A Fin VOLUME 5 RICH SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N- C, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1896. ION km m 1 i - , .. .. : - . 1 , . , ... : : i ' t - , , ; ; . ' . Mi. i -NUMBER 31. i . v - I . 1 ! : i - . , ' C.G.C0HHER, Land Surveyor, Jtich Square, N. C.i "MAJOR BILLIE. HOME CONVERSATION. c vevs in Northampton and adjoin- n(r counties. Charges reasonable. Paul Moore, I). D. 8., Jackson, N. C rOftife at residence. A BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF A VERY RE- I MARKABLE GOAT -"IN THE SERVICE" FOR 11 YEARS. IFor the Patron and Gleaner.J stranded shipmate. In tftie time "spread mess s51 was pi pea ana an nana s it is as contemptible to gos set to work foraging about the sip about I home affairs as mess, lockers in order to dine it would be to steal. A. A . . . . . . I I I l".6u" on oestm the snip The temptations to talk of per- . . i- - .... i at IIO En. I cnnc mthay than thinerc Mac varn lTxt. mo loVJir nrt1a T I i -e , - - O" .X.J .. ...v., side above it The world is full I AT BRYANTS of strife, struggle and sin. Shall we aaa -ruei to nrer i say no: what,- his neighbors think of HOME. Let us look for , the bright side, and we may be sure we will find it I. GRIFFIN, mi ... I x ue ionowing is written by the ad have him feel T ou.p,, wuue in tne wng toe many good things 0fteD. in our way. J The petty de- Light to darkened minds to give; ua,ai wen as irom my mai graced the festive board tails of your life, breakfast, din- And when my earthly race isj-uu, u-i auuwiBuge. were u oe iouna such tempting ner and tei poultry of to-dav. Heavenly J? ather, take me home, -ti6 mc auug ui iooo wnne uiauei vas jsait-norse, hard tack, the U. S. Ship "Galena! was diluted condensed milk, flap- crmsmg on the Central American Jacks, spud hash, carrots, tailor's coast, she was suddenly ordered wax tea leaves, love letters from OF HIM WJLL BE THE NEXT ; I PRESIDENT' LJCNOLN, iNEB., I i July 20, 1690. f Chowan Baptist Female Institute. The nex tT session bLgins Wed ues- day. September 2nd. Besides the usual branches taught . 1 f A ' li II . " i 1 DENTIST, WOODLAND, N. C to ake all haste to Aspinwall the girls that were left behind, a Satisfaction guaranteed. 3rt. A i mi a roast beef to-morrow. Jennie's Jn iU AU cruwa w oe I A A V- .-1- 11 A !i. . wbmnincr nnno-h nnH TT-w1 ' evening. measles. Bridsret'sincomDetence. or Mary's carelessness, and the Advocate. never ending demands of fashion, "L." in Foremen's Advance Dear Editor:- I reader of the Patron AndG lean er for some time, and have often thought I would let you hear from ! me ana now that the eyes of the world are turned to Lincoln. Ne- in the preparatory and collegiate de- have been a irtnient, vocal and instrumental music and art, a normal department 1 has been added for the especial train- nig oi thasc who have leaching in I view. istetiosraithv,: tvie-writinir. a!:d book-keeping have also been which place was then at the mer- lot of labels from lager beer bot- ve, almost before you know it A Uisfit. CV of A Tfhllirii o nni nn,-t u I tlfc and rtVio r- iV!ne .v-w.uauuu Humus ujuu u vuitv lumgo. 1 2, narrowing Aur wmcn inese parts are justly tiaving successlully passed the mind. lamed. usual medical examination ho -was Upon the Galena arriving at logged as "Mascot" with duties ATTORNEY-AT-LAW-JACKSON. N. C. I mctices in Northampton and adjoining her destination troops were land- pertaining to that of a general couuties, autl effect upon your added. Oflitt; in North end of courthouse. wherever his services are de- ed, who lost no time in. restoring scavenger and assigned to the peace, but many of the men were "Idlers division." taken very sick, so it was decided In the Spring of '87 while the to proceed to Savanillo, U. S of ship was at Montreal, Canady.'the Columbia, for the benefit' of the citizens presented a bear to the sick men. Durinsr their soiourn ship's company, t there, owing to the - general re- ; Bruin was a useful piece of fur- counties. T. R. RAIMSOIVI, Attorney at Law, i Jackson, N. 0. rsf Practices in trie courts oi wortn uertie and adjoining suits that fall to the lot of a fever m tii re, being a good substitute stricken ship, it was the crew's fr a couch, pillow, punching-bag, W W Peebles & Snn sad misfortune to part with one pen-wiper, etc., but a genera! nu- I 4i : i i i i ui i- Li j ui Liitsir uuuiuer, wno Sllippea lor j m uiuiuib iigui yarus the "long cruise." They beached 'Den, by scrambling up the rig- their old shipmate there in the SmS and interfering with their neighborhood of the light-house, duties. Many a punch, many a While upon this and other neces- kic many a questionable bless sary intercourse with the shore.113? was bestowed upon him when u,osao Mx wui hi: An Mwrfpnowl .mil Pnllpnt f!U-. T- -5 -r ... .. rasweni wuiaiiempi to write. ; uitv have boeil swured and no labor T.?nvln ic orckropi-4hial1 it cWn. ...n i j ..' Thp mld standard nawcrT . TT . & &" TV. m r wiu oe sparea 10 inaKe . i . . . T " ated m the centre of the United -this school emml tn.mv in thn'himi A, oiaies, ana contains aoout sixty jl ne ouuumgs nave wen iDorou'-ii- uuouww &uie- fhnncanrl conic anrl ic n U renovatel. the frrounds; nr lar, rc" . . t. 7,- TT" lA wma beautiful city, noted fori its fine beautiful, and the healthfulness isestaDiisnea tneownersoi silver cdaeK(iti &nd churches': a citv that of the PJace is unsurpassed mines can take hfty-f our cents m 0'0-,i I ,V Terms low. For further informa this timft as xcei riAVior worp hf. ; mints and get a dollar for it; and W Whv? bpnanfift LA arA ,.1 that the profit thus made will Lfied J at thfi nfiytPlsi,flnt ul lu uue uuuureu ana lorty chose'n f rom hera n i n - w-n 1111 -t c t- -v i i r -r, v vv 4 1 , . . . . . . . . - ; ittui ueisuuauvauiuttiuieuwiui iL u..n- 1 1' " uxv-xuui u . wux ua 01 o union of us wh6 know him bist love him 1 a a 1 1 I l . T uau ue laneii lu me uiiais auu ex changed for a dollar, but that the ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, JACKSON, N. C. Oilice N. 1 West of tho Hotel Burgwyn. One of tin.- Jiroi will be at Kich Square ev trv M'cixl Saturday in each and every nimitiu at Woodland every third Saturday, and at Cunway every fourth Saturday,, be- the men. from time to time, came aloft; but it mattered not to him. ... . '..v. I - - - . - - - 7 I ; I, . twau the hours of 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. KICH SQUARE HIGH SCHOOL. The Fall Term of this school will beiri a .' Monday, Sept. 7th, 1896. Splendid building. Experi enced teachers. ' It is the aim of the manage ment to furnish first-class educa tional facilities at moderate pi'KilVS. i . , Thoroughness a Specialty. Besides Primary and Inter mediate Courses instruction will be offered in Music, Latin, Eng lish, Mathematics, French, Ger- upon a finje herd of grass nibblers, at whom thev would oft cast a wishful eye. The old yarn of brewing for It he took it all good naturedl is Theoretically, you despise gos sips practically, you add your mite very often to the common fund. You are not ill-natured; the sweet charity that "thinketh no evil" has; its home in7your heart'score Yetsometimes.alas! it falls asleep, and anger, wrath and bitterness come stealthilv creeping to the outposts. There are manv great things i - i i vuu kj lancii lu lur ujiulz auu a i a -i -r i . it wtiiphworannnfn h outoc I . - , , ... ....... most , ana l &m sure mat ail wno .. rw.. cnanarea lor a dollar, but that the . , . ..... nestlv we mav trv. There are -. ..-n u' ,A cpme m coniact witn mm win say - r v 1 uuiidi win umv u wiiri.li ui 1. v 1 , 1 a: .rewttuiioab, we ciju accom- Thefee two propositions taken 13U'1UU uueVl.tu?!sei&u'reAVx.ut together constitute as rational an our conversation. Iverywoman Lnmt nt.n 11 i snoum cultivate a nice sense oi has thus far been able to DreSGnt 1 1 1 t .1 . nonor. in a .nunarea. ainerent . A Cil! J! A -Ml ways, uus uiobi uiwng aajunci ox fift.v-nAnt dollar in PYanfnr "..T " TT , ancl lne dlstrict was Kepubliain a a ai 1 ,1; I r , Rev. W. 0. Petty, President r Rev. Samuel Saandere, Associate, 7-lC:2m Murfreesboro, N. C. same or nifioie is a man witnout, a spot or stain ana as true as steel to the i laboring class, and can no price. He was I elected to Congross not be bought as he has i.gyuipiuuuf this district as d Democrat . . aj. , , . l j. inctanr-A , . ana tne aistnct was ttepuonai said thet he was forever lTlM T- of bnllin; by J7.000 majority, an.J when hi in trouble yet quite willihe ae is a guest.m a family where, where is the mine onwersi profit? J . . c there being as good fish in the sea to bear the consequences when Prnaps, the aomestic machinery The fact is that the rise and as.was ever taken therefrom was detected. verified one day as a squad of kid- Bruin, in nannftrs from thp. (ralfinn. wprfi Know now m promenading the strand, promi- nentamong whom were two seafar ers oi great promise Lanning and VVhipkey. During their ramble, whether does not runSmoothly. There is fall in price of all-commodities ns first term was out he was again nominated and elected, defeating A 1 TT : A 11 ' TTT TV 1: J 1 . ' a enrmw in tl,fl t,nnCQ rncct. . IDG HOD. Alien VV. riCJUS WllUWilb order to let Billie -.uv-v "t- have always steadily followed the , , . . . ed bv theouterworld. Sometimes L.: r ucn ne inougm oi .,:fAi.Mt.LAl--.--- said to be the strongest Republi .. ' . . . . ... it is a'dissipated son, whose con- u.ii him, now that he was a citizen, . , , ' . . . . bullion. finding it impossible to free him- by chance or design, we know not seiI Irom tn embrace ot his ov history keeping us in the dark er- bearing friend, ba'aed long and relative to it, these "Neptunian pressed the Kid to his breast and duct if a Sam? and a rief P his hfloan to Whim Thonnnromf piems. oumpuui 1 a fore increase the price of all oth unable to stand , the strain and conte9t an( petulant daughter; ther property, except gold, pro- sometimes a reiauve, wnose pe culiarities are a I cloud on the or and had never been defeated Free silver coinage would 'there- for office before. Although this home; or, , worst of all, husband and wife may r hot he in accord, sharks" wandered into the terri- torial rights of some herd-keep ers. Here, there and everywhere, and then there may be often bit- kc portionately with the increase in the price of silver bullion. This was illustrated in 1878 and 1890. The silver legislation "in those years sent wheat up as high as it ' J 1 ! J 1 v uji wurus bpuiiexi auu uaiu re- did gilVer bullion Butfreecoin- cnminations. I In .any case, the U would bring down the ficti- guest is in honor bound to be tifms vahlA nf rnw and matr it man and the Elementary bci- along the water-front and among i I Lilt; am uuuci y w o i o iu occ u roi f urther particulars address Uu v, A. S. Wehb, A. B., i at twigs and nibbling hay in its crude state in blissful ignorance of the contemplative gaze be stowed on them by the invaders, Rich Square, N. C. Littleton Female College. This Institution has a splendid loca- who, the meanwhile, comm loud and kicked with might and main; while Kruin, bear-like, mis taking the little one's uproar as manifestations vof joy hugged all tlio l m n ro n.nrt 'twiic nnlv nrhon II nhnn Qnrt riDaf cn for a c Tuar.-rlia I .. , , . . he was well prodded with a bay- " " ' ; V " worth only one hundred cents on onftt that hfi Ronsentftd to releasft ,.w -7-": - & thedollar. The work Of the two the Kid. . ue worrt wnnin-can ao gooa it metols WOdld not longer be per r I Til Major Billie" has been in the ma weu De sPKen DUl 10 S formed by one, Naval service n vears:rhe is 3 iurt" auu revt;af e &UttUUW "li4U The oresent condition mav be " i . i " - feet, 4 inches high and weighs snappy secret to any one, even illustrated thus: Ateamsterhauls 120 pounds, and as might be ex- yur nearesi lsanaciGI his load up the hill nn J pected, traveled extensively.hav indelicacy and meanness almost tWo'horses, but if he takes one tion.-..-elegant new Duiiaings, a strong faculty and high standard. Never a (loath amoncrthftnunil?. and" 0 I x . no sickness at all in three years. The last session the most successful i in several years. Twenty youny ladies can arrange for board at about $6.00 per month." Fajl term begins Sept. 8th, 1886. Write for Catalogue and mention this paper. J. M. RHODES. Pres., with each other in earnest tones. Now it came to pass that, whilst those on mischief bent compared notes, numerous baby-goats, tom boy like, foolishly scampered past and froliced near the evil-minded though faithful couriers from the far North. "Many will come but few will be' chosen" was beautifully por trayed by the entire brigade it' i -j ? ji i t a - n a. 3 i mi iiriiTiiinit-Hi. wuue ill liib aiit;it5ci 1 1 . . .1 . j A in? out recenuv reiurueu xrum , , , morse out oi ine iraues anu uuis T i a.. l i, " 'v,. oi.-fj l am sure mat aiier iue m ui an extended tour of China, Japan. 1 him in wan the other horse next March thaft the Hon. W. J. Corea. and other countries in the lla' would have a hard time drawing hU in "v-TMont . r.. TT. i 3 1L. i that vou can see or hear should .l. i-.j -j.lJ"01! "U1 i iar nasi, ne nau tne uuuur ui . , ; me wagon, me luau auu me nurse , i tt pT1BI, escorting the remains of John pumc a wuau . urj txie hill. If Mr. Bryan is elect- , Ericsson to Sweden, and later on 11uwlf,i:,;iUr Ui ed, a free silver coinage Congress Find Your Place. visited the principal countries of P" "UK ttbt WUU1U. aifttl will also be elected and will again rv nnman beW. however tfurope- uaeuver ur uunw - hitehupthesilverhorsewiththel mnll ' , iniwU ba a ttt! Ai ltTiJ i anfni.raf fni-oturn fham ... ... . , ... . , . - vvneu lueoruisei- duiuuiuib - gold horse, and tnen tne loaa wm lod T fill -H ft rpo t .- r 4- Con To nni o rti -fmrxm I 1 HPl- f-.i.-rr) o fn-f tVii c flirn rrVi t. l . ;i . .1 l TT' I icpu icu ai. icu x , x luuuuuuvu vvfeliv DQ easny moveu. mciiiuau no-1 that no one else can do quner. There is always some aching Ktvtot that wf ran soothe: some T iiil T J w.. uibtie xrecus. rugged pathway to be made more . ... . i . . - i j Two men were waiKing aiong easy to travel; some heavy bur the road-side. They saw a man Apn fhat we can assisK our fellow on a high load drive up to a gate. travelerin carrving up the hill is a; Republican state I feel sure that Bryan will carrV it by at least 20. 000 majority. He has j ust retu rned home from Chicago and all turned out to do him honor and at least thir ty thousand 'turned )ut in the rain to welcome him home. As old North Carolina is the state where ! first saw the light. and as she cast her vote at Chica go, so may she cast it this fall. I have I talked with many Re publicans and I am sure that Mr. Bryan will carry every state west of the Mississippi River, and if easily with the South wilt do het duty this takes one . , , I , i a tail as sne always nas an tne past 'ill open Monday, September I4lh, lKHir ' - For particulars apply to 31iss L. II. Whitfield; Prin., , Jackson, N. C. a frisky little black -and white fel The Jackson Female School low. As twilight drew near scouts were scattered about to reconnoi tre the surroundings and report thereon. , I . . The spies quickly returned re porting "not a sail in sight." The hour had come and the SEVERN HIGH-SCHOOL command to, engage the enemy was immediately issued, lim ning got under way amid, the ma ny grins of the rigging-climbers, and bore down on the chosen one, who. wishing to avoid collission sprang to one side, thereby caus the East, the "Major," in com pa- less sin is of ten laid in early life, ny with those whose term of en- Children cominghbme from avis- Littleton, N. C. echoing Whipkey 's choice that of Hstment had. expired and whose it, are interrogated by mother or a f tmcIttt littlft hlftp.knd white fel- . i . ... .. . . .it . work to do for him. homes were on the Atlantic coast sister, concerning every little in was transierrea over iana to xne ana out oi Mrs, j ones or Mrs. Brown's house. Don't do it again, -i a T en TT. : I .1 jt- j . i. : il J 1 1 " . I ' " xionea at iNonom, v a., paaaiu uear ineou; ju w e Ut11- The young man ran across to the o life an(j some dark ife, that is Kelford, N. C, on the JM. Jfc.U-K. ing child, as he. or she snips m, 1 and opened it As the man bowed down in grief arid despair. K. on the lbtn qi neo. iasv happy ana nusnea: -vveii, nave the load drove through the Lw nan Uriah ten rom metrninKiiu ue , was you nau a pieasaut visu: i Ute with ahoartv Thankvou" nlar.0 anrl transferred to the armored cruis- with him AU-: AM) FEMALE. SEVERN, N. C. V.FLKETH'OOD, A. B., Principal. TW Fall Term begins Monday, K'ust:tl, 1S9G. . luition Payahle Monthly "unarv T K'rmoiVmte1'- '; " " " 2 00 WrEnfr. with Lat.andGreek 2 50 redut tioii will be made for ab swiee of less than u week (hhh1 bru'd ean be obtained in nice lilies.; at from 8 00 to $10 00 per IWiFfor five days in the week VII )' me -TO . n 'A v mnirrtv m . . ... giau "i r and a smiie on his lace, tne oia mtion and it rests -r TT 1 I 1 I 1 ll 11 1 3 : Z 1 I - . I T er "iNew iorK. wnere ue now wnetner tney nau gingwuieau ur an Rtnofl anfl oob-od on. After tUm , .. .. .1 - ... 11 1 1 3 -LL-.J-liiilJ - . . - ISBUWUUUUIUU.. noias iorm in an nis giory. pouna case, or wnaiurew nm the o.ate was dosed and they had tJ now in vp.rr fifense of the When the Batallion is ordered Susie Jones wore; If you find a resdmed their journey, the old worfl . fin(1 vour oiacek and go to 1 ' f 1 I i A 1 !l - ' 1 J 1 a: I - . I a to equip mem selves in neavy piquant du oi ,sianaer uouuug Q hat man though a wnrt for .ife at best ii short, and marching order the Major's ac- about in society do not repeat it stramrer. thinks vastly more of Wnt w Ho must be dbfae now. for countrements-are orougni oui to your next neignoor witn anair than if you had passed by to-morrow may be too ate. Hon and strappea upon mm. ns oi mystery aoout your counten- :tnmlt that little act of kind- UU' T1.w man what th world - -.1; wm-mv ww " I ! 1 L. t UO 111 UU A iw ' - - 1 ' t - i i 1 A. I hlS Opponent lO put aoouu Un , . . , . a, ... ftTWWV. Q Tf ie fno wrtrcf noccihlft-ccav " Mys 111 ms- Pcl A uv Fleet manoeuvres d raugh tr howe ve r, -1 A, .1 A. I .... and i forced! u-,- .iJ J l t u; I"88" . - wants io-uay p. u, proved -too p. r ieAa."ve . ,JIV r" iUJUi UJ f iA ve given him new ana cneeriui despicable," it matters AS. The ;asonable' terms. much for the tiny landlubber, for Lanning quickly yappled the kid iu a rough though pternai way. Grasping the prize firmly in . , . . . i i i One hand, tne otner nieauwuue employed in pulling back the THE UNIVERSITY. 36 Teachers, 534 Students, Tui tion 60. a year. Board $8. (eight dollars) a month, 3 Full College Courses, 3 Brief Courses. Law , SchooL Medical School, Sum mer School for Teachers, Schol arships and loans for the needy, ddress, President Winston, 7-2-2m. Chapel Hill.N.C. NORTH CAROll r " COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE and MECHANIC AR18. This college offers thorough courses In Agriculture, Mechanical, Civil and Electri cal Engineering, and in Science. General academic studies supplement all these tech nical courses. ; EXPENSES PEK SESSION, ISCXmiXO BOAKD:. For County Students, - - t 01.00 For all Other Students, - - 121.00 Apply for catalogues to ALEXANDER Q. HOLLA DAY, Ualbioh.N. C. ' ' Premdkxt. State n rial sc&qq 1, DEPARTMENTS well equipped. 27 teachers. 444 regular sttidents, besides practice school of 97 pupils. 930 matriculates since its opening in 1892. 93 of the 96 counties repre sented. Competitive examination at county seat August 1st, to nil free tuition vacancies in dormitories. Ap plication should be made before July 20th to enter the examination. No free tuition except to applicants sign ing a pledge to become teachers. An nual expenses of free-tuition stu dents boarding in dormitories, 490; tuition-paying students, 130. Ad dress, President . Charles D. M'cIver, 7-9-lm Greensboro, N. Ci Big Mid-Summer Offers. I yet have a complete line of nice- white dress goods which I now offer at and below cost. Please note the ollowing slaughter prices: 44 inch Dotted Swiss, now ' lOJc. 44 " India Linen, 12J to 15c. 36 Jaconet, 9 to 10c. 3 ' Check Muslins, 61 to 8c. 36 ' Craponds, wlid colors, 8c. 36 " Satibes, I Be. 36 " Henriettas, 12jc. TO GENTLEMEN who! are in need of a Straw Hat,orT5WHfiuarteredSho;s I would the place to get a big They are going at with the words -Major Billie" on power to stop it do so, for often thoughts to accompany him on not from whom it ccmes. Ex pne side and "U. S. S. New York" we find drifting on the tide of so- his way. It cost you a very little change. j ' on the other in white letters upon cial talk, stray scraps oi envy or pffort and. was a ereat conveni- a blue back-ground. - malice. If thev come to you, keep u; Tf m.1 will alwavs Tho First' Armored ShlD Upon "hitting" the beach, he them. Let no unkind report be 1 Ti:fl ! RIlfth mtle deedsofkind- AoWlinor tA th bestacthori- adopts the tactics of a good sol- aiiOWed to grow! by whisper or ls , you wU aiways have ties on curiosities of thb navy and dier in never loomng Denina un- worti of yours. Howlovely is the riends: besides, you will do a warfare in ceneraL the first ur- svhool is located on the R. & shirt opening -S0?.8 til he has placed himself at the very presence of a pure, truthful great deal of good for your Lord mored vessel was launfehedln the 'ns- a:, in a quiet aud health com- Jacket blue. rrw. a- . head of the brigade. J. Barnes. uy. convenient to church and school privileges.' furtKe Roxobel, N. C. A forced march was made to the boat-landing where the ab ductors embarked and pulled off to the ship. But alas, here an- . . I . -ii ii . other barrier presented itself, uuainiea wun me science ui uuua- vern, Northampton CJo., N.C. that of the Deck Officer; but, ismatics, you can easily tell where the United States 'r information, address "in-ipul, or - H. Howell, Sec. & Treas.' Mint Marks on Oar Coins. If jyou are but slightly ac- woman, before wnom evil tongues d Master. "Young People's vftar 1530. It was one of the fleet are silenced. ; Talk as little as pos- Leader , manned by the Knigtts of St sible about d ress; make yourself -- John and ?Ss entirely covered and you children as oeauurui as Trees and Lightning. with sheets of lead. Theaccount . - . . i . - i . possible, and let j becoming and n(d&r a nd fi2 trees are rarely of the time leaves us ii darkness tasteful, dress help you to ao ;u; t k hy M btning. The beech, as to the thickness of this lead uut yvucu uuto jiuux hjiuq m. ston , High School NESS INSTITUTE on, think no more about them. thanks to those who persevere, me uniiea otaujs wm&; we p . L d aoosties were several of the band mounted the maae oy me mmt maf uu mnvftd fn renroachour sex forour gangway with Lanning. and his they bear. Coins minted at Char- devoti0n to tinkling ornaments charge sandwiched between them lotte, N. C., bear the letter C, and braided hairs in olden days, and the rear guard, and," as gos- those made at Dahlongga,Ga.,the And if they were here now I think 5 m a a TV il. . m Y f 1 .-a a. i letter v. mose at rtew vrieau the letter O, those at Carson City, C, and those at San Francisco the oilege Preparation Com- sipers relate, succeeded remarka frtial Course, Penmanship, bly well in missing muster. rthand land Typewriting. they would lift their voices again. the larch, the fir, and the chest- armor, but they are very positive nut also seem to be peculiarly in the statement that the they noxious to the "bolts of Jove." were of sufficient strength to There are trees, however, which "successfully resist alj the shots appear to attract rather than to of that day,"" At the siege of Gi- repel the lightning flash. The bralter, in 1782, the Krencn ana trees generally enumerated in Spaniards used war vessels which v.a pntflonrvnf those which the I wpta armored with ilisrht iron vuw I t 0 Address, '-9-2 m. very cheap. 25, 1896. I. W. Blej, Prin,, PW1S AUT -Now that the battle was over and the victory bravely won they went forward and presented the letters: Nothing more effectually dwarfs Ughtning is most apt to strike are boom-proofing over their decks kuo v""f i i the oaK, me yew, me eim anu me j ana to mw waici a wo0, very first practical usepfw rough- iron -plates ! as a defense for the thought and conversation about Lombardy poplar. Wnmon whft ftiA MV and riAi-vnus 11 US, ieamers, laces, lOUi uniiea captive to the tars 'neath the fore- wbo.nave n6 appetite and cannot I and jewels. Let us, dear reader, if you want photographs or en- sides of vesselswasbyhePrench castle, an nanas went to wonc to sleep. ? find ?staength-and vigor injget out oi this ana nna now muuu largements oi any Kinagoxo xayior i iu uievumcau - T.ittloTrn W n nrfinarfi an fixtrn, billftt for the i TTW1 ' RarRaTirilln httr walWnr i nn the soft wav- Gallerv. Weldon, I. C lwuis ivcuouv- say here is. bargain in them. and below cost. arConie P. S. before it is too late. JOHN BAUGHAM, " Kich Sq ua re, N. C. A few more pairs of Ladies Slippers at cost. W. T. Picard, Jackson, IV. C. Manufacturer of Hand Made Harness, Bri dles,Saddles,&c. I desire to call the attention of those wishing to purchase a good Buggy at a reasonable price that I have obtained the agency for the well-known firm of A. Wronn & Sons, for Northampton county and am pre pared to offer special inducements to those desiring to buy a good Bug gy at prices to -' , Suit tho Timos. " - ... - I also keep in stock road carts and family carriages. Shall be pleaped to get orders for one or two-horse farm wagons. Please bear in ramd that T make good , Hand-mado Sornoso at about what you pay for machine! made. 9-19-ly The Patkon ANDGLEANfiuand North Carolinian only 1.50 per year. .

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