I- 1 t ...... 4. " Ir" i fli A TP j n r VMM LU- m I II II If 11 J l ; ' 1 " " .. LASKER, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, THURSDAY, JULY 19,' 1894. NO. 31 ircoic which noF4ts may be ; t:t8. dozen ears, it isHed witen DIRECTOR. TIPTON WK85AABAW1B. 1904. M .E.PeeK Ovomer. Kez-; 'rwi; Itrer, . Brown', j r..J-DiRir'Tr rr since our Ust artWe on n.iln: siewan, i- ----- ... - . wb.ran BEALI2RO TrtE SCO All BEIiT. Mk EniTOK: Some'- tie t 4 I' v . . , . l . i. Kiioh ; Cere Mrs. J. W, Griffin; J.aaiiter j Flora, and fee4kag a interest in tl'ie wdiare . . . . ..A M h. L"e' Strain frou emiing .-you ,&! wus ;.,tI quaneriy o.. die 4t Tueudav j jf CiMilty pHtT xr ' . , ,. rijr and January "X i ' KpriJ, "J, " Uiater state. i year. , - , c4 ut freeze 4si led ail MlVEfSITY . tT TV A OF SOKT CAROLINA. i hcluac8 tbo College, the Univend SeW. the Medici fc&cuws ..... ..u tuition 60 OB a Chapel I1U1, N.C. UILLINSBY STOHE AND FIXTURES. FOJi SALK oi our iruu nwi "u- " r depenUeMt on dried iroita, iSc? das-ins lite soloing Fall ud inter. ict UieJ fead wid digest Cojaiaia- We tUiok aiuli od iwli fce doe 4iy paving attenUo to tUfi aJUer at itH;c. " FTuwiug is t rtlfi re ferred to : - A. TIMELY smiitsiiwi. 1 " r r , , ' uPloSria I is ftboat 300 yards away as it usual THINGS. !r!y corn in barrt-lt Ibe faatket rrontier Life OH IhcrlainS- ( I ' ' Uod orLb It eelU liiglS or fOj No. 8. 'Loetia cows t -unrn irbem fFor tbe PAtron and Gleioier.l irito vnunor and io re4ied so much , A miai.t he exoected. Ue peiiple - , - w - up correspondence wilu me procwee ; all kin(i9. froui all nailons. aort rrom g Qf he ,4 raercuauia aui g r.w,.8 ,u Ute io lue u n,"l, " to faster than be likes to. cspec- an insight to tiie tcatter. f 4,CipaUoua aud of all kinds of j f u tre1, and it may be Kegarding ,Tape8t one ofowtsad jSnancial coo(ltfona, from men wocth j drtttctlu 4jim to keep on bis feet. inr lawyers and practical taet bas j several thousand dollars clear awn j If je doe9 not teep lold of the followed oor sigsestion rciaUve to u families who did not have $ a.00 , , itirv have to chase bis cow the money in grapes and hS ordered j worth of property all told. - j rli 3 1:3 or 20 wiiwtes over the rme iwnui nrairic. or through his crop or me Sometime cows get unruly wben flya are bad. and just aa sootas they know tlx:y are loose, they go in a gallop to Tlbe water. I Now if a roan lOOCknice vie. Any or oar friends by addressing a letter to thc Secretary of Agricul ture at Washington can get suitable pamphkU and books on the culture of these things. Don't waste time fv.olintr with a t Jcrresraan, Sena- ' o C7 tor or pojUcian. bin write direct. and nine -ease -out f ten, you will rn havp. the ArticJcs waftied. We have bad several pleasant letters frooi the Dep'crtmcnt regarding rinta n4 rhp.Is furniphed. and it Ominissioner Thomas Whitehead. of the St:ile Agricultural uan- j ft ie, to u,e Uepart-nent to hear oestio for pub.'teatiQns Finn y a-e on the 0,,, ;...; I are aliiiiK tnmi Aw treS an. 4c"". Wr.. .! Main yea of . u pted In thu,e wiping topu - ;i;relu,rt,ll in lu,.t ,nth,-in s- with HIS of t.u- iDM-e v. r - Hii.f ..Hcklen-le-.Uo, v,.r if those who are t of employ ment W O vUin ment, or are unable to d.i Wy. work. VlH3INIA Depautmest Aokiccltcbr June 27lb, 1821. U. Will you do uie ihe j',',. o! triv the i,orpeoiJeiti tlie . Lul.trv the adviintffies of h 4)n:ctcai K.nicc Hud well crt-Uirt -1 ! e.tioi, baed 0 reliable imports row the (Uffcreni soeiions of tle St:ite and Miggst- that the county papers The (nuc crop is a fatiure, rarely an t.M.wM .,f a renort -of any peaches or neais. The small per cent, oi ap.i t.C ... .- ...... n.mA V,r.n a id MiOvi tutu the i" J ' r . .. ..... -rt-i-.fnr sale-m V b-ro K w " - . , ,i' .1 UuifrpfS Mi (i. aim uv lilinu i" ... 1 ...11 ... ...mi iiiiiLcute rivtnits. WIU UO eut i nil me. . f.. ll,ii.fvuu.!lllll 1.141" ti ... l.i. f S(-t..-.btr, for balance, o i . iu M! owllS ,..d -Xt Ve., A gond houje r tin, ,u. tt,t gel, WiH sv.h. ieud tbrirdai-Uiei?u j- ' - - d ,hoy Ciill., k dili- "?,i'U, ,1 f.torvto -oodlg-Mk ithcy will he amply re Will uiake.teriualWroiyo QiiJ p . ..vr. lhy NViiU if th l,artv'wi.Ut..i puUaM- ike stock. Tl...ie is' otienu.fc , h u, make, uioney to Jhe riht pen fon. M-hig to enge in that hu.iiu;. 01. of at!dre$, L. MkhK, K den ton, N. O.,- or Miib. 1- I- Moouk, Muift!.'6horu, N. 3 FOR ln.. Milk Shaker in gK)d con-4 One refrigera- inon. .Trice J.tti. t.c. Trice M. Boston, Uu,h Square, N. C. CantraDtor and Builder, JACKSON, N. C. Ks.iaiates. plans and specifications furnished on application. . Tersonai attention given tot&U vsork. Satisfaction guarantd. IS THE -NAME of a .full line of SHOES iu !ens L:ure and hildren's wear gor- :iiitttd all leather, s.:id sole. The.. ShiHare celebrated. Keiueuiber the name and don't take goiMl." Try a pair. Thepr i.wi iKi winter: they will, M fruit i-- beW till .faiar.y, mate .much vmnev. s Those who have i.ot a feupply ,t dryers near to.-s n can get Car nothing old tin from discarded tooting, often froui burnt bouses; thia .straightened out lor " dryers i preferable tc wood, dry s qtueker, and is more easily handled and coats nothing to pot i.5 I'duf Everr.'cabin'roo should be iitibxed thp lilackbcrrv is" the luain chance. Gather and dry every berry possible, and hold , t ill Christmas lor a mg" P"ce. The grape, blackberry and huekleberrv will be the sole reliance ior prc. vCB. This suggestion U rn'st timely and if adopted by those for whom it is intended, will prove to them a source of considerable profit. The black berry crop throughout this section is as l&re as was ever known and of as fine quality, sod we hope it will be utilized! in accordance with the surgesion of Commissioner White- r this state neacu m iu". d,,u"u and North .Carolina blackbenies gathered and dried have long been a source of considerable revenue to 1 he noorer Deoph. The agent atone railroad station ioformed the writer-! from the recipvents ol its courtesies. Another matter: Sugar has been "tariffied we would like to see tne sgar leet industry started in our low grxinds. An article in one f the leading atzrieultural journals not long since, mentioned the Roanoke river low rounds as the soil most adapted to the fertilization and cultivation of t'je great sugar beet. Sugar being on the tariff now. the manufacturer of the beet has of course a h'gher price for Ins laoor in oringmg me beet Ui perfection ;could we but bring the fertility and adaptability ot our lands before ,the en'crpising men of 1 . .' ... the North and Wst. tfie scient'sts and" the public, we culd h()e for a great renovation. Let us f.ct out of the rut. Have a meeting al talk things over socially, organize an iu provement C'nipnn3', m fuel getjpa general boom that will- benefit the emi'ttttinity t larg. j . WKLL UKEU. Jackson, N. C. crable capital and followed stock- raising principally ; others went to raising wheat on n large scale ;wntie others bean general farming very ftxtensive'y. Quite a number of tbeaive made their pile" in a few jeaw; but a good many wert into bankruptcy; others saved themselves y "seiur.g out" -when the -boom"- was t its height. 1 But the sreat body of the set tiers. that is those who farmed, by far the larger oart of the inhabitHntf, were poor ; .perhaps Ibey had a poor teau f horses or a yoke ofoxeu- an oui .m.n rTM-har.s a cow and perhaps $25 00 worth of household goods and farm implements logether.and mavue $1500 or $25.00 in cah. . Of course the more means a fam ily brought with them the hetter would be their opportunities forfget tin along" ard the less exposure they would' have to sutrer, although thia was no indication of how they would stand, financially, in 5 or 6 years, for it very often happened that those who came with very mut nrooerlv. or cash, would in a few years acquire quite a compete while others prairie, or through his crop or the crop of somebody else, perhaps some, body ganlen. lcfor te secures hei again, and in tle oean time if he docs not get -mad it will be because ther is rot much temper in him. Watering and picketing cos in a busy time was very often attended to bv the. wife or children, and I just know that there are children now living; who will retnemier "picketing them old-' cows", to the day of their death, if ibey live 100 year. Someticncs we -would picket our hogs if we did not have but one or two, Iwt frequently had small pens that could be easily moved about. If the cn was not too large the bogs would move it thcn.si lves. Sometimes the hogs would break out, and if the pen was small it was a task to get them in again. HlCHAUD Cooflu. Fairfield. Neb. who came"with more property could not o readily adapt f A m.m. themselves to the change 01 counny and circumstances, and as a conse quence would hsc most of what they brought wilu them." y State Convention. The State Convention of toe Dm- ocratw; patty will tnifii i Raleigh 011 August 8th, The Sallowing arc the delegates from Northampton elected at the; recent county convention. STATE. t OSVKNTION. M. Tugh, J. B. Stephenson. W. lyner, A. 1- Conner? Dr. R. W. J. yner. Or. R. H. Stancell. W. Harris. R li. Tcebles, B. S. Gay. a ctviTrtnin. rflSVKN'TION. The following were elected to th II. J For Sale, Lease or Kent. One Storehouse and Lot iu the cen tral part of the quiet vilagw of Poteciwd, N. C. Lot contains three-fourths of an acre,1 more, or less. Dimensions of Storehouse, 22x36, two stories high, with Gr eery room, Coimtbig rooinand Bed room attached. Suitable for a large stock of general merchandise, with two pood rooms above for a small family. Will sell Cheap For Cash ; leae or rent ion terms to suit the times. Other lots in the vilage for sale-at reasonable figures. Also for sale, o-ie Knabe Piano and CornUh Organ. For the cash, either or both of the above will be sold at very low figures. Now i? the time to make a bargain. For further particulars, call on or ad dress, ' R. I- Beale. Potecasi, N. C. 1 . , . . . l One ot our nciguooi - ""''lUa! cor.vution at Koxobci : I - The less a family broaghtwithtbeai r j Brlt,U F. S, the betier." because, said he. N FutrcU rt. H. Sianccll. wbo bring aa3 thing with them must j J.' Crocker. S- J- Calvert, lose it before they know how to man , ' ' L, notbing iW ' Twenty Days Only. A BIG OFFER. In order to re duce rapidly our large stock, consist- M.ro but those wImi bring with them, have nothing to lose, and .. .. . 1 . . . i have got to -inanage" irotn tuefciart. There is some truth in the above, nevertheless I know by experience that thoso who do not bring some thing with them will see a pretty tough time. One of the most aggravating chores for a noor settler and his familv is to take care of his tram, wheu it isj not at work, and to take care of his cow, or more if be has more, and their calves and also the hogs. There were 00 fences aud nothing to make fences ol ; yet there was abundance of grass and his slock ought to have it. So the horses, cows ana caivcs must be tied out to a rope and this rope made fast to a' stake dr ven in the ground ; we called this -pket-iDg;" some wotiid call it -staking out," others would call it -lariating; but this was not correct. Wc woold usually -picket" ahorse Eatabtiahel 1899 a Produce . Jp Commission Merchant f and Snipper. 2 1 Commerce St., Norfolk, V. Personal attention glvento .the. jale of Poultrv, Live Stock, Apple, Peach efljerries, Potatoes, Pef, Peanut a, and aU CountrV Produce. Write for price, and all iuformattou. Ua, o- 10 1. liefer to Bank of Commerce. 4 3 ?; NOT1CK! Bv vi.tus of tbreTExecuti... in mv hand., returnabU .'Vnul'one Northampton Superior -Courf, leJ4.oii m ; vor of Webb and Millar, one ... fa vor o? Webb and Johnson, and oie ui of Laa. der Lwer. against the Whal and M or LwuilM-r Gopany. I .ball on Monday, the n nay .01 li. t 1pD4 - at the Court-hou.e do9.r Hi S 'town of Jackson N'-'npton Xi'iy. uM U the hishe.t bidder for ial the'ri'ht. title and tntrefet of the V f Lalei Minor Luair Comp; nv in attract of land containing 15 ny in vuw v.nthamwlon fejtuateu u v ,. prise you. r a iiTTvmv C'. CO.. I hv brought from sixteen to tweni ,.- . 1 Air.rr tr ti. and . i,of 1.0 iiod tsimiDca : e Z any as from his depot over twenty thousand j Goods Cl0triing,ats, .prices will s,r- pounds in single season, and that j Furniture, .1 thev brought from sixteen to twenty - r 1 - 0 . ,u ! the thousand ami one thing ccnt3 re. f-. - . tha. 10 make tlll a er9l.cUSs slock .C0UD. DRINKb. ! when ev,ry resource should be bus o fc . COLD DRINKS f , bsn.Ici, tbit time isP. JJZi We proe lccCoMis!e in,.ruw.r, uUv.-s . ' sible price and intta no mi ui) I-' mon and Lime Ades, our country, comparing it with iNor- 1 , . no loner to re- . .. r r. i j;.,;. tU- land of Geoig with a rope any rre .r..ra U l-ing ut ' to 100 feet long ; for a cow wc would y w. Gjy .,iv , , lb00, . ... tn ra s-.ncr nd i ..:. irl oxcitttuus and ct. use a rope aoou. - - u ,ur ol July. 1S34. for a calf from 15 to 20 ieet 01 rcje was contdered enough. Now this stock should be watered three timfs a day. but it .lid not gt it that otlen always; it seldom got -prpd more than twice a day and j Kometimes only once. Then jt was (o cbaoze awwnd on better grass al sible pneea an-l irom no. u. . f-? - . - . lhe roilk 0 . 1 rrr r ill ti , rt..ti.fi.:- . i2otuBiM" T -o-.-.- . r1.nd to frebh roii( ana po.uwo . , ow . co v We venture the assertion mat lew " ' 0u5 for cush or! grass two or three uu. - counties near us have had watermel- 4, Su.afl This may 1-k like a small chore P ly as the first of last week. oano. - " t wbJ ba3 not bsJ experience . . - ..r anil Klt.. i i rincspplc and U'Uion SheibeU, Claret Ice, iSotaL CcoiKola, Cnampaguo .vit, jons a vi.jr - , s , and all -kbid of tinKUss ice eoJd rc- M xiftcd Etlwaras. one of " a,u f ..imr rim. fc,.. iiiiltv served at a bt- AoaiiJ . a ; Wc. er da bout; tain ) . . 6-I also Carry a fullj line 01 nri-, Ku a irjCUm ol atKut, iq .uc - n0luM funv. ay Mr. Airrcu .waru - ; fr0m such of this kind, but lei mui- iry u our most lorwaru i"- ; ' -lay turoogn a iudo' u"fc ' Uummcr fight at Doon wlco he ought ; our UiOak iw " t .. a full line of tirt- ' ,n?fln of fttKHlt 15 lbs. l..u. oncr' I ntp me " ' ... . ei.'ir 31. r. Mtr.." " -.l.4t Xorthimptoo Counts, To My Friend 'mid :" Patrons: ! I want you all to under- i 6tand tbat I am still id Beef bi5incs as heretofore, tMit on a larger acate. I will supply the market .r BicU Kparr. Jackie, and, Kntecasi aad other xiinta. Anjoifi having fat bec a to tell will b well to cot resond with iac. W. A. COLTHMSE. Eagleto -u, C". 4 .!:k Vnfif lHineriei and i aucy uro- . . ,. tf or.. 1 I1 cei ie.. Tobacco aud Cigar weight. . norit vptt aides. With the. 1 the I 1 . 0- T1 V. M W . Buxton & Baugham, i u. - , 5 31 " Kk-U STi.ro. N CV an., a -Klf. e:-(.!ly tlU -tt Call and see me nunlirTT UUU i- ' sln'p 4'-H-3tu We should pay more atUn- lOUrS -- " J" I w ... . ..r 1

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