V P Oil u (PATMOf &mmm 1L Ji iiJil! RICH SQUARE. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1699. NUMHBn 0. VOL U ME 8 Am ' - 1 -' THE DISCREDITED KITCEEH Your heart beats over one hun- tJ dred thousand tirrt each-day. g One hundreit:.ousandsurp?'c-bof g good or bad llooi to your brain. Which is it? If bad, impure blood, then your ftrain aches. You are troubled' rna-tinos-, VCt C a MHO t i ! tep . rf Willi UIU""" -( : 24 B You are as tired m the morning rt B as at ni?ht. You, have no nerve power: Your roou cow yuu uui little good. p Stimulants, tonics, neaaacne powders, cannot cure you; but M jmm 4 Tr T TV '.?r .'1 ! The 'Question of how to Live ot Supreme emportance Cook ing a lieautilul Art. A conspiracy of causes in bring ing 'the American kitcheo into disrepute. Tub gins of the aver age household have come to scorn it and its beggings Its work has been relegated either to poor overworked " self-sacrificing, drudging mothers, or to iguor ant, slovenly, incompetent, shirk ing, and poorly paid servant giris In our towns and cities, the Aoier icau young women who can cook plain food, and properly take care of a kitchen has practically dis appeared. Asa rule, the girl is proud of her incompetence at d docs not hesitate to ooast of u, She s'fc ms to feel that ignorance ol housework is. a badge or go..i social standing, and too often, hi r moth er encourages this notion. The- thi ols are true, not alone of the 'wealthier classes but of Will. Tho I tic Science In the education of every girl "then should be so me jrovision for having her to honor iousehold dutiesby making her proficient in them. Nothing so enhances the worker's respec! and love for his work as skill and intelligence in the doing of the work. Teach a girl that cooking is an exact and beautiful science art, and that the .keeping of r. house sweet and clean, and at tractive is a feminine accomplish me'nto high rank, and she will not consider proficiency in these duties a badge of social inferiori ty Learning by Doing. j f ' y N will..' It mR!;cst:.uJtVer, kidneys, -A i skin - ar.i hotels perform their jJ P proper vork. It rcr o.- M mi h miriiU-s from the bl od. And it A makes the blcod rich ia its life- .; H giving pfoperiies. h P To ii" r.tou h Ynii ,',U b-2 mere -r-ridlv cured ' : if you wiil take a lra.ive close of ' Ayer's pii!scch ni.ht. They $ arouse the f-'utsh liver and thus y h cure biiiouiness. fe n - Wo l.;iv- th; (::;! ;vo rrrlco3 of . g Bom- of tli.- t,:(.:.t CiniiK-i .; vsicir-.na In H the 1,'iiiti d sut-s. Wnu ,-ly --;l the ,1 N particular In -: r c:.n. 3 1 ' Lov.eii, jiaaa. a IF YOU WANT TO PLANT Kiit H-:iriir Trees and rirmw Vines, write to Pinebluff 1 ' Grape .Pecan Co. NOTICE. Notice U hereby given that appli oation will be made to:the (Jcneru Assembly to amend tlie charter of the town of Seaboard. 1-23 It my. ilO. its good he sril.r bis daughters t 1 L. li i ' 1 -.the' wor;ci.-;g people as average woriiing man wrag : the -iUbiiC acho )1 h; d quit' tr ! tri'p,- sH.':iiliai'V Of UCc ho ;. id his wife lordly !i 1' tr'i I ; ' t'" I'll'! "iiu 1 i ed-ieaUoiJ sub Wth ' eu .r-e u U. hold b'?r head higher socially-, and - 1 , : c ...' 'have an easy time nifino, to.xi. ,e: t.'H rents- llencc -they att- r to toil and sacrifice., kiep ... daugnters its sci.ooi 1 1 ! i vioir ner m uieai ;tu the extent of lti?i.-OV rIOIiCE OF DISSOLUTION The partnership, heretofore exhvt U.Z umiiM- the firm name of W. J. lIssiPm- Co., is this day dhssolv a.j by mutual (.ons.s,t. Any 'claims iiu.L Niiib brie, must be presented at'biice. ' citiii-rof us for settlement W. J . j SSiT Kit. ) S M . 1 jASSlTKlv. r . for icient., , ' . One Vr -.b a. iew d-weliing, with e.v, ;i.!-.d eavdoii, iu the . (ir flii-h Square, witiiin yards of Express ohice. Ufonnation appb to .Miu.s II. Conner, Rich Square, N. C 100 For further WallPauer 1 havt . severrl styles of Wall l'aper on hti.l .hich I will , hcii cheap. . -.. 11. Conner, Kieh Square, N. C NO LICE. willin mg in .-.tf..i;.i, va,;i tMi'-e.-" even to frino- in debt for a 300 tianb,f?x- ' cusing'her fron. ait disagreeable household duties", aud being o en ly proud of her lady-like airs and evident sup' rioity to the pa ren al slock. Thus the girl grows u : to despUe homely household la bor, and those .'vrho live by it She feels that the position of do mestic even ia the home '-.of a neighbor or a friend, is one of so cial degradation. .Driven ?3y ne cessity she will roto working printing "office, or a store, or a factorv where fthe has long hcuts at wearing work and ' small pay. but she, will not bo "a drudge in somebody's kitchen," not even her mother's. Later, in .-the nat ural course of events she marries and tie. a eotn -s the real trial of her life. She finds herself r ' sponsible lor tn success or a borne, .which her '-young husband fondly hopes wilt be an ideal out. yet she can r ot cook, or i)ke. or sew. or do any kind oi house worK satisiae-n;! o.", '-j i". l,; eause sho ha never be:' a taugn;. The -family' income v.-ill not per mit her t "kee" a girl," and ev - - 4 1 ' ! 1 1 I. A eu i lidoes sue is out. mite oei- ter off,as .me has not one chance in ten of finding a domestic that is any more capable than herse'f. The usual results follow: an un tidy, til-kept house; unwholesome b idly cooked meals; a morose, disappointed husband; a peevish, slatternly, c m plaining wife, sick Iv neglected, ill -governed child- -J ' CT! ren, . with perhaps ending of divorce, suicide A Legislative Suag j Colorado's progress up j the sunny slope of success dees not appear to bive encountered any serious setback since she confer red the glorious right of suffrage upon her daughters. Neverthe less, her lawgivers did not do an utterly flawless piece of work all along.-' the line in providing against the emergencies likely to ensue.' . : ! An illustration happened; re cently in the Colorado , House The presiding 'officer, it seems, is destgLated by law Chairman T. e custom has been ever smce 4he Constitution was adopted for the members to address him a "Mr Ci.airman," He had occa si'on one day laaf week to absen himseif from the deiibeiations and call one of the female mem bers to preside in his place. ; I j Uer a hitch occurred. I ;No 1 He Said Too Much. The danger of frying too muoh alwavs more "amnuent thsu hat of saying toe little Themj. who is convinced hn has approxt mated the virtues of.tbe Creator, and insists upon it to his feilo.. - men. is always -more off ttuivt han the man who secretly be ieves it, but spares his acquain tances the Knowledge of the awfui truth. A s to ry rece n tly related to a representative of? Hardware by the head of a large hardware house in'New York illustrates thecase is point. Something-of tbis'mercbant'sj.disposition may be gleaned;fromthe fact, LKheu speaking of hi1 employees, ch says "the boys," with an affec lionate intonation, bom of Appro ciation of their good points, and kind toleration for their occasion al errors. It was the intention ot the house to put another repre sentative on the road, and the man they had in view bad been favorably, though not thorough ly, known to them for a long time. Negoliatk ns were about conciud ed, and the signing of a remuner ative contract, by the salesman was regarded by him as a inert , w matter of form. At a final inter view with his prospective -smplov er, and evidently with the desire of further impressing the latter 7ith ni dpnirabiltv. he said. "Mr ........... , - . -. I am an older man thai. I?' DO re6 Notice is hereby giveu that .appli at km will b. taade to ttieCeneral Assembly to mco ; orate t he- I loan -ke Game Preserve Association. l-2a--it ' ih rough' her fault. She was a skilled politician and a thorough parliamentarian. The troubit grew out of the clumsy titie o! 'Chairman" planted in the usage of the House by the organic iaw of the State itself - Member dared not com mi the verbal paradox of addressing her as Mrs. Chairman. She might have screamed or fainted if any one had appealed to her as Mr (IhairworMii." There I was no warrant to load her in public life with the title which was sim ply the badge of her relation iu a miitrunnnial life. Even more common and less excusible wo bavh hP!n t.hft 'desi?nationXr Ml- S a i Chairman or Miss Chairwom an .-' I! The term Miss is; moreover, ! too ..rim md oreeiso and might .have been equally wounding to: f no"1 . whether she had been n seasoned spinster or a married woman with a . husband worth 1 it moutiorhng. : I i Neither could any of-the legis I islatofs have sought with appro onateuess to catch the ear and Mckes the food more delicious and wholesome fron Factory to FtmfcU. Cf 711 MOVM. twm POWOEW CO.. WCW YOWL TOO LITE- There is tuose promise iu s I fjice than in mine." WeSho-ld do Something t? :Cheer nd In the dek w ere a bundle tt comfortttie Liring Bather than hed 1 old account looks, which showed Tears Over the Dead. . me .art he played. .Records The old farmer died suddenh ; years of hard drudgery on th so when Judge Gilroy. his onlv farm, or worK in winter ana uie son, received the telegram, he mer. and often late at night. could do nothing but go up to the pay John's school bills and '. farm , or the funeral It was dif send John to Harvurd. une p ' i ticulttodo even that, for tU- of rrom-nfu r.BLCthf r o o Judge was the leading lawyer .u to Keep Jonu w nne t e and every! hour meant practice; to ive bun i loibes au i 1 i " ..yii-.a dollars to him. I luxuries wnicn vuwi jv-uuh . u i kJ i1Qa4 i,1 lhJ in town had, until but a ineag:' As he sat with bent head in tne , ,' . i . nni-t nn nf tVlO f 1 rill Wflfi lflL ffrimv little train that lumbered i. " - tki-nnfrh tho farms, hft r.OUld LOt ' I . i. i u .A A the details of his case out of ' ejju: i i.e saa. Pay ihb Wfclt Enameled Stl UU in cither 4, 3610. width. Lcnri iBch. Il b ofv inch fUar-B4 kK ) filler. CauiMml 1 f Oar treat 160-pafC caulocu ef M-ds ot barfio ia Furniture, ClotVinf , bCr ding, Cwkerjr, Sil-erwre, Sevia. Mackl Oock, Upholstery Good, B-by Crt-H Refrigenntor. Picture, Mirror. Til Wi Store, etc., nd in buying from m, ytmmm i liun iu w v.i. v m J mm Y forge ui - - O Wc publish a lithographed catalf at C A pet. Rug. Art Square. Portierw a4 Y Cnrtaias which show exact daig- ia painted color selections ca ha Mad aa aar Uctorily as though you war kera at miX Here' tha ceWhratad Hint Sewing Macai&a bom better nada. Guar anteed for o year. Cats , lagua tell you all about It. Pnca It Urawar .trie), I S13.25 Why htfVa wa c-taara ia eeerr rrt ol tba Vai ted States, in C a a a d a . Mexico. Bertaucta, Cuba, Af-t lforMirPre MM. 11 Catalogue. They will tell you. Addrasa thk Juliua Htnca x Bon. BALTIUORE, UD. Dept. 909. J keep his mind. Yet bitter grief he felt was nr. called for. He had been a t ood, respectful sou. He had never given his father a heartache; and Johu Gilroy suddenly closed this was th The bo r to whom be lived and worked wo: fortune and position and ;ho did he repay him!" The man kuelt on '.tho bare flot:.- NO'J'ICK. we' the undersigued, haTe Vtti our land posted for some timo," a4 seeiog that the vxoiirtvrs hatea't c s.rved the totice in tie pest, tice is hereby given that our lands are situated on and near AboskLe swamp, a part being in liich Sparo township Northampton county c4 finrl KhAfl hittpr tears o the OUle the old man hhd died full of J ears Jf he vould comebach: town8hiP Hertford Co.are pasb-i 3 t V. rs r rT rrm fill- .-I and virtues, ' a shock of corn fal ly ripe." The" phrase pleased him; it seemed .to close tte stor of his father's life, leaving room you. I have been iu this business ior twenty-live years, and I wish to add that 1 have Lever ct aoe n mist "Ire." As the would-be emi loyer reached out on his desk in an ab tiacted manner, and gathered in the unsigned contract, which he slowly tore up in the same ab sent-minded manner, he remark ed that it was a source of keen regret to him that he simply couldn't afford to employ such a valuable man; that there-was not a man connected witbrthe house, from himself to ' the dago who sorted thefefuse paper every morningrvrho was not constant Phe village doctor met him a? the station, and they walked , up to ti e farm house together. -1 wish to tell you," said the doctor, gravely. "that your lather's thoughts were aU of you. He was ill but an hour; buf-bis cry was for 'John!' John!' unceasingly. "If I could have been with him!" said the Judge. He was-greatly disappointed Tt would be so easy to make s hind all nersons are forbiudan U little home for him in the city, h fish or bant on sine in . auj rajs go to him every day with gossip nigkt or day with or without yuna of cases, or to take him to hea or dogs'.. All violators of the law r a iiti... . music, or to see noted - mento he prosecuieu io me luues. ex- , V, ; r. Wfrk hurimr ftr.rl foil' f4( - luuBC.uiamci.anvuu ,v.,).r TW UlniAn P. T Deans, T. J. White, Andrew M into, Walter White, Arthur White, Johi White, Charlie White, Ben jamU White, Miss L. A. Odom, J. B Powell, Mrs. E C. Watson, M. US. Odom, C. It. Odom. Matt. Hill. easy! j j "0 father! father!" he cried ' - --'!"-. . a But there was no smile on'-the quiet face. He was too lato Youth's Com auin. Death of Margaret Cope- u " laud. On the 2Gth, of 1st month 18S9. one of the saddest scenes ever that you missed our half-yearly wjtciesSed by any of our neigb- , 1 1 A. . mu VAM1 inCITk . - . -a a 1 ( 1 visu last spiiug. -uui. torSf was in tne aeainoi iviargai- were the events of his life. There et cjopeland. wife of Elisha Cope- land. She was alone in the house by the fire, seated on her chair; her clothes taking fire in some way not known by any morla we re no others. " said the doctor Last spring? O. yes; I look my family to California " "I urged him," said the doctor. ' . , "tn run down to see you on your i A Lnrn,,(i iri dpath. e. mHr v, mict'itoc ann nrnriLinj la-i-iu ru.o w J - r Knt he wonld not TO." u- Anoei Annoh th iTriP.ne.es: . ;u:d that thfe r. ""T.-J. . maggie, uc. juUb,0,; i y r 1 , .it i i of- Vrr . Y-tic?-!'- nf rlv nlaninfr of a th" fnree ine ciiy. the home Ol a neignoor utar uy The Judge rememnereu ium when the sad news reached then he had not asked his father to It was heart rending when th come down. The old 'gentleman 'nu;i,aii, Maggie and some of th did not fit into the life of his fam olber children saw her lifeles ily, who were modern and fasb bo(Jy on .be floor. Tiis dea ionable. Ted was ashamed of his molher was h0rn in the year 1830 grandfather's wide collars, and ghe ad just passed her 69tl Jessie, who was a fine musician. birthday, scowled when she was asuea to she was asrood wife, a kind and New Garden Seed. My store is still head quarters for Feld and Garden Seed. Just received a let of New Cabbage and other Garden Seed. MIUJ3 H. CONNEIU Rich Square, N. C. I Sell perfect man among would be immediate demoraliza tion. As the perfect man slowly wended his weary way up the street it probably occurred to hiii- that he had smashed a beau tiful record. v of the female presiding ofti- Job Printing. J. H. Parker & Co., Wood lend, W. C".f arc now prepar ed to do your Job Printing at low rates. cer oy caning nor iyais. vu'u lady. The term would have sug gested the inexcusable term of Chairgentleman to the Rocky Mou taineer statesmen, and the offender could have expected nothing less, as a punishment for his bad break, than to be made to attend a necktie party given in his lienor and being forced to dance oa the atmosphere. j ; If the Colorado Constitution bad feilowed the example set by more homeless waifs for some or f Missouri and directed that the presiding pmcer of the lower trie trar 1.-, ::rwl phan asylum. This uh plea sing domestic )lct nre is b -coming a'l too common this Cnristian lanu; A Market For Silver. T. ...Ol -ii'ifuroct crmA nf nil! I 4.U llDrtWt llfTllUCO HVITin I. .1 . 1 .niirnh I ..nr. tn lnlftw that, ourfe. OW Sing uiw xVkuB. oviDSlffiOiner, anu a iemamftuV . .. t-i , 1 lava-TV n iorht The JUdere humor--! rv,r5ctiAn hplnnfHnc citizens m tne r nuippines nave -r- mauuuigwu vu..-. , w- V fs TT C T V ill 111 yuv tf-V "W - - j I . . . Why? because . 1 1 3 training I have a l't of nicely cured sage iut up in iin-M i . - -at packages, for i ulo. Thi. sae was grown ana pa. II. Hariu's U Knxonei u 1.CT. in by (' iupply the largo oca and for it. io sell you Mills il. Conn int. Rich Ta .1 okson nd t V - - Square Telephone Co INCOItl ORATtD UNDER: Til LAWS OF -'.Si-U-i.thd si-rv .ce. ... . v it h .1 Mokson. Kiel 4 i I V V ' i . V v . V ' S.jucte, iii-autowu, Tasker, I'ote casi and Woodlaud. Messages scut to any point on the Hue for 10 cents. Connects w Uh Western Union Tel egraph'Compa"' at Uk:li Square. DR. W. P. MOORE. President. J. M. WEAVER, Secty. end Trcas. Geaevul otlicert: Jaek.son, N. C. Chiefly forces of both school and home arc iK-gict-;iing 'the most Impor lant tiling ol lifo. This world of fers us no hope or happiness not o'.iscd on sound and .whciesomc 5 hvslcal conditions. Mwn and woinen art sacrificing" the ideal. by sacrificing the practical upon which 'he ideal must rest. There is need for a revival of the od time gospel of homely every day work, a:.d our schools ought to h p in bringing this revival about- The question of iiow to i-;-e, is urccmii ent i': i-i-porhince to every human-beii:r, and every s -.h oi-i ougiit t-v C'n'.ribut- a-. ' v " . i aa.;n ; d: h u' & . f-i C5 v i. '.h : 'j "-'-.- - itC Villi W! ili iiilv Jt g it edueaiu; j I; -.a? -.tho au:e of Domes Pills I ranch of its Legislature should bo called Speaker, the dreadfui embarrassment that has overta ken the deliberations of the law -makers of the Centennial State vTO-ld have been avoided. -S t. Louis Republic- 1 A Chinese essayist thus de fccribes' the American people: Thev live months with' uVeat " i' in' a mouthful of rice; they eat bulloCKs and sheep in enormous quantities. They have to bathe frequently. The men dress ah alike, and, to judge from their ap p arance. they are all ctolies Nether are they ever to b seen carrying a fan or umbrella, ffor ti.ey manifest their ignorant con-t--nipt for these insignia of a gen : onni.; by having tht uv entirely I ui nou.trti. Noue of them havt ns moi: iran ku eiyui hut Silver Thev ob- ed his children, and had ceaseo the Ielhodist denomination - - 1 I ... . I ..!tI I - . . tain th-ir supply from Mexico.in toasois lameriuu. She leaves a nusDana,SIxumiu the shape of Mexican coin- They The farm house was in order and a host of friends tc are wedded to the Mexican dollar n BuFuW-v ' r "f Z : mourn ner lub, uu, It will not be-an easy task to bareness gave a enm iu -w-uu. this loss is her eternal gain, ine teach tham thai a United State, whose own home was xurious. funeral was held cn the 27tb. A dollar worth twice as much as The aeai oxu u.u, iarge concourse oi peopie -ui the Mexican, although both con been his father's servant sa bled to pay the Jast tribute of e - i o-rim and tearless by tne siaeoi tain the same amount of silver. , gnmana iwns They are to be pitied rather the coffin. ! than blamed for their ignorance. "Martha was faithful, whis- Withall the lessons taught by pet ed the doctor; bui she is deat learned political economists there I- don't. suppose she poke to him ..B; n8 inthisaeof once a week. His life was very advanced civilization who think solitary. ' The neighbors are sbn f)f! cometh." that the value of coin inheres in young, tie oe.ongeu iu SIgter.t,;OM art gone before us the metals. With them all trade generation spect to the ooay, a wibiuh meeting was held. In thiF sudden death we are re minueu or tuo nuiuo vj. v. 1 ra I tr frt fit, lOUr, j Ue chvj icomj .1 I il such an hour as ye tmnK noum And thy! saintly -soul;' has flown. , Ho rp'vprpntlv uncovered the Uvi... ret Urs are wif'd from every consists'in barter me exenange ""r""!. K . : , .,k. ,,n: l omn. ana men, uecnuuiu auu d Closed the Thou art sleeping now Upon thy father's breast. eye, Where the wicked cease' from troubling, oditv for another. v i - . . . . . More than two thousand years Mam., went ou.. .i'fnHn onrrVit thfct mnnflv dOOr. sf - ...inn nf and not a nat The Judge was alone with : his And the w,ary are at rert. 1 0 CH V - v - vv a-a w. l .1 t.rnrl nnt Aristotle tAUSht defd. t.tv h onn,nr,hflhded the Strangely enough, 111 J U I.L. U.W " Buggies One and two Horse Wagon., Cart Wheels, Cart Wheel Timber, Tires Harness Buggy biahket AND HOBES, All kinds of Buggy and Wagon Material, Iron Fencing Tombstone, Waiiraper, v Papr Hoofing Window-, Doors, - - Blinds, eto. I also guarantee qualitj and price t n every tning I sell. Ask for jstimatea. JAMES H. BAUGHAB. Rich Square, N. 0. rfh." and "dut to dual. his thourht I wprfl .-ii.... 52 fal Mi ch .or.g i j.JxJ? J Stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure bilions-ik-ss, hea.lac'ao, dizziness, niir utomarl). constipation. etc. l'riee 25 cents. Sold by all drugfT-st. Tlie oaly Vill to tka with Ouod'a Saxaprui, i al tne.t With Hvvr.i.'i piongs. They neve? u joy themselves by sitting qui I'tly oa their ancestors graver but Jump arcund and kick baH as if paid to do it; and they bav nodiguity, for they may be found ualk;ng with women. . mr etiii'nf the 'r'nld bareness ofTt l.t.- th mrf alove the now f3rt that 'monev. was aat.oir" v" . , , . . T . the room. Thoso hacKd wooaen And we eat tt.y narrow tiovernmeni. .nie.iaci manuc i i nr t rh s.k chairs were there when he was b I i t TT-t-iiri i!v hppn so ea& runeh as an American coin of the uuj- Afc . same denomination pioves the for him to have made the house r.r,r;;7,;;, ",,i;a ,;r ,hP-Umfonabie-to have bucg t uiu ijunu.... .... j.nvf.J i hisen lamer uau utuo - - g ravings and poured over them! vuirer. But thy ppirit, fiMer, haa goarea awa xmonttho faithful blest. Where the wicked cease from troubling And thekary are al ret. - i - . - -And when the Lord shall summon ui. Whom lliou hat left behind, May we J untainted by the wo;Jd, A sure a welcome find; Flour Mill Starts. I . m ! .. . r in rtlP r,hin.r.aw into the kind old May " ' The Weldon flour roiil startec face, wim me wnne nan un in trood shape Tuesdb v and it I loss on it. he found something m i. I" I -- - j-xltfwa-k tl m f out the erv nnes it which ne naa never bcu i.- wickel ea- from troubling Good health is worth more than anvtuing else to yu, and every bottle of Hood Sarsuparill- con tains gooa health. ; is turning fiour. Only the best w'neat v.iii be used at this miii and our pin pie may now expect to get choc fiour, home made. The capacitj j of the mill is 75 barrels daily and "the trade will oe supplied inquat titles to suit The consumer. will get their supplies from tho family grocery. Roanoke Nws If you Wisk Chickens and Eg p And a plenty of tli em. gi?e yu sokjn ro i here Hie And thweniy arc at ret. , HKNKY T. OfJTLAND. Sit . -i. i jj fa'. y lr)-T ens Dixie ; I "ui n, , fitii'M before a sa acit!f s f 4 . w ' - - - i l af ure, tine "and en.itive. lie lit. rntria. lie tuunauc. Vlt v.l. )m i e had nee ded so oSien- T Will Make no Mistake. i i ...l imtiure blood and was s 1 .J! " 1 a r trouble with bad sores and heart t Ot rhimr a fpw hottlCS I - OlUtr laoiug " w u -ott iii m i ivi th tne aeai oiu laisease i . I . - mi , M-rtb for ..is iole cbmpantoo!. of Hod rsap,r, u--- of mv mness ua uiaov- termancnt. Those TASTELESS nn n n iru ui- There bung uin the wall the ,,hotogrVl. of a voung man will. n0O(i-, r . blood purifler aa eager, strong face. lookiDf . iii.i.i,. " Eal.ieh J i ' . ; I W 111 proudly at a chubby boy on hi Lancaster, va. kuee The Judgesaw mesirengiu i Hood Tills cure all liver ills. Ik in th f a t 4My father should ed a high part in life.V he thought be-, sure. have play - Easy to take, easy to operate, relia- . : 2 J V T A3 COOD FOR AOOkTTS VARJlAriTED. PRICE CO .. Va f wia 14 t. ,!lCfc " v ' " . . . . t r.iwn i t It years, in ut aram "uf"T" ' r eoM an rtciattafaTO-cu .---'

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