VOL. 4. LASKER, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. XL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1893. NO. i. -- Bread. Where! How? THE LOCUST. (For the Patron sod Gleaner. The Locust, or Grasshopper, is one of the most formidable insects . mentioned in the sacred writings, Tf ic nQod the svm bol of deso- lit inn current and te rrihlo were i , '. .... , , its ravages, it is sun areaaeu . ' ... ?. n .n o o United States, where, in exten- : jucunuen, . iuj uvasuiuut: vegetation in its; t.thwav not manv vears aim M. Olivier thus describes its I aiiiiCKS m uiu niisi: iiiiiuei j.a -1. . l. . TT'!1 1 I hurnintr south winds Vof Svria parts of Persia, clouds of locusts. whose ravages to these countries ne fr i ,rUr 0L !r( thoro mmo f mm thP interior nf I x uuu L miun. lie is a uiviebblUual i on - o i fev..M wv.v, w Anbii and the most southern thief and somehow if I could, I church wait O Godj my wife!' but not hurt otherwise. 'Papa,' s - w I . i.i '. i t i . i i 1 cnin hn nnn hnm n tr crr 4Vnn I ha ci iH Willr mnct KhviatI I suddon, as those of the heaviest they are needed for crimnals of our property is to steal it, wnat "As ne spoke there came a me city that holds my son a pns 1,.,:, "invnn w wuacc course.. You see I had a curious is to become of us? A man on crash. The roof had faljen in. oner,I must see him, The ,J t i.:.:Jthev are needed for crimnals of J Kill -4l vy inj 1 , J bOV4. them twice It is difficult to ex-1 press the effect produced on us by the sight of the whole atmos phere, tilled on all sides, and to a great height by an innumerable quantity of these insects, whose Ilight was slow and uniform, and whose noise resembled that of I rain; the sky was darkened, and the liirht of the sun was consider ably weakened. In a moment the they Iiad devoured all the leaves of the plants." lne enects oi me locusts in Kgy j t (Ex. 10:1 2 1 5) were te r ri hie beyond description. -'Locusts were used as fcxxl, and are still in . f'i,-T?.ieff'-.QA some j ico ysi. tn xou. wiii tunes thev are irrou na ana ,-ouvuled, mixed with flour and water, and made into cakes, or hey are salted, and then eaten; sometimes smoivea, oouea or roiistcd, stewed or fried in but ter. Bread is well termed the 4 'Statu of life. " It is said that a slave of I an Archon at Athens, first made leaven bread, by accident He forgot some of his dough, and some days after, came upon it and found it sour. His first thought was to throw it away ; but his master coming out, he mixed it quickly with some fresh dough he was working. Of course, his iread was delicious. . M. H. Rice. Meshopx?n, Pa. TO BE CONTINUED. Educational Mass-Meeting, f , Rev. J. C. Kilgo, President of T r i n i t v Colleire. D u rha m . N. C will oreach in the Methodist church at Weldon, N. C, on 2nd Sunday in March, morning and evenin- On 'Monday. 11th. at 1 . ... , I m. he wm aaaress ine people at samo place on subject of High er Christian Education and its relation to secular education. Evorbody cordially invited to come and hear tliis most eloquent preacher and educator. It P. Troy, Pastor. Feb'v 7.-1895. President Kilgo preached two fine sermons at West Market Street church last Sunday. The sermon in the morning was spec- iallv forcible and full of unction. The effect upon the congregation was extraordinary. At night the sermon was directed to the vounjr piHipld connected with the Ep- worth Leagues. He also ad dressed 'the Y. M. C. A. in the af ternoon. His visit will Jong be remembered.N. C. Christian Advocate. Among the half dozen great sermons we have heard, we rank that preached in this city Sunday morning by President Kilgo, of Trinity College, There was nothing wanting in it to stamp it great in thought, great in matter, and great in delivery. The church was crowded, and there was but one opinion of the sermon. News & Observer. - t.rmcosofthohouseMhestreets. dually had a ham or two to sell -y- ve omy oeen upma and nil th fields were covered by Tley didn't go off very ately. J don t getany wages un- n,i J. .! fast, but I kept a couple of them til pay day. I ve been ill, and I ve rm -. . . when half the inhabitants of a quiet surban street in New Eng- and were out on their door steps I j 1 warning a policeman cnase a thief a miserable young fellow wno urnea, ana dodged, ana rInnKM tn't cni nn Anpr-inn """"" om,u tu uAjutaaiuui of despair on bis face, that though he had picked a pocket, no emotional vonnr? nersomnres- iompassion .Rewarded, This story was told by a grocer, ... ..- - eui couia.neip ieeung sorry iorj uim- inu gnx:ur Jiwmieu: , lie looked at me as re passed .1 t ; i l.: IIH illill I KLW IlUrL'Hrm I SRVHS. ' o - Maybe that drove him to it But to-night Prisons don't make dcsixirate men better, though experience 01 my .own, once upon a time, and I never have forgot ten it, and never can. 'It was when I first began bus iness, with a very little capital in a poor quarter of the town, with poor folks for customers people that never bought delicacies. When they were cheap. I'd haveH . .. a tew oranges, rsow and then some chcaP- show-apples, and I in their yellow cloths, always hanmnj? at the door. I- remember I was standingatthedoor towards evening, wnen l nrst noticeu a new policeman on our beat He was a large man, naturally, but so hollow-cheeked, and with such . a T a , . . -.rsnriKon pvps. in,ar i inniinr, m - - myself That man must have been ill lately. He was starinsr at the hams with those eyes of his. I don't know why I ha'd it fixed on my mind, that he would come tor one, but wnen ! went out to take them down before shutting up for the nisrht I saw the ix)liceman standing in the shadow staring at the hams. He kept it up for three days; on the night of the fourth a storm burst over us, tne naras nung unaer shelter, and I did not try to take them in. I l "I -thought no customers would come in that rain, and I sat down near the fire to read my newspa- iier, and take a smoke in comfort and somehow I got interested in some political speeches, and be- fnr T irnoxv it m v xpif w.is rtall- I kneiv it my wife was caU- to me that it was 11 o'clock, I'd betterf take in and shut and up. The rain had stopied. It was clear and cold, and the stars - were shining in the pools of wa- ter you'll always see after rain, in a badly jxived street. Every- bodv seemed to be in bed; it was :n t ii t i us sun as ueaui, ten juu, a jumjed when a cold hand came out and touched mine. 'Ho!' says I, 'Hey, what's that?' '.It's only me, Mr. Spicer,' says a hoarse woman's voice 'me old Sally, Gimme a shilling, and I'll tell vou news.' O, go away, Sally, ' say s I. You'd only dnnk it. As for iiiiT'c vnu r ' t ttll tiia ;inrth?nrr I I can. says she. 0, I'll tell vou decent man, like you won't be- " .-..1 grudge a shilling for the like of mv nor I I trust von. i our ix)liceman, the new one, me min man, is a thief.' I looked up. On- . .i .i ly OMe ham hung overhead. 'May- be you took it yourself, Sally? says I. I couldn't reach it,' she said. Xo, I saw him. The but tons on his coat shone in the lamplight as he got it down. He hid it yonder somewhere When he changes with the other man, he'll get it Then you can catch him at, it Now jxiy me for my information. - I irave her a shilling, put up tlie shutters, and crossed the street There was a great laurel the church. I struck a match and searched about4 and there wrapped in paper, I found my ham. I was furious. A com- I WUU1U I1UL IlaVU lllUl 11 U II LtKl UOWn I Vr w wfoi w w. avui outu, uiui ob wuuv wi a i mon unci would not have made me feel as I did. But a police- man bound to guard my proper- tv to rob me! It was my duty, 1 felt. to do the worst I could to till m And inpf tknn T linn wA 4lin muj- uu juamicu,uuuu uiuiuaa, uumic mou nuuuau ivs wnisue matcauea tneotner man l" UU,1U uw&ivw stens on the nave men t. And in - . a moment more, there he was. einimgevinenamnaer msarm oeiore J snowea, men 1 pounced puy x - m54 A mem mm aau u f dim crrAaA frr n mnm nnt ond than """BB'VV w wwimvuuui vuvu , , . antoi a suaaen, aroppea me nam ouS 10 nave tnougnt 01 that be- re,' I said. 'If the guardian of r property is to steal it, what I . j of, .w-uiuamuomuu t need anything. I wouldn't blame some poor beggar so nmcn, though I d have him arrested. But you you ought to be hung.V 'Yes,' he said, 4I deserve it all, but let me tel1 vou one thing first. They are starving at home. I am hun grv so hungry that I am faint I T.,4- 1, V, V,A.. 1 .J l. uut ai uumtJ uuiu ing but a little gruel for three worked hard to get this place. "I 1 1 . A ' 1 - t 1 V t ougnt to nave oeggea Deiore I stoleJ Dut 1 swear i meant to pay 1Ui UUU1 w ocuu jwu the money when I'm paid. My -wif asked you for credit yester- 1 ilnnn ;t.HTfro rtn Yianlr nmiinct tho hrmc Viic trolrlon Hrj?-rn c--rrl I tr I 1 T 1 A 1 da You said, you gave noneVance of his company, and was rTKTT Inn'f rl.f.Q fKn nnJW. v u x miiu wi . T mi hood is so poor. I know. There, do what, you like with me. I'm done for.' 44I led him over to my shop, and X a 1 A Al l i went in anu snur rne uoor oe- hind us. 'Policeman, ' says I, I'm doing what the lawyers call condoning an offence, I know; but see here, I'm taught that the time will come, when I shall stand be: lore . ine Lr rear iumignty to oe tried for my offences., Then I M""11. uunu u ""h " provisions, MTake these home as a present, - A- I ana Aei your Wlie come nere 10- morrow; Til open an account Wltn ner- You can settle with me on -pay day. tod bless you, he said, and prosper you. You deserve to be rich, to be happy. you Know wnar you saveu me uo yu now wnat you savea me from? Ifd die for you!' His wife came next day, and I gave her a litUe book, and he paid me square and fair, arid many a good turn i l? - r did me, as a ix)iiceman can, n he chooses. 'But after a time 1 was better off, I seemed to prosper winder- fiillv. snmphmv. n.nd T mmwl tn,i: : u T. : ... better street and a better shop, and l lost signt oi my policeman, 'Well, this was all long ago. There was no telegraphs, no mes- sengers, or X)lice calls in houses, The firemen were a brave lot of fellows, , but they hadn't the chances they have now, and your hnnep mirrVit he hnrned down he- fore they came to yon, and got the hose fastened to the lire plug, And so one night when my wife and 1 waked to nnd a red triare in I I ixi 3 i . u me room, anu wkuuw uieauu were in flames, we hadn't much hope for our lives. I shouted out of the window as loud as I could, 'Fire! fire V and I heard the police- men whistle, and shout the word after me, and windows flew up. I started down the street looking for help, and I saw a policeman- the one that stole my ham who had come flying up at the call of the other, dash toward tne bouse, In went the door, for I heard it; and in a moment he was there through the flames, as it seemed. wrapped a blanket about her and X followed with the children. "We were in the street as it seemed, by a miracle, when ray I wile cried out: 'Ljttle Billy! .Lit- tie Billy!' Our boy was still in the house, in the little room next ours. I rushed toward the house, The smoke and flames beat me I Vm nlr V. k a w V. A cuea us plunged into them. Men uicu ua ux uarm uy, land amiinst thp fTlfirp of tho liht i - o o o II saw standing in the window of me second noor, mat man wim my Doy m his arms. The lad- I, , , . , .1 i, ;wc wucouwwtw. xucj u . v, fe suuuittiuay-uurnjrur juy; ureai tiiyiran ha nmica1 it rrflevM. oml mvuisu Kiutocu, iw nua ,uuu f . . - . .- mey put jny litUe Billy in my del, onlo me big man carried him down aladder : v "As he spo m. . xclc Cic uumsuu ui u.mus and on his faca He had barely escaped with his life, but he gave me the smile of an angeL 'God bless you,' said he. Don't thank me. I've only paid a debt ' "That's why I want one who's gone wrong, to have a chance,' 3 xv . . saiu uie grocer, turning away, and walking toward his shoo Herald of Peace. One. Reason Why Ladies Should Like Masonry. (From a Scrap-Book, by Rev. W. S. Wil- liarn, P. G. L., of North Carolina.) During the Mexican war, a lad oi id,-a aanng young Virginian, leaped a fence and climbed a par- apet some hundred yards in ad- L :i. . ' . . ..i , . raan . unsnnpr niir .nor unn nw . . . V had killed three Mexicans and mortaUy wounded a Colonel. His noor mother heard of his fate, and as he was her.only son, her heart l . groaiied for his release; but re- membering that she was a Ma- son's widow, hope lighted up in her bosom, and she exclaimed: "I wjii go and test the talismanic power of the Order my husband loved so much." She sold a few articles'of furniture, and with the money sne went to vvasningion entered the department of the Secretary of War, and with diffi- I ' culty obtained an interview. She toW the Secretary of her son's capture, and her desire to go to him. I can't help you, madam. A very expensive journey to Mex- J ;rn ..Riv w vnu b sn kinH n ico -sir, will you be so kind as to recommend me tothecareof tn"e commander Of the regi merit ch is to saU in a . few days from Baltimore?" 'Impossible " raadam," he replied. -Sir, I have one more question to ask before I heave yOUr office. Are you a Ma son?" "Yes, ma'am, I am &u, penmi mo uj mat x a Mason's widow, and my son in prison is a Mason's son," That moment the Secretary's manner changed to the most courteous interest He gave her a note to nresent to the Secretarv of State, who received her most kindly, and gave her a letter to the com- mAnder at Xew Orlftjins dlroft-1 ing him to procure her a free pas- sage to Vera Cruz. The Lodges placed in her hands 300 with a talismanic card irom tiietirand I nr t ti- v: j i, i jwawi ai Mfaiuuiou, anu me widow started on her journey, The captain of the steamer on which she embarked for ew Or- leans no sooner saw her talisman ic card than he gave her the best state-room on the ship; and when she reached the 'Crescent City," she lad $290 of hor 300. The Colonel in command of for- uruiuK ucr a irw passage on the first steamer that left for Vera Cruz. After a pas- Am jm, - - sage oi nve aays she reached Vera Cruz, and having a letter from the commander at New Or- ieati2 10 uie amencau otJ ernor. i sne sent ior mm enclosing uie I talismanic card from the Grand 1 Master at Washington. The Gov-1 ? . . port to the city of Mexico, by a train that was to start next morn ing. Within twenty miles of the I I . . 1 n - 1 - iciiv uiuj wure uunaKeu ojaae- tachment of dragoons escorting a guernmuaiomau ine Lionel f in mmmnnrl nmrilw1 hrf HtVi t-. fleet and gentle Mexican pony, ana sne assumed tier ixice witn me troops, escorted by the offi- ; - ernor immediately waited on her at the hotel anil gavehera trans- vga, um UUU1 UiIcoue to V. t. M(X)RE CO .. vu; wwuwjwnciu m &uu Qlwi wionl,Al 41-. Ur .... uuu ivuv.ut U1C UJI UiU ond day s batUe, and attempted entex the gates. An officer eized her bridle, and told her she must wait until the city 'was tak- en. U, sir!" she exclaimed, I ; cannot wait one hour in sight of It. . - muai. m&t uw iitvu, iuu am. i4I cannot wait, sin m son, my only son, may be dying in chains. One hour's delay may remove him from me. I must go to him. I will enter the city!" "Madam," said the officer, "you cannot reach it by crossing the battle-fields. i -mill eK. K. l.Jlll . I v?.j v.. ..... said the lady, l have not traveled fmln Virmnia tn fh rtibsnf thic ".4 -4 - a r u rm. i city to fear to enter them. Thanks for your kindness a thousand i , , lieinneii uiaiiKS lur yuu uuu me officers who have been so kind to i i i a , r- me, out uo noi ueiain mo longer. I will enter the city in search of my dear boy. " And on she sped, but soon another officer rode up y her side, and admonished her of her danger, "Sir,' she re nli'cwl "flila fa r,n iitna inh ., .o j v v iv mxiv w about danger: iuy son is a pns- oner in chains, i I am told that kanta Anna is a;Mason, and is in the midst of yon glittering group. T . -.1 !. I !. 1' . 1 . il 1.1' 1 WUA piace in nis nanas mis taiis- manic card, and ho will restore my dear boy unto me." "War destroys all brotherhood," said J the ofilcer, who was not a Mason. She made him nareply, but struck ner P"y ana startea across tne field. At that moment the masked " uwwu www uUUr spread rjght across the gory field I ' - 1 sne was crossing in4a semi-circie to avoid the retreating platoons. next moment shewas seen in th? rear of the battery in full Ifiay. Hundreds seeing her stopped, forgetting the storm of iron DailS mai nowiea around iron them, to follow with their eyes what seemed to;bo an apparition. "The love for her son has made her wild," said an officer, who at- . - A t i i a tempted to arrest her night "She will surely t be killed, " said another. 'The God of battles r s Tennesseean. "She will reach Santa Anna as sound as a rock!" Tlie soldier was right She went over the fields of death un- hurt and reached Santa Anna. He received her politely, and wnen sne told Dim ber errand, and presented him her talismanic caru, .uuuain, ne saia, ijira a Mason, and know the obligations 01 me uraer in i peace ana war. m NV hen yar n was taken prison- iie mortally wp unaed my neph- r'" v ia uu cVinll Vwf rocliro1 tr T-rtt Tin w vi. immedLitelv gave her an escort to the prison, with an order to re store her son to her arms. The order was obeyed, and that very day she embraced her long lost boy, and in due time returned toj her home in V irtnnia with more money than she started with. So much for a mother s love, and so much for the protecting arm of the noble Order of Free from the Craft J. li. HA31SKY, Contractor and Builder, J ACKSO N. N. C. L.m.t.. .-.i - .r..: I IMUIAKS, )IU3 bu lit al I IJIIF furnishefl on Application. Perwmal attention ven Uj al! work. s.itirctinn guaranued. KnAfhrlp ITU. fhcn PI'" 4." : ulabSD n I TW - . nam ut.juru that will make ou see be T?tVf 7- .r", -" uiai wiu noi ure your CVCS. the jacnu, . wuo wmaKinjia o. uiug uuisses ana I Can replace broken liarti at JSmnll . cost, PEELE'S REMEDIES. BLOOD - PURIFIER, Goo J for ScmfnL and all skin and blooU diar. CNFALIHLE CURE, for Cboler In-' WAiitiiin, hi.irhra, Ikiwel fonump tlo and Sick Stomach. Price 22c. COUGI! SYRUP, for Bronchi!!, A It- ma, Consumption, l!oarcii-M, Whooping Cough and Kidney Af-ft-ctlon. Prle KIDNEY AND BLADDER REMEDY AND FEMALE DISEASES. Prtc 50c. MAKE HASTE, Good for man and of!. Rheumatism, Sprain, l)rui ef. Spinal Affection, in fact, good f..r ry pain the human beiit heir to. It In-ats the world for lameness and cholic in animals. PILES, REMEDY. UelWt at once and curr certain if continue its use for " Dort !,,ne 1 rlCc 25c. "you waMfoniethingtodo jouRreat' ood me my medicines and you will t JWdy piead. lk-low you win find a few of the many teMimoniaU I hate received. V - V lit all communications to I llfl, n li.". l'..l,. lUch Sjuare, N. (Y RAILROAD, FARM, GARDEII, . emetery, Uwa, Poultry tzi Rabbit hzz rilOCSAXPS OF JI1IXS JX I'KK. C1T1L0CTS IUKE. I'RtlUIIT PilO. THE McMUltEH WOVEN WIRE FEKCE CO- 111. US. 113 and LW H. XUxkat 8C, CUm la X0P.IHA1OT AND EE?.TfCSD EiHSCiS- TIME TABLE. In effect 8.(A. MM April 16, Daily except Sunday. NORTH BOt'NIK j. i i ii-p-i-i. T. i pi !! iiii.i inn ! ii ! ii .in 1 1 i it M -tmm ,m n mm A.M. r. M. LeaveM Jack.aoi), N. C, 80 2:14 Mowfleld. " 8:50 2:35 Arrive Gum berry," I 0.30 3:15 ' ,w Train Tro In south KotiM. ? Xo.4hj Kox P.M.'' P. U. leaves Ouniberry,N.C. 12:15 40 " Mowfleld, 12:55 5:10 Arrlret Jackson, 1:15 5:30 F. Kelt, Gen'! Mgr. Cha. Ehrhart, Attg. Hupt. 13 JUST AO COO DFOrJ ADULTS. vAnnAMTED. pnicncocts. G ALATIA. iLUk. KOT. 18, E33- CaVrtun: W M mr, CC39 bottlM t ABSsr.CAam ACa ,FAT;, .. , w t r3 fyi n n r rn rn n vfz