THE PATRON AND G LEANER PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Andrew J. Conner, Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.00 per year lu advance. ADVERTISING RATES furnished n applica .ou. A II . intnnnOM TflT Till 111 11 i ii tioD should be written plainly and onlv ou one side of the paper. : ae real name of the contributor must in all cases accompany the com munication as a guarantee of good faith. The editor will not be held respon- sible for the views entertained and o pressed by correspondents. A ddress all communications to the L ATRON AND XJ LEANER, Rich Square, Northampton county, N. C. RICH SQUARE, N. C, MaR.16,18W itW ADVERTISEMENTS. Pensions C E. Davis. Apple Trees T. C Peele Sweet Pa ta toes C. W.Britton Commission Merchant J. VV. Beaton &, Son. ""Plcase mention the Patron Gleaner when writing to ad yertisers. OUK CLUBBING LIST. We, will send the Patuon and Gleaner and either of the follow ing journals, both one year, for the price named: North Carolinian, Farmer and Mechanic, $1.50 Home and Farm, 1.25 Farm Jonrual, 1.10 ; Cincinnati Enquirer, 1.50 Atlanta Constitution, 1.25 - Send order to Patron asu Glea ner, Hick Square, N. C. . . - . . Next week we will oflkr a desir able premium for the largest num ber of subscribers received between now and April 1. Go to work now Ihey needjiot all be sent at once. We cannot say that we approre of the i.ew election law, though we are not fully acquainted with its provisions. , It may be the best that could have been enacted, un der the circumstances. It appears to us that the appointment of the election officers is removed too fat from the people. Tiie Legislature of 1899 will be remembered as a remarkable body in many respects. It contained a large number of able, conscientious men In morals we believe it was high above the average. It is too soon yet lo pass entelligently up on its work, as a whole. Many of -the laws enacted are not fully un derstood. It provided well for our charitable and educational ...... , . , institutions, ana toos a long step forward- in building up the common public schools. It provided for election of llailroad Commissioners by the people, and petitioned Congress to provide for " election of United States Senators by popular vote two very cpm- moudablH acts. Over a thousand bills wer : tnacted into law. It is impOvSsible here to ennmerateall the good acts of general interest. It is to be greatly regretted that it failed to provide for legalized pri maries. Undei new condtti ns this will be an at solute necessity; but we can wait very well for the Legislature of 1901 to do that. New Election Law. The following are the princi- ' pal provisions of the new elec tion jaw. passed by the recent Legislature: 1. That the election fcr State and county officers shall be held oujhe first lhursday iu August aud every two years thereafter. 2. That there shall be a State board of elections composed o five persons elected by the Leg islature for a tei v. of two years. o. mere shall -be a county board of elections cousisting of three persons appointed by the fctate boa ra lor a term of two years. 4. That the State board shall meet in Ualeigh, May 1899, and organize. Other meetings shall ue uB.u un me nrsi iwonaay in A nl or election year. Secia! meetings may bo eailevl wheh necessary. Compensation of board is fixed at four dollars a day and mileae 5. County boards snail up point registrars and judg'-n 0 elections. Members of county board u ay bo removed by slat board; registrars or judges of elec tion, by county boards. b. County board meets firs' Mutiny in May to organize a d dvidft county into pecwti and fix polling places. 7. There shall be a new regis- tration -nejore next eiecuon. Auioug questions asked appli ciut is whether he has listed bis poii for taxation for the cur rent year in which "he applica tion is made and the year next preceding." And if any one shall falsely swear that be has listed hb poll for taxation be shall Ve guilty of perjury; 8 The rouistraticn books i shall be kept open twenty days an j closed on the second Satur day before the election. Ou each Saturday during this period the registrar shall go to trie polling ulace to register voters." There - shall be no registratioe on elec tion day, but cnalleugiug BUky fco J . I L .) y ua tbtf aril Moncay i jmij the county board shall appoint two judges of election for each precinct. 10. To prevent disorder three special officers may be appointed by judges aud registrars of elec- tion. 11 There shall be one ballot for all i he State officers, one for the Justices of the Supreme Court oce for the members of the general assembly, ane for the county officers and ond for the township officers. All of 'tie bal- lots to be n white paper, witb- out device, regulation size- Tick ets in wrong box not counted. 12, The members of the boards of -lection shall constitute the hoard of county canvassers which hall meet ai the Court House the second day after the election, can vass returns and declare the re suit at court house door. The remainder of the act pro- vldes penalties for election offi- cers and makes other general reg ulations. "I Potecasi Lacals. Mr. H. J. Lewis spent Sunday in Boy kins, Va. Mr. Deans, of Suffolk. Va.. was ere a few hours MoDday. The people of this village are ousy preparing for Arbor Day. Mr. W. E Forbes spent Satur lay and Sunday in Murfreesboro II M. I . . I i I. A. - . I 1 xueie ub ueeu ngui uiu.m Muess ueieuuwugtueptiew I . : i i .1 :..i 't.r vveeks. There was a party given at Mr J. R. Bauijrham's last ! ridav night which was trreatly enjoyed oy the young people.. Mr. W. T. ndkins is expect ug to kave for his home in Hert- iord Co, in short, much to the egret of his many f rieuds Some of our people are suffer iur from the effects of vaccina- uon. There ave great many who have not yet been vaccinated Rev. L M. Curtis tilled his first ippointment here Saturday and Sunday and preached two excel ieut sermons. Our psopte seem to oe won Dieased witn our new jasror. tie will preach especial ... v io mevounsr dbod o next sec uid Saturday'. , oi C. B. Clubbinj? Offer. We want oue thousaud uew sub scriptions and renewals dun ie mouth, of March. For this nontb, or until this offer is with Irawn, we will send - Patrol and Glkaneh (weik y) Atlanta Constitution (weekly) larm Journal (5 years, monthly) ill for $1.25. rni -ri t 1 . . rne rarin journal is a montni v V paper but you will get it hve years. Or we will send Patron and Gleaner (weak y) NY-rthCaroJinian Eirmer & Mechanic Farm Journal, 5 years ( noath ly) all for $1. 50. If you Waut all the above pa pers you can have them for $2.L'5 i.jd we will give you the Hotue and Farm (twice a monthVnnM . , j yt ar extra. If you will induce one person not now a subscriber to subscribe ("or Patuon and Gleaner ont eir ue u Ul hiV;4 t!:ft Home ui.u caruj iviue n uiO;iui one year. iud Far a Journal f-no'ithly, fr ave eir) ent. you free ot :narge the ti-w stibscriber c;ij; aire Pat.;on and Gleankk alor. r iu cont.ection witii any 'of our dubbing tiers. 'Ihe above are ihe most liber al offers we ever made. Tne pu ers nee 1 i-.-t all e seut to .sam- t,.idrtss, b it to j iff;t -ill :;t;ro': I rejLe - t.-d , MitSny i cms. Oate. 1 save vou ninutr. -rtr.'i.t iaisi.Catsloaus.rr-- Auiander Lotter Mr. J. L Britton was in town Thursdav. Miss Maude Williford was in town Sunday. ! Glad to have Mr. Booie JDuq- ni'u" in school again. Mr. Wash Mitchell of Powers- ville was in town yesterday. 1 Mr. Jeff Early moved to our towa hast week with his family. Miss Rosa Jernigan of Berk ley is visiting Miss Mamie My- ! " I gTS. Mr. Paul Slade happened to the misfortune of getting his foot bad ly cut. Mr. B. F. White of Murfrees boro was in town one aay last week I Mr. W. E Saunders, of Hex heca mavwd him faxmiiy into town ale. J r ana Mrs. W. A. Brantley Qf ScollandNeck are in town vis iting relatives. ! One of Mr. M. L. Tayloe s ten- ant houses was destroyed by fire hast Thursday . J r Hedgepeth of Rocky Mount nut ia the countrv visiting frinnds las week. Rev. J. B. Newton preached at hue Baptist church here yester day moauing and evening. j Messrs R. J Dunning, Andrew Dunniug. Jr., and Will Cox of Nor Rev L. M. Curtis weut to Jfot PPf,si Raturdav and Sunday to W Wb w - W I hoo-in a nastorate with the Pote rati n i n rr h !! Mr. Chas, W, Parker of Meno a an(j two 0f 0js children were uQ ,lc,c"tc nt nf f.'r. Rnrton vesterdav. i Mr. J. R. White has returned from Releigh where he has Deen . . 1 nr.Iiri;iri firina- the sitting of the Legislature. In Mr S L. Marsh resistor of ' ' w 1 nA .,r.t,r cnant SnndMv with his sick mother. near Auiander, j 9 Mr. and Mrs.J. P. Hohoman were in the sample room one day las: week purchasing their s ring and summer goods. J ; Mr. C. E. Conwell, our dairy man, had one oi his fine cows bad ly injured last Friday on the ISor- Mk and Carolina R. R Two of our teachers. Misses Juli?l Brewer and Ella Early spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Lizzie Mitchell near Powersvile HigherGrammau Class March 13, 1899 Eagleto wn Locals R. R. Bryant, blacksmith, was bidly burned on the 8th. inst. J. A.Speight, Biptist minister, spent the night of 10th. at J, P Smith's. ! Lizzie Peele and Lola Stanley spent the night of the 10th. at J. J, Parker's. Roena Eliott and daughter, An visited relatives ii Roxobel las't gabbath ni- We are glad lo report A. A. Ward, who has beeu sick so iong, so be improving. it at the hot-he of her fiiend, Anui Oopebibd, one nigh' at week. Mazir Smith, luuiner'. of J; i P. Smith, had a b id fall neary Jtwo weeks aio aLd has not b-eu abit to walk since. j We were gud ;o see J. J. Pal - - i ... ker outone day Ktsit week, after oei uiL confined lo his hone; for soaietimeWith grip and rheuina tism, " j The school U Auroia Acddhm is still in a piosp -io is condition. The lext eetiug of ih-. Liter ir ocieiv will be h.-al oil h ven- uig of !he 17ih W. C. Culuiid. Sc. tiad ih.- misfortune to ba thrown from his C irria. e "ot:e day l ist week, j IL fell into a ditch b "the rJhdK!de i!id was severely injurf d. G A. - A.'y i!.t-:h in t Uic: ai'.s;.ys roaily. efi!s;ent, satisfac tory ; prevent a cold or fever. Ci'.re all liver ills, sfck !iai- ache, jaundice, constipation, etc. Price a cent. Th only Pills to talc with Hood Srtparlli 1 ha've been idilicted with rheun.a tisiu for fourteen years and nothing reenieu io gurc any rener. l was able to be around all the timo but ' constantly suffering. I had tried everything I could hear of arid nt last was told to trv Caoinherlain s Pain Balm, which I did.anwasi hrur.ediutcly relieved aud' in a shor: time cUi Ld. i srn' l-appy to sy tht it has not. since returned Josh!:E 1. gar, Gerinautwn, Cal. For sa'e o John UanoLam, iirch Squiit petand of Wood- ft TT A I i k Woodland Locals. - Our doctors are -kept quite busy vaccinating. Mr. J. B. Gnffi uf t ftir his j home at Guilford Ool.ege last! Ihursdav veiDg. : . Mrs. N. W. Britton is visiting her mother. Mrs. Joshua Cope- land, near Rich Square. j Our people have opened their hearts again and are working the road from here to the station. Mr. Cola Vaughau and his sis- j - . fc;,.. C.r,.4t. t ici, iuis i)13uki. .-sj'cui ouuwaj night with Nis Lorei a Vaughan. j Miss Maui- R. Oopelond' will leave Thursday .or Now Yoi k to purchase i.t-r pring stock -ox gomis. Many of our people t tk cd vantage of the oeiutiful weather last week and planted early . ' eiaoie seea. ; Miss Evie Joyner . Vs home from the C. B. P. Institute Sat- uraay. ana Sunday mgnt -ne spent with Miss Lfiiu Jenkins ,s Wo were sorry indeed to hear of the death of Mrs. IS. Blan- chard on Saturday.! We extend to the bereaved iiusba.jd and sor rowing ssters aud brother our sincerest sympathies. Rev. L. M.Curtis,! of Auiander, spent 1 riday night the guest of Prof. JN. VV. Britton ou ms way to fill his first appointment at Pote- casi, He p reached a most nxcel-j leni sermon ou ouuaay iromi Matthew 6: chat ter and 10th .1 verse. Mr. Curtis dined with Air. ana Mrs. j W. Harrell on Sunday. On Wednesday evening at 7:30 Mr. Milo White led tothehvmen I . I -I. fl Hyf I m. iai aner iviiss iviary nryani, me eldest daughter of the late Mr. ni-i.. r . tvt: TVr: : ri oiaue or)aiu. ivna& ivnuuitj Davis was maid of honor and Mr. VViil Parker," of Murfreesboro, &s b st man. The other attend - .! mis were Miss lassie iirvautand hVIr - -Philip White Miss Pauline White and Mr. Henry Jenkins, he bride was Ustcf.illy robed m white, as were also her attend- mts. -Mr. Wiliiaai Livermanper ormid the ceremony, The public school near this ulace, taught by Mrs. M B. Pi r- ris closed last Wednesday uighl the 8th -The exercises, consist- njr of recetations, di5ilosrues class xercises. and tabteaus were ex- :ellently rendered before a large mdiencu, among whom were nany 1 people from Woodland, who say, they were well repaid . j . - - 'for their long pull through the -nud, that they never saw any hing nicer iu an ordinary public ichOol. Many of the children ad never appeared un the stage ;efore which proves what can be ione where there is a will. Mrs. Purvis has been teaching ir. the oublic school for more theu twen- ly five years and knows just howl logain the love of her pupils, 4Dd wheu this is acoornpiisbed it is easy io innuence tuem ana irge them to success. M. J. O, v& S 4V t ii m ii a n ii f zii 1 1 ii ii ii ii m h v (IS II II II II US R v: ft ii ii ii fi h an i1, ft ft ... ,vi ft . . . . , V ft Ihin, pale, anatmic ginsj ft noon a Fattir FaaH In onnrh V? ft 1L LI. -J f 1 V? ft ineir Dioou, give coior iu is iho'tr rhookc anH roinr& f hir & health and strength. It is ft f 1- .... 1L.1 1L... ft suie iv uy luai uiey iicciiiy w all reject fat with their food. ft - - OF COD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPMTES orlMES SODA T It til - W i exdciiv wnai mcv require ; j it not only gives them the im- t in a palatable and easily di-1 J gested form,but also the hypo- $ phosphites which are so valua- J ble in nervous disorders that 1 it j usually accompany anatmia. jj; ? SCOTTS EMULSION isa$ I fatty food that is more easily Z digested than any other form J f of fat A certain amount of U flesh is necessary for health. You can get it in this way. $ We have known per' sons to gain a pound a t day while taking it S5oc. aad $t.oo, all drugghts. . ip SCOTT & EOWXE, Chemists, New York. f J9 1L IL O ( ) M .h. r - mm m .- w m v mm mm s. m n t SENATOR TRAVIS CRITICISED For ills Treatment 0 Petition -jf 11L Constituents A mass meetiug of citizens of Littleton uai held recently, 01 which Rv A. Cree, well and fa- vo rub ly Known iu this county, wus made chairman.) and after speeches by Rev. A. Cree, Dr. Underwood, Rev. J. M. Rhodes and Rev. A R. Goodchiid, thefol- lowing resolutions wete adopted: U'rTin.n... .. 4 lUn a ujrtjjrii ui iu white voters, including the may- or and rn iprity of the board of n utsii oners of the town of Lit tietou, N. C . cktsmng a dispeusa ry iorsaia town aiu memoranze the present Legislature to create such dispensary for said town, and whereas, the said petition was saut o.witeigh, U , by r. It Walker, and by him Jelivered to Mr. E. L. Travis senator from the county of Halifax, with the re quest to present the same for ac tion by said Legislature. And whereas, the aid Senator Travis did not grant that reques?, but treated the petition and petition- ers with i silence and iudiffer euce that savors contempt; there fotre, be it Resolved, That it is the senti- -ynt of this assembly of people that uhe said Senator Travis has baeg unfathfd to the! confidence reposed in him by the voice of his Deonie expressed at the polls hn November last, and; that we rt I t I - j ft. -ard his action iu this matter as i undemocratic and wi thou texcuse. Wake Forest Letter. . - U - - Probably sooe ofj the best speeches we i ave heard in some time wero delivered last n'ght This occasion was what is known us the ,4Senk r Speaking." Six seniors are elected from each so . .;iet.v who delivec oraUonS at a time se: apart by the faculty for ihat purpose. The speakers !as' night were: Mr. ,W. W. Powell, vho spoke " on "The Founder of ihe World." Mr. W. 0. Parker, Jr., on " The Future of South Af riea." Mr. T. D. Savaere, on "The . Movement for Universa.i Peace;" Mr. W. Fry, on "The Usurped Privileges of the Press:" Mr. L l. Vaser. on "The Austrian Prob lem;'" Mr. W. N. Johnson, pn "Hu nan Brotherhood in American Affairs;" and Mr. J. P. Bower.-, on "We are out n he Bay, the Ocean lies before us.' After the speaking the audi once were invited to repair !otne iuizelian Society Hall vvheresev- oral hours of the evening were vhiled away in social mtercours? Base ball and tennis are claim us the attention of those Inter- osted in athletics. The marshals elected for com- mencement are V. C Coffey chief. .(Euzeliau Society) Robert Royall arid J.. D. Moore and T. M Smith, chief. (Philomathesian Society) F. C. Nye and H. C Sears Wake Forest has more stu dents on the roll now than ever b -fore. Nort ampton! hascontrib jted a very liberal sr are. Kev. E- Edwards-, pastor of the Enxrlish Baptist ch ircb at Niners vine, 'a., wnen sunerin wiu rheun:atism, was ac jised to try Chainberlaiu's Pain Balm. He says '"A few applications of kbis liniment proved of great service to me. It subdued the inflamation and reliev ed the para. Should am ufferer profit by giving Pain Bain, a trial it will please me." For sale bv Tohn Buugbam, Kich Square, N Lusker Locals. 1 Mr. VV. A. P; aiKer cuniiiiUes quite sick. He is iu uch ui ine iuue. I !u IjCOUSCIOUS The population o.f Liisker i& 111 oiva&iiig rapidly. We wiJ naVt: .(, Ui .u alier . v hue. i'neie will oe a uieetiui' of oa; v:iuztii touiursow (Thu!d ) uiirui to Uiatie arrantfemenis iu; ArbOi day. iiicUs ana Lass ter have theii uL! ut CleeHSViile couapleleU foi griiKjiug corn ana . wui iari up igaiij' u.uxi Mu-utiay. ; 1 hi' c;jtit.i. acreage it-c t asea u ibis v . tx 1. Oif ie up e . hi uot Ut ciiiily tin. a til plant dS iiucti ou n.uie liiUij usuui Mr ii C iSpitej, who has a tf gU.;vl pOSlltOll With 15 iUUihtr company iu li-awlpft coouiy vncro he ua? Ueeu for -uoiiths, letun.ed to' nia ork asi 6alu 1 uay u lc t ipenuiug a creels ni laajir, here Cure u CId in One Day. i a, c iaxativc Uraujo (aibiue Tablets ill ditiKtjJ-t i,ua4 :a w ii'U fails to "J'kj i'ba scnaija iia L. B. C on iioL I able I The Ex-Slave Pention Mat .. .' ter. The publication last week of be scheme to rob the ex-slaves of this section of twenty five cents ach caused some commotion among- our colored population and came very near causing at least one altercation between the local jromoter of the scheme and qne of our leading colored men. So far as we know this-paper s endorsed by the colored people of the Couuty-for exi osing the scheme, with the exception of the ecal agent anu his immediate con nections. 1 The money collected in this vicinity, with a few except ions, has been returned The jostmaater herr an houorable colored man, has ;u tde. a state ment to us in the nature of an apology for th- Jo al agent, say- ng the ge uhvas ' o recei v e for his services oul 10 of ti e t wenty five cents collecd. the other fif teen being sent to a. pai iu IV u uessee who retains a part, seud nr the balance to still another agent in Washington City, Congressman White i en 'illed to the credit of nippu g the scheme in the bud at this p!ace. Had it not been for his litters so well was the secret kept, the tnonev would, doubtless, have been beyond recovery before t e nature of the movement could have been exposed There appears tobe no d ubt that the geoeral impression amocg the ex -slaves who aid the 25 cents was that by paying that amount they would surely get a pension and bounty. The local agent may have been deceived by the fel- ows in Tennessee and WH-shing- ton. The darkest thing; about it is that the 'clubs" had been or ganized for two or three months, and many meetings held and great euthusiasm worked u bj. fore the members were t id iiit-v were required to pay auytnint'. Sweet Potatoes. I have about 50 Bushels of old fashioned Yam Potatoes, for p!.!t ings, for sale. Call ea 1 1 v. C. W. BmttoN. Lusker. N V WHERE TO BUY. If jou want Sugar, CcfFee. Meat Flour, Meal, Lard, Iiran, Middlings or anything in the Grocery line, at tne lowest casn prices, give rue a call. I also carry a small stock of Dry Goods, Notions, fJaidwure, Wood and Willow ware and other things generally found in a country stor. I keep in stock several grades of Green Coffees as well as Arbueirle's and Levenrings, the best of iioasied coffees. 1 guarantee the price of my Flour to b as Tow as can to I or; hi m ! the quality does notsuit will . j ay you for hauling it from and hack to my store. Mills H. Conn i:n, Rich Scpiarr, N. C. Results Fatally in Nine IS C3S6S Ollt Of T6I1 A Bur3icaI lr 'tions, the sufferer from Cancer finds himself growing steadily Clirfi FOlind 3t LSSt. wor8e ft'd.njn.rer the grave each day and neKU,iio frt'ier prtKf to convince him that this dreadfal diseasH is ly)rK th-! doctor's fikill. Cancer can not be cured hy a Miri-al p..ration, because the dis ease is V virulent poison in thn lkod, circulating throughout thn syetemand although the sore or ulcer known as the Cancer may be cutaway, the poison remains in the blood, and promptly breaks out afresh, with renewed violence. The wonderful success of S. S. 8. in curing obstinate, deep-seated blood diseases which were considered incurable, induced a few despairing sufferers to try it for Cancer, after exhausting the skill of the physicians without a cure. Much, to their delight S. S. S. proved equal to the disease and promptly effected a cure. The glad news spread rapidly, nd it was soon demonstrated beyond doubt thiat a cure had at last been found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has accumulated which is contro vertible, and every citizen of North Carolina can easily verify the fol lowing statement of a resident of their own State: Cancer is hereditary iu our family, my father, a lister and an aunt having died from this dread ful disease. My feelings may be imagined when the horrible disease made its appearance ou my side. It was a malignant Cancer, eating inwardly in such a way as to cause great alarm. The disease seemed beyond the skill of the doctor. for their treatment did no trond whatever, the Cancer crrowinc tCuiC.e uiea ior it, nut the Cancer grew steadily worse, until it seemed at I waa doomed to follow the others ot the family, for I know how deadly Cancer is, especially when inherited. I was advised to try Swift's Specifiers. 8. 8.), which from the first day forced out the poiaon. I continued its use until I had taken eighteen bottles, when I was cured sound and well, and have had no symptoms of the dreadful affliction, though many years have elapsed . S. S. S. is the only cure for Cancer. Mrs. S. M. Idol, Winston, N. C." Our book on Cancer, containing other testimonials and valuable information, will be sent ;free to any address by the Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. I 1 Groat Hissing word Contest. The Patron and Gleaner of. fers anew plan to its subscrih ers who take the Constitut ion in combination offer. We tako pleasure i nan u ;.; , ing a missing word pmhh .j; f our subscribers iu cohimtUm;," with the Weekly Coustitutit Jj of Atlanta, Ga. - This is the ;i tence: "I was Immediately con. scions of the elfect which hs produc d on panions." It is taken from a clmi rnitj living southern ruthor und is of fered to test the knowledge of .our Veoule af their own writers Ti.-. . x missing work is a plain even day En4lish word, not u com pjUl;j wod not a proper oam. and js used in its ordinary accepiion. I'he prize to be given will he 10 percent of all the subscripiious received from contestants by The Constitution. Atlanta, Ga ft nit I . win oe paia oy the Atlanta Col s.titution That paper has pUili : on missing word contests ;ilt:(k nearly $10,000 in cash priz :s. x one party, .Mr M. L. Briuai, was giveu a check for l.O.u;,:.!) for one successful guet s; others have received large sums rang, ii g-from $585 to ove $300 on sitri la r propositions. The contest' to run until April 1, 1899,at whic, time the result will be promptly and properly announced. The Patron and Gleaner and the Constitution both One year for only $125. Every subscriber w jio tf.kes ad vauiage of our clubbing oflVr with Tho Constitution may ent r his'oAvu word to fill the blank in the sentence. It 'must be given to us al the time of the subsenp- tiim sn wn maif fr fvtr ,) ., "J M.J l ! It 1 U l ((J- gether with his order Jfor The Constitution. It is a plain, fair plani aud we leel sure that man; will be intftrested ;;n-i v ;.. .. k up uie voa or miw a shot at it. i'Fhe subscrirjtion orders nn(i(ir this combination offer must -be sent directly to this office and not to Hie Conilitution We will forward everything ourselves. Address PATRON AND GLEANER, Kich Square, N.C. EGGS WANTED. I am in thfl market for Eggs,atid arn anxi us to buy them. I pay cnah v, trade for them,, and make no difT' rt nee in the price, whether yi ; iit 'money or geotls. Mills H Conner, , at Depot, Hicli Sqn.ire, N. C i i r ti )! l it . D arroea.lf ose bowels.cra tnp 5 oi'' cm wit h Dr. David's Pain After months of ineffectual treat ment, iiicludincr nainful aud dance. us MRS. 8. M. IDOL. word all t h wMio Numerous in Y