it ! "i Mi -"i x Tin: PATKOX AND GLEAN EK . . . . i . nr.LISIIKD WtllKLY. on tLU subject. Why don't they j MITCHELL THE MAX. State fair Notes. The evidences-.- a S,c" A Cutting Afair rnces on alt Sumaer also oppose appropriations to the jnEN0INATED state sksator for j - flt Ra,ig!l tIll9 year to ; bwn Tt-arfuHy cut, LASKER, X. C Aug. 23. 1834. lindane Asvlunis which cost the 1 State about $300,000 annually ? i 3RD DISTRICT in aul. lm,. , time .for W ...:.. ! The Democratic Convention fr j ,t already been announced that ; I)res, Go0(ltJ Casjni f 3rd Senatorial District, hich com- $ncj Iargc farms us the Vanderbilt Mens Fnrniije 0Kl 5 prises the co-mtie of Northampton ; esta of Buncombe: the Mclntyre j cIu,,e(, in tfrs atir ' p" Und Rerhe. met at Rich Square last o!Onslow; the Kennedy farnv, eartT. n 1 u,li' now Andrews' J. Conner, j Editor and Pkopkiktor. HIGHER EDUCATION. As there is beicg so much said Monday There wa a large'delega-i of Lenoir ; tbe Holt and Home-wood . - 7 iiiow about State aid to higher ed- . , nt frora Bertie, including ! f f Alamance; Fair View farm. N a,Jv. V I cation, it will p'erhaps be inter-',se; r. prominent and mfiu- jof Wake ; Mott Farm, of Iredell ; - J SI fell Jil, ltJ i t ADVERTISING rates fumi-hed on ; ei tin to know what is being done SedreOeld stock and dairy farm, of, CIGARS at Jackson! ent'ai cii'zrns. spft-'encin siock w " . j . - vux),; r. nrlir-!iti.iii ,1 " i j '1 1 il..-,. 1! . ... , . . - . t... nf A .17 Klftho , i. t-i m other states aiong uiife.iiue. ; The convention was called to or- . Forsytb .the liege pouury r"c Ka ung JjWj H- ' 1 --- , - '- I - - r-f ' i rf- t t T if" - n 1 j - 1 P n f AOO All -article intended for pHhlieationilrom the .New lork School Jour- dcr al!0at 2 o'clock by J. S irfant. ForSytl, ; Osceola pouii.y an.v v.. ?h.MiI b- writt-n plainly ami only on j nal, one of the leading education-; chairman of ti c District Executive Craven ; Occneechce farm, of Or j prcj Cf O prT77 one M.le of tb? paper. , j , . , r tW .ntrv a r-lin 1 ...... : ,n(mn nf Men. - rnehfirt iann. of Bertie ; i rCCL&-0. ' KtMElrrT The real iam of the ennt ribitfor mv?t " Juuluai? .vv , : . v.oriiajiiiee, ,u, - , . u.,.v..- . 1 s The real nam of the cout ribitfor.mnst s a journals Oi tue twio, LomffiiUee.iio, u "--" ange ; ,ic fSBI in aUcH?.ac-otiipauy;tte firnraumca-fce fbllowhm in reference to the ! D. Winslon. was made permanent- Scotland Neck breeding stud, ot tion as a innnfir of ,t f u'tli. The 'ibtor will not be h-M rf;mnsi ble f r the .viewi eiit erta'u.e'l and ex p re -! hy crre?potident. AI!re-. all communications to The Patron and Gleaner, Laker, North ampton County. X. C. T nivp'rsi fv of the State of Mis- chair iriau. Mr souri: f the Win B. H. Sain. editor Halifax; Hohin-on -Stables, of An- anl all ki Price- 23c. a ai; 1 jj U,"J ill .iTrpr und the oUj cn . uhovi.i Kennels, of torsytb ; r fuult lV1. for " w" r , ; ; latittlUl. liiirh.-u Tuis untversitv, vrlicU ij I'jtaitru ... Parker farm, of Randolph ; besu flmL. lion and Sift v;t, ' nsd les COUGH SYUUlNf,. ,; nia, .f J,w,na ,,.! Mo h ! present, were elected secretares reccive.1 from the state since Febru-! A t reonest of i he chairman, Hon. ; hundreds of farmer, representtng t ic x whooping Co 2h V0 S?, "Entered tJfc Post Office at Lacker, ! arv ?191. l,v direct appropriation ' F. D. Winston stated the object of, State from th extreme fcast to tue i N". C, as Second Class Mat! er." . : :..i . .1 'rwrt 1 and in interest on its endowment, " the convention. " $1,525,000. Probably-no other state j appointed a committee-ot a I tat a a am tk m a mm a " " I has ever jriven its university Aurora Academv Elias S.Elliolt. ! money in so short a space ion the chair (extreme West, will make exhibits, j KlD p RtMt Dl three from j The peanut, rice and grain indos j 50. ' 5 'AE$. P Watches and Jewelry -J..M: Las eiter. Seed Oats; Domestic and cotton cloths Conner & Yaugban. The interest-bearing endo larger than any Mate university cept one, in the United States. The Stoker, J. B. Martin n 1 Cha?. Tav lonHnii-mont ' .nml t ht- Vfll HP Of bll hi l,,o I'nim l'.pr!!,- Ititfir t!l! COmjIlit- - jar,s grounds, and other equipments. ipe met 'ami -'elected S. J. Cuheri, We acknowledge the receipt of the jatD4unt to- n,ore- than 2 200'.C00.q . Chairrcan. '.' luuuniutL icncna 8 oi auusui a i ssti i.:u: - i . . t 1.1 .. 1 1 ne uuiKiinii auu cquijjmcuta ju-: X o in i n at ! o h s vvere (icciarfti in 01- ... . ... -i j f MAKT If ASTPr.. i . I so much each county to compose the di.tnct ; w,n r,e leurju of time, executive committee, as follows: r. j f f, jypmai Aiiectio..,. i ,""S wraent is J Calvert, G. P. Ucrvn and Geo- X o.umnou, . rt Pa n u,e ,llllnail . , T hl uith famous cattle breeders;.. !ie,r TO 11 .bPat- Hie vex fVshon from Northanipton. ami .1. i- ! i:imenes and chulio in ... 1 ontside the State, who desire to ex - , Price 25c. i .1 tho Vorf.h Pfirnli. ! PILES REMEDY since last issue Nomination i new and up to modern demand. The ,i -r y Af ntin. of Windsor, made i DrpA.-Capehart, Lewigton; J- R- i expendUur? for them in the last ' a lf,lion that! ?he chair appoint a; Leak, Rich Square; J. J. Brown. fwo ve-irs has exceeded 550X00. .. , r,nrn .,,utr ' r - - j . - CfMU UU lltTV Ol iiiicc uwu iveiiora; j. m. i-augham. r-otecasi. j. A1, departments are ope.i to men retire con I lie n-st honors . t ..tjo i p51tiflrH to tlie Sena na Fair, and quite a number havej Amonsr the attractions that ha en secured the Battle of Gettysburg, of which State Treasurer Tate and Col. T. S. cures certain if cim i.,,,e a snort tune. Price 25! at oisce its use T . . . promised to be present, ' S 1 sometiniito doron'H l.nrlilr- tiluosrt t 1. ... ' '"! I r ........ u-jn vnu vi lli! a t " " J ' C ' t 11" -if till. rtt.i.... . . . ' been secured are me yciorauua i -" ie.utaoinau 1 :h Write all communications to MRS. R. P. PTTTe i.ictj bquare,X. . j and women atike Solicitor Geo. H. "White, who 'in 1802 03 and in 1803 04 were won sider which ofthe.Knan sPeak M and favorably ; ; ,m0H ti, sen,- the Working World, one of the most;s tor this time, but the motion met wonderful pieces of mechanisui in the is a candidate for Cougress in : by women. There is no preparatory I w- b no-secnn,i; and Hon. Francfs D. this, the second District, on the . department, but provision is mane ' Winston then arose and in a strong . United, States ; the Bohemian glass i blowers, whose artistic and delicate I work in glass, chain attention by the Jienn h ifii'i tick-Pt- i nt ho ic tor at least one year oi uraauaie it k nrti.a nmc. L . in.- ; - - . peec.U IJiaUc'l iuc uaiuc n tut pn-o- i i' in the race, to star till election! work i Englisb. Luiin. Greek, mJ : e't Senflt(ir, ciingman' W. Mitchell, l"rs- and otljer fasclna!IDS nove' At the convention held in Weldon j ."ges. UUtory. political .of AuIander, Dertie county, in nomi- 'ere will be three grest days: 1.1.- . : -a- in :i. i ni. i ! -nionep nhllsonliV. mathematics, as- , : . .i ,i u.. ir- ixi auLums, u une aim y.neat-1 - r ... - i nation anu cioSeu u .quu Kdncation Dav. on Tuesday : Sol- ii i . i . . . . . 1 ir, nnmt' ti ii'i.ii n&r. fnrr nui mar . . i liam, claimed the nomination, arid 'J i-v-v- r: cj ; Geo pjurswyn, ot rsortnampion, i J:. ' 7 . .i , - - fiitJrui i v wiiicii ii ; i ' . - ' U CIS la. niiitu lULUi M'i aico iJk icuu the convention broke up in a row. j an' ' . . . , ! to move to make the cominat ion of j . f - ronfderate and Federal I he university began at Columbia ; jjr Mitchell unanimous. Mr, Bur- j ... , , , . , i Kiel itiis, nil t a csuaj , a ui ilici a gwyn stepped to tbe front and said ! nol. -ftri TllIirc,iov Aln , "U J .1111 ..'"U ( i 1 f hot it ocnnlil qtTiird lim mni'h inpai?. ! .- , "-.v, - v. , T IT II..IJ. rtT Rn nntrin rriT,- 1,.,. r- tin lCoiJ. courses oi aoaaeimc in- i i-.. .' .. j slruction eve beun in" 1841. held in Piochy Mount ve.sterdav. normal department was established nre to do so were it not for the tact C. is Chief Marshall, and will have AYo l,nVn tint l.oo.l .1 i 111 lb0'- lbe col.ege of agriculture; th t ortua!lton had a candidate . e - A n . We Lae. not, heard of. the. result, -; Ilct, rl8 n , . r.. , . 1 , . , a lar-e corps of dashing and gallant but predict that Hon. F. A. Wood- j ami mechanical arls anl the school wjlom it desired to place before the nrd was nominated by acclanifi- ; iwu. ot mines and metallurgy were made convsntion. Mr. O. M. Powell, of assistants. a- ciepatimeni oi me uimeritv.-in vflPti,mntn1 tUn n,i san,m,i . lie certainly deserved the ; ic-.i ti. .,;r4 tmtoa n,i mo ! - : - . . . .. , ... t,. , - .uiu-i..u v..w. ... ..--. icd the nomination, of Mr. Mitchell, nomination. .Since he has been nallurgy heii g h-caied at Itolla. The fjf Bertio, saving that we h,d tried m .Congress he has served his Maw department was opened in 1872 ; i hjra Qnce and ;hat lie ha provc a people well and faithfully. phe medical department, in 1873 ; ; failifuI representative oflhe people - - ..... Wind the ensmeering department, .in i ,i i i i i i p l ' i anil t hi) t id 1 1 o I litin r1 i t nr inn-. U IJ. I 111 i. w ftiV. .'v. JVU l .'1 Illf 1.1tlJ A Good Remedy. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is acknowledged to be one of the best medicines of! When you want . . . . Rnhnnl - Sunday School H fi fl Miscellaneous Mjn Send your orders to Alfred Williams k C: i RALEIGH-' X. C. " 1 ' : i I TU e can supply all your wants in I ? T line by return train. Sped raies to teacners and dealers. mi Send for catalogue. 3 its kind -made. See the following iiil .advertisement of Aurora 18,,. 1 he experiment station was : yaint of hi,' (Mitchell") course ln testimonial from one who has tried it : Academy appears in this;. issne: i established here, under act of Con- tl o . L-slatnre; j Calvert, georgeville. Cabarrus Co , C This- school will doubtless be all gre-, in 1887. The-Missouri state Rey Wra. Grant, both ofi Dear Sir :-Mr. Allen Blocks u,,u AO iu! ii. ii ivMui-,- . Nrl,jnm oQ fol,oweri Mr Powell; wiHder had ntod -m n Pnmmnnltr i ! m.eni ot tue university in leyy. un - for its zood HIW S00S ST03E J M. lassite'r & CO, LASKER, X. C. Wei announce to teachers im school officers that we arenoirprH pared, to furnish all the books ontU State I list and deliyer them at i: nostoffioe at. nri'-ps fixed bv SU after the j Board of Education. ' of Tn ood schools, and its Board Jaary. .1892. the main building ofeH and i . . i " i i i tlie university at Columbia was de-i t. . eeh ex eroded great tare m - .. j which, on sent in sneeciies euio-jistic ot .Mr. .unc i- 1 o o. t n r. but p wna nnf f 5econ,.ing Lis nominntion.-Lome, having been ca.le.1 offon some ! JN U selecting uMees exerci.setl Lrrear fare m - i which, on motion: was'- mmJo bv nt mp co ti.. m v o ------ . , , f ,i .11 , ! V : -.oy.. xiic.iuaii 1HJ uuiue lor T I i ii -r-i ritir.iTM I 1 . . . . , C, rt I t ...... i . 1 1 1 . i . . r . .... ! iUC jinjdiw. c ue-. , p i j i uau,ai,uu' me uocior sani thai .Mr. LHockwiIlder lnsprrces: I il i. xl i i -H i ; i it ii, i ot: ivp. imiuuic save iu. uunu-j- , . ; w lieve that this school will be a : . i There were calls for St. T.pon SonU was very sick, that he in2s ana equipment . in ; i r - d"""" nukjuc, Mmh i&,--: "thu fnn.l u-n innroPd i Esfl "Miertie, and he male an able ; blood '.and vomiting. We -gnvft him I olmes, Second Read-r, speech and predicted success in the a snja1' bottle of Chamberlain's Col- Kiiccess in eyeryyav and will be n power for gootl in the county. Il ami aenver tneui aiiueiouuH by a second appropriation of $2G4, 1)10, and by $20,010 additional for a ; catliIian new building- at Rolla. Wn are forced to ask our read- x ri I ers 10 excuse any snortcoihmgs ; ' , . in this issue. The editor has Temperance Meeting. been , quite sick with a feyer for The Western Division of the TTn- ic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and told him to go back and tell Mr. Holmes Third Reader, Holmes1 Fourth Header, Holmes' Fifth R?ader, Holmes New Historv of the U 2 J seyeral days and has been coin- ion Temperance Society will hold its penea to rentl jiroois, and do bis next meeting at Friend's church, other work on the paper, while Rich Square, In - 2nd Sabbath in 1 Oil PP.. I PHfnPr WQntnH D. to try It. A ttpr iidintr tl .w xxwv. . . . , "o 1 Maury's Elementary Geograpny, As the advertisement nlaced in Le,a Ul LUti nea'ne ue was well. j. iMaurv's Revised Manual of Geog- i 1 - . 4 raphy, N. C. luition, '1 San ford's Prim. Analv. Ariih., Sanford's Inter. Analv. ArTth., . .-,t 14 nalrf. " I us and take-V known-ln :hat Pat"t of the State. 1 . ; ij IU.ll AI lllllilcl IC, J her An:ilv. Arith., -1 I this pr per last week by me is not ; idemioi'SE & hnixx. explicit-' enough; I wish to say we Mess. Widenhouse & Shinn are! wih a competent man to come and prominent merchants and are wide- i make his home with 5 2 - ...-.-. , . fl'i - 1 il lllllilt confined to his bedand sulTering 0th month (September) at 3:30 rhar?e .of nr school jiroperty and Auc,r statement can be relied upon j-Saiiforrf's Hi seyerelv. We haveno one to take o'clock P. M. bud l up a school. The property For sale by v j SanfoidVEie our place. We also ask our cor-, respondent, to excuse our delay in answering letters. The writer is editor, business manager and proof reader, besides having 'other occupations. Mary E. Peele, i cost us over one thousand dol On behalf of 4he Ex. Com. ; lars' wh5ch we furnish free. There is 1 a splendid opportunity here to build A CARD. I UP a g'M school as there is no other ' permanent white school here or in Eiemeutary Algebra,-. Conner & Vaugiiax. ! Worcester's Print Dictionary, I We have iosl received a shinmpnt of Johnson's Chill and Feyer Tonic. vicinit and tbe -n. , It was bought with a distinct under- J irm-1) -c.tita. WE have long wondered whv ween the Manufacturer i rrcspoedene solicited those who so vigorously oppose and Uat each and every J Rich 'r State aid to higher education do botl!e is -uaranteei to cure an-v of' - A q L' 7 I xl . " "J- - i - -x .ii. ixi - x- 4- f .1 iue ioiiowics: oiseases : jjoi aiiach. me lusiiiutions ior tue - Worcester'sXt-wSchool D-ctionarr i Goodrich'8 Child's Hi-tory.U. 5., Wp hor, ,.n 1... ..rr.J, I Stephens' History of trie i.-... , w un uana -or Sale. Harvey's Re vised Eletnenury Conner & Vaugiian, Grammar and Composition,- " ) in Tor Constable. I herpbv uaii.iuucc iuscii as an Lasker, N. C. i Harvey 'sRevisedEnii.h'iraioin -1 I Eclectic Oonr-Books. (Lleuieui I ry.) Per doz., ! Eclect ic- Copy-Book?. Per doz. deaf and dumb and the blind. The State provides for all of the edu-: cation of this unfortunate class and yet tlie good people who see so much evil in public educa tion never utter a word against I those institutions. Is it because there is no profit to be derived ..'Is!, f hills and Ferer. 2nd. Billions Fever. 3rd. Hemorrhagic Fever. 4th. Neuralgia. 5ih. Measles. 6th. LaGrippe. y Now, we are willing to sell you on 1 70SA050, It .swfficusi ttie breath and preserve the teeth. ! TSie beat 10c phi on the market. ' For sale at tlie leading stores' dependent candidate fb r ihp S"Uitous Language Primer, i of Constable for Rich Soiiaro t, : Harrington's Spelling Book, i iiarper g ew tiraueu vupj-'- j ship and promise, if elpotPd in .: charge the duties ol the oBice to- the PriH-ary. : . J Xos. Per doz.. j best of my ability. . I Harper's Vew Graded Copy-fr .'J 1 :. ' r -. W. H. Baker, i Gram- 8 N' Fer ? ' i StPplj A l-i 1-1 1 fro rl Phsiol0T, uust Received 1. Pace's Theory and Piaotice Techiii?, of TrespassersTake Notice. from the factory a lare s.mnlr r! r c."L cfpriS inX.c ' a ' . . . . . .-1. . 1.1 r I 3. . 1 L & V . toe same coaaitions we buy it on. n 1 v ... - All per-ons are hi-rtby forbidden to ' p I'liArnntft HVF clnTL-' . ' .. . . - - - - .. . j. .... ciu-iv r 11 lemnrc nr I JnM r.r i . . lrom educating the deaf, the dumb ..n, ..... .r, ".J r which V V V. V. i t. vtv fcV and the blind, or is it because they are willing to give up this small number to the ''evil influ ences" of State conducted schools? j Ae would like to have mote light j aids . Hi'tor" i, . . Moore' History of X. C . Cotton Cloths ; Brand's Good Health for CbiU 'j 'Hing at prices that ! Brand's Health Lesson? for-M1 y ner. Domestic Plaids and cure ar.y 01 tne (lis- injure, any timber or property of an v . aiing at prices that eases above on utnerated. Failing to ; di-cription which we own in Xorthamp-: p'ease yoU. Give us a call do so we will cheer fully return our Um f,r othcr comit-T ' N'onh Car- ? 0ur P!erks take pleas-ire in;how money. Yours trJly. " ,-"'. without our special permission, , fog you goods whether tou Wish to a J under pains aiul penalties presents nJV buv or nt " . W Ltl.VVEE & At CHAN, la- T,,r- rr,. - i T If , uu s.n. 'L ,: ? rtm'"y- CONKER & VAUGHAH !J. M. We solicit orders which our prompt attention T i CQTTPR ti ly 1 mil

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