THE PATRON AND GLEANER PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Of Interest to Farmers The Northampton and Hertford Branch of the Farmers Mutual Andrew J. Conner, Editor and Proprietor. J pife Tnsurance Association offers protection to farrnersar. actual cost. If you have farm property you want insured better place it 1 i the Fa r m e rs M u tuai and thus get your insurance at the lowest possible cost There seems to have been some ittle dissatisfaction on the part SUBSCRIPTION: $1.00 per year ADVERTISING RATES furnUhed J tiat on applica .on. All art.cles intended for publica tion should be written plainly and onlv ou one side of the paper. Tue real name of the contributor must in all cases accompany the com munication as a guarantee of good faith. ' The editor will not be held respon sible for the views entertained and Dressed by correspondents. Address all communications to the i atkon and Gleaner Rich Square, Northampton county, N. C. RICH SQUARE, N. C, Apr. 27, 1899 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Spwin.or Machines. G. VV. " o Grimes. , Millinery Goods Mrs. VV. J Brown. WkxI for Thought Weaver & Lassiter. ' New York Life Insurance Co W. T. Joy ner Agent ' Please AM; U LEA NEB vertisers. Seaboard Letter. Mr. M. J. Stephenson and son Jud spent lsst Sueday with Mrs. Clara Wheeler of Garysbury. Several of our citizens anticipate attending the Bertie Union Meet ing which convenes with Severn Bantist church the 29th inst. 1 - ' .. . 1. .Ml 1 Mrs. T. O. Cummings and child Kenfrow s whiskey aisiuiery 10 ren are sDendine- this eek with cated five miles from Rich Square her mother in Portsmouth while U .ar Eagletown instantly killed Mr. Cummings is attending court the U.S. storekeeper and gauger Thomas tL Jones, and tne ais HORRIBLE EXPLOSIOH- At Heutrow's Whiskey Distillery KUJs Two Men Engine And Boiler Blown into Frag ments , Last Thursday at about 11 o'clock a boiler explosion at B. F. , . f f - m i m wr rm -vt tr trio Q riinct -fin Louisburcr. N. C I t. " -wx - " m - I filial I W I M Am JV f fit MP P nflf r-1 1 i i : . i . I snn was nrocon at thfi timfi . Mr r f ii i nnrcr n pii n k rt- vr 1 1 sirsiiii 1 i r-' " " - Circumsittuuea J. Lam xu ijr pi- - . . t T f.,-f V 71 1 . mant hprp fact Snnrlav nitrht at Uiuutjs was iruiu ueauiui h x. v-., eiindpH that for the best interest meal nere iasi ounaay ni0mai .. .. of course has been pursued. I will statp for the benefit of policy hoid ers in the company that it is well including Miss Cora Keyes spent to look after your own policies -asi ouuuay wuu ..a ur r, iiue iccn parents, Mr. ana Mrs. 10m uar- nr vnnr noichhnr a nolle v on riss near Margaretts villa, Juu J o r- GiveTheBoys an Oppor. t unity. (For the Patron and Gleaner.) Formerly when it was desired to make a mechanic or an engi neer of a boy it was needful to send him to serve three years in a machine shop, otherwise, to ed ucate his hands. Now it is all changed and the first th.utr thought of istodu- Activity in JRlght Doiiiff. The Christian life is not a mere refraining from wrong-doing. It is that of course, or it would not be Christianity But its chief characteristic is activity in right doing. It is a positive life, a pro gressive, aggressive, earnest en deavor to reach h plane of exper ience, a holier development of charater. Our Lord, in all his cate his brains. Off he is sent to j ministry, taught constantly that to a technical school of mechauic- idoctrinvto be of any value, must W. . 1 ! T be transiatea inio aoing. iu Paul's view the Christian life is a race. a "warfare. Tins is, indeed, the natural law of development al e igineeriug, or electrical or whatever branch he may want. The farmers still stick to the n . , 1 1 , t I .l - 1 1 ti u: 1 wan v.-i vpjtr nifi ana nan Dee a ...... .1 a . : u 1 1 rm rnt' u lii 1 uuur. n tin vc uia 1 nnnrt n r titenmnpn vcau ann in me ASbOCiauuu iu " ""M Wo a 6 ' J A man nr.nt hpmmpan iithlPtfl hearers a hue sermon ,ua,1,cu -wuv " bovs learn farm ns bv plowing """" ; Mr. VV. T. Norvell and family a ln nign esteem oy mubo wuu learnea property contrary to the printed rules and regulations of the com pany, furnished each member, and the provisions of the policy. If your property is mortgaged better have it so expressed in the f ice cf the policy. Mr. McCutchin, of South Caro lina, one of the S. A. L relief op erators is attending to the busi knew him. We have nothing of Mr. Odom's family connections, he being a compara tive stranger. The cause of the explosion is unknown. The engine used was an old one. 8 horse power, and ness of the Railroad office in the Pad been a use about 15 vears' absence of agent Cummings. Dr. M. R. Stephensoni accom. panied by his sister, Miss Willie, left for Baltimore, Md., today 11 is me purpuux tu the. former will return the latter ciation to make The engineer was not present at the time of the explosion. He had been away about two hours. Mr. Odom attend iu to both the engine and still, as had been his for some lodiscnmina- f week.ine iatter.will custom- occasionally mention the Patiion tion in tU adjustment of losses remain ac0uple of weeks proba- time, his time not being fully oc i when writing to ad and it will -endeavor, to follow its b cupied with his other duties. boys learn farming their way and catching on to what iittle information they can pick up dropping corn or chasing up and down the rows behind a cultivator or plow. This is some what the way I was raised. The farmers are so oblivious to the advantage of the cdifferent forced to start agricultural col leges to try and force some few of their numerous citizens of the farmer class into getting an edu cation that will fit them for their future life. OUK CLUBBING LIST. Wo will send the Patiion and Gleaner and either of the follow ing journals, both on year, for the price named: North Carolinian, Farmer and Mechanic, Borne anl Farm, Farm Journal, Cincinnati Enquirer, Atlanta Constitution, Sen I order to PlTUON and Glea nek, lticii Square, N. C. rules aud regulations iu settling Mr WT Paean of Franklin A horrible scene was present all losses. '' u ' tMi,airn..un .e CoW ed to the eyes of those who first i v a . Ll OJ V V 1 V CWUU O IT UlUO I Don't fail to pay your asses- man for the well kuown house of visited the scene after the explo ment for we want you and every j .hn k Hurst & Co of Balti- sion- The engine and boiler was Otnftr irOOU larmer IU UttVO U mnra lmH m nnr tnmn SnnHan iuiu naujcuio auu bwi by refraining Irom enervating vices. No cne can grow to be a strong Christiau whose life is a bare negation. Indeed, a man whose sole-idea of Ch ristian li ving is simply not to do. and whose whole effort is to guard himself ., . against falling into temptation is an education mat - , , States have been uau&cl".1J. lis that ne tears, n is essential that the Christian be dilligently occupied with right doicg.or the will find him an easy prey to en ticements. Every Christiau, and especially every youug Christian, should constantly bear in mind At. the present age with all the the thought that activity is the pusb-and drive, and taiunlimit- price of growth and that growth nrnnfirtv insured in thiscomDa-L u ii.Qn tmin tr ko Kaon I terect in every airectior: r - --.f m i i ii i i i ir: i i.rjir i, 1 riii 1 1. iir iifjii i;r,r;ii i ny. The farmer 'needs protec- keDt busy taking lion on his property just as much two days- expects to leave today blown some distance, one of them passea inrougn me top ox a tan tree where part of his clothing ed amount of uneducated labor on the market, tne untrained farmer lad stands but a poor chance. There is no. excuse for rrne any father to turn his children out on the charities and work of life! Examiner, Confederate Veterans' He. union On account of the Confederate .Veterans Reunion, Charleston S. C. May 10-13, 1899. the Sea board Air. Line wi'l sell tickets t0 Charleston an return at ryVe low rates, based on one rent p r mile, traveled. Tickets on sah. May 8th, 9th and 10th. good to re turn until May 21st For information in regard to rates, schedules, &c apply to Ticket Agent or address L. Allen. Gen'l. Pass'r Agent, Portsmouth, Va. New Goods. I have just received a nice stock of N6w Goods that I am selling very cheap for cash or in exchange for chickens and eggs. J. J. Parkeu Lasker, N. C. Corned Herrings. We'are piepared to furnish No. 1 corned herrings at lowest market prices. We have sold large quantities of fish at various poinls in Northampton past sea sons to the entire satisfaction of our patrons," We allow none but good and sound fish to go from pur fisheries. Write us or call on our local agents, who meet all competition. J. E. Capehaut & Son., Eden ton, N. C. A. J. Lassiter, Severr, is n v hft tarmer neeas oroiec- u.,.. i,;. Ar, k oouies oi iue ueau meu weie -J- - - i I tieut uuav lamuK uiucis t-iac uaai. - I i,i . j u . ; .u i v - ii i-. m t ;t i'.i in ii l nv il i m i 11 . vv mi i i sn as the merchant, and the siirns U ...i u ;0 rt;i passed through the top of a tall ; ' lui yjck i j auuig, la cAuccuiugij . " - I hfl rt of the times snow mat ne neeas mnniP hore and ni friends am 1.-60 it at a minimum cost. ,i lira TTt; fr larl to coo Vi i m Better consult me farmers Mr. Geo. W. Rose, who resides Mutual in regard to insuriogfarm near Pleasant Grove M. E, church property. You can get a copy of this couuty , says "he has a photo- the rules and regulations of the ra h 0f himself taken in 1861 in company from T. H. Peele, local Confederate uniform. He don't 1.10! 1.50 1.25 without all the oJucatiou to be or all that he can afford to m. -r . in vu i r urn was leit. it is supposed tnat t"vyL" I T T7I t . rVlom tttqo at tho omnQ at tVio I J- rLUVVlJN Kj Ok'h. L. AINU. time of the explosion and Jones Bismarck's Iron Nerve, Wa9 the result of his splenl'd health. Indomitable will ami tre mendous energy are rot found where geHo- our fish. stomache, liver kntnt-j'S and how-els are out of order- If you. want these Are you in grnd health? Yes qualities and U e success they bring ell U i a is a utcessary condition ue Dr. Kino's New Life Pills. Tliy :' obiain Life .'Insurants and cer- develop every power of ir in in ? iiinl not a reason for neglect- body. Only 25t;. at M. II. Conner iig it. See or w rite V. 'IV Joy- I was reading an advertisement of Rici, square, N. C, rer, New York yfe maik Agent, or A. J Conner, Sec. and It is a very hard matter for a Treas , Rich Square, N. C. person who is working for the One of the Managers public to do his full duty and give entire satisfaction to all, but we Volcanic Eruptions. believe that is wliat our popular Are grand, but skin eruptions rob him collect to whom he gave or loan ed it but wishes to add through the medium of this letter, that the owner of same would confer quite a favor by returning it to at this office. He hopes to Old ZIck. conductor (J. H. Trudeu) on It. & 1 life of Joy. Buckltn's Arnica Salve, attend . the ConTederate Veterans R. road is doing. We have yet to cures tbem; also old, running and reunion in Charleston, S. C. and hear of the first complaint against fever 9ore9, ulcers, boils, felons, wauts to take the photograph hicu. Corn9, wnrta. cuts. Burns with him scalds, chapped hands, chilblains, THE war the authorities at Wash- Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out jug-oil are waging against the in- pains and aches. Only 25c. a box i habitants of the Philippine islands (Jure 'guaranteed.' Sold by M.H co ituuos. Many of our men fire (Jonner, Rich Square, N. C. biiiiiLr killed and wounded- This in hio vnnm nnn man a o a n nttina I " nhamhfrlain 's Colin. Hholpra. and tne ooay oi tne later not oeing so . , . w. badly mutilated. Parts of the Ent erprise recently, which leads me I .a' J r ftnine house were blown so hiffh t .i.-..;i.u..n ,.J mJ KJ Jk J o o tu W1HC bills. x uaii 11 ULU1U11' aav in the air that it was several min- T never used anv remfidv pnnal tr it. utes before they felt to the for colic and diarrhoea. I have irmnnH Snm'p fraffmpnts nf thp I npvp.r had tr nsp mnrA than nnp nr o ' " " " - " o " - - boiier were foubd a mile distant, two doses to cure the worst case At Rich Square, five miles dis myselt or children. WV A tant, the sound and shock of the roud, i-opomoke city, Md. r or wa. -distinfttlv heard sale Jonn Maugham, ttchbquure explosion and felt, aud many were speculat mg as to the cause before news reached here of the explosion N. c. April 25, 1899. "Casli" is the Solution. unholy and unnecessary war should cea-e, and our brave men ordered home. It is time for our people to express thems-lves in no uncer tain tones. Time to Advertise As all Mature is fully aglow We have heard many pe pie re mark during the past month or physician For a business man to say to with Spring attre, lam far bet- the advertising solicitor: "Oh! tar prepared to show all the late goodness, no. It's too dull to ad styles in Spring goods than ever vertise t now. Wiit until times before. A call will fully prove to pick up a little,'' is t quivolent to .you that my stock is i.p tod - te i verv sick nerson savins to a ard 'orices lo suit tlie h-ird times 1 -J D 1 North Carolina Teachers Assembly. lhe loth anuuil sessior of tht isorin Carolina leacners asmjui- irl si!rM?i "i "i n't'rit nan gti 'i i Ca ?! n ilf rie" held at Mb re head Cit in. v., j u ne ioiq io iyin mis year. New Justices ofVthe Peace. A programme of unusual interest The last Legislature appointed is being prepared, and will soon d bllUlllU iron Poitt, G bait ';". so best Kariu tery Fences, Gatet, etc. I. J. M. WYNN & CO., Murfreesboro, N. C. For Bargains in General Merchandise, Prices and goods will please you. si DULY Oh! no, doctor, I two tha team is in an unusual bail oau't take any of your medicine fix for the time of year. The rea- now. I'm too sick. Wait until I soii ior mis is not nani io nuu. oct uci, uu.uicu x n iaie u. It is on accouut-of the bad roads Vhen the patient gets well if he tiirough which they 1 ave had to go 5Vr does he will not be in; need tho past winter. To keep the roads- of medicine. The best time to advertise is whe" the ueed of It has been fully, proven that a cash store is the place for bar gains. Call early. John Baugham, Rich Square, N. CJ the following: Justices of the Peace for Northamptcu County, for a term of six years: Gaston N. D. Wilkius B. M. Pugh, J. H. Crew. Seaboard Willie Reed. Occoueechee Edward Garlick, Jno. W. Taylor, Robt. Ransom. Jackson Edwin Wright, J. T. Peebles, J. S.Grant Rich Sauare Eliiah P. Outland there is three dollars per day. A be issued in a handsome 16 page folder and mailed to all the schools of the State, and to alt who may apply for it. The rail road rates for this occasion will be one fare, and even less, and tne eiesrant Atlantic Hotel at Results Fatally In Nine in bad condition' is a heavy burden on our farmers. It cost us much more to keep bad roads than it would to keep them in fair condi- tiou. Aulander Letter. Mr. W. S. Pritchard of -Windsor FX C. Edwards. Roanoke Geo P. Burgwyu. stimulant is greatest, and that is wasiin town Sund.vy. Kirby--J. T. Parker. when business lias kin. is dull. F. J, Theiie is a great in the appearance of the town, villa ges and country near the Seaboard roau auu us oraucues since me l nuustriat uepai oi tne road wns orgauized. Great pro gress iu adding toihe health, com fort and happiness of the people hav(Tbeeu made. We are intense ly North Carolinian in our seuti ments and prejudices, too, if you will but we welcome brains and inouey to aid us in developing oui resources makes no diflferauce from what point of the compass they come, nor from how far. Third Prize Goes to Woodland t'roi. in. v . Ljruion, frinei i of Woodland High School, sent us. lliH' largest -. number of sub scriptioas b 'tween April 10 a d 20, and therefore has won, the ropy of ' Lives of Distinguished .North Carolinians" we t.ffared to the persou seuding the largest number during that period The lirst was won by J. W.'Britton.ol Suubeam. V;i.. who 'sent'Spthe second by Prof. J. B. Newton, of An lander Academy who sent. 5. Mid the third and last by Prof. Brirton who sent 7. U Tiier? was not as much rivalry i.i ihe contest as we expected. Wo ' fiuppose the reason is that mo-it everybody in the territory where th! iuper circulates weiv s'.i Ws;Tihers already. Too boo'cs will no v b forward od o tlie gentleman named abuv direct from tlie publishers a R iu igh. Cure a Cold iu One Day. Take Laxative Brouio Quiniue Tablet AH druggist refund money if it fail to ire. 2vJ. Taa sfjmina ha L, B. Q. on actablet " ilSADY FOR BUSINESS And offer to tho public a whole store full of bar gains My silk depart ment is compile iu all its details. My Dress Goods department can't be surpassed this side pf New York. John Baugham. .New And Ch3ap Groceries' We do not claim to kep the larg- . est stock bi't we do claim to meet all competition i:i poods iu our line which includes most everything kept iu a first cl-iss grocery store. We sell Meat, Flour, Pure Lard, " Susrur, Coffee at a small margin of prufit. When iu need ofanytbiiig iu the grocery line, if you want a little to go a loug way, call on ,: T P. BAUGHAM & BUG., tticn Square, N. C. Miss Ma id Wiiliford was on a visit to her aunt, Mis. A. J. Dun ning. last Thursday Miss Lizzie Mitchell was iu Au lander last week Mr. Will Burden of Windsor was here one day last week. Miss Pauline Vanu, a former student of this institution, but n w of C B. F Institute, was home on a visit iast4week Misses Bessie and Irene lay !oe sput Friday with their s ster, Mr. M. L. Tayloe. Miss Edna Vanghan, a student of Aulander school, went to see tier mother last Thursday. Mr. IS. E. Marsh ol Y uton was n u viit t hi.- people Saturday. Our teacheis in comi-an) with Kt v. L. M. Cur:!s, Mrs. A. Y. 0 0 0 After months of ineffectual treat ment, including painful and damzeroui flKPQ flllt nf Tpn A surgical operations, the sufferer from U(KB& UW UI 18,1 A Cancer finds himself growing steadily RlirR Ffllinrl flt Iflt worse and nearer the grave each day and uuic ruunu ai Ldoi, need8 no further prof to convinc him that this dreadful disease is beyond the doctor's skill. Cancer can not be cured by a surgical operation, because the dis ease is a virnlent Morehead has made a special rate systemand although the sore or ulcer known as the Cancef-may be to all who attend of one dollar cutaway, the poison remains in the blood, and promptly breaks out per day. The regular hotel rale at resh, with renewed violence. xn wonaenui success ot to. fc. fc. in curing obstinate, deep-seated blood -diseases which were considered incurable, induced a few despairing sufferers to try it for Cancer, after exhausting the skill of the physicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S. 8. proved equal to the disease and promptly effected a cure. The glad news spread rapidly, and it was soon demonstrated beyond doubt that a cure had at last been found "Teachers' Bureau" will be run in connection with the meeting this year offering an opportunity to all who besire to secure better positions, and change of locations This will be free to those who at- tend. Every effort will be made for deadly Cancer. "Evidfin ha to make this the greatest pro accumulated which is incontro- fesional gathering of teachers ""w. na every citizen ot JNortn ' 7 II A lr linn . I r i 1 1 l j 4i c? . v, .1- i . voiuuun easily veniy me IOl- held in the South thisyear. Man3 lowing 8tatement of a resident of leading teachers from eyond our their own 8tate : borders have already written "Cancer is hereditary in our that they will be present T'he family my father, a sister and an Sts t rrion features sXiwt will be of the best. imagined when the horrible disuse All North Carolina teachers madey its appearance on my side. I Babies and children need proper food, rarely ever medi- ? cine. If thev do not thrive ion their food something is 1 Ud their friends shou.d not fail Zf maliynnt Cancer, eating wron5. They need a little to attend; ail others who desire to ' T3 help to get their digestive j macninery worhing propeny. i Oil I ii W Earlv, Z L. iainl of COD LIVER OIL Wmi HYPOPHOSPHITES of LIME, SODA SOLID FACTS. Oar buyer, Mr. E. J. Gay, Las return ed from the Northern markets where he selected the best stock of goods uited to this country that a long- experi ;'ce in the business has taught us the peo , ie of the county demand. In selecting our goods our buyer had iu mind those who vai;t the cheapest aud plainest goods as well as those who purchase .he finest fabrics, so none need stay away or fear we cannot supply their wants. VVe make a sjieciaity of Ladies Dress Goods, Clothing aud shoes, iu factoui stock is complete iu every department and we earnestly invite you to call and x:.niiue same- Our salesmen 'will take ileusure iu showing you our goods and fining you prices that will vlX all com K-uiioj. WEAVER & GAY, Jackson, N. C- Swill generally correct this difficulty. If you will put from onc er. Friday here. j ,b...cb extendi a call to Rov. E. I I chlldren fr0m Mf to I ! . a.. c.i j.: , a i i J. Hairell. of Louisville Theo'ogi- ,al Seminary, tosnpplj as pastor ! : he balance ot the year. j Rev. L. M. Curtis filled his reg-1 alar appointment at. Severn list ! Sanday, where he has c mmenced is pastor. Rev. J. B. Newton preached at Pleasant Grovo Saturday and hinn ly a:i,l at Au'aaderB iptist church d nigh'. Higher Grammar ' lass. April 25, 1899. i an .v. J. j Bure, and JE. L. lice atteude 1 th ' j Bert:e - eachers- Association last ! Friday. They report a large at-! tendance, a good meeting and a I very able uddre-s by Mr. J. W. Bailey, Editor of Biblical Ilecord-j fourth to half a teaspoonful Mr. Bailey was to speak here I jn baby's bottle three Of four I night, but failed to get tirriM a dav vou will non a marked improvement For visit the seaside this year will beyond the skill of the doctors, find this the best opportunity for thair treatment did no good . - .... i a - m. - they will have, both as toco - and enjoyment. The officers oi the Assembly extend a cordial invitation to the public generally ta join them in this great 'gather ingof the teaching profession in North Carolina. 'b MR8. 8. M. IDOL. wnaierer, wie oancer growing worse all the while. Numerous remedies wert used for it, but the Cancer grew steadily worBe, until it seemed that I was doomed to follow the others of the family, for I know how deadly Cancer is, especially when inherited. I was advised to try Swift's Specific (S. S. 8.), which from the first day forced out the poison. I continued its use until I had taken eighteen Douies, wnen l was cured sound And wot 1 an A harra. UA . W1J 1U rtf ih Msdfnl .V , UKJBJUiyiOlUB Accommwla- 7. tuZ Zl?T.l"u many years have elapsed. S. S. S. i La ulio uuiT cnrn Tnr i antai. 1 1 n a lr r nr. - . .. tions will be arran-ed for t. .n. u u - A- . - idol, Winston, JN. U." . , - . 'ywy u vuoer, containing other testimonials and valnahla housand people. The Secretary information will be sent free to any address by "tte Swft this year is W. Tt Whitsett. Whi- Company, Atlanta, Georgia, J 1 pe m sett, N. C, from whom copies oi inc iissemoiy folder may be had m m m f a teaspoonrul, according to 1 age, dissolved in their milk. if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish- ? ing power. If the mother's 1 milk does not nourish the 1 I baby, she needs the emul sion. It will show an effect fat once both upon mother f l and child. 50c nd f 1.00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. t 1 II II II II "A word to the wise is sufficient'' and a word from tne wise should sufficient, but you ask, who aie the wiser lhose-who know. The oft repeated experience cf trustworthy persons may be taken for knowledge .vir. v. 31. lerry says Chamber lain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other in the market. He has been in the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for twelve years; has sold hundreds of bottles of this remedy and nearly all the other cough medicine manufactured which shows conclusively that Chamberlain's is the most satisfact ory to the people, and is the best. For sale by Tohn Baugham, Rich Square, N. 0. New York Life In.QIIMllPO rArrin'ititr INSURANCE IN FORCE, $944,000,0U0. ASSETS, $216,000,000 SURPLUS, '$38,000,000. New Insurance written and paid for in 1898, $152,000,000. Policies in New York Lite are incontestable f niu d;uc 4jf j:;Sue. Have provision for Loans at 5 . er cent interest per anuum. Extended Insurance or paid up value after second y a r Are unrestricted as to occupation, residence, travel, habits of life, or cause of death, Insurance written on every desirable plan. There are Many Good Life Insurance Companies. There i ButOre Best Life In suranceO-mpany A postal card with address and ae (nearest birli.dayJillbnMHhf.nmation: Addrees W. T. JOYNER, Agent for Eastern N. C. 1- r, OALVLURG. N.C. i '

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