NEWS NOTES, Chairman County Democratic Executive Committee, has called a meeting of the committee at Jacknon, on Monday, May 2. : Jackson Letter o. o. ijaiv5T, i;sq . is attend- S. J. Calvert, .of the iug.Wintou couri this week. Mr. John P. HoIIoma'u'. has bought the Erhart house and lot : at the depot Four' marriage licenses have been issued during the past week. We i:'iv received a letter tiom two lor each race. lli't.-oLs of Gumbt-iry school re- Mr. E. J. Gay has rented the )vbg to ,"v,'y statement L'ladt? bj J. A. Burgvvyh residence and will 15. L. S., t! leach r, in his letter move into it in a few days. i ic'i ,v,o published lat week. Miss Pattie Peele has returned rorm for the last 1 rom iJaitimore where she has this week, 'and oeen spending a few days. - Lou Drewry, of .'Branch- Vo 'C;iliU:t hud C .iiiiii uiiicatiou would ots tuicl t.. it cuiitrov'-rny if the parties to wouluclose the : Mrs ville, Va., has moved to Jackson to make this her future home. The County Finance Commit- W'o nn glad to state. that Prof, tee has been in session here this p. P. Oluxton, of tha State Normal week settling with the tax coliect- atfd Industrial College at Greens- ors. 1,. will deliver the commence- The new pastor of the Baptist ni .iit aiUhcsi'at Wiutou Academy, church here, Rev. C. E. Gower, May 20. His subject -will be seems to grow in popularity with 'V'M jJern Educational Ideal a."Piof. pur people. Ci xton is one of the le ding edu The Republicans are holding a t..;-,rs of the State, a p ood public primary here today for the pur t . ,i,t- nnJ those who hear hi u pose of electing deligates to the Vm ho above occasion will enjoy a Judicial and Congressional (?on ,,,. treat. We cougratulate Prof, ventions. i Ju-tice in .securing such. a distin- Our former townsman' Faison ' I'miViumI sneaker for his commence- Calvert, after spending a few 1 1 i : : t occasion. Ulvh Square ami' Vicinity. Mr John W. Buxton went to Norfolk Monday, returning yervor- c.i. . r.f nr fjrmi'rs liavi) nlant- t, , t pose of selecting ed c :,tto:.f among thorn Capt. Roun . days with his people here has re turned to his work. He is trav eline: salesman for a Richmond firm. The Democratic County Execu tive Committee will meet here first Monday in May for the pur A NEW INDUSTRY. A. IeeiK Into the Factory ot the Greensboro Knstic aiitl Artis tic Manufacturing Co. A recent issue of the Greens boro Record contained the follow ing account of a new manuiact u ring: establishment in that citv: It can be almost safely stated that not one person in a hundred in the city of Greensboro knows that there is here any such con cern as the Greensboro Rustic and Artistic Manufacturing Com pany And those who have beard something about its being here have no idea where it is situated or what it is doing. This company has netherthe- less been located here for two months and a half, turning out piles on piles of some of the most artistic and graceful furniture ever seen.- The country folks at ieast .Know ; about its existence and find at this factory a good Lasker Locals. Mr. Walter R. Smith returned here last ji? nday to remain a lew dav&. M r. and S. M rs C. D raper spe nt Saturday night and Sunday it. Roxobel. : Mr. C. C. Parker has been in tree. " - Mr. S. J. Calvert was here Tuesday on his way to Winton court. v " Many of the farmers in this vi- inity are cultivating some corn on the Roanoke. Mrs. W. E. Clifton has a beauti ful and valuable collection of flowers-in addition to Mr. Clifton's railroad flower garden. Mr. J. M. Howell," who has been in Norfolk for a few weeks, spent a f w days at his homo hero the past week, returning yesterday. Several of ovr farmers have been shipping cotton during the past week. There seems to be right mucircottoft iu the country. primaries and the county con ven tion. Mr. Paul J. Long has bought S. J. Drake's place, formerly be longing to H. R. Deloatch. We learn ' that Mr. Drake will soon Norfolk to make that city his home. market ib r the excellent willow which is so abundant along the streams of Guilford county. ; j, rnis manuiactunng company was gotten tip last year by Mi John A. Young, and operations began about the first of January the present year, with Mr. H. F Shear as general manager. The building used now as a factory is an old church down on the far eastern end of Market street. ..ii- Record reporter went down to the date for the the factory yesterday afternooon I .3 !li'L i. JI ' J a 1 . ! -l auu wuis imuaieu mio ine iwisiea Flower Pots. mysteries ofi the rustic scene by Mr, Starr. The com pany manufactures ea sies and tabids and hat racks add chairs and benches and seats,and everything else Jn the rustic line from a picture frame to a sum mer house. I ' i ! There was stored away in one portioc of the house a large stock SMLE01D IHETEG. A call Tot Meeting of Citizens Interested in Eebnilding, the Greenville ' Eailroad. i Call has been issued for a rous ing meeting in Greenville county, Virginia, for the purpose. of tak- A Skin Disease In a Terrible Condition with' Scrofula Sores took Hood's Sarsaparitla and Is Better than for IO Years. u I had a akin disease which was very troublesome. I took a great deal ot Norfolk this : week looking after inS stePs for rebuilding the strong- medictoe which dM i not do b any gooa ana a was at jasioDiigeu w gite ville County, Virginia, to the old the sale of timber. Mr. J. J. Vaugban, of Potecasi, has been at his father's near here or a few days sick with the measles. Mrs. E. R. Worrock is here to stay with her daughter. Mrs. W. H. Vaugban during her husband's absence in Florida ho day fnr rtnilrli nor a. fnt,fnn ftw.tnrv Vir. and that it will be a holidav in an County cn Saturday, May 7, 1898, i ,l . : this section. tor me purpose ui mau.iuus au Mess S. C. Draper,. J. M. Las- lnterest this important enter- aitor n r fnrohpnf1 and P -T. P Hicks spent Monday atDeloatch's Mill hunting terrapins,. We hear they were quite successful. Mr. W Oroan villpi hrnneli nf lh Pfttirs- I on T was In m mir nt atnTvtr anm nf tSM burg Railroad. Following is the tlme scrotals sores broke out and I call: i I ooold get nothing to do me any good. Alt- nf rvir follnw itirpn who 1 My 'daughter told me of a woman who Air OI Our ieilOW citizens wno -faicted as I was and who found re- are interested in rebuilding and Met to Hoodsparuia. I onctuded reestablishing the Old Green Vl l I la a terrible condition with sores on my l , . . , -n t!i I head and body. The first few doses ot branch cf th ? Petersbursr Kail I tt e.M.rlii. in road, from the junction in Greer, Vh&ffil 1 fa t! CSly remedy. felt like a new man. I am now in better health than tor 10 years. 8. M. Guiek, Czz did cf ths cotton groover, Expcrxnicnt Sitksna end the captrlnsa cf Icdlnjcrcnrcra t u u inj. bummitlh Northampton ttounty. Winnsboro. Fairfield Co Little River, htrrtbg nd cxfal pogaSi """'S--- N. c.,are Ireqaested toWmbh- - i': tftoBSKl. for orgaoaing-the companj . ,V . S.; . , r, Unnil'ft Snpnnnnr In I f caiuuutnin. Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by an druggists. ; six for 15. " ears an LTrer IQa and VTawSbo glad to send, ttf cf charge. Ictsvtitrest Tots. Hood'5 Pills SSILiS Good and taking steps towards rebuilding the road. It now appears that if our peo ple will ibanifest an interest in Goods Statistics Imported From i" Spain. As pertinent to the existing rpestAhlishiner this road that OUT I rrislQ uphich is HItpIv H. Vaughan lef tSt f . , th citv Of Peters- In war at. almnat. anv Hmft wp Wednesday for Florida where he hnr win lpnd ahelninffhand. and UnntA SnmA interpstin tiurPR joined Mr. Gerrish. Theyexpect L. 4U xif; rcf iiil i.u:,u.j ' u : ilua -luo .f"u. ?ov tfu"Hsueu uuujr iu uueui im When-in-nPod nf. rlothliu Hats. iu ruiu u ..,iuimuuut.iwu rebuild and reestablisn it ' commercial magazines of Barce shoes Drv Goods Notions or months looking after the Cum- T- RJ w Mason ion, showing thlt Snain is mrJT mer Co s large timber interest in M other! Speakers will be with pared for I war with the United General Merchandise store call on me and give ! nie an opportunity to At Low Prices at L. Blackens Store, Pendleton. that State, . 1 . Mr. John H. Lane has been se riously ill during the past week with blood poisoning, but is now considered out of danger. He had a small sore on his finger and contractrd blood poisoning from handling fish. Death of Mrs. A. It. Collins Mrs. Amanda R. Collins, wife of A. S. Collins, died at her home at Cahaba, Bertie County, on Thursday April 7, 1898, after an illness of four or five weeks. She eaves a husband, eleven children us ana aaaress tne people, xkv erybody invited to be present Respctfully, ' - B, M. Pugh B. J. Vincent. V. R. Vallentine. Isaac Rainey. E. B. Rainey. M. J. Squire.; Joseph Pepper. (5eo. W. Pollard. N. J. Pearson. J. R. Clements. States. The aggregate population of name you prices-that will knock put the kingdom is placed at only l&J all competition. I also pay the high. 000,000, against 75,000,000, the est market prices forjeountry pro aggregate population of the Unit- duce ed States. I To Cure Conatlpatlon Torever. t-t x i anmeincs Take Cascarett Candy Cathartic. J0e or tsc. XXOl less man 0,ii, VLV opau- if c. C C fall to cure, druiMCiHts refuna mroer. iards are without either trade or profession. Only 6,104,470, or barely more than one third of the j aggregate population, can reaa m i . Some 4,861,922 Span- 1 u WANTED! Just received a good assortment ! gQodS) and some ready for the i Severn Locals, j War is the general topic of our and a host of friends to mourn town at present , I her death. , We were glad to see a large o fo tAnnwi79flQW will keep a'good supply in stock. Weaver & Las biter, . Rich Square,' N. C Some people are content with being, but there are others who borrow trouble two or three years ahead. Miss, ciara Fiy the after spend- Commencement Dress iiiir some weeks Avith Uer sister, Mrs. W. H. Evaud near Uuro, re turned to her homo at Severn last Saturday. r Mn James Hyatt, a former resi dent of this vicinity but for sever al years a resident of Nausemond county-Va., visited his old friends hero. last Saturday and Sundav. ' The owners of TATHoN AND Gleaner flower garden received; from Mr. T. C. Peele's family a few days ago some valuable addi tions to their collection of flowers which are highly appreciated. Prof. Earle, who married "Un cle' Watkiu Robert's youngest j daughter, and who once resided; here, spent a few days here the ; past week. He now has a good; government portion in Washing-; ton City. He spoke of Gen. Ran som e- iu the highest terras and; says while .in Washington the; General was always ready to as sist his home people without re-; gard to race or party, if foundU worthy. Cora ineneeoient -occasions a re upou us, They are glad times for the ladies and they naturally want to look their best. A selectioa from our large stock, of lovely dress goods will adorn your beauty and add to your pleasure. ORGANDIES AND CHEESE CLOTHS' We have a beautiful line of , these all shades and styles Prices lower than ever be jore. Special prices for com mencements. J DOTTED SWISS. Makes a lovely dress a beau tiful line in this goods. CALICO PHINTS. Over a hundred different styles. Our line of Pe reals. Lawns, Suitings and wors teds, can't be equalled in beauty or price. BUXTON & BAUGhAM , Rich Square, N. C market and some not yet; var nished and finished. There are in this stock 25 easles, 52 tables, 125 chairs, 15$ rustic seats and a umber of hat racks. ! , The display of rustic seats of all styles made, with a view! to suit every, condition and waikin life. There are large seats and small seats, seats built for j a whole family. There are the most exqusite tete-a-tete rustic cenches. Thereare seats with high backs and with low backs, backs that give you a friendly punch to keep you awake, and backs that one can hardly touch without dpz mg into a delightful dream; with irras that twist and turn, that wreathe and writhe and bend, and creep and circle and curl and eh twine: with less all crooked and bent, all straight and firm, round legs, square legs, bow legs, plait ed legs; with feet, feet, feet- large feet, small feet and tangled feel bipeds, tripods, quadrupeds and poly pod es. j TheGeeensboro Rustic and Ar- and write. iards are engaged in agricultural pursuits. There are 43,528 priests, friars and church digni taries. , Spain's aggregate school atten- She expressed a willingness to crowd at prayer meeting lastSun- ghe has 97 257 office holders and die, her only regret being to day night. oi:225 nrofpssio'nal hprs. eave her husband and children. The weather has moderated , T . rt She was an affectionate wife and and farmers are pushing their , f rrv,l n mother, and was held in high es- work rapidly, i ,n , . m ffir,. , teem by all who knew her. We have been informed that . r( , .--H - : I . I r'anni'ti c rrr tna rT trio r. -It.rtT.f'XT R She was a consistant member the Severn base ball club will . JLi of Hillside Baptist church, and soon reorganize. always delighted to attend its We were gladjto meet with our services.' May the Lord comfort old friend, and townsman, Mr. L. and strengthen the bereaved bus H. Rowe, this morning. band and motherless children; We regret to report Mr. Li. 1. and may they live so as to meet Smith, whom we thougnt to oe her in the better and brighter convalescent, is again very m. home beyond. Milk Veal Calves SIX To TEN WEEKS OLD C.R. ROBERTSON & CO. l'OHTSMOUTlI, VA leading publications, without ref erence to the existing crisis and for commercial purposes exclu- clusively. In addition to the weakness which these figures represen Our Latest 'Prices. B. P. G. How people Sleep. In England the old four-poster; there is serious domestic strife Mr R. k. White is having: tne lu f" uuo vm. aniwva. residence of Mr. G. W. Pruden such conditions, can bpain witn 24 needleS paper pins, pack- minted which will add much to any confidence expect to vie sue- age hair pins,: spool thread, writ- the appearance of Maine ot.--- V:. WJfaiU1y v jmg uiuiet,: Miss C M. 1 Fly the, who has whose population aggregate some pencils, box tacks, 4 collar but- A-Un fF tna.-Viiniy sr.hnnl RomeM-"ur , umes mat ui ucis, uvOD WU8, uu.r, . npuwipM I i . i 1 1 1 i, nt- ill nil-: iji i.iii i uccu vsu. i.i- r J -1 ' - - - T I ' nation, but the iron and brass bed- time, returned stead is beating it out of the field, day to the delight; of her many The English beds are the largest friends, ' ! beds in the world. A peculiarity Miss Esther Wood, who has of the German bed is its short- been visiting her sister, Mes nessfbesides that, itconeists fre- dames R. M. Edwards and L. L. quently in part of a large down Maddrey, has returned home, pillow or upper mattress which Constable iCoggins was in our srjreads over the person and usu- town this morning. - - home last Satur- strength is undivided and Gibral tar-like? Atlanta Constitution. I ally answers the purpose of all tistic Manufacturing Company the other ordinary bed clothing have had Alderman to make a combined. In the- tropics men number of photos. of their furni sleep in hammocks or upon mats ture and will in a few days; send or grass. The East Indian un- out a most handsome catalogue rolls his light, portable charpoy Jim. April 18,1898. of the goods they handle. The lloanoke Laiulsr Some of the richest and most productive lauds in the country can be found on the Itoanoke riv er in Northampton County- The soil seems inexbaustabh. Many farmers say that U they can save one crop in three it will pay them to cultivate the low laud of the lloanoke. This' week a pasty of "piney woods" farmers went down there to drive a well for their con venience while cultivating a crop this summer, 'i hey bored twenty five feet without getting through the soil. They drpve the pipe down H wen ty five feet more, 00 feet iu all, without getting water. Lrtud with suc h deep soil will pro duce a crop most any season wet or drv. It is still an unsettled question whether bleachiug the hair leads to softening of the brain, or soft ening of the brain leads to bleach ins: the hair. Chickens Wanted. I want to buy 500 heas at once. or mattress, which, in the morn ing, is again rolled together and carried awav by him. The Ja panese lie upon matting, with a stiff, uncomfortable, wooden neck To Organize May 19. Lasker, N. C, ' ; April, 6,'1868. A meeting of the subscribers rest The Chinese use low bed- to stock in the Lasker Cotton Mill steads, often elaborately carved,1 is called to meet here on Thurs- and supporting only mats or cov- day, May 19; 1893, for the pur- erlids. The ancient Greeks and pose of organizing and making Romans had their beds supported. Will pay 6 cents per pound in trade, arrangements ior; me wuik ui on irames, out not uai uuu uuia.; m sell goods as low as anybody, erecting the necessary buildings The Egyptians had a couch of a' Also want 5000 spring chickens in a to begin at an early day. Un the peculiar shape, more like an old few weeks. above named date. May 19, there fashioned easy chair, with hollow ! MILLS II.rOWKu, -in hft nublic sneaking t v Dr. R. hack and seat World's Pro- J From Lcwiston. ; Farmers are well up with their work; some have planted cotton. Mess G. S. Norileet and Chas, Tyler spent Sunday at their old homes. Two Cent Articles. Dozen brass head tacks, 3 balls sewing cotton, thimbel, cake A Bloody Month. , foap. , snje uuiions, uw. i , - i - Vinnks and evrs. 24 envelones. 24 Although March is the month sheets paper, tin plate, money purse in the calendar which is named in ball knitting cotton. honor of the god of war, April Three Cent Articles. seems to oe tne monm most m- 144 agate buttons, slate, yard timate with strife and bloodshed. white clothj yard calico, doz. safetj This observation is specially true pins, doz. dress buttons, tooth trust - .'i. . ! . '-...'' 1 4. . mi. i : V 4 with! reierence to me greai con. quart, mint pan, eg uvawr, k, flicts1 of American history. yard garter web, 5 knitting needles, On April 19, 1775, occurred the doz- wood clftbes Pins' ' first battle of the American rev- Four Cent Articles. olution at Lexington, Mass. On 2 quart milk pan, 2 quart cov- April 15, 1783, the preliminary ered tin bucket, stove sboveVyard treaty of peace -between Great plaid dress goods, yard apron ging- Britain and th United States 0TcriaSS'h -r- J t . rfl TT-. : . 44 1 1 V?o raff. rvev. j. x.r.wu r formallv ratified bv the pro- rlw "w I,-im .rf ular appointment at the Methoa- vicial ress which metin other goods which come under the ist church here Sunday. Philadelnhia. head of above articles, but haven't Miss Ella Lewis returned last v room to mention. 1 nnu PKn nir Pa. Since the part which April thus Curtain poles with wood fixt- week from Mauch Chunk, Fa., flphiflV"Pt of rM 2.v! mens boots 98c. bovs boots she has been for ome Tm , ' iW shoos 58. 57. 80. 98c.' American inqepenaence; was su nn.l v Khopfi 98t.' men's coarse . i I n - 1U1 ' -j have been four or five Pfonouncea u seems niung vuui shoes 88c.; table oil clour 10, ic. Rich Square, N. C. hj stancell. Geo. M. W. Ransom P. S. Bring me all your eggs. pay top prices. gress. IEKS,B)YS AID CHILDREN. ! We now have Clothing , to fit and suit you all any 3-0 u will do you r - self an injustice to buy before seeing our goods WEAVER &LASSITER, FENCING For Poultry, half cost ot Netting:. Also best Farm The wheel that Never Disappoints. Rich Square. N. C. For Sale. I 'have on hand at mill iu Potecasi 50,000 three Inch shinies .for sale at 75 cents per thonsaud. Those in want should apply at once, as shin- j gle mill will be shut down alter uiis month. . E B LASSITES, Potecasi, N. 0- 'Where are you going sir 1 Why, John Baughan's, That cheap cash store at Rich Square where 1 can find the nicest stock o -,WU T fiver saw. You should see liis Dress Goods, come, - go with me d get that Easter Dress. . Stimulate the stomach, rS3 H S rouse the liver, cure bilious- R B " C ness, headache, dizziness, If g y 2 T ie u-..:iseis Cauuy Cuthartic ltte or2f :i V, C. C. fusl to care, arugtf refuna mone whs- i.irtVr with Coush?, . auold'C r Mriiu wiun LAXATIVE BROMO be here oa May 19. QUININ'E will curv jcii in oue'Jay. l,3 not produce the rinftinf; In the n i like Sulphate of Quhilnc..; Tut u n t oilet convenient for taki Gu;ir tc! -1 tueiire o.- monej rv funded. Pi ic and others interested in the pro motioh of this enterprise, aud the miblic generally are.cordially iu- c j !, , . I i i . I can save you moutv.-rejpMpaid.Catalogue free vitod to attend and hear the dis K.L.sHELLABAfeaER.43 p. st.. Atunt. oa. t i ng ui shed ge n t le m e a . O the r e n iei tainmeuts will be provided for tha. npr-H-sion. annrSuncernent of A'hich will be made in due time. If any one wishes to subscribe for stock in the faiptory applica tion can be made to either of the following eutlenien: ' ! Dr. J. N. Ramsay, Seaboard; Maj. W. P. Vick. Margaretts ville; Dr. H. W. Lwis, JacKson; tion. T. W. Mason, Garysburg; Mr. G. M. Powell, Potecasi; Dr. R. P Morehead, Lasker; Jesse V. Rogers, Margarettsville. Everybody in this whole sur rounding country is expected to where time. tramps around Lewiston the past President Washington shoald week. Extra police force was taw been maugurated on Apr.l ,:AA Snnotr nmiit tA TirA- 0. 189. vent them doing any mischief. J The -opening gun of the Mexi It seems a hard matter to keep can war was fired April 25, 1845. an a-nt at the depot here. We On pril 12. 1861. the first gun- hear that our present agent is shot of the late civil war was nrea at t ori oumpter. uenerai uee ???ZS. SOon to iro to Franklin, Va. Mr. at Fort ; bun eMpaKffiuTfreJ Bagley is aost excellent young surrendered to General Grant on man, and we all regret to see him April 9, I860. General Johnston leave surrendered to General Sherman on April 2a 1865. r n r!TTRRTCO PAY. "That is theway all drafts seUGKor'8 "T"-1" . " V! Txstbims Chill Tosic for chill and ia- iioody garb of Mars in the strife Via. it is sirn?lf Iron and Quioine in a nhich IS HOW DendinST between the United t States and Spain? fioor oil cloth li, 1J, 2 yards wide 14, 18, 20, 25c. floor matting 2 styles 9, 12, 15, 18c. curtain poles brass .fixtures 18, 20, 221c. window shades different widths and lengths on rollers 15. 18, 25c. I Remember we prepay freight on all goods bought - at one time amounting; to fo.uu ana over. v e are closing out several thousand dollars worth of goods at and below cost. 1 Come qn ick for bargai n s. SPEES & DAVIS, PBOP. X, Y. ICacket Store Weldon, X. C. Elsrmt Toar Dowel With Cmmrmrf. Cndjr Ctliart k ear conllption forever. Uc.Sc. ltaCC. fail. drolu ret and mooey. asteless form. Children love It. Adal la It. tn KtttAr ninwatio? tOnlCS. For V. . v I, . " . . hills and farer aai all farm of malaria bUCh appears to D6 me aecree OI ice, 50 cents. F.iBert Couuh fcy rup. Te Good. 1 have Jst accepted the agency for the. well-known Bi- ; ctcLk. It is a modelofbeanty.brit wiU run as far and stand as much hard nsage as any. It is guaran teed. The price is right cheaper than most standard bicycles. The bearings ore absolutely dpst proof 1 most other wheels are not. I hare one on hand and will take . , pleasure iu showing yon the ad van tage it has over other bicycles J. 11 Johnson, Agt., Rich Square, H. 0. liiyans Tabulea cure flatulence. NOTICELAND POSTED. All persons are hereby forbidden to hunt with dog or gun or fish with net or seine on the lands belonging to the estates of Col. B. B. Bridgers and the late L. H. Boy ce, known as the Montrose farms and the Hill farm. JL Vann, J. T. Bolton, B. B. and L. W. Boyce. - i Life is short, but it doesn't seem so to the man who is wait ing for an overdue train at a i country railway station. j the fates. Atlanta Constitution. At Same Price During the last few days A Little Boy's Trouble. j "My little boy. has been troubled every spring for the past four or fi ve years by an eruption covering bis body and limbs. It was so bad j he could not get on his sjioes and stockings. Last spring I heard of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and by taking this medicine be was entirely cur ed." Mas. Nettie ktah. Winches lr, Va-! Hood Pills are the only pills j to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. i re all liver ills. Coffee has ad vanced a cent a pound; I have a lot I bought before the sharp advance which I'am selling at the same old price 10 cents per , pound. Don't compare my coiTee with the 10 cent stulf f offered! at some places, j My 10 cent coffee is guaranteed to give satisfaction. ' I J. E. Jomcso9f . Rich Square. KJaemte Tear Uawli With CmwwU Cantljr C.atbrtlr. ears tonmipetloa forvter. 19C.UO. 11 C C C. 111. dr uggUi rt ood tuoaey rTi, ni, Mil to take with Hood' Sarsapanllfc jell L... snia bv all druggist-

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