T, H E M,E,S S E N GER A N D I N T E LLIGENCER MESSENGER - INTELLIGENCER. WADESBORO, N. C.,FEB. 14th, 1889. Ijooal f'lTerwB. Wadeaboro Cotton Market. Oood.Middlinjc..;..... ........... ...... Middling. . . . . .. . . . . . . , 9 Strict Low MiddHnf.... .v.. ............ 0 Low Middling. '. . ... .. . . : . 8K This is Valentine's day. Fresh Oat Flakea just received at Bennett Bros. To the great surprise of everybody there was a snow tast Monday morn ing. It bad all disappeared by 11 o'clock. Bead our new advertisements thm ek. We have not time to call at- ention to each of them separately, eo ask you to read them all. The Legislature has enacted a law extending the time for the- payment of State and County taxes to the first of May in each year. ; . The bodies ot eiht men, .eyidently killed in a' fight, were found at 'the mouth of an abandoned mine in Wy -ommg Territory. J -:f. A- Thanks will be tendered to any of our readers who deal with" our advertisers, it they will kindly men-; lion the fact of their reading the ad vertisement in these columns. Senator S. E Little spent last San dap in Wadesboro, and returned to Raleigh Monday morning; He is looking well, and his friends were glad to see him. We are informed . that Ealeigh a poses to offer twenty-five thou li .dollars as an inducement for the removal of Trinity College-to that city. -, ' The thrifty farmer is now bestirring himself preparing for the coming crop. Much is to be done at this season of the year, and if neglected now it will tell in the crop later on. Prepare your land well, and use plenty of homemade manure. ' Let the farmers start out with the fiixed determination to grow at home this year, as many of the necessaries of life as possible. To lie truly pros perous they must sell more and buy Iras, and keep out of debt. This is the only way to make farming pay. , Dr. D. B. Froatis who has been iivr inje here and practicing his profes for about five years, has decided lo remove to Jonson.S.. C, Dr. Froritis is one of our most lioeial and 'public spirited citizens. &.ud the town will eafler a great lows ia hin removal.": Col. Charlea R. Jone3, of Charlottei whose insanity was mentioned by U9 last week, died last Saturday . Col. Jones was for many years editor ,r the Charlotte Observer, and was for a long time prominent in all of Charlotte's enterprises. Mr. T. B. Meachum, Jr., of Pine Tine, has accepted a situation with Messrs. E. A. Covington. & Co., and can be found at their store at all limea Mr. Meachum . is " a skilled druggist, and comes to Wadesboro highly . recommended as a gentle man. ;' . V i Mesar. A. T. and W. W." Morgan, .gr lived near the Union county line Tar Anson county were tried last week in Monroe for killing a negro in Lanesborp township ' Union county, about a year ago. The J udge charged the Jury that there was not enough evidence to convict hence a verdict of not guilty was brought in and the prisoners were discharged. Last Friday while a Palmer Man ufacturing company . barrel car, which , is considerably higher than the ordinary freight car, was passing the depot hotel, the ' top of the car came in contact with the eave of the house,, breaking it off from one en.d of the building. to the other, and de . molishing several chimneys. No finer opening is. offered any- where for a fruit and vegetable can nmje establishment. The soil and cli- . ys are favorable to the growth of all kinds of fruits and vegetables and large quantities are'produced annu ally. We want these put in the proper condition for preservation for winter use. There is demand enough at home to consume the output of a small canning factory.fl,, :,; v,V . i The bill referred to by us last week giving, the appointment of the cotton ' weigher for; Wadesboro,5 to the'coun- ty .Commissioner instead of the town commissioners has passed both hous ee : of the! Legislature and is now : a ' law. Toe bAr'also empowers the '-. county Com misaionera to appoint all the public: weighers of the county, hencefthe yelghers 'f or Moryeri, iHleayilbj and , Pol ktojsr will hereafter 1 be appointed by' themy ' - rv If a town is boomed the boom must tie begun by its -own citizens. . Once started,.' foreign 7 men- and capital come to' it.. Few men care to help - another when he is down in the world, ' but let him i be reputed - a man .' of wealt!, and .plenty; f here -are ready - to do iiim a-favor-: - And so it is more .or; less' with -towns: '- Let a place be dragging along and few people care . 'to stop there or invest capital; but lei it. be 'boominir' at a lively rate and see libw many flock to it from " mtsder' Jtetus then sret on a full head of steaTi; beht on' building iip busy, trastnog, booming Wadesb ro.' Mr. W. W.'Atkins, formerly a cit izen, of -Wadesboro.-but now reeidttig in Concord; Is visiting' Kis friends 3n fown tbJ vveeL l : I -. Died, rear Cherair.B. O., on th 8th mst; Mrs. L. H.'Covington. aged about 87 yearaVShe'. leaves' a hu. band and several chil Iren "to mour n her loss. ..r-'. ' ' -' - : The Supervisors and road overseers of tulledgcs township are earnestly- requested' to meet at . Bethel at two o'clock, p. m., on Saturday, the 23d of February, 1889.' , ". i - t : S, T. Flake, ClTc Board. Dr. J. T.J Battle has again euter- ed the active practice , of his profes sion, and in a card this week, offers his professional services to the" pub ic. Dr. Battle; has practiced in Wadesboro. before, and his former patients and friends will be glad to a ? A. & a.- J near ol nis return to toe active uuuvh -Dr. J.M.. Dunlap, of Anson ville, and Dr. Sr B." Carpenter, of Cedar BRll; have formed ' ft' copartnership lor tha practice of medicine, their card appearing elsewhere in this pa- per.; tJotn ot these gentlemen graa uated from the Medical Department of the University of the city of New York in 1878, and have been in active practice ever since. They are too;, well known x to need any word of commendation from us. Mr. Clem E. Riehardson of Liles- ville, and Mr. Thos. R Eichardson, of Pee Dee, , . are brothers. Last Thursday the first named of them had a horse to run away and throw him from his buggy badly spraining his ankle. : On : the same day the alter was driving a two horse wag on and - while crossing the railroad, was thrown out striking the track on his back,' severely injuring him. Both are doing well at this writing. The series of meetings being held at the Baptist church this week are attended by large and interested congregations. lie v. Mr. McMana- way, of Charlotte-, arrived in Wades boro last Monday, and has preached every night since. Much interest is being awakened, and it is hoped that many souls will be brought into the fold era the meeting closes. The meetings will probably continue throughout next week. We received avery pleasant call from'Mr.' Eobert Hadyn,editor. of the Charlotte" Chronicle, last Tues day. - The Chronicle under the pres ent mail arrangement reaches Wadesboro about 12 hours earlier than any other daily, and is conse quently the most valuable paper our business men can take. We are glad to learn that Mr. Hadyn received a iberal patronage here, "adding a goodly number of names to the Chronicle's subscription list. Proceed Ip&S oard f l5lttCtiotv .- ,he Board, of fjl(hjcatim of Anson Qrauty met last' Saturday and Mon day and settled with the Sheriff, and apportioned the school fundlocXSga, l,...,Wjghtrnan nreds a larger church DI8. No. 1 dor r2- io"-3 do do do do da do do 4 5 6 7 ,., JSK 10 The total amount of the school fund paid in by the- Sheriff was 15355.60. To this was added $842 that remained in the bands of tlm county treasurer from last year. making in at I- $61 H. 90 This aino u n t w as ap- portioned on a basis of 6987 children, of whom a little more than half are white, amouatlngo 87" cents per capita.- - .' The: fbllo wing! exhibits the appor tionment of the fund among the various districts pf the county: r VfBTtk. AtPOti COL. AFPOR. 57 $49 59 99 . $86 13 TQr ' 60 90 130 , 113 10 134 -116 58""39 ' "WOiS 61 63 Ot 69 60 03 68 . 69 16 82- '7134 99 - 86 13 ' 1J9 94 83 72 62 64 116 100 92 51.. . 4437 68., 50 46 iS . 82 65 ii- 64 46 98 73 63 51 163 14181 b r 71 34 89 7743 80" .78 30 ' 71 6177 66 57 42 94 8179 201 174 87 148 12876 92 80 04 118 102 6B 78 67 86 35 3045 133 115 71 80 69 60 107 93 09 124 107 88 39 1 33 93 88 76 56 92 80 04 129 112 23 67 44 37 11 9 57 61 . 55 68 , 31 44 37 66 ' 57 42 68 59 16 76 66 12 50 43 50 55 47 85 68 59 16 78 67 86 6 5 22 51' 44 37 41 85 67 54 46 98 41 35 67 61 53 07 20 17 40 66 67 42 v 11 9 57 95 82 65 80 9 60 65 56 55 86 74 82 67 58 29 70 60 90 54 46 93 95 82 65 51 44 37 150 130 50 69 60 03 38 33 06 35 30 45 100 8700 78 67 86 69. 0 03 47 40 89 44 38 28 71 ' 6177 72 62 64 88 76 56 64 55 68 , 3(i 3132 f 3S- 31 32 22 1914 44 38 28 do-11 dflJr do 13 do 14 do 15 do 16 do 17 do 18 do 19 do 20 do 21 , do -22 do 23 do 24 do 25 do 26 do 27 do 28 do 29 do 30 do 31 do 32 do 33 do 34 do -as do 36 do 37, do 33 do 39 do 40 do 41 do 43 do 48 do 44 do 45 do 46 do 47 do 48 do 49 do 0 do 51 90 42 49 40 51 09 S539 78 30 36 54 42 63 34 80 44 37 0 03 71 48 51 61 77 41 76 44 37 Married. Boyiht Blair In Monroe, on the 12inst. by Rev. P.R. Law, Jas. G. Boylin. of the Messenger and Intel ligences, to Miss N. DeLuka Blair. 'Dots From MorTen.' The days are-lengthening. Jack frost still lingers around while Gen'l Ureely too often predicts Cold waves for us; yet our pine bark cottages, that the Yankees once said the south ern man inhabited, sun , noios good and seem as equally trustworthy as their gilded palaces. Our little city is still growing and we greet -with 37 many bright faces that we meet from Chesterfield county, S. C.. and other coud ties, as Messrs. J". M. Hardison & Co. are able to offer them prices on corn and bacon as low as can be purchased in Charleston., and .Wilmington mar kefs. Tbey purchasing it at first hands by the car load from Chicago and Louisville. Messrs. Mosley & Pratt are also buying bacon by the car load from foreign markets, and can sell as low, or lower, than Charleston "or Wilmington markets. The young ladies Of the Methodipt Church, uader the guidance of Miss Stephenson and Miss Barnhardt. contemplate giving a series of Tab elaux soon. The proceeds accruine to be given for the benefit of the Church to purchase carpets, lamps., Sec. Evenings appointed for .the En tertainments will be adver tised as soon as they are ready, and we hope for a full attendance, as the object is a just and good one. - Maw Earl Martin, is sick with the moasels. -but it is to be hoped that he wui 8oou be out and aUer to d rive his goats again. Our authorities, we are elad to see. aTe replanting 'beautiful elm trees all over t be city; and ere long, when, the visitors from' afar .tmein search of our all healing mineral waters, they will enjoy - witbT'us our delightful snaaes.. i tl l Kir ilT Hi r.'. We were glad to see Dr. Maynard, of Cairo, in the city a few days ago. The Dr. is in fine health and spirits.' ana we near be has 'purchased' land, , and is building a beautiful residence near Cairo. We think ere long the next thing in order will be Mrs. Dr. Maynard to preside. - Miss. II a Fen ton," one of Wades boro's pi-etty girls, visited, Mrs. Jno. M. Brasington last week. - Messrs. Hardison and Martin have and are shipping a qaantity of cotton from this point. - - .;,, - Pat, and Junius, we have shipped about two thousand bales from this point this season. Bow is that for a shipment! 7'- ' . . - Messrs : J. F :.Moore,- M GL Wat fion and C:'H. DuivOiareall rt'Opiving a new' supply' of-xood3, y. n. 3096 33 34 22 2977 14 The following motion was made and unanimously carried: Moved, That the Board of Educa tion hereby petition the Board of Commissioners for four thousand dollars additional school fund to ena bie them to maintain a four moaths Benool tor the ensuing year, in ac cordance with Section 3590, school law of the State of North Carolina. ' Oar Charlotte Letter. . Charlotte, N. C, Feb. 13, '89. Poor -Charles R. . Jones! Death came and saved - him from the mod house. Col. Jones died at his home here last Saturday afternoon and his body now . lies neath the cold sod of Elmwood Cemetery. He was buried Sunday, and his funeral was one of the largest attended ever known here. Col. Jones was a prominent Mason and be was buried with the honors of that fraternity. - The Knights of Honor also attended in a body. , Mow that CoL Jones is dead, no one has ought but good to eneak of him, and everybody agree that in his death Charlotte loaes the man who has done telliner and lastinsr good for the city. May bis rest be the rest of the good I Mr. J. L. Havward. who was last Wednesday married to Miss Hattie DeBerry, of Montgomery county, came up to Charlotte; Wednesday and remained over until Uonday en joying their honeymoon. They left lor quite a trip South. Mr. Hav ward was the bapniest man in Char lotte while here, and nays he wants to see the man Who eavs marriage is a failure. The Criminal Court is in session here but there are no important cases on the docket. Burglars are getting to be monot onous of late, and it ia reallv rislcv to close your eyes iu sleep these nights. Strange the police cannot do anything. A light snow fell here Monday morning. Claude. Died. At her home, near Lilesville. Feb. 8th, 1889. Annie J., youngest child of Jas. A. and O. A. Smart, of tvDhoid pneumenia. Little Annie was an unusually bright, sweet ."child. The pet of her home, and ' a favor ite with all her neighbors. Though onlv two years of. ago, her chief pleasure was coin? to "Bunnv Cool" and learning the lesson with her sister. Her sufferings were in tense, and the only smile seen on her face, for two weeks, was when the Angel came to take her home. Weep not, fond parents, and little sister, for she awaits vou in Heaven. a bright little Angel. A Friend. - 'AnsonviUe Circuit. The following report was submit ted to the first Quarterly C inference for Ansonville circuit and by resolu tion the Presiding Elder was request ed to have it published: The conference year which but re cently closed, was a prosperous and pappy one for the Ansonville circuit. Nearly all of the churches were rep resented at the Stewards Meeting at Ansonville, Nov. 22nd. We all re joiced over the fact that 43 names bad been added to our circuit regis ter; that-we had a membership of 545; that of our membership only six persons had -died during the year; and none of these officials or espe cially active members; that we had 4S8 officers, teachers and pupils in our Sunday Sehoole, r89 per cent of the entire membership on the circuit; that ever; church on the circuit was doing- something in the way of ma terial improvement; that the sum of $1,024 25 had been raised an expend ed for church building and improve ment; that every claim against the circuit had been paid in full except that of Church Extension: and that the pastor could leave six days before Conference met with his salary paid in full and enough over to- pay - his expenses to Conference. ' " ' ..For all purposes we raised during the year a total of $2,322.91, being an average : of $4 25 per memben. - We rejoiced and thanked God that, not withstanding droughts and freshets and hard times, we sent up the best report ever made from this circuit. Immediately upon the adjourn ment of conference, without taking a vacation, the pastor returned to his charge, And has conducted religious services at each of the six churches. Every where ,ie has received a wel come that' has: 'drawn- his heart nearer than ever to the people of this charge. The same faithful joien and women who for three rears of suit shine and shadow have stood by bim and held up big bands seem earnestly1 umpoweu w cu operate witu mm in the effort to make this fourth and last year ttje most fruitful'' year o'f bis ministry among them. With the divine aid and guidance, durtBg the tbe year 1889, we mean to eo forward and DOtr backward. - Notwithstand ing the fact- that we have given to N.be Rocky lUver Mission, this year. tnree pi our cnurcnes and 101 of. our members' who'tid for church pur poses last year $201 34, our ptewards nave generously resolved to pay their k . 1 1 l r m v fMLui.kuqwuu muvry aaoeiore. , xne work of church improvemedt which we begun laat year will be continued. oiJitprLcbuccb is building a belfry and, getting, readv to Daint..iThev 4J3av-bout $45.00on Hand for paint 'K auu otner amounts win be added. A Ladies !Afii Society. .has been or ganized in this church whioh prom iees to be fruitful of good work. At Hopewell tbe brethren a$e tak ing too long a Dreatning spelL They put up Diinas, out nave not oegun ceiling or pain ting yet. , At Ansonville we have expended $33 45 for chandeliers, and- have about $113 CO on hand for painting, wnicn win be- begun early in the spring. The credit for this is largely uueo our lady members. Concord church has been moved since ourlast Quarterly Conference at a cost of $50 00, and wul be,otbcr wiw improved. Mount Ver-eon ehurclr is making neeutta repairs. The new church a Cedar Hill in Bearing completion and win oe an ornament to the neighborhood and a monument to the liberalities of its projectors. for the increasing congregation which wershipa thert and we hope to her iwn'of steps being taken in thai di rection. liespectfully submitted. M. H. Moore. Pastor. NEW STOCK, 1889 Km -'.J- 1-., Ki ll 'ii,' i. r&.'4 -O- WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED An immense stock of Spring Styles and Shades . of Dress Goods in LORAINE and ATLANTIC CASH MERES, ALDINE SUITINGS, FLAN NELS, HENRIETTA'S, ALBA TROSS. VICTORIA SUITINGS, TOILE -DU NORDS. GINGHAMS from Domestic at 6 cts. to Fancy at 8, 10, 12K, 20 to 25 cents. SATIN E3, PRINTS, WHITE GOODS, and a beautiful line of EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT BENNETT BROS CHEAP CASH STORE IS THE PLACE TO GEB m' IN- DRY GOODS, SHOES, HARD WARE, GEO EREES, &a Our Motto-Is: "LOWEST PRICES Consistent with HONEST QUANTI TY and GOOD QUALITY. YOU are invited to come to'see us. Respectfully,! BENNETT BROS. 2 SHOW IN TOWN. Our goods are arriving daily and we intend to make one of the nicest dis plays of Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes in the town before they stop coming in. If you want to see some-' thing nice and cheap don't fail to see us before you buy. We are going to have a complete stock. Anything You May Want In our line we are going to keep. So, to save yourself trouble and money come to see us and you can get what you want. We havn't been open but a short time and our stock has been comparatively small up to now. But Our Sales Have far exceeded what we expected they would. Cheap prices and god goods will tell. It doesn't cost any. thing to enter our ptore, but if you see our goods and prices you will be sure to buy. Come and see us. Yours, W. H. BURNS. SEE Swiss and, Hamburg; EMBROIDERIES. . Also a new line of ladies COLLARS. HANDKER CHIEFS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUTTONS &c. ' We have a large lot of REMNANTS of DRESS - GOODS. i!OINGHAMS and CALICOES which we are anxious to get rid of, and the ladies remem bering our annual Remnant Sale, And what bargains are to be had. will soon clean them out. , Come in and see our new stock, we guarantee prices as cheap as will be AHi . a TTri rouna in onanoL v iimmgton or elsewhere. t -i Very Respectfully, . tvs. Orawson. , Samplffl, ".with" when requested. prices . gladly sent T. 8. C DiBL J. :T. J.' BATTLE OPTEB3 HIS PKOrESSIOHAL BERV ICES TO THE PEOPLE OF WADESBORO AND VICINITY. J. M. DTTITLA.P, IL D. AnaouYiUe, N. C. a b. CAsnms, n. i Cedar HUl, N. C. Drs. Dmilap and Carpentei Haring formed a oopartnerahip for the prao- tioe oi roeoictne, rpocirtuiy oner tlwir rxr fusuoosl sorviub to tue (rood iMtoiie.of Anson t ana coBHguoua jmtory - . . C. M. BURNS BEFORE Y0TJ BUY OR SELL. Come Now, Let Us Season Together . When the eafiiust way to do a thing is also the best way, it is not very wise to do it some other way; for by that some other way you put out more time and labor, and get less result. Now, I claim that the easiest and most satisfactory way of finding where the "CHEAPEHT " BEST in QUALITY" and "MOST STYLISH" goods are to be had, is to send in your OoooooooxxooooooooooooooooooooooooO "Trial Order." :. OoooooooooooopooooooooooooooooooooO In representing EL B ARUCH.he do not claim to be matchloss as to numberless of novelties, and that his styles have never been shown in America before. He doesnt tell you that hp has the finest line of Satins and Oing hams to be found in the State of North Carolina. He doesn't tell you he can save you from 10 to 15 per cent on all goods yon buy from him, (all ot which you are obliged to see would be rather broad assertions), but he does promise that all orders my cast- -mere and friends ot the past, shall favor me with in the future, shall be so filled as to defy competition in Charlotte, ana as is well known, he hasuH the reputation of heing the "HIGHEST PRICE HOUSE" in the city, and I myself, having had some experience with other houses in the place, can vouch for same. I am having a large order business now, and in the future (as heretofore) I wi.l fill all orders with discretion and prompt- "THE HABERDASHER" is receiving SPRING and SUMMER goods daily, nd will have a flue and beautiful line from which to fill all orders from my gentle men, customers. Hoping to hear from you all. You-s truly, JULIAN fl. LilTTLBr 85tir8ithTTyon St ' Charlotte N. CL ;WADESE0E0'S lIjj L ! fiEWRY J& KUNTLEY Are receiving Goods daily aadpure selling tlienv CHEAPI CHEAPERI CHEAPEST! Watch their prices for 1889. Bead this advertisement and reflect. To ffie Trade of is and Adjoining Cos,: he CASH S YSTEM, what of it ? It is the outgrowth of the excessive system of Mercantile Credit. It is cn:: ing. We told you when we entered business in Wades boro that we intended toreducelthe system of MERCHANDISING TO DOLLARS, and give Consumers in all Vnct the BEST POSSIBLE VALUES MOJVFY WILL BRING, and we have solved the prob lem. The business of the Merchant is a necessity, if ho uses it in the interest of his trade. What tlie people want is Merchandise Based on Dollars, which brings to them full values in all lines of goods in every business that claims their patronage. They are sick and tired of HIGH PRICES! We are proud to say we have done everything possible to inaugurate a system of DOLLARS in this and adjoin ing Counties. We have always told the people to Jeep out of the Credit system. Wewere determined whence entered business to SELL FOR CASH! TEEN, NOW AND ALWAYS, and while we are CASH MEN we feel we have the CONFIDENCE of th e liJST PEOPLE of this and adjoining Counties. We have al ways told you you, Ml Get Your Money's Fori From Fs ! Tf e have had a good trade because we are always Offering Tempting Bargains. We wish to extend to everybody m this and, adjoining Counties our best wishes, and to say to tliem tha t if ihni have or have not bought of us a dollar's worth of goods that tliey shall always lvave goods from us at tlie CLOSEST CASH PEICES. SUBMITTED TO Tl CASH TRADE ONLY. This is what we preach: CASH! &4SHI! C-4.SHU! BEST FOR BUYER AND BEST FOR SELLER. RESPECTFULLY, HENRY. & HUNTLEY.

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