1 JiiOLiDj VOL (J ME 8. RICH SQUARE; NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, MA.KCH 2. 1899. NUMItUR 9 PATEON ejLlANlft, Every cough ' make3 vour tnroat more raw nnd irritable. Every cough congests tne lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and lungsjn this way. Put the pens at rest and give them a chance to heal. You will need some help to do this, and you will find it in ivUI 1 From the first dose the oMjiet and rest beia: the ticWlHg in ' the throat ceas3; the spasm weak ens; ' the cough disap pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Ayer's Clierry Pec toral Plaster sliouli be over the lungs of every per son troubled with a cough. Write to the Doctor. Unusual otmortnnj tlf 9 d1 lone x- perienca einloonfiT quaiifj u- for jrtrlair yo Bnsr!i-1 aiH-tea. Write f rea'if all the pa II the particular in four cuse. f: burn with sir ChnrrT fCt.vis!. You Tell us what tour xBcr!niicc Has will resaite a pron:H rcp'.y, without C"'t' Address, PR. J. O. AYKK. Loweli, M3. 9 ;YBBi NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION- Tlaa partnership heretofore exist ing under the firm name of W. J. Lussiter & Co., is this day dissolv ed by mutual consent. Any claims against said lirm must be presented at once to either of us for settlement V. J. Lassiter, S M. Lassiter. Job Printing, J. H Parker & Co., Wood land, N. C, are now prepar ed to do your Job Printing at low rates. Glared age. I have a lot of :.tcely cured say put up in 5 amMO . at paekagesrfor ale. Thi.-i sae vus ji'off!i aad put up by . II. Himes of Rxobol t supply the large denuiud for it. Let uie sell you. iMlLLS U. CONNEK. IF yot;. want to plant it, Hearing Trees' and Grape Vines, writd to Pinebluff Grape it Pecan Oo. Pineblult, N. c WallPaTjer 1 haveseverr'i styles of Wall Paper on lu r .sell cheap. hich I will r. H . Conner, Rich Square, N. C. For Kent. One Tgroom new dwelling, with outhouses, lot and garden, in the towu of Rich Square, within 100 yards of Express oflice. For further information appl'lo Mills H. Conner, Rich Square, N. FOR BUGGIES " - CARRIAGES HANDMADE HARNESS BRIDLES SADDLES at reasonable prices go to W. T. picAiurs Jackson, N.C., Bft. Handmade Harness at abut the price you have to pay for ouv chine made. Agent for Wrenn's Buggies. ii arm mm Clesri tMmm Th Jckson ndRich -.. Square Telephone Co. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA. Splendid serv.ee. Polite ageats. Has connection with Jackson, Rich Square, Bryaritown,Lasker, Pote--casi and Woodland. Messages sent to any point on the line for 10 cents." " Connects with Western Union Tel egraph Company at Rich Square. DR. W. P. M00RE, President. J. M. WEAVER, Secty. and Treas. (Jaaeral offices: Jackson, N. C. FE0UCDB1 A Visit to the Ancient City of Ha vana Sundays not Observed. Camp Columbia, Havana. Cuba. Eeby.15. 1899 For the Patron and Gleaner. I have been thinking for some lime that I would write you some thiugabou! Cuba and its people, but as I have had only two passes to llavaca since our arrival, I haven't learned a great deal my self. However, will -tell you whai I can. Ttie island is veiy pretty. Its toiling ' hills, green valleys and mountain stream $ decked w.th coconnut and die palm trees, its gieat plantations of sugar cane aLd pineapple, -large'' rchardsof bananas aod orang-.-, its ancient stone walls and spacious rt si dences With gre-it court yards and magnificent lawns, makes one foci as though' he was in a fairyland. The natives as a rule are not so attractive. The average Cuban is very sluggish and indotent; works as little as .possible, lives principally on fruits, spends. what money he has for rum and in gambling dens. They all be lievejn spor,the better clase es pecially believe in making a big show, wear lots of mostly jewels l&c, attend theatre every night, go to bull and cock fights on Sun day. . Their religior. is Catholic if they have any. 1 nave lever seeu any who professed any or held the Sabbath sacred. A comrade and I -.vent out for a stroll Sunday before last; took the road leading through Mari anas, a town about one mile soun of our cam p. Very soon after reaching the town we conduct d that Sunday was their bigg st day. Every bar. grocery store, shoe shop and every place of bus iness was wide open and ;ua hus tle. We had gone only a short distance when we saw a large crowd congregated at the door of a !arge building. After making so:r.'e enquiries as to what.the ex citetnent was, were informed that there was acock fight on the ins de. The day not being held sacred we purchased tickets and went in. There was a crowd aiound the pit and such Oel it'g you uevtr tuw. After witnessing several lights we lell and resumed our stroll. After passing through the town, the .tn ctent walls and buildings, pict uresque "landscapes etc, led us on to a little village six miles from our camp. It wjs then about sunset,, realizing how far we were from camp, we stopped in an inn and refreshed ourselves pith a cup of pure Mocco coffee, after which we retraced our footsteps. Dark soou overtook us on the highways and notfiiug save the occasional meeting of a Cuban pony and rider and the screams of wild parrots attiacted our at tention. Reaching: Marianas about 7:30 o'clock we were very hungry and tired so we stopped in a "cafe" and purchased some sand witches, pies and coffee. Af ter fully satisfying the inner man we treated ourselves to a "clear Habana cigar,J-and again risu Hi ed our stroll. Instead of finding the excited crowd at the samt place th y had assembled at the theatra s where everything was thoroughly lighted up and the play at full pitch. Finding that we were too late o get even standing room, we preceded to camp, reached it about tap Be ing very tired we soou retired to our humble cots givingup all.the eveits of the day to dream about home." Last Saturday was a big day,or it least a day long 10 be remem bered by the natives of Havana. The remains of the late lien. Ca lls to Garcia were laid hi 1 est in the Colon cemetery. I diuut see it but some of my comrades did and said it was a very impressive spectacle. The ceremonies were carried out with due reference to the rank of the distinguished dead. Owing to the fact that the. Cuban soldiers hal tallen by the wayside, thete was no arrange ment made for firing a salute and flun r,n iifi? ..rAnri.,! o firir! " - -J - 1 1 ' vivivnu u uitu squad from the Araericaus fori crowded to suffocation and the American officers had to force their way tbrousrh tho dense th rong of people as no r range- i ments -aid been made for their accommodation. I secured a jass and went to the city Sunday. Ti.j day before tne wnoie city was a raped to th imoimuems ox woe, ana loaay as usuaL the Prado was hiled with ec by contrast with our ueigh moskers and gayiy dressed peo borV patch of uncoulb. oid fasb- pie in carriages or on foot, who were petting each other, regard tuu.uSu.ijr W1 owuiufi w tha victim. I was informed by a Cuban acqua.ntance thatcaruival fluhan Hf.fina.intancft thatfarni val I would continue three days, ending fn 1 .... I. . i'A- A ..U ITT.. J I I mesuay ui; ui ou asu t511"438 aay L,nut wouia uegtn. ana tne worm oi scarcity wouia iae a 1 Ik 1 I respite of 40 days to be gr over to '" .jius Auu fuu meuuauons. ii:h weatnei wing . m . u : very innate mug 1 didn't enjo my trip as much as 1 bad antici pated. However, my new ac quaititaoce insisted that I should visit some places A interest in the city. He seemed very civer. his name is Bassil Del Villar. is a genuine Cuban, was born and raised in the province of Puerto Principe. De Cuba, .went to the States, rtook a dental cou se at the University of Pennsylvania traveitd io several northern states and came back to Havana to practice his profession- j He took me to several i.and- spnaeclui s. 10 the city market. the arms square, aud Gov. Gen erai's Pa lace, the oldest cathedral in the city; the Templete when Columbus said the first mass, thn Christopher Columbus Cemetery the Sl John and Jesus Christ Parks and many other places of interest. After supper we met up with a faiend of his named Gasher. rela tive of Gen., Gasher. He had al- so spent some time in the States and stx)ke Ensrlish well. We in vited him to ioin us which he did. -' We then proceeded to the Para ue Theatro De Tot-on and Hotel In- . glate.rr8, whereon Sunday night all the aristocrats of the city turn outaod promona.de through the park. 1 met several beauti SenbreUs. but was unable to talk with them but little, as none of them siKke E.Drlish and 1 dou I lie to,, ui-a au interpreter. -A' about 10 o'clock tht r& came a tier rlhc wind a;d . ram storm, just the time for me to start to camp. as my pass wasu't good afterjll. My friecds insisted that I should spend the night with them and go to a masquarade ball. buLlhave been a soldier too long to do any- thing like that. So bidding them good night I started in the midst of the storm for the depot, intend ing to take the 10:30 train toBeu na V ista. a station near our camp but unfortunately I got .ost in the great city: the rain was com- ing down in torents and I kept walking hoping I could recognize some street or something, but not so. I went into a saloon and tried to makea Cuban understand my situation. Lie nualiy tola me oneairecuon. x. oi cou re si ir. ea mai way; wemauouusq.-ar anaasueu anotner wno 101a me 1 was going exactly wrong. 1 siart e i oticK wiiu uuu.iiimiiy x saw a carriage, bailed it and told the auyer wneiox BUitU tu gu, u Hesitated iorawnue. i gave mm 50. enls in American money and toid him to drive, he did a I i leached the depot at midnight, 1 . cr . 1 l ten on au train, reacnea camp little after oue, the Storm Still raging. Alter reacmng my tent l scon lenrea oui oniy 10 oe tired but only to D in hnnrc hv tV. fail. in nours oy tne ian- tpnt T tfion rt mv' tent, i men got my . . awakened ids' 01 inv n rtx . lln QJ n-n-UpJ until L I still hadu't turned my pass in having run the lints -when I came in. But I at lost decided on a plan. After, breakfast I took it to the Sea gent of the guard and told him it was raining sobaid at 11 o'clock tba I decided to wait till morning to turn it in. As sured that it had not been abused he told me he woutd mark it up on ume. me siorm iasiea uaui yesterday morniDg. We have 1 oiiday today. First aniversary of the Maine wreck, The Third Battallion of this rooi m a n f htVi rrt rr rrm r one i Q J x uiuivu t. uwi. J I- J ; WHO w 111 ico 3 OalUluat L-SJ la i t ten day march inland. Uii charity. j There is still a great tendency j in the human family to notice and remark about the frost on ou r neighbor's roo iitteriyjgnoringi t tie' sou t and g ri me u i on oi r o1. n The weeds aiwa. s s;em to arrow j mucn more raniiy in our neih- boi"s Tardea tLati iu our ow i?. mur flowers, too, look far bright bned-holly hocks How much cleaner our own step stone, and more a la mode par Ctiica. ana how much more spotless our own 1 The trees never find fault rn, (.. i..;,i with the grass because it covers . . I hard, brown earth, tior call It id significant because i's trrowth so I inw rmthor dnac thu aracc .-n. piaiu mai me trees lower aoove t . m. . ..... 1 it, norcall them awkward because ' . ;. . s . I they oul. nva lQ Uenht. But we, - the" superior, intelli gent creation, go on cruelly ob servipg the deadly uightshade of evil or wrong doing in our broth er's 4 ath, never pausiog long enough to remark the brambles clam boring in wild profusion ajongr , our daily road, which we believe we are making so staight. ll(3ver have time to view our 0WD ,ath and make sure tl at it is cleao, our eves beius: so cou- stantly employed waicn us our neighbor's steps- When we see a brotner stumoie at.G iajl. or some poor sisier depart frf:m the way of rectitude, how vehement-1 ly we begin , to condemn the short coming, lulling' ourstives into a . . - . haven of faLcied security from winch it wtitj' lmLossible. that 1 . ... . we, faultless mortals, should wan der from and fall as they weakly stumble. How can we presume tr Un w Virw HrtrW wjij ihn'wavH of temptation that swept them loose from their moorinsrs: How can we tell how ourowu frail bark might have withstood the same forceful wave? How a uick- lv we are nrone to turn our backs toward the one who has srone - astray? If we were only as prompt to reach a "hand' butter! win the erring back into the path of right as wear to condeiDn. sometimes we might aid more in the noble work of soul rescue Too often we neglect "to throw nut th lifp lir.p Hf.mss thp dark wave,"even when the opportunity is invPn us. How shall '-we an swer for thse neglected opportu nities thrown in our way? Can we say with a clear conscience that it is no affair of ours if some brother's bark sroes down in a whirlpool of evil while we drift by with no effort put forth for his rescue? There is so much un I - ! . cbarty in the .world, and it is practiced in so many ways that we hardly recognize it, under its true name. There is a world of uncharitv alone in the ordinary flaw.picking in which the best of us sometimes indulge. Our 'neighbor does not talk to sun us, or be does not live as we wish himtohve. Inyshort, his - ..I character is :not builtfaccording to our very exacting measuring stick. VVe forget the honely old- time adage -People who live in uwe u.icob ehniiiri npvpr ihrm st0ne." The best of us may be said lo have a glass front, some fault which ;ol gLt to make us have morecharity for the feeli ngs of others. What smarting pain, nrupi tahp- discords and uirlv strifes might be spared if we were just as charitable toward I others as we wih them to be to v ,..4 ,,: -Nn snnlis an had hnlLu chfiQnnrD.;ata!thQlnonr wc mjght help it to the right if WOWould. Let us be more earn . , . e3t OD finding the good in every - -L 4. , . , .,, thing. Even the despised nettle - I- r come tae uncharity within us by deeper, more liberal humanity. Word and Works. " f His Apology. Eider Spudk'us. who keeps a store at Quohosh, was sent as temporary sapply to a pulpit in the villace Potunlc, four miles away. He was late at the morn ing service, and apologized thus: -Rrfithren. I hooevou will oar don my tardiness this morning, " but the fact is I was kept up late last nightopening the finest stock I of ( TV f- nnds ever brought toOno f v - " J C3 C9 1 t-sxcVt VJa tuill cincr tho on hnn. 1 uuoui w v M w I area ana imru iiuiu. nunem , i l I TT 1 rTo7VAn ' - j - hfckcstfce food more delicious end whofesoma The Value of Fre.h Air. The admitted advantage c f an outdoor life in mauy morbid con ditioosand notably In consnrap tinn. KPPms U i r.inl in !hP.r.nnr!n. sion that there is somethi; g defi- niteiy injutious in the iodoor life ... . . , . . 1 which H now the common mode - I of existem e amt ni? t-ivilizf d nen nb. Ti is a striking and KUriU-r ;.; - zl; :e removal f;i a . . . 1 uauenl into lite jv.eu air suouid lower bis fever, should removt his night sweats, and take away his hectic fiu so, and it is difficult 1 to avoid the conclusion that ii these symptoms are n moved by the purity of tho air outside, they must have been largely caused bv the impurities of the air with iu the house. Nor have we any risrht to assume that it is the cou sumptive only who i suffers, Doubtless the healthy strusrele against and overcome evil infiu- euces before which those who are tuberculous succumb, but 1 that is not to say that in the strng srie we do not sutler, and. indeed, the facts' recently brought for ward are suffiinent to snow thai the stuffy life or warmth and com .... 1 I iort wmcn civinzecuman now en h ys" is bad for the health even . . . . . 1 of the hear.hiest. We make.our 1 1 . windows fit, we pad our door, we shiver at a draught, we sui- round ourselves with woolen cur n.c Hnfif.v rH.rrkflts srA flnfFw luxurious upholstery; we breathe the same air over and overasrain, and then we wonder that we areS uot strong and vigorous. The fact is we are daily usine ud the 1 -." 1 exuberant vitality with which na- ture has Drovided us in struf - " " - " gi ng.against artiffciai conditions, How powerful for .-evil, how det eriorating these conditions are.ts shown by the fact that their mere removal gives back to the con sumptive that vitality which en ables him to ouercome the seeds of disease within him. Preshair is uot a thing to be taken in little doses once a dav. but a thiner to live on. -London Hospital. Good Roads. Mecklenburg county,. Nor tn 1 Carolina, is recognized as the ost prosperous and progressive countj in North Caroiina. It has won this fair fame more I I by its enterprise in buildiugand maintaining good roads. The county pas adopted the piaQ which we pursued when we constructed the beautiful chert road from West End to College Park, namely, to build the best " roads while you are building Reachine- out from Charlotte m ma0y directions are many firm - . 1 . and dein roads, srood iu all weath ers and easily keot in repair The business of the city has been increased immensely by -AonA .MLmnffm hands for many mils around has increased 30 to-10U per cent. Anelection will soonj be held on an issue of 100,000 of bonds for the extention of Mecklenburg L.in0'e.: fin ro-A.i vam Thf bonds will surely be voMd and the eood work carried on. I 0 L Mecklenburir county shows eood roads by protecting them After she has built a road she pro i cts it sacredly. ! - . She never permits a streetcar v aT I ... company or anyooay eise io cui one and thereby insure its speedy destruction. --Atlanti Semi Weekly Jonrna1. - Hood's Sarsaparilla never disap points. It may be taken for impure and impoverished blood with per- Mattie Whal has become of vour anii-slang society that you took so much interest in a few months aeo? i " Helen Ob, it's in the consom- me. The president got nutty aud imagined she was the only dent i the nan. so we eave her the 1 hr iltias arirl lh rlink vdinorasfSnoiR- i . u.ww - j - o I I a. t. 1 . . t I, nUinv uou suu tu CuuiCa.-vu.u5U Quiet Activity, Obedieni-e, A nurse must endeavor to fore- Ista'l the wishes and lequireuit ntK jof her tieu'. This i - cessitates svmmihv thougiit fulness ai d observation traits whi h nfav acquired, wl en tot possessed , , urallv. the other l.amL uiu " mnst be taken that attention dr& not riuvplnn intn filler tir. intensely trying to nerves lriKilA r . mt staint a. ihete is reioso m ac tiou. t ousrh the terms seem nar adoxical; and it is this quiet a; ti-v ity that those occupied in the sick room should cultivate There are numberless little things exasperating to the nerves of an invalid, to which those iu health give hardly a th' uirht Squeaking shoes and creaking doors: whiscerine conversation in place of talking in a low under tout : an unexpected, absupt. or noise entrance; the continued rus tiing of a newspaper, e'e, are all little things, but little things have little stings," from which a inouerntrui nurse v. in strive to save her patient Onejnf the most difficult tasks for a nurse is the exercise of self ' . s . m 11 control 11 an uniavoraoie symp torn sets in, or she discoversany tnins: to cause uneasiness cr . . a'arm, the patient should not be- come aware of the fact from her expression or manner, as he would be alarmpd and tho trouhlp be inereased. A cool head, steady h:nu, ana reassuring manner will many a time avert fatal re- suits. Another important 'item is. carrying out the doctor's or- ders exactly. Note them down as they are given, for it is not safe to trust to memory, especial ly when the mind is occupied with various things. Often aclear, distinct order is given, regarding the patient, to mother, sister, or friend, by the physit ian, and that is theendof it notalways through foreretfulness. but because the one in charge decides that sh knows better that the doctor and acts accordingly. "Milk, or brot i. and no solid food to be given," is the order The (doc to- is bowed out of tne house. and half an hour later a tray laden with ordinary and ex- 4 raordi nary viands finds its way to the patient's room to see if he 1 . . ....... cannbt be tempted to take a lit tie something." Could the phy ician sometimes see without be ing seer, -his surprise would cease regd rding the inexplicable eleva tion of temperature and r.on-ef- - 1 j : 1 a TTT I iectUi uruBs Frewnueu. ui is the sense of obtaining profes sional advice and thent'oingex actlv contrary to the advice? If the truth were known, I expec w m - the number of deaths caused by persons wilfully ignoring medi cal opinion and substituting their own would be appalling. Sel 1 The Two Books, Two books have been issued by the Lord, the book of natme and the bcok 0 rerelation. As we turn over the pages of the book of nature, we read chapters of geolo gy, botany, zoology, astronomy, geography and various other sub jects, teaching us lessons o! God's wisdom aud -power in crea'ingL such wonderful variety of good f. : f vti nK;n thiii' S without making anytmng r T A , unnecessary. In the study of this , , J . , . . , . K.vlr tvn i.nnf hair. Hnr ar hin DOOK W6 CaUQOl Ueip UUl, CXCUMU I that God is unsearchable and pnst . "ing out. has done it nothing is t After doing what he may well be said that nothing is too bard for the Lord, that he can do whatever be will nu the oook of revelation we he- Lme acquainted with prod's mor- al character, his mercy, lcng-sufier g aua AOVe- AUO oiuir itu. u yromises of good things to the ODtiueni, anu oi wuuw. i i i? j - : i learnt r. at is a ooo wen wormy pi diligent stuaj. j ine reaaing oi I ..... , . rot t' it tends to sweeten uie ana mate us better and wiser every day. ihese two books snoula be stna . . 0 ' 1 led VOgetner. ICrOne la a COmp.O- w . . . . . tfiA rt har inlrfilinry Inn , . . ( a. fam LUC Lib W fcAlO WfciiVi, From Factory to Ttttfiit, M Bors ibd Whit I iLitttneled Mti Kaa J 96i.tsridtks. ft i JS cbe. It hn on 1 1 in euhr 54, 4$, 4 c filler. Guaranteed thm tToncut led m4in ) Oar rrM 60 page culoue fel! cf iSott. J MU of barfmiiu in Furniture, Clolhli.r, l-1 t ....... . . . 1 Clacks. Uphol.tery Goodi. Baby Carri4 Kfrigrmtors. Pictures. Mirror, Tib -W arc Sto. tc. ad In bujrmg fnean u. ymi un bm 40 to fr cent. o ewyUutuf dont W Mikliab llthCTph4 caaloce cf Cai prt, Kug. Art Squares. Fcrtiercs aaa Lac Oirtaias which ibovt exact dints ia bat4. eaiatad colon Mlacttons ca b -ci m wtis- , lactoruy as thoogh you w?r are at tt mill, Hera's tba crbrteJ Hiaes Sawiag Macalaa bom btter saada. Guar aataad for so years. Cata lofvaa tells you all about It, iTica (j unwtt 5tyU), 013.25 Why hart) w cwtsaseisa ia avary part of tb Vai ted Statas. ItCltadt. Mexico, Barssada, Cusa, rorto Klco. an cra aa ..... far as Australia aad Souta W fHlrk Africa! Scad for ourFrta of 3da4tmm. Catalogue. Tkey will tell you. Address tkU way Juliixa Hinea t Son. OALTIUORE, UD. Dept. 909. New Garden Seed. My store is still had quarters for Fold and Garden Seed. Just received a Jet of New Cabbage nnd othr , Garden Seed. ... Mills H. Conner. Rich Square, N. C. ,notich . : we the undersigucd, have ha our land posted for somo titue, and seeing that the violators haven't ob surved the -tot ice in the post, no-. tice is hereby given that our lantft are situated on ami near Ahoskio swamp; a part being In Hich' Square township Northampton county and the larger part being in St. John's tovsnshipj Hertford Co. aro jost.d and all persons are forbidden 'to fish or hunt on same in any way, night or day with or without gujis or dogs. All violators of the law will be prosecuted to the fullest ex tent. B.F.Renfrow, I). L. Mhiton, C.T., Deans, T.J, White, Andrew Minton, , Walter White, Arthur White, John White, Charlie White, Benjamin White,- Miss L A. Odorn, J. R. Powell, Mrs. E. C. Watson, M. K.S. Odoru, C. It. OdonV. Matt. Hi' 1, I Sell Buggies One and two Horse Wagons. Cart-wheels, J v Cart Wheel Timber, j .: Tires." ,; , Harness uggy blanket and;hobes, All kinds of Buggy and Wagon Material, Iron Fencing Tombstones, Wall Paper, - Paper Hoofing, Windows, Doors, Blinds, etc. I albo guarantee quality and price cu evojlniug I sell. Ask for wstimateh. JAMES H. BA UGH A f4. Rich Square, N. C. 3 La IrO U 03 L y ndJ ui u Lba 1 3 J U3T A3 COOO FO R AD tt LT3. AH HALTED. PRICE GOCtS. O-LATIA. IliS., KOT. IS, XSX' , " sold lass year. 600 botV.ea t,'C-n 'i-fJ?lU,ES9 CHILL. TOMC aod bi ,... tiii-io vrvt already itas year. In ail oantr . .n f It ,(-!. in tbe drag baalneaa, bi.ra L -.noSJ.nrfwiotU4tfc-Tesach naiTersai -53 rTnrrnujrp? aa jrour iuoi. ov" "uij. . t 'A SXST, CAMM aVvO t a purpose Tin? chapel uas Geo. A. Moorf. ILife. News StolberU