THE' PATitOX AM) (JliEAXElt PUBLISHED WEEKLY. , LASKER, N. C, Junk 28. 1834. iLndrew J. Connor, ! Editor and PnoruiETOK. - SUBSCRIPTION"-: 81.00 per year in advance.; ADVERTISING rates -furnished on application. All article Intended for publication fbonld be written plainly and only on one side of the pauer. The real name of the contrihutor must in all case? accompany the communica tion as a" guarantee'. of good faith. The editor will not be hold responsi ble for the views entertained and ex pressed by correspondent? . , Address all eonminniontions to The Patron and Glkankk, Lasker, Not th fimpton Cou.ntyY X.lC. "Entered at the Pot Offict? af Lasker. N. C, as Second Class Matter." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. To My Friends W. A. Coitraine. Important to You Griffin and Walk ins. r The Third T i m e Conner & Vaugban. . Wait Til! July 27- C. H. Griffin, General Managers Scaled Bid- Albert Vanp. E. D. Spivcy and C. Hall, Trustees. It.. was- our pleasure td attend the closing exercises of Mr. J. G. Joyner's school at Pendleton last Friday. What we saw and heard of the school impressed us very favorably. Mr. Joyner, notwith standing he is only three miles from Conway School which has a high reputation, lias succeeded in building up a large and successful school. All the people of the vi cinity seem interested and where this is tho case it shows that the teacher discharges his duty faith fully. The literary address was delivered by llcv. Mr. Saunders, of Murfreesboro, and - was much err Jcryect by the writer.. Wo want ' tb hear him again.; B. B. tiny, Esq., and Hoy. G. W. Scaiboro, who is always ieady to help along a good cause, mado short, excel lent addresses."'.'' - We have heard some criticisms on tho part of tho Administration Democrats of the authorities of the penitentiary for allowing some of the guards (voters of this coun ty at the State farms to take part in the primary election last Sat urday afternoon, and we have also heard somo criticisms on the part of tho regular or piatforin Demo crats of the Federal office holders from Washington: and elsewhere coining to this county. and. remain ing several days before the prima ry working in tho interest of the Administration. For our part we concede to both the right to a reasonable time to attend the-primaries and believe it to be the duty of all voters to attend the primary elections of tho party to which they belong. The govern ment of all Republics is by party and tho individual members of a party should have and exercise the right to select the officers, and the primary is the channel through which individual preferences can best be expressed. WAIT TILL JULY 27. We have chartered a train of first class cars, and on Friday, July 27th, next, we will run one of the best and most enjoyable Excursions of the season from Lewiston. if . C, to Portsmouth.,. Ya,, and return. Xo pains or ex pense will be spared to make it a success in every way-' - C. H. GRIFFIN. General Mauager. 1 THE "PRIMARIES. GREAT IN'TEI'.EST 3IANIFESTED THE TLATFORU DEMOCRATS WIN BY 40 TO 1G. The- Democratic primaries for electing delegates to the county Democratic convention to be held at Jackson next Monday were held in every voting pre2inct in Northamp ton last Saturday and in most of the precincts great interest was mani fested. Strange as it may sound, there was tmt little contest over lo cal officers, -and State issues were entirely ignored. The contest was between the Cleveland or Adminis tration Democrats on one side an'! the regular or platform Democrats on the other. The regulnr or platform Democrats did not seem to be at work until a few days before the election, when they discovered that the Cleveland men were waking a thorough can vass of the county in the interest of endorsing the National Adniinistra tion at the coming county conven tion. The result of the election was an overwhelming defeat for the ad ministration, the platform Democrats securing 40 delegates to 12 for the Administration with 4 doubtful or at most 4! to 16. At some precincts every Demo cratic voter was brought out. At Jaikson the vote was taken by bal lot and tellers were appointed and those of doubtful Democracy were challenged. In East Roanoke there was a large crowd out and the house in which Hie meeting was held would not hold all the people ; a vote disclosed the fact that every one present was a platform Democrat. In Occoneechee the contest was sharp, and for the sake of harmony and good feeling the delegation was divided, each side taking two delegates. A division was made at o'her precincts. . l he following is a list of the del orates elected with' the exception of .Upper Gaston, with one! delegate which has not been beard from : EAST GASTON. B. M Pugh, Dr. D. 15. Zollicoifer, J. II. ('arstaiphen, K. S. liooke and J. 11. Crew. OCCONEKCIIKE. M. W. Ri.isom, Jr., F. S. Faison, iC'V. Wheder and W. II. Jojner. JACKSON. R. B. Peebles, Dr :R. II. Lewis and Wtn. Barrow. WKST ItOANOKK. Wm. Grant, J. M. Grant, S. C. Williams, G. W. Lowe and W. C. Saules. EAST KOANOKE. G. M. Powell, W. P. Blanchard, J. B. Brown, A. Draper and J. D. Barnes. " RICH SQUARE.. . E. Baugham, Dr. M. Bolton, S. M. Lassiter, V. ll Baugham, A. Vann, John Bishop and John W. Leake. WOODLAND. J. N. Futrell and K. POutland. " SOUTH WICCACANEE. S. T. Gay, II. C. Lassiter and C. Deloatch. i NORTH WICCACANEE. Dr. R. H. Stancell, Sr., Dr. R. H. Slancell, Jr., W. P. Vick and Kineh e'e Taylor and, John D. Bottoms. SEABOARD. I Dr. M.-'R. Stephenson, W. R. Prilchard, G F. Gay, J. G. L. Crock er, W. R. Edwards, J. N. Whitehead and W. E. Han is. 1 NORTH KIRBY. RielAl E. Railey, J. O. Flytbe, A. J. Bntton, D. C. llcdgepeth, W. P. Svkes and J. B. Stephenson. SOUTH KIRI1Y. R. J. Rieks, Uriah Watson and W. P. Futrell. t . I have made arrangements to sup ply the Rich Square and Lasker markets with the choicest Beef to be had un the country during the bal ance of this year, and will have it fresh every Friday and often:r as the market demands. Persons living elsewhere who wish fit carried to them will please Jet me know. 'I JI have had a long experience in this business and can give satis faction. .I.H.Lane. Lasker, N. C. WOODLAND LETTER. OFF TOR THE SmiNGS BITTEN BY A SNAKE THE SABBATII SCHOOL. Miss Emma Cak, of Windsor, is visilinat Rev. D. Cale'g. - Mrs. Sallie Copelaml was taken violently ill on last Thursday even in but is some better at present. Mr. and Mrs J. B. Griffin are both sick. Mrs. Griffin has been confined to her bed for two or three weeks and docs not appear to get much belter. Mr. Bollie Parkers sister, from Mnrfreesboro, visited Jiim at the home of Mr. Samuel Whitley on last Saturday and Sunday. She is quite a charming young lady. f While fathering blackberries on last Wednesday little Arthur Co van was bi'ting by something thought to be a snake, .on bis heel. His foot and leg swelled very badly and lie was quite sick for a day ortwo. The' young men's prayer meeting at tin's place is growing in interest and the efforts of the young men are greatly appreciated by all that at tend. Mav the'good work go m tin t;l everv one will be willing to-tuke a part. , ' Mrs. Bettie Uarrtes and her laujh tcr. Miss Mary, attended the com mencement at Roberts Chapel last Frida3'. They said the exercises were very good and reflected great credit upon both the teachers and students. Rev. William Grant occupied the pulpit hereon last Sabbath, it being his regular appointment for the month. The audience was not as large as usual probably on account of there being other meetings in the neighborhood. Mrs. K. 1'. Bryan left here on last Thursday to make a visit to her sis ter Mrs. Tennille near Rehohoth. From there she "expects to go to the Panacea Springs. We wish her a pleasant trip and that she may re turn with her health much improved. There is much regret expressed that there is not more interest taken in the Sabbath school here. The' .children all talk about it and i?d. but some of Ihfe parent- are verj indillVr crit i concerning the school, it is in the Sabhalh schod tiiat the church experts to gut lier recruits in the Hi ture. Parents and children should come together with one common in terest, working together for Christi The patents should be -thereto cheerfully welcome the children an then they will take more intere t in their lessons. M. J. O. Woodland. N. C , June 26. 1894. Pendleton News. The political pot has begun to b. il and electionering has now com menced in earnest. A very heavy rain fell last Thurs day, which was much needed. Crops have since improved greatly. Messrs. Clarence and Thadeus Joyner returned from the A. & M. College, Raleigh, N. C, on Thuisday last. Sir. Elisha Davis lost one of his cMldren last Sunday, age about sev en months. It had been sick three or four mouths. Prof. J. G. Joyner's school closed last Friday. There was a larse crod present to witness the exer cises. Li.erar address by Rev. Mr. Saunders, of Murfreesboro. i Mr. D. K. Edward's horse ran away yesterday on the streets, throw ing both Mr. Edwards and Mr. Wtn Martin from the cart with slight in juries to Mr. Martin. The cart was broken and the horse ran through the sireets several times before he was caught. Mr. Editor, while I have not a word to say in regard to the sugges tions made iu your last issue by "Hanltimos, I want to add one oth er name that the voter of the coun ty may consider, a' sd that is the name of Mr. J. G. L. Crocker lor the House of Representatives. Mr. Crocker U a good financier ami knots rhdit much of the condiHon of our country and will make a good representative atid Mr. B. S. Gay will make a good Slate Senator. The other sues--Lions are all gotni. " R. Pendleton, N. C Jfine 2G, IbOi. BRK KBAT& USED. THE REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVEN TION MEETS AND BREADS UP IN A BIO ROW J Not, knowing the time the county i v onii 1 1 1 1 lz1 ii i "i 1 1 1 f iii-iiiJi vj j held, we did not have a represent a did not have a represent a- ackson last Saturday to r- proceed 'ngsof the coveu, - ?a our intention, but hast- live at Jac port the tnn ns wa encd to the scene o the conflict on Monday morning to get full particu lars. To our renret we arc yet un- ! able to report the proceedings in liiji AS IH iHiU OCCIiJC ' rAii'iiT ii4.v twiao - Idone. I'trliapp Dik Doles has a j more -ivil recollection of the closing I scencs of that interesting occasion I ..t. Al.i I - .T 2 k w or a:!iat o than anv one cish4 iui we mu nubiimt nuts aiui we i honor . ti . have the pleasure of meeting him get his version ;.f the affair. of the meeting: It waeauea to or der by the chairman of the county - . . . ill. -.,..; itn tm !l f un J T? T-lvQf 1I and nominations for permanent chairman called for. Claiborne Fai son and Chas. H. W'illiams were nominated. Immediately the storm arose, about a dozen yelling "Mr. Chairrnan', at once. The confusion was so sreat that the chairman turned his back to the convention, and with his fingers in his cars said he would entertain no motion until order was restored. H.ialty he put the motion and each nominee claimed to be elected chairman, V - Fai son mounted the rostrum and Williams a table, each calling the convention to order. An attempt was made to take Faison down but they only succeeded in tearing the table that was in front of him to pieces, some raising- the legs of the table and others the top ready to Lcombat for what rhey believed to be their rights. The officers of the law restored sufficient order for each fac tion to go through the process of de claring delegates elected-to the con gressional and other conventions. After adjournment R. b. Doles! a respectable and leading col ored 'man of Jackson, who may have imbibed too freely of 'convention water," and John War ren, generalljr called "Uncle John," who is. a thoroughly reliable and honest colored man, had ail alterca tion which resulted in Doles trying to scalp IJncle John with his teeth, inflicting a wound and Uncle John placing a brickbat on Dole's head with such force as to bring the blood" in profusion. They were arraigned before the Mayor and bound over for appearance at next , term of Superior Court. The State Solicitor was one of the witnesses. Thus ended the convention. ' All the delegates, were colored. " The above are the facts as given us by the officers of the law and oth ers. We regret to have to report such affairs'as occurring in sood old Northampton, noted for the number of churches, good schools and intelli gence of her colored citizens, but the Patron and Gleaneii is a newspaj per and it is expected of it to give the news which it generally does, though sometimes with regrets. PEELE'S BEPVIEDIES. - ; 1 forherofula od diseases, A, ! BLOOD PURIFIER, Goo. and all fkin and blood Price 23e. IXFALHiLE CURE, for Cholera In fantum, biarhna. Bowel oiiump tiou and Sick Stomach. Price 2.c. COUGH SYKUP, for Bronchitis, Asth ma, Consumption. Hoarseness Whooping Cough and Kidney Af fection, Priee 23. KIDNEY AXD BLADDER REMEDY AND FEMALE DISEASES. Price o0c. MAKE HASTE, Good for man soul beast, Rheuimitiom, Sprain?, Tinu e?, Spinal Atrtction, in fact, good f. r any pain the human b-in? K heir to. It beats the -'world for lameness and cholic in animals. Price 2-c. PILES REMEDY. Relk-f at once and cures cert :ii ii if continue iraW f,r a $hort time. Price. 25c. If you want soinet tiin to do you r?3t trKKl hmj my .medicines and you wUJ b highlv pleased. Below you will ti,,d a lew-of the many testimonials I have received. Write all communication to 3IUS. R. P. PEELE Jtith Spiare, Xf -" Hunt.' I Yesterday mornin.r ft hur.tmor fim tiip n.,. . . 1'a nice- t!jz mer. Otirnartv rn4.v., . H r.nd we had tievn MX- ; soon jumped a fix, t '. s i ir ill iiiiii v v . ; - t her, and' after other, and' after ' ;l tl h j about ten hi:nntr$ it v.-iS o ?i j by Mr. Wm. J. Joh;iun w'l .. on and the 1ioul,Js be ?tH soon treed three a hollow stump out, the ilogs struck r tT pi Hi' lowed by Uncle J 1 o'icii and ur.. . C f ri I lm trail .,r ' . . . - t -. I vii u i ,' . ? j I IUXt ) . j wns so closely pressr.l j a tree and was easily captured 1 made six four .yniin n ' , ..1.1 1 .. ' to good for the first time. We ar j home about 8 :30. . w '''' : . . . i ' v1 at one time but got only ineor J. We think seven will d for ! U'n Wnilll Iil-o 4 I .. around ,Milwaukee, as we have sJ eral good running dos. Uavei I a plenty of them around Lasker! Milw. VtKtt June 23. 1894- Yes. pLntyof'cm. Tlioya-el plentiful that they are eautii out dogs. Even the. little 10 years oil, goes oif in tje wi near by and bring the lit?!e foxes ri in their hands. It was only ,1 week that our job printer, llerm) Outland, saw one running acmssi street in front of the pp&toilice. L; ? he endeavored to capture witij hurting when little Reynardbeizj him by the finger. He en.leavor to loosen his hohl only to be bit j on the other hand. He then I tapped him on the back vvhidtrtsr ed in the fox'n death. Our pru'J has been sad ever since, thu.kiniiiiJ he has been guilty of cruelty toVJ uials. We don't think of ki!h them with dogs. There are tp4 sums here too. One has LiUnsrJ - - - - mer quarters m a wo(i stiop here a: pays his re-pectsto the chicken est everv night. Had there been trop of huckleberries this year think a bear would have been d' covered near here too, hut there arl poor inducements for poor Bruto come. EdJ The Third Time. We have been spiling Howsr; Ready Mied Paints for about tk'-d weeks and have sent olf our third r der. This shows, the deraanJ tor it We keep white arid black ami ail & ca rw? a rtl- res ' iHnn'f fnil frt tfft'i U C 11V . U . V lllt " A S y 1 1 , lull Wr'ti nnr nrinno nlnn Jo tr. r. r if infflii"' in this line. " Conneh & Vai oiiax, Lasker, N. tt NOTICE! I have qualiiied as administrator oe tne esrare oi Aiexauuer ivee, aim a persons holding claims, a.tlnst sHidt tare are he nd) v notihVd to DO'ktit tli sanieto me .on or before the 12tli d;iy June,- 1895, or this notice will be i-leai ed in bar of their recovery. This 5th day of June, 1S0I. J. A. Ul kowv-V. O-G-Ct. A'liiiini-tralor MIIiLIMERY STORS TT AND FIXTURES. FOR SALE: A nice and well cstaldisl! Miinerr Business in the town of Mmficetbom, X. C Having movcnl to Elento!i al P- into the Dry Good?, Nctio.i . . T , ,. n1x- t,,,- s;,e !5 j "nf I therefore ofle. f 1 stock of Millinery Gk1s Noim- Faney Good. in MiirfreesJr", alu ltt lea-e on the favorite and couvu"-"-' located store, for balance of t hi y ' ou the corner, of Mmin an;! rsyca"0 St., near the Institute Avenue Those wishing to purcha-c the ness, with all of the S'ore aaJ Fixtures, will do well to zou.u with me. -tSTl will alo rent my DI,r Hou and Farm in M-ufr ,r0 l. 1st of September, ee oi I '( and i.exr year. A good home for wishing to send thtir daughttrs to Instilute Will mL-A ttm pat'Hf tttory to :. : t.r...- r.U the m. ..'.....hit -lli'l Ifc mere is a nne vw"h . ehanef. tninakf? uionevto thf sons wishin to engage in thai bu-1 Call on or address, L.L. MOOBE, EJetito: CjMiw. L. L. Moom:, Muifice- - I.Vl 1