be eaough will' Uiia. -j . V. K.J. The tire and accommodation at J brought here for interment .' ! refer to this auusctceiit'da WimUor j leaders lu hvld tLe party together j W indsor C. Juae i$ I8a3. h.,.Ui ,.. . , . ;- j )D-- "ia0o!iianji,. i(ilVfnst(j tI..,t ti.pv:i;t.:(ii.awnr "ttc-iul w?woa there . again, 1,nt tlie hotel is under dimnnt nageinent now and .srews tolw Conictei weli, and to the -.satis - Action ol all. I The rapid and wholesome wth of the University is a nwt- tcr !cr Mi! wn n inn rMmfirifr i i --j i ; In two years the student roll has own m 108 to 31o. $20.00fi worth of repairs is-bciwr made on ;ho b;,;bli,.r 1.;- tn,;,.,mr. uoriT. .v . ,MiLr.jA'.i .ur.i,,,,n aniu nient. lb.ys v "-vir5. j , mv ? "ork haths, fcc. -are- being sup- r,i JU xne &cuoiui?uip oi me m- stitntion is being recognized every v here u ecjual to tliat of the leading Uiiivivitiei, and soon Ve hliall have -in Xorth Carolina the great Southern University. Seo advertisement - The nai; session of the Agri cultural and Mechanical College will begin Hept. oth, 189:k Ex aminations for admission, will be held by the county Superinteu- Italeigh, N. C, or the county su perintendent of iichooLs for your jcounty. The gold modal for .oratory in .ii . rn . i ' i.i.. .i. .j. " icacnei-s .-kssemoiy .v.oiucsl as awarded to Charles E Turner, of Trinity College, graduate of the ss of 181)3. This makes the third) time Trinity's representa- tivesUiave won out of these coir-- tests. .2ilr. Turner l-eprcsented tne iiespenau. ijiteraiyi society. With, the same oration, f'TIie ori- I 1 T"T" T 1 I 4 i gin and Triumphs of Democracy, he took the AViley GrayfIedal at Commencement. Through the Indies of Trinity in Political ami Social Sciences there has gone out a leaven of tbought and influence that has made her name respected and admired throughout the State in the treatment of the questions of the times. Jackson Locals. Mr. J. A. Durgwvn ha.s returned home from Henderson. Capf PL E. Peebles has gone to Raleigh for a few days. Miss Julia Eidley has been - .qite sick for a few days, .nr t ; . f ..ii .n ? . Miss Julia Southall is im town! i ' I visitin at Mr. "W. C. Bowen's. visitors in town last Sunday. Misses Lizza A. and E. S. ATfxrt tif NTfirfolk. ll;lY(! , , , -..-., visitine: at Dr. Moore's but left . -i - . ni?,Tntirr -Teacher." - ' ,"rur ax - l txie mwS in axi acouxi. tiik COt'NTV E.T OF J.JIUTIK HI- ; ri:ovi:MKTis at ho;ak. List taking over. Crop arc looking v-rell. - V.rm''fV v. f "V , v.v 1 '- v . , f V " I . . - a new imni is ocinz rapiny un-i ishct1 to the M ,0to:Iice cn Gran-1 vi'llc street. i fr p.. IL 'Swain, of tlie Windsor I iuci, w - m- antlriu. Va. I j Gooi cKms-chec rful furmer no ! ' Your corrcsl'mlcn ?P?nt the day ThhM parWi.tn when this condition!"1 Howard last Thursday. The mill of airairs exist jowred by Mess. Greenbci, -Jounon Me.s. Gil'Um & Lvon have hadf on. was running at a ldghnotc. stables built and white whed in the ! The circular wa dicing tho logs lit- rear of he "old Bear" lot 1 tlc an(1 b, wniIe the "an- Sfiws (24) The store and dwelling building! wcre takin a lo" at once' on Granville street, known as the "Phelps store," is being painted. Miss Sophie Capehart, who has been visiting Miss Annie M. Gray at Mr. Sol. Cherry's, returned home a few dajs ago. . The county C'rairiissinner3 meet Monday to receive the report of list takers "and attend to other business of the county. ' Mr. Zack W. White says crops are looking well in his section and talks as if things generally look encourag ing on the farms. Mies Loula Routh. of Baltimore. Md.-, is visiting her sister Mrs. Geo. L. Mardre, at her home in the coun try, "Elm Grove." 1 - Mrs. Mary - Grajy and daughter Janette, returned home from Norfolk Inst week where, they liava been vis iting relatives several weeks. .The brick yard alxntt a half a mile frora town is rapidly milking brick f.r tite new building tf: it. will soon he iucourse f -.erection. A kiln is now l.-Mnr t)jirnid. r. t i i c t I Ri'V. J. B Boone, of Kalcign, has been called to the borate of the i Baptist cimreii of this place, for the n matnder of the year. -He is to preach every Sunday morning and at night. x - The meeting of the Win.isor Liter ary Society last Fnthtv night was in teresting. Oliic'ers are to be elected Friday night of this week for Hie next term. Every member in good standing ishoub? 'be present. ' A picnic was had -at "Drysdale," seveii miles from town last Friday. v indsor was well represented. The hoys report a grand: tioc and say hat for ore . they had . all the ice crentji ihev wanted. Thanks. - M r. L. .Stephenson AsKew, who has been attending -school at the Norfolk Acad'emv. for the past ses - vion returned homo last week, Friend Steve is looking wel' He hrhms homes with hii 3 Vo "l re - brings home wuh nua a o. l. rt port. ...... ! I,s?os Altec and Adelaule Pager. ij4 The Trustees of tlie Windsor Acad ciav arc, K. pail, W. L. Lyon. A c T l f-.t ,,. . 't-. 0 AVJi'M?lt:. t$ . I. ?4fW..- i tft l I4IH,t5( n Winenn mt.,,-. Z.Uln, ' . r. ga,icc in frcnt oMc American 5 House when Gst and scull ended ooc j ,huld have said fellow.), bowent sif thcir fnie-e'in--mcs Wdn . . ,s ! of last wfc..t!.c town Coin-, too part in tlieVleiiUratmna of Urn - I J and ordered marble playing discon.t jtinuedon Msit) andGranville Streets, j Al times .ladies had to walk in to the) rect to Pa around an tnt-rested j 'lerowed or knuekcrs. And m &r as rolling a baby carnage uptown aftvr, 4 o'clock in the evening was out of the qurstton, after the knuckers bad iiurnrunu. m iuu lorce. wnc 01 our i l,rom,nent citizens ?ays hc aecsnotUMSI,irit of the third party. The thin! Ilk - - 1 . I T i. 1 , inji ub uji i iu:w uery in the back yard ofiiis torc for his own amusen bones a rest. give your thing was in fine order and the ma- cbincry doing its best work. The! dry kilns which were burned a few weeks ogo, about which your corres- ipondent made mention at the time. arc being rnpiuly rebuilt and will shortly be completed and ready for work. The Ipg trains arriving and leaving, whistles blowing, train bells ringing, steamers, barges and tugs at the wharves loading with lumber, etc.. gave the place its true picture - that of busy activity. Supt. E. E. Smith, gave your correspondent a pleasant day at Howard. He has some what the air of a-bachelor ow ing to Mrs. Suiiilfs being away on a visit to her old hornef Faetorysville, Penn. A trip to Howard is plpasaint. Mr.. A. S. Ilaseoe presented your correspondent si copy of the neatjmd well etlited pamphlet entitled. ''State Oflieers and General Assembly of Xorth Carolina." which contains much valuable information together with sketches of members of the Leg-; islature with 'pictures of many. In ilookhig over its pnges I find the fol t r in ,:,WI,! OI ,mr q'cmauve: AAliOX S.ltASCOK Born, near Windsor, its Bertie county, March 12, - IS.m. Attended school at Winilspr Acalein3 up to the aire of six teen years, wher lie took charge of his ?tore. where he has been engaged. ever since, having become his father's suc cessor in the spring of 18S1. ilarrid Miss Lizzie Gillaiu October 17, 1S7J, and has one daughter living. With in less than two months after becoming twenty-one years wa elected jhayor of his town, which position he lias alino-t held continuously until he resigned to take tlie portion in the House of Bepre - sentatives, was unaiiinously nominated by the cour.ty Democracy, ami eltcted over two opponents, a third part ite and fa nefro. bv CM ii'iaioritv. uhifli is a rt . . , . . t - , Comi)IitnenL to him. as the county j ouliuarially goe KepnbliGin. lie u j Miryir.ji on the following committees : j Finance, -Education; Insane .yhun-s, IV,,:U titiitio:i?, and claim?, and is ah ! n,n,iv'' alMl mvUvnt Pntatlfr. MtMnlhr of the Missionary Uaptht church. . "Another slice of administration cake 5t00 peple in Xoith (aroiiea and only . a dozen or so are getting these big Jices : of Cake. cake. Progressive Farmer. ( 3 - - r ii ttie above is a..yt!.it,ff tt.wc:ertaitiy.ier ha. never had occasion iochan-e rori-rhml. TSo one olher than the Pro- Uav cten ? well. I didn't mean it: I ' " wautvu UiUiT, uav laoru 10 get nominated, went bead, neck and beets into the third patty a soot. a Utile office bait was" held ont to tUe Ii wm tlltn am, tsk now,, , all the wav down the line the lead ers want :ftcc. I ara glad the Pro gressive Fanner made the above com ment on the appoiuiment of Col W. II. S. Ilunjwyn for it shows Ujc true f party got! IS Crs. About 10 o'clock VedneHbiv morning the UaniUl cliurch bell be- j gau io ring ai a rapui raie waicu was soon Aillovreit by the court hue hell ,t?i the cries of lire. Itnassoon j tearneil that at cnement bottle wan-on I firo. ' Our. people turned out in Toll j (i.rce and with bucket, repaired to i the scene f the ctnl!agation and won lextinguished the flames. Wlud.or i,aa a ool bucket brigade. lmf. 1. H. Boggs, who has teen principal of the Windsor Academy for the past four years, published the following in the Windsor Ledger this morning: A CAKD. In consequence of th fact that I am no longer connected with I heWiiuUor Acad emy, and will leave in a few ilar., I lak? this means of .biUdin f.irwell to my bniner 'scholars and patrons. I i-hall always retain a loving tnepiory of the school and ever take a sincere lntret in its welfare. Ami to each .vchol.tr. I wi-h a iiappy, useful and prosfMrons life. I ithall .watch the coury of each of ttjeir lives with'; interest. I thank them for the courtesy and respect which they have pverfhown me, ami If at any time. I have failed t respond, I ask.their pardon and beg them to remember that teacher are hut human. To the Patrons and friend I would exprs my d-p and heart- fidt appreciations for their interest midsup porr. and Injure tticm that I Iiave eu-dt-avored to perform my ehool duties to the best of my ability. Ptrutthat in the selection of my vucceor they may be more fortunate, and that hi work may he iutc.ined and lightened by their jsym path y and help. My best widie for all. I'ehcv U. Ilooo??. 1 Foruwr Principal. Whn.Uor Academy. Wherever "Prof. Bogj;s may pitch his lent in the future, ho h;i otir j peoples best wishes. He has labored ! hard for-the education of our corn j muuity. Ir he June n uutiK-r oi the (J. Teacher, run by one -Colons!" K. G. Harrell. is on your correspondent's table. Looking over this nutulier I find on the editorial page, second paragraph, a statement of the edittir that he has clo-ed the discussion of the Normal and Industrial chool for the present and winds up the ln r r t IllfoPinin I v t . t j that the people on the oilier aide can j abuse him all they like, "we don't mind it at all. There is certainly sou truth in what the Colonel , says for he doesn't mind what any- j n3 may say or him because the per :poic-hide like conscience of the 'Colonel is not at all sensativc. ) fiut it is a little surprising that after j ,,a, rraclice,r misrepresentation . ' . i....,w,h-u.. i,,,- t.:t. i. i. , i i i "4 0, e Vcacher. and in an extensive tnen- ; uon i u ann some eu.ogit.nc re : marks of it self, it feay s : The -Teach-. .J s, ,,.' J , .

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