KmuND kews mm. (ptK C. Marskail; of Forts nuth Va. tias been attending onrt at Jackson tHs vveek. - . , .,1 ! ...ive S303.29 from tbefc tate seW funa w3 J"- yv - - J rears. 13. S. Oay, Esq., will speak with the county candidates at their va rious appointments. . v. v I Afr'W. E-Boone, of Bryan town, who was reported very sich last week, is hut little better. He has ifw niassow. dauxrhteror Mr. Tnlm A. Melson, died at her home! .bout four miles' from Jackson j last Tuesday from the effects of a vellow chill. ' ' ' '''' ' ' ' ' ' The 4th and last quarterly meet iue for Northampton circuit will lie held at Nw Hope church the 4th Saturday and Sunday in this nionth. Business of importance will come, before the meeting. Several cases of yellow chills are reported from the Eastern part of the county where they were so prevalent last year. Mrs. Jane Lassiter-Harrell, died from the eifects of one last Monday; and a twelve year old daughter of Mr. E. II. Lane died from same cause last week. The oldest daughter of Mr. N. W. Parker is very sick from a 3'ellow chill, hut is some hotter. 1 Lacker Locals. - Mrs. John . JJ.' Barrett has been quite sick for several days. , Mr. Junius F. Vaughan and three of his children are sick with (Chills and fever, r Episcopal services here next Sunday afternoon conducted by llev.-W. T. Picard, of Jackson, Mrs. C W.Jfritton and children left last Saturday' for Princeton, Johnston county, to visit ber moth- er and relatives. ' The biggest rain we have had here since last May fell last Tues day. Mr. Lawrence G. Draper says it washed his wellaw.ayv ; Mrs. J. B. Parker, who has been sick for several weeks wita typhoid fever, is recovering. This is the second case of typhoid fever ever known in this place.; Capt. II. B. Peebles, . Sheriff Stancell and the other candidates m the Democratic ticket, will ad dress the people of this vicinity here next Tuesday and the Pop ulist candidates the next day. Mr. Qeo. W. Simpson is attend ing the national association of the Brotherhood of St Andrew at Washington city this week. This is an organization in the Episcopal church similar to the Young Men's Christian Association. A Word to the Wise Is Sufficient. You know who we are and What we have been doing. Ve have just completed the opening of ir fall stock and having purcha$ed late received the big reductions in good? In very department, whieh we are now prepared to ghow vou. Indies Dress and Trimmings Clothinjr, B(Kts, Shot-jt, Rats, Furniture, Cook Stoves, in ct, everything you need at . A stonishingly Low Figures. v'e rp'spectf ally ak, an inspection aud MievHi we can plea you. ' The polite aul efficient salesmen, Mess. W.W. Sel dfu and T. C. Grant. witMake great Pleasure in quoting prices or sending niple. With sincere thanks (or past i ivnrs and trusting to see you soon, we remain, Yours Very Respectfully. Weaver & Jjassiter, Rich Square, N. C. we sti John Strong & Son's Flour, Guaranteed to please the most f astidi w,at 43.15. : 2i POTECASI LOCALS. BETTER MAIL FACILITIES DEMANDED JUKN. DEATil rEJISONALS. Miss Girlie Vangban returned to her Ivoroe at Buck Horn, Va., on Sat urday. Mr. E. J. Cook, jof Port Mr.E. J. Cook, jnf PortsmoaUi. es and friends. ilcJ. A. H. Cock and E T)ais lias dissolved copartnership of a few days Laratioji by inutual consent. Little Jixuiuie. the 12 year old son of John W. Baggett, died on Sunday from congestive chill. His death came very suddenly. His sisters and brothers werpat Sunday school when they received the sad news. Prof. N. W: Britton, principal of Poteeai High School, has rented the Peele house and moved in on Satur day. His school is in a flourisbirg condition and still a booming. I learn tuat ue uas empioyeu si 8 tank. Would it not be well for the pa irons wbo receive their mail along the line ot the R..-&T. railroad to write to the general Supt. of the t. A. L.. at Atlanta. Ga., and ask him it better mail accommodations can not he given 'js, by the R. &. T. rail road authorities ? If not I would suggest that we petition the postftice authorities at Washington to re-establish star n)utes. as our mail was more regular and earlier hy the star route than by the. present system in operation by the R. & T. railroad It oow takes from three to four days to get a letter and ils reply to Nor folk. Ya and ur Northern mail is invariably from one to five boors be hind tiieir schedule time. Section 715 of the Postal Laws and Regula tions of -1893 -?ays, "That the 'mail shall lxe conveyed with due frequen cy and fipeed." &c. Would you call this speed! It has been fcaid by rail road met, that, "We gave you a fust mail and passenger train (The Fly ing Scotchman) and it did not pay." I wml(f ask how could the passenger department expect it topay when-rMr ly every week, and sometimes twice a week, there was an excursion from L,Mwistor to Mine central point 'of trade, conveying passeugers -it aiwut one half cent er mile, and this fast train ws put oo in the dnllest month of t he year at that, I know that bus iness of all kinds Las hee.n dull, but now trade has .opened the lumber interest is again in operation. Why not give our same mail train as be fore? The people on the line of the R. & T. R. railroad have been very generous to this road from the time it was being built-up to the present, encouraged it, worked to stcure it, and gave the right-of-way, and tt has been said that the freight on the road pa' s them handsomely for trans portatiug it. This being the ca-:e. loes it not look like, that right and justice would demand that we should have some mail and passenger ac commodation? TtiiP Potecasi, N. C , Oct. 9, '94. Bosobel Chimes. Mrs. Addie Capehart arrived home from Norfolk couuty, Va., Monday last, after quite an extended sojourn with relatives and other friends in .... tUe "Old Dominion." Mrs. Jas. H. Pee.e, .Iter a kngtby stay with frieuds in Portsmouth, Va.. returned home Monday, feeling considerably recuperated, her health being very feeble before her depart ure hence. The date when Horn F. A. Wood ard will address the people of this community on the political issues of the day has been recently changed from the 18th to the 30th of October instead. Bear in mind the day and do not fail to hear Mr. Woodard's argument. A violent north-westerly wind stoiin, accompanied by coo! rain, were unwclconied visitors with Ror obellioos nesrly all of yesterday, lasting until a late, hour last nignt. causing the thermometer to register fr lower Uuan was anticipated by the nwst renowned of our prophets. Roxobei. X. CJ.t Oct. 10. weather Josh. WINDSOR LETTER. ATTEMPTAT JAIL DELIVERY DEATH CI ACCIDENT FEJISOXALS. Mr. St. Leon Scuil is attending Gates court. " lite. Sol. Cherry aad son SoL re turned from Norfolk yesterday. Miss Helen Giilam left for Nor folk, Va., last Wedoesday where &l will attend school. Miss Ella G arris, of Eaglefown. kbo lias been visiting her sister.'Mrs. W. L. Privott, returned to fcerhnme Sunday.- Misses Julia Stokes and Nellie Bond left last Wednesday for Greens boro to attend tlve Normal and In dustrial College. tJapt. . R. Outlaw nd family and Mrs. D. C. Winston aud family who have been spending the w turner at Nags Head, returned home Saturday. Mr. Isaac T. Smith, who ba been . -v. , .- p o visiting relatives m Norfolk, Smith' " fiplrl n,l KiifTulL- V rot mm! Im, ! yesterday. He is looking well and we; are all glad to see him back again. Mr. Jos. L. Spivey, of the firm of J. B. Soivey and Son, returned from the Northern markets Tuesday last where be has been to purchase his tall stock of millinery and dress jroods He brought whit him Miss Anna Carmine, of Baltimore, wIjo will stay with them this season as milliner. Miss Sadie Meekin, of Lewiston, came up ori: the Steatcer Bertie, on her way home from summering at Nags Headland visiting in Plymouth. She will be the guest of Dr. E. W. Pugh while in tiwn. Miss Sadie is an attractive youug lady and our young men gladly welcome her in our midst. A little girl. tle 'daughter of Noah Cooper, colored, who lives near Ce dar Landing on the Roanoke River, was killed Sunday by a run away mule. She, together with a little brother of tier's were going to a Imp tizinsr'when the mule took .fright, ran and threw the girl out, the wheel passing over her and. kUbug .her in stantfv. . OnFriday last Sheriff Bond learned that there was a plan on foot amonz the prisoners confined - in jail to make a wholesale delivery that night. Up on an examination of the jail there were found a three quarter auger, a hatchet., file and chisel which had been cunveyed to them by outside parties, the prisoners procuring them by tearing one. of their blankets in to strips and making a rope ofj it. This ihey threw. out of the window and over the fence when the urticles were attached to it and drawn in. The rope was found In the hed of one of them. The jail has no blinds to it so the deed was easily accom plished. They were somewhat taken hy surprise as the Jailer visits the jail only once a day and then early in the morning. When the searching party went In they made no attempt to hide the auger, which was found op the bed, but theypassed the other articles through the hole for the heat er pipe, down stairs to the two white men who s re in the room below them. When the party searched the room downstairs they could find nothing as they were passed back up stair3 as .-. o llo narlv loft. tllP fflfim fthdVC. i Q(KJU ilO KUV. I ,j ,u.ti iue " not nave oeen iuuuu n uc ui prisoners had not told on them.wbich he did the rnixt day. As soon as they found that tney were discovered the white mea who had the tools threw them out of the window where they j were found. It was a desperate at tempt but luckily was frustrated by timely ' warning. Among those in jail are John Joiner for rape, Henry r.lttv Hollv. for robtn-ry, both cohred. and Sol." Butler, white, for assault with attempt to kill. Oct. 9. 1894. Cakolus. For Constable. j I hereby announce to the voters of! Kirby Township ttiat I am a anni. date for the office of Constable of townshio and ask their supiKirt. if elected I will discharge the duties j of the orllce to the best cf ray ability, j W.;C. Coggins. i Auz. 30 1894. PENDLETON LETTER, SENT TO JAIL FOI1 HOCfE BREAKING MAD , DOG IX TO PER SONAL ITEMS. We we glad to report the health ot the town good. The train has killed the past few weeks five lie ad of cattle at the mil! pond. Prof. J. G. Joynet commenced his fall term of school today; prospects good. ' . Several hales of cotton were brought to town during the pas, week. Mr. S. S. Woodard was on the sick 1 i st last week but we are glad to see him ott again. ! Miss Cora Lee is still absent oo a visit to friends ami relatives at Seaboard aud Jackson. Prof. J. G. Joyner's public school terra closed at the academy last . , ir - - . : . ,1 HOay ; exercises Mr. Leroy Maddrey, of Severn. was in town yesterday on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Airs. -K . R. Mad drey. Mr. J. L. Woodard, of Newsotus. Va., was ii town Isst Saturday and Sunday on a visit to friends and relatives. , . There was in town a few days past & mad dog. He bit several dogs as he passed through; be was killed a few miles off. s M r. Ran k : n G arri s, of West No r -folk, Va., is visiting friends and rel atives in town, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee. Mr. Walter A. Stephenson, express messenger on R. & T. R. road, was in town yesterday on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs A. E. Steph enson. We felt exceedingly sympathetic for little1 Eunice Martin when the ma.l dog came and killed her little pet dog in the porch and carried him off. No trace of the little terrier has been seen since. Justice K. R Maddrey tried a la case last '1 hursday ; State vs. Joe cott for house hi caking. The party was convicted and sent to jail. He has just served out a two yeafs term in the State prison. Pastor Scarboio preached an im pressive sermon at Robert's. Chapel rn Sinnibiv last: subiect. "Go ve therefore, teach all natton." &c. Af ter sermon a collection was taken to meet the church's obligation to the association, amounting to $47.40. Mr. J. R. Benle has a driven pump fifty or sixty-feet in depth. The wa ter is of a mineral character, and the healing propensities are far superior for some .diseases than some springs which parties have tried, with somje expense, and yet at last found relief at home. I wonder if our town commission ers are aware that the streets arc getting to be in a had condition ; work is much needed. We suggest that a meeting be held by the town commissioners and that steps be taken at once to make the necessary repairs to streets, bridges. &c. Mr. Leroy Stephenson returned from Portsmouth last week where be bad accepted a position as clerk but tince his father's sudden death, he has decided to return and take care of mother. Would that the writer even bad a mother. Right Leroy, it wiU speak w?ll for you in the future. Mother is a sweet and previous name, and we fear that many do not appreciate a mother's love and care as they should. t Rodney. Pendletbn, N. C, Oct. 8. ' , THE LAPlEo m V are cordially invited lo pee inv ny V stock of Milliuery UoohH anu o-j JESf 1 U V Baltimore. 1 hve -leeteil ny j stockof Ladie.,MiSndChildnmi HATS AND TRIMMINGS . with much care and am confident i thatiuy ,uek willcpmpre favora. bly with an. Will tKe pieataic in showing tnm knd will try to j. please in tyif nj prn-c. Very Respectfully. Miss "Alma Bishop, Huxuo & Haugham' Store. 4t Rich S-juare, N. C. FROM CREEKSVILLE. X03TXQ OF A SUOTSSFCT. TERM Of school mnsoNAt. and 1 OTTIEU ITEMS. . Cotton is being injured in tbw Gelds and need picking. Mr. J. A. Davis, toe leading mer chant berc.expects to visit Richmond this wrek to purchase his fall goods. Jesse J. Lassiter has returned t Raleigh where he has been attending school 'at the Institution fw-ltoe blind for several yeirs. Much sickness stiR prevails In the vicinity. We learn that Mrs. R. C Lassiter is! quite sick but we trust she may soon recover. Misses Bcttie P. and Ella M. Drake; of Virginia, has rt turned home after a two weeks visit to ela tives and friends in tht "vicinity.- Rev. Mr. Cale, the pastir, filled his appointment here last Saturday and Sunduj. Mr. Calc is much liked and large congregations always greet him here. Mess. I. V.. Bristow & Co., have bought a new engine nnd now have their grist mill anl cotton gin in good order. They are industrious young men and deserve success. Miss Mattie Joyner, of Branch ville? Va.. clo3ed her school near here few .lays ago. A large nun. her of people attended the closing exer cises which were rendered in a man ner that reflected creat credit on both teacher and pupils. The teach er gave general satisfaction and the best wishes of our people follow her. J. E. B. Creeksville, N.COet. 8. '94. MR. BURDEN DECLINES. THE NOMINATION FOR SHERIFF OF BE11TIE COUNTY ON THE TOP U LI ST TICKET, " Mr. W. O. Burden, of Anlander, Bertie county, who was recently nominated by the Peoples party of Bertie county for the office of Sheriff has written the following letter den dining the nomination : AULANDER, N. C.. Oct. 4. 1894. TO THK CUM. P. P. EX. COM. AND TO MY FKIKNIS OF IJKKTIE COUNTY : The lVople. partv convfiiiion hf hi. l Windsor S it. G, is04, tendered to mo the noniination for tht offtVe of Sheriff, much aginfl my uiies. '; Owing romr health, aiil haviiijr been out of polities so long, I have no desire to enter pilli life' at all. . Therefore I must decline to accept the uomiimtioii. Thanking tho member of the convention for the c.ot fulence and honor conferred in tender inr to me thi nomination, I am.' Very Respectfully, W.G. IJUKDEN. SEABOARD NEWS. MOVED TO JACKSON WORK SUSPEND ED THE POSTOFFICE 'Mr. J. T. Maddrey has returned frtim his. trip North, and while away hotight a very large stock of goods. The meetins at the Baptist church was postponed until this week on ac count or sickness in the pastor's family. : t he Ijoumc and lot on the North side of the railnal owned by Mr. H. L. Joyner wa purchased from him this week by Mr. a. I. Stephenson. Bad weather has stopped the farm crs Irom bringing their produce into market and has also stopped the car penters from going ahead with their work and our town has been very quiet for the pat few days. Mr. T. B. Rote will leave Thurs day, lie will lake hi famdy wtU him to Jackson where ho expects Ui make bis future borne. Every oat will regret to see h:tn leave as le is i a goxl man and hard worker in our ; yunfiay gc(i0d and church. No fault has been found of the management of the ,Kst ottlco at this j j, tli?t we have beard of except ( irf party man. and uecau Ul lhe ofSce wbUe the pot roUtfe ! dinner and eompliined be- cause , lie couw uuv ntnu wv. w.v, , but he was so severely rebuked by good old Democrat that hi cim plainU will hardly be beard again. Seaboard, N. C. Oct. 9.

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