mU . &L1AI n V" ) .,-T vt.?i 8 RICH SQUARED NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C, THUI SDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1839. NUMBER mm . H MIL! v If 1: ii wi ? -. J 2 1 fft If it w only health, w m?t Ht let it WiTig. tut it is cough. One c'.d no iustr.T passes off bfre inotiiw oir:s. But it's the tarn o!-i caub ali tha time. And ii'a ths cam? old atoiy, too..t.f Thcrf ia first the coli, th s rl the cough, then pneu monia or consumption with the loti'Z sickness, ar.J life tremh linj in the balance. MfclflS 43 I -1 ... ' ' i loosens the prasp cf y-urcough. T!:c coor,es;ion of t'.:5 throat and lur.; 3 is ut,ovJ; a'i in-fiarnm-'iii-on ii subuuei; the j.rns arc put ptrfsctly tt rest s;.J th? cou;;h drops away. It ha no diseasod tissues on which to hang. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral plaster drafr-s out Inflammation of the lungj. K..-rai""tir we hr a Wirtlcal r)ivr- tn-nt. i i yon hivo nf cmp!i!a;w!i- tit iifl ii a. ire th btt iijairl nirlc cu j-fxulbiy ubUta. -writ- th Coi-t'jr ft ":,7. You w. 1 r ! BfoiSiA l ' -i . itt.otit Cott. a 'J-ii Ii:. J. C. ATBR, Lowe1.'., Mms. T-n'OfJ. WANT TO PLANT Xur ''Jciirhjr Trees and CJ r.i po Vi DCS, : Put'ivn y rite I'infth Uff i 0.). Pi ne bluff.. N. c NOTICE. j ;-Ti:.ic0.i hereby jivt'ti that appli- n,!ion will be ii'a.le to the General j ,;-eeibl l uuv-nd tho charter of; t.e tuwaof iieaboard. - 1 wJ L j HOilCEGFCISOOLUTIOH- Tht par i.nor.ddp heretofore exist-lOidc:- the-lirm name of W. J. La.-.sitter i'n: Co., is this day dissolv ed 'y nej! ;uil consent. Any claims 'a;unsl s;dd iirm must be presented ntjoiee to either of us for settlement W. J. Laositeu, S M. Lassiter. 'For Iloiit. - - One 7 room new dwehiutj, with Mlriouses. lot and garden, in the to- of iiieh Square, within 100 ya;ds of K:; press office. For further k: for uiwitioit apph to Mills II. Conner, Uteh Square, N. C. W all Faer l have sever; 1 styles of Wall Paper on h , -hie h 1 will .-.eil ac.i p . r ; . II. Conner, . W'.ch. Square, N. C. NOTICE. Notice is hereby 'given that appil tiou wiit be made to the -General 'rese r ve Asso iat ion . Job Printing. J. II. Parker & Co., Wood laud, N'.-C, are now propar- .I to do your Job Printiag ; at lov rate3. CS lire i I have a . lot cf Lieely cured sag pu; up ia 5 and ii' t packages, Tor j ai-s This .sage v is grown and put up by 'r. H. Barnes oi liox-ubei t I se pi)ly the larre demuiicl for it. Lei ta 1 sell veu. M 1 ! .1 : 1 Square Tiilophone Go' !N:0X?uVlha lr.l:U Ttib laws UF; UAi CAROLINA.' Splendid s. v t-e. Polite iii:- ;s. Has conaeetion witli Jackson, Kiel. Square, liryantown, Lasker, Pote casi and Woodland. jtssages sent to any point on the line for-' 10 eents. Connects with Western Union Tel Cirnpany at Rich Square. . DR. W. P. MOORE, President. J. 51. WEAVER, Sectj. aad Treas. General uilicati: Jackson, N. C. HALIFAX AFFILES The 15oard of CoiiimLssioners.ile- tuseto Puy ior Vitcctuatij aru aiauy, either through ignor Quarantine Order. atico or perverseness, who do not the board of county com. mis,- j sirers met in regular a3HsiOU iil Halifax Mocda Feb: 6 th ail member 6 of the board being pre.-, j entas follows-' W. F. Parker, j chairman; W. R. Harvey and J J vv. JNortbicgton. The board took up the matter of vaccination and Dr. McDowell, of Scotland Necif, Who had beet. appointed p-okesman by th;, - board of health, appeared hefor the commissioners and called their attention to the fact that an ' enidemic of sniallnox nrftvaHnrJ : all along the Keab dlll and ihu- numbers of ca-.e imd been icoi'. (i iu ii. ;ocom d o luity huu ink i (there vvtaever;, r-'a,!rO(i to be)iev tha.t it would reuen linlifa.x coun ,: asked that the U.urd au- horize Dr. I.E. G i et-n t u pe rii - tondeut of ii-jalth, to purchase the va: eine t'oiuts ior the veeiti a don of all per. so us iu the count, wh' were unable to pay for the service and t h at a f c e o f t a n c e a be.ahoreu' the doctors foi th i .vofk,- lie s.-Ju he vvo-ilci not a.-.i: hut it be,compnNory oiiler, baJ hat all be uiyd to avail them selves of ibis mi ivile.'e. No one oppos-ed the pn rchase of she vaccina joints tmt there v.-a opposition to paying the lo je trts fur each ouojr vucinated. J bub ion which the Government Some appeared to think it the ! had bought and paid for. It coj idity of . the sujK;r intendent (fNiied of the toll or seigniorage I I ealtu to vaccinate free of oh'arsr . ! bat the idea of a single physician ! bfi ng vaccinate CO, 000 peo ph..- appeared so aosurd taat ven ; those who suggested such a thing said it would .be ' i-'rn possible. Dr. Green wa-'. pre sc nt and - iftilfil!; ever- ' d ut;. p) ving u-pon 1'eri'i re; uem cf health 7 i in b& and that he woua u- a ! in his ;.KiWLr o pieveia the spread v mahptx in ltib comity. It v-s fi.aiiy or h ceo that th 1 upei intendHrjt of !. -ait!; be an thorZ'rd to order lOOOpofnt.s an; distribute them to t e uhvician f Halifax county .to be used it. ii their chanty practice. It wa argued by some that it py the phy? icians 10 va nts a head for each pauper they vaccin ated would cost the county five to six thousand dollars. There were others present' however, who could not see how it tould exceed three or four hundred dollars. - It was ordered ;tha the super iteudMhtof the Enfield Lumb: - l! company require all their ,om to show a clean o u 01 health that is thev roust hrive ; i ,cod recent vaccination scar. BOARD OF HEALTH. Atacallrd meeting of ;he au; iiiary Board of Leiltn for Halifax county, held ia Halifax, N O, o Feb. 2. lb'JO the following resolu lions were adopted and ordered sent to all Railroad and Steam -boat lines leaving Korfohr, Va., and vicinity tor points in North ; Carod'na and to the county papers 1 with request to p liish - ' It I ra v i t tg.tee n"cl e 1 e r 0 : i uori that smallpox exists in epidetuic'from ! in a sectioa uf Vir ginia, seaboar-.s. froai which taer.. is i-.o'us.-ier4bi" rave o Hits eou, ea.M- t h iQvus.v.:. c.-t tac d ;kea-c, therefore. i.t-ti.), lt. That all -ih-'ii'n b ? m Ine !e idi;: frtlVi. ,ufect . fric'. be re- : .est a i j hi tiVvU-! a Hi; id med.- val inspection of ah oat .. got tig trains aud s'eam bevts, rquirin - ch piss.jijger to secure eerte flcate of he i:t;i, of rec n . i vaccinal ion r.sute to a 1 u n- n it hi uiatei . - pnsse 0'"'.er.iti i :s- on a !'V- c s. e . ! v h ! C;m . j -urte' (14) re-j-.-eiting. ? t ri ; i j Z -r u!) t rain, w; ! . i . T;.v;i eU, I ' rains ..qui ooArdirg r i i; s u: s there ii, no iued'-c-it i a to report a? I kccL c i e to Dr. I E Green, U'vidon, K C, piovjc ed their uestir.afon is any ."point i a Halifax con u t y -lt. ar. o .03 ' news w ti 4J Xjp His4j or. v.. 1.1 1 . i . iuium i c iu every .aiuny i-r-y. Q n ndicino chest and eveiy 2j m$ B ts traveller's Rr!p. They are L' fit H Sr "vlub) when th tomAch si fi m ttr aii uw uoubi. una ndi teCcwat itcuu. Free Coinage. Although this phras has been vxplaiued a hundred times, there recognize the true meania.Thv y they are friends of iiT -money, but tbay arc not in favor t f ree coinage. Free .coinage does not mean withmt cast, bit thy freedom of every person to shave bunion coined on the si-mi. henns either with or without 1 charged Free coinage -.does not J giatuitous coinage. A se:g j .torage or toll may be demandecr land the coinage at the same time j may be free. If any owner of bullion can talrn. it it th mini n.,-.A Vuwi ii I coiu-d upon the same terms as she Government, or any other i itizou, with or without the exes ion of toll, that is free coinage. in Eogiaud free coinago exists in a.ard to gold. Anv oerson caii taiio gold to the m.nt in any arnou'it and have it converted ia to coin. In the United States f tet .i coinage exists in regard to gold, but the coinage of 'silver is limi j id. A misuse of lansruafire hs kept many from joining in the do mind for th free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold Tne silver mine owners have no advantage over any other citizen! Until recently there tero lyiug 'i ie in the vaults of the Treasury titty millions worth of silver wuich was left after the required a umber' of dollars had been mint a. Vv ithout any additional iegis lation the Secretary of the Treas ury could have sent it to the miat iave it coined and with it have .K-'d th .t much of the pubiic debt The free silver advocates favor ea thokt polic y, which the go:d staadrd advocates and the ban;; ers successfully resisted. With the explanation we ha given of the meaning of terms;We ask our readers whether they opfjosed to freocoinage Cincin niti Inquirer : i . i Little Kiudncss. I l'S many ways; so ua tiy creeds; So mti y pntli that wi ,J kiid wind, ' Wliile j'it the art of being kind. I ! I? most of all this sad world needs," j - ' ; I i Never in the history of the world has there been a timo when all hurches were so well organ .Zr d for doing good as at the pres ent Societies, kagu s, bandw, guilds, brotherhoods aod organl z'xiaLS of ali kiods' and . yet how rare is real, unselfish kindness ... 1 "v"" time 10 go m ana one r the sick friend or comfort the troubled child. j My friend, ought, things so to be? Is this the way we should follow in the steps of our dear Saviour, who "went about duing good"? Surely he never tneant us to so show him forth to others. , I Occasionally wo meet with so my ope who has this law in their heart, whose whole life seems 16 bi'saying -'what can I do .for you.: And when we see such characters, how like a light they ,iiiue, iiow thy indeed make "sunshine in a shady place." Re ! c Ui the diSerent girls you met tuts past summer,' who is the one yon think of with most pleasure? I . j i' A as a the one who had. just Hn:- sSu-.D a most thorough education auo euuld talk on almost anv sub j ci? Was it the ont ever ready ivr the frolic, the excursion? An! vas it not the one who was con- -.juualiy doing some little favor ;ir 'another-taeoue who oroubt the oid iady a cushionfor her t'iti k, or listened' patiently to the luvaha's quei ulous complaint, or m some v ay shoyd a desire to hip otheis? She may not have o tne bebu oT Tie piace, but Uihvi i mom'erjt. didn't she ha' e tLr gn.a;ti- number of friend; ? it eii tiie "p; . vii ki compliment 1 .. utu tiii suujinei wa iiid bv ajouug gui to her mother Oii io:s v r subject; he dii nu meau 11 for a compliment, fa from it, but it seemed one to m Vv it h a .flushed ttce and an indig i :ant tone a vo-ung girl said to bet another, "Mauima vhy weren't you out on the lawn all thosv Ther ladie? I heard Mrs. Van U isen isrc ou to go, and hc;o ou've . bean ail morning on ti.e porch, talking fo that old forloin ity. that I am suro came out cf the ark" turnup then to me, soe 6aid, half laughing, bulstt'l petulantly, .If there is one ptior old crone in this hotel that e ery body else avoids, that is the per on mamma is sure to seek out" The dear mother only smiled, and told her daaghh r she would try to do better in the fatur! Bui it seemed to me a very nice thing to be said of one. When we remember the number of "forlornites" ot a summea hotel, and think how tbey are laughed at and shunned, would it not be well if some one would seek them 'out and speak a kind word to tliomf On that memorable Sunday of July 3, when the eatUover tbo country was sbmcjihiog alarming a friend of mine dee'ded she could not leave the city on Tues day wi thon t vi si ti ng agai n an I n valid in one of the farthest and hottest slues of the city, fclvery where she saw the miserable in habitants trying to get cool. On the doorsteps of one of the houses sat a middle aged woman, half clad in a shabby old wrapper, whose scanty folds scarcely hid her nakedness. Just before my friend, who was daintily clad in the coolest of white muslins, reached the steps, the plain palm fan, with which the poor woman was most vigorously fanning, slipped from her hand and fell to the sidewalk. Tiie poor woman turned her head to one sidoas though she did not see the fan. evidently not wanting to attract any attention, and possibly know ing that any movement might cause her 'o lose someof her few garments. In a momemt my friend reached th fan; stooping, she picked it up, and with-a sweet smile she gracafully reached it up to her less fortunate sisr, saying, "We can't afford to be without these in this; we?" The hard, drawn face fill - ed with amazement, and sht could scarcely say, Thank you, ' in her- surprise ?nd plbasure Whit a trifle! What a little thing to do! Ah! yes; but it is jut ttiose trifles that break down the ; barriers between classes, that speak louder than a hundred ses mons, and do more than any thing else to make clear "That mystery dimly understood, That love of God is love of good; Tbat to be saved is only this,- Salvation f-otn our selfishness." Christian Work The "Life Plant" of Guad eloupe. Consul Af me, of Guadeloupe, has sent with ajreport tm thDe oartment of Agriculture at Wash mgton. dated December 24 1898, some leavs of a plant growiDg wild on the island, which he calls the "life plant," on account of its peculiar properties. Mr. Ayme says: If any leaf be broken from the plant and pinned by the stem to the wall of a warm room, each of the angles between the undula tions of the leaf margin soon throw out a number of verv white thread like roots. Next, ai tiny plant begins to sprout, which in the course of two or three weeks attains a height of 2 or more inches. When the original ' - - C tain full size. When cultivated, the plant attains a height of 4 feet and produces gracsful red and yellow flowers. I believe that this plant could be successfully grown as a house C I jj- ... ptant, and certainly in any ordi nary greenhouse t letf. begins to shrivel, which mav pis battle scarred vetoraas, just j K-diancy tor denuaiug tnts enu take from six w.eks to three as the. last encounter took place of the fores,! tho consiqueLces of months, the small plant mav b-pn the 9th of June, when the no j hich are vo terrible to cuai cut out with scissors and planted I ble spirit of Col. Sol. Williams j plate We notice an effort to re or the wholo leaf buried, when j stilled forver, I see Maj store this iossy arbor days and the vounc Dlants will raoidlv at j (now ;Genercl) Roberts v b- ! large rjircnases of outlying for- and new leaves sprout with abouJauu vr,ttU1'. ,TC uVvf he same readiness , s tar o How it HurU. Rheumatism, with its twintrt:i achis and rsalns. Do vou know the cause? Acid in the blool j nve Issed from our view fo; has accumulated in your joints. The l ever. Where is Barham and cure is found in Mood's SarsaparilU others! Barham still lives, but Is which neutralixis this acid. Thou- j pinioned to the ground by tho sands write that they have been veigbt of his dead hors he is ia completely cured of rheumatism y ! the hands of the enemy, I s - Htod s Sarsaparilla, Uood'e Pills care naasea. siok headache, biliousness, indigestion. y a - '.V..V fi 1 8 L!zkc3 tfcc fcod moreds!Ic(ous and wfcotssome P-f Reminiscences of 'Gl-'GS, Thirty-tive yoars have passed since Ransom and Gordon with that .chivalrous band of North Carolinians hurled back the army of Grant un the historic fields of Appomattox. Thirty-three yeu d since the onward march of the intrepid sons of Dixie was brought to a halt Thirty three years since the tattered remnants Of tha 2n N G Calvary turn i its back ou that blOAl-stiue field and reluctantly g;ic ,t.p what is now known as the "Lost Cause." It is of the 2ud M. C. Calvary and Company H. in pas ticular I wish to speak of When, are the one hundred and twenty patriots who ulisted under th stars and bars in Jackson in 'Ch with Cap t. John Randolph as their chiet? Coanrades, can yo 2 tell me? Where are the noble and daring leaders we were eve ready to follow? Roberts and Eurearein Gatesville; Gainesis m New York, Lee,' Jackson, Hih, tStuart, Gordon, Williams and others have crossed over the dark river. Boys, do yom remember (but I need not ask) the 9th of June, 63, when ths plains of Brandy Station presented a spectacle which ja pen picture utterly faiU to portray. As you all know, on these plains and ou the farm it John Minor Botts (Bolts was yj Union man) on that fateful day Gen. Jeb Stuart and Gen. Pleas- anton, the giant calvary men of V ie continent at that time, met i Creauly conflict when our pallant Oo'.. Sol Williams gave his last command? Do you remember :-tthe stiffened corpseofJiru Uuuch as we sawit on the hillside thr nex t day ? . J)o you , re me m be i Reese and Cope'.and who fell at their posts yea we all remem ber. But if it. were possible, I would draw the veil of oblivicn over many scenes of the past. have asked where are the huu - dred and twenty of Co H. Met ory answers iteese. Copelanc, Moore Smith, Brady, j Peele. Grant, Sumner, Bunch and oti ers laid down their lives 01 th Held of carnage. Ranpolph, Har dy, -Huxton, Spivey, Barham and nthr havfi nuietlv nrissed awav amid home surroundings. How many of that veteran baud Co. H now Jives? I would like to know. How many bear the badge or devotion to the "Lost Cause?"! I would like to know. I have oft en wished for the time when eve ey living member of thai vaUiam band could meet in quiet convers and recall incidents of times gone by- when manhood's noble im print was stamped on over, brow, where patriotism effulgen glow shone like a hallo around j every head; Jwhen every oer was steeled for combat With the mind's eye I look back along the vista of time and I see po: t rayed along its blood stained tracks, tke noble form c f Roheri I E. Lee. as ho rode at the head o ) . - - . i .- . draws his gleaming sword am' places himself tt the head of tfc-: 2nd calvary at Hanover, Pa. 1 see the mad rush tho encounter 1 see friend and toe go dowr. 1 see the seven members of Co U as we came together after th I fray. Where are , Peele, Sumw r j ' ,,..4 0r,l IVr. hm.n nmmp !tAtt I. i " - jjenaih luiwaids and others In the i:Hns of the euemy. I see uheei counter at Upperville ; -. . , . . , . . wt ere are Moore aun &mnn inty ! the encounter betweeu Stuart land KtnnAman at Gettvsbnrv. i . f - see Pickett's diwsion asce'diL ; theheishU-I set them almo. t Ptw von . gain 1 he surLtait. I .see I What do I see? Horror o: Er ;jrs! They 'are hurled hiick amid r.irsUng shells, screaming grajx shot ami hissing bullets I tee Lee as he stands with field glass 11 hnnd witli his gaze riveted on ,hat devoted band. I see llan-s.- m (Gen. Matt) as he confront Butler at Dntr u Gap I sef bu eomrades, we will draw the cut lain on this punaraBa for ?hh; time; w h u w e m ee t agai n we v i ! like j notbef lo k. The m ts; of us are n aang the end. Tnc bands in oar hour glasses ert" running low, acd ere loag we vil cross over tne rivr to meet ou? comrades who have gene befort. us. ... R. S. Barhail Our Climate Has.Cliax!gel. The unsettled weather an 1 ter 1 itic storms 'nd sudden changes v4ith winTpriingeringin the 'apof spring and the cold jumping sud d niy iafv summer after c pro l ratted backward spring K pro duced in our opinion from denud jing the. earth of tho forest and tho striping 'the Uco of the jeartu with ra.licad iron l and spinning countless thoutauds I of; .telegraph wires all over the j rountry. The deluges in the ! spring are undoubtedly caused by chopping on the forest For merjy winter came on in winter j time , with heavy snow banks which lasted until spring time, whan'-we have "sure- enough" spring in dm season. The great er portion of tho country was woodland which broke the fierce force of gales, and the leaves and humus and mellow soil of the for ests held the rainfall and melting snow to feed the head fountains of waters; this produced moist ure which attracted rain during be hot, dry summer season. The cutting off of the forest makes a 'water shed j to run off as it falls j and causes I the river to over- flow their banks to be in a meas ite dried up in the summer. There is an affinity of water for water s muoh so as the magnet forfron. The moisture in the l arth attracts thf moisture in i the clouds, just as th ebb and ? fiood of the ! tides attracts the thunder shower in the clouds As the far West is settled the overflow of the Father of Floods will be gre?ter every year anci property and life less secure j ilong its banks. The tributaries aregrowing more turbulent every year, for the tores t is being cut off. The double track of iron rails which run in very direc tion over the country, amounting in the aggregate to hundreds of thousands of crises, are disturb ing the electric currents in the air ard cauts convulsions which show their, forces in the storm a and cyclones! that devastate the country by their destructive and maddening sweep.. As population i n c rease.s th j n ece s si ty f o r mo re nrnbie landfill coutinue, the ex- . . . ; . - , . . t t jests on the part of the seven commonwealths of the.couQtry The remedy is trivial in cojipari j son with tne wholesale waste. j Bal'imote Herald, . " r. , "uccuss comes to tnose wno pre serve. If you take Hood's Sarspa- I r',t. faithful Iv nad neralstentiv. tou ! J! ! iil surely b.! benefited. l: We (jump--.' i of the !siov. duh iife wh an f .r.:ed lo Itai. of our i.-imhlfi nf action, ofoiif! .....w ' I " - low rmsition in the scale of socie ty. otuar nuving no roo:n ioiu3 i ourselves known, of our wasted 1 energies, of our years of patienc So do we say that wo have no Fathe r w ho i s dS rec ti n g our ! i f -:odo wr say that God has forgwt t h u us, so d owe bold ly j u d ge - Waal life IS test ior uf ao: mj uy ' cmnlainin'r do we h e the j seaod i rofltoi the qmet years. from Factory to FirttU:, ia'!.r 54 - CWckt. t,'pbc!tery Cow4-. Citl K.frtrarstor. Picturw, Mirrwt ' Ti V. , ms. Kuj. A.rt Sbm, Pomrraa 4 ft OirtAiaa kkk tkws xact Im 4 Mit4 cotori ctio cam b. m4 m mft- ' bctonlr tKoueh ra kr A tm'M. A Har' tk etkrte4 mm Wttcr M1!. Guar- y j H kffu Mitt you all Jmjt it. Prte It Oemwmr Ssitol 913.25 Porto fcico, ac4 ea m w . , , A f.. TT wait IJ .tlr V Julius Hinca & Son, DALTiUOILE, Uv. Dspt New Garden Seed. My store is still head quarters for Ft Id nud Garden Seed. Just received a lot of New Cabbage and other Garden Seed. Mills H. Conner. Rich Square, N. C. NOTICE. we the undersigned, have haa our land jsosted lor soma time, aud seeing that the violators haven't ob surved the notice iu tie putt, noj tice is hereby given that our laodi ure situated on and near Ahosklo swamp, a part being in Uich bquart township Northamptou county and the larger part being in St. John's township, Hertford Co are posted aud all persons are forbidden h fih or hunt on same in any tvuyl night or day with or without gua.4 or dogs. All violators of tho law will be prosecuted to the fullest ex tent. B.F.Renfrow, P. L Miuton, C.T Daus, T. J. White, Ami row Miutou r Walter White, Arthur White, Jr.h; White, Charlie White, lienjawia wt,u - t a n u, , r i! Powell, Mrs. E C. Watson, ii. i'.:S Odoni, C. R. Odom. Midi. Uiil. I Sell Buggies One and two Horse W agonsl CartWhcols, ' Cart Wheel Timber, Tires Harness Buggy blanket AND ItQBJLS, All kinds of Buggy and Wagon Material, Iron Fencug Tombstones, Wall Paper, Paper Hoofing, Windows, Doors, Blinds, etc. I also guarantee quality and price cn evcytning I sell. Atk for estimates. JAMES H. BAUGHAfJ. Rich Square, N. C. ;ll f,V.lvj 2 n n n n r 1 ifC !i li. ! ij ir y - u j l 13 nTA3COODFORAt3UL73. va;;ahteo. price so c C-LATIA. ILUU, HOT. 10, . ul! iB Co.. fc: . noui. Ma. .ia:-wa ton la si yer, uv b'Ma c: , - iso- -3 t t li yt-irj. in thi Crau bolno, Iii.-,' t Wfr'j

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