I- GLEANER TBK PATRON 0 I.A5KER, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, K- Cy THURSDAY, KAY 31, 1894. NO. 22. -' I " 7 ' DIRECTORY. V)KTHAMPTO POMONA QUAKOE. t&U- looking Back. For the Patron and Gleaner.J r A E Peeh - Overeer. N"ez- I gazed on the Vy at sunset. L Griffin; Stewart, 11. , cretary, E. C. Allen ; I, A. S., Isabel ,eoatch;-' Cere, Mr. J. W. unm.i ; om.vi:, Mr. U. C. Laadter;. Flora, r. M. 'L. Lane. f.g nuartedy on the 4th Tueudays t April, uly, October and January of ach year. ; QTlVq TVTAPAf AT oo the principal thoroughfares ijlAljJ JN liiill A JM along which visitors bad to pass acre decorated, and many or uiem eiaoo- MILLINERY! I announce to toy friends and the Kiblic generally that I am now re- bpivin0' irons l ait i more iVork my Spring Stock of Milliner Goods Of the latest Styles and Fashions. r am determined to sell them at Would oe pleased to have you call and examine my Stock before purchasing Goods In this Line. Respectfully, Bias. J. H. Spcvev, L9ker, N.C. As dartfcht was fading fart. WhH ttw. o ;jave tvack hi Jjtory To th eScwids lhat nVated past. And I silently renumbered How oft had the gnu gene down In days that had long departed And left me wearing a frown. And how often! oh, how often Have my days been spent In vain, And with deeo rwrrets and sorrow Have my tears dropped ilown liwe ram: And how often have ray efforts Been but failure, at tlietr Dest, And my heart sunk down repinit.js As the sun sank :n the west. Second Commencement a tSttf- illatiiiiiiuciii ouivck i many sites. rven uw . .. flnmincr with Dec .......aa omrotft wairona. norses. t xw r r innPFn HflJinniin'S PRIDL btcvcles. and almost all conveyance,. j pie anxious to be present at the x- I ject from the standpoiotofa patrlrl. American statesman. e uavc not the space to nttempt to gi-e any ex. tracts from his great fpeech bat may do so later. a n m. the chanel waa av r v - - - - a were decorated with the colors of the ercisca of Uie graduation class. Tle young ladies aqaitted thenntelvca with creUt to themselves and honor to the instUution. At the Hoe of DRESS GOODS. T.iidjff I If n want of a beautiful l awn, Percale, IW -or Whtt Dress, i-oine to see We have an tten stock of the ffool now in. STEI'nTKNSOK & IlAKHIS!, with Cuxton Jfc Bauoham, 5.I7.U Rioh Square,". C Tlien in stranger lands I wandered, Seeking peace and joy and rest Rf a'.inar iik-ter disanpointMient-- Wasted hours and heart distressed. But what are my, faults and failures, Causing deep regrets and pair? Loving monitors to warn me Not to walk that way again. And t hough this heart has been decoyed Far, faraway to roam, Twill only help me more to love 'Hie peace aud Joy of home. G. H. It. Myrtle Rest, May 24, 1S04. Normal. These, with the kind ex Mattv niafino-iiiahd La prcssions o me cu.u dies and Gentlemen. r- .-- ... h:ulie ercis- Mrs Itrysn.tl.. unmist&Kanie evinenwa m c,- . r.i V.0 SPPEk esteem in HUiC.H.eGreea.boropj. dutiful wife of U,e -tor oftb. BBYAN S GBEAT SPEECH jn8lllotioa of ,,ay. made a ukhI excellent ad.Ucsi 1 . . . &- , . .i ... .i tr iiiA voiincr wotnen of tlve schod. Tbrillfd Ois Inmens Audience by lib Blatchless Eloqctnce--Ui Brilliant Wif. THE PLACE TO BUY MILiItlHERV IGENL GORDON'S LECTURE. AJf IMMENSE CRO'P GREETS HIM AND HUNDREDS TURNED AWAY VUST AS EA8Y TO 8TOP THE FLOW OF ' THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER TO THE OCEAN AS TO KEEP ' THIS SCHOOL FROM BEING A SUCCESS." An event long to Ue remembered in the history of North Carolina was the second annual commencement of the State Normal and Industrial Pafvpn "Pathfir and Son. Vvn . ... I VUC QWliC " w iinvo' a rriftt deal to sav in I echini fnr rnnntr women wituated in our literature aboat the confidence tue hospitable and heaatiful city of .i u :.f Ur.uun a mot itr ri..,clwtM ir fZn 1 ftrd r.fMlri tv. 'Where that slKiuld exist lietween a mother and hec daughter, but we ignore al together too much the "frankness .that pbould exist, between a father and his in, writes Eiward VV. Bok in -At Home with the Editor" io the June Ladies' Home Journal. It is I am constantly receiving ncw,not rigbc to expect that our girls shall bear the wiKje Durctea oi aiorui responsibility'. Our boys must taught that the world expects A Tightness in a man just as n.uctvas u VKiks for it io a woman. . If the nicer L.r tUv at . nrutccted buao unfair I n.orai discrimination, that is no rea- son why the men of tomorrow f-iioum io so sheltered, i f it is for women to things in Ladies' andChildrens Hats mm m . m and trimmings; natronage soiicitett desire aiso thank my friend 1 wd patrons for their confidence ano liberal ntrms tiiis season and fs'hal! try ad m-crit a. continuance of the sane. Yours Respectfully,-' Miss Alma Bishop, Buxton & Baugham's Store. 5 17 4t Rich iquare. N C the last witched battle of the Revolu tion was fought and. where the clos- ins scenes of that memorable strug. gli, the W,ar between the States, was enacted. Ye once felt some regret thatChe first institution in North Car ottria established for white women bv State aid was not located at the city of Raleigh ; but after goi' g to G reensbonr tin the occasion o f the second commencement and seeing and knowing of the generosity nd tiosnita'ity of her neof .. 'and' their irreat love and work fnr education. we are convinced that no mistake mH in lix!atin this great n AO a-i.w . - " r learning which is destined o uo so mach good for the good old North State. ": Rc 10.30 o'clock an enormous crowd had assembled to the Normal and Industrial School chapel, every available space being occuptea ana many had to be turned away. On the rostrum were seated about a hun dred destinguished gentlemen and ladies who came to do honor to this occasion. Among this large number, besides Mr. and Mrs. Bryan we no- ilced Governor and Mrs. EH as Carr, Chief Justice and Mrs. Shepherd. Mayor James E. Boyd, Judge Dick of the Federal Court, Rev. Dr. Ad kins editor of the Christian Advo cate, Attorney General Osborne, Rev. J. T. Michaux, Mal.'S. M. Hn- ger Er State Superintendent of Pub to the voong wotoen of tle schoid. We have no space at present to speak of the able and Appropriate address of Gh'et Justice '.Shepherd f Uie Supreme Coort of North Carolina in nrceentiog the bound volumes or the Constitution of the United State and that of North Carolina to each of the graduating class ; nor of the sermon ol Bishop Rondthalcr from the text, lie opened his ear '.lo dis cipline, -.which was indeed happily conceived and ably delivered ; nor or the happy effort of Rev. Jesse I'age, f If nrranton. in presenting the Bi bles to the eight graduates ; nor of Gen. Gordon's speech to the stodcnls in which be cooiplimcnled North Carolina npbn having within its bor ders this splendid institution, and in illustrating the hold it has upon tue lie Instruction. Capt. S. A. Ashe ed hearts and affections of the people Sireee-wor to BarTTON t KlCHOtS, isanti PR000CE ,iS1 COMMlSSjOSMERCHANT. P.-rsooaV attention given to the sale of K-zss- Poaltry,' Tas Pe'-uuit, Live Stik, Jotat3. Fmi', Lambs, yege ahles, and all Country Produce. 24 Commerce St., Norfolk, Va. Kf fere net', Bank of .Commerce. 4-'My. t ilpptre to announce to my friends an.l the public generally that I have now opened 'a branch of taf business at Seaboard. N. C, and ant prepared to do all fcmds of coach making, blacksmith work and repairs. I thai! also carry in stock a nice line of Baggies, Fur- niture, etc., etc. Undertakiiig a Specialty. WtKi-lfiv and Aletaiiio luriai cases always in stock. I have rvceni ly fitted up a new Hearse. Respectfully, am 3L D. L. Harris. DR. G. M. BROWN, V W00DLAD, If. C, Teeth extracted wlttout palu. Mi.-afj tluir cuoeentioo of the moral I schwd auiong such noble people. siandar;! for men. it is fir the young We arrived at GreensUiro Tties- tnen of tod ay to ..adjust themselves uj day evening way zz. mmi --'fe" -A healthv i whprp. we had the oleasure of hear- ' '.' i i,ft (iftrwlAvl in.r Vrtrthiiranttjn's distinguished. ot- irMllKIICB9 imU-wcciJ , . . j . iu6 r ' and their fa-hers is the first step. ator, Hou. T. W. Mason, deliver a This is man's part in the aim for so great oration at the laying oi iut inl firitv. Womeo must cease corncr stone of the Confederate j - . their blinking L actions in men monument erected in memory of the which they will not tolerate io wo noble Confederates who aiea ngut men: men, to w-hom experience has (ng for a cause they believed to be fold to the voonger hust. men. It is a favor to a boy that bis committee of citirens were at rMi.'nffa I.r11 he analvEed for him by the depot to welcome Governor and ;- ti.is occasion but at any tie his father; that he be taught that his Mrs. Eli as Carr. Chief Justice and cy couia make it convenienlTf selfcontrol, or his loss of it, means Mrs James E. Seepherd. Col., J. S. v,sit lhl8 school hich belongs to an ascent or a descent in the social 1 Carr and Mrs. Carr. of Uurham. f 'ri : MA harm in f.f,lKr I Ci.u Cirworirfmflnt ScarbOTOUgb, Itcaie. iucic n iiw - r o mi. pointing out these things to bis son ; Attorney General Osborne aud other . , man chfuilil I nr. itir rnidlv fillin? ieCtS IO OO SO. a jhuu iuuou.... ye iwuu - - -t j o never be expected io any point of up with visitors and many evidences ... ' T I. ; Taflw . a. Via trrmrxd ctOC.asion CuUraiity lr C-fa siivw vticsw v- - cf er can explain and warn his against, notwithstanding ihe threatening rain - ; . the next aay. There IS a Boy I Can Trust. Ou Wednesday morning Hon. Wil itor of the News Ohserver Chronicle. lnf. Lee T. Blair, Prof. Joseph Holmes State Geologist, Capt, T. D. Boone and Ex Judge W. P. Shaw of Hertford county, Mr. B. F. Aycock, Col. Jno. R. Webster editor of Web sterns Weekly, Mr. J. A. Odell. Prof Alexander Graham. Dr. II. B. Bat tle, Hon. Jno. C. Scarborough. Rev. Ur. J. Weaver o( the M. E church. Col. Jiillan-S-Carr. Pr. R- U Ktancell. J. M. Spainbour and many others. After every available space in the large chapel was filled to its utmost capacity Dr. Chas. D. Mclver. Prsiiicnt of the Scl.ooi, arose aoi stated "that owmg to illness Superin tendent Scarborough wKikt not ppeaK as announced in the programme. The morning exercises were then opened by a song of invocation by students of the school ana: an appro priate prayer by Uev. J U. vtcayer. D. Presiding elder of the oretns lnro District, after another song Dr. : . Mclver extended on behalf of the faculty and directors of the icstitu- tion a cordial welcome to all, noton the people ot the State. Governor Carr then arose u min duce the orator of Ute day aud was greeted by long and continued sp-nlause. .... After the applause had subsided he introduced the speaker in a short. appropriate speech, every wora do iog to the (oinL When Mr. Bryan, who is a very handsome man oi com- said it was' just as caiy to slop the flow of the Mississippi to tue ocean which would have to be clone Dy building a dam as high as the snow capped mountains and the babbltug brvks which trickled down their, sides ic which it has its source as to tear down this school or keep it from being a success. We also will have to defer reference to Ida oelcbrateil lecture, '-Last days mm m of the Confederacyv- delivered a nitz'it to an Immense audience. It'C- commencement was a grand euc:es in ecry way. There were 390 young ladies at this schwd the paet session and as many more applied for admission who had to be turned away for lack of room. And not a line of advar- tisement was inserted in any news paper in the State. This shows-the great demand for and popularity of this school. There were eight lull graduates this ye&r ; twenty who re ceived certificatcsof proficiency entit ling them to teach io;iny school in the State for five years without exami nation ; and five more who received certificates for proficiency in the bus iness course, all of whom could writ eighty words and over per minute of original matter in sitort hand, one of whom. Miss Rachel Brown, could write one hundred and twenty words ner minute. She has been elected stenographer of the Teachers' As sembly at Morchcad city which con venes in Jone. Twenty young ladies, graduate!, of J. D. Riddick & Co.? Ccmmission ' Merchants, 'ioi Crawford Sr., PORTSMOUTH. VA. TVTAKE specialty of Eggs, Hams AX and Poultry. Quick sales. Prompt returra witu check. Correa pondence solicited. Reference., People Bank, Portsujoutlh Va. greeted with lood, prolooged ap- lause. I Mr. Brvan lcgan his speech by saying that tt was always a pleasure to Lim to speak to the studenU of the couotry. He anmiunced that the sut Ject he had chosen was "Money." and apologized for bib subject by savin' that it was all iroportanl luai tiere IS a Hoy 1 tan irusu Uu weancsoay umiuiug .. .. wbo ,9 a very uaiiuwnuv " Wp once visited a public schK)l. liam J. Bryan, from Nebraska, a mandiog presence, arose lie was . RcnresenUtive in Congress, . wiio. etd wltU loud. irolooged ap- l" v ..... A .orm od has made a co down Uw pIatrorm,t tue master u.a - fe" V"w-" V . . ! i ..OTi.tof um in his fisht for said: "That is a boy 1 can irusi. , He never failed me.- We followed tariff reform ana v. ben he took his xt nr recess e id . fine. opca. manly face, woman. - ' We tlwht a goMl deal about the na-.uww.' y - , jr-- . maker's remark. What a character ingttm Mty auu - tue . - - , . Hp had al- not- by a committee or citizens ano on Ue great question . "' " v had that Uy earned! He had al pot ty hand ofChar-Hh.t -hil man is considered the " u"" ; . . ,,., ,- , Uie Ul lite Uehbow. U cdusI liave teen times cUe.l u.e neo.. d. "... a passport into the cal 1M B .osDirine'kW.allv tutned iLe Lead. Mr. ii, .rvMira Rrranaatbev Rrran made & irreat, grand, rosgom- rode from the depot in Ue early !cnt speech, one long to be remem morniog to see the extensive decora-; bered by all who beard him. ano tlons goinj on and the ciy potting hen be becomes President of the , ...j... ,..0,nii,Pirhon.!iTnii StatM that soe:h will atiH OO a coiinay BtJi m,"- : - , or and the occasion of the commence- fresh in the minds or our people. . , .k -- it tke auch Mo nothing otTeDsive to any one. iu.. mJ ht ia better, into the Vll-Y, - ' . . . , confidence aon respect ov iv coramunitv. We wonder if the hoys know bow soon they arc rated by otber people. Every boy in the ia known, and opinion are"formed of him ; he has a charac ter either favorable or onfavorable. A boy of whom tne master can ... - . a i.:. .ho narr failed me. "l can trust uiui - . a iti jy oi wauu vc - - j meat in wmcu j " a trust him ;he never failed me. ro.n4fDl and conspicaous a part, did not iof Uon the name of any po never want employmenL-Our I iLop wi fcc- litical paxty. bt di:ud Lis sub. b Animal. j rill Dumb Animal other female colleges in the State, who attended Una school this year did I.; gradua e but are likely to d j so next year. President Mclver speech in ptc senting the diplomas to the gradu- j ating class was the best of U.e kind we ever heard. It was indeed hip pily couceived ad ily delivered shoaing him to Iff a broad minded, patriotic mao. fully realixiog his duty as a citin ad as preuaentoi vu wreat school over which he preside . with saJx signal ability. Wherever a Uu wife cocnes. homi . alaayaaroundhir. The stars may K over ber head, the glow worm im the night's cold graca may be the fire at her feet, lot lotc is wtere ahe ta. and for a noble woman it sutUbct fcr around her. better Uan booe ceiled wtUi cedar, or painted witk vermdlioo. shedding lU quiet light for those who else are hoiceUta. This. I leUeve. U woman's U iwpUc4 and power. XluhkU.

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