PERSONAL -ANT) NEWS'KOTES. ' s t - ! - ' I Xortliamrvton 38 are tauerht -hv Alx sirrfWon : ' . " 7 x ne "green ,gaous ienpi ew -.York are floodinexxmntrridth circulars offering.comiterfeit men- ' ey veryjow. ' " v ' ' ' ' ' ' ' last Monday. -Many people were engage : in rjhdrse trading . whieh seems to be a favorite occupation at Jackson on jirst Mondays. Thejre are 385 young men attend- ing the University at Chapel HilL ; near Jacksou, was a welcome Yis--This has'beenrthermpat.prosper-!tor. village last Saterday. , ous year- it- has enjoyed since the I schools are till eiX.aV , war. Tlie future prosjeis for: it tended. Ibe :teaeh-s..are doing .are very bright. j good M3rk and not a word of cops ' ' .' ' : jplaint has ; been heard from any President, Clevelanil and Secre-, , taiy Gresham . spent . a few days r the past y,eekrlrttiiirjg in the-Eas- iern part of this-State. - They, vis- l ited Roanoke Island and points of jiistor5c?J interest in that vicinity, We will send"Tlie'"Vreekly New York World ..amUthe -Patron ANp .;Oleaker both for one .yexr for $1.50. The Patron. and. Gleaneh and theosmopolitm; one the best Mzzims ,T)jab!ished, for 1 Lasker 'Grange -is still, growing. New members are being taken in .and old ones, coming back to their first dove. . t The ; members are sar ing money by. biiyng together. -Partisan poli tic3 is neyey discassM in tlj.6 Grie. r The roatlBedule on the-Roan- oke and Taf : River rail road has 1een changed as srggsted by the -yrRON AND Gleaner ant! the mail row 'comes -through without d 'lav. Raleigh and Norfolk papers arrive here Tt .-2 h 03 Jtlay of .piiblicatioj After a; suspension of .only-, one ,week, Mr: -JE. rW. Garish, Super intrndent of fhe Guramer Co's. ex tensive dii-piber operations in -NortlmuiptoB', lias resumed work, This :is a f?re;it -benefit to adarrrrt T ' x 1 j;.,- ., , J ,number of wprkmg men in this ounty and puts nich money iu circulation w this vicinity, Dr. W. S. Black, Superinten dent of Qxfqrd Oi)han Asylum, ipted the office of Presid ing Eldor forlh 'Wanciiton Ii. trict of the -North Carolina Con ference, and tendered his resigna tion as Snperintendent of . the Asylum. The Directors will mee soon to elect his successor. About a year ago a Brooklj'n, N. Y;, firm Jlooded the country with circulars offering to .enlarge pctiires ftxa of charge. Many un suspecting -ieojie sent their pho tographs and soen l-Gceived ac- kiiowleiigement 0 same, with re- quest, to send a, small amount for a nict frame to pat the picture in. Those who did so received about a '25 cent fitune for which thev! paid from $2.00 to $3.00. Those'3 that of ber husband's surname, who Refused to send the money ! ani t,J convenience in genealogical for tho frames Lave never received ! research anUpl tranacliocs, are their photorrarhs back. Another two reans ototsiQpt iioportance firm innw .n'mJnUcdr,)"' iTriui,u we coujuiuauuu wrc,v.; h v ' V " M l. IJl AM W VW OtfC V til up tne anaus of the oh, concern and want a rvro cent stampi sent them to pay the ixj&togo for the return of the photograph. ' Those who sendee stampof nevjer Hear froni it "ag?tfn aft that is another scheme t4 HH?ce' the nn- fitispecting;. WhencTer. a fim of- fers a dollar for -ten cents it is wafit to let it aloiie. ' rLasker Locals. The mail schedule has - bean on time. Fdrm work-Las. progressed erj .b'.'" this vwwty or ft ; ""- -vvr ; 3 7. - iPfW. glit J :Honie riseat.a.rdlTe peen ,011 sale -here nearly all ie .winter, - taking the place of the ! I JV. .Gerrish resumed ; iafc .Tnesdayr much to, the :2V the a fimmber,,oi jnen whom he employs. Miss Georgia -M -;Bro wn , - of 'MprfieesljQio, who is fteacMig j i 1 ' ' i. source Hincejhe schools ppened. .TJbe teachers of Laslcer school, Miasms Annie and MAayet .r- and Miss , Medie-aier :ar4 er brother spent st riday v.niat.very pleasantly at Itev. U ni. Mr. 7 Smith N. rickhonse, of Norfolk, Va., spent last Tuesday night very pleasantly Avith his old friend, Mr. Jere Brown. Mr. Bricjdiouse has many warm friends bx this .eqniy wjiio.irelwaysglaej We are glad tbat we b&ve nosiek ness t rafOft this week. Tbc frcners seem to be taking tbe advantage .of the very nice weather wbieia weure Laving tli i a week. The coLLon acreage of this section will not be rcducjed tin's year as tnucli p.s itxwght to b, so 1 UB(ierstaul. -. Good may are winj5 Ht3 tlii week, bat gay .lla-ey doa tespet much of a leroy 46 it tuost UHt l-j&u-iA sow thee?.. ' . Tive farrs of thisuS.ctioTrvill not use a9.mli lioaiei made mdnuw this lie$' v:mU have used h it Ueea fiofftle weather for . Mr. W.J.Boone will leave; us this week tor llaiupton; Vh.; hi uUce of business. We hope his . jipv this ti roe, has been pleasant enough to induce liiiu to corns again soon. The Rehoboth Literary Soc!y met io regular aeasiofl loat Taesd ay . , - , j , . ciiih. Tli leaders and members o4 the society ought to JJcel greatly en courBgied in tlnyr wroi. The people of tits neighbrfiifKJ.I manifest their iuterestin the sciety by their regu lar attendance. The society ,bs decided" to cbise aftr. April, till tke tall, .Mention will be'niade later ot an eatefl.ainejent which we hope to give to tbe public. Jkwey Rehohoth, JsT. f?., Mar. 7, 1894. Fashions in GlrlS Ifantes The most important change in the naming of girls has been the growing disinclination to give them more than one name, the object of this be ing tliat o-Leu a -.'woman marries she may easily combine her full maiden name with ber new surname, writes Mrs. Ilaraittoti Mott iu the March iyubes' . Uome Journal. A thrco won! signature t9 muc-i fucttier and ? more convenient than one composed of four words. Then, too immedi ate recognition of her own, as well : tliere no ethers. " : With tlii.3 fashion' in girls' naroesj has corae, as in boys, a disincb'iia. lion to cse ditcinotive or pet names. Mcllies, Magies, Ktiesaxd. the-va scarce as" tbeir masculine' counter ! parts Jicimic and Willie. Mary, Margaret and Katharine have taken j the place of the forme, and James I he place of the forme, and James j and WilliaTTj of tb? ial?cr. " i and WiiliafTj of tb? lat?er. i WINDSOR LETTi . nnri nxy rw T DUXSTAN TO MISS TATJ-OE TtlE ttl9 RESUME wor-K .jpebj&oals jScc. Mr.. AIL Jiollocian, of r LewistQo, ,peRt ju i,n Wpar laSt:Tue3. 'jaay. tMissM. A. DunsUarelcrRed fipm Vr H 1 yjtaston on Moml ay ijj, Athere 6iic has been forsameUme pact. - Mr. Jaa.iD.tBatsaan. the popular traveirin .salesrasn. ..was in town Wednesday ,an4 rhur&day of list week. Misses Daisy .,and?Lillie-Brett, at Lewiston, spent-llie da;', .Tuesday, vHM tbeir: brBther's, Mr. peo. T. Kretrs family. ; ' . Afr. W. R. TolLnson -lias -finisbed tie term of bi solwaol neaf Welling ton -and is now iiar'd rat wock-Qn )? farm . a'botit two tbe county. We learn from the Manager of ie County Fara tiiat lie had a death among the jioor on Jusfi Friday .Philip Rawls. lie was about ,5 years old. The yoiing petjle of tbe tjw had a storm party at the resideuoe ofi)r. is. B. Kenny, about two ciiles in the county, on last Wdnesdaj' flight. They enjoyed Uieusek'es iojraen- seiy. . Mr. Vile31 G. Askew has returned from Martin, county where fee Las been for several months leaching school. He states that he thinks -of giviiig up teaching &n eeterreg xip attther business which - will be for 5 i fe. . -Tiie weathef we re g3dJo,iwte t. u&s fcs3eareu acu we tiave lr several days past had beautiful weather. The farmers have taken advantage of it, to put in lots of good telling work. Our-siuall gardeners are also planting their gardens. -. The uulls of the Cs.ahic and Ban tifec. Eail Jloa4 a?.d Lumber CoV at II owrd, startil op tlie.-firstcof-tiiis inoath a fall Xiiroe.haiits. They knve bce skutidowfj fcr ievtr. & niO.siit' past AtitV o'li-. trfi.ia j siuflVred frosi the elfots uOite This cnuipatsy- givcb erDprOyueiiC ia alt i:s .bohiciics fii ..tins 'cottn't jto alxit ice-i and pays out aloutC00i to $&u0.-'-per, coi ili.;,- ye; are.:gjad t note Ibia fact it ijasujvs ns letter time - 1 -. Our popular physician,: Dr. ii. V: Dunstan,: was united in te bonds of Holy Matrimony, to:.- Miss Bessie Tayloe. sis er of joar merchants, Messrs. C. . &. R.. TavIoe, on last Wednesday uiofjiing at 1 1. o'clock at te. residecee ot tbe bride's brother. "Mr. Charles Ta) loe, atMXit eight Jiileg in the eotm. Jtey Z. Tr.twrfc6fVP the former Mctiiodist minister at thie place preforujed the ceremony. There' were present only lucimmo- J (4iateiv family and a few intiovate IrieudG. Dr. and Mra. Dunstan then droves to Aulaudcr where they took tli train for t4e JCortli. Tiiey vis ited aaiongjthr places Richmond, W.siinglon and Suffolk.- TlW hap- py couple .returned on Monday and went tt their residence on Queen Street which bas recently been put in lirst cUfiR, repair and altered to.aj great extent. Aljwir people wel come . him - and bis i -bride and wbdi for them a long life, health and pros perity. . - . Caholls.; Windsor, N. C, Macb 6, 1894. . Acknowledgements. Tiiesibllowing persons- liav sub scribed "or i renewed .theirsubscrip- 1 jtions si nee last issae: G. Cooper, j j Merry -Hill ; arocs G.-Bazemore. j j Drew ; J. 0.: t'lythe, Duiway VWra. j j Garris and O. S. lVuden. Seaboard ;u Ward, GarystMirg ; J css Iirake, Pawky Mout Col. W. H. Roomy J. W Kfalo, Jackson ;;L. W? JBojcc, Ttteii Jfuare ;-W. Ji Bne,' Hfijap- Easoq, Mtses Boon.c, jsam!. Whit- ley, Woodland;.J. X. Crowded, Las- kerj W. II. iiujalo. Jacjcsott ; N. i Bricjihouse, Norfolk, Va. j Mis Ida Brittoo, C. B. F. loltte, Mux-.j. Brit too, 1 freboro. frebnro. . . - tFROM-UPPER NORTHAMPTON' WIXAT , HAS HAPPENED IN TIC AT sec- - 4 " --'- - - - J We are that M rs. G. C. Hodgers. wbo wa,reiofkd as be ing very sick, is impioving. We are sorry to note that Mr.Lkacwn) bad beeu a .member. f the r Ben -Suiter, tbe obliging Post M&a Jler at .jSarysbur.g is confined to his bed viih-the Gcippe. vMrs. .-Sailie tTiller, o.f Emporia, -tVa.t Uas been eling ,a few days at ( her 4 Roanoke : .river, farm seeing fler And arranging jvitli her ten- UaU, , , , lissfldaPugb is teacbiog school in district ?u. - . Miss Ida enjoys tbe reputation ef being a gjod teach. er. Sie seems to take an interest in ,her. school. . i Mrs. N. T. Pearson, who wa9 re ported & few days ago as better, has Lsiiice that writing been dangerously ill. We are g'ad to note sbe U im proving iig din. j We -arc pleased to Rote that Mr. Samobinon, who is suffering with & whitlow, is seuae better. The pain was so severe as to give him chiUs .and to make bina "ery siek otherwise. Cato Moore, and Mrs. Katie fin gram, two respected colored people, vvere married (in Cool Spring church of the colored people) last -Thursday cveRiBg. liev. Guy Powell, colored, oSciatig. j ' We were wrongly informed as to Master Eil win Zolli coffer as havisg Meninsitis. It is St. Vitus daee.1 The" Doctor, has taken hi ia to Rieh sond again this week, and will prob ably have to carry him several times before tbe treatment is over. ' Romik. March 6, 1894. Knowledge should be the foundi lion upon which w build. " NOTICE IN ATTACHMENT. Northampton County, ustjees Owurt. Cbas. S. 5arno., .h G MeTrab L. B. Can- j , non, trading ai Ciar- Ht-Inre ' - 5 nerMeNear; Co., - Vv'C Jbvner, . 'TMaintifts, . j. P. ... - Against , 5 .' Ji WanLMi Alien, . . . . . . .. Di'feiwliint, J pic 'bondced ud tWrtjMo ilolars nd due by recount. l tVafraut fsAtta'.:unint ivetiirnaiile be- fore W. T.' JoyiH'r J. lt liis office. iarvsburr, 111 saRlcountvouttatunlay. the '7th day of April," I91, at 12 o'clock noon, at which- time and place the de ftMidantf A'a'ivii Allen, is hereby no tmed to appear xi'd answer the said complaint, fate(V Marclr 3, 1S94. : G a UN EH, McNtAL Co 3-S-4t. PUiutiffd. NOTICE IN ATTACHMENT! Niorth Carol inn, 1 N Noithanitou County, j f. M.t). SqtiircPl'ff. iirPrfr. 1 Before W. T.Joyner. J,Wr;n Allen, DTt.J J. P. One lujndred and five dollar?, due by account,, ' - . Wat-rant of attaeonent returnable be fore V. T, Joyner, J. P at his office, in Garvsbnrtr, in paid courtv, on Saturday the 7th day of Aixril. 184. at 12 o'clock, noon. t wlifcli iinse and p4ace tte de fendant, J. Warren -Allen., 4 lieroby iwv tilied to appear and answe the said epinptaJul. II HS. M. O. ixiUlTE, Dated Phiintif. .Varcb C, IS04. 3-S-5t COPYRIGHTS. CAH I OBTAIN A LATENT? for a procapt nwr and an b on est ooiBfos. writ to VSr M C SS A: t'O.j wiio-haye bad oeartx fifty Mra ezpcripnoeUkiap patent -bsBM. Commmitc t tlona strlctJf confidential. A lia4book of la- ; lorxaatlon conoernftff lti ttmtn nd bow to ob- tain tbem aent free. Ao a catalogue of nwchtit. j ksal mm. acientlfio books ent free. ' 1 taien tiroab Wapn ft Co. weetT ! -special aoUeelntfan.Hrlentlflc Amrriran: and ' k'JSa. thua are brought mWeiy before tbe poUie witiw egpg er oat cost to tbe tn Ten tor. itite nlezxndDap7, ' ' ' turned weck?r.eiCKazitJTHInatxafcl.liaarjTfartbe t laiVPrt rrraiatoa of anr Bcientiflc work In U ugi&f&XSZ ZlLJf'o dooms, van piaau,asmtTif bullaera toaDow ta latfrt assigns and secure ooxrtrscta. AddreM . ML'M & CO., MTr Toaa. 361 BitaalfWAT. - i virtu, be TO 33-4. SXCLUS EvrtTYijDCAtrrY HAVl 3 p PAST 6U.U S5.A DAY CaiI K r 1 J'Jsi! J oXK'-rACXVfc: i r CCr3ii'l, fecreta t-i ttAsojv OBITUAUIES. Departed this life at the residence of Natbao Farker.'i riday. February, '-23. : 18D4, Mrs..KlisabciU AVuUma- ting in . the 71 year ..of ber age -Miss Bettie" (as sue -was fatn Iliarly Baptist cbFcU ibrvO yean, and dur ing all this Umehi Jtitheisieti ftteadsast in ber Savior. -6be oa diligent in reading her Bible and regular in attending her church ser vices. Though she was not confine to her bed but a few days beCure- her deatb, yet she had been a sutferer quite a while. HanyJ;ind friends assembled around her bedside as tbe end tke w. ear and itJecs d;coyereil that she crossed the-riyer with a -song of ,ion fall'Bg from her dying lips. Her fiuneral services ucre conducteil by Rv. A. Cree .of the Baptist cburclu True shaleitves no cblldrea to mourn for hir,:her busUtixi al? dparteditbis life niany years before., yet.ibe leAvea soiae..wArm frienda to remember her ; and ttoighabe be dead ber i nfluenee 11 1 i ves. ii u a; , tbree weeks previous to the death of tiie Aboye naaaed, God sent the death aagel to this Mime hnuftebold and called -luwee littie OllieC. daughter of Mr. and Us. Nathan Parker How strange that Cod ifeould ha7e called the oldest and alirwost at the same tinie one of the youngest from iue Aarae borne, I The one an old and ti&ed ruse,; the other, a tiny bud. U wa. heart rending to witness the bu. rialof this, darling little lamb.; She hift a twin stater, and althougblvery young, yot tliey .bad begun to love and, phiy with eackx.thcr in their in? tipceat baby ways. No doubt the pweots entertained fend hopes for Ur . jiear little twUi dfuugbters,. but God & nowsj ust srkea to pluck these litUe buds and transplant them in Uia jgarilen to bJooora undisturbci by ,-tlic polluted air of earth. Re-r uiember dear .ones little Olliejs in bea.vep awaiting your arrival. Strive to meet her at.tlm golden gate where you t&ui forever, c.ijoy the cornpan-!-ionship ot .each other. True jouc family chain is broken and a golden Unj: ; taj:en therefrom, but in heaveu rtlieoa hii.ll be no Ijroken family ctrr cles,.no pece sorrow any kind but joy and peace forever. .May wc all . endeavor to live nearer to Jesustau4 at last errjoy the rest that remainell; to God's people. . O. E. L. Itiis the -balding springs that flwi gentlyt the little riyulet w'aich runs along, day aod niglii ty .the farni ljou8e,that i9 nsoful, rather than the , - . swolew Cood.'or tbe roaring cataract. yOODLAUD, II. C, MftnirfactuKr and Dealers iu ICS, Carriages, Harness, Wagons, Carts, &c.,&e. Vr to a.nounc to t1 that I are now prepared to .loi UmU of 'work' in I 1ms aive ln and at r? a-uiiRltc jriccrf. llorse-sjioeing and Bcpairing tjouipt!y aftTulf A ia ad ! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, ! If ypu are in need of a ' ! Bugy, Cart, Warjoffr Pat Iness don't fail f 9 fret pur pneee. SON & CO.. TO t 1