PATRON G LEA NEB 6 L " ' "- " ' " ' ' j , , ,, W - - ' ' .1 .... II I I ! I .1 I I . I LASKER, XORTHAMPTOX COUXTY, X C , TIIUHSDxVY, XO MEMBER 1, 1891. g' - - '01- o XO. 45. A JUL i r - .ti. Albright, Principal, - .in l,;ril SQUAKE, N. C. f - Session of this school a". September 2-i. - for tuition as follows : ; v Depai tmcnt, - -!, I .')arfrneiif , 2.00 0.00 Krcrra. . ! ' . , - f.:i-s be secured in good private or ;tt the Hotel at reason ble THE GRANGE. PROCEEDINGS OF 4TII QUARTERLY MEETl.N'O OF NORTHAMPTON POMONA GRANGE. Northampton Pomona Grange, P. of II., held its 4th quarterly session with- Crceksville Sub-Grange on MR.. STEPHENSON ANS W ERED HIS MEMORY SHOULD RE WHETTED WHETHER ilEIIAS "AN AX TO grind" or not. Mr. Editor: We notice in the last issue of your paper, an article :Vom Mr.'-Claudius L. N. Stephenson i slating that lie had been thinking j Tuesday the 23rd day of Oct. 1804.1 : Tlie W. M.. A. E. Peelc, presided and ! for. some time of writing an article I opened the Grange in 4th degree. Ihe Secrelarv beinii absent, Wm. ,. $'. Grant, Proprietor, JACKSON, N. C. S' 1 i i . - supplied with the. best the :.;!rd. rv -tables attached. raters to County Ollieers. - i '.-)! -out for boj-s .A ' c. n t s v,' a ii t e w" at every potof fiee i n handle Key, Trunk, U m 1 r e 1 la, Gun and Dog Checks, with i. ikt-money.-; :l n e and -- ad d' re s s r.,. n.' Circulars and jostrrc n;i'l(' cher-k with name and !! icd thcH'oii by mail -post--. Addicts Lranchville, Va. T iiJ 33.13- u? I n u a of 1 a ? t m c.c ..i'n ' we:o 1 have ubo.M U i.iijsu feet of.'stand . i iic 'timber, about 2 J, miles from S. U. in Northampton County, al one :: Horse power, saw mill that 1 wojld sell ati reasonable t-nn-. Then' i- v. bogie road from the timber to ?!' ndl'Oad. lor fu: (her ;iif"i niatioii apply U) IF. " (irii-hha, Seaboard, V. C. I fioyj oa . Want .School Books ' -M , TI1K LATEST STYLES STATIONARY ' Fol! SCHOOL, llo.ME Oil OFFICE. Tr can ennlv everytleniryou i.;eed ;in our l'HC, ;v)d at lowest p t--il)U' pi-'ees. f Wis,.. t. us for i- italoues or i? othvr information. I A. WILLIAMS & CO,, j : : kMLI : AM' SIVIMI1 I ! R.M.i:i:ir. N. C. Grant was appointed to fill the va canc5'. Call of Sub. Granges for representation showed the following represented: Greeksville, 12; Gkla tia. 7 , Lacker, 20; total, -32. A quorum being found' present, the (lran"e was declared ready for the transaction of business, Jteports of Sub. Granges : Cieeks viiie, oral report : In rather discour aa'nig condition ; Galatia, written report : condition good ; good deal pf interest manifested in meetings; square with. Sec. of Stale Grange ; membership, CO ; have c operated in buying am". sc-Uiog 'ou a smr.-lL scale ; all secrced pleased ; th'rk we will try it again: Laske, wr tVeo report : condition ood ; rihi imjcIi- inVeresL manifest d in meet' i ; uiembe. ship, 39. The Y. M. fieh made a few 'remarks encourag Graget-s to renew rieir eob, . -y si-uoj the ;it ual and iu'k mo e g aigeism r.s Uey go ati'Oiig Jie p' Ale. The. Se. c -me in and took l"s &(at':(' i - The rerd and app ove 1. . The' Comm: , e oa Educatio i sub fniited the Wnw'j repot-.: "Educa tio.i is t ,u:hl.iUv ?.akl to bo the fonn dat on on w hi eh.-the Gc ge must stand or fall. To be good patrons the.fe o'e implies that we a - inter es "d in the subject of efii'Cf.Uon. To be.r ne in eF'eut by i jc easing knowled e sl.ouhl be orr constant aim. Ve rccommend tl at each Sob. (xraoo.e should endeavor to keep iq a ood school and not weary in '.vel' doinfT. When we read .he beauiilu! epoiLs id pile at Tarboio and Newton we are bound to believe that the Grange since- its organisation has started the great wheel " to turning that! is so enlightening and improv iiv our country. We also recom mend that the Granges j i Northamp ton county, in the Slate of North Carolina and even in every State in the Union should take courage and (eel proud that they have done a work that' will speak well for the Grange years and jea's to come." On mo lion the report, was received and udopied. The following officeis were elected tor the .ensuing year : M., Rev. Wm. Grant ; O., Tiro. J. li. from this section for publication rel ative to the public school in district No.41. We believe it would have been better for him to have thooght a little longer before writing; at least long enough to have been able to state matters correctly. Tie says he has "no axe to grind" in this matter ; but we think he has a memory that needs considerable whetting, or. he certain ly would not J have said that there had been no public school taught in the district for two years or more. We are sure there was a public school going on in .he district in March 1603, and i" 'we know any l':ing about reckoning time, it has not lueiv Lwo yers or more. Last wi )ter the e wi-s a payment to be .nice on the hall, which left tne i ids so small, it wt-,s thought by cine of f ! e jm r " a that it would be better o w;,U. oiii ihis fa'l ard ve a 'o ' er .j. We do 't knov-' whc of the patrois o ! e fO: ool have bf Cii comoluining: .o rF!. S che.'" r-o ab.)Ut .he f,' hool 'oeir'g t .tvl. i ; no-why ; hey make rvV er n la s. .. him. U onld it t iUvc 'r.ecn mrnh beer for then to L , ined 'o i?e eommiLlee? We l?ve IiA'd no le of said com but o.) the o.her hand, we '' ;vc consulird some of the patrons of he school "n ?egard to the best u e to commence the school and 'iey agreed with us that somewhere -brut the" 1st of November was the bec-ti 'time in order to give them a t .iivce to save their cotton crop rithout so much hireuV help, as many "7 ibcm.wefc not so fortunate a Mr. Claudius Stephenson to get a public school to teach at a oig salary to en able them to hire help to save 4 or 5 cent cotton. All of the. committee have children a3 well as.M-vS. and we believe have the inlcest of the chik!:en at heart as much as he has We hope if he has no axe to grind he wili sharpen his memory so keen that he can state matters correctly in t'iO future. Co3i. foii. District No. 41. Established 1890. Pensions. . NaturaMy the ralient fact iu Fen s o i Comm'ss:oner Loch en's report ihe fab'z o;i in the number of pf usioners on theTol! during the last r t i l ATomliv- tisral yea" nas exeiie( me aneu- Brown ; Lect,. Iro. I. b. .uurpin ,, - . !fl0.0 p,v!ip. c nro tion and interest of the country. Al- Chap., llev, Jese P 1 the , b., ro. nns4 II. C. Lassiter; A. S., liro J. u. Johnson; Treas., Bro. K. I)avis; Sec. E. C. Allen; G. K., Bro. J. W. C.rinin; .P.. Miss Loreua Crowder; C, Mrs. I. K. T. Davis ; F., Miss Lena Moore ; L. Ai S., Mrs. M. E. Parker. The lollowinix resolution though no fewer than OO.OSo new names were added and 2308 that had been dropped were restored, yet the losses by death and other causes we; e such as to leave the total on June 30 last at OGO.o 14, which was !o4G8 less than that of twelve months PEOPLFSf PARTY SPEAKING f . A WORD CONCERXlXO THE RETORTS OF MEETINGS BY DEMOCRATS. Mr. "Editor: I have noticed lately that much has been said by some of the correspondents to your paper concerning the People's party. I have also noticed that whenever ve have an account in your paper of a meeting or a public speaking of that party, written by a Democrat, it is generally a ver3T discouraging report to one who is in sympathy with the People's party. On the other hand when we have the account of Dem ocratic meeting reported perhaps by the same men, there happens always to be a large crowd and a "glorious prospect for lemocracy." Now, I do not dare to attempt to denounce such reports as false, but I do say I fear that prejudice has caused them to say some things which is calculated to misrepresent facts. Whatever has been said heretofore concerning the small and iguoraiuous crowds which attend the People's party speal ing. I write to testify that there was People's party speaking at Pendleton on last Friday, Oct, 19th, which was attended by no mean and disrespectable congregation. Many were here eager to hear the truth. The most? remarkable thing, how ever, connected with the occasion, and one I would like some of your correspondents to note, was, that the Democratic candidates having gone to their appointed place for speak in", Miami, and having found such a few present, left there and came to : Pendleton and begged that they mhdit be permitted to speak there, to a people who would not ride to Miami, a distance of about 3 miles to hear them speak. Whatever may be said about Pep pie's partyism and the men who We in sympathy with it, I don't think it can be said that an of its represen tatives ever tried to "run down," as it were, and presumptuously throw themselves upon a body of people. 1 think it can be said .and said truly, thaW though the listeners be. few the candidates who represent the People's party will speak to them rather than make themselves a nuis ance at Democratic or any other gathering. s T think it behooves some of your good-natured and sympathetic Dem ocratic correspondents to exhort their own brethren an.l to remind them of the necessity of coming out and meeting their representatives and not cause the representatives so much trouble, rather than to lavish so much of his sympathy in advising people to come out and hear the so called "sore-heads, crest fallen, spa vined and distempered." KM. II. Pendleton, N. C., Oct. 22. PEEIE'S REMEDIES. . BLOOD PURIFIER, Good forScrofula and all skin and blood disease:. Price 2.c. INFALIliLE CURE, for Cholera In fantum, Diarhea, Towel Consump tion and Sjiek Stomach. Price '2c. COUGH SYRUP, for Rronchilis -Asthma, .Consumption. Honrsencss Whooping Cough and Kidney Af fection. Price 2k KIDNEY' AND BLADDER REMEDY AND FEMALE DISEASES, Price 50e MAKE HASTE, Good for man and beast. Rheumatism, Sprain, Rrui es, Spinal Affection. -in fact, ood for ary parn the human 'being is heir to. It beat the- world for lamene?-- and choltc in animal. Price 2.K. PILES REMEDY. Relief at once and cures certain if continue its use for a short time. Price 2c. If you want something to do you great jood ue my medicines and you will be highly pleased. Below you will find a few of the many te.-timoniah I have received. Write all communications to MRS. R. P. PEELE, Rich Square, N. C. NOTICE ! Havl"j; qualified as administrator, with will annexed, of the estate of the late Mr. Alice A. Aniiigto i, I hereby noiif v all pernor. s bo,lisi euim ajjainst said e.tate, tn piv.-i'iit tiiem to me for payment on or before. .Dec. lt, lG"s or tliis notice will be pleaded in bar of tber lecovery. Debtors 'will please pay promptl.y. Th Oct. 22. ISO 1. J. A. BUjIOWYX, AdmK, W'ib the will auiu-xetl of A. A. AltlilMiTOX.- iTLEY;. WOODLAND, M. G., Manuf scturers and Dealers in T1 - DUggiGS, uai 'liagos, Harness, Wagons, &e. &c. We beg to announce to the public that we are now prepared to do all kinds of work in the above line and at reasonable price?. . . . . .' Horse shoeing and Repairing t . . j I ; Promptly attended to and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. .... i If you are in need of a Buggy, Cart,Wagon or Har ness don't fail to get our prices. I I t i 'r ATbonf ' T ,i previous. It is certainly very gratify- uducc- Commission McKliant.iwaso(rer.(ia.ia,iPie..: i . ,o . (iw t.a. ,,r ra-n; vea; licsolccd, That the Pomona Grange . r - - , r has been at the flood has now turned extend us thanks to the members ot ; , , ', . , r and is actually ebbing It is also Crceksville ul. Grange lor tne.vind : . nn,i iwkeivifnhlo manner ui whicn tlie . - . J.. ? , . . . have entertained this meeting. ind Warehouse 22 Roanoke Dock;, Norfolk, Va. Masonry in North Carolina. There are only four counties in North Carolina out of the 96 in which there is no Masonic Lodge Dare, Polk. Tyrrell, and Warren. The largest number of Lodges in anyone county is in Wake, where there are 14. Randolph comes next, having 9 Lodges. Then comes Wdkes witli cMit Lod2es.,. Johnston eight, v.ran- M.-iip :io'. oowini liiat lae pension ...i o n imi ill lilt .iii v'l i.i.i ftiijriiiiii'ii i i i itii rr ill.'. .11 - , 1 -.-.-. - y 1 -ou: i Hiu-uuv" - ! ii:nu (.mi-n-iiiiv.. v ' lOl-ais will "i) r un IICAl . r -- a. . . . . 1 .. ivultry, ivus 1',v nl" -T,.c ll0s: m.Vtina of this GraiKje t0c ' ilicru is il.M tl.e.c was only .j,vie e.ght. Chatham c.gui Lum .r K V ,u.i,s;nHi a;, Couto iro- . iic hcMai L;sker . cUi , 1831 against land .seven .n .even Surry '. - .. 1 - timna niimhor I Seven. DUliunu-c j r 10 atior ot me ua uciir;u u..v, n...... .....v, v...-- - ,. N'V M3TTC, "PROMPT RETURNS.'1 :,-r.-;:ee. P.ank of Commerce. M ibc -Grange was closed in the 1th thief Vears a.T'i il.iHT. S. IUVKS A CO, 1 r.i G Soaasko'-Peck, ITsrfolk. Va. decree. A. E. Pi:i:r i:. M. E. C. AiLKN, Sec. , while most of such ! Madison six, Mecklenburg six, bamp- ' - r,m cir i 'iiiirfik-pp v '. u evciaim u- D-y c y'V. a;e tor increases 01 ex- . - - .... L.u Franklin five, Guilfonl five, Iredell AV Pi re"? tWr ? -V U V . I V "V- .... TASTELESS For Heat. . - i i -. -v V r'nilTH II VI' tft I rew na-res ,o ti e reifs. Another i " "3:t is tl'.r. a u'-eat part of the ex-! Having a foothold in every county ivn T C'Cms oi persons not aireaiv except lour, wuaw j t on the rolls, amounting 287,209, might be for good, if that community j One dwelling bouse and lot, hav? already been examined and ? of interest existed which ought to ex boated in the Hwn of Cnav. . Cuuud defecve in certain particu- ist in every L'wlge in the State, 1 C aUi dwelling lias live fa?s. so tunt. n s -uououmi now many ! woai a granu .. .... I tc and ciuuiortabie rooms. -.of ihem wiu i2 prtec:eu. it is eoo i estaousueu iuiwuu besides cook rinini ami unini;; uiie at rial. 1 e3tii. TIME in r. 1 Pea,nn:,iVtto!i..Lumber, Ecc- and ;iiieken. Uetnins made on day of alo. j lt JUST ASCQOD FOR ADULTS. t is ebb i established through her instruroen-j vARRArlTED. PRICE 50 ctS. it ...1:1 Ka Y O-oban Asv um.5 . . . title at nsi 11 jjciiaiuiix iuu 'i- iau., -t . ! galtia. it-XJ, jt. i i rooiP Good lot. Outbuilding-, should be bb tide till the stream is j which only neels Xto? hearty cooper-1 ytjr r. m VxU(S, ef Good well of water, &c. Call dry, especially so as scarcely one-1 ation of the Lodges and. membership in nr tidies2? 1 third of the men who participated iu ! of the order to make it one 01 me , V',.. m'tcW t,... it 7t Flithe the late Civil war are alive lodav.- 2randest institutions in the country.; g- V JanC. Christian Work. V 4 -Orphan's Friend. .v.caco