4 r r lOLUME 7. 5& k . a ill l f & ft. - a. a a a a a ft ft a a m- -M- & v Sweet Prospects, S wee Birds and ' Sweet flowers. ' We el&erly people cau well re member the saints of old used to sing FUTUBE OF THE RED UAH. Do You Use It? It's the best thing for the hair under all rirctxmstances. Jmst as no man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro xnett conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Oyer's Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff,1 cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, just s as a , desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow ' hair, vrhea the roots are nour- ished. But th roots must be there ' If you wish your hair to retain Its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded; hair use Ayer'3 Hair Vigor. W. jl'AUL MOORE, D. D. S. Xn3 Jackson, N. C. 53T"'Offlce at residence. l to V. W. PpEbLES & SON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. - JACKSON, N. 6. Office No. 1 West of the Hotel Burgwyn. Z'ug o f the firm will be at Hich Square ev ery second Saturday in. each and every month,' at Woodland every third Saturday aniiit Conway every fourth Saturday, be tween the Hours of 11 .a.'m. andioj,ir p. m. How tedious and tasteless" the . , hours, . , ; . ' When Jesus. -no longer I see.! - Some one his written a new by m a which eati be sung to the old tune, as follows: . - Not tedious or tasteless my. Lours, i ' T 11 J J ' L. Since Jesus l au trie nme see. Sweet prospects, sweet birds and sweet flowers Have-all greater sweetness to me; The midsummer sun s never dim, No striving of fields to be' gay;' . For now I am happyia Him, December's as i)teusant-as May. I His name yields the riches. perfume. And sweeter than music in voice; His presence disperses my Jlcom, Anu.maKes an wuuuuuc .. Because He is always thus high, I've nothing to wish or to' fear; No mortal so happy as I,- i. My summer now lasts all the year. Content with beholding His face, My all to His pleasure resigned, Na changes of season or place Could make any change in my mind, , - '. While blest with a sense of His love A palacef a toy would appear; And .prisons would palaces prove, For Jesus would dwell with me . -fherc. My Lord, now indeed I am Thine, And Thou art my sun and my seng No longer I languish and pine; No more seem my winters too long Thou drivest "dark clouds from my Thy soul-cheeri ng self dost restore Together we'll soon be On high, Adhere winter and clouds are no Differing , Opinions From Tvo Educated Indians on : the Subject. The regulation of the Indian tribes under the law governing the Dawes commission has called out two notable expressions as to the future of ,'the red map from Indians who are in every way competent to speak for the race. The general reader in view of this gradual but. steady elimina- iou of tie. Indians from the American wpulation and thecon- naliy of one blood?' My reply is, I do not know, but from' the pres ent outlook they, surely will be. The index finger of the past and present is pointing o the! future, showing conclusively that by the HOHEY AS FOOD. There is Said to be Health and Long Life In its Use. A pound of ho.iey will go as far as a pound of butter; and if both middle of the next century all Jci, articles be of bestquality the hon ey will cost the less of the two. Often a prime article of extract ed honey; equal to comb honey in every " respect, except appear ance, can be obtained for half the Through intermarriage the blood price of butter, or less. Butter of our people, like the waters is in its best only when it is that flow in to the great ocean, "fresh," while honey, when prop- will be forever lost in the domi- erly kept, . remains indefinitely nant race; and generations yet good no need to hurry it out of dian reservations ami tribal rela tions will have i assed awajy Then our people Will begin to scatter,; and thert suit will be !a general mixing up of the races. sob uent sim pMeation of the In- dian problem, may be surprised unborn will read the history pt the way lor iear u may oecome to learn that jhere are educated the red men or tne roresvana m-irancia, Indians who look (to, the absorp- quire, 'Whe re are they?'" :i, 1 Sugar is much "used in hot tion of their race as the final solu- xvahino- o.nnlA bo more nathetic d rinks, as in coff ee and tejt. The .1 i : i. .. -v"-o- : -.- , .. I ' I than .the opinions quoted by the substitution of a mild flavored Hon.- Wylie Mclntoab and Simon honey in such use may be a very Pokagon on the extinction of their profitable thing for. the health race and the probable future of Indeed it would be betteiLior the tVio email remnant of it that sur- health if the onlv hot drmKS were vives. According to the census what is called in Germany honey of 1890, the entire Indian popula- tea a cup of hot water with one tion numbers only 239,273 spuK or two tablespoonf uls of extract- and where they once, had the ed honey. The attainment of great whole country as a happy hunt- age has in spme" cases been at- ing ground, f rom o an to ocean, tributed largely to the lifelong and from the northern to the rru southern lakes, they are now coti J. ilVJ I tion of the Indian problem SPEECH AT MUSCOGEE. ' J -if In a speecii .delivered1 near Muscogee, in the Indian Terri tory, recently, the Hon. Wylie Mcintosh, full blooded Creek and a meinoer o.i me no use oi vai- riors of "his tribe, uttered the fol- lovf 1 n g lam en tatio n s : '-No moi-e : will be heard the whizzing of the feathered arrow met in -in its flight by the bullet from the white ''man's rifle. use of honey tea Many people think 'honey is honey," all just alike; but this is a great mistake. Honey may "be of good heavy, body, what bee- A Unanimous Vote; FJ SIT: When I read of Dollinff of pas- c-nAfo nn trains n1We rnn- 1 tlA Fj lAJ I tf i Utj into and out of Tew York KAbTlSRN JiOF HEBKLNGB, city to ascertain, theirprefer- CIITAt TV mori Zious Watchman . Cruelty to animals. The cruelist animal is not the tiger, it is man; the most thought less df living things is moth,' - it is the boy. A r is hushed for eternity, fined to 212,000 sq aare miles pf and the stnoke of the council fire reservations, pnu .u i,wrs no longer over 1 the chin five tribes in the Cherokee Na- dren of." the forest. These are tion s are oo,zoy, i-iiui wuum Keepers can -wen upeueu, u o"Oue." - u j are ciasseu ts w.icu rcupof weiguiug-ouuicuuico New Mexico, with r J. 521, has ine to the gallon. or it may oe quive next largest nvmbr, South Da thin.. It may also be granulated kota. with 19.845. beinsr next, or candied, more solid .man isra. Arizona has 16,740. and Califor nia has 15,283. Then Six Na- Saint Regis, md other Ip- ..r t .i ;.. r . i. ic , roctannJ dians. of New Y rk, number offered . to his takin- possession, 5, 304." Illinois is cr edited, with i - . . i . . i i rCT,r -n.n;-e fr Wc noaM. CleTtvfAiL 2: Missouri 14: Gonnec- tainea U,UU IJt3 uuiy italic iui vu i'viavv. O ' : j !: --' 4'' The -white -mari now ,oes un- armed amt'nir the remnants of his! once- terrible foe, seeking every- w hero to plant his vine and tig tree and rear a civilized home. Outside of thtj five civilized tribes ttdns, not the woman SHOES- . You will find the well knTTwn Bay OiA CUnAo frm . Mon Tlrva T 1- a; nhiwifon at thft new store beart made her, and cried out.a of- L. J. & M. R. Bradley, Jackson, protest against the puuishment ran into the street, be'cause her N. C. W. B.Wynns.ofMargaretts ville, is traveling salesman for them. The J'ackson a00' R'ch Square Telephone Co. " INCORPORATED UDER THE LAWS OP : NORTH CAROLINA. Splendid service. I Polite agents. " Has connection with Jackson, Rich soairdm Square, liryantown, iasKer, x-ove-casi and Woodland. " Messages sent to any point on the line for. 10 cents. . . Connects with Western Union Tel egraph Company at Rich Square. , . DR. W. P. M00RE, President. J. M. WEAVER, Secty. and Treas. : General offices: Jackson, N. C. of tlirfiR men.: whom it were to compliment to call brutal, were inflicting upon a team of mules that were straining every sine W to pull a wagon out of a hole into whicn ..tneir iooiisn anver uau guided them. They had each taken a stick of wood from" the heavily loaded wagon and were the m ules with them And when the woman cried out the bovs on the street thougdt it was funny and laughed and jeer ed. Pity for the mules, indigna tion for the men; but sorrow and fear and indignation for the. boy s and contempt lor tue irenis wuu had taught them no better, i P, rtiel t v to ani nials is all too - j - . TA ill Ji ' . . W . rom mon. f oor. lii-ieu, utvei rested horses and mules; plod Roanoke Institute, wPT'nnV ."V if! - -i i .' .T din""-Dai d full v alongMvith heavy A icHAETEREa SCHOOL FOE dtiveJby Ue, It may be almost as colorless as water, and it may be as black as the darkest molasses. . The fla vor, of honey varies according to 1; the flower faom which is is ob it would be impossible ful signal bf his1 own government ticut, 24; Tenness e, 10; while to descn be in words the flavor of to enter and possess. " ; THE GRAVESIDE OF A RACE. We know how a man feels when he .first avakes to the conscious ness that a' new race, a new na tion, 'of which he is part, is born, because we have felt it; but who can know and feel the agony of a man who stands at the grave oi a the Seminoles, Mi anopies, and the different honeys, ine ainer- i;wrtf Tniia i.r.va Hinrlla lent flavors in honey are as ais- - . t down to 215. The iarge State pf tinct as me oaors iu .vv.ta. Texas has onlv 258. The race lis Among the ligher. colored honeys already scattered osrer the whoe are white clover, nnaen vpr oam conntrv, and raduillv undergo wood), sage, sweet cover, ana: ing that process oi absorption predicted by Simo i Pokagon as willow herb, etc., and umong the darker are found heartsease,mag: 2C the final destiny of tbo Indians, nolia or popular), horsemmt. J- THE ANVAL CHARGES. buckwheat etc, Tastes diner m noney as ici aii i j, f I 1. ! race, or a nation ox wnica ne is a parr, ana oeiivei iuuexai Iq m0f the Indies cost the other thinffS. White clover is so oration. Mr. Mcintosn summed BOMm6r,f-i 7fi3'7R1. .....r, n unUt up u. Pm uautn 31 24. - ana with the exception of $1, TOHh its verv dark color and as iouowb., - ; M Mfifinnnn as navmenr for land inL,i mnrlrod flavor that "The fact may, be a sad one.but that year, this may be taken as buckwheat honey always rules it is, nevertheless, a tact, mat i th fiyPfq.p.harcre te:' annum. Of hnnTai. nc than white clover. (J . I 1 If V Hfc - this $2,982,147,19 is on account of yet there some who prefer buck- ehces as to candidates for may- " . - vl! 1 V- or, saia a genueman wuu uai ODg been identified with trans-1 porta tion interest and poli tics as weu -ii reminds me oi a aiu-1 r y my father used to tell of the campaign of 1836. In those days there was still a great deal of traveling by canal and some of the packets on the Erie werefit- ied up almost as sumptously, for the time, as the palatial cars seem nOW. --".' ' ''. A la r ere ; Dartv was coming O A m . '. ; east from Buffalo on one of these passenger boats, and as political j feeling! ran high there was much excited discussion over the re spective merits oi van uuren, Harrison, White, Webster and Mangum. , ; . "It was on oue1 of those warm October days when the cabin was too torridsjor occupancy, and all the pas snngers were assembled on the deck. Tbe informal Dolitical debate were . democrat and a whig, both talkers and' clever in argument and p retty soon everybody on board gathered round to listen to them. Presently , the whig sug gested' thatxif. would be a good idea to 'take thd sense oi tne meeting, and the democrat, after a quick look ahead, agreed. He obtained silence and announced: "Gentlemen, we are about to take a vote for president of the United States') Are you ready?' "'Ready,' was the-prompt an swer on all sides. "just then the steerman called out the customary warning, 'Low bridge.' t;;.:, .' . ..' "Here was the democrat's op portunity, andjhe seized it ; 'i'Air those in favor of Martin Van Buren, he shouted, 'stoop down. Contrary minded, stand erect ' ' . i. V- - "Tho boat at this moment reached the' bridge, and every man dropped as if he had been hot l i.. o v,..- '.-.'''.;v :; It's unanimous vote!' declar ed the triumphant partisan of the sage in Kinderhook. "Boston Herald. II. H. CONNER,; Rich Sqnart, N. C BOYS AND GIRLS. J. A. JONES, A. B U. N. C, PRINCIPAL. jFulS.corps' of competent Instruc tors. Certificate ing admits into tne JiQir a rc not tpflf.hinfT j.- - , v i v : e u I wuj - cd Twn frrP( scnotarsnius wr wc - . . - University. Charges very reason- abie. spring term write for cond itions. i For catalogue address . 1 J." - Ar JONES, ' 2t t -V ' Wkldon, N. C EGGS WANTED. and unthinking men,; with scouidings and beatings, are not strange sights. We have 'a law, but public sestiment does not en force it. Parents have duties but their child ren the, beauty of geutleuess or there is no longer a place on the soil of the Union for an Indian as an Indian. The pathos of his sit uation should and, does appeal to air great men, but the logic of fate is not moved y the prayers of a fallen race, ;nOr their" destiny averted by a tear for their end.," POKAGON HEARD. 1 In a recent issue ofTheForum, Simon Pokagon, a very ihtelli mint Pntlvwntnmip TnrTifln. dis- cusses with much fullnessrof in formation, '-The Future of the Red Man." His conclusion that the red man has about; reached the end of his tether is the same as that of Mr. Mcintosh, but while the latter believes in an an nihilation "of the remnants of his treaty obligations, while $2,0ob, 516 goes for the support of Indiau schools. The nation will not be grudge this annu ii outlay, in view of the priceless land values which, have been iv rested from wheat to any other honey. Some what fortunately, oaagenerally prefers the honey of which he is most accustomed. A Californian thinks nothing equals white sage, while a Pennsylvania thinks training them to revolt at cruei- race, Mr. Pokagon believes that ty. Some day ' men are going to rpftlizft- that thev have no more i rio-ht before God to starve au an imal' than to starve a man; to beat . I i , I , ir-. Unot a n'rtilL'man I want to buy, during the next P . , to work thomslves to death- A ma'i worth v oC t::, q'- :.:hj will not be cruel, wi i d'-jv b few mouths, one thousand dozen gg3. I pay highest market prio es for them. ." , ii MILLS 11. CONNER, . ; '' -. . Rich Square, N. C WANTED. I want to buy for cash a one or two Horse Farm in the neighbor hood of St Johns or Ahoskie. . - Write to ' H- A. L., i Care Patron and Gleaner - V Rich Square, N. C. TVTEWSPAPER. ADVERTISIKG IN IN THE UNITED STATES. A book of two hundred pages, contain J ing a catalogue of" about six thou sand fnewspapers, being all that are cr anything on eyr'h'. .' if animals thiak some that t!ak'- a b it than so mt pyopn the remnant will be absorbed by the dominant and conquering race.. ; '''-'" f M -L Mr. Pokagon gives an historic review of the relations of the white and the. red men. He stout ly maintains that ,the red iBan was not originally the tierce and unkind to; rAlntlPs savaire that he errew to be; that he was kin i and helpful to the ti'rst European's who visited I the contin ?nt but that his gentle in manv cases ju..' oDinion of ! the bj i t . than they har of; thei if, masters. Let us have a chano. f you s e a man treating dumb a-iiaials cruelly, talk to hin in tiod's tr:i:ii.-. If ha itiults yba or persi st in his course, report him to the ci vil authorities. There is no meas uring thegoodthat may-be done m this wav. :i ,il we kiiow :tor 'show of ?' they inust far b'vttor ' . i . crt-ature He .who snrv"i and; friendly nature was changed by the treachery, cruelty, and avarice of. the European ad ven turers. It is a very interesting surjrestion. and' some' future his- CC! . . . -. torian of the red race, anxious tiiat it may be justified for its long and courageous, if disastrohs conflict with the white race, will trace tho-e earlier relations bf the two peoples, out of which grew.the jolicy of vindictive con quest on the one hand, and heroic resistance on the other. In the 1 000' copies or morecAiso hepa- y.- Li RtAte mans of each aid every no jnaUer w rate State maps State of the American Union, naming those towns okly in which thereare issued ne wspapers having more than 1 000 circulation,. This book (issued JTUpmber 15, 1897) will besent.pos- tacre vWd, to any address, on receipt one dollar 1;0 Stl.Va lt- Recorder. Aited DV tne Auiewu :..t ., .Q r.nK'.:. .per Directory Tn ,.,.. Goi and for- ,897) wit having W,?u Z?tJ, talsitaIUl parajrrapi.s of bis article, xviau .. . .. i.-j.: . U A tAfA the course pursued by his race Mr, Pokaron reached the follov uigconclusion which isbest stat ed i n hi s onftKuJiaway : RACIAL amaUjamation. 4,I am f.oqaeutly asked, 'Poka go?i, do yoj beiieve that the white man and the red man wereongi Adaress The Geoge P T!n wdll Advertising Co., 10 bpruce of c Q t4Ml!lr; .x ,.T.; Cftsctirot? ra'H t';:-1- 'i'c, tl-.e dm! won-, ccrful luiiiicui " t rr of tl-jape,' las-i a:'t and ' refroaliin. .'.' U 'o, Kcttuuj' and ositiv-ly on k:-it-n. In . r ex J bv vc!sf U-as:o? Vio entire 1 cum liea.lrtd.e, n- J 1: : ' .." nl0a the' Indians in the progress of white clover far ahead. their extermination. Norfolk Pi: . jn these days of prevailing Int.. aiiltoratinn when so often 'things are not what they seem, Letters of Recommendation, hf a comfort to know that when ;A gentleman advertised for a 0ne buys comb honey he may boy, and nearly fifry applicants know without question he is get- presented " themsel v'es. Out of ting trie genuine article. , The sil- that number he sel cted one and y stories seen from time to time dismissed the res. "I should in the jiapers about artificial like to know," said a friend, "on Combe being filled with glucose, what "ground you selected that ld deftly, sealed over with a hot boy, who had not a single recom- ir0n, have not the slightest foun-mendation-" "You are mistak- dation in fact For years there said the gentleman. "He has been a standing offer by one i - i I ;t swMiUilittr 1 0 has a great many. He wrped bis wnose nnanciai ieoum w nomQ iV, or.fl rlnspfl nnnuestioned of $1,000 for a sin he door after him, showing that gle pound of comb honey made - i I . . . . a? e i he was thoughtful. He took off without the intervenuon ui oees,. his cap when he ca ne in, and an- The offer remains untaken, and swered my qnesti.ms promptly, will probably remain so, for the showing that he w.iS gentleman- highest art- ot man can. never y. He picked up a book which I compass such delicate workman- had purposely plac don the floor, ship as the sum or tneoeeaccom- and replaced it- on the the table; plishes. and he waited qu-etiy for his With extracted honey the case turn instead of pushing and is different When you see in tne crowding, showing ae was order- grocery a tumbler ox : nquia on ly and honorable. When I talked ey with a small piece oi com o to him, I noticed tl vt his clothes honey in tne cenier, you wy u were brushed, his tair in order, pretty sure me iiquiu uuuy .a When he wrote' hb name, I no- not honey at all but pure glucose. ticed that his fipg ar-nails were If not familiar enough witn ton- . . . I -aav 'a. 4 v mm Anl 99 Wise Words. Do good constantly, patiently and wiselyly, and you will never have cause to say that life was not worth living. ' Do not ' esteem to lightly the small things of life, for the whole universe of God is made up of insignificant atoms. Life is rather the state of em bryo, a .preparatiorffor life. A man is not completely born till he has passed through death. Work touches the key of end less activities, opens the infinite; and stands awe struck before the immensity of wha$ there is to do. Obstacles which seems to hin der our course afford the best op portunities for developing the f-ourae and accuui tj power which it . Prices Cut. Knowing so well that the low prices of cotton have caused scarcity of monoy, we have cut the prices on almost our entire stock of goods in order to icduco our stock as much as possible by tlio 1st of Jany. So if vou are in need of a suit of clothes, a pair of pants, boots, shoes, d ry good s o t any kind, or anything generally kept in a first-class store, hero is the place-to come. No reasonable price will be refused, for our stock must be greatly reduced within the next twenty days. Gome at once and secure some rare bargains. Spadfe will not allow us to name but few prices. Good . cotton cloth 3ic yd. and up ; calico from 4c. up; worsteds, )laids, dress suitings, satteens it almost cost Men s suits from $2.00 up; best value ever offered for the money. A beautiful line of rare. tinware, decorated lampv&c. just received and going at prices that will astonish you. A large and varied assortment of candies and confectioneries of all kinds, Xmas goods, etc., at rock bottom prices. j Come and see us, we mean every word we say. We buy in exchange for goods eggs, staves, cotton, peanuts, peas, &c for which we pay highest market prices. y Yours very truly, . B. P. Brown & Son, 1 Woodland, N. C, NOTICE TO TEACHEnS If you want a position . for next year, or if -you desire a better salary, we can be of service to you, - Writer for particulars. If you know where . teacher is .wanted give j- us information and if we can fill it, you shall be re- V warded. v ; Chas. J. Parker, Manager, - Teachers' Aid Association, Raleigh. N.0 r To Cnr CoattlpAtlon Forvr Tftke C&scmreta Candy Ctbrtla. lOo or tU. It C C C. (aU to cure, druggtsu refund moan. More Bargain! 1 rn m Having recently bought in Balti more a large stock of goods at rock bottom cash prices, I am now en ulating the abl-ed to meet a11 we need to persue DryGood.0, ClotllillJ and XJotiono aro How mankind defers from day today the best it can do and the pOCltUtlC3 most beautijul things it can enjoy x have brought my prices waj without thinking that every day down to suit the pockets of the peor may be the last one, and that lost pie who raise four aid fire cent time is lost eternity! cotton. , It is the united action of the jr Don't forge that I pay the brain and the eye that forms the highest prices for your farm pro action to close observation. We duce. - ' ; nlnt what we see if Hides are way up m price ana a UJU3V - - ' it is to be a permanent impress ion. When the mind is vacant the eyes are robbed of half their value. pay all they are worth. .Give me a call. M. BLACKER, 12 16-tf SeaooarOt N. C True piety is of the heart rath er than of pretention. The clos est students of human nature . . -- . i kAfl tiaic nf religion. MOSt cteio.' Don't you flthewthiogseydetect U by ?f, : ulr wUch U Sale COUrSC IS IU uuy ut iuc - " ; -. , . letters of recommet iation?"- Se lected. HODIEY. Pure honey in original one have found ; that it is the trage- pound cases from the famous Uyrtls dies and sorrow s of life that are Best Apiary. Very cheap. MILLS H. COflHJiK, ; Rich Square, ,N. C. , ducer direct or o someone who knows as to its source, and upon whose honesty you can rely. Aside from its use in an un- Catarrh Is a 1-isearse. i rpn n ? rp!5 & con stitutional rem edy. It cannot be cured by local cnangeu siaie application. Hood wonderfully ' successiui in curing iey catarrh because it eradicates from! urinff their choicest wai the blood the scrofulous taint which advantage of using honey for cause it. Bufferers With catarrh find anytniDg iQ the line of cake is in a cure in Hoodts SaiaparUla, even keepTng qualities. Even if the after other remedies atterly fail. ke should became dry. close it .. '".'. . UDina bread can for a time and Hood's Pills are p rompt, efficient up iu "' Mt r ' 1 rctinaes in rpfnrn. liee profitable. Few are faithful to their own shame and loss. Tyndali once concluded an ad: dress to the students oi r Lon don university thus: Take care health. Imagine Her- 's Sarsaparilla is panimentof bread or Disc uii,nom r . ,mtton APPLY TO . . . , . . , : UntnsaJ an oarsman in a rotten I4-' v ssiui m curing ey is used oy oarers m uau uJ-a k. h fers. An' ooai: uai. cuu veto force of every strolce expo- FOR SALE. 1 SAW MILL AND FIXT URES, MULES AND HORSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS, W.F.GRUBBS. SEABORD. N. O always reliable, easy to take, easy j to operate. its freshness will return. Bee Culture. i dite the ruin of his craft? Take care of the timber of your life R! nan -Tabu! care dlzzlAC R pans Tabulea: plcaaant UxaUve. Rlpan Tbule cure liter troubles. ' - The PItron and Glexnei and the Home and Farm both one a. St., ifew lorn.