GLEANER? THE PATMON .VOL. 3. L-ASKER, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, X C., THURSDAY, JUXE U, "189L NO. 24. DRESS GOODS. Tiadies! If in want of a hrattritul T-awn, Percale, Duefc or White rircP, come to see its. We have an elejran . stock of these goods iwn- in. - Stephenson & II a krion, with Huston & .ftiuigfiam, 5-17-4t Rich Square, N. C. HOEISAHPTOH AEHEET 'CUD EAUMD TIME TABLE. in effect 8.30 A. M., April IS, 1834. . Dally except Sunday. Train I Train No.l34.i No.Sh. NOUTIT BOUND. : A. M. I P..M. Leaves Jackson, N. C., ! 8:30 I' 2:15 44 Mowfield, " j 8:50 j. 2:35 Arrive Gumberry, j O-.30 j 3:15 SOUTH BOUND, Scares Gumberry,N.C. 4 Mowfiehl, . Arrives Jackson, 14 F. K11, Geifl Mgr. Clias. Ehriiart, Aefg. Sup'r. DR. G. M. BROWN, -DESflST.- WOODLAD, N. C. Teeth extracted without paiu. 4 desire to announce to my friends ,nd the puhlic generally that I tiave now opened a branch of my business j at Seaboard, N. C., and am prepared to do all kinds of coach making. blacksmith work and repairs. i I shall also carry in stock a nice li ne of Buggies Fur- I . oiture, etc.etc. Undertaking a Specialty. Wooden and Metallic burial cases til way 3 in stock. have recently fitted 'up a. new! Hearse, Respectfully, - . 31. D. Hiirris a. j-i-.' m For Sale or Rent. I offer for sale or rMit, on easy term?, my storehouse and dweMng .t tkn de pot at Rich Siaie. Will sett or rent one or both of them. . Adness or call on J. W. Weaver, 3-15 Rich Square. N. C. MILLINSRY SfORE AND FIXTURES. FOR SALE: A nice and well established Millinery Business in the town of Mtiifreesboro, N.C. Having moved to Kdenton and gone Into the Iry Goods, Notion and Shoe business, I therefore offer for sale my stock of Millinery GtKxis Notions and Fancy Goods in Mmii-eetixVro, and the lease on the favorite and conveniently located stcre, for balance of this year, on the corner of Main and -Sycamore St., near the Institute Avenue. Those wishing to purchase the busi ness, with all of the Sore and Store Fixtures, will do wcli to comiitunicate villi tne. gT will also rent my Dwelling IIoue and Farm in Murfreosboro the lft of Septrmber, for balance of this and i.ext yaar. A Tgrxnl luune for those wishing to send tlu vr daughters to Mm; institute. Will make terms satisfactory to good party wishing to purchase the stock. - There is a fine opening and a good chance to make money to the right prr- cons wishing to engage in that business. tjau on or audi ess, - L. L. Mooue, Elen ton, N. C, or ! Mrs. L. 1 Mooue, Mtufreesboro, X. C. CLEVELAND HOUSE! J. S. Grant Proprietor, JACKSON, N- C. Tables supplied with the oest the markets nrfortL Livery stables attached. Special rates to County Oaioers. Train i Train : No. 41. j No. 3. L M. P. iff. 12:15 4:30 12:55 5:10 1:15 5:30 Some Bits of Nature. For the Patron and Gleaner J - "there is more g'ng on in the grass under our feet nnd the trees' ni'or rutr tliari ia ilrnmnt nf in our philosophy." One of the great reasons why this J- is so. is 1ociUse in our journey through life, we become so entirely absortfed in its pursuits and en grossed in its cares and anxieties, that we lose sight of.everythio else. Instead of taking at least a portion of that time, not given us for these purposes alone, to learn forae useful lesson fnxn the great book of nature tying so teoiptiogly open before us, we sperd it in worrying ourselves abmit wliat we cifei1er the more iai- wrtant duties of life as to "what we shall eat, what we shall I rink and wherewithal shall we be clothed." The time, liowever short it ma' be, sx)nt ia searching out these o&eful lessons, these wonderful truths, con tained in liie lujok ot nature, would not only cause tis to reverence morr. the great wisdom of our Creator, but we would reiurn to our daily tasks with renewed energy and vigor. In the study of Kalure, we learn some strange and instructive lessons in regard to the similiarity of tem per and disposition displayed by the lower orders of creation to that of man. We learn something of that instifKt whicli approaches so near the human reason. Suppose we take the little 3tn, from the observation of whose industry and thrift, tbej wisest C men bade us take as our el am pic Cviia wick to iearn wisdom, Saying, 'go to the ant, thou sluggard, con sider ?ier ways and le wise." Ob servers of the habits and peculiari ties of tiiis little insect have found "that th2y seetojo have Afwt pa4siji4i nd are able to conceive and execute ;tbcir plans logically and wisely." That they are robbers and slave makers, and in their colonies have not only workers, but overseers, and approaching still nearer the habits and customs of man, tbey have their x7(, which they inake of other in sects. Nature, which never does anything by halves, to make the likeness more perfect, teaches us that after becom ing accustomed to the services of their slaves, they develop the human quality of laziness and finally become incompetent tu provide for them selves. Thus we may see in the lit tle ant that crawls at our fect unno ticed, the life of man in minatuxe. Suppose we Jxace back the sho:t life of the butterfly, so familiar to all, we shall find that nature, careful as she always is, has left nothing un done to provide for its wants, in ev ery stage of its existence. We find it with almost human wisdom select ing the very tree, on winch to depos its its eggs, that alone will supply the proper food for its young. Those eggs are covered with a cement, impervious to water, however haru! or long the btorm their vital ity not at all impaired, by the long est sleet, the heaviest snows or the most chilUng winds of winter. Hatching not a moment too soou, but Just as the tender leaves begin to unfold, we see them at once mak ing a lent, to protect them from the frosts and cold uews of night. Grad- j ually it approaches a certain stage in ; its life, it ceases to partake of lood, auu ua iuiii hj iu suujc uuiti tin - .... .,, -v.w v. v. -, it proceeds to spin its silkeniThisisnotimeto toajb. 1 men of our own party. We should llien in a short time, leaving the ; make every eUott to preserve rts in- old boiy ;f the caterpillar in which it had entered, it comes forth to a new me u ueauLuui uuut-ru j teinrK.r ami everythinir cUe that re clothed in all the colors of the rain- dounds to the public good." bow. How strange this change. May j Dr. W. II. Wood was then called we not find in it, a resemblance tho1 ,:1 and resondctl a. : -I atn , . , . , . . . r , . - iilad to meet v hre todav. I feel faint, of man s slKirt life the bunal . r r j more at home than I have felt for five of the old body, and the exit of his vear3 you reraember we tried se- bfp the - beantifnl bnf terflv 5 spirit clothed in the garb of angel'? I I n some of the lower orders we jSC them , IistIaym- an instinct not j 'only akin to iiuipaTT" reason, but, something far t.ejoixl.-? The bltle humnitj.7 not as lUPSTG as- s- a ma n s i:L petrrs to show this in his migr&tni,io a warm- ., , .. ? : . . J ( suppose that ts youn poihmt: of any home . ut this, -tauig of that sunny land of perpeluit flowers, noiuing oi me way, nH ine custance which it must travel t- find it, if it would escape the pitiless snows and chilling winds of our winters, yet at its approach we find" it winging its unerring dight straight as an arrow from the bow throushhe trackless path of the sky, without compass or guide, to its beautifulk winter home in the far distant South. In this we can hot sC a display of that won derful instinct implanted by the Al mighty Hand that ma'fc it and which is almost beyond the reason of man. We sou-.etimes come across some very curious facts, I had almost said amazing ones, in our studies of na ture at which we of the sterner sex might be disposed to smile a little if the ground were, not a tittle danger ous, especially after seeing the strik ing anaiogy that'exitsjieiween some of the lower orders of creation and that of mankind. It may be best therefore just to chronicle the facts obtained, and make as few com ments as possible. In the family comprising the common horse fly and that of the an noytng mosquitoes it is only the ftmalis that bite, the males being perfectly innoce j t of any bad qualities, spending their lives in more peaceful pursuits, basking in the warm sunshine, uever coming near or in our dwellings to annoy us with their poisonous bites, or dis turbing our peaceful st6mbers, caus ing us to say so raanl hard words that have little sounds of prayer in them. As possibl5' thfe larger por tion of your readers arof the "fairer and gentler sex," it would lie best to be a little cautious in a hat we saj' about this, leaving it a;.;we found it. I have but touched un an almost inex!aurla'hie hbjecT," giving the above few "bits" of '-nature. fT'he subject is one of so much impor tance that it is worth the carelnl study and attention every lover of nature and will well repay the stu- J dent by disclosing to his view a rich mine of valuable facts on every page of that great-book which is so sel dom read. Taut Mooke. Grab Town HALIFAX FOLI IICS. THE DEMOCRATS IN MASS JIEETING ADOrT IlESOLUTIONS DEFINING I THEIR TOSITION. Monday was a red letter day for the old town of Halifax and the cili zens of the county, representative white men, assembled from every sectiou of her borders, about five hundred being present. The meeting was held pursuant to adjournment and Mr. E. Daniel on taking the chair stated that sev eral n onths agora meeting was called for the purpose of an interchange of opinions on account of the dissatis faction existing in-the county, but that owing to inclement weather and short notice the meeting was -ad-Journed to June 4th. "The day has now come, and I am glad to see so many present. The meeting is now open for business." Mr. W. A. Dunn moved that a committee of five be appointed to draft suitable resolutions. The mo-i tion prevailed, and the chair appoint ed Capt. VV H. Day, Dr. J. A. Col lins, F. W. Gregory, W. A. Dunn 1 c r r : : . . ' auu o. jj. vjraiy. iuc wiumiueu ic iiteu ami men tucic nciu tans iui . Judge Hill j uuuge nn. saio. x auj wui.-tro y, ray friends for calling on me, but I came president. Every Democratic understand that a committee is out paper in Hhe United States is con to draft resolutions, and the time is draining Mr. Cleveland as e have rather premature. When the com- 'condemned him here today. 1 be- mitte makes their reprjrt I may make some remarks. I want this meeting . . - 1 1 ,. . . .- tegr.ty. U stand together as sjood peuocrats and letustand forever 'I "wnnid rruinsd forbearance, food . , ... ... T cession and the Republicans caire -In and got the nesrro and "ot evcrv thing eNe, and now LwouMsiy lo my Third party friends, if. you con- Itimie to unfit the Ietr.o-Ttff; n.irtv the Republicans will come ir.l ow. -. . . . -j rr agai n. Lc t us sta nd UKeller. flilht together and never give up the ship until we 6ink or go up into the clouds.? I Mr. E. L. Travis thought it best to wait .until, the committee came in. -ihen wo can discuss the issues more intelligently and can come to an understanding and seeifweare all fiiiliting to acccmpHsh .one end. It is folly to fight in separate ranks." Capt. K. A. Tl orne responded to n call, and said he-aid not come lo talk. "This is the first public iiltfr ance that has fallen from my ljp sinee the last campaign. e I have vailed to see if the Democratic ad ministration would not -give us some relief, but I see no hope unless the South and the West will get togeth er." At this Juncture the committee came in and reported the following resolutions : The Democrat? of Halifax emu nt 3', in mass meeting assemblfo, following the example of tfceir nncesfors. who. gailt erel in this historic town in 1773.t'solvc. 1. That they do reaffirm their alh'gi ancc to the prineiples of the party as enunciated by JefYersot), and followed by Jackson, 2. That they favor the five and unlim ited coinage of silver," the product of mines of the United States, at a ratio of sixteen to oie and we heartily endorse the course of thos Senator ami Repre sentatives who have made such a strong fight for pure Democratic pnneipjes. " J. That they disapprove of the finan cial policy of the President and they be liee the same -to be unwise and jHina gi'g to the best interest of tin country, and especially do they condemn his Veto of the seignorage bill. 4. That they favor a tariff for revenue only, absolutely freed from every pro tective feature, and we earnestly urge our senators and representatives to place sugar upon the free list. 5. That they favor a graduated income tax. 6. That they fvor the immediate pas sage of laws which will effectually pr ve nft he scum of European nations from becoming residents, or citizens of the United States .. , yrTftat they earnestly recommend that platforms "of our jiarty shall be clear and explicit declarations ot the party's will so (dearly e: pressed that there can be no two constructions placed upon any section and 1 hey res pectfully ak that a section shall be placed in' the next State platform that it is the will of the people of N"orth Car olina that our Senators and Kepresenta tives shall iollow the State platform wherever there may he a difference in the State and National platforms on any subject. ' 8. That the people have a right to ex pect that their representatives will t-tand squarely upon the platform adopted, and they demand that t hey shall do so. 0. Th::t they believe that the safety and welfare and1 liberty of our people can only be preserved jy a s'cmI' ad herance to the lime honored principles of our party, and they earnestly invite and implore all men to unite wilh them for the maintenance of these principles. w. A, Dunn, W. II. Day, K. V. Gregory, John A. Collins, S. M. Gary. - Committee. 1 Judge Ilill.- tions of tLose -There are some nor resolutions I could never consent to I hey condemn lle ' present administration, say that the ; State platrorm shall override the na- j tional platform. Here we are fight 1 ing ourselves and the men who made ; the platforms, thus pnlanaing l the world our weakness. Mr Cleve- iano, 30U rememner. sigreu iue ejec tion bill which the Hepud can party tried to fasten ulMn the country, he! suj tKise Qie n in Congress has given us more southern odicers 3houjc1 gn, tlat uKe9, they marie than any president we have had. I,(.lllrt)PBt;,inc fut .Irl nt nHtl. will never do anything to scuttle the j lyemocrauc su.p - m unn. -i can assure raj friend, Judge Hill, that it is no pleasure "for me to call attention to pleasure lor me 10 can aueuuou o tne tact titai me presitieiii, )i vne u uiu-1 ed States has failed to keep the pledg-j 11c , 3iae lo iuc .people-w iikii e ;-. lieve in speaking what we feel and in resorting lo no subtifuge. lt isim-1 ,- . . c ... ..n r,.ull, lw .v, v.. " North Carolina. The last Democ-! ratic State Convention incoriKjraled in its platform a free coinage ot &ib ver clause. 3Ir. Cleveland ilr. j mmnced the seigudrage hiir a ml j truled it. bv refiminor !n mvp it his . . - w '. ?. - ! s'irnature. tiere is the tnin' in a! nut shells Is Mr. Cleveland bigger than the Democratic party ? Grwvcr Ch '. land lias done more to break j dowa the Democratic party and dis runt it that anvthics: else. Hasn't he allied ht.iiself against our inter- etts, Liisnt he taken John Shcrmun for his leader and advisO? And now you say we must not condemn his .acta. I am for ray liomc people. I want all the white men of Una county to get together. C would gay lo my. Third party frien(s that if they be Tieve the Democratic wrtv steeps they will live to aee it nso like a giant and come forward to secure yur liberties and mine." Juilge II 11. "Is Ihi3 9tmply a rep etition of what we had here stveral months ago? I move that the reso lutions le'tuliIetl.";M(ition'lo$r... U. Ransom. -I Ii i.ot intend t say anthing hnlay This is a lime when we should be conservative. There is no discnlent in the Demo cratic ranks when we sift it down. The people of this county are t? a better condition than they nave been in years. They have more corn, more meaU'tlieir crops are. in abetter condition, theytwork better, and yet we arc asked li coine here and de nounce Mr. Cleveland. I appeal to you to stick to the Democratic organ nation, ! appeal to you to stand by our party and to sta nd togfether." CapL Wji H. Day. "I did not eotue here to lead any one, but I ask how many of us approve of Mf.Cteve land's financial policy! I we tuy allegiance first, to the people of North Carolina, and Gbd knows my liigh est ambition is to see them united. In these resolutions we disapprove of his financial policy ; that is not denunciation. If he is denounced by these resolutions, then he is de nounced by the platform on which he was electel national and state. Mr. Cleveland lias throttled the will of the Democratic patty. He is not in accord with the party. "So far as; H12 finance is concerned that is nothing ; it it for you and me to stand together. We want unity here, we want unit' at home. We want the white men of this couuty to stand together to avert the ruin that stare us in tlie face. The danger today is in the men who ve'oed the silver hill, the da.iger is in the Northern Democrats. I want the old Demo cratic party to stand and we'must stand together. Th?rb is something wrong sirmewhere. They have Ikjch in power now more than twelve months, and what Lave yon g'tf Have they, yielded anything for the predion of the South? Hill ami others ate all for protective tariff in their owu districts and for free trade in every other district. Congres was called not for the purpose of set tling the taritr, but to strike from tle statute books the last law that rec- -ognized silver as money. I want t ak auy Third party aiau present to stand up and slate. what you want that the Democratic p; rty is not try ing to accomplish the same thing. Mr. E. L. Travis. "We are not try ing to scuttle the Democrtic skip, Cleveland haslr ady scuttled it. Question by Judne Ihll-j" Will the people here all vote the Democratic tickctP 1 Mr. Travin -"They certainly will not if ue enlorse Mr. Cleveland and his present administration. Mr. j Cleveland has lone all he could ti ' L-iil t!i- ttH.rt.v iiil if vxiii 1 Democra ic party to stand wc mt ct the Ie uow llts.t we di. rovR pedicy. We walt n 0 gt lo conVcM,tHms wh wjU noulinate men we have cont douce ln lt is because our leaders (mve hcen , Ue U) us is wuy we lure today. Questions bv Mr. Uansom "Hut, lari(f m4.t llicy tkcn to vole fur silver if they find it to the inter- ff the-country u vote the other av Jr Travis VoUr question 18 SO Joncy f C a II t answer it I Say tlli: jf e d d man ta Congrees U . . f ailVer he ha tx rii?ht lo 20 ami kill it by voting the other way." Our relief must come by the peopl-i of the Souti and the West s'audinj Uigether." w - - . r? - wt The -vote was then taken and th. wtTe uds,ted by a de- ;cili maloritv. There betng n Iirt'lier uUsnL. Ihc meelizg ad- ! 1 i?r v4 NOTICE! . . - : ' . . .. , . it ,u: claim. a-u,..t id ta!e are be; -by notified 10 ;if-nt th ame to we on or fj f re the 12' h day of J' lsJ-', or ihn notKe sul ov i lead- !-,! 1u Uur of their n-eorerv. Tbi. 5th day of June, lsD4. J. A. ut'BOW'vy, c-G er. AiiaiimaUiLoc. , V

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