1 j' s ee r&mm Mo 1 LEAN'EE . V 1 Ci'MK 8 RICH SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1899. SUM TOR 20 II I J RUCS 1 ft 115y with a in Do you get up headache? Is there a bad taste your mcuth? Then you have a "poor appetite and a weak diges tion. You are frequently dizzy, always feel dull and drowsy. You have cold hands and feet. You get but little benefit from your food. You have no ambition to work and the sharp pains of neuralgia dart through your body. What is the cause of all this trouble? Constipated bowels. j' will give you prompt relief V and certain cure. Koop Your Blood Pure. If you have neglected your case a long time, you had 'better take Aner's sarsaparilla alst). It will" remove all impurities that have been accumulating in your blood and will greatly strengthen your nerves. Wrlto tho Doctor. 'I here uiiiy l- sotm-thiiiR about your caw vou lo not nuim uinli-r-Ht:inl. Woto tin- lf.-t(n fr i-i ly : tell It 1 tit how von are. siillerm. Uu will promptly r--ivf thu hist medical ad v ire. ' Address. Xr. J. C. Ayer, 1oweil, Mass. Job Printing, J. H. Parker & Co., Wood land, N. C, are now prepar ed to do your Job Printing at low rates. i I Used to Kill Hirds. !l used to kill birds in ray boyhood, ; Bluebirds and robins and wrens, I hunted them up in the mountains, -j . I hunted them down in the glrns," I never tnougnt it was siniui I I did it only, for fun ! And I had rare sport in the forest With the poor little birds and my ' gun- .' ' I i But one beautiful day in thespring j time, I I spied a brown bird in a tree, Merrily swinging and chirping. As happy as bird could be; And raising my gun in a twinkling, I fired, and my aim was too true; For a moment the little thing flut tered. Then otT to the bushes it flew . I followed it quickly and softly, " And there to my sorrow I found, Right close to its nest full of young ones, , The little bird dead on the ground! L'oor birdfes! For food they were calling; But now they could never be fed, For the kind mother bird who had loved them Was lying there bieedingand dead 1 picked up the bird in my anguish', I stroked the wee motherly thin That could never more feed its dear . young ones, , Nor dart through the air on swift wing. And I made a lirm vow in that mo ment, When u y heart with such sor row was stirred, That never again in my lifetime Would 1 shoot a poor innocent bird Our I)umbAnimals. : FIGHER EDUCATION- What tbe University and the Nor mal College Cost the State of North Carolina Annually. The regular annual appropria tions to ti ese two institutions is $50,000. Each receives fl'o.OOU. If collected per capita, this would amount to les than three cents a year to each inhabitant. If paid by adult men and women each would have to pay about six cents a year, V BSOUUIEIV feuRE mo. twtM powoea eo., ew will expire January 1, 1903. '.Toe above is a brief outline of Judge Clark's political career. A mere list of offices held by a man is an index to the esteem in which be is held by the public and the people's esteem does not How far in one direction unless there is a aghet to draw it. The most powerlul magnet is a regard for i-e people's welfare aud the courag-j to speaK in their behalf. regardless of criticism, fearless of results. This Judge Clark has done and is'doing. - Though just reaching the years of a man's mental prime, he is. perhaps' the most prolific writer in the $tate. His legal works are 'Clrk's Annotated Code,' - . T XT T.-,-I-,-.-rN st v- " r r OrruZ Cases " The opin- All these children might, by work coo.ribute anything to the sap "Overruled Uases. ine opin- ..u,i .n,;.,.;An.i nniinm w.. u;m ,i.m tho UDgat any remunerative empioy- pm t ui .uc ucuuiu.u. v....e. ions W rilieu uy uiui uui mo , . , , tpn vears he has been on the Su- rM-omo honfh would fill several Mas L,.,, .Komi, Tn iit day of May. iay the entire bill Makes the food more delicious and wholesome PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING C him to find some one to relieve ifs all of that burden. If he says he is unwilling to pay his part of th the cost of a cheap cigar tax, point out to him the small- .. .. i . or a half yard of cheap ribbon ness of it and how easily it can o If paid by the 600,000 children of paid. If he thinks it udwise to school age, each would need "to make any contribution for what pay about eight cents the price he is- pleased to call higher educa of a good top, less than the price tion, '.ut that every cent given of a select 'taw' not to men- should be for elementary educa ;tc voino in fhawino- crnm tion. tVcu vou might refuse to ment the two hours from break to school time on the first he has translated 'on But the tax f?r this PurPose l in interesting erature, stant Memoirs of Napoleon, three volumes, an and valuable, but almost forgot ten work, which he picked up in Paris. He is, under the State s aus pices, editing the North Carolina Slate Records, ot which ne nas collected and issued six folio vol umes and has three others in Molasses T have ;i lot of very line home made Mo 1:,, for salt' "chean. (Jive ita trial and you will be pleased. M. H. CONUElt, Uich Sipiare, X. C Horses and Moles. If vim aut a good Horse or Mule v..ul i).' well to examine our - i. , t-i. I)ii viii'.-. Ve tr" tu i .......... on: cusuniifi . Pendleton, N. C iiitMe JUDGE WALTER CLARK; for Which he will probably be ask ing aid. However, do not do this, but g'ue him double four fold. It will be a good invest- naid entirely by property, and ment, ana one never iu u iegiv. mQCC .nf tha nponlp nav littlp ted. North Carolina Journal of or nothing to support of these Education dreadful state-aided institutions. The man who pays only a poll tax nnntrihntps nothinsr. The man lUtPd at 100 contributes less ners stepped into the office of hi thnn two cents to the two institu- somewhat crusty uncle, who was tions A two cent postage stamp engaged in the practice ,.f law. will more than pay his debt to ."Well said the old gentleman, both The man listed at $500 con 'now that that you are out of col- G citing Started. The young man with mild man TOKEN OF ESTEEM The Citv Councilor Newport News, Vat Present J. A Buxton A ' Beautiful Cane. Our former countyman, James r l a r T . V. LJUXion, who weui irum otv;tx. son to Nevviort News, Va., about four years ago, is one of the first citizens of Newport News. His high character, integrity and bus iuess qualifications were at once r coguized by the people of that '.ustling city. He has held numerous- positions of honor und trust in his church, on the school board, and the city council, hav ing just retired from the presi dency of the latter. At the reg ular meeting of the council Juu 20, 1899, Mr. Buxton was present ed with a beautiful cane by hi For Barb Wire Cut. ScraU .: Saddle and Collar Galls, Cracked 3 Hums, OU1 Sores, Cuts, Boils, Br. Tilc-i and all kinds of inflimmati, .. snaa or beast. Cures Itch and Ma:;, r.e prpTd lor accident by kwplng U in hji-.o r tab!e. All OruggUU It OB 0r r " V Cure, H9 Py. l'rce S ct. and M J Hr . .-t Jo "C4 keep tt end u? a ct. ift 1 -t32cTtaiap abJ wc will lenJ it to you b n.. viHft.-rtui.itctD. sJI b.ruly wcomm..I !. CABY BURNED. Cer.lUmr. -Ism Pll lo ?J2!J?": Si . u. i .i f iiirriCTruB t PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOOS, MO. fx preparation. He has given sev- ibutes less than ten cents; one lege, what are y outgoing to do for eial years to this worts which is pcycrs sold to thu traveling a living?"' " wOD 1 WallPaoer 1 hav soverrVstvlcsof Wall Paper n bi . sell choap. Inch 1 will . II. CuSNKU, Kich StiuarL-, N. C BREEZY FLY FAN. lut one over 'your t able to avoid the teiulaney to use ugly words when the tlics are crawling over you r food . no dtillar oaeli f . U ti rimes, M uri'reesboro, N. 0. To poultry Kaisers. Keep your ptultry .healthy aud make theniproli table by feeding them liusfs Kgg Vro ducer and ti round Oyster Shells, for aie by M. 11. Connf.i:. Rich S(uare. X. C J. W. Beaton &r Son. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS 'JIT County Street. Brief Sketch of His Life and Public Ser vices Work lie is Now Doing- Judge Walter Clark vas born iu Halifax county, i. U., August l'J, 1841). His father was General David Ciark, a wealthy Roanoke planter, and his mother had been Miss Annie M. Thorre. At the breaking out of the -Civil War he was at Tow's -Military xVcademy at Hiilsboro. In the spring of 18G1 he entered the army in L'e u grew legiuicuiui the age of 14 years. Before he was sixteen he was First Lien tenactand Adjutant of .the regi ment commanded by Col. Matt W. Ransom. At seventeen be was Lieutenant Colonel of the Seventh - North Carolina Regi ment, the youngest officer of his. rank in either army. He was iu many battles and surrendered with Johnson's Army of the West at High-Point. During one year of the war. his regiment being ordered to North Carolina to recruit, he res-igneu, entered the University at Chapel Hill August, 18G3,(havicg kept up bis studies in camp), joi:ang the Spnior (Mass. and sjraauaxeu at the head of his class June 2, 1864, Judge Augustus Van Wyck, lata candidate for Governor of New York, and W. A. Uuthne were among his class. matos. The day 'after his graduation. lie was elected Major of the J un ion Reserves and a few days later w a s p i o m o ted to Lie u te u a n t C o lo nel. ' At the close of the war he stud ied law with J udge William Home Battle, also at Columbia College, Washington, D. C-, and in a law office in Wall Street.; New York. He was admitted to the bar in Juue, 18GS. In 1673 he moved to Raleigh and in January, 1674. he. a labor of love for which he re ceives not a cent of compensa tion He also has in preparation (on the same terms) the volumes of "Regimental Histories of North Carolina in the Civil War," published by State authority. He is also writing a School His to rv of North Carolina. He has contributed probably a half hun dred articles on divers subjects to the leading magazines Har pers, the Arena, North Ameri car. Review and others. These works show Judge Clark to be a thinker, a scholar, a maker ot literature, pre-eminent in North Carolina Annie G. Randall in State Normal Magazine. euce. ruo or can "if ui Fork, P. O. Jackson, N C. (I. T. Jkhnhiun. Si'KeiAi.rn.s Uunbs, aiut Ua-.iu lv'fs, Chk'k cinds of Stock. PORTSMOUfH-- - - VIRGINIA. 1 1 e fe r e n ce -1 Vi ' pU? 's 1 Ja nk. peddler in March will pay his "I guess ill study some more part The man listed at $1,000 and adopt the profession of law." a-rich man in most communi- "That's . riiht," was the ironic tioc navs loss than twentv cents rioinder. ''Go ahead and have tr J j Hens sell at thirty cents a piece your own way. Don't you take in Greensboro in March and auy advice. 1 thought we had a April, and country butter at twen tak about that the other day. I ty-.five cents a pound. Might not to yOU profession is over the prosperous man, with bis croW(je(i DOw. But yon won't be large family to educate and de ylQ m of course. You've got to pending on the ln'elligence ana ahead and put in a few years prosperity of the people of the finding oufc for yourself." whole state for his own pros pen- i;Pm wilijng to taiie advice" re ty might he not wisely give the pUed tbe uephew mildly.-he entire cost ofone pound of butter, fect that I'm trying to take all or, even, of one hen, rather than the j jan . wben have these institutions close their - me tQ ye the idea of prac doors: Lniy inose oue ui tww in a hundred who are listed at $5,000 or more, pay as much as one dollar a year to these iustitu tions. Three fourths of the tax-pay- ers are nsieu ai icssiuau icu cents. Nine, tenths pay less than twenty cents. It should also be understood Sunday School Convention The next session of the West Chowan Sunday School Conven tion will be held at Buckhorn Ju ly 23 30ti. inclusive. The follow i g is t'Le piogram: Ttitroductory sermon, S. P Bristowe, alternate D. Cale; Sun- triat not on cent of the money day sermon J. A. Speight; alter for the support of these institu nate J. C. Mizzell PRACTICAL SUBJECTS 1st. The Sunday School as a missionary agency in pioneer M. Curtis. In KOOtVu developing young people Ws P. Shaw. In bringing the uncon verted under the influence of the gospel P. S. Vanu. 2nd. The Sunday School as a factor m moulding and preserv ing Tinhiir'. morals R. D.-Ste- r nhenson and E. J. Harrell t C . . Ua T, ih 1t tions comes irum tue un i school fund. It is appropriated from the general fund, and is paid -by the property holders for the benefit of themselves, their neighbors and the state. "It is an application of Chistiantty to government," and certainly the burden is not heavy on any indi vidual. Have you felt unwilling to bear your part of this burden? Look x O ... U n at your tax receipt. ou wuai property you p ly tax on, and cal 3rd. The comparative relation culate your part in the 50,000 u rirtvin!il tpfl.p.hinp'a and nrKir.Vi th state nav these L i ecu u vw-w - o n utuu i v other instructions in our Sunday schools. Then try to form som School lessons l aul Long and estimate of what you owe direct- Elder Chitty. -' ly and indirect! to these great 4th. The Sunday Schoo', in institutions, sendir g into every relation to Christian Educa nook and corner of U:o state, year ;ion John C Scarboro. As et alter year auu g-u fected by Christian Education generation, a constanisi.ream ui ITnomasGillam. educated, . cuuuicu uiCU qqa7 what men. to become lead rs in iouu societv. in industries, - its 5tii. 9415 and New AndChsap Groceries .. Vo tlo not to kivp.-thc UitV'- et stock but we do vluim lo l ulU-ompctitioniuooas in our hue rnxvry sion. l-'lour. l'urv ui'" iinuil nuu'i-nu oi whu-h nu kept in a tirst class Vc sell Meat ,i.r.,r. Cotl'co at a s . i . .i ii t lilli f Wlicn in r.eou ot .iu i...-.- tino, if vou wiiui a ill on pro tit. in the irroivry r.ttl, to iro a loiiiT w;iy T 1. HAt'CHA.N . lKO .. morris) Knui. the onlv aaujm aoes ims. uiuau " ter of Hon Wiliiam A. Graham. I going to do about it U. D Cross In lbSl he was the lay delegated N.W Brttton. from the Methodist church in! Gth. Relation of our Sunday ,,lic cfa1. to the Methodist! schools to our organized Sunday l 11 l Rich SquaiV, N. C. Millet Seed. 1 haveHUstreceivedacliok-tf lot ol S.mtherngr..-n G enuan Millet seed Southern grown Millet is far supe ri.,r both in quality and yield o. o.oduet, to Western or Northern Inown seed. They eost little mor bant but i sett tueiu ui World's Conference in London. He used that opportunity to trav j ol extensively in Europe. Ten j years before he had crossed his own tontiueut, hav'ug gone from i he East to the Pacitic cuast Twice since 16S1 he bus beeu u : delegate tu tne Genvral Confer- euce of his Church. I , 163 he w:u,- appointed b.v Gov. Scales J udge of the Su peri- school work J. R, P. Thomas. B. Newton and C. W.Scarboho, for Committee. eU ctt d by the u 159 he Wheat in Halifax Scotland Neck Commonwealth For a number of yeais these col uains have carried the almost weekly message of the editor t f this paper to the farmers about raising home supplies. Among other things e iave uigea me in the - . - A 1 - schools, in the churches, in ine state and in the nation beacon lis: a thousand lesser fires are kin dled in ill parts of the state. When you have made both calcu lations, balance thf account in an honest, businesslike way, and see if the investment doesn.t pay After this, when some one asks you to oppose the policy and holds forth vociferously against u as the sum of all villianies,.ask him to sit down quietly and show yov ticing law, I went to a friend who is a civil engineer. He said my general education oughttogive me a good foundation for any profess ion, but he advised me to let civi engineering alone. He said there were too many in the business now. He said commerce was the thing for a young man to try.and be give me the addressof af rieng of his who keeps a drug stored The druggist said that l couia go through a college of pharmacy- without any trouble but he wouldn t advise me to do it. as there were as mrny people tn tht business as it would stand. He asked me why I didn't take up medicine. I thanked him for the hint and went, to see our family physician. He told me that it was an exacting life in which the nercentasre of eminent success wa-small. In fact, he said that there were more physicians now than thprft was Dractice for. He had heard me sing and asked me if I had never thoughtof .acareer in'mnsiR. I went to see a mus cian and he tried my voice. "He wasn't as geutly consider ate as the others. He siid there were nunu reus ui pio "' better voices than rfiine looking for work. He thought I miht make a good brick layer, or something of that kind. So I hunted up a bricklayer and talli ed it over with him. He said the Millwright if your grist mill is out of repair fellow members as a slight tokei, i am prepared to put it m tirst-elass nf thmr fidPPtn. We codv the loi oruer. nae uuu j.v,),.. lowing from the Dail Press ot Newport News: Just before adjourning Coun cilman Ford appeared with a ttt. nwTvr.KSlTY beautiful gold headed cane whicl Qp he presented to Captain Buxton J0RTH CAROLINA in the following words: Widt si j ai nuiai;' and ful!t "Mr. President: On behalf of tqllipmpnt it) lls history. Kft.-ul- these gentlemen,, your fellow ty alu.uents, 4t:; U A.-.Amtc, members of this council, itaffordf- courses; 3 Kiectiv't courses;'! pro me intense pleasure to state thai fessio, al schoolc, in Law, in Med- they cannot permit you to retire iriDe aua i .- Pharmacy. New to private life without a direct ex buiicJi us. water works, "splendid pression of their esteem and re libr,ries, laboratories, tVc. gard. Advanced classes oeu t wo- "I am requested on their part m Tuitiuu 00. a year; board to present to you this cane as u a montn. Amploopportuuity very slight token of their appro- for seif help. Scholarships and ciation of the aamtraDiy ana ln;infi f thf. nfCciv. Free tui- praiseworthy manner in which lioQ for t, uchers. Summer schi ol you have discharged yourresiwn for tliaciiers l instructors-, 1 17 sible duties appertaining to you? stlujt,nts. Total enrollment tVH. position. Your high character, por cataiogue address, integrity and zeal have not only . Puksidknt Aldfuman, wou esteem and confidence of the Chape'. Hill. N. C i - Hprs of this council, but 1 do not hesitate to say, thai "fOLLO W THij you have won the the confi dence of the citizens oi this municipality in the dis charge of your official duties as president of this council. With this souvenir, let me, on the part i of these gentlemen, wisn you health, happiness and prosperi ty FOOTSTEPS OF THE WIS. Ar,,l von will l' lo "Woodland Racket Store" , h exam'u.e hard ware some if which is below manu facturers prices, sueh as talle .lfnivpt :ind forks. wnd and bone Capiain Buxton responded feel handles a,c to i.2:; od.l nives Zi ingly, thanking the councilmen u:i:t(.. 8t.t nickle silver T-'dwt ?t. for the token of their esteem, &a set; teasixions :5 to t."c set ; tablo ing he knew it was prompted by Upoons 5 16 '.': m-i, razors bestqtial- the kindest motives, springing ity f i.ju eueaper i.e, - from noble and generous hearts 19c: files from :j U l.',c; curry combs He then spoke of the arduous du to 10c: augur bits l(.c; Ucks very lies- which the council had had t0 cheap, bed musters ,c sec; hutt i . . hinees 4 to 10c; Thompson s clinch fulfill in the past, and congratu .'J witU lated the council upon uie aj .u . if.,ur,. . ..w lc .M.M1 111 ' 1 I ' o-ifh- iicture wire i aud yards: charged. He complimentea screw driveH, an(r 10c; bradawl gracefully he city clerk and com an(J vhA boxes (10 to set) 25c, wood monwealth's attorney, and c'osed en tooth picks 5c package; heavy with thanks to the council for the wrenches 2.V to .i."c; wool screws- courtesy that had ever extended l to :ic dozen; carpet tucks l)c dozen; to him, especially since he had papers; double pmted 7. for Jc; tna rone Hi varus uj uuuvm- i-, been the presiding officer. The council then adjourned un til Thursday night Immediately after the adjourn ment, the councilmen individua ly. and everyone elsein the house. klc a. bricklaying business was ovei hts, central fires from which "c f. f. r . th- , UlUWUCU uuva - a man with my training would be a lawyer So I came back here, and I'm willing to start in and go to wor studying with you, or go through the list again, getting more ad vice, w hiche ve r you thi n k proper." Philander Johnson in Washington Star. A Fkioii tkul Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn just exactly what is the barm if scaidf cut, or bruise, liucklen's Arm " - - i L :li the people of a state nae ouu Cft alve. the bes: m me worm, n Carrlina, with few rich men to kili the iain and promptly heal it ondnw her schools and colleges tures old-sores, fever sores, ulcers mere to tlu )ice you s.-M. Wh oi Con i und was p, ople the iiex: year. wut j . inted by bov the Supreme Court and hp tbfi neoole the next year, ou u-.u i n, rsait oi the purchase both occasions leading the tirketj. ninfih flour from abroad. ; ci pie of self help is wrong, ask Unner n lb94 the Democratic v&rty F wle to j f.irmers to raise wheat and save! wish thus to endow them from boils, felons, corns, all skin eruption i elected commmty ihe great ;dr,im year to year by their own contri- Best pile cure on earth. Only 25c a year, ou j . . h -ig the resa;t ol the purchase bu tions. If he rep ies the prin- box. cure guaranteed. Soul by M. H Gi'ht day clocks usual .price $2 'l our price screen door hinges just the thing for summer; U-sides hts of other things in the hardware line. Come and examine lor your selves and don't forget Millinery a came forward and bade Captain howest prices in the world. Buxto'n an official farewell, con- ratulating him warmly upon his tine" record as 3 presiding officer and extending their best wishe? or his fu'ure health, happiLess aLd prosperity. Tlie 31 an Who Succeedw. Success in business is not to be reached nowadays in the easy crnine me thod that ob'ained a generation or have Vou rs Truly, MATTIER. COPELAND.ProP New York IU-ckei Ston;, Woodland, N. C. two ago. Times changed, and people have A Breeze From Woodland. I urn still here and continue sell Groceries, not for big money we never on such, but for a small protlt. I have what I am told is the best and most complete line of heavy and fancy f.roeeries, L-onl?c-tioneries and notion -veroffered in cbanf-ed with thern. Push is the onlv thing that will carry a man and it is the livelist pusher the Vjv.ii of W oodland. AS o nice that gets there first As a gen ral cool drinks- mitk-shaU s, sodu-wa- rule the chronic pusher is a so Little by little wheai has I een nominated him for the full term ..ptej for the past few yeais; . ? u . o Ho war ptiflnrs!. . . l . l u , l OI.eigUl jcaio- After S2 inner arrft IiV acr IU wueav uum u. a , have to pay for WesteriMed by both the Populist and the increased UIltil cow there is quite ! on I order i gi 1 Reuublicau parties ana was .. . .nr:nt e-vof wheat in ff nM JOSIIr To assist digestion, relieve distress after eating or drinking too he&nuy, to prevent constipation, take chronic advertiser, rnniers ink is tbo .lubricating oil orbit business wheels, and he never allows them to lag or creak for the want of it Hard times and ter .See. I am afa-i everybody's trade and ask you to give me an op;xrtunity to show you my gocl- nd name 3"ou price. I always pay ihe -highest market price for produce. SUp nt ttif corner of Main and Uraha Pure Hog Lard. I have ou mr.d a largo lot o the best Pure Hog Lard which I poor business are incentives to streets ? the store fonm-riy occupied increasing bis advertising, rather bv c. W. Harrell. Satisia, tion to than any argument to him for m"y customers guaranteed, cutting it down. It will I ay the Thanking you for your patronage, semi occasional alvertber to 'Jru ponder over the pusher's sue 0 ess. Ex- am-selling cLcip. M. Li. Conn Eh, at L) eHo instructions for Southern grow ; U : lli " Oil? J V Ci'-OU, v.t 000 v., os His present term the community. will have no other. Mills II. Cosstii Sold ererrwliere, 25 cents.

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