TV 71 7 - - -V. ' 6 - - a VOL: 2... r.'ro' )' ' IiASEER,'J;2f ORT?&AMPTpS"! G(3lJIJT.Y,: -is.-"(y., THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1893. . . NO. 28. I f - i ; H -; -" - rl " 1JV ' ' 1 1 : 1 J- 4 to trip a few words about 1 ItudtcaaseaTijelo. doubt' xny ironress- .tlrcjoaa asell the JAP in With US. v t S ? ; I ' rr f i f ili Af i Jiii Ar r ftraV AVhan T fcn Kntn nra vonncr n appoihtea specialiep. 1; - Fr;soo gathers ou 1 meridoiursarlDo jiod doing tigS-: db&ralf iiaobje' o(v aftiuril itics, I can' t in rortuaraiion : ' - iittjef space ia tbc Pateo aKU ; Gleaner - At the last mcehg; ofour Grange the fijurth crec' w'as enriferred on three 3'oung- people; "Several more .speak of Jojnllhg eoon.V ;Wc" are clad 'to haT2 the older ones I have bee uty tf.vfgaaizo raant AGrange2i A Grange ;ea'n;l)cx reorgani2Sd :Vin ' , 'Cr v.: -little WnenseA' - Brother 'i ancW sister ,cx-Grrangefs, hate ) you not been sitting lopg enouglij JIjs ' there not as mnch iVc'ed' for farmers" to" otr ffam'ze now? as there ever " was aiid is not the Grangeprinciples cs good as -ever ? Let U3 do q,s the songays: 7'e Villrrally-t'a ttitf 'Giige,"'".;;.::'" Wc-will, rally ouceaiiiJ;:s5;c'' Shoutini the farmersery of frecdonT." rWo'nM it Jiot be ."b23t for the far- mors in : the Old North State to do iikc they hare inTexas ; unite id" the ohtcst nnd best organizatmathQ . Grange? ' ' - ' - ' . 'VV.:'J ' '"I fiudin a Washington paper that' the : Alliance has united: witU the Grange .iu Tejras. v I . find also that; - the. Congreeguien ;peakv welP oFIt and I a ay . t be me as u re s the G r an ge ask for would be a" benefit; to the masses .The tradef arrangemenU arc right ; nx bonded agents required. Any one - wanting ,tb reorganize Lcj know more about it can address tue u ndersigned, at Margarettavile,N; d - y How about the'speakers;for the next cttic'T of thc -county ; Grange? Sir. iichiverpAfiiON and Glean'eii." - V Nezzie Davis. LIST OF OFFICERS pn.Qlo 'Tomjs ; Sbliloquies-- on t Men: t f 1 i ry1 3 For the Pitroii'andqiei iriVvV :I:tfsed think' faid o :If yoo liare a tiad word-sajrit?,! ifiidlllOnitlOn J tt;;.'7.0Ung fAarcWnonWirthcigrar ec rnethlng every, day r,ta' will Cfearo laaelessoeautv " VjGasstesjwf hiiDfcr o'er vottr breast. yrVii--v ;'J5;ui ifjieH , nng catuQ-arounu lojj, ana tieing ; :aiieir tayfuiH there is a time d Gleaner. nclcTona. ;V Kfght is coming lfj eri. Wltrre9'f help thirrking Xhat we'-wbrJtl is going uacioyaras wnca,tncv: stay an uu iaidniftt- inipixi'thctrects, run- : A-C hru tlair I tite Mincers f school; fud:, - "S 4 " -.: .fit rf stATMRNT OF. TIIEfAqUTS TQ'TlIH ? GltEDir ; $F yilE &UTUTJrCnpWr f liie.scaool .year laegins July 1; but the .'appropriation jsidlotrraade, till Jap 1 Kelo willihe uiVoii statiient oi the balance due the il istricis.riri NortuiDpt'pn county, it theelpsoof the last 8c:h6oi:year4-June 80. It will iv iv - . be noticed that oi any district "have .nothing'tblueiriredifc 'inilTK UACI5.. ' X COLORED, B AGE, ' ' ' oo. (3 O . V 4 91 ' OP NOUTUAJirTON POJCON . GEAXGE, P. O. li., rou 181)3, 1 Vaster, A. E. Peele ; Overseer, Nez zie Davis; Ler.turer, J. B. Drown ; Stew- :inl, G. I. Smith.; Ass't Steward, II. O. Iisi?iter;- (halain, J. I). Barnes; Treasurer, K. Davis; Secretary, K, 11. Madilrey ; G. K., J. W. Griiliu ; Pomo !ia, Miss Mamie Smith; Flora, Miv, L. 3. GrilHn; Ceres, Mrs.-'L. J. Hawker, and Stewardess, Miss Cell L issiter. .Meets quarterly on " 4th Tuesday of J an'y, April, tuly and October. COMMITTEE OF 1SIKJ. I Ex. Com. of Gotinty Grange: lie. v. Jesse FJythe, .1. IJ. Brown-and J. V. ip?y. . .. .. " 1 'Education: Ik-v. J. C. Fleetwood, Nez zie Davis ami G. B. Smith. Finance Committee : "II. C. Lassiter, J. V. GriUlu and 'J. I). Barce. .. The Breezy Fly Pan Will drive the flies awav and keep you cool while you enjoy your meal?. For difseription and price aildress G. Y.-Grimes, Pateutee,. G-22 tf 1 Mnrfreesboro, N. C. NOTIGE. - Iluvinx duly qnalilied as executor of the est ute 'of Martha A. Sykes, I liereby notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me for payment on or before JulyT, 1891, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Debtors will pleafe pay promptly. This June 10, 1803. ...... F. NV. Fleetwood. Executor of By B. S. Gav, IUrtiia A. Sykes. his AU'y. C-2-J-0t 14 10 17 iy 20 21 22 21 25 2G 27 28 :ju 32 34 3G 37 38 3D 40 43 44 45 4G 47 45 38 2.10 23.20 15.28 4.20 G7.24 50.48 3G.55 31. 1)8 8 03 48.00 2.05 41.UG G8.50 .61) 3.50 2.00 28.53 11.00 ' 0.00 68.07 12.30 78.81 47.80 4.4G 0.87 .18 13.10 ,5 71.30 o. Total. 70G.50 10 11 13 14 17 IS 10 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 30 40 41 42 44 G.41 -G.G1 40 10 75 00 92.41 10.70 52.40 32.24 24.50 46'. -50 78.00 77.00 65 50.00 17.00 1.60 18.23 53 ' G0.00 26.1G 31.13 101.80 86.09' 85.00 G1.03 2.50 25.55 20. 7G Total, 1443.50 J. A. BUKGWYN, Treasurer. ITNIYERSITir Of North Carolina. ? Impolilc Tilings - We give a few of thosei)olite things in which young peoplefender themselves disagreeable : Loud and boisterous laughter. Heading .when others arc talking. Heading aloud in company without being asked. Talki ng when others are reading. Smoking about the house. Cutting fiuger nails in company. Leaving church before public wor ship is closed. Whispering or laughing in cuurch. Gazing rudely at straugcrs. l.eavin-j: a stranger without a seat. KtjuirMEST : Faculty pf 25 teach ers, 11 .buildings, 7 scientific Sab njiyi' UtChten,; tiut; thp Chances arc agaiiisjt .B5oy didnt have such a chance to4 pyr when I Waa?bov;a3 theyhave now. I 03ed tosyij giye; titeyjys a chance ind tbili. beU-;ng5W but I find tliemor them the more -they sTwantl ? l5ovs - who are i6vc:ryfoBuchmi4chief' and to f mposepOn'Jfje fged and i n firm and chlfdreawill 'never. jeV Aristotlcs, ;Ksp0leaii's;;orrXtnco1ni;' I fear. If a ooy, is goig xq -OB.rtnyuing iiwm begin ifoJShdVitself jivhitn lleforc he ia bending with ld ige, but some "wijlhever :jfekby$iiti'hyen though thcv ( wereent" to ' alt .the colleges Au universitie∈Nath America, while others. will rise through all dif ficuUieS; and climb trttimphantly to the top oLXhevadder!t ','trtfn tenfess-Ja 4he rsost fertile soil ior ai t evi t, -mti .cvu luougnia gerrai ; v Jnst as theHwig is bent so will the tree incline, is not scripture, but it has lots of scriptural mc&cings in it; an I if yoi allow jour boys to loaf around the streets and take drinks with so called friends, and visit gambling dens, you may ex pect them to do the same thing when they grow up to be men, and in so doing can bring nothing but grief and remorse to you and their mother, and you will cry out in the words of David, 'Would God I had died for thee! O Absalam, my son, my son T " ' .'Tis easier to form these habits thau to break them, and the boys will keep on in them, if formed, un less some great reforming agent is used to effect a change, and yoi will (bid the reforming habit, to your mortification, more of an except n than a rule." "I believe in innoccnt&asmacli as anone," the old man kept on without anybody in" particular notic ing him, but when this innocent fun becomes downright cruelty and tor ture it is time it should be sloppeTl. This would be indeed .a dreary world if there were no fun or mirth making in" it, and for mitth there must be mirth-makers, but let us not spend our-time solclv in -making fun but great amount oT resolution and will power to do this, but in the end you will be more than glad you did it. ! And vour dear mother, who watches so anxiously every step you take, will'no longer shed bitter tears "of remorse for you, but tears of joy-will stream from her eye8 when she knows that her boy has reformed, and you will bo no longer a sorrow, but a pleasure to her. No pure, innocent, and sincere girl would think of lov ing one whom she thought she would have to go through life with, if she knew he was always to be saturated with that soul destroying demon whiskey all the while." . "J?oys hear the advice of Uncle Torn and reform before it is too late for when Luciferlays his hands ori you and drags j'ou down Into the bottomless pit, your cries and pray ers will avail nothing. So reform while you have chance." T .' " Fred S. Keys, It. 0. . Fireside Plants. For the Patron and Gleaner.! How important and how necessary it is to cultivate with great care the little fireside plants.for they can when rightly cared for, make home so ap preciative and lovely. I think they arc the sweetest plants that grow: our homo would be ruined without them". " I want to learn through the Glea neb the right way to cultivate these plants. I hope the Editor will write somcthiog on this subject ; he is able to write something worth reading. ; Yhe Vi?Lny unending cares which" surround me, keep"my ideas broken satnoch that I enn't do so well as I nvrsh to4 do. 11 of us (parents) want our little ones to be useful, and as youth is the seedtime of life, then begin in youth to cultivate ; it will never do to leave them oir until they arc older ; so many have gone to eternal ruin by being let btf until la ter. Pracrasti nation is the thief of time. What a sad tiling it is to neg lect the little fireside plants. We should study them with care, place within their reach good reading, give tl.em the Patron and Gleaner to read. Set good examples, speak kind words, by so doing home will be made more pleasant. Life is what wc make it. J A well wisher to the P. and G. M. J. S. Conway. N. C. July G. 18G3. ' The Huckleberry. H is a peculiarity of the huckle berry plant that it cannot be culti vated. It is4 a wild, untamable shrub, indigenous to lowland jijngles, and perishes on the first attempt to domesticate it. It has been identi- fled with that part of the globe em braced by Sampson county perhaps from .he remotest i antiquity. We, may not hesitate to believe that the gallant young Indian brave, who sent his copper colored Juliet a buf falo robe, received in return a buckle- Tho Seventeen Year Xocust. The lives of mostspecics of insects j are veay sliort, lasting from a few days to a few months. There i9 one genus, liowever, which lives for w;v enteen years. This is the Perlodi cal Cfcada pr 17 year locust. Cicada Soptendecini. 'This insect lives in Uie ground for all but about two : weeks of i ts long 1 i fe. 1 1 i ssues from the ground only to pjir and lay its eggs. A. brood of these Cicadas is expected this summer in Moore and Bladen counties and along the R. G. Railroad from Raleigh to Weldon. On account of the long interval be1 twecn broods, few people are famil, iar with the appearance of this insect and a great deal of alarm is usually created when they do appear. The, earliest account we have of the Cica das was written in 1633. They are, says the narrater, "about the bigness of bumble bees.- -They come out of holes in the ground and did eat up every green thing and made such a yelling noise as made the woods ring and ready to deafen people." It is only just to say that thJ yell ing is done exclusively b the males wLo are no doubt celebrating their re lease from the cold ground into the bright sunshine. When these insects appear, they usually do so in swarms and settle by preference upon oak trees Tand next upon apple trees ; but 'where they are very numerous they settle upon fences and all sorts of treea and stamps. Here they-cast their larval skin and come forth as winged insects. . :,- - In the winged state they live but ten days or, so. They do more or less'damage by the femalo punctur." ins yuutig twigs ta place 'her eggfl.. The eggs hatch in about tsix weeks and the young maggot at once drops to the ground into which it burrows aud feeds upon the Juice of the roots it finds there. The winged male insects do not feed, the female does if she lives above a week. These insects are not dangerous to handle as thsy do not bite or sting. Usually it will not pay to attempt to destroy the winged in&cet,but whero it attacks fruit trees or nursery stock, it may be jarred upon , sheets moist ened with kerosene as recommended for the plurn curculip. The Station desires information as to localities in which the Cicada may appear this year and solicits specimens and notes as to time of appearance, trees most infested, dam age done and time of disappearance. Address communications to the Ex periment Station, Raleigh. N. C. Gerald McCarthy, Entomologist. N, C. Experiment Station. Talk about those subjects you havo had long in your mind, and listen to what others say about subjects you have studied but recently. Knowl edge and timber shouldn't be much used till they are seasoned, j Whereas judgement was rendered on the 4th day of July. 1883, iu a proceed ing for partition of land, wherein Cha, .S. Bnvce wa plaintifT, and W. E. Wood roof, Sarah L. Wood roof, Geo. P. Boyce. Elizabeth A. IJoycc, infants, and W. E,4 Wood roof th'ir Guardian, and Elizabeth T. lioyce flefendauU, in favor of Eliza, beth A. Iiyce now the wife of J&me Wood rjof,. and &aiut It Xo. I.MOW loribefJ. thert iti aliouel to Sarah L ting sun hides himself behind the 0f this day. bile a quart of berries j 5iu her M ff0m March 2i,isS3,to be up and doing and fill our places berry pie. The Tuscaroras ofNorth Csrolina had no canning factories, and could not send "big blues' to the Mohawks of New York by the At- ments, hours, and days that are use-1 Iantic Coast Despatch or the South lessly spent can never be recalled Urn Express, and doubtless enjoyed and gone over again. When the set- j more of them at home than do we in the great arena of life as best we can, and take fun-as a past time and not a business. The golden mo- NOTICE. A want of reverence and respect tor senior. Correct: r.z persons older than your- ratories library of 20,000 vol- If. especially parents. :. times, 316 students. Receiving .a . present without an IxsTin rTiov-i rrpnpral rinirses: ' expressing gratitude. Vj C brief courses ; prolcssionui cours- . --Vb - j bati nabil8 or trails, give them up at i . . . ' story. , . . - es in law, medicine, engmecnug . Eauhin- at the mistakesof others. oncc- If you smoke cigarettes never and chemistry ; optional courses, j Jokii" of others in company. j put another in your mouth ; if you ket, berry pies arc luxuries which few Sampsonians enjoy. The fifth avenue nobility sport blue y teeth while we rattle dimes of Gotham in our pockets. The buckle berry is a delicacy which has not beenduly ap preciated in Anglo-Saxon circles in the past. Had it been, Jack Horn- Expenses : Tuition, $GO per year. '-'Commencing talking before others visit bar rooms or gambling dens j er would have with bis thumb taken Western horizon j-ou may be sure that you will never see that day again, i and that you are one day nearer eternity than ever before." ;So boys aud young men, let me admonish you that if you have any Scholarships and loans -for ibe j bavc finished speakin never go into another-pr'"V needy, President Wiuston, Chaicl Ilill. N. C. I Answering questions that have j Jo 1 I been put to others. j s ,, . J Cocimencinto cat as soon as you i .oung men iuiu au y net to the tabic. selected. ; swear leave that olt J is worth 10 cents iu Washington mr- i be pail out of Ta Xo. 1. for equaluyf oi pariiuoii. uinniiic uj m.n-j of one execution in my I.andg Issued nii.'er tyii'd Judgement returnable to Au2ut term l&A. of N'orthamptoti Siu perir Court in favor Elizabeth A. ' lioyce fow Wx!roof, for aid amount ajjaiii-'i' I-ot Xo. 1. I viil. on ilonday, the 7tb day of Auut 1S33, attheCouir hotiM. dxjr "m the town of JackMtj Xorthatnpt4n County, fell for CaH by public auction a tract of land situated iu said Couuty, tHuz Lot Xo. 1, jn the division of SmI P. liovc land, bli a lh tract on wrhiclt W. B. WtJrf andj wife no live to Ptbfy ad rxecullou and cost, ThU July Ht 1603- 31. F. .Stanckli, SlitritT 7-0-U Northampton Couiily, knethingout a huckleberry instead of a pluoif dl of ! from hi Christmas pie, and been a fyou ; far happier boy. Sampson Demo- - - . ;e a jcraU . I 7 - - -w - 1 - - 7

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