Tin: PATKOX ANBttLEAXEH. VVT,UmZT WEEKLY. LAJSKEK, N. C, June 21. LS94. Editor and 'I'iiopkiktok. SUBSCRIPTION : $1.00 per year in advance. ADVERTISING rates furnished. 0:1 application. All article-! intended for publication should be written plainly am! only on one ?4de of t he pamr. The real 1; nine of the contributor must in ali'eases accompany th" eotnmnniea tion as :i guarantee of sjood faith. The editor will not be held responsi ble for the ''views entertained and e-x-' pressed by eorrespondeuts. Address all communications to The Patkon and Glkamku, Lacker, North ampton County, N. C "Entered at the Post Office at Lasker, N. C as Second Class Mutter." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fresh IJcjfJ. II. Lane Fur Sale R. I. Beale. Call of Convention II. K. Peele. I Fountain' Drinks -W. P. Moore & Co - We acknowledge ; the "receipt of the following new subscriber and renewals since last issue : James II. Baugham, Rich Square: V. II. Futrell', Philadelphia. Pa.; II. T. Britton, Severn ; J. II. Hall, Garysburg; W. E.Forbes, Fotecasi ; Stanly WaP.on, Morganton. ' We hear of 11a com)laiut what ever of the course Congressman YVoodard, ' Representative from this District, has pursued in Con gress. He has carried out his pledges to the people during the last 'campaign and his party in this county tvill doubtless support him for renomination if ho desires it. He has been found voting on the side of the people every time. We had the pleasure of attend ing the State Press Association held in the beautiful and hospita ble town of Morgan ton last week. Our columns are so crowded this week that we cannot say anything of the profitable 'meeting of the; 1 1 association, of Morgan ton; her people, industries, resources, beau tiful buildings, State institutions, alubrious climate, and grand mountain scenery, but we shall re vert to this subject again in the future. It was a trip never to be forgotten. . . SoLICTTOK Glo. II. AYlIITE, col ored, i a candidate for the Re publican nomination for Congress i, lite t 1 i'i lTn it! liiilmilil 1,1 - edly the ablest man in the .party! Cherry Ripe, Coe:)cola, Coco who has been mentioned in this j Ri osphate.Blood Orange, Kashu, connection, and the Republicans! Limeades. Rhcsijhates of any . .. . . . , , , , .. I kind, ana all the standand ioun- of this county could not do better ai(, drinl;Sf They draw Just 14 than instruct their delegates to j diifc-ent drinks from t he foun vote for him in the nominating j Mn. auy drink you call for . : -, ' rni 4; 1 in the fountain line will be nice- convention. 1 lie time is coming ! , . , . -v . 11 . : -tn . t . i j. wiieii an panics win ue lorceiL 10 put forward their best men. AVc want to see good men nominated by all parties. Oui: correspondent, 'Hard- times, gives some good sugges- tions to farmers whose hogs f 10 (puently die with-cholera. Wo agree with him that good whole some food and water is the best prevention oi 'disease in. stock. We have of teii thought that the mail who would not furnish his slock with plenty of pure water, when it is so easv to obtain, does not deserve any sympathy when it is tiiken fi-om him bv disease. AVe don't see how the milk from cows il A 1 i 1V1.ll 1 J "1 imt l ave 10 umi xue siagnawxt . Bier uiiu lu mix ui ui aiu during the dry weather can 1 ij ! ue. lit! for human beings. The reminder of "Hard Times" is timelv and we would like for his thoughts to bo coiisideied by our peole. PENDLETON LETTER, THE IIOO CIIOLEHA- CROPS PERSON AL ANI NEWS ITEMS OF TIIE VICINITY- Messrs. W. J. Bcalc and W R. tSykes rClnrtied from Wake Forest College last Friday. Mr. D. K. Edwards wa3 011 the sick roll last week but today he is able to be attending to his ollicial duties, j Mrs. Annie Joyner has been quite i sick with Pneumonia We are glad to report her condition somewhat im proved. Miss Ma2'e Maddrey returned home from Severn last Saturday night accompanied by her brother, Mr. Lcoy Maddrey. I . The vonng people hold a meeting at the church every first ami third Sabbath evenings. Rev. C. W. Scar boro conducting services. The hog 'cholera. 'is raging in this vicinity lo an alarming extent. Can not so tic reader of the Patron and Glkaner give us some preventative. Services at Robert's Chapel last Sunday by pastor C. W. Scarhoro. He preached an impressive sermon on the 5th commandment, "Honor thy father awl thy mother," &c. Mr. Bob Lee and Miss Vick. of Hertford county, were in town last Snndav and Mo,day, the guests of Mr. atlil Mrs. W. T. Lee. Airs. Jen nie Jones is also spending a few days with Mrs. W. T. Lee. Rain is much needed. Farmers are generally up with their work. Corn and cotton upon light land look ing remarkably well. Owing to the excessive dry weather General Green has surrendered and taken shelter behind the dry clouds. Mr. Drew jOdom had a very sick horse on yesterday. Our doctor and veterinary surgeon, Mr. K. II. Mad drey, was summoned and after one cr two hours treatment the mjrse was relieved and Mr. Odom returned home rejoicing with his horse, . Mr. W. P.Sykes and Mr. W. T. Lee returned home on last Thursday from the Littleton Springs, where they have sojourned for a short pe riod for their health. They are much improved, so much so that on their arrival at. Bm kins, Va , rather than l'e . over five hours to wail -for the R. &'vr. train, licy concluded to take travel and reached home safelv about dark. R. Pendleton.' N. C June 10, 1SDL You icill go to Jachson some time. You will be hot and thirsty. You icill icant a cool, refreshing drinh. You icill call at the drug store (W. IK Moore & Go.,) and get the best 5c drinJc that can be made. You will be pleased. You icill surely call again. W. P. Moore and Co. have lately put up. a $480.00 Soda Fountain and they want you to see it. - Thev have all the new drinks. Ii5. Come and take your choice. Too iug for Jackson you sa All right, you set the benetit. Wi: may lose, you can't. We inake our syrups of pure fruit juices and rock candy syr up. No extracts or chemicals. We are clean no, flies. Soda water properly drawn is healthy and we draw it that way. Wo invite 301 all to call and ! see us when oucome to Jackson We wan', to seH yon Quinine at 40c per oz Powers & Wci'l hi rami's we keen no other kind. a package. Toilet 5oaps f all. varieties and prices Tobacco. Finest Citrars arid We Lxep a drug store and icel .11 ....7....,. 47 .... ' otii ui trtTiic tucy mini uiirt . 1 , ; nUlH JnuJ slore. . T . . 1 . . , ....,...-...! f IVU mt Jll ftt (It ILlll IVi-;...,. " " vince you. Respectfully, VJ. P. MOORE & CO.. Jackson, N. C. FROM "II ARDTi.MES MAKES GOOD SUGGESTIONS. TO FAR!!" EU8 AND DISCUSSES, COUN .'''' TY OFFICERS. In my travels and from what L i have seen and heard, the corn crops in Northampton - look, exceedingly , , rrt . . - ' . . J well. ine coiion is. very sot ry auu from evidences bids fair for about a half crop, though favorable weath-; cr from now can make marked iui- provemant. The pcanut crop is hardly an'avcrige ; the fruit crop is a COmpieie UUIlire. lucie .:ue .-!. P ! 'fl -. few knotty ai!dcs; we will sndlv miss our peaches. What say yon now, Ba"elev ? You seenicd to be' quite hopeful, and never dispair. ) I will te up lo .jacKsoii sfjoii an-' 1 : hope your Early rqes wdi be ready! . . t ' . . it' for trial. Tin; hovr chnbra is plaving dis - Mr rpin rt.ltr 5o 1-lir.il iir.tr in the mon! ii-? !of May, June, July and August. Those' are hard months on iiogs. Thore are the dry months and hogs are often lorced to drink stagnant water, such as they find in the ditches and holes with a green scum on it. Is it any won lor that we have iliseased ?:ogs? Mr. Editor, this is the election year, and youryiame is raeniioncd by several for the Represenativc of this county ; also Mr. B. S. Ga ami Mr. I. P. Parker. .Now, Mr. Editor, I have no objection to you or Mr. Parker, but would prefer Mr. Gay, as he can get the best vote of any man in the county ; it is no use for me to say any.thing m his behalf; the peo ple know him ; he is a bold, fearless, out-spoken, Christian gentleman, and can nor will not betray a trust. I would to the great God, that our Represenativs in congress and in the Senate were endowed with such a spirit. In my travels I find that the people are proud of our county ollieers Our Superior Court Clerk is a young, kind, able, Christian nian, and our people are ready to support him, not only tor clerk of the court but lor any position that he might ask for. And our present Register of Deeds is as well knovn as our Clerk; he has served the peopbi Well ami his general eharaeter as a christian uentleman has won the confidence o! the people. His kindness an 1 c or teS' has made hi in many friends anions the colored people, rot as a Republican, but as an honest -Democrat.' Our Sheriff, Mr. Stanceil, we can not do without. Ho is the only natural born' sheriff i ever saw,- ami he must continue sheriif until anoth er is born for that position. In con clusion; will sayvthat no county can boast of better olHcers. Our Board of County Commissioners is hard to excell in any county in the State ; its chairman would grace the con gress halls, and may ( at some time, for Lc seems to be for retrenchment and -reform. I lioj.c lo be pardoned for saying so much about public men; we need good men, and, L'r" farmers, we have a majority and lets go to the conventions and place such ;n nomination that will best serve our purpose and to the poles ami elect! them, and demand of them to -cot!ouiize in expenses to lighten the burden of the taxpaers. Hardtimes. PEEtE'S REMEDIES. liLOOI) PUIIIFIER, Good fur Scrofula and all skin and blood disea-e. li ice 2-V. . INFALItiLE CURE, for 'Cholera In- . fanium, Ijiarbt-a, Uowel ''or.sump tion and Sick Stotnach. Price 2oc. COUGH SY11UP, fo.- IJroiicliiti, Asth ma, Con?uuiptiou. Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and Kidney Af fection. Price 25. KIDNEY AXD DLADDEII REMEDY AND FEMALE DISEASES. Pi iee .'ja ivr, ua.M t; ocou. tir man anu-j, beast, Uheiiin tti'in, sprains, liruts-: es, Sj'inal AjlVclioii. in fact, god ) f.i- any pain the human beiu K j heir to. It btats the world for! l.iuielie.- nd eliolic in auiuiats. PII.KS irV.MKDV.. ll.-lif .. r... i . - : ; " i-iire. f-eri.!iiti if efi-ittmn. ii ii.u f . . - r r. i . t. f. . . . I .. v ll.A IUI a short time. Price 2.jC. If vou.wat.t .nWlhl..S to Wou ssreat 1 i::. ... i . ! oid ue my inetlicines and ybu w ill be G o'clock p m ihly ph ased. L'cb.w you wi!Mi::da!T' r ' A x. 1, lit-rliM- 1, , j few of i!e mas y totiuiool tl; I imve 1 leeeive.i. Write all Communication:; to MKS. II. P. r.EELE. Eicb ijuarc, N. C. Garysbiirg Gleanings. 'Kase-bail tiii I politics -'aiithego hicie. Mr. tV. II. Snnimercll and famiiy lor insta'n, In. C, arc tbe guests en Mrs. kr- E-h's- ? Miss Alice Joys? r returned trom j Rich quarc lasV week after a ve;y ! t . ' . ..'.I - - ' pieasanu i- j Miss Mary Suiter returned freni SnQblk College last weeK 10 our ; great delight, Our boy cross bats with Seaboard jtoay and Franklin next Wednesday. : w . I. I. ..... ri c- . q .WISU uiui sue.vp. Miss iNinie htiHcr relumed from a very pleasant visit to Miss hcttsc : i;;imav last 1 1 ursday. j . Miss Annie W illiams, a cliarming j 1 ?-. c 1 ... V.-.iL- V -f ' I young laoy 01 nwunini mt-n, v., is visiting her brollicfs family here. Miss Kate Joyner spent several ldays in SutT-dk last week attending Itl.f rnmreencCme nt of the s. F. I - . : ( rd!erp. Mrs. Cannon, enterlainea seerai of her friends at an "At I lom'e" la.st Thursday evening in LonorOf Airs. MeXeal, of Norfolk. Adonis. Garysburg. N. C , June 18. Peabody Scholarships. The following is the hst of su: dents appointed to fill the vacancies in the N. C. scholarships at the Pea hody Normal College, Nashvilie, Tenn., tor two years from first Wed nesday m October, 18J4. Miss Mary Elizabeth Holt, Golds boro, Wayne county, N. C. Miss SUie Boyce, Sardis, Meck lenburg .county, N. C. Mr. G. Walter Chambers, Waynes vill, Haywood county, N. C. Miv James A. Kirk, Palmerville, Stanly county, N. C. Mr. Lenoir A. Cook, Wairpnlon, Warren county, N. C. Mr. J. M. Noland, j-'alm, Haywood county, N. C. - Miss Holt won a scholarship at the; competitive 1 examination, July 20, -1SU3, hut byjeasoa of s ckntss was unab'e to attend -at the 'begin ning of the session of 1893, antl was promised by Dr. Payne, president of the college, a scholarship for two yr ars, I.eguiLing with the session of !8(J4. The other five v. ere appointed iy Dr. Payne from 4,non-seholarship' students at the college from North Carolina, paying their way. J no. C. Scarborough. t State Supt. Pub. Inst. n I For Sale, Lease or Rent. One Storehouse and Lot hi the cen tral part of the puet vilage of Potecasi, N. C. Lot contains three-fourths of an acre, more or less. Dimensions of Storehouse, 22x3G, two stories high, with Grocery room, Counting" room and lied room attached. Suitable for a large stock of general merchandise, with two good rooms above for a Pinall family. Will sell Cheap For Cash ; lease or lent on terms to suit t lie times. Other lots in the vilage for sale at reasonable flguies. Also for sale, one Knabe Piano and Coruisb Oian." Foi- tbe eapb, e'uberor both 'of the above will be sold at very low figures. '- - Now is the time to make a bargain. For further pai tieiihirs, en II on or ad dress, H. I. IlEAT.n. Potecasi, X.C. EXCUESION FEOM .-In - ! A . 4. - aw --.ry 1; i . ? if -i? AND RETURN ON FRIDAY, JTJ3STE S9TH,' 1894 Coaehes will !e reserved for each depot on tbe K. & T. road so lLat Parties" or friends can reiuairr together if they choose. ! i nlei-int ant Hn.n.roKl P" 1 n 1 an, iHniiortat)ie Leave Lewiston at G o'clock a. j-aiu j.ux luu rouna irip old half J. J. PARKER, Lasker, X. 0 WALTER J. BROWN; Woodand Call for Couiy Ccnvention j The People's party townships in Nnr:l:.m; will meet iri ibeir scver.il ,,., I,;. on Saturday,-.Inn '0, a! 2 1 the, purpose of electing f;vo -sh;r? executive 'onfasil-trf u;. 1 -deletes to theCounty C. nu ., i I r . I: l A ? I '!.- o m . ( I - uui. iii.unn;uv.A.-.uM ( July 4th. The County C will elect 'ileirs-rdis t- ti ' K 1 ie S-i',v Congressional and Judicial ( ( x iXf .. ' tions. Each precinct, is en! it !.,! ,"" t wo delegates at largo nw ?nv- dt-! aate for each twenty-five VI J majority fract:iii i!j.rei . I -1 . -ri.i i li-- X IJWltUl'M J Hit Cl.'in P IV Ex Com. N.nth.V; 1 t - . 1 I i I I Imve'itaade' arrangements ?o ply the Rich Square r.nd L, , :2arkets with the chou-esi i;-vr !() , had in the country (iurinii tl j,. ance of this year, ami will ii lVe it fresh every -'Friday-and often;,- Ui the market demands. Persons living else lirrc vvho wis!) t carried to tnem will ploase V? rue know. il have had. a long exp-'Koned in tliis business ami cm g've s it- faction. .' J. H. Lan,:. ) Lasker, N. (', IsOTICE. By virtue of a dt'ere.; of 1 In S ipciior Court. (f Northampton county. XonU Carolina, made in t lie p eial ii.M t (I. in r therein pending -entitled. John';. Fdlis and wife and others vs. JJ:iker L. Furgerson, the undersigned.' the oitly appointed coininis.siouur tlierein, will sell fit public auction on the pii-hii s in Pleasant IIill,N. C, on Momlav, tin 2nd day of .July, )1S'J4, nt 11 u'cI.h V a. m., a certain lot or parcel of land lying' situate and being in the town of Pleas ant Hill, Northampton Ce., X. C, bounded by the Halifax Ro:id,"tlie IV teifbiog Railroad, Ike-. laud of G.i Daniel and others, whereon linker L. Fu'-geison resides, containing about ..seven acres more or less. Terms: One-fourth cash, bal.-mee h one, two and three years, with six r centum interest. Title retained until the - whole of the pnreha.-e ino icy is paid. ThU June 1st, 18J4 - W. E. Dan 11:1 -G-7-4t. I C'oiiiiniv-iii.tr, NOTICE ! At a meeting of t!e (bounty It ni t eratie ;Exei.unve Cnninittee in .I.ii ki ti on Jane 4, lSi4 it was deeidid in Hm; tbe Count' Dcniocraric Con -ei.tion he Jiickson at 12 o'clock, on Mnmlay. July 2nd, 1SD4. The principal bu.-im-s i foie paid convention will be the i.i inii.a tion of candidates fof the county ofni-n and legislature and the 'appointment I delegates to Lbe State, Ccugi e?si'na!, Judicial and ' Senatorial Conventions'. The raenibers of the various to iiliip executive committees be pieent if elect theinbers of the county executive committee. Tbe township primaries are t he lu l l at the respective votingprecincts on Sat unlay, June 23rd, 194, at c.iW o'clock p. tn. to elect delegates to sail couvei'ti(u and to elect a township ex ecutive committee ot five menibeis. All voters who fire in favor .or the pi i'.iciplfcg a;id policies set forth hi ih State and National Democrat io plar f(nni, and of the honest enforcement ai.d peiformance of the party's pledge- are requested to attend and pyrticipate in said primaries. 'I'he township committees 'mupt i ,;t notices of said primaries at thiee pidjhc lilaces hi their re.-peciive towu.-hii'- at once. .- Let there be a full gaiherii-g nud tfutbfnl expi essioiK of opinion and jiefeiciice everywhere. 1 ' li. S. Gay, Cn'm'u Co. Dein. Kx. Com. S. J. Calvert, Sec'y. , ri? t-P . a j j. x. xa .n x. .. a. 1.1.1 .ui. .- v i m. and returning leave Portuioui'u it 1 rvrv n, m3 LJ- 10 nnrS l.uu, uniiareriiuuuei price. and, NJ C,

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