THE PATRON AND GLEANER PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Andrew J. Cosne:, Editor ill Proprietor. "Entered at the Post Office at Lasker, X. C, as Second Class Matter." SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 per year in advance. - ADVERTISING RATES furnished on application. Air article" intended for publication fdiould be written plainly and only on one side of the paper. The real name of the contributor must In all caes accompany the communica tion as a guarantee of good faith. The editor will not be held responsi ble for the view? entertained and ex pressed by. correspondents. Address all communications to The Patron and Gleaner, Lacker, North ampton County, X. C LASKER, N. C., Dec. G, 1894. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sale of Land R 0 Burton Notice Henry C Edwards Hatch Chickens Geo H Stahl Notice to Tax Payers W R Baugham ..' i. Webster's International Dic tionary G & C Merriam Co Since our lastissue we have re ceived the following1 subscriptions and renewals: Pendleton. N. C Washington Hart, Green Deloatch. Jackson, N. C A. H. Reid, R. ILJDeloatch, J. M. Grant, Geo. i P. Burgwyn. Garysburg, N. C W. L Reid, B. S. Sykes, B. L, Peebles. Bryantown, N. C N. B. Ma'nly J. P. Holomon. Rehoboth. N. C. H. II. Grant Roxobel, N. C John E. Tyler. Windsor, N. C. J. B. Martin. Rich- Square, N. C Janles H. Futrell, N- J. Brown, Ellisse C. Walden, J. B. Bryan, Al fred Moore, Jr., A. A. Brown. Margarettsville, N. C Charles Erekson, W. K. Bridgers, G. W. Johnson, Bridgers & Gar - ris, J. G. Stancell, A. B. Spivc-y, D. J. Davis, Robert Coke r, I. P. Parker. Conway, N. C R. B. Crump, A. Lassiter, R. M. Martin, Dr. M. H. Futrell, J. A. Garris. Jesse B. Vick. Seaboard, N. C. R. D. B. Mad- drey. Lasker, N.C. J. K Lassiter. Hon. S . II. "U illiams, Master of the Statev Grange,, desires a large attendance at the State Grange to be held here next week. All mem bers of the order in good standing are cordiallv invited to attend. The Teachers' Institute month-, ly educational . journal published by E. L. Kellogg & Co., of New York, is one of the best education-. al papers for teachers we ever ex amined. Recently a North Caro lina supplement, with Professor Charles J. Parker, of Raleigh, a teacher of experience and ability, as editor, has been added, which makes it of still greater interest and benefit to North Carolina teachers, and it should be in the hands of every teacher in the State. A teacher who does not read edu cational journals cannot expect to keep up with the profession and is sooner or later relegated to the rear. ' OUR COUNTY OFFICERS. ' The county commissioners, and other county officers elected at the recent election, qualified last Mon day for a term of two years. It is generally, admitted that we have an excellent board of commission ers who look well to the interest of the county and are conscientious in the discharge of their duty; and the new officers Register of Deeds, Sheriff,Treasurer and Clerk (the later two succeeding them selves) would be hard to improve upon; and the xeople of Northamp ton are to be congratulated upon Thaving such men to administer the county affairs. The new register of deetr M. F. Stancell, has served as sheriff for. a number of years and everybody seems to be his friend; hs strongest political op ponents were bound to admit that he was a good officer. He carries into his new office the good will of everybody. r Mr. W. H. Buffaloe, the new sheriff, is an experienced officer, having served the countv faithful -ly for a number of years as consta ble and deputy sheriff. Though he has always been a consistent Republican he has never been an offensive partisan and has always retained the respect and.confidence of "Iris political opponents. He was the only Republican elected in this county at the recent election, running several hundred ahead of his ticket, though a good man was opposing him. That he will make a good sheriff and serve his county well no one who knows him doubts. Mr. J. A. Burgwyn is a model treasurer and we feel safe in saying that his superior could not be found in the whole State of North Caro lina. It is enough to say of J. T. Fly the, Clerk of the Superior Court, that he was elected without opposi tion to succeed himself, though four countv conventions were held and aspirants for office were nu merous. It is the duty of all good citizens to uphold and support their officers in ..all they do lor the best interest of the county and State, regardless of their political affiliations; and when criticisms are necessary crit icise openly, manfully, in a manner to correct abuses and protect the people rather than for party gains. A Great Man Gone. The death, in Atlanta, of Hon. Joseph Emerson Brown, ex-gov- ernor, ex-chief justice and ex-United States sena tor of Georgia, re moves from the scenes of earth one of the most remarkable men of the century. He was one of the very brilliant examples of that freedom of opportunity i in America that favors-the-self-mak-ihg of a man and opens to the worthy the loftiest stations of power and usefulness. In his early days "Joe Brown" (for by that familiar name the people of Georgia have always known him) drove a little steer from his mountain cabin-home to the little hill village of Gaddistown to sell wood" he had felled on the mountain sides. .He learned5 ev ery lesson that poverty has to teach and found in her enforced precepts the principles of his fit ture progress, -power and wealth He got for himself a scant educa tion and then laboriously he mas tered the science of law. Having the esteem and sympathy of his mountaineer friends he rose rap idly to a good rractice, to a seat in the legislature and then to a seat on the bench. He was al ways a cool, studious, thinking lhilosophic man and his eyery word and action carried with it the credentials of sound judgment and a solid convection of right and duty One dav while binding wheat in the field near his humble home he was hailed, to tbe fence by a swift rider who told him that he Joe Brown had been nominated by his party for governor of the state. Astonished, but confident ly, he declared his determination to be elected, and he was, after a brilliant1 and hard-fought cam- Three times afterward he was re-elected and his incumben cy covered the whole period of the war. It was Governor Brown who committed the first and onlv gen uine act of treason against .the Uni ted S ta tes by hi s seizu res of the arsenal aAugusta and Fort Pulaski at Savannah prior to any. proclamation of hostilities from ) either side. After the war he I was arrested and imprisoned for a season, but released by Presi dent Johnson. Returning home to Georgia he soon brought upon himself the objurations of the na tive people by advising an accept ance of reconstruction measures, declaring himself for Grant for president and openly identifying himself with the Republican par ty. Tiiat !)arty elected him chief ! . . ' justice ot tae supreme Court of i suxn-eme court oU tiie state. But after the recla-J mation of the state by the Deino-J "v - '" .".-'. . crats he resigned and in time made known and proved that he had acteS with the Republicans only that he might save his peo ple from many evils, and by get ting' power to himself conserve their best interestswhieh he did. When General Gordon resigned from the United States senate in 1861, ex-Governor Brown was&p poi sited to till the vacancy. He was svihsequently elected to Mil out the term and re-elected at its expiration for a full term. In the se: iat9 he was a consiicuous iig- u :e, wise counsellor and a most careful legislator He was a 'good man, a Christian and a helper of the poor. He amassed a great fortune, but that which he gained and that was bet ter than gold was the affection of the people of his state who todaj mourn his loss as that of a brave and faithful friend. Norfolk Pilot. ' A Statement. For the vear ending on the first Monday in December 1894, show ing the amounts, items and na ture of all compensation, audited by the Board of County Commis sioners of -Northampton county, to the members thereof severally, also the number of days in ses sion and the distance traveled by the members in attending the same, and whether any unverified accounts were audited, &c, un der Section 713 of the Code. J. G. L. Crocker, Chm. Per diem 17 days (a 2, ' 834.00 13.60 47.60 Mileage 272 miles (a 5cts. ' W. P. Vick. Per diem 16 days (r s2, Mileage 416 miles Sets. Joseph A. Garris.- 2.00 '20,80 52.80 32.00 20.80 52.80 .30.00 19.50 Per diem 16 days Qi S2, Mileage 416 miles '5cts. Everett Baugham. Per diem 15 days 7t 2, Mileage 3904niles 5cts. W. R Harris. Per diem 17 days 2, Mileage 102 miles 5cts. 49.50 34.00 5.10 39.10 'The Beard was. in session 17 days during said period. No un verified accounts were audited by said Board during the year. Witness 'whereof I hereto set my hand as Ok. Bd. County Com missioners. This November 30, 1894. J. W. Fleetwood, Clk. Bd. Co Commissioners, . SALE OF LAND. y .virtue of a judgment of the Supe rior court of Northampton county, ren dered at Spring Term, 1804, in the case of Barnes and .others v?. llawlep, Ed ward and others, 1 shall eell for cash at the Court-houe door in Jackson, on Monday, .Tany. 7, 1895, all that tract of land called the Edwards tract, on which tbejlrfendant, Geo. liuwles now reside?, and which fully dccribed in the judg ment and complaint in said action. .Dec. 1, 1894. R. O. Burton, ('(imr. NOTICE. Bv virtue of a decree of the Sunerior t-ouit ol Northampton county in the eae of -Bet tic- S. Barnes vV. Geor- jrie 11 Barnes et nl., I shall, on Tuesday, January Sth. 1S93, at the residM;ee on tin below described nrem ises, sell by public auction that tract of land situated in said count v. on both sides of the "Princeton" road, and bounded by the elands of Alex. Horn ami otljrs. :ni;l known n IheCJoliu CarueHr' tract, recently oecu- pierf by Jos. B. Barne., dee'd., and en; - taiiitnj li acre, m:-r or lc. IVtms of Sah: Oi e-tlfth rush, the balance payable in fHir eooal annual in- stabnents wilh interest . from sale, title retained until all is paid. Henkv C. Edwahds. Bv B. S. Gay. atf3T ,.ulItdssioH,: , COPYRIGHTS. tAl I OBTAIN A PATlWTf TrVFvfr M2 ha1 opinion, writ to JiJU i a; CO., who hTe bad nearly fifty ears' For m t2S? ",rtetly oomfldenUaL A Handbook ol In orawoioa concerniryr I'alfi and bow to ot enta taken through XI on a A Col receiv tons ara DTomrht wiiioiv hfMi. . w i . ganigg ZSSa' S-Trt J T eoentiflc work WBaudift1. 1?? far tbe ta tha mK TS.TfUDEMjSiS -D"d- ' , , ' T ' COUNTY.COMMISSIONERS. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SESSION HELD AT JACKSON MONDAY, DEC 3, 1894. . " The Board of County Commis sioners met in regular session at Jackson last Monday. Present: J. G. L. Crocker, Chairman; W. P. Vick, Jos. A. Garris, E. Baugham and W. E. Harris. The following accounts we re approved and ordered to be paid: Jos. A. Garris, services and mileage as commissioner, 829.70. W. E. Harris, servicesand mUe. age as commissioner, 839.10. E. Baugham, services and mile age as commissioner, 816.50. J. G. L. Crocker, services and mileage as commissioner, 87.40. D. A. Jordan, for boarding prisoners in jail during Novem ber, .814.00. ' " A. H. Ried, for himself and hands, balance of salary, 840.65. v M. P. Stancell, Sheriff, ex-Of-ficio services from April to De cember and bill for coal, 8366.30. J. M. S. Rogers services as Registrar in Jackson township, 82.44. Mrs. M. K Reid, for her serv ices at the Horne of the Aged and Infirm for twelve months, 850.00, Commissioners Crocker and Vick voted to allow her 860.00. It was ordered that the voting place in East Roanoke precinct be changed from Potecasi to Lasker and that the line between East and West .Roanoke precincts be the Rich Square arid, Jackson road. Dr. H. W. Lewis, SupL Public Health, made his report for No vember as follows: - 1 Jackson, N. C, ' Dec 3, 1894. j". TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NORTHAMPTON COUNTY: I' would respectfully report, that the health of the county has been good for .November. Very little disease of any kind has been reported. - , The health of the Honie and Jail has been good and both In stitutions are in good sanitary condition. I take pleasure in congratulat insr the Board of Commission ers on the excellent condition of the Home; it is clean, the inmates are wrell clothed and cared for; the re ha s bee n ve ry li t tie sickne s s there during the past .year and I think the Institution will com pare (under its present manage ment) favorably with any county Poor House in the State. The present Superintendent and his excellent wife deserve great cred it for their management H. W. Lewis, M. D., Supt Public Health. A. H. Ried, Supt, made his re port for ' November - showing am out on hand and the condition of the Home, for the Aged and In firm. . The Board adjourned sine die. J. W. Fleetwood, Clk. B. of C. At 2 o'clock members of the Board of County Commissioners elected last June (all the old mem bers being re-elected) met in the Court House and took the oath of office tis required by law, and or- orl Tlivtil Vmt r-n-riln'f -n rr T T Crocker. Chairman. Tlie Board then proceeded to elect a county attorney which re sulted in the re-election of S. J. Calvert, Esq., ' M. F. Stancell, Register of Deeds; W. H. Buffaloe, Sheriff; J. A. Burgwyn, Treasurer, pre sented their bonds (which were approved by all the members of the' board) and took the oath of office. W. C. Coggins, of Kirby; E. W. Spivey.of Roanoke, J. D.Bennett of Occoneechee: J. H. Carter of Rich Square; W. P. Boone, of Jackson, Constables elect '"pre-" seated their official bonds which were approved, and they took the oath of office. - It was ordered that W. B. Balmer have free license to peddle with one horse in Northampton, he be ing a disabled Confederate soldier. A. IL Ried, w as re-elected Su Ierintendent of the Komeof Aged and Infirm by acclamation for two years, with same &alaryaad allowances as heretefore. The following person's were al lowed provisions from the Home of Aired and Infirm for three months: 51111s Taylor, Patsv Ricliardson, Edie Pollock, Jack Yallowda3r, to the amount of 84.00 each. ' The Board adjourned -to meet to morrow at 10 o'clock a. m TUESDAY'S SESSION. The Board ojf Commissioners met this day as per adjournment Present: J. G. L. Crocker, Chair man; W. P. Vick, J A Garris W E Harris and E Baugham J T Flythe, Clerk Superior Court presented his official bond which was approved by all the members of the Board and or dered to be recorded. J T Flythe, C S C, presented his annual report as Receiver of the several estates in his hands and the following committee ap pointed to examine the same and report to the Board: W E Harris, E Baugham, W P Vick and S J Calvert att'v for the Boaid D. G. Maddrey i)resented liis bond as constable for Seaboard township, which was approved and ordered to be recorded The Sheriff was ordered to rent out the offices under the Court house at public auction on tlie 1st Monday in Jan., 1895, The Sheriff's ex-ofticio services were fixed at 8300.00 for the en suing year., , The following accounts were ap)roved and ordered to be paid: W P Moore & , Co,- drugs and medicines furnished jail and Coun: ty Home from Jan'y 1, 1894, to Dec. 1. 1894, 814.75 J' G Stancell, Register for Wio cacanee townshix), 83.59 .. 0 Jariy UiarK,. tor conveying prisoner to jail, 81.00. J W Fleetwood, Register of Deeds, cx-officio services to De cember, 1894, 849.79 J B Cocke, 3 coffins, for Delia BjTiuni, Bob Garner and Jack Buxton, 87.00 Moses Sumner, for 'coffin for Alice, Sam Davis' grand child, 82.50, ':-: v H. C. Lassiter, Register' South Wiccacariee; $1.51. 11. S. Gay, expense as Registrar at Seaboard, $6.54. i . y A. H. Ried, for use-at Home of Aged and Infirm, $70.00. Dr. H. W. Lewis, services as -' ' Supt. Public Health for G months, $100.00. . S. J. Calvert, for 1894, $50.00. Ijalance on salary Edwards & Weaver, Mdse. fur nislied county, $4.95. L. J. Norwood, for coffin for Rena Moody, $2.50. . J. AV. Maggee, provisions fur nished Ben Brewer by order of Board, $8.00. AWE. Bradley, serving road or der, GO cents Edwin Wright was elected by the Board as Standard Keeper for Northampton County and al lowed till 1st Monday in January 1895 to give his bond. Thomas Dukes, Coroner, was allowed till 1st Monday in Jan uary 1895 to fill his bond fill 1 .a ine csnerirt was ordered to close the urinaL and the doors heading thereto under the Court house and Dr Lewis, John E Moore and B S Gay were ap pointed a committee to examine the same and report the most feasible plan to arrange the same, at next meeting in January. C R Harrell was appointed a commissioner to have a bridge across Potecasi Creek repaired, known as Sheffieldsbridge. W E Bradley was elected con stable for Gaston township and allowed till the 1st Monday in January 1695 to give his bond A S Bridgers, constable-elect for Wiccacanee township was al lowed till the 1st Monday in Jan nary 1H5, to give bond Solomon T Gay presented his bond as( special tax collector for Northamiton county which was approved by all the Board and ordered to be recorded : chew BELLE OF WJNSTO?) Ii fwt eU i.f tfu brt ath ai ul pre?ervi the tes th. Th be.-l Oc ping on tin iuark-r. For tale at the leadim .-fores. IIorfolk IVIarhet 1 Weekly TelesriH nli Renort Cnr.. . . J. W. Perry Company, Cottsn Factors aid Conaissica Ksrchrt orfolk, VA.. v Nov. 20. ls;4. i Firm. - ?l et. - -ri ers. Cotton Market,--Strict Muldlin, -Midfllnisr, -Siriet Lw X'iddlin;, Low Midilling, - 5l.iGet; 41 CIS. Blues, - Peanuts, -Fancy. Prime, Low Grades B. E. IVa . We C;irry - - 41 els - - Dull. - - -2 u. " If CIs. " . H t- Uets. $1.7 I' $2.00 j of b.rj:i:'jj Jnd ties, J'nn.u! .''I IV.. Bag. Write for jrics J T. OWENS. J- w. Turin. Owens Brothers .. . 1 Wholesale tancy Cakes, Crackers, Confection eries, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Cider, Yinegnr, Pa. per Bags, fce. Uatatacs, Trugk, Glairs. Consignments of Eggs, Chick- ensand CountryProduce solicited. 119 and 121 High St., 507 Canvford St., PORTSMOUTH, VA. A CARD. Ve have jusl recciveil a sliipmt nt of Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic! It was bought with a distim-t under standing between the Manufueturer and ourselves that each and eveny bottle is guaranteed to eure any f the following diseases: 1st thills aud Fever. 2nd. Billions Fever. 3rd. Hemorrhagic Fever. 4th. Xeuralgia. 5th. Measles. 6th. LaGrippe. Now, we are willing to sell you nr the same conditions , huv it on. We will guarantee OK single 50-cent bottle to cure a.ty of Hie d:s. cases above enumerated. Faili. :o do so we will eheerfullv return m.r money. Yours truly. Jonx Baugham, R'ch Square, N. C. Conneii & Vaugiian. Lasker. X. (' NEW BOOK STOKE J. M. LASSITER & CO., LASKEHv X. C. We announce to leaehers nud school officers that we are n)v pre pared to furnish all the hooks oiUhe State. list and deliver tiiem -at any postoffiVf at prices fixed -by State ioard of Education. TVTO CHAIK4E for ostne on any books. We prepay all postage and deliver them at the follow-.' ing prices : Holmes' First Reader, i'U'r .2". .72 ..V Holmes' .Second Kead-r, Holme Thiru Header, Holuies' Fourth Header, Elolmes' Fifth R-aoVr, . , . il;inscll'.-i New Hi-ioiy of ilit- U.S.. MauryV Elementary Geography, Maury's ItevUed Manual of G o-- raph, X. C. Ellitiou, Sau ford's Prim. Analy. Aiith., Sanfird'! Inter. Analy. Ariil... Sauford's Goimnoii School Amily;- ical Atithmetie, SaufordV Higher Analy. Aritli., Sanford'- Elementary Algebra, WorceMer' Prim. Dictionary, Worcester' VewSchool r)jetiuury, Hangell' Cbild's Hiitory U. S., Stephens' History of the U. S., McGuffey'sReviAedp:cl'CticFniiier. Harvey', K e v 1 1. c d Elementary Grammar aud Composition, lJ;irvey'eRevii?eIEiiiili;r;nniiiar, Eclectic t-opy-irook.. (Eleunnfa- ry.) Per doz., 1 .25 .? !.o () A .") Eclectic Copy-15o,k. Vr if... Swinton-i I.auuae Primer, Harrington Smn lUmV, Harper's New Graded ;ojy-B-M,k., Primary. 7 Nos. Per doz., Harper's Vev Grat!.-d Copy-1 look-. Gram. Sclil. 8 Xw. IV r ?o.. Steele Abthlged Ph.vMolov, Pitee' Theorr ami. ri-fi-- . f Mr. Spei eerV FiM St p in X. i '. Hiiory, ; Moored Hi-tory of X.""C Brand'. Gom1 Ifpalth for ChUb i.. Brand's Health Lefon for Dt-i'm tier?, - PeteriU-lti! Eleuif ut a ..t PJi!! .',.v. - ' r m Vi V - ' " Gover. inent, Vi Holicit orders which hall have our prompt attention. J. M. LASSITER & CO.. Grocers ; Lssler, Kortianttan Cj.: H. C.

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